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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In die teenwoordigheid van outisme : 'n moeder se verkenning van emosionele intelligensie in haar lewensverhaal

Du Preez, Hannelie 27 August 2010 (has links)
Die rasionaal vir onderhawige studie was aan die hand van narratiewe navorsingsmetodes om insig en begrip te verwerf oor wat dit beteken om die moeder te wees van 'n seun met outisme. Ek (navorser) en die moeder (deelnemer) het verskeie data-inwinning-aktiwiteite aangewend, byvoorbeeld haar lewensverhaal, waarin ek en die moeder emosionele intelligensie komponente geïdentifiseer het met die verdere doel om haar belewinge van outisme te interpreteer. 'n Narratiewe navorsing-ontwerp, wat gebaseer is op interpretavistiese en konstruktivistiese paradigmata, kan dus die betekenisvolle emosies en ander belewinge van die moeder akkuraat interpreteer en kommunikeer oor wat dit beteken om 'n moeder te wees van 'n seun met outisme. In hierdie studie maak ek as navorser gebruik van 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met 'n narratiewe navorsings-ontwerp, waarin 'n multimetode benadering tot data-insameling aangewend word, met die doel om die belewinge van die moeder in die vorm van 'n lewensverhaal saam te vat. Die data-inwinning-strategieë wat aangewend is het gepoog om in-diepte, ryk en persoonlike verhaal-inhoude te genereer. Die volgende aktiwiteite is gebruik : 'n informele onderhoud, herinneringsboek (collages, staaltjies, lewenslyn en metafore), en 'n intellektuele bespreking van emosionele intelligensie. Die moeder het kollaboratief deelgeneem tydens die identifisering van emosionele intelligensie komponente in haar lewensverhaal. Dit was belangrik om deurlopend kollaboratiewe besprekinge met die moeder te skeduleer, aangesien haar insae met betrekking tot die wyse waarop die data georganiseer, geanaliseer en geïnterpreteer word verband hou met haar interpretasies van outisme en die verkenning van haar belewinge aan die hand van Bar-On (2003) se emosionele intelligensie komponente. Die betekenisvolle belewinge wat op grond van die moeder se verhaal-inhoude, in samehang met haar geïdentifiseerde emosionele intelligensie komponente, bespreek word, dui daarop dat die moeder 'n optimistiese, realistiese en intro-spektiewe uitkyk het met betrekking tot ouerskap en opvoeding. Dit kan as verantwoordbaar beskou word as ek as navorser dit stel dat die moeder begrip en insig demonstreer ten opsigte van die hindernis waarmee haar seun leef. Die moeder som haar belewing van outisme die beste op met die inspirerende aanhaling van Emily Pearl Kingsley: “Say goodbye to the child you wanted, or else your focus will never be with the child you have.” / ENGLISH : The rationale for this study was to gain a better understanding of what it means to be the mother of a child with autism, through the use of narrative research accounts. The mother (participant), and I (researcher) furthermore utilized the sources of collected data, such as her life story, to identify components of emotional intelligence with the purpose of additional interpretation. A narrative research design, firmly rooted in an interpretivist and constructivist paradigm, should therefore serve to accurately interpret the significant emotions and other lived-experiences that a mother attaches to living with a child that has been diagnosed with autism. A multi-method approach, directed by a qualitative research approach and a narrative research design, was followed in an attempt to capture the mother‘s experiences and life story. Data collection strategies employed to generate an in-depth, rich and personal life story consisted of the following activities: an informal interview, memory box (collages, anecdotes, life line, and methaphors) and an intellectual discussion regarding emotional intelligence. The mother also participated in a collaborative discussion to identify emotional intelligence components relevant to her life story. Further collaboration and discussion with the mother were required to ensure that the data were organised, analysed and interpreted according to the mother‘s lived-experiences of autism, along with her emotions that were identified on the basis of Bar-On‘s (2003) emotional intelligence components. The meaningful findings drawn from the mother‘s narratives (in relation to the identified emotional intelligence components) suggest that the mother demonstrates an optmistic, realistic and introspective view on parenting. It can be regarded as accountable for me as researcher to state that the mother displays an educated an comprehensive understanding of the disability with which her child is living. The mother perhaps best summarises her experiences of autism in the words of Emily Pearl Kingsley‘s inspirational words: “Say goodbye to the child you wanted, or else your focus will never be with the child you have.” / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / Unrestricted

Écologie trophique de poissons prédateurs et contribution à l'étude des réseaux trophiques marins aux abords de La Réunion / Trophic ecology of predatory fishes and contribution under investigation of the marine trophic networks in the vicinity of Reunion Island

Trystram, Clément 09 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'étudier les relations alimentaires entre différents prédateurs d'intérêt local, appartenant à plusieurs compartiments écologiques. L'échantillonnage, réalisé entre janvier 2012 et décembre 2014 en partenariat avec la filière pêche, s'est concentré sur les principales espèces d'intérêt commercial ou en interactions avec les pêcheries (captures accessoires et déprédateurs). La détermination des sources de matière organique dont elles dépendent, de leurs relations interspécifiques, ainsi que des facteurs de variation de leurs alimentations, a été réalisée grâce à l'analyse des isotopes stables du carbone (δ13C) et de l'azote (δ15N), ainsi que celle des contenus stomacaux. Bien qu'associées au substrat, les espèces profondes (100-600m) dépendent indirectement de la production primaire de surface via leurs proies qui effectuent des migrations verticales dans la colonne d'eau. Cette dépendance aux organismes mésopélagiques induit un chevauchement alimentaire globalement important entre ces espèces, atténué par l'occupation de zones bathymétriques différentes. Concernant les espèces de surface, celles-ci se répartissent selon un gradient côte-large, formant trois groupes aux régimes alimentaires distincts. Les requins tigre semblent former une population homogène constituée d'individus généralistes tandis que les requins bouledogue forment une population hétérogène d'individus spécialisés sur des ressources différentes. Ces résultats indiquent qu'une approche centrée sur l'habitat conviendrait à la gestion des espèces profondes, tandis qu'une approche centrée sur les espèces serait plus efficiente pour les espèces de surface. / The general aim of this Ph.D thesis is to analyse the feeding relationship between the different predators of multiple habitats. Carried out between January 2012 and December 2014 in collaboration with the fishing stakeholders, the sampling focused on species of commercial interest or interacting with fisheries (bycatches and depredators). Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes ratio and stomacal content analysis were used to determine the organic matter they depend on, their interspecific relationships and the factors influencing their diets. Results show a wide disparity between species caught in shallow water and the deep ones. Despite their association with the benthic environment, deepwater species (100-600m) indirectly rely on surface primary production through their vertically migrating prey. This dependence on mesopelagic organism induce consequently a high dietary overlap between pairwise species, although alleviated by their presence in different bathymetric areas. Shallow species are split into three distinct diet categories along a shore-offshore gradient. Tiger shark are likely to form an homogeneous population composed with generalist individuals conversely to bull sharks which are forming an assorted population of individuals specialized on different resources. Those results tend to promote an habitat-focused approach, more suitable for the management of deepwater species, whereas a species-focused approach would rather be more effective for shallow, highly mobile species.

Vizuální gramotnost v digitální době / Visual Literacy in the Digital Era

Jarošová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Final thesis titled Visual Literacy in the Digital Era is primarily focused on understanding image in the context of contemporary digital era, which is characterized particularly by abundance of visual images. Using analysis of principles of New Media and Surface Aesthetics, which is based on visual communication strategies, it tries to define new demands on viewers' perceptional capabilities and emerging consequences for their cognitive functions. Farther there are applied findings of contemporary cognitive psychology and neurobiology on artistic movements of 20th and 21st century and general artistic tendencies. In dependence on the analysis and application of gained findings there is in conclusion reassessed Visual Literacy in its existing definition, which is not sufficient for new demands that has arisen and do not take account of current level of viewers' literacy.

Утицај етничке припадности учитеља на реализацију друштвених садржаја у настави природе и друштва / Uticaj etničke pripadnosti učitelja na realizaciju društvenih sadržaja u nastavi prirode i društva / THE IMPACT OF A TEACHER'S ETHNIC LEGALITY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL CONTENTS IN TEACHING NATURAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES

Cvijanović Đorđe 28 September 2018 (has links)
<p>У раду су истражене релације између садржаја у<br />наставним програмима и уџбеницима наставе<br />природе и друштва у односу на ставове учитеља<br />различите етничке припадности. У склопу тако<br />реализованог истраживања, утврђена је структура<br />садржаја у програмима разредне наставе, који се<br />односе на област природе и друштва у Србији,<br />Хрватској и Босни и Херцеговини. Након тога,<br />анализирани су ставови учитеља о другим<br />(суседним) народима, не само у паралели са<br />наставним садржајима и коришћеним уџбеницима,<br />већ и на нивоу њихове кореспонденције са<br />практично коришћеним наставним методама и<br />дидактичко-методичким принципима. Посебна<br />истраживачка пажња посвећена је поступцима, који<br />пружају могућност учитељима да у важнијим<br />аспектима доживљаја националног идентитета<br />формирају став о одређеним садржајима наставе<br />природе и друштва везаним за свој народ и друге<br />народе из региона. Овако постављен дијагностички<br />приступ био је неопходан, нарочито због тога што<br />је омогућио да се идентификују важнији елементи<br />на пољу мишљења и социјалног опажања, на шта<br />ставови директно утичу, а у сврху побољшања<br />васпитно-образовног рада са ученицима.<br />Преиспитани су односи и међусобно разумевање<br />култура српског, хрватског и бошњачког народа.<br />Циљ емпиријског дела био је да се утврде ставови и<br />утицаји учитеља различите етничке припадности<br />према реализацији друштвених садржаја наставе<br />природе и друштва. Резултатима истраживања<br />констатовано је да етничка припадност учитеља не<br />утиче на реализацију садржаја наставе природе и<br />друштва. Резултати говоре и у прилог основне<br />претпоставке истраживања да се учитељи,<br />припадници сваког испитиваног ентитета,<br />статистички значајно разликују у ставовима иначину реализације друштвених садржаја наставе<br />природе и друштва. Закључује се да извор за<br />ослобађање од многих предрасуда, пре свега<br />етничких, треба тражити у адекватном васпитнообразовном процесу, у коме су главни актери<br />васпитања и образовања учитељи.</p> / <p>U radu su istražene relacije između sadržaja u<br />nastavnim programima i udžbenicima nastave<br />prirode i društva u odnosu na stavove učitelja<br />različite etničke pripadnosti. U sklopu tako<br />realizovanog istraživanja, utvrđena je struktura<br />sadržaja u programima razredne nastave, koji se<br />odnose na oblast prirode i društva u Srbiji,<br />Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini. Nakon toga,<br />analizirani su stavovi učitelja o drugim<br />(susednim) narodima, ne samo u paraleli sa<br />nastavnim sadržajima i korišćenim udžbenicima,<br />već i na nivou njihove korespondencije sa<br />praktično korišćenim nastavnim metodama i<br />didaktičko-metodičkim principima. Posebna<br />istraživačka pažnja posvećena je postupcima, koji<br />pružaju mogućnost učiteljima da u važnijim<br />aspektima doživljaja nacionalnog identiteta<br />formiraju stav o određenim sadržajima nastave<br />prirode i društva vezanim za svoj narod i druge<br />narode iz regiona. Ovako postavljen dijagnostički<br />pristup bio je neophodan, naročito zbog toga što<br />je omogućio da se identifikuju važniji elementi<br />na polju mišljenja i socijalnog opažanja, na šta<br />stavovi direktno utiču, a u svrhu poboljšanja<br />vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa učenicima.<br />Preispitani su odnosi i međusobno razumevanje<br />kultura srpskog, hrvatskog i bošnjačkog naroda.<br />Cilj empirijskog dela bio je da se utvrde stavovi i<br />uticaji učitelja različite etničke pripadnosti<br />prema realizaciji društvenih sadržaja nastave<br />prirode i društva. Rezultatima istraživanja<br />konstatovano je da etnička pripadnost učitelja ne<br />utiče na realizaciju sadržaja nastave prirode i<br />društva. Rezultati govore i u prilog osnovne<br />pretpostavke istraživanja da se učitelji,<br />pripadnici svakog ispitivanog entiteta,<br />statistički značajno razlikuju u stavovima inačinu realizacije društvenih sadržaja nastave<br />prirode i društva. Zaključuje se da izvor za<br />oslobađanje od mnogih predrasuda, pre svega<br />etničkih, treba tražiti u adekvatnom vaspitnoobrazovnom procesu, u kome su glavni akteri<br />vaspitanja i obrazovanja učitelji.</p> / <p>The paper examines the relations between the content in curricula and the content in textbooks of teaching natural and social studies with respect to the attitudes of the teachers of different ethnic backgrounds. Within the framework of this research the content structure in the class teaching curricula, which is related to the field of natural and social studies in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, was determined. After that, the teachers&rsquo; attitudes were analyzed, not only in parallel with the teaching contents and the textbooks used, but also at the level of their correspondence with practically used teaching methods and didactical-methodical principles. Special research attention is devoted to the procedures that provide teachers with the opportunity to formulate a view on certain contents of teaching natural and social studies related to their nation and other nations from the region in the most important aspects of the experience of national identity. The diagnostic approach outlined in this way would be necessary, especially because it enables the identification of more important elements in the field of thinking and social perception, which are directly influenced by the attitudes, and with the aim of improving educational work with students. Relations and mutual understanding of the cultures of the Serbian, Croatian and Bosniak peoples are reviewed. The aim of the empirical work is to determine the attitudes and influences of teachers of different ethnic backgrounds on the realization of social contents of teaching natural and social studies. It has been found that the ethnicity of a teacher does not influence the realization of the content of teaching natural and social studies. The results also speak in favour of the basic assumption of the research, which is that the teachers, the members of each examined ethniciity, significantly differ in the attitudes and the manners of realization of social contents of teaching natural and social studies from statistical point of view. It is concluded that a&nbsp;starting point of removing many prejudices, primarily ethnic ones, should be sought in an adequate educational process, in which the main actors of education are teachers.</p>

Auswirkungen anthropogener Landnutzung auf die Siedlungsstruktur, Raum- und Habitatnutzung des Europäischen Dachses (Meles meles L., 1758) auf der Insel Rügen

Walliser, Gerlinde 21 April 2004 (has links)
Auf der Ostseeinsel Rügen wurde eine 3-jährige Untersuchung zur Siedlungsstruktur, Raum- und Habitatnutzung des Dachses (Meles meles L., 1758) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Landschaftszerschneidung und des Landnutzungsmusters durchgeführt. Über 70 % der Inselfläche ist landwirtschaftlich, überwiegend ackerbaulich, genutzt und nur knapp ein Fünftel wird von Wald bedeckt. Während die Zersiedelung und Zerschneidung der Landschaft durch Siedlungs- und Verkehrsfläche im bundesdeutschen Vergleich als sehr gering einzustufen war, ist nach der ?Wende? eine stete Verdichtung des Straßennetzes zu beobachten, die von einem enormen Anstieg der Verkehrsdichte begleitet wird. Die Auswirkungen dieser Rahmenbedingungen wurden anhand von Nahrungsanalysen, eines inselweiten Baukatasters, Fang und Telemetrie einiger Dachse sowie einer Erfassung verkehrstoter Dachse untersucht. Die erfassten Totfunde dienten einer Abschätzung des Gefährdungspotentials unterschiedlicher Straßentypen (Bundesstraße, Landesstraße usw.). Zusätzlich wurde auf Grundlage des Baukatasters, des Totfundkatasters und von Verkehrszählungen der Zusammenhang zwischen Verkehrslast, Siedlungsdichte (des Dachses) und Verkehrsmortalität des Dachses mit Hilfe eines einfachen Modells ermittelt. / On the baltic island of Rügen investigations had been carried for 3 years with regard to distribution, space use and habitat utilization of the European badger (Meles meles L., 1758). Special attention was focused on landscape fragmentation and patterns of land use. More than 70 % of the island is agricultural, almost arable land and just under a fifth is woodland. Before 1990, fragmentation and dessection of the landscape due to housing and roads was low compared with the german average, but after the political &amp;quot;turn&amp;quot; the road system has increased constantly combined with an enormous increase in traffic density. The effect of these conditions on badgers was investigated studying diet composition, surveying and registrating badger setts all over the island, badger-watching and trapping, radio-tracking some badgers and collecting all reported badgers fallen victim to traffic accidents. Relating the road-killed badgers to the length and traffic density of the different road categories, potential danger to be killed by car was estimated. Relating the density of traffic, the density of the badger's local population and its road-mortality was done by simply using data of the sett survey, the road-killed badgers and traffic census.


Diana Marcela Escamilla Sanchez (9205355) 16 November 2022 (has links)
<p> Despite the continuous breeding efforts towards improving yield, seed quality, and yield-related traits, there is still little understanding of several aspects of soybean breeding; however, crop breeding is ever-evolving, and plant breeding technologies offer immense potential for accelerating genetic improvement in soybeans. This thesis explores different frameworks to further characterize tradeoffs among seed quality traits, soybean maturity's genetic architecture, and selections for yield. We explored the interactions of carbohydrate traits with other seed traits, flowering, and maturity using data from a large panel of <em>G. max </em>accessions from the USDA soybean germplasm collection. We found a negative correlation between sucrose and protein and a negative correlation between protein and oil, representing a significant challenge for improving seed quality. In contrast to other well-documented correlations, such as protein and oil, correlations between raffinose and oil content seem more specific to populations and environments and are unlikely to generalize to the whole specie; however, the correlations of sucrose with protein and seed size appears to be more stable. In addition, we performed a genome-wide association analysis (GWA) to detect novel QTLs for flowering (R1) time, maturity (R8) time, and reproductive length (RL) using a soybean panel with the same genotype for major <em>E </em>genes (<em>e1-as/E2/E3). </em>While major maturity <em>E</em> genes are known to have pleiotropic effects on R1 and R8, we found two QTLs associated with R8 and RL that do not control R1, suggesting minor-effect, trait-specific loci are also involved in controlling R1 and R8. In addition, w<em>e identified six genes that may play essential roles in regulating R1, R8, and RL; however, further validation of the QTLs and f</em>ine mapping and map-based cloning studies of the candidate genes are necessary before they can be used in breeding programs. Lastly, we conducted a selection experiment in progeny row (PR) populations of four breeding programs to compare the agronomic performance of lines selected by breeders using their usual selection methods to lines selected through prediction of yield performance using new sources of data and information. Our results suggest that aerial average canopy coverage (ACC) used as a secondary trait in combination with field spatial variation adjustment is an efficient high throughput methodology to effectively select high-yielding lines from non-replicated experiments at the PR stage. </p>

The Effect of Disinfectants, Cleaning, and Drying Practices on Oriental Rugs Flooded with Contaminated River Water: Public Health and Policy Implications

Bernazzani, Daniel 17 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Impact of Brand Generated Content on Green Purchase Intention : A Study Based on Brand Generated Content on Social Media Platforms and Food Industry

Saha, Rupam January 2022 (has links)
The increasing threats to the environment have led the consumers to enhance their concern for environment. As a result, consumers nowadays intend to purchase environmentally friendly products as part of showing their concern for environment. This changing trend of consumer behavior has also driven the businesses to act accordingly and introduce sustainability within business process including production, offerings and distribution with an objective of protecting environment. Apart from the environmental benefits, getting involved in the environmentally friendly activities also enable the businesses to enjoy higher profit margins, positive brand image, higher employee commitment and above all competitive advantage. Current literature shows that, because of enormous benefits businesses are also getting involved in transforming sustainable consumption through different marketing activities to avoid poor sales of green products. Brand generated contents, defined as contents shared and controlled by the business itself on its owned or earned platforms, is often used by the marketers and businesses to share information or justifying premium pricing of green products. The primary purpose of this study is to develop insights and understand the relationship between different factors driven by brand generated contents and green purchase intention. The study is implemented by a quantitative study where 156 respondents have shared their perceptions and thoughts related to different factors of brand generated contents on social media platforms that they perceive to influence their purchase intentions to green products. Even though green consumerism and green purchase intention is not a new concept within field of research, connecting it with brand generated content is a completely new phenomenon. Existing literature suggests that researchers have tried to measure the green purchase intention mostly based on uncontrollable factors by marketers or different traditional consumer theory. Some other researchers have also tried to connect green purchase intention with user-generated content completely overlooking its counterpart, brand generated content. Five constructs have been developed based on existing literature: knowledge awareness, perceived concern for environment, perceived product value, attitude and trust of contents. A survey questionnaire was developed with three sections- demographic section to comprehend the respondents, behavioral section to understand purchase behavior of respondents related to green products and final section to understand the perception of consumers. The finding demonstrates interesting insights with perceived concern for environment and attitude to be positively significant and trust of content to be negatively significant to green purchase intentions. However, the finding is believed to assist the marketing practitioners and businesses to develop marketing strategies for green products and develop contents accordingly. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute theoretically within the field of brand generated content and green purchase intention by filling the gap and linking each other. Finally, the study has significant potential of contributing to society by helping in promoting environmentally friendly products and protecting the environment.

Energi som fysikbegrepp och samhällsfråga : En jämförande innehållsanalys av gymnasieläroböcker / Energy as a concept in physics and socio-scientific issue : A comparative content analysis of textbooks for upper secondary school in Sweden

Norrman, Peter January 2019 (has links)
Enligt 2011 års läroplan för gymnasieskolan ingår det i fysikämnet att eleverna ska kunna delta i samhällsdebatten och diskutera etiska frågor från ett naturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Hållbar utveckling kan bidra till förståelse för fysikens betydelse i samhället, där energibegreppet, energiresurser och energianvändning för ett hållbart samhälle ingår i kursen Fysik 1. Hur detta manifesteras kan analyseras i termer av scientific literacy, emfaser, SSI/SNI, etc. Studien jämför fyra läroböcker i fysik med en kvantitativ, men tolkande, textanalys baserad på en metod med tolkningsschema som utarbetats av Engström för att undersöka hur hållbara energisystem behandlas i undervisning och läroböcker för Fysik A enligt 1994 års läroplan för de frivilliga skolformerna. En jämförelse görs även mellan läroböcker för Fysik 1 och Naturkunskap 1b avseende energiområdet för att undersöka skillnader i tyngdpunkt mellan olika visioner av scientific literacy för de båda ämnena. Vidare görs en kvalitativ textanalys mellan olika utgåvor av samma läroboksserie om i vad mån olikheterna förklaras av skillnader mellan 2011 och 1994 års läroplaner. Slutligen ingår en kvalitativ textanalys av hur begrepp relaterade till termodynamikens andra huvudsats behandlas i läroböckerna och i vad mån detta överensstämmer med övriga skillnader. Innehållsanalysen indikerar att skillnaden mellan fysikläroböckerna vad gäller visioner av scientific literacy är förhållandevis liten, men större vad gäller inslagen av teknikrelaterat innehåll. Däremot är skillnaden tydlig mellan ämnena, där läroböckerna i fysik kännetecknas av dominans för vision I, där naturvetenskapen i sig och dess metoder dominerar, medan läroböckerna i naturkunskap har ett klart större inslag av vision II, som har större inslag av att sätta naturvetenskaperna i en samhällelig och politisk kontext. Skillnaderna i hur fysikläroböckerna behandlar termodynamikens 2:a huvudsats är i överensstämmelse med den kvantitativa textanalysen. I vad mån debatten om olika visioner för scientific literacy i Sverige hanteras genom att ha parallella ämnen med överlappande innehåll diskuteras. Likaså huruvida det finns en tendens att läroplanens skrivningar konserverar valet av vilka SNI-frågor som tas upp i undervisningen. Detta riskerar i så fall att strida mot principen att dessa skall vara aktuella och av intresse för eleverna. / According to the Swedish curriculum for the senior secondary school from 2011, it is part of the physics subject that students should be able to participate in debates about social issues and to discuss ethical issues from a scientific perspective. Sustainable development can contribute to an understanding of the importance of physics in the society, with the energy concept, energy resources and energy usage for a sustainable society included in the course Physics 1. How this is manifested can be analyzed in terms of scientific literacy, emphases, socio-scientific issues, etc. The study compares four textbooks for Physics 1 using a quantitative, but interpreting, text analysis based on a method and coding scheme developed by Engström for investigating how sustainable energy systems is dealt with in education and textbooks for Physics A according to the Swedish curriculum for the upper secondary school from 1994. A comparison is also made between textbooks for Physics 1 and Science studies 1b concerning the energy area in order to compare differences in emphasis between different visions of scientific literacy for the two subjects. Furthermore a qualitative text analysis is made between different editions of the same textbook series about to what extent the divergence can be explained by the difference in curricula. Finally a qualitative text analysis is included about how concepts related to the second law of thermodynamics is dealt with in the textbooks and to what extent this corresponds with other differences. The content analysis indicates that the difference between the textbooks in physics concerning visions of scientific literacy is comparatively small, but larger when it comes to contents related to technical applications. On the other hand, the difference is obvious between the subjects, with the textbooks in physics being dominated by vision I, which is dominated by science as such and its methods, while the textbooks in science studies have a decidedly larger element of vision II, thus including more attempts to set science in its social and political context. The difference in how the textbooks in Physics describe the second law of thermodynamics is in accordance with the quantitative text analysis. To what extent the debate between different views of scientific literacy in Sweden is handled by having separate subjects with partly overlapping contents is discussed. Likewise whether there is a tendency that the formulation in the curriculum conserves the choice of which socio-scientific issue is brought up in the teaching. This would, however, be in conflict with the principle that these should be current and of interest to the students.

Vems villkor vinner? : Kolliderande standardavtal i förhållande till avtalsrättsliga utvecklingslinjer / Whose Terms will Prevail? : Battle of Forms in Relation to Patterns of Development in Contract Law

Ringstedt, Viking January 2022 (has links)
The basis of any contract is the agreement of two or more parties. In traditional Swedish and English contract law theory, a contract is formed through the reciprocal exchange of an offer and a corresponding acceptance. Together, these declarations of will represent the common intent of the parties, which binds them to their respective contractual obligations and determines the contents of the contract. In the contemporary commercial sector, the use of standard forms (i.e., sets of terms that have not been individually negotiated) has become more prevalent. This has led to the rise of a particular legal issue, called the “battle of forms”: a situation where both parties refer to their own, conflicting, standard forms during the formation of contract, where after they proceed in fulfilling their contractual obligations. Consequently, the exchanged declarations of will lack conformity in these cases, and there is no discernible common will of the parties. In order to conclude that a contract has been formed, and to decide its contents, this conflict needs to be resolved. The traditional approach to resolving the issue of battle of forms in English law is to regard the last referenced standard terms in the contractual negotiations as an offer (or counter-offer), and the other party’s conduct as an acceptance. This approach largely corresponds with how the issue likely would be resolved according to traditional Swedish contract law principles. However, in the legal scientific environments of both Sweden and England, ideas and concepts of a modern contract law has developed. Included therein is the idea of taking a more flexible stance with regard to the formation of contract. When viewing the contractual relationship holistically, and partly liberated from the offer-acceptance approach, the battle of forms can be resolved by letting the court construe the different sets of terms together, and re-place conflicting terms with suitable substitutes by implication. These modern concepts have partly manifested in recent English precedence regarding the battle of forms. Considering that the patterns of development with respect to the modern law of contract are similar in Swedish and English law, there is reason to believe that a similar “new” approach to the battle of forms might be adopted by Swedish courts as well.

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