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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rediscovering pastoral identity : the influence of church role expectations in undermining a pastor’s personal ministry identity

Baston, Grant Alexander 17 June 2005 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between a pastor’s personal ministry identity and the church role expectations that he encounters in the local church within which he ministers and takes place in the context of the discipline of “Building up the local church”. It is the hypothesis of this thesis that many Baptist pastors within the Baptist Union of Southern Africa are compromising the integrity of their own personal ministry identities in an attempt to meet the church role expectations of their local churches. The study considers firstly the nature development of personal identity in general as a precursor to understanding the nature of development of a personal ministry identity. At least six key elements are identified as being important in the development of an authentic personal ministry identity namely, spiritual gifting, personality, natural talentsabilities, divine call, congregational influence and finally passion. Pastoral ministry can be understood as an interface of expectations between the church role expectations of the church and the pastor’s expectations derived from his personal ministry identity. The consequences of this interface of expectations may be both positive and negative and may include role confusion, conflict, collusion or congruence. Role negotiation and renegotiation may be used to address some of the negative consequences of this interface. Empirical research results obtained as part of the study that explored the relationship between a pastor’s personal ministry identity, church role expectations and the current approach to ministry, clearly indicate that church role expectations are far more influential on current pastoral practice than are the personal ministry identities, indicating that the identities of these pastors have been undermined by church role expectations. A correct understanding of the Biblical view of self-denial and self-esteem would result in a greater freedom on the part of pastors to resist the undermining of their personal ministry identities. Copyright 2005, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Baston, GA 2005, Rediscovering pastoral identity : the influence of church role expectations in undermining a pastor’s personal ministry identity, MA(Theol) dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-06172005-101131 / > / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

On A Cubic Sieve Congruence Related To The Discrete Logarithm Problem

Vivek, Srinivas V 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
There has been a rapid increase interest in computational number theory ever since the invention of public-key cryptography. Various attempts to solve the underlying hard problems behind public-key cryptosystems has led to interesting problems in computational number theory. One such problem, called the cubic sieve congruence problem, arises in the context of the cubic sieve method for solving the discrete logarithm problem in prime fields. The cubic sieve method requires a nontrivial solution to the Cubic Sieve Congruence (CSC)x3 y2z (mod p), where p is a given prime. A nontrivial solution must satisfy x3 y2z (mod p), x3 ≠ y2z, 1≤ x, y, z < pα , where α is a given real number ⅓ < α ≤ ½. The CSC problem is to find an efficient algorithm to obtain a nontrivial solution to CSC. This thesis is concerned with the CSC problem. Recently, the parametrization x y2z (mod p) and y υ3z (mod p) of CSC was introduced. We give a deterministic polynomial-time (O(ln3p) bit-operations) algorithm to determine, for a given υ, a nontrivial solution to CSC, if one exists. Previously it took Õ(pα) time to do this. We relate the CSC problem to the gap problem of fractional part sequences. We also show in the α = ½ case that for a certain class of primes the CSC problem can be solved deterministically Õ(p⅓) time compared to the previous best of Õ(p½). It is empirically observed that about one out of three primes are covered by this class, up to 109

Efektivní algoritmy pro stromové automaty / Efficient Algorithms for Tree Automata

Valeš, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
In this work a novel algorithm for testing language equivalence and inclusion on tree automata is proposed and implemented as a module in the VATA library. First, existing approaches to equivalence and inclusion testing on both word and tree automata are examined. These existing approaches are then modified to create bisimulation up-to congruence algorithm for tree automata and a formal proof of the soundness of the new algorithm is provided. Efficiency of this new approach is compared with existing language equivalence and inclusion testing methods for tree automata, showing the performance of our algorithm on hard cases is often superior.

Altersunterschiede in der Empathie: Multidirektional und eine Frage des Kontexts?

Wieck, Cornelia 08 January 2015 (has links)
Empathie wird als ein multidimensionales Konstrukt verstanden, welches kognitive Aspekte wie empathische Akkuratheit (die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen einer anderen Person akkurat zu erken-nen) als auch affektive Aspekte wie Emotionskongruenz (die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen anderer zu teilen) und Mitgefühl (die Fähigkeit, ein Gefühl von Sorge für diese Person zu erleben) umfasst (z.B. Davis, 1994; Eisenberg & Fabes, 1990). Ziel der Dissertation war es zu einem umfassenden Verständnis altersbezogener Unterschiede in diesen drei Empathiefacetten beizutragen. Ausgehend von der Überlegung, dass empathische Akkuratheit wesentlich von alterssensitiven kognitiven Prozessen determiniert wird (z.B. Adolphs, 2002), während affektive Empathiefacetten vor allem altersfreundliche emotionsregulatorische Voraussetzungen haben (z.B. Eisenberg, 2000), wurde vermutet, dass empathische Akkuratheit Altersdefizite aufweist, während Gefühlskongruenz und Mitgefühl altersbezogene Zugewinne zeigen. Da Evidenz dafür vorliegt, dass altersbezogene Defizite in unterschiedlichen kognitiven und emotionalen Leistungsbereichen reduziert werden, wenn die Aufgabe eine besondere Bedeutung für Ältere hat (z.B. Hess, Rosenberg & Waters, 2001; Kunzmann & Grühn, 2005), lag ein weiteres Ziel der Studie darin, zu überprüfen, ob Altersunterschiede in der Empathie durch die Altersrelevanz der Aufgabe moderiert werden. Grund für diese Annahme liefert das Modell der selektiven Optimierung mit Kompensation (z.B. Baltes & Baltes, 1990) sowie die Selective Engagement Theorie (Hess, 2006), die übereinstimmend po-stulieren, dass Personen mit zunehmendem Alter dazu tendieren mit den ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen sparsam umzugehen und diese primär in Bereichen einsetzen, die sie für relevant halten. Basierend auf diesen Überlegungen wurde vermutet, dass Altersdefizite in empathischer Akkuratheit weniger wahrscheinlich sind, wenn die Aufgabe von hoher Relevanz für Ältere ist; in der Emotionskongruenz sollten sich die Altersgewinne in den für Ältere relevanten Aufgaben sogar vergrößern. Da erste Evidenz dafür vorliegt, dass Altersunterschiede im Mitgefühl nicht durch die Altersrelevanz moderiert werden, wurde vermutet, dass Ältere ein höheres Ausmaß an Mitgefühl berichten – unabhängig von der Relevanz der Aufgabe. Zur Überprüfung der Hypothesen wurden 101 jungen und 101 älteren Erwachsenen Filmausschnitte präsentiert, in denen eine junge oder eine ältere Person ein autobiografisches, für ihre Altersgruppe relevantes oder altersneutrales Erlebnis schilderte, und dabei echte Emotionen wiedererlebte. Zur Erfassung empathischer Fähigkeiten sollten die Teilnehmer mithilfe einer Emotionsadjektivliste angeben, in welchem Ausmaß die gezeigte Person sowie sie selbst jedes dieser Gefühle erlebt haben. Erwar-tungsgemäß zeigten sich für die Filme ohne besondere Altersrelevanz negative Altersunterschiede in empathischer Akkuratheit, während Gefühlskongruenz und Mitgefühl Altersgewinne aufwiesen. Wie angenommen wurden Altersdefizite in empathischer Akkuratheit durch die Altersrelevanz der Aufgabe moderiert; Ältere erzielten die gleiche Leistung wie Jüngere, wenn das geschilderte Thema von hoher Relevanz für sie war. Hingegen zeigte sich keine Moderation der Altersunterschiede für Emotionskongruenz. Wie erwartet erlebten Ältere mehr Mitgefühl als Jüngere – unabhängig von der Aufgabenrelevanz. Zusammengenommen sprechen die Befunde dafür, dass Altersunterschiede in der Empathie multidirektional und kontextabhängig verlaufen.

Analýza chování vybraných států v Jihočínském moři / Analysis of the behaviour of selected states in the South China Sea

Jetelinová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
The South China Sea has been already for several centuries the root of a dispute among states neighbouring along its borders, namely the People's Republic of China (China), Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and Malaysia. Since the Sea is very geopolitically and geostrategically important, China attempts to claim itself to be a sovereign. However, its activities face the demands of other states, especially Vietnam and the Philippines, which are also interested in gaining control over the islands in the South China Sea. For that reason, the dispute still persists, and the continuous activities of all concerned countries have created an endless spiral of events in which it is difficult to distinguish between the action and the reaction of individual actors in the dispute. My diploma thesis therefore focuses on the analysis of actions of the three selected countries, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, from the perspective of structural realism that is split into two contradictory streams, defensive and offensive. Their different views on the world help me to clarify whether the behaviour of the chosen actors is defensive of offensive. For the analysis, the period from 2011 to 2018 was chosen. During that time, several major incidents have appeared between selected countries, especially...

The Antecedents of Work-School Conflict and Work-School Enrichment

Robertson, Katelyn 26 February 2021 (has links)
The cost of higher education is rapidly increasing on both a global scale (Creed, French &amp; Hood, 2015), and in the local South African context (Calitz &amp; Fourie, 2016). This rise in costs has seen a commensurate increase in the number of university students who work, largely as a means to fund the increasing cost of their higher education (Butler, 2007; Cinamon, 2016; Owen, Kavanagh &amp; Dollard, 2018). These working students are frequently referred to as non-traditional students in the academic literature. The psychological experiences of non-traditional students who work is a pertinent and expanding area of interest for multiple stakeholders (Owen et al., 2018). These experiences can be classified through the constructs of Work-School Conflict (WSC) and Work-School Enrichment (WSE), which refer, respectively, to the negative and positive aspects of the work-school interface (Butler, 2007). The antecedents of WSC and WSE experiences amongst nontraditional working students have to date not received any empirical attention in the South African research literature. This study aims to address this gap by contributing to the national body of knowledge in this area. The measures used were secondary self-report survey data completed by post-graduate university students who are simultaneously engaged in paid work (N=330). Multiple regression analyses indicated that time demands, job demands and social support from work explained a significant proportion of WSC; whilst job-school congruence and social support within the work context were statistically significant predictors of WSE. Moderation analyses revealed that social support at work influenced the relationship between job demands and WSC, whilst employee role saliency significantly interacted with job-school congruence to influence WSE. The results of this study are aligned to international work-school research findings, which support the additive model of job characteristics as antecedents to WSC and WSE. These results also provide deeper insight into the less explored moderation effects of work resources and demands interacting to influence WSC and WSE. Theoretical, management and educational implications of these findings are considered in relation to the existing literature.

Belöningssystem - moroten till motivation hos säljare? : En studie om belöningars koppling till motivation hos anställda i försäljningsverksamheter inom den privata tjänstesektorn / Reward systems - the carrot for motivation for salesmen? : A study about the reward systems impact on the motivation among employees in sales operations in the private service sector

Petersson, Ida, Lozada, Karina January 2022 (has links)
Verksamheter arbetar för att erhålla en hög målkongruens, att alla anställda ska sträva mot verksamhetens gemensamma mål. Försäljningsverksamheter använder sig av belöningssystem som styrmedel och dessa kan utformas på olika sätt beroende på verksamhetens mål och syfte. I försäljningsverksamheter inom den privata tjänstesektorn är det vanligt förekommande med monetära belöningar i form av resultatbaserad lön för att öka säljarnas prestationer. Arbetslivslängden är samtidigt relativt låg inom branschen och därför upplever vi som författare det intressant att undersöka vilken typ av belöningen som egentligen motiverar en säljare att sträva efter verksamhetens mål. Samtidigt är utformningen av belöningssystemet också av vikt för att undersöka hur verksamheten arbetar för att öka målkongruens, att alla anställda ska sträva mot verksamhetens gemensamma mål. / Reward systems in organizations can be designed in different ways depending on what the purpose of the reward should be. In sales activities in the private service sector, it is common for the reward system to be designed through monetary rewards in commissions to attract sellers to sales. At the same time, working life is relatively low in the industry. Therefore, we as authors find it interesting to examine the type of reward that actually motivates a salesperson to strive for the business's goals. At the same time, the design of the reward system is also important for examining how the company works to increase goal congruence, and that all employees should strive towards the business' common goals.

Hledání plného lidství: Z pohledu mystiky a humanistické psychoterapie / The search for complete humanity: From the Perspective of Mysticism and Humanistic Psychotherapy

Vaněk, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
The diploma th sis is conc rn d with uncov ring th full sp ctrum of humanity through th prism of mysticism and humanistic psychoth rapy. The author s parat s th cont nt into thr s ctions. In th firrst h roots his thoughts in th mysticism of Doroth Söll and h r book The Sil nt Cry: Mysticism and R sistanc , which l nds th th sis th qualiti s of mystical spirituality in th mundan and v ryday lif . From th book th author focus s on th mystical path of "The s lf and th lib ration from th s lf" that invit s th conc pt of go, consum rism and th r lationship toward th inn r cor of th human. The s cond s ction xplor s th th rap utic contribution of humanistic th rapists Virginia Satir and Carl Ransom Rog rs. The auth r introduc s th ir th rap utic mod ls in thr chapt rs: The D v lopm nt of th Mov m nt, The Human Imag and The The rap utic Proc ss and Goal. The th sis is thus imbu d with conc pts aiding fulfirlm nt of a Human Lif : a human r lationship, congur nc and th importanc of s lf- knowl dg ; congru nc b ing th k y t rm inviting spiritual mom nts into th quasion. The third s ction outlin s a shar d spac for mysticism and humanistic psychoth rapy. The author introduc s th ‚mystical human' in cont mporary postmod rn atmosph r , conn cting th discov ri s from th firrst two s ctions of th th sis. The...

Belöningssystem för arbetare : En fallstudie på ett industriföretag / Reward system towards blue-collar workers : A case study at a industrial company

Haxhiu, Agonis, Glasberg, Max January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Ett välkänt ekonomiskt styrmedel som används av företagsledare för att motivera anställda till att utföra prestationer som ligger i linje med företagets mål är belöningssystem. Belöningssystem fungerar olika i olika branscher och måste anpassas efter typ av verksamhet och anställda. Ett relativt outforskat område är industribranschen, här utförs ofta kärnprocessen av arbetarna på golvet vilket gör det intressant att se hur ett industriföretag jobbar med belöningssystem mot dessa typer av anställda och identifiera kritiska områden för belöningssystemets funktion mot arbetare då detta är ett ostuderat område. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med ökad förståelse om hur industriföretag jobbar med belöningssystem gentemot arbetare och vad dessa arbetare har för erfarenheter av detta system. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie är utförd på företaget Atlas Copco Power Technique Nordic som är verksamma inom industribranschen. Åtta respondenter har intervjuats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studien har anammat en abduktiv forskningsansats  Slutsats: Atlas Copco Power Technique Nordic använder sig av många olika belöningar i olika former för att motivera sina anställda, en kombination av icke-monetära belöningar är den främsta nyckeln för att skapa motivation hos anställda. Det framkommer att de monetära belöningarna exklusive lön inte har betydande påverkan på arbetarnas motivation och vilja att prestera. Det visar sig även att mål och rättvisa har en betydande roll vad gäller arbetarnas positiva inställning till belöningssystemet. / Background and problem: A well-known financial instrument used by business leaders to motivate employees to perform in line with the company's goal is the reward system. Reward systems work differently in different industries and must therefore be adapted to the type of business and type of employees in an organization. A relatively unexplored area is the industrial industry. Here the core processes are often performed by the blue-collar workers which makes it interesting to see how an industrial company works with reward systems towards these types of workers and identify critical areas for the reward system's function towards blue-collar workers as this is an unstudied area. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how industrial companies work with reward systems towards blue-collar workers and what experience these workers have of this system. Method: A qualitative case study has been carried out at the company Atlas Copco Power Technique Nordic, which is active in the industrial industry. Eight respondents were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The study has adopted an abductive research approach  Conclusion: Atlas Copco Power Technique Nordic uses many different rewards in different ways to motivate its employees, and the combination of non-monetary rewards is the main key to creating motivation in employees. It appears that the monetary rewards excluding wages have no meaningful effect on blue collar worker’s motivation and desire to perform. It also appears that goalsetting and justice play a significant role in terms of blue collar worker’s positive attitudes towards the reward system.

Small States Seeking Status in Afghanistan : A comparative cross case congruence test of the Nordic states' status motivations in the Afghnaistan war

Ljungkvist, Hannes January 2021 (has links)
Why do small states contribute to great power led wars even though they lack the capabilities to determine the success of the war and there are no clear interests to gain? The peaceable states of the Nordic countries could have opted for a free-riding strategy instead of being active participants. Still, the Nordic countries were in relation to their size, some of the top military contributors in Afghanistan. In recent small state literature, it has been suggested that small states use military contributions as means to increase their international status position. There are however two competing and sometimes overlapping arguments of whether status is a means for increasing political influence or securing protection. This thesis contributes to this literature by differentiating the concept of status in two categories - influence and security. This distinction enabled a cross case comparative congruence test which reveals that the Nordic states had different status motivations in their decision to contribute to the Afghanistan war. Denmark and Sweden had a clear preference of seeking status seeking as means for influence while Norway used status mainly as means for enhancing security. This thesis shows that small states are not only dependent security consumers. It suggests that the decision-making processes in the small states were guided by independent preferences of enhancing status, which ultimately transformed into military contributions. However, rather than considering status as the main objective, the potential gains of enhancing the status position were the central ambition. The Nordic states’ preferences of status gains differed more than what previous research has suggested.

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