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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise e avaliação dos novos critérios de adjudicação de portos e terminais sob o novo marco regulatório do setor portuário brasileiro. / Analysis and evaluation of new bidding criteria for seaport and seaport terminal concessions under the new Brazilian regulatory regime.

Tiago Maciel de Barros 08 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho compreende a análise e avaliação dos critérios de adjudicação de portos e terminais introduzidos pelo novo marco regulatório do setor portuário brasileiro. O objetivo principal consiste em avaliar se a aplicação na prática desses critérios deverá levar ao alcance dos objetivos da alteração do marco regulatório, a partir da MP 595/2012, depois convertida na Lei 12.815/2013: o aumento da oferta de capacidade e a redução dos custos portuários. A metodologia empregada consiste principalmente na revisão bibliográfica e na análise documental dos instrumentos legais e infralegais que regem o tema, bem como das minutas de editais e contratos dos primeiros arrendamentos de instalações que se prevê licitar sob os novos critérios de adjudicação. Dada a previsão de adoção de regulação econômica em parte significativa dos novos arrendamentos, discutem-se também aspectos da competição portuária e formas de regulação. Aborda-se ainda, resumidamente, outros aspectos que foram alterados a partir da MP 595/2012, especialmente a flexibilização dos requisitos para a outorga de autorização a terminais de uso privado e a centralização dos processos de arrendamentos nos órgãos setoriais (SEP e ANTAQ), em detrimento das autoridades portuárias. Conclui-se que os critérios de seleção a serem utilizados na prática em novos arrendamentos, a maior capacidade efetiva de movimentação e a menor tarifa, embora alinhados com os objetivos iniciais do novo marco regulatório, apresentam riscos à efetiva consecução desses objetivos. Enxerga-se um risco maior no caso das licitações com base na menor tarifa, em que a ausência de pisos para as tarifas nos leilões torna operadores verticalizados os vencedores naturais do processo nesse caso, a menor tarifa ofertada não deverá, na prática, resultar em menores custos aos usuários, já que a redução do valor no leilão pode ser repassada a outro elo da cadeia. / This study comprises the analysis of the criteria to be used in the concession of seaports and seaport terminals under the new Brazilian ports law. The studys main objective is to analyze if the application of these criteria will lead to the objectives that governed the change in the ports law, introduced by the Provisional Measure 595/2012, after converted in Law 12.815/2013: the increase of port capacity and the reduction of port costs. The methodology applied was mainly the research of the bibliography of the subject and the documental analysis of legal and infralegal instruments that govern the issue in Brazil, as well as the drafts of the bid documents of the first seaport terminals to be conceded under the new criteria. Aspects of port competition and regulation are also discussed, given the forecasted adoption of tariff regulation in a relevant part of the new port terminals concessions. The study also approaches other aspects that the Provisional Measure 595/2012 has changed, especially the reduction of the requirements for private terminals to be authorized and the centralization of seaport terminals concession procedures, which were former responsibilities from the Port Authorities, in federal bodies (SEP and ANTAQ). The conclusion of the study is that, despite being aligned with government initial objectives, the criteria to be applied highest throughput commitment or lowest tariff offer risks to the effective achievement of these objectives. The risk is higher in the bids based on the lower tariff, in which the absence of floors for the tariffs make vertically integrated players the natural winners of the bidding process in this case, the lower tariff offered will probably not result in lower costs for port users, once the reduction in the port tariff can be passed on to other links of the chain.

Modelo regulatório do setor elétrico no Brasil e sua repercussão jurídica nos contratos de concessão de transmissão de energia elétrica. / Regulation model of electric sector in Brazil and its juridic repercussion on concession agreement of electric energy transmission.

García Hernández, Claudia Lorena 07 May 2010 (has links)
No presente trabalho se analisa a atividade de transmissão de energia elétrica em sua perspectiva econômica e jurídica, no contexto do modelo regulatório do setor de energia elétrica no Brasil, caracterizado atualmente pela sua desverticalização. A abordagem pretendida parte da configuração dos princípios que orientam a regulação do setor elétrico e, que posteriormente, se vislumbram na configuração das obrigações do contrato de concessão do serviçoo público de transmissão; o que permite avaliar o nível de consistência e maturidade do modelo regulatório. Para tanto, se estudaram as resoluções normativas onde se consagram os critérios que norteiam a regulação econômica, à que se atrela o contrato de concessão, o que por sua vez permite a preservação do equilíbrio econômico financeiro, assim como, a defesa dos interesses dos consumidores finais, mediante os incentivos à eficiência na gestão das concessionárias. Tendo como referência, o desenvolvimento da relação entre as empresas de transmissão e o órgão regulador, no caso a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), no exercício das suas competências regulatórias e como defensor do interesse público, implícito no serviço público de energia elétrica. O que leva a concluir o grau de eficiência das decisões adotadas pelo órgão regulador, nas suas competências de gestão do controle e fiscalização, concretizados nos processos de revisões tarifárias. / Through this paper we analyze the economical and legal perspective of the electric energy transmission activity in the context of the Brazilian regulation for the electric energy industry, currently characterized by deverticalization. The aimed approach begins at the principle setting that leads the electric industry regulations and posteriorly is seen within the obligation setting of the transmission public utility concession agreement; what makes possible to evaluate the level of consistency and maturity of this type of regulation. For that, we have studied the norms that apply the criteria guiding the economical regulation, being the concession agreement intrinsically related to that, what in turn allows to maintain the financial and economical balance, as well as final consumer interest, based on the incentives for the efficiency of the grantee management. We have used as reference the development of the relationship between the transmission companies and the regulating Brazilian Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) in the exercise of its regulatory capacity and as a protector of the public interest implied in the public utility of electric energy. Our conclusion is the level of efficiency of the decisions adopted by the regulatory agency in order to manage control and inspection, materialized in the tariff revision process.

La concession en russe moderne / Concession in modern russian

Lyakhova Moulin, Mariya 06 April 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse sur la concession en russe moderne, nous avons cerné cette notion en élaborant un schéma prototypique servant à classer différents types de constructions concessives et à intégrer le maximum de structures marquées comme concessives. Ainsi le schéma proposé (p, Cq), basé sur la notion de contraste entre les implications des contenus de p et q, les évaluations de ces contenus ou les actes illocutoires p et q, prend pour principal repère C, conjonction ou préposition concessive. Nous avons étudié la relation concessive dans des constructions bi-Propositives et des propositions simples. Cet ensemble est classé en fonction du statut épistémique de q, puis subdivisé en non-Conditionnel, conditionnel ou contrefactuel. Le deuxième critère de classement est le statut unique ou multiple de q. Dans le premier cas nous avons des constructions non-Généralisantes, dans le second la construction appartient au type généralisant. Nous nous sommes démarquée des recherches traditionnelles en prenant en compte la concession illocutoire : xotja sert à remettre en cause l’énoncé précédent pour une auto-Correction du locuteur qui annonce ainsi le changement du cours de sa pensée. Notre travail nous amène à la conclusion que la concession est un phénomène protéiforme non réductible à une notion de causalité inversée. L’élargissement du champ d’étude permet de jeter un pont entre la notion linguistique et la notion rhétorique de la concession et de donner un tableau plus complet des différentes formes de relation concessive en russe moderne. / In this thesis dedicated to concession in modern Russian we specified the concept by means of a prototypical schema which we applied to classify different types of concessive constructions. This schema aims at embracing the majority of sentences marked as concessive. The main mark of the proposed schema (p, C q), based on the idea of contrast between the implications of p and q contents, assessments of these contents or p and q speech acts, is the connective C, a concessive conjunction or preposition. We studied concessive relations in both complex sentences and simple sentences. They are classified according to the epistemic status of q and subdivided into non-Conditional, conditional and counterfactual. The second criterion of classification is the single or multiple status of q. According to it we have, on the one hand, non-Generalized concessive constructions and, on the other, generalized concessive constructions. Outstepping the traditional research, we made a point of studying illocutionary concession as part of the whole. Indeed, xotja in discourse is used by the speaker as a self-Correction technique in order to reject the previous utterance pointing thus the deviation of their thought. As a result of our research we come to the conclusion that concession has multiple forms and cannot be reduced to inoperant causality. Due to a wider research scope we managed to bridge the linguistic and rhetoric concessions and to give a broader view of different forms of concessive relations in modern Russian.

Modelo regulatório do setor elétrico no Brasil e sua repercussão jurídica nos contratos de concessão de transmissão de energia elétrica. / Regulation model of electric sector in Brazil and its juridic repercussion on concession agreement of electric energy transmission.

Claudia Lorena García Hernández 07 May 2010 (has links)
No presente trabalho se analisa a atividade de transmissão de energia elétrica em sua perspectiva econômica e jurídica, no contexto do modelo regulatório do setor de energia elétrica no Brasil, caracterizado atualmente pela sua desverticalização. A abordagem pretendida parte da configuração dos princípios que orientam a regulação do setor elétrico e, que posteriormente, se vislumbram na configuração das obrigações do contrato de concessão do serviçoo público de transmissão; o que permite avaliar o nível de consistência e maturidade do modelo regulatório. Para tanto, se estudaram as resoluções normativas onde se consagram os critérios que norteiam a regulação econômica, à que se atrela o contrato de concessão, o que por sua vez permite a preservação do equilíbrio econômico financeiro, assim como, a defesa dos interesses dos consumidores finais, mediante os incentivos à eficiência na gestão das concessionárias. Tendo como referência, o desenvolvimento da relação entre as empresas de transmissão e o órgão regulador, no caso a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), no exercício das suas competências regulatórias e como defensor do interesse público, implícito no serviço público de energia elétrica. O que leva a concluir o grau de eficiência das decisões adotadas pelo órgão regulador, nas suas competências de gestão do controle e fiscalização, concretizados nos processos de revisões tarifárias. / Through this paper we analyze the economical and legal perspective of the electric energy transmission activity in the context of the Brazilian regulation for the electric energy industry, currently characterized by deverticalization. The aimed approach begins at the principle setting that leads the electric industry regulations and posteriorly is seen within the obligation setting of the transmission public utility concession agreement; what makes possible to evaluate the level of consistency and maturity of this type of regulation. For that, we have studied the norms that apply the criteria guiding the economical regulation, being the concession agreement intrinsically related to that, what in turn allows to maintain the financial and economical balance, as well as final consumer interest, based on the incentives for the efficiency of the grantee management. We have used as reference the development of the relationship between the transmission companies and the regulating Brazilian Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) in the exercise of its regulatory capacity and as a protector of the public interest implied in the public utility of electric energy. Our conclusion is the level of efficiency of the decisions adopted by the regulatory agency in order to manage control and inspection, materialized in the tariff revision process.

La définition de l'équilibre économique des concessions de service public / The definition of the economic equilibrium of concession contract

Mallavaux, Laurent 20 November 2017 (has links)
La définition historique de l'équilibre économique dans les contrats de concession s'est manifestée principalement au travers de la théorie générale des contrats administratifs. C'est pourtant réduire sa définition à la seule résolution des situations de déséquilibre nées lors de l'exécution du contrat. L'équilibre économique dépasse cette seule fonction de rééquilibrage des relations contractuelles tout comme il relativise le principe qui lui est rattaché du droit financier détenu par le concessionnaire à son maintien. Aussi, la définition de l'équilibre économique des concessions de service public a pu autrement se manifester par la définition d'un mode de rémunération ou encore par la présence de risques et périls. Mais le constat est celui de l'incapacité de définir en réalité l'équilibre économique de la concession de service public par une notion particulière. Cette insuffisance soulève la problématique de l'hétérogénéité des composantes de l'équilibre économique de ce contrat et de la nécessité de le définir par la mécanique permanente existant entre elles. Pour résoudre cette équation à plusieurs inconnues, il convient de reconsidérer l'équilibre économique comme un objet économique et d'en saisir les multiples incidences. Cette occasion est donnée avec la refonte substantielle du régime juridique applicable à toutes les concessions en droit européen et par l'imprégnation des considérations liées au marché. La rénovation de l'équilibre économique des concessions de service public a alors deux objectifs. Elle suggère d'abord une actualisation de la définition de l'équilibre économique à l'aune de la référence faite au risque d'exploitation. L'avènement du risque d'exploitation doit conduire à une définition de l'équilibre économique non exclusive d'autres composantes, mais au contraire révélant la complexité de leur constante interconnexion. Puis, elle impose de réintroduire positivement des données économiques telles que la rentabilité et le profit pour que les personnes publiques puissent en maitriser l'existence et en rationaliser les effets. / The economic equilibrium of concession contract’s historical French definition demonstrated through principals drawn from public contract theory. However, this definition reduced the influence of the equilibrium to the contract imbalances. The economic equilibrium definition goes beyond the co-contractor rights to exploit the public service. In addition, the economic equilibrium definition has related to a remuneration model or to co-contractor’s risk. Nevertheless, each time it occurs, it is an unsuccessful try to reveal a thorough definition of the economic equilibrium of concession contract. To resolve the complex equation, it is necessary to use the heterogeneous characteristics in concession contract and to notice the global mechanic among them. The recent concession contract reform in Europe is an opportunity to. First, the definition review should take into account the concept of operating risk and integrating so the interconnectedness of the many factors that characterize concession contract. Then, the definition review should require introducing the economics as aims to make profit and market conditions to streamline the use of the economic equilibrium of concession contract and its effects in contractual relationship.

Concessão de Aeroportos no Brasil: a transferência de gestão do Aeroporto de Confins para a iniciativa privada

PAIVA, Izabela Davanzo de 03 July 2015 (has links)
Essa dissertação aborda a concessão de aeroportos no Brasil, estudando principalmente o processo de transferência da gestão do Aeroporto Internacional Tancredo Neves- Confins do poder público para a iniciativa privada. A concessão dos aeroportos administrados pela Infraero foi iniciada em 2011, e por ser fato recente, há poucos estudos sobre o tema. Tendo a concessão do Aeroporto de Confins iniciado em 2013, não foram encontrados trabalhos que estudassem esse processo, havendo assim uma lacuna de conhecimento a qual essa dissertação visa minimizar. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio da pesquisa documental, de análise documental, e de uma adaptação da análise de conteúdo, aliados à revisão de literatura, para elaborar um estudo de caso. O edital do leilão e o contrato de concessão do Aeroporto de Confins foram os principais documentos estudados. Destaca-se que o leilão foi realizado por meio de inversão de fases, em que foram analisados apenas os Documentos de Habilitação do grupo vencedor após a sessão pública do leilão. Outro ponto estudado foi o critério de julgamento do leilão, que foi o de maior valor de outorga, apontado por diversos autores como prejudicial à modicidade de tarifas prevista pela Lei Geral das Concessões. Ainda se tratando do edital, houve a exigência de operador aeroportuário que tivesse movimentado mais de 12,5 milhões de passageiros em um dos cinco anos anteriores ao leilão. Com isso foi demandada a participação de parceiro internacional na concessionária, com experiência em gestão de aeroportos do porte de Confins. Os parceiros eram a Zurich Airport e a Munich Airport International Beteiligungs- GMBH, contudo a segunda empresa não compõe a Sociedade de Propósito Específico-SPE que administra o aeroporto, sendo sua saída justificada pela SAC/PR como reorganização societária nos termos previstos pelo contrato. A composição da SPE traz mais uma questão controversa, já que além do parceiro internacional, Zurich Airport e da Companhia de Participações em Concessões- CCR, que arremataram o aeroporto, há também a participação da Infraero com 49% do capital social da concessionária. Essa participação da Infraero criou um modelo distinto de concessão daquele disposto pela legislação. Constata-se que no regime de concessão de aeroportos em execução no Brasil o poder público transferiu apenas parte da gestão ao ente privado, permanecendo a empresa pública, que já administrava os aeroportos, na gestão como acionista da concessionária. Esse híbrido não está previsto pela legislação, causando uma disfunção da gestão pública e privada. Também devido a essa participação, a Infraero compartilha das obrigações financeiras da concessionária, remunerando a União proporcionalmente. Como a União concede aportes financeiros anuais à Infraero cria-se algo incomum em que a União despende e arrecada seus recursos de maneira concomitante. Ainda no aspecto econômico, a cobrança do alto valor de outorga para a concessão é justificada para auxiliar o setor aeroportuário como um todo. Percebe-se que os subsídios cruzados que ocorriam na Rede Infraero permanecem, com o agravante que agora o parceiro privado da concessionária também irá investir em aeroportos deficitários de maneira indireta. Esse ponto destoa do objeto da concessão previsto pelo contrato. Conclui-se que a concessão do Aeroporto de Confins, possui diversos aspectos controversos. Novos estudos sobre a concessão de aeroportos no Brasil fazem-se necessários, não apenas no estágio de implementação, mas durante toda sua vigência, para assegurar que sua finalidade principal, a qualidade do serviço público, seja mantida. / This dissertation deals with the concession of airports in Brazil, studying mainly the transference process of management of the Tancredo Neves International Airport- Confins to the public administration for the private sector. The concession of the airports managed by Infraero was initiated in 2011, and because it is a recent fact, there are few studies about the theme. The concession of the Confins Airport started in 2013, therefore, studies about it were not found, indicating the existence of a knowledge gap which this dissertation aims to minimize. For this, it was developed a qualitative research, whereby documental research, documental analysis and an adaptation of the content analysis, allied to literature research, to elaborate a case study. The auction notice and the concession contract were the main documents studied. It is emphasized that the auction had inversion of stages, in which the habilitation documents of the winner were analyzed just after the public auction. Another point was the auction criteria of judgment, that was the greatest granting offered, is considered by some authors as harming to the tariff moderateness foreseen in the Brazilian General Law of Concessions. Still about the auction notice there was the exigency of an airport operator that had moved more than 12.5 million passengers in one of the five years before the auction. With this it was demanded the participation of an international partner in the concessionaire, with experience in managing airport with the size of Confins Airport. The partners were Zurich Airport and Munich Airport International Beteiligungs- GMBH, however the second company does not compose the Specific Purpose Society- SPE that manages the airport. Its exit was justified for the SAC/PR as a corporate rearrangement foreseen in the contract. The composition of the SPE brings another controversial question, since besides the international partner Zurich Airport and Companhia de Participações em Concessões- CCR, that won the airport concession, there is also the participation of Infraero with 49% of the social capital of the concessionaire. This partnership of Infraero created a distinct model of concession, different from that one disposed in the legislation. It is evidenced that in the current regime of airport concession in Brazil the public administration transferred just part of the management to the private sector, with the public company that already managed the airport remaining in the administration, as a shareholder of the concessionaire. This hybrid is not foreseen in the legislation, causing a dysfunction in the public and private management. Also due to this participation, Infraero shares the financial obligations of the concessionaire, paying the Union proportionality. As the Union provides annual financial resources to Infraero it is created an unusual situation, where the Union spends and raises its resources at the same time. Still in the economic aspect, the charge of a high value of granting is justified to help the airport sector as a whole. It is noticed that the crossed subsidies that used to occur in the Rede Infraero remain, with the aggravating that now the private partner of the concessionaire will also indirectly invest in the airports with deficits. This point diverges of the concession object foreseen by the contract. It is concluded that the Confins Airport concession has many controversial aspects. New studies about the concession of Brazilian airports are needed, not only in the implementation stage, but during its whole term, to ensure that its main purpose, the quality of the public service, remains.

De l'ancienne concession italienne de Tianjin à l'I-Style Town : enjeux et processus de la patrimonialisation et du développement touristique / From the former Italian concession of Tianjin to the I-Style Town : stakes and processes of heritagization and tourism development

Lu, Yue 22 November 2017 (has links)
Le paysage des quartiers de style occidental en Chine a été bouleversé durant les deux dernières décennies par deux dynamiques majeures, la patrimonialisation et la touristification, particulièrement dans la ville de Tianjin, où celles‑ci se traduisent par un processus de thématisation spatiale. A partir de ce constat, cette thèse se penche sur le rôle du patrimoine de style occidental dans le tourisme urbain en postulant que les dynamiques du patrimoine et du tourisme se croisent pour produire un espace original thématique dans une ville contemporaine chinoise. En s’appuyant sur le cas de l’ancienne concession italienne à Tianjin, ce travail propose une triple lecture de cet espace. Le premier axe cherche à contextualiser ces questionnements de patrimoine de style occidental en Chine en construisant un cadre théorique et méthodologique. La deuxième lecture analyse les conditions de production de l’espace à thème italien, en montrant que, tant sur le plan matériel que sur le plan symbolique, la mise en tourisme et la thématisation du quartier italien est fondée sur la présence du cadre patrimonial. Enfin, la troisième lecture s’attache à comprendre les modalités de consommation développées dans cet espace en mettant l’accent sur les ressorts des pratiques et le plan expérientiel des visiteurs. Ainsi, cette thèse appuie l’analyse sur la réinterprétation des territoires (semi‑) colonisés par/pour des pratiques touristiques, et les fondements socioculturels de celles‑ci, afin de mieux comprendre la validité des théories occidentales dans le contexte chinois et l’idéologie contemporaine de la société chinoise envers cette tendance. / The landscape of western‑style neighbourhoods in China has been shaken over the last two decades by two major dynamics, heritagization and touristification, especially in the city of Tianjin, where they are translated into a process of spatial theming. Based on this observation, this thesis examines the role of Western‑style heritage in the urban tourism implementation, considering that the dynamics of heritage and tourism intersect to produce an original themed space in a contemporary Chinese city. Taking the former Italian concession in Tianjin as case study, this work offers a triple reading of this space. The first is to contextualise these questions of Western‑style heritage in China and to construct a theoretical and methodological framework. The second reading level analyses the production conditions of the Italian themed space, showing that both on a material and a symbolic level, the touristification and the theming of the Italian area is based on the presence of its heritage backdrop. The third reading focuses on understanding the consumer patterns developed in this area, focusing on the practices and experiences of visitors. Thus, this thesis focuses on the reinterpretation of (semi‑)colonised territories by/for tourism activities and their sociocultural foundations with the aim to better understand the validity of Western theories in a Chinese context, and contemporary ideology of Chinese society regarding to this trend.

La police dans la Concession Française de Shanghaï (1910-1937) / The police of the French Concession in Shanghai (1910-1937)

Zhu, Xiaoming 29 June 2012 (has links)
L'existence de forces de police dans la Concession française n'a pas été prévue dans les articles de base qui réglementaient les colonies étrangères en Chine. La police donc s’est constituée à un moment où les autorités chinoises locales étaient paralysées pendant la rébellion des Taiping et de la Société du Petit Couteau dans la ville. Elle a vu le jour comme un fait accompli. La police française est passée par un processus de militarisation et de la professionnalisation sous la direction de Mallet, Fiori et Fabre. À la fin de ce processus, la police de la Concession française était une force de police moderne sophistiquée. La police était composée d'officiers de plusieurs nationalités, les quatre plus importantes étant les Français, les Russe, les Chinois et les Vietnamiens. Grâce à une étude comparative des conditions de recrutement, de formation, de rémunération, de protection sociale et le taux de renouvellement, j’ai pu établir que la police était une institution hiérarchique basée sur un traitement différencié en fonction de la race et la nationalité. La police a dû ajuster sa stratégie de contrôle spatial aux trois agrandissements successifs du territoire de la Concession française. En contrôlant l'espace urbain, la police a non seulement aidé à développer une société civilisée et ordonnée, la « Shanghai Frenchtown », mais elle a également contribué à créer le caractère particulier de la Concession française de Shanghai.A partir des années 1920 et jusqu’aux années 1930, l'expansionnisme du nationalisme, le communisme et la menace japonaise se sont réunies à Shanghai et ont mené à la création et au développement du Service politique de la police française. / The existence of police forces in the French Concession was not planned under the basic articles that regulated the foreign settlements in China. The police came into existence at a time when Chinese local authorities were paralyzed during the Taiping and Small Sword rebellions in the city. The police came into being as a fait accompli. The French police underwent a process of militarization and professionalization under the leadership of Mallet, Fiori and Fabre to cope with the new challenges in Shanghai. At the end of this process, the police of the French Concession was fine and complex modern police force. The police were composed of officers from several nationalities, the four most important being French, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese. Through a comparative study of recruiting conditions, training courses, salaries, welfare and job turnover, I establish that the police was a hierarchal institution based on a differentiated treatment according to race and nationality. The police forces adjusted their strategy of spatial control to the three successive expansions of the territory of the French Concession. By controlling the urban space, the police not only helped develop a civilized and ordered Shanghai Frenchtown, but it also created the special cultural character of the French Concession in Shanghai. From the 1920s to the 1930s, nationalism, communism and Japanese expansionism met in Shanghai and led to the creation and development of the Political Service of the French police force.

La criminalité à Shanghai pendant la guerre sino-japonaise (1937-1942) / Criminality in Shanghai during the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1942)

Jiang, Jie 30 October 2014 (has links)
En se concentrant sur les relations entre guerre et criminalité, cette étude se penche sur les transformations des activités criminelles en temps de guerre et sur l’influence du conflit sino-japonais sur les crimes et délits à Shanghai entre 1937 et 1942. Autour trois types de crimes principaux: l’atteinte aux biens, l’homicide et les infractions sur les stupéfiants, cette recherche examine les changements de la criminalité suscitée par l’évolution de l’environnement de Shanghai. La ville de Shanghai a en effet été marquée par des transformations radicales, autant sur le plan politique, qu’économique, social et spatial suite à l’éclatement de la guerre sino-japonaise à l’été 1937. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous déploierons trois grandes méthodes de travail : comparaison quantitative, exploitation des statistiques et analyse spatiale. Pour éclairer les mutations de la criminalité et de l’ordre public entraînées par la guerre, nous comparerons l’importance quantitative relative des crimes et délits entre deux périodes : la décennie de Nanjing (1927-1936) d’une part et la période de guerre d’autre part. Nous réaliserons également une analyse statistique de l’évolution des activités criminelles en temps de guerre pour révéler la diversité des situations criminelles au cours de cette période spécifique qu’est la guerre. Enfin, en s’appuyant sur le logiciel de Système d’Information Géographique (SIG), nous proposerons une analyse spatiale de la criminalité pour évaluer l’importance de la dimension spatiale de la criminalité mettre au jour la forte corrélation entre criminalité et espace. / By focusing on the relationship between war and criminality, this study concentrates on the transformation of crime and the influence of this conflict on crimes in Shanghai during the years of the hostilities. Around three main types of crimes: offence against property, homicide and drug crime, this research examines the change of crime caused by the evolution of the environment of Shanghai, which has actually undergone a radical modification in politics, economy, society and urban space after the outbreak of the war in the summer of 1937. In order to realize this objective, three main methods are used in this study: a quantitative comparison, statistical and spatial analysis. So as to highlight the change in the situation of criminality and in the public order after the eruption of the war, a quantitative comparison between the crimes during the Nanjing decade (1927-1936) and the period of war is carried out. Meanwhile, a statistical analysis of the evolution of criminal activities in the different years of the wartime is implemented to reveal the various state of crime in different periods of the war. Finally, based on GIS software, a spatial analysis is performed to confirm the correlation between crimes and the spatial factor.

Espaces et sociétés en milieu vodoun : aménagements et territoires de conflit

Lando, Paul 11 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
En milieu vodoun, l'espace et son contenu appartiennent à Dieu et aux dieux, avantles hommes. Le vodoun est dans la nature et les marqueurs végétaux, les dieux-objets, lesterritoires aquatiques et autres en font un marqueur spatial prégnant.Les concessions ouvertes et fermées en milieu urbain comme en milieu rural constituent desterritoires non corruptibles et des hauts-lieux imprégnés d'identité, d'histoire et de religion.Cette collusion d'hommes, de territoire et de sacré fait aussi de la concession familiale uneforteresse imprenable. Il se pose alors en matière d'aménagement, le problème des espacesbloqués, inviolables et inaliénables. Le vodoun influence véritablement l'occupation del'espace et se pose comme un facteur incontournable dans les actions qui visent à donner uneautre configuration à des espaces déterminés. Le mode de production de l'espace en milieuvodoun est spécifique et reste lié au sacré. On comprend alors pourquoi les conflits mondemoderne et milieu traditionnel, de même les raisons pour lesquelles les acteurs de lagouvernance s'activent pour des relations et une collaboration apaisées entre les différentsacteurs de la société. Le vodoun est aujourd'hui une culture à la croisée des chemins, prêtcomme toujours à s'adapter, mais pas à tout céder. Les remparts mis en place pour assurer sesarrières sont énormes et l'un des plus sûrs et des plus solides est l'Homme. L'Homme prisdans un rapport social de communication au point de s'aliéner totalement et de se confondreau territoire qui l'a vu naître.

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