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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

School management training in Zimbabwe: needs and opportunities

Moyo, Sifelani 30 November 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relevance of School Management Training (SMT) to school practice; present an overview of SMT in Zimbabwe; and identify and analyse relevant SMT models to school headship. The research methods involved a literature study of primary and secondary sources, as well as an empirical situation analysis of SMT in Zimbabwe. The secondary sources comprised books, journals, research dissertations and thesis. The primary sources comprised official circulars, courses outlines the B.Ed (EAPPS) degree programme and the Heads Training Support Programme (HTSP) modules. The knowledge drawn from these sources was the basis for developing appropriate models for SMT. The empirical situation analysis comprised the use of questionnaires and interviews to examine the content, typology, the modes of SMT in Zimbabwe, as provided by a sample of 218 randomly selected school heads in Bulawayo, Matabeleland North and South regions. Personal and group interviews were conducted with selected school heads. The findings revealed the following strengths of SMT in Zimbabwe:  Induction SMT is offered to newly-appointed school heads in order to inspire their confidence in leadership.  Various forms of continuing on-site SMT on-the-job training opportunities to school heads.  Whilst off-site SMT workshops inculcate skills from school headship experience, SMT conferences and seminars run by heads' professional associations cater for SMT needs of school heads. Weaknesses of SMT in Zimbabwe exposed by the study involve:  Lack of SMT newsletters to encourage self-induction  Lack of institutional provision for the smooth co-ordination of SMT  Little involvement of university experts in non-formal SMT A tripartite collaborative SMT model which integrates self-development, university tuition and HTSP tuition is recommended. For the smooth operation of the model a dedicated institute for SMT is recommended. Any further research study, local or in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, should investigate the feasibility of a tripartite collaborative model and the dedicated institute in SMT. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Education Management)

Le Monde et les États-Unis de 1944 à nos jours / The newspaper Le Monde and the United States since 1944

Laroche, Loïc 10 February 2018 (has links)
Le journal «Le Monde est un témoin voire un acteur de la vie de la République et de ses relations avec ses partenaires étrangers, à commencer par le plus important et le plus influent d’entre eux : les États-Unis d’Amérique. Cette thèse analyse d’une part l’image de ce pays dans les articles du «Monde». Elle s’intéresse à la place consacrée aux États-Unis, à leur relation avec le reste du monde, à leur image économique et à leur niveau de développement, à la description de leur société et de leur peuple, à l’image de leur système démocratique et enfin à l’image de leur puissance. Cette thèse étudie d’autre part la relation entre les États-Unis et la rédaction du «Monde» au sens large, c’est-à-dire journalistes et direction, durant les soixante-dix années écoulées depuis sa création, au fil des administrations présidentielles américaines. Elle montre comment les directeurs successifs et les principaux rédacteurs concernés connaissent et apprécient ce pays, comment est réalisée la couverture de l’Amérique par le journal. Elle étudie les rapports entre la rédaction du «Monde» et les autorités américaines, comment celles-ci accueillent, informent, essaient d’influencer ouvertement ou non le journal et ses équipes. Au delà, elle montre comment la direction du «Monde» s’inspire des États-Unis et de leur presse. Elle étudie enfin la ligne éditoriale du journal sur les États-Unis. Trois grandes périodes se dessinent, la première correspond à la direction d’Hubert Beuve-Méry qui marque durablement le journal de son souci d’indépendance matérielle et éditoriale. Ses successeurs essaient de maintenir son héritage tandis que l’Amérique divise la rédaction. Après la chute du mur de Berlin, une nouvelle génération, moderne, transforme le regard du journal sur l’Amérique, alors que le numérique révolutionne les médias. / The newspaper «Le Monde» gives testimony, and is almost an actor, of the French Republic and its relations to foreign partners, the most important and influential of which is the United States of America. On one hand we will look into the image given by this country throughout « Le Monde »’s articles. We will consider how the United States are being covered, the way they relate to the rest of the world, the way their economy is valued, their level of development, the description of their society and their people, the image given by their democracy and their power. On the other hand we will watch the acquaintances between the United States and « Le Monde »’s editorial staff in a broad way, that is journalists and directors, from its foundation along the seventy following years and the various US administrations, which will show how the successive directors of the newspaper and the main journalists have had a genuine knowledge and esteem for this country. We will also learn the way America is covered through the designing of the newspaper. We will see how the editorial staff and the american authorities intermate, the way the latter greet and convey informations in an attempt to influence, openly or not, «Le Monde»’s protagonists ans beyond this, how the directors of the newspaper are inspired by the United States and the american press. Last but not least, we will look into the editorial line «Le Monde» choses to refer to the United States. Three major periods will emerge, the first one of which corresponds to Hubert Beuve-Méry’s management with a longlasting concern ever since for financial and editorial independance. His successors will try to keep on with his heritage while America is dividing the editorial staff. After the fall of the Berlin wall the new generation will modify the vision « Le Monde » had of America whereas the digital technologies start revolutionizing the media.

School management training in Zimbabwe : needs and opportunities

Moyo, Sifelani 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relevance of School Management Training (SMT) to school practice; present an overview of SMT in Zimbabwe; and identify and analyse relevant SMT models to school headship. The research methods involved a literature study of primary and secondary sources, as well as an empirical situation analysis of SMT in Zimbabwe. The secondary sources comprised books, journals, research dissertations and theses. The primary sources comprised official circulars, course outlines of the B.Ed (EAPPS) degree programme and the Heads Training Support Programme (HTSP) modules. The knowledge drawn from these sources was the basis for developing appropriate models for SMT. The empirical situation analysis comprised the use of questionnaires and interviews to examine the content, typology, the modes of SMT in Zimbabwe, as provided by a sample of 218 randomly selected school heads in Bulawayo, Matabeleland North and South regions. Personal and group interviews were conducted with selected school heads. The findings revealed the following strengths of SMT in Zimbabwe: • Induction SMT is offered to newly-appointed school heads in order to inspire their confidence in leadership. • Various forms of continuing on-site SMT on-the-job training opportunities to school heads. • Whilst off-site SMT workshops inculcate skills from school headship expenence, SMT conferences and seminars run by heads' professional associations cater for SMT needs of school heads. Weaknesses of SMT in Zimbabwe exposed by the study involve: • Lack of SMT newsletters to encourage self-induction • Lack of institutional provision for the smooth co-ordination of SMT • Little involvement of university experts in non-formal SMT (iii) A tripartite collaborative SMT model which integrates self-development, university tuition and HTSP tuition is recommended. For the smooth operation of the model a dedicated institute for SMT is recommended. Any further research study, local or in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, should investigate the feasibility of a tripartite collaborative model and the dedicated institute in SMT / Educational Leadership and Management / D.Ed. (Education Management)

L'instant plasticien : des temporalités poïétiques dans une pratique de la céramique raku / Plastician instant : poïetic temporalities on a raku ceramic work

Moreaux, Marielle 22 January 2015 (has links)
Nous définissons l’instant plasticien en céramique comme l’unité temporelle d’un processus formel – à la main - d’une pièce d’argile qui subira une cuisson. Maillon syntaxique du présent plasticien, il est geste cogito-sculpteur qui recouvre différentes modalités. Habité de multiples composantes, nous analyserons son contenu en exposant d'abord ses contraintes techniques. Nous prendrons appui sur un exemple personnel pour expliquer sa composante lest cognitif – les connaissances techniques, artistiques, scientifiques et historiques -, nous analyserons également les constituants de la culture gestuelle. Ces deux composantes distinctes modèlent plus ou moins sciemment cet instant spécifique comme l’esthétique des formes qu’il promeut. Nous préciserons la spécificité de celui personnel en puisant dans l’Histoire de l’Art céramique ; nous aborderons la culture raku du Japon médiéval d’où provient le mode de cuisson employé pour les œuvres personnelles en référence. Si depuis le début de l’Art céramique, chacun des domaines qui constituent le contexte sociétal a autant modelé ses arguments poïétiques que l’esthétique qu'il promeut, celui personnel puise ses arguments créatifs et sa posture d’apologie des beautés de la planète, d’un questionnement sur l’origine des désordres et déséquilibres environnementaux qui forment le fond de notre contemporanéité. Motivé d'une intention réceptionnelle – autre composante -, celui personnel espère susciter chez le regardeur une réflexion sur les causes probables de la dégradation des biotopes existants comme sur la gestion actuelle d’une entité qui est au fondement du faire technique céramique, à savoir le respect du temps de la nature. / We define the plastician instant in ceramic work as temporal unit of a formal process - by hand – of a work in clay, which will necessarily be subjected to firing. Syntactic link of the plastician present, it is a cogito-sculptor's gesture which covers different modalities. Filled with multiple components, we’ll analyze its content by first exposing its technical constraints. We'll refer to a personal example to explain its lest cognitive component – the technical, artistic, historical and scientific knowledges -, and we'll analyze the constituents of the gestural culture. These two distinct components model more or less knowingly this specific instant, as well as the resulting aesthetic shapes. We will identify the specificity of the personal one by exploring the History of ceramic Art ; we will address the raku culture's past, born in medieval Japan where the firing technique used for personal art works in refer comes from. If, since the beginning of Ceramic Art, each of the domains that constitute the societal context modeled its poïetic arguments as well as the aesthetic this special instant constitutes, this particular one on which we’ll base our analysis draws its creative arguments and its planet beauty's vindication posture from a questioning about the origin of disturbances and environmental imbalances which are the essence of our contemporary world. Filled with a receptional intention – another component –, this personal one intents rouse the viewer to reflect on the probable causes of the existing biotopes' degradation, as well as on the current management of an entity which is fundamental in the ceramic technical work, namely the respect of nature's time.

Didactic strategies for the development of cultural identity in elementary education / Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo de la identidad cultural en educación primaria / Estratégias de ensino para o desenvolvimento da identidade cultural em educação básica

Vargas Ortiz de Zevallos, Claudia Marcela 10 April 2018 (has links)
This research paper stemmed from a personal interest on the task of teachers regarding the development of their students’ cultural identity. The main purpose was to analyze the didactic strategies, planned by the elementary education teachers of an educational institution in San José de Moro – La Libertad (Peru), for the development of their students’ Mochica cultural identity from three planning elements: selection of contents, selection of educational materials, and schedule of activities. This research is exploratory and has a qualitative approach, based on a case study methodology. Among the most important results of the study, it is concluded that teachers indeed plan strategies that encourage the development of the Mochica cultural identity of their students in the areas of Personal and Social Education, Science and Environment, and Art. Nevertheless, the strategies planned to a greater extent are the ones which encourage knowledge acquisition and development of cognitive abilities. / El presente trabajo de investigación, surgió por una inquietud personal respecto a la labor del docente en el desarrollo de la identidad cultural de sus alumnos y alumnas. El objetivo principal fue analizar las estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo de la identidad cultural mochica de los alumnos, previstas por los docentes del nivel primario de una institución educativa ubicada en San José de Moro – La Libertad (Perú), desde tres elementos de su planificación: la selección de contenidos; la selección de materiales educativos; y desde la programación desus actividades. La investigación es cualitativa de nivel exploratorio, basada en la metodología del estudio de casos. Entre los resultados más importantes del estudio, se concluye que los docentes sí planifican estrategias que promueven el desarrollo de la identidad cultural mochica de sus alumnos en las áreas de Personal Social, Ciencia y Ambiente y Arte; sin embargo, las estrategias previstas en mayormedida son las que facilitan la adquisición del conocimiento y el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas principalmente. / O presente trabalho surgiu duma preocupação pessoal com o trabalho docente no desenvolvimento da identidade cultural dos alunos. O principal objetivo foi analisar as estratégias de ensino para o desenvolvimento da identida de cultural Mochica dos estudantes, apresentadas por professores no Ensino Fundamental duma instituição de ensino localizada em San José de Moro - La Libertad (Peru), a partir dos três elementos apresentado a saber; Seleção de conteúdos, a seleção de materiais educativos, e da programação das atividades [CU1]. A pesquisa équalitativa de cunho vertical, com base na metodologia de estudo de caso. Entre os resultados mais importantes do estudo concluíram que os professores realmente fazem planejamento de estratégias onde promovem o desenvolvimento da identidade cultural Mochica de seus alunos nas áreas de Estudos Sociais, Meio Ambiente e suas Transversalidades, incluído a Educação Artística; não obstante estratégias que mais fornecem são aquelas que facilitam a aquisição de conhecimentos e o amplio desenvolvimento das habilidades cognitivas.

Wechselstromuntersuchung an Rohmilch mit dem Ziel der Zellzahlbestimmung

Hassan, Anwar 26 November 2004 (has links)
Udder illnesses can have an essential influence on quantity and quality of the milk. A diagnosis is possible with the help of the deviation of milk contents, especially over the change of the somatic cells. The cell count consequently makes an important health and quality criterion of the milk. In order to determine the cell count and other contents directly after the vormilk, the relation between the count of the milk cells and the impedimetric quanities of the milk was examined systematically in a new measure cell with alternating current. The measurements were executed isotherm with different temperatures over a wide frequency area (10 Hz -13 MHz) and the results were compared with the cell counts obtained with standard procedures (Fossomatic). Relations between the measured complex electric quantities and the content of the milk like lactose and cell count were produced with help of statistical methods. No direct relation is found between the impedimetric qualities (complex condauctance, conductance or capacity) of milk and the number of cells found in it. Cause of that is the inhomogeneity of the cells, that varies considerably regarding their size and mass. The lactose concentration correlates good with impedimetric quantities (amplitude, phase shift, capacity and conductance) of milk. Particularly with the condactance of the milk a statistically secured relation is found over the entire frequency area (10 Hz - 13 MHz). The lactose concentration correlates on the other hand well with the cell count and makes a statistically secured prognosis of this quantity with high precision possible. Future it is possible to determine the cell count with the help of the complex conductivity, for what simple conductivity measuring instruments are suitable. / Eutererkrankungen können einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf Menge und Qualität der Milch haben. Eine Diagnose ist an Hand der Abweichung von Milchinhaltstoffen, insbesondere über die Veränderung der somatischen Zellen möglich. Die Zellzahl stellt somit ein wichtiges Gesundheits- und Qualitätskriterium der Milch. Um die Zellzahl und andere Inhaltsstoffe direkt nach dem ersten Gemelk zu bestimmen, wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen der Zahl der Milchzellen und den impedimetrischen Eigenschaften der Milch in neuartigen Messzelle mit Wechselstrom systematisch untersucht. Die Messungen wurden isotherm bei verschiedenen Temperaturen über einen weiten Frequenzbereich von 10 Hz - 13 MHz durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse mit denen nach Standardverfahren (Fossomatic) erhaltenen Zahlen verglichen. Mit Hilfe statistischer Methoden wurden Relationen zwischen den erhaltenen komplexen elektrischen Größen und den Inhaltstoffen der Milch wie Laktose und Zellzahl hergestellt. Es konnte kein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen den impedimetrischen Eigenschaften (komplexer Leitwert, Wirkleitwert oder Kapazität) der Milch und der Zahl darin befindlicher Zellen gefunden werden. Ursache dafür ist die Inhomogenität der Zellen, die hinsichtlich ihrer Größe und Masse beträchtlich variieren. Dagegen lässt sich die Laktosekonzentration gut mit den impedimetrischen Eigenschaften (Amplitude, Phasenverschiebung, Kapazität und Wirkleitwert) der Milch korrelieren. Besonders mit dem Wirkleitwert der Milch ist ein statistisch abgesicherter Zusammenhang über den gesamten Frequenzbereich (10 Hz bis 13 MHz) zu finden. Die Laktosekonzentration wiederum korreliert gut mit der Zellzahl und ermöglicht mit hoher Genauigkeit eine statistisch gesicherte Voraussage dieser Größe. Damit ist es möglich, zukünftig die Zellzahl über den Laktosegehalt anhand der komplexen Leitfähigkeit zu bestimmen, wozu einfache Leitfähigkeitsmessgeräte geeignet sind.

Formation and evolution of globular clusters in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds / Formação e evolução de aglomerados globulares da Galáxia e Nuvens de Magalhães

Dias, Bruno Moreira de Souza 25 June 2014 (has links)
Globular clusters are tracers of the formation and evolution of their host galaxies. Kinematics, chemical abundances, age and position of the clusters allows tracing interactions between Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and outlines their chemical enrichment history. In this thesis we analyse mid-resolution spectra of about 800 red giant stars in 51 Galactic globular clusters. It is the first time that [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] derived in a consistent way are published for such a huge sample of globular clusters, almost 1/3 of the total number of catalogued clusters. Our metallicities are showed to be more precise than previous works based on mid-resolution spectroscopy. A turnover at [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 is found in the plot [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] for bulge and halo, although bulge seems to have a more metal-rich turnover, i.e, bulge has more efficient formation than the halo. Comparing the abundances with age the timescale for SNIa to start to become important is 1Gyr. [Fe/H] vs. age corroborates the different star formation efficiency of bulge and halo while [Mg/Fe] does not follow that. Halo was formed in mini halos or dwarf galaxies, and two multiple population clusters had their origin analysed to check it. M 22 seems to have been formed in the Milky Way while NGC 5824 possibly was originated in a dwarf galaxy, although our results are inconclusive for NGC 5824. The Galactic bulge seems to have been formed fast i.e., probably the oldest globular cluster is there. In fact HP 1 has a bluer horizontal branch than expected for its metallicity and we interpret that as an age effect. We determine its distance using light curves of variable stars in order to constrain future age determinations via colour-magnitude diagram. Finally, we investigate interaction between Milky Way and its neighbour galaxy SMC. We find that some star clusters are being stripped out of the SMC main body, which is consistent with tidal stripping scenario for the interaction between the galaxies, instead of ram pressure that would only affect gas. / Aglomerados globulares são traçadores da formação e evolução de suas galáxias. Cinemática, abundâncias químicas, idades e posições dos aglomerados permitem traçar interações entre Via Láctea e galáxias vizinhas e suas histórias de enriquecimento químico. Nesta tese analisamos espectros de média resolução de mais de 800 estrelas gigantes vermelhas em 51 aglomerados globulares Galácticos. É a primeira vez que [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] determinados de modo consistente são publicados para uma amostra desse porte, ~1/3 dos objetos catalogados. Nossas metalicidades são mais precisas que trabalhos anteriores similares. Uma quebra em [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 é encontrada no gráfico [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] para o bojo e halo, embora bojo parece ter uma quebra em [Fe/H] maior, i.e, bojo tem formaçãao mais eficiente que o halo. Comparando abundâncias com idade, a escala de tempo para SNIa ficar importante é 1Gano. [Fe/H] vs. idade corrobora diferentes eficiências de formação do bojo e halo, mas [Mg/Fe] vs. idade não mostra isso. O halo foi formado em mini halos ou galáxias anãs, e dois aglomerados com dispersão em [Fe/H] tiveram suas origens analisadas. M 22 parece ter sido formado na Via Láctea e NGC 5824 possivelmente foi originado em uma galáxia anã, embora os resultados são inconclusivos para NGC 5824. O bojo parece ter sido formado rapidamente e deve possuir o aglomerado mais velho. De fato, HP 1 tem um ramo horizontal mais azul que o esperado para sua metalicidade e vemos isso como um efeito da idade. Determinamos sua distância usando curvas de luz de RR Lyrae de maneira a restringir futuras determinações de idade via diagrama cor-magnitude. Finalmente, investigamos a interação entre Via Láctea e sua galáxia vizinha SMC. Encontramos aglomerados sendo removidos do corpo central da SMC, consistente com cenário de remoção por força de maré para a interação entre as galáxias, em vez de ``ram pressure\'\' que afeta só gás.

O papel dos municípios na regulação jurídica da expansão urbana na zona costeira: limites e possibilidades

Almeida, Guadalupe Maria Jungers Abib de 27 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guadalupe Maria Jungers Abib de Almeida.pdf: 2532093 bytes, checksum: 07ffe0330ff40ca62d9318dbd86fad3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and the Statute of the City have improved the development and urban expansion policies establishment, but only the issue of the Federal Law No. 12.608, of April 10, 2012, introduced standards directly related to the process of urban expansion and the role of municipalities in the respective legal regulation. The current legal landscape has important consequences in the Brazilian municipalities located in the coastal zone. In the last decades these regions, especially the northern coast of São Paulo State, have subjected to land use conflicts and economic pressures that led to a chaotic urbanization. Indeed, the region still facing geographical, environmental and legal barriers when considering the processes of urban expansion planning, as it comprises areas especially protected by federal and state legislation (the Brazilian National System of Conservation Units, State Park Serra do Mar and the Atlantic Forest Law), as well as it undergoes the Coastal Ecological Economic Zoning, established by the Union and by Member State. The present work was conduced by employing an integrated approach which considers the legal standards related to coastal zone, derived from the legislative powers exerted by the different instances and their reflexes in the municipalities competences for the regulation of legal policy towards urban expansion, also linked with data and correlated aspects of the North Coast of São Paulo State. By adopting the referred method, we approached the following aspects: a) From the analysis of the possible conflicts arising from the application of regulatory rules issued by the Union and the Member State, overlapping or opposing the municipal master plan, we proposed some measures to ensure legal federal cooperation and minimize these potential incompatibilities; b) by analyzing the standards and guidelines of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and of the City Statute, in particular the legal rules introduced by Federal Law No. 12.608/2012, we exposed the minimum content required by municipal urban expansion policies, as well as outlined the role of the master plan and traced the outlines of the legislative competence for the municipalities / A Constituição Federal de 1988 e o Estatuto da Cidade avançaram na disciplina da política de desenvolvimento e expansão urbana, mas apenas com a edição da recente Lei Federal nº 12.608, de 10 de abril de 2012, foram introduzidas normas diretamente associadas ao processo de expansão urbana e ao papel dos Municípios na respectiva regulação jurídica. Este atual panorama jurídico tem reflexos importantes nos Municípios abrangidos pela zona costeira brasileira. Nas últimas décadas estes territórios, especialmente o Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, têm sido submetidos a conflitos de uso e a pressões econômicas que geraram uma urbanização desordenada. A análise da realidade aponta que esta região encontra entraves de natureza geográfica, ambiental e jurídica para a delimitação de áreas de expansão urbana, pois nela se localizam espaços territoriais especialmente protegidos pela legislação federal e estadual (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar e Lei da Mata Atlântica) e, ainda, submete-se ao Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico Costeiro estabelecido pela União e pelo Estado-Membro. A análise empreendida propõe a abordagem integrada das normas jurídicas de ordenamento territorial incidentes na zona costeira, advindas das competências legislativas exercidas pelos três entes federativos e seus reflexos na competência dos Municípios para a regulação jurídica da política de expansão urbana, sempre relacionando os aspectos e dados da realidade do Litoral Norte paulista. Adotado o método analítico e propositivo, enfrentamos as seguintes questões: a) A partir da análise dos possíveis conflitos normativos decorrentes da aplicação das normas editadas pela União e Estado-Membro, sobrepostas ou contrapostas ao plano diretor municipal, propusemos alguns caminhos que assegurem a cooperação federativa e minimizem estes potenciais desajustes; b) E partindo da análise da Constituição Federal de 1988 e das normas e diretrizes do Estatuto da Cidade, em especial as regras legais introduzidas pela Lei Federal nº 12.608/2012, expusemos os conteúdos mínimos necessários para a disciplina da política municipal de expansão urbana, delineamos o papel do plano diretor e traçamos os contornos da Competência legislativa dos Municípios

Response of concrete pavements under moving vehicular loads and environmental effects

Darestani, Mostafa Yousefi January 2007 (has links)
The need for modern transportation systems together with the high demand for sustainable pavements under applied loads have led to a great deal of research on concrete pavements worldwide. Development of finite element techniques enabled researchers to analyse the concrete pavement under a combination of axle group loadings and environmental effects. Consequently, mechanistic approaches for designing of concrete pavements were developed based on results of finite element analyses. However, unpredictable failure modes of concrete pavements associated with expensive maintenance and rehabilitation costs have led to the use of empiricalmechanistic approach in concrete pavement design. Despite progressive knowledge of concrete pavement behaviour under applied loads, concrete pavements still suffer from deterioration due to crack initiation and propagation, indicating the need for further research. Cracks can be related to fatigue of the concrete and/or erosion of materials in sub-layers. Although longitudinal, midedge and corner cracks are the most common damage modes in concrete pavements, Austroads method for concrete pavement design was developed based on traditional mid-edge bottom-up transverse cracking introduced by Packard and Tayabji (1985). Research presented in this thesis aims to address the most common fatigue related distresses in concrete pavements. It uses comprehensive finite element models and analyses to determine the structural behaviour of concrete pavements under vehicular loads and environmental effects. Results of this research are supported by laboratory tests and an experimental field test. Results of this research indicate that the induced tensile stresses within the concrete pavement are significantly affected by vehicle speed, differential temperature gradient and loss of moisture content. Subsequently, the interaction between the above mentioned factors and concrete damage modes are discussed. Typical dynamic amplifications of different axle groups are presented. A new fatigue test setup is also developed to take into consideration effects of pavement curvature on fatigue life of the concrete. Ultimately, results of the research presented in this thesis are employed to develop a new guide for designing concrete pavements with zero maintenance of fatigue damage.

La télévision, média de masse ou média individuel ? De la télévision traditionnelle à la e-télévision / Is television a mass media or an individual media? From traditional TV to e-television

Martin, Valérie 16 December 2015 (has links)
La télévision traditionnelle, « voix de la France » est un média de masse. Avec un taux d’équipement des foyers de plus de 98%, un taux d’écoute de plus de 3h50 par jour, un chiffre d’affaires publicitaires de plus de 4 Mrd EUR , et des « contenus rendez-vous » assurant des audiences record, cette télévision trône dans le salon et réunit la famille. Jusque dans les années 1980, elle reste placée sous le contrôle du pouvoir politique.Sous la Présidence de François Mitterrand, la télévision se libéralise. De nouvelles chaînes privées et commerciales financées par l’audience et la publicité apparaissent, tandis que le secteur public reste principalement financé par la redevance audiovisuelle. Dans les années 90, l’arrivée du câble et du satellite, puis de la TNT en 2005, permettent l’accroissement considérable du nombre de nouvelles chaînes et des offres de télévision (abonnements au câble, au satellite, et à Canal + en 1984). Le numérique révolutionne le secteur de la télévision, les technologies et les usages. Le nombre de chaînes continue de s’accroître de façon exponentielle. On voit se développer la production de contenus générés par les consommateurs (UGC), et l’interactivité est favorisée grâce aux réseaux sociaux. L’évolution des équipements changent les habitudes de consommation du petit écran, notamment pour les plus jeunes. L’ordinateur, la tablette, le Smartphone et la télévision connectée permettent de visionner « la télévision comme je veux, où je veux, quand je veux. ». Ainsi la télévision traditionnelle considérée comme un média de masse, tend à s’individualiser, et s’adapte aux goûts et aux envies de chacun. L’écosystème jusqu’à présent hexagonal est littéralement en train d’exploser pour faire face à l’internationalisation des contenus et à des acteurs audiovisuels majoritairement nord-américains. La réglementation devenue obsolète peine à trouver un nouveau cadre juridique à l’échelle française et européenne. Face à l’offre mondialisée, et les nouveaux usages de consommation notamment les usages délinéarisés (télévision de rattrapage, et Vidéo à la demande), la télévision continue néanmoins à fédérer le public autour de grands évènements d’actualité (évènements sportifs, politiques, journal télévisé du 20h…). Les profondes mutations et les changements rapides qui s’opèrent actuellement laissent planer une grande incertitude sur l’avenir de la télévision traditionnelle et faute de pouvoir s’adapter, celle-ci pourrait à plus ou moins long terme disparaitre… / Traditional TV, "Voice of France" is a mass medium. With a home ownership rate of over 98%, a viewing rate of l more than 3.50 hours, advertising revenue of over 4 billion euros , and “contenus Rendez-vous” bringing in record audiences, television rules over the living room, bringing the family together up into the 1980s. It is, however, controlled by the ruling political powers.Under the presidency of François Mitterrand, television was liberalized with the appearance of new private and commercial channels, financed by audiences and advertising, while the public sector continued to be funded by a license fee. In the 90s, the arrival of cable and satellite, followed by TNT in 2005, allowed the amazing increase of a number of new channels and TV services (« subscriptions to cable, satellite and finally Canal + in 1984 )But this evolution continues with the arrival of digital TV, revolutionizing the industry. It increases the number of channels exponentially, expands the production of content generated by consumers, and promotes interactivity through social networks. Technological advances are changing consumer habits with regard to the small screen, especially for young people. The computer, tablet, smartphone and the connected TV let you watch "television as I want, where I want, when I want”. Traditional TV, once considered as a mass media, is now a media that is individualized and that adapts to the tastes and desires of each viewer.The current financial system in France is literally exploding to deal with the internationalization of audiovisual content and players, with most of the content produced in North America.. Obsolete regulations can no longer keep pace with consumer demand in Europe and France. Faced with global supply and new viewing habits (delinearised viewing: replayand video on demand), television still continues to unite the public around major news events (sporting events, political events, the evening news …). The important, rapid changes now occurring in TV content and distribution lead to considerable uncertainty with regard to the future of traditional television, and unless it can adapt, it could more or less disappear in the long term.

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