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The Influence of Relationships on Podcasts’ Opportunities to Maximize Revenue : A qualitative study exploring podcasts’ opportunities to maximize revenue depending on the relationship to and characteristics of their audiences within Generation YSchönbeck, Ellen, Götborg, Julia, Lindhoff Hankers, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Background Companies realization of the possibility to target specific audiences in an intimate setting through podcasts, has created a significant expansion of the podcast industry during the last decade. This development has created possibilities for independent podcast hosts to earn revenue. Today, investments towards marketing in the medium is projected to continue to grow substantially. Problem Since podcasts are consumer controlled and categorized as a pull-medium, listeners’ attitudes and preferences are critical for podcast hosts to consider when monetizing their content. The largest audience of podcasts is found within Generation Y, which increases the importance of accounting for these attitudes and preferences, since they are assumed to be a particularly challenging consumer segment to target. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationships that Generation Y have to hosts in different type of podcast categories. Following, the research aims to investigate how these relationships influence the podcasts’ possible opportunities to maximize their revenue. Method This qualitative research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with individuals from Generation Y. The empirical data was analyzed according to the conceptual framework developed through existing literature within the field of study. Result The findings of this research enabled the authors to provide recommendations regarding preferable forms of monetization for the four identified podcast categories. The sponsorship approach was identified as the preferable primary form of monetization for Category 1, 3 and 4. Whereas the Subscription Model was recommended for Category 2. The authors further suggested the most beneficial supplementary forms of monetization for each podcast category as well as general recommendations for all.
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口碑情感對於募資專案之影響 / The Influence of eWOM Sentiment on the Success of Crowdfunding Projects林漢文 Unknown Date (has links)
資的發展,從國外知名的Kickstarter 到國內的Flyingv,這股募資的旋風一路席
Kickstarter 上的專案,進行實證研究,結果發現口碑的數量及情感因素在不同類
別的專案中有不同的影響。在Game, Technology 和Design 類別對募資專案成功
有顯著的影響,但是在Music, Theater 和Dance 專案則沒有顯著影響。 / Abstract
Crowdfunding is definded as a process or activity that openly solicits a small amount
of money from a group of persons or orgnizations to make it success. The appearance
of crowdfunding platforms in recent years has accelerated the popularity of
crowdfunding. From Kickstarter to Flyingv, this Crowdfunding trend has changed
traditional borrowing ecology. However, not all crowdfunding projects are successful.
A substantial amount of proposed projects failed due to unable to raise the target
money. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate factors that may affect the success of
a fundraising project.
Previous literature has reported several success factors for crowdfunding, such as the
target amount, the number of updates, and so on. However, not many studies have
investigated the effect of project reviews in the past literature. It is clear that word of
mouth plays an important role in consumer decision, and it is reasonable to believe
that project reviews as a kind of word of mouth will have effect on investors’ decision.
Hence, this study adopts the sentiment analysis technique to analyze how the
sentiment of project reviews, along with other factors, may affect the eventual project
success. The data collected from the Kickstarter.com was used to evaluate our
research model. Our findings indicate that the number and sentiment of project
reviews did have impact on fundraising success, but only in certain categories such as
game, design and technology that seem to have objective evaluation criteria. Their
effect was not significant in categories such as music, theater, and dance in which
investors’ preference may be very subjective.
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Impacting Information Asymmetry within the Swedish Equity Crowdfunding Market : An aggregated approach on how equity crowdfunding platforms work to govern, control and reduce information asymmetryWahlberg, Niklas, Olsson, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
The equity crowdfunding market has since the financial crisis in 2008 become an important source of alternative financing in Sweden. The equity crowdfunding platforms constitute the market and are responsible for governing the investment relationships. However, the market is not regulated, and in the spring of 2018 the Swedish government proposed regulatory changes for the platforms to impact the problem of information asymmetry. There are different approaches on how to impact the problem, and therefore the thesis sets out to understand how the equity crowdfunding platforms within the Swedish market work to impact information asymmetry. Empirical data has been collected from five different Swedish equity crowdfunding platforms. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals whose work is connected to governing and impacting information asymmetry. The analysis of the empirical findings identifies five main reasons for the arise of information asymmetry and the platforms work to control and reduce information asymmetry by mitigation strategies, investor communication and effective signaling. The findings indicate that there is a trade-off between controlling information asymmetry and making the financing method accessible within the market. This study contributes to the understanding of how equity crowdfunding platforms work to impact information asymmetry within the Swedish market.
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The Economics of Crowdfunding : Entrepreneurs’ and Platforms’ Strategies / L'économie du financement participatif : la stratégie des entrepreneurs et des plateformesViotto Da Cruz, Jordana 13 November 2017 (has links)
Les plateformes de financement participatif (« crowdfunding ») permettent auxentrepreneurs de faire financer leurs idées en contactant directement de petits investisseurset des consommateurs potentiels. Cette thèse porte sur le fonctionnement de cesplateformes d’un point de vue économique, en particulier, sur les stratégies mises en placepar les plateformes et les entrepreneurs dans ce marché. Cette thèse est organisée en deuxparties. La première partie se focalise sur le marché du financement participatif et lesstratégies de compétition des plateformes. La deuxième partie se consacre aux incitationsdes entrepreneurs et les potentielles barrières à son entrée – et donc au développement dece marché. Tout d’abord, nous discutons la caractéristique des plateformes de financementparticipatif d’après la théorie des marchés « bifaces ». Nous soulignons le rôle decoordination de ces plateformes à partir de différentes structures de prix et de règlesspécifiques qui régulent la participation d’entrepreneurs et d’investisseurs. Nous soulignonsl’état de l’art de la littérature existante pour comprendre les incitations des entrepreneurs etdes investisseurs de participer à ces plateformes, les outils mises en place pour réduire lesasymétries d’information, et les biais des investisseurs par rapport aux caractéristiquesphysiques des entrepreneurs. Le deuxième article étudie le défi des plateformes bifacesd’équilibrer « quantité » et « qualité » des agents des deux côtés et en même temps tenir encompte la compétition. Nous étudions en particulier comment une stratégie d’attirerd’avantage d’entrepreneurs d’un côté peut réduire la qualité de l’expérience des usagers. Letroisième article est consacré à démontrer empiriquement la valeur informationnelle dufinancement participatif pour les entrepreneurs. Avant le lancement d’un nouveau produitsur un marché, les entrepreneurs font face à des fortes incertitudes qui peuvent être paillésavec le « feedback » reçu des campagnes du financement participatif, ce qui constitue uneincitation de plus pour participer à ces marchés. Le quatrième et dernier article présente uncontrepoint de ces incitations, et interroge les barrières à l’entrée sur ces marchés. Enparticulier nous étudions les barrières en termes de temps qui doit être consacré à unecampagne de financement participatif et qui peut décourager une partie des entrepreneursde chercher cette alternative. Pour conclure, nous discutons de l’implication de nosrésultats. / Crowdfunding platforms allow entrepreneurs to directly contact small investorsand potential consumers to help them finance their ideas. This thesis dedicates tounderstanding the dynamics of these platforms from an economic perspective. We areparticularly interested in comprehending the entrepreneurs’ and platforms’ strategies in thismarket. This thesis is composed by four scientific articles organized in two parts. The firstpart focuses on analyzing the crowdfunding market dynamics and the design and strategiesof crowdfunding platforms. In the first article (Chapter 1), we discuss the characteristic ofcrowdfunding platforms based on the theory of two-sided markets. We underline thestrategies platforms use to perform their coordinating role of the market. Based on thecurrent literature, we analyze the incentives and disincentives of entrepreneurs andinvestors to participate on these platforms as well as the instruments to reduce informationasymmetries and the potential biases on the investors’ screening process in relationship toentrepreneurs’ physical characteristics. The second article (Chapter 2) examines thechallenge of crowdfunding platforms to balance “quantity” and “quality” on both sides ofthe market, and at the same time accounting for competition. In particular, we examinehow a strategy to attract more entrepreneurs to one side can reduce platforms’ thecompetitive advantage and potentially deteriorate users’ experience. The second part of thethesis is devoted to the incentives and disincentives for entrepreneurs to join crowdfundingplatforms. In the first article of the second part (Chapter 3 of this thesis), we empiricallydemonstrate the informational value of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs. Before launchinga new product in a market, entrepreneurs face high uncertainties that can be reduced withthe “feedback” received from crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, the informational valueof crowdfunding serves as an additional incentive to entrepreneurs besides obtainingfinancial support for their ideas. The fourth and last article aims at pointing outdisincentives to join platforms, in particular how the need of allocating scarce time andattention to campaigns may discourage some entrepreneurs from seeking this alternative.To conclude, we summarize the implications of the main findings and suggest avenues forfuture research
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Kan en bättre prediktion uppnås genom en kategorispecifik modell? : Teknologiprojekt på Kickstarter och maskininlärningAppelquist, Niklas, Karlsson, Emelia January 2020 (has links)
Crowdfunding används för att samla in pengar för tänkta projekt via internet, där ett stort antal investerare bidrar med små summor. Kickstarter är en av de största crowdfundingplattformarna idag. Trots det stora intresset för crowdfunding misslyckas många kampanjer att nå sin målsumma och projekt av kategorin teknologi visar sig vara de projekt som misslyckas till högst grad. Därmed är det av intresse att kunna förutsäga vilka kampanjer som kommer att lyckas eller misslyckas. Denna forskningsansats syftar till att undersöka genomförbarheten i att uppnå en högre accuracy vid prediktion av framgången hos lanserade kickstarterprojekt med hjälp av maskininlärning genom att använda en mindre mängd kategorispecifik data. Data över 192 548 lanserade projekt på plattformen Kickstarter har samlats in via www.kaggle.com. Två modeller av typen RandomForest har sedan tränats där en modell tränades med data över samtliga projekt i uppsättningen och en tränades med data över teknologiprojekt med syftet att kunna jämföra modellernas prestation vid klassificering av teknologiprojekt. Resultatet visar att en högre accuracy uppmättes för teknologimodellen som nådde 68,37% träffsäkerhet vid klassificeringen gentemot referensmodellens uppvisade accuracy på 68,00%. / Crowdfunding is used to collect money via internet for potential projects through a large number of backers which contribute with small pledges. Kickstarter is one of the largest crowdfunding platforms today. Despite the big interest in crowdfunding a lot of launched campaigns fail to reach their goal and projects of the category technology shows the largest rate of failure on Kickstarter. Therefore, it is important to be able to predict which campaigns are likely to succeed or fail. This thesis aims to explore the possibility of reaching a higher accuracy when predicting the success of launched projects with machine learning with a smaller amount of category-specific data. The data consists om 192 548 launched projects on Kickstarter and has been collected through Kaggle.com. Two models of the type Random Forest has been developed where one model has been trained with general data over all projects and one model has been trained with category specific data over technology projects. The results show that the technology model show a higher accuracy rate with 68,37 % compared to the reference model with 68,00 %.
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群眾募資平台之策略行銷分析:以Kickstarter、flyingV為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Crowdfunding Platforms: The Cases of Kickstarter and flyingV梁育馨, Liang,Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
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群眾募資在台灣發展現況-以果汁吧群募個案為例 / The study of crowdfunding in Taiwan: The case of juice bar高翊翔, Gau, Yi Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
本文以筆者實際執行過的群眾募資專案為個案,探討個案在台灣現況下所遇到的法規範、稅負及有無發生爭議,並提出改善群募爭議的方法。此外也透過個案中的資料,利用實證研究得出,若贊助者曾經向提案團隊購買過商品,則其贊助金額會高於一般贊助者,另外研究結果也得知,若是在週末贊助的贊助者,其贊助金額也高於週間的贊助者,上述兩項因素都和贊助金額成顯著的關係。此外也從實證中發現,本募資個案中女性贊助者高於男性贊助者,但性別和贊助金額是不顯著關係,女性平均的贊助金額並沒有高於男性,而居住區域也和贊助金額呈現不顯著關係,本個案中,超過七成的贊助金額來自北部地區,但北部贊助者每人平均贊助金額並沒有高於中部和南部贊助者。 / This study investigated the company funding modalities and the history of the crowdfunding, development trend and market. And probed the conditions of law, tax, fund-raising platform, cash flow mode, trends in Taiwan.
In this paper, the author actually been executed crowdfunding project as a case, investigate cases of legal norms, tax and dispute in the current situation. The use of empirical study concluded that if the sponsors had proposed to purchase goods over the proposal team, then the amount will be higher than the general sponsors, additional findings also informed that if the sponsors donated in weekend, which is also higher than the amount of sponsor of the week, these two factors have a significant relationship with amount of sponsorship. Also from the empirical findings, the women sponsor were more than men sponsors in the case, but gender is not significant, women sponsors average amount weren’t higher than men sponsors. While residential areas are also no significant relationship with the amount of sponsorship. In the case more than seventy percent of the amount of sponsorship from the north, but northern sponsor average amount were not higher than the central and southern sponsors.
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文化創意產業新創事業籌資模式研究──以證券化為核心 / A Study on Fundraising for Startups in the Cultural and Creative Industry-Focus on Securitization沈泰宏, Shen, Ted Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,文化創意產業已經成為全球各國競相發展的軟實力重要產業,特別是在英國引領全球風潮,韓國異軍突起之後,臺灣近十年來也積極將施政重心放在文創產業的發展與提升之上。然而,文創中小微型新創事業基於先天本質上具有需求不確定性高、創作者重創意而忽略經濟性、不易與資金持有者溝通等特性,加上臺灣市場規模較小,新創事業失敗風險較高,且政府的政策、法規,亦未能充分發揮作用,故普遍面臨籌資困境。經本研究從證券化可分散風險、利潤共享、增加宣傳機會、提供穩定長期民間資金之角度出發,參考外國立法例及進行個案比較分析,本研究認為股權型群眾募資較適合臺灣文創中小微型新創事業,建議除了現行相關籌資政策、法規仍應進行調整外,也應鬆綁民間成立股權型群眾募資平臺,並採取風險控管之機制。最後,就長遠來看,兩岸應可考慮就股權型群眾募資進行合作,俾使臺灣業者利用現有之軟實力優勢,能夠結合中國大陸的市場及資金,共同邁向雙贏。 / In recent years, cultural and creative industries have become an important soft power around the world, especially after UK leading the global trend and South Korea’s emerging success. Taiwan is also actively focusing on the development of cultural and creative industries over the past decade. However, the micro, small and medium-size startups in cultural and creative industries are usually characterized with high uncertainty for demands, creators ignoring the economy, and hard to communicate with the capital holders. In addition, given Taiwan’s smaller markets, high risk of startups, and the ineffective government’s policies and regulations, fundraising difficulties are generally confronted.
This study aims to focus on the securitization for its benefits: risk arrangement, profit sharing, more promotional opportunities and long-term private fund. By referencing to foreign regulations and conducting comparative analysis of related cases, this study concluded that the equity crowdfunding is the better solution for Taiwan’s cultural and creative startups. As a result, it is recommended that the financing policies and regulations should be modified, and should allow the establishment of private equity crowdfunding platform and adopt risk control mechanisms.
Moreover, in the long run, Taiwan and Mainland China should consider seeking cooperation for equity crowdfunding to combine Taiwan’s soft power advantage with the fund and market of Mainland China, jointly moving towards a win-win situation.
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Schöne neue Crowdsourcing Welt - Billige Arbeitskräfte, Weisheit der Massen?Bretschneider, Ulrich, Leimeister, Jan Marco 30 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The role of entrepreneurship and uncertainty with reward-based crowdfunding in the digital ageRosinski, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
Crowdfunding is a transformative service innovation, a novel and revolutionary way for entrepreneurs to obtain funding for their start-up ventures. This study explores the phenomenon of reward-based crowdfunding in relation to entrepreneurial behaviour and decision-making, as well as the relationship between the entrepreneur and the community. Following a case-study approach, the phenomenon is described based on existing literature and collected empirics from five qualitative in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs performing on Kickstarter. The findings of this study reveal, that reward-based crowdfunding reveals several mechanisms, which attract entrepreneurs to execute their activities and deal with uncertainty in a safer way. These activities refer to (1) independency from traditional investors, (2) creative and effectual reasoning at affordable loss, (3) extending the entrepreneur’s social network via the internet, and (4) utilizing web-based platforms for co-creation of marketing, communication, product design, and brand development. This may lead to adapted forms of entrepreneurship in the future.
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