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Ein Integrations- und Darstellungsmodell für verteilte und heterogene kontextbezogene InformationenGoslar, Kevin 23 November 2006 (has links)
Die "Kontextsensitivität" genannte systematische Berücksichtigung von Umweltinformationen durch Anwendungssysteme kann als Querschnittsfunktion im betrieblichen Umfeld in vielen Bereichen einen Nutzen stiften. Wirklich praxistaugliche kontextsensitive Anwendungssysteme, die sich analog zu einem mitdenkenden menschlichen Assistenten harmonisch in die ablaufenden Vorgänge in der Realwelt einbringen, haben einen enormen Bedarf nach umfassenden, d.h. diverse Aspekte der Realwelt beschreibenden Kontextinformationen, die jedoch prinzipbedingt verteilt in verschiedenen Datenquellen, etwa Kontexterfassungssystemen, Endgeräten sowie prinzipiell auch in beliebigen anderen, z.T. bereits existierenden Anwendungen entstehen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Verringerung der Komplexität des Beschaffungsvorganges von verteilten und heterogenen Kontextinformationen durch Bereitstellung einer einfach verwendbaren Methode zur Darstellung eines umfassenden, aus verteilten und heterogenen Datenquellen zusammengetragenen Kontextmodells. Im Besonderen werden durch diese Arbeit zwei Probleme addressiert, zum einen daß ein Konsument von umfassenden Kontextinformationen mehrere Datenquellen sowohl kennen und zugreifen können und zum anderen über die zwischen den einzelnen Kontextinformationen in verschiedenen Datenquellen existierenden, zunächst nicht modellierten semantischen Verbindungen Bescheid wissen muß. Das dazu entwickelte Kontextinformationsintegrations- und -darstellungsverfahren kombiniert daher ein die Beschaffung und Integration von Kontextinformationen aus diversen Datenquellen modellierendes Informationsintegrationsmodell mit einem Kontextdarstellungsmodell, welches die abzubildende Realweltdomäne basierend auf ontologischen Informationen durch in problemspezifischer Weise erweiterte Verfahren des Semantic Web in einer möglichst intuitiven, wiederverwendbaren und modularen Weise modelliert. Nach einer fundierten Anforderungsanalyse des entwickelten Prinzips wird dessen Verwendung und Nutzen basierend auf der Skizzierung der wichtigsten allgemeinen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Kontextinformationen im betrieblichen Umfeld anhand eines komplexen betrieblichen Anwendungsszenarios demonstriert. Dieses beinhaltet ein Nutzerprofil, das von diversen Anwendungen, u.a. einem kontextsensitiven KFZ-Navigationssystem, einer Restaurantsuchanwendung sowie einem Touristenführer verwendet wird. Probleme hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes, der Integration in existierende Umgebungen und Abläufe sowie der Skalierbarkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens werden ebenfalls diskutiert. / Context-awareness, which is the systematic consideration of information from the environment of applications, can provide significant benefits in the area of business and technology. To be really useful, i.e. harmonically support real-world processes as human assistants do it, practical applications need a comprehensive and detailed contextual information base that describes all relevant aspects of the real world. As a matter of principle, comprehensive contextual information arises in many places and data sources, e.g. in context-aware infrastructures as well as in "normal" applications, which may have knowledge about the context based on their functionality to support a certain process in the real world. This thesis facilitates the use of contextual information by reducing the complexity of the procurement process of distributed and heterogenous contextual information. Particularly, it addresses the two problems that a consumer of comprehensive contextual information needs to be aware of and able to access several different data sources and must know how to combine the contextual information taken from different and isolated data sources into a meaningful representation of the context. Especially the latter information cannot be modelled using the current state of the art. These problems are addressed by the development of an integration and representation model for contextual information that allows to compose comprehensive context models using information inside distributed and heterogeneous data sources. This model combines an information integration model for distributed and heterogenous information (which consists of an access model for heterogeneous data sources, an integration model and an information relation model) with a representation model for context that formalizes the representation of the respective real world domain, i.e. of the real world objects and their semantic relations in an intuitive, reusable and modular way based on ontologies. The resulting model consists of five layers that represent different aspects of the information integration solution. The achievement of the objectives is rated based on a requirement analysis of the problem domain. The technical feasibility and usefulness of the model is demonstrated by the implementation of an engine to support the approach as well as a complex application scenario consisting of a user profile that integrates information from several data sources and a couple of context-aware applications, e.g. a context-aware navigation system, a restaurant finder application as well as an enhanced tourist guide that use the user profile. Problems regarding security and social effects, the integration of this solution into existing environments and infrastructures as well as technical issues like the scalability and performance of this model are discussed too.
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Achieving Autonomic Web Service Compositions with Models at RuntimeAlférez Salinas, Germán Harvey 26 December 2013 (has links)
Over the last years, Web services have become increasingly popular. It is because they allow businesses to share data and business process (BP) logic through a programmatic interface across networks. In order to reach the full potential of
Web services, they can be combined to achieve specifi c functionalities.
Web services run in complex contexts where arising events may compromise the quality of the system (e.g. a sudden security attack). As a result, it is desirable to count on mechanisms to adapt Web service compositions (or simply
called service compositions) according to problematic events in the context. Since critical systems may require prompt responses, manual adaptations are unfeasible in large and intricate service compositions. Thus, it is suitable to
have autonomic mechanisms to guide their self-adaptation. One way to achieve this is by implementing variability constructs at the language level. However, this approach may become tedious, difficult to manage, and error-prone as the number of con figurations for the service composition grows.
The goal of this thesis is to provide a model-driven framework to guide autonomic adjustments of context-aware service compositions. This framework spans over design time and runtime to face arising known and unknown context events (i.e., foreseen and unforeseen at design time) in the close and open worlds respectively.
At design time, we propose a methodology for creating the models that guide autonomic changes. Since Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) lacks support for systematic reuse of service operations, we represent service operations as Software Product Line (SPL) features in a variability model. As a result, our approach can support the construction of service composition families in mass production-environments. In order to reach optimum adaptations, the variability model and its possible con figurations are verifi ed at design time using Constraint Programming (CP).
At runtime, when problematic events arise in the context, the variability model is leveraged for guiding autonomic changes of the service composition. The activation and deactivation of features in the variability model result in changes in a composition model that abstracts the underlying service composition. Changes in the variability model are refl ected into the service composition by adding or removing fragments of Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)
code, which are deployed at runtime. Model-driven strategies guide the safe migration of running service composition instances. Under the closed-world assumption, the possible context events are fully known at design time. These
events will eventually trigger the dynamic adaptation of the service composition. Nevertheless, it is diffi cult to foresee all the possible situations arising in uncertain contexts where service compositions run. Therefore, we extend our
framework to cover the dynamic evolution of service compositions to deal with unexpected events in the open world. If model adaptations cannot solve uncertainty, the supporting models self-evolve according to abstract tactics that
preserve expected requirements. / Alférez Salinas, GH. (2013). Achieving Autonomic Web Service Compositions with Models at Runtime [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34672
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Adaptation dynamique d'applications multimédia à leur contexte d'exécution dans les réseaux du futur / Dynamic adaptation of digital service in next generation networkBillet, Yves-Gaël 12 October 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter une réponse à la problématique d’adaptation automatique et dynamique des services numériques au sein des réseaux du futur (NGN). Pour cela, notre contribution s’articule autour d’un intergiciel qui prend en charge les fonctions de gestion du contexte pour les services numériques ; ceci pour permettre l’émergence de services numériques sensibles au contexte dans les réseaux du futur. L’originalité de ces travaux dans les NGN se situe dans le modèle de conception pour des services numériques sensibles au contexte où l’on découple la logique métier du service numérique de la logique de gestion du contexte. Plus spécifiquement nous définissons la notion de signature de contexte, propre à chaque service numérique, qui permet d’identifier les situations d’usage du service numérique et accompagne l’intergiciel dans le choix de la modalité d’exécution la plus performante. Elle est liée au service numérique sensible au contexte dès sa conception. Lors du déploiement du service dans le serveur d’applications, la signature de contexte est désolidarisée de la logique métier et se voit insérée dans la base de connaissance de l’intergiciel. La signature fait ainsi le lien entre l’intergiciel et le service numérique. Elle permet d’activer l’ensemble des fonctions de traitement du contexte que nous avons modélisées sous la forme d’une chaîne de traitement du contexte. Cette approche assure une séparation des deux logiques qui composent un service numérique sensible au contexte. Les concepteurs de tels services peuvent alors se concentrer sur le développement de la logique métier sans se soucier des fonctions de gestion du contexte / The era of fixed-mobile convergence is imminent, thanks to the Next Generation Network (NGN) paradigm. Such approaches encompass converged networks where users can use any kind of terminals and network access technologies.An utmost issue for NGN is to provide multimodal digital services, since the user’s terminal or network access are expected to change over time during his own session. This means services must be able to shift from one form of service delivery to another according to context updates. We propose to implement context awareness for digital services in NGNs by providing context-awareness to application servers hosted in a NGN. These services running on applications servers (AS) are consumed through a network using the client-server paradigm. In this situation, the context is composed of information about the network and features of the end-user terminal. We explain and implemente a novel architecture that makes AS taking into account the context-awareness of the digital service they host. The architecture employs application ontology in order to monitor the applications’ context. Moreover, when a new context-aware application is deployed on the application server, its context-logic (a set of SWRL rules which rely the domain ontology called context signature) is extracted from the application bundle. Each SWRL rule encodes a context-aware threshold for the application. When a rule is triggered at runtime, the application server notifies the application, so that the application change its service delivery modality, as the current context favors another service delivery modality different than the current one
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PostHere: 使用者產製情境內容之手機社群平台設計 / PostHere: Prototype Design of a Mobile Social Networking Platform for Context Aware Content黃素琳, Ng, Su Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本內容為手機社群平台介面設計創作論述。PostHere 是一個讓使用者在智慧型手機上分享和接收情境內容的社群平台。使用者根據所在的情境,產製出一則則多媒體數位故事,並利用全球定位系統(GPS) 與數位羅盤技術,將內容留在空間中,共同建立地點資料庫。其他使用者便可從不同地點的資料庫中讀取內容,並利用擴增實境、數位地圖或街景重新建構的情境觀看內容,有如在真實空間中覆蓋一層數位故事空間。平台使用了社群機制進行內容排序和篩選,並刺激使用者更踴躍分享內容。
PostHere的主要目標族群為21至35歲的社青,有四個主要功能。使用者可創作情境故事留在特定地理位置上、閱讀其他使用者在目前位置上留下的故事、搜尋其他地點的故事、以及與有興趣的使用者聯結。本社群平台將先鼓勵使用者分享微旅遊紀錄,作為內容範例。 / This paper presents the prototype design of PostHere, a mobile social networking platform that will enable users to share and receive context aware content through an application on the smartphone. Digital stories in multimedia forms created by the mass users in relation to their spatial and temporal context are “planted” and left on a location using Global Positional System (GPS) and compass technology. These stories are stored in a location database for other users to retrieve and view in recreated context through augmented reality, world map or street view, like over layering a digital space on top of the physical space. Social mechanisms are used to sort out and filter content, while motivating users to share content actively.
Literature review on context aware content, social networking and user experience design, together with case study on current mobile social networking app act as the basis of the development. Professionals from the app development field were consulted throughout the course of the user interface and user experience design.
The final prototype has four main functions, targeted at urban young adult ranging from the age of 21 to 35. User may create and leave stories on a geographical spot, explore stories at their current location, search for interesting stories shared by others and connect with users they are interested in. Micro- travel log is chosen as the main content to help build up content paradigm. The prototype received positive feedback from test participants in Taiwan and will be ready for development into an actual product.
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Modellgetriebene Entwicklung adaptiver, komponentenbasierter Mashup-Anwendungen / Model-Driven Development of Adaptive Component-Based Mashup ApplicationsPietschmann, Stefan 02 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Wandel des Internets zu einer universellen Softwareplattform sind die Möglichkeiten und Fähigkeiten von Webanwendungen zwar rasant gestiegen. Gleichzeitig gestaltet sich ihre Entwicklung jedoch zunehmend aufwändig und komplex, was dem Wunsch nach immer kürzeren Entwicklungszyklen für möglichst situative, bedarfsgerechte Lösungen entgegensteht. Bestehende Ansätze aus Forschung und Technik, insbesondere im Umfeld der serviceorientierten Architekturen und Mashups, werden diesen Problemen bislang nicht ausreichend gerecht. Deshalb werden in dieser Dissertation neue Konzepte für die modellgetriebene Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von Webanwendungen vorgestellt. Die zugrunde liegende Idee besteht darin, das Paradigma der Serviceorientierung auf die Präsentationsebene zu erweitern. So sollen erstmals – neben Daten- und Geschäftslogik – auch Teile der Anwendungsoberfläche in Form wiederverwendbarer Komponenten über Dienste bereitgestellt werden. Anwendungen sollen somit über alle Anwendungsebenen hinweg nach einheitlichen Prinzipien „komponiert“ werden können. Den ersten Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bilden die entsprechenden universellen Modellierungskonzepte für Komponenten und Kompositionen. Sie erlauben u. a. die plattformunabhängige Beschreibung von Anwendungen als Komposition der o. g. Komponenten. Durch die Abstraktion und entsprechende Autorenwerkzeuge wird die Entwicklung so auch für Domänenexperten bzw. Nicht-Programmierer möglich. Der zweite Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem kontextadaptiven Integrationsprozess von Komponenten und der zugehörigen, serviceorientierten Referenzarchitektur. Sie ermöglichen die dynamische Suche, Bindung und Konfiguration von Komponenten, d. h. auf Basis der o. g. Abstraktionen können genau die Anwendungskomponenten geladen und ausgeführt werden, die für den vorliegenden Nutzer-, Nutzungs- und Endgerätekontext am geeignetsten sind. Der dritte Schwerpunkt adressiert die Kontextadaptivität der kompositen Anwendungen in Form von Konzepten zur aspektorientierten Definition von adaptivem Verhalten im Modell und dessen Umsetzung zur Laufzeit. In Abhängigkeit von Kontextänderungen können so Rekonfigurationen von Komponenten, ihr Austausch oder Veränderungen an der Komposition, z.B. am Layout oder dem Datenfluss, automatisch durchgesetzt werden. Alle vorgestellten Konzepte wurden durch prototypische Implementierungen praktisch untermauert. Anhand diverser Anwendungsbeispiele konnten ihre Validität und Praktikabilität – von der Modellierung im Autorenwerkzeug bis zur Ausführung und dynamischen Anpassung – nachgewiesen werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation liefert folglich eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie zukünftige Web- bzw. Mashup-Anwendungen zeit- und kostengünstig entwickelt sowie zuverlässig und performant ausgeführt werden können. Die geschaffenen Konzepte bilden gleichermaßen die Grundlage für eine Vielzahl an Folgearbeiten.
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Ein komponentenbasiertes Meta-Modell kontextabhängiger Adaptionsgraphen für mobile und ubiquitäre Anwendungen / A Component-based Meta-Model of Context-Aware Adaptation Graphs for Mobile and Ubiquitous ApplicationsSpringer, Thomas 11 October 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenwärtige Infrastrukturen für verteilte Dienste und Anwendungen, insbesondere das Internet, entwickeln sich zunehmend zu mobilen verteilten Systemen. Durch die Integration drahtloser Netze, mobiler bzw. dedizierter Endgeräte und nicht zuletzt durch die Mobilität der Benutzer steigt die Heterogenität und Dynamik der Systeme hinsichtlich der eingesetzten Endgeräte, Kommunikationstechnologien sowie Benutzeranforderungen und Anwendungssituationen. Diese Eigenschaften sind mobilen Systemen inhärent und bleiben trotz der fortschreitenden Entwicklung der Technologien bestehen. Daraus resultieren spezifische Anforderungen an Anwendungen und Dienste, denen insbesondere die Softwareentwicklung Rechnung tragen muss. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Adaptivität von Softwaresystemen als wesentlicher Lösungsansatz für mobile verteilte Infrastrukturen thematisiert. Dazu werden wesentliche Mechanismen zur Adaption sowie der Überschneidungsbereich von Adaptionsmechanismen, "Context-Awareness" und Softwareentwicklung untersucht. Ziel ist es, Erkenntnisse über Basismechanismen und Grundprinzipien der Adaption zu gewinnen und diese zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen auszunutzen. Aus der Analyse des State-of-the-Art werden als erstes wichtiges Ergebnis der Arbeit wesentliche Basismechanismen zur Adaption identifiziert, umfassend klassifiziert und hinsichtlich eines Einsatzes in mobilen verteilten Infrastrukturen bewertet. Auf dieser Grundlage wird ein Meta-Modell zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen erarbeitet. Dieses erlaubt die Beschreibung adaptiver Anwendungen durch die Komposition von Basismechanismen zur Struktur- und Parameteradaption. Die Steuerung der Adaption durch Kontext und Meta-Informationen kann explizit beschrieben werden. Das Meta-Modell kann Entwickler beim Entwurf adaptiver Anwendungen unterstützen, stellt aber auch einen Ausgangspunkt für deren Analyse und Validierung sowie zur Kodegenerierung dar. Durch die explizite Beschreibung der verwendeten Adaptionsmechanismen und deren Abhängigkeiten von Kontext können Anwendungsmodelle außerdem zur Dokumentation verwendet werden. Im Rahmen der Validierung konnte die Integrierbarkeit der Basismechanismen und die flexible Anwendbarkeit des Modells zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen nachgewiesen werden.
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Impact of Random Deployment on Operation and Data Quality of Sensor NetworksDargie, Waltenegus 29 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Several applications have been proposed for wireless sensor networks, including habitat monitoring, structural health monitoring, pipeline monitoring, and precision agriculture. Among the desirable features of wireless sensor networks, one is the ease of deployment. Since the nodes are capable of self-organization, they can be placed easily in areas that are otherwise inaccessible to or impractical for other types of sensing systems. In fact, some have proposed the deployment of wireless sensor networks by dropping nodes from a plane, delivering them in an artillery shell, or launching them via a catapult from onboard a ship.
There are also reports of actual aerial deployments, for example the one carried out using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at a Marine Corps combat centre in California -- the nodes were able to establish a time-synchronized, multi-hop communication network for tracking vehicles that passed along a dirt road. While this has a practical relevance for some civil applications (such as rescue operations), a more realistic deployment involves the careful planning and placement of sensors. Even then, nodes may not be placed optimally to ensure that the network is fully connected and high-quality data pertaining to the phenomena being monitored can be extracted from the network. This work aims to address the problem of random deployment through two complementary approaches:
The first approach aims to address the problem of random deployment from a communication perspective. It begins by establishing a comprehensive mathematical model to quantify the energy cost of various concerns of a fully operational wireless sensor network. Based on the analytic model, an energy-efficient topology control protocol is developed. The protocol sets eligibility metric to establish and maintain a multi-hop communication path and to ensure that all nodes exhaust their energy in a uniform manner. The second approach focuses on addressing the problem of imperfect sensing from a signal processing perspective. It investigates the impact of deployment errors (calibration, placement, and orientation errors) on the quality of the sensed data and attempts to identify robust and error-agnostic features. If random placement is unavoidable and dense deployment cannot be supported, robust and error-agnostic features enable one to recognize interesting events from erroneous or imperfect data.
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Model Driven RichUbi processo dirigido a modelos para a construção de interfaces ricas de aplicações ubíquas sensíveis ao contextoCirilo, Carlos Eduardo 30 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Web 2.0 allowed users more interactivity with Web applications. The so-called Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) have transposed the boundaries of simple interfaces built only in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Through the adoption of technologies that enable the creation of more advanced interfaces, RIAs resemble the appearance and behavior of desktop applications. On the other hand, the demand for software in Ubiquitous Computing, in which access to applications occurs anywhere, at any time and from different devices, has raised new challenges for Software Engineering. One of these challenges is related to the adaptation of the contents of an application to the numerous devices that can access it in distinct contexts. Given the diversity of devices, access networks, environments and possible contexts, providing applications that meet the peculiarities of each access device, while keeping a consistent appearance and behavior in view of the changes occurring in the surrounding environment, has become a difficult task for software engineers. In applications that use rich interfaces in Web 2.0 for improving the interactivity, this task becomes even more complex due to the need of preserving the interaction aspects that afford users a richer experience with the application. This task can be facilitated using a software process that guides developers in building a ubiquitous application, considering the different contexts involved in its execution. Faced with these challenges, this work proposes a software process, named Model Driven RichUbi, aiming at supporting the development of rich interfaces for ubiquitous applications that adapt themselves when viewed on different types of devices. Based on the Model Driven Development and Domain-Specific Modeling conceptions, in the process are defined activities and artifacts that help in modeling and partial code generation of rich interfaces for different platforms. Besides, dynamic content adapters that refine the produced interface versions are also employed in the process, so that the developed interfaces can adapt to the peculiarities of the access device identified from the interaction context at runtime. The computational support focused on the Rich Interfaces Domain employed in the process is advantageous since it can be reused to simplify the development of adaptive rich interfaces for ubiquitous applications of several fields, which contributes to effort reduction and productivity increasing. / A Web 2.0 permitiu aos usuários maior interatividade com as aplicações Web. As chamadas Aplicações de Internet Ricas (RIAs Rich Internet Applications) transpuseram os limites das interfaces simples construídas apenas em Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Através da adoção de tecnologias que permitem a criação de interfaces mais avançadas, as RIAs assemelham-se à aparência e comportamento das aplicações desktop. Por outro lado, a demanda por software na Computação Ubíqua, onde o acesso às aplicações ocorre de qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora e a partir de diferentes dispositivos, fez surgir novos desafios para a Engenharia de Software. Um desses desafios está relacionado com a adaptação das aplicações acessadas por diferentes dispositivos em contextos distintos. Dada a diversidade de dispositivos, redes de acesso, ambientes e contextos possíveis, prover aplicações que satisfaçam as peculiaridades de cada dispositivo de acesso, ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm um comportamento e aparência coerentes face às mudanças que ocorrem no ambiente ao redor, tornou-se uma difícil tarefa para os engenheiros de software. Nas aplicações que utilizam de interfaces ricas na Web 2.0, para melhorar a interatividade, essa tarefa torna-se mais complexa devido à necessidade de preservar os aspectos de interação que proporcionam aos usuários uma rica experiência com a aplicação. Tal tarefa pode ser facilitada usando um processo de software que oriente o desenvolvedor na construção de uma aplicação ubíqua, considerando os diferentes contextos em que se executa a aplicação. Diante desses desafios e visando a dar suporte ao desenvolvimento de interfaces ricas de aplicações ubíquas que se adaptam quando visualizadas em diferentes dispositivos, neste trabalho é proposto o processo denominado Model Driven RichUbi. Com base nas concepções de Desenvolvimento Dirigido a Modelos e Modelagem Específica de Domínio, são definidos atividades e artefatos que orientam a modelagem e geração parcial de código das interfaces ricas para diferentes contextos. No Model Driven RichUbi, também são utilizados adaptadores dinâmicos de conteúdo que refinam as versões produzidas das interfaces para se adequarem às peculiaridades do dispositivo de acesso identificadas do contexto da interação em tempo de execução. O apoio computacional no Domínio de Interfaces Ricas empregado no processo tem a vantagem de poder ser reutilizado no desenvolvimento de interfaces ricas adaptativas em aplicações ubíquas de diferentes domínios, colaborando para a redução de esforços e aumento da produtividade.
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Distribuição e personalização de conteúdo multimídia em ambientes educacionais ubíquosAraújo, Rafael Dias 06 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ubiquitous computing is known as the third wave of computing, which aims at making
computational devices become more permeated to the users lives. It has helped people
to perform their daily activities in many areas of expertise, especially in the educational
domain where it assists instructors and students during their academic duties, achieving
knowledge anywhere and anytime, making use of unobtrusive ways of reaching the desired
content. Multimedia capture and context-awareness are two relevant subjects in ubiquitous
computing research. While the former results in large amounts of digital media (e.g.,
video, audio, slides, text comments) being automatically produced, the latter oers the
proper means to integrate and access such content. By merging the two concepts, users
may benet from tools that allow them to retrieve, view and interact with the captured
media artifacts. Thus, this work presents a communication model based on peer-to-peer
networks, used for transferring and replicating the captured content. Furthermore, a
contextual access architecture is presented for personalization and recommendation of interactive
multimedia content captured in an instrumented educational environment. This
architecture takes into account context information, user preferences and presentation
constraints in order to personalize the access experience, tailoring it to users\' needs. As
a case study, the proposals were implemented in Classroom eXperience, which is a ubiquitous
computing platform for multimedia capturing designed to automatically record
lectures and make them available to students. / Computação ubíqua é conhecida como a terceira onda da computação, a qual visa tornar
os dispositivos computacionais mais integrados à vida das pessoas. Ela tem ajudado
as pessoas a realizarem suas atividades diárias em diferentes domínios, especialmente no
domínio educacional, onde auxilia instrutores e alunos durante as suas atividades acadê-
micas obtendo conhecimento em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, fazendo uso de
formas não intrusivas para recuperar o conteúdo desejado. Captura e acesso multimídia
e ciência de contexto são dois importantes temas em pesquisas de computação ubíqua.
Enquanto o primeiro produz automaticamente um grande volume de mídias digitais (ex.,
vídeo, áudio, slides, comentários de texto), o segundo oferece meios adequados para integrar
e acessar tal conteúdo. Ao fundir os dois conceitos, os usuários podem se beneciar
de ferramentas que lhes permitam recuperar, visualizar e interagir com os artefatos de
mídia capturados. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicação baseado
em redes peer-to-peer, utilizado para transferência e replicação do conteúdo capturado.
Além disso, uma arquitetura de acesso contextual é apresentada para personalização e
recomendação de conteúdo multimídia interativo capturado em ambientes educacionais
instrumentados. Essa arquitetura utiliza uma abordagem que considera informações de
contexto, preferências do usuário e restrições de apresentação a m de personalizar a
experiência de acesso, adequando-a às necessidades dos usuários. Como estudo de caso,
as propostas foram implementadas no Classroom eXperience, que é uma plataforma de
computação ubíqua para captura multimídia concebida para gravar automaticamente as
aulas ministradas e disponibilizá-las posteriormente aos alunos. / Mestre em Ciência da Computação
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Ein komponentenbasiertes Meta-Modell kontextabhängiger Adaptionsgraphen für mobile und ubiquitäre AnwendungenSpringer, Thomas 28 June 2004 (has links)
Gegenwärtige Infrastrukturen für verteilte Dienste und Anwendungen, insbesondere das Internet, entwickeln sich zunehmend zu mobilen verteilten Systemen. Durch die Integration drahtloser Netze, mobiler bzw. dedizierter Endgeräte und nicht zuletzt durch die Mobilität der Benutzer steigt die Heterogenität und Dynamik der Systeme hinsichtlich der eingesetzten Endgeräte, Kommunikationstechnologien sowie Benutzeranforderungen und Anwendungssituationen. Diese Eigenschaften sind mobilen Systemen inhärent und bleiben trotz der fortschreitenden Entwicklung der Technologien bestehen. Daraus resultieren spezifische Anforderungen an Anwendungen und Dienste, denen insbesondere die Softwareentwicklung Rechnung tragen muss. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Adaptivität von Softwaresystemen als wesentlicher Lösungsansatz für mobile verteilte Infrastrukturen thematisiert. Dazu werden wesentliche Mechanismen zur Adaption sowie der Überschneidungsbereich von Adaptionsmechanismen, "Context-Awareness" und Softwareentwicklung untersucht. Ziel ist es, Erkenntnisse über Basismechanismen und Grundprinzipien der Adaption zu gewinnen und diese zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen auszunutzen. Aus der Analyse des State-of-the-Art werden als erstes wichtiges Ergebnis der Arbeit wesentliche Basismechanismen zur Adaption identifiziert, umfassend klassifiziert und hinsichtlich eines Einsatzes in mobilen verteilten Infrastrukturen bewertet. Auf dieser Grundlage wird ein Meta-Modell zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen erarbeitet. Dieses erlaubt die Beschreibung adaptiver Anwendungen durch die Komposition von Basismechanismen zur Struktur- und Parameteradaption. Die Steuerung der Adaption durch Kontext und Meta-Informationen kann explizit beschrieben werden. Das Meta-Modell kann Entwickler beim Entwurf adaptiver Anwendungen unterstützen, stellt aber auch einen Ausgangspunkt für deren Analyse und Validierung sowie zur Kodegenerierung dar. Durch die explizite Beschreibung der verwendeten Adaptionsmechanismen und deren Abhängigkeiten von Kontext können Anwendungsmodelle außerdem zur Dokumentation verwendet werden. Im Rahmen der Validierung konnte die Integrierbarkeit der Basismechanismen und die flexible Anwendbarkeit des Modells zur systematischen Entwicklung adaptiver Anwendungen nachgewiesen werden.
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