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Assessing virtual accessibility : Swedish municipality websites for persons with disabilitiesNilsson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities outlines the right of persons with disabilities to equal access to information. This paper builds on previous research on the international and national level and examines whether persons with disabilities have equal access to information online on the municipal level of government in Sweden. Also assessing the perception of municipality official’s view on the concept of accessibility, this thesis uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings indicate that clear differences are present among municipalities and that article nine of the CRPD is not fully implemented on the municipal level in this aspect, but that no clear relationship between party control and web accessibility can be found. This paper concludes that further efforts needs to be put towards education and information towards the issue of online accessibility.
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Bristande tillgänglighet som en form av diskriminering : Har lagändringen i diskrimineringslagen gjort någon skillnad sedan 2015?Gradwohl, Csilla January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen utforskar de nya reglerna om bristande tillgänglighet som blev en form av diskriminering i den svenska diskrimineringslagen 2015. Studien undersöker den praktiska erfarenheten av att tillämpa de nya reglerna, genom att analysera avgöranden i svenska domstolar. Uppsatsen söker svar på huruvida diskrimineringslagens regler om bristande tillgänglighet kan uppfylla de krav i praktiken som ställs om tillgänglighet i FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (CRPD). Uppsatsen tillämpar den rättsdogmatiska metoden och den rättsanalytiska metoden. Materialen för analysen består av diskrimineringslagen och dess förarbeten, CRPD, domar gällande bristande tillgänglighet och juridisk doktrin. Analysen av rättstillämpningen sker utifrån ett funktionshinderperspektiv som ger uppsatsen sitt teoretiska ramverk. Uppsatsen hävdar att diskrimineringslagens regler om bristande tillgänglighet är otillräckliga för att öka tillgängligheten i samhället för att personer med funktionsnedsättning ska kunna vara delaktiga på lika villkor som andra. Enligt uppsatsens förslag bör det övervägas huruvida diskrimineringslagens förbud mot diskriminering i form av bristande tillgänglighet ska utvidgas till alla samhällsområden; vidare behövs det att domstolarna tillämpar den fördragskonforma tolkningen konsekvent eller att CRPD inkorporeras för att de krav som ställs i konventionen om tillgänglighet ska få större genomslag i det svenska rättssystemet. / The present thesis explores the rules concerning denial of reasonable accommodation that became a new form of discrimination in the Swedish Discrimination Act in 2015. The thesis examines the practical experiences of applying the new rules, by analyzing judgments of Swedish courts. The thesis seeks to answer whether the new rules concerning denial of reasonable accommodation can meet the requirements for accessibility set in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The thesis is carried out by employing both the legal dogmatic method and the legal analytical method. The thesis is based on the Swedish Discrimination Act, the CRPD, judgements regarding denial of reasonable accommodation as well as legal doctrine. The analysis of the judgements is based on a disability perspective that provides a theoretical framework for this thesis. It is argued that the rules concerning denial of reasonable accommodation in the Swedish Discrimination Act are insufficient to increase accessibility for persons with disabilities to be able to participate in society on equal terms with others. This thesis argues that the prohibition of discrimination in the form of denial of reasonable accommodation should be extended to all areas of society. Furthermore, it is argued that the courts shall apply the treaty-based interpretation consistently, alternatively the CRPD shall be incorporated in order to better ensure that the requirements on accessibility set in the CRPD are met by the Swedish legal system.
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Cache memory aware priority assignment and scheduling simulation of real-time embedded systems / Affectation de priorité et simulation d’ordonnancement de systèmes temps réel embarqués avec prise en compte de l'effet des mémoires cacheTran, Hai Nam 23 January 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes embarqués en temps réel (RTES) sont soumis à des contraintes temporelles. Dans ces systèmes, l'exactitude du résultat ne dépend pas seulement de l'exactitude logique du calcul, mais aussi de l'instant où ce résultat est produit (Stankovic, 1988). Les systèmes doivent être hautement prévisibles dans le sens où le temps d'exécution pire-cas de chaque tâche doit être déterminé. Une analyse d’ordonnancement est effectuée sur le système pour s'assurer qu'il y a suffisamment de ressources pour ordonnancer toutes les tâches. La mémoire cache est un composant matériel utilisé pour réduire l'écart de performances entre le processeur et la mémoire principale. L'intégration de la mémoire cache dans un RTES améliore généralement la performance en terme de temps d'exécution, mais malheureusement, elle peut entraîner une augmentation du coût de préemption et de la variabilité du temps d'exécution. Dans les systèmes avec mémoire cache, plusieurs tâches partagent cette ressource matérielle, ce qui conduit à l'introduction d'un délai de préemption lié au cache (CRPD). Par définition, le CRPD est le délai ajouté au temps d'exécution de la tâche préempté car il doit recharger les blocs de cache évincés par la préemption. Il est donc important de pouvoir prendre en compte le CRPD lors de l'analyse d’ordonnancement. Cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude des effets du CRPD dans les systèmes uni-processeurs, et étend en conséquence des méthodes classiques d'analyse d’ordonnancement. Nous proposons plusieurs algorithmes d’affectation de priorités qui tiennent compte du CRPD. De plus, nous étudions les problèmes liés à la simulation d'ordonnancement intégrant le CRPD et nous établissons deux résultats théoriques qui permettent son utilisation en tant que méthode de vérification. Le travail de cette thèse a permis l'extension de l'outil Cheddar - un analyseur d'ordonnancement open-source. Plusieurs méthodes d'analyse de CRPD ont été également mises en oeuvre dans Cheddar en complément des travaux présentés dans cette thèse. / Real-time embedded systems (RTES) are subject to timing constraints. In these systems, the total correctness depends not only on the logical correctness of the computation but also on the time in which the result is produced (Stankovic, 1988). The systems must be highly predictable in the sense that the worst case execution time of each task must be determined. Then, scheduling analysis is performed on the system to ensure that there are enough resources to schedule all of the tasks.Cache memory is a crucial hardware component used to reduce the performance gap between processor and main memory. Integrating cache memory in a RTES generally enhances the whole performance in term of execution time, but unfortunately, it can lead to an increase in preemption cost and execution time variability. In systems with cache memory, multiple tasks can share this hardware resource which can lead to cache related preemption delay (CRPD) being introduced. By definition, CRPD is the delay added to the execution time of the preempted task because it has to reload cache blocks evicted by the preemption. It is important to be able to account for CRPD when performing schedulability analysis.This thesis focuses on studying the effects of CRPD on uniprocessor systems and employs the understanding to extend classical scheduling analysis methods. We propose several priority assignment algorithms that take into account CRPD while assigning priorities to tasks. We investigate problems related to scheduling simulation with CRPD and establish two results that allows the use of scheduling simulation as a verification method. The work in this thesis is made available in Cheddar - an open-source scheduling analyzer. Several CRPD analysis features are also implemented in Cheddar besides the work presented in this thesis.
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Mechanical restraint in psychiatric healthcare facilities : A helpful tool, or torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in disguise?Rudhe, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The use of mechanical restraint is a common practice in psychiatric care, often defended by medical necessity but seldom questioned from a human rights perspective. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate under which circumstances mechanical restraint by bed through belt fixation could amount to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Persons with psychosocial disabilities are in a particularly vulnerable situation and as the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is the most comprehensive rights framework for this group, it has been discussed whether the CRPD sets out additional safeguards in relation to restraint. A legal doctrinal approach is the basic methodology used in order to outline the current international and European legal framework on torture and other ill-treatment and disability rights. A survivor-controlled research methodology has been applied and to amplify other voices of persons with firsthand experience of being mechanically restrained, interviews have been conducted with persons from Sweden and Spain. Healthcare professionals have also been interviewed. A feminist perspective on the law is applied. Different international conventions and bodies of the United Nations have diverse interpretations on what acts or omissions that amount to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, although there is an aim and will to streamline the conventions. It is clear that the use of mechanical restraint can create such intense mental or physical suffering required to reach the common criterion of seriousness. However, some people do not experience the required levels of suffering for it to be considered torture, meaning that it might not amount to torture but rather other ill-treatment. The threshold for being considered torture according to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) seems to be somewhat higher than that of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). In this thesis it was found that the most critical element for this is the requirement of intent. Intent can however be implied under certain circumstances if the practice is of discriminatory nature. If a person has a psychosocial disability, intent might be presumed if States do not provide appropriate health care. In the case of girls and women, intent might also be presumed since they seem to have a higher risk of getting restrained for unlawful reasons. The main conclusion in this thesis is that mechanical restraint by bed through belt fixation could amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment according to the UNCAT, ICCPR and ECHR.
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Rätten till assistans : Från sinnesslö till ett självbestämt liv / The Right to Personal Assistance : From Imbecil to a Self-Determined LifeJohansson, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Through history, people with disabilities have been oppressed and their rights violated.They have been deprived of the opportunity to live an independent life and participatein society. Despite the fact that Sweden is often at the forefront concerning human rights,we have failed when it comes to disability rights. Therefore, this essay will examine thelegislation to the right of personal assistance, both in Swedish law and in the Conventionon the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. To examine if Sweden follows theinternational rules for personal assistance and the right to a self- determined life. To getan overall picture of the situation in Sweden, this essay will go through what is stated inthe Swedish legislation for personal assistance. The discussion focuses on the Swedishstate and its views on the situation and how they plan to continue working with the issuethrough their reports to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities. The respond and recommendations from the committee will also bediscussed. Swedish non-governmental disability rights organizations will also beincluded. This essay will shed light on today’s situation in Sweden, and the aim is toshow of what might be done in order to improve and strengthen the right to live selfdetermined and integrated in the Swedish society – no matter your abilities.
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The right to live in the community as the right to have rightsGradwohl, Csilla January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis explores Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognizes the right of all persons with disabilities to live in the community, with choices equal to others. The relationship between Article 19 and the other articles of the Convention are explored, in order to discuss the role of Article 19 in the Convention. The thesis examines whether the right to live in the community, set out in Article 19, can be considered as the most central right of the Convention. The thesis applies the legal analytical method, and it is based on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; the communications of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; official reports of the United Nations as well as international non-governmental organizations; and scientific articles from books and journals. By using Arendt’s idea of “the right to have rights” as a theory, this thesis argues that the right to live in the community, contained in Article 19, constitutes the right to have rights for persons with disabilities and therefore it can be considered as the most central right of the Convention.
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Goda levnadsvillkor enligt LSS : Individers möjligheter och social rättvisaViklund, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) trädde i kraft 1994. LSS har till syfte att främja jämlikhet i levnadsvillkor och full delaktighet i samhället, med målet att individer med funktionshinder får möjligheten att leva som andra. Insatserna i LSS ska tillförsäkra goda levnadsvillkor, men vad detta innebär framgår inte tydligt av lagen. Uppfattningen om och innebörden av goda levnadsvillkor varierar troligen mellan människor. För individer med behov av insatser enligt LSS blir det viktigare att tydliggöra vad goda levnadsvillkor innebär då denne är beroende av myndigheter för att kunna leva ett självständigt liv. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och kritiskt granska LSS perspektiv på goda levnadsvillkor. Detta sker genom en rättsanalytisk metod för att undersöka vad som avses med goda levnadsvillkor enligt LSS. Lagens perspektiv på goda levnadsvillkor prövas därefter mot ett MR-perspektiv, Capabilities Approach, i syfte att granska om lagens perspektiv är rimligt utifrån individens frihet och valmöjlighet till centrala förmågor. Slutsatserna i uppsatsen är att lagens perspektiv på goda levnadsvillkor i grunden är väl förenlig med MR-perspektivet så väl som med FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning utifrån deras gemensamma intentioner och grundläggande principer. Insatserna i LSS kan förstås som det samhälleliga ansvaret att tillhandahålla medel för främjandet av individers förmågor. Där insatserna i LSS i det väsentliga kan kopplas till samtliga centrala förmågor för ett människovärdigt liv förenligt med social rättvisa. Det finns dock betydande brister i lagens perspektiv på goda levnadsvillkor, i ljuset av dess implementering och omfattning av domstolens prövning, för individers reella möjlighet till varande och görande som de har anledning att värdesätta. / In 1994, the Act Concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments, LSS, was introduced in Sweden. The aim of the Act is to achieve equality in living conditions and full participation in the community, with the goal to live as other people without impairments. The support and service in LSS shall secure good living conditions for the individual, but what ’good living condition’ implicate does not appear to be self-evident. The interpretation and content of good living conditions likely varies between people. However, for individuals with a need of receiving support from the Act, the content of good living conditions is thus significant. According to the fact that the individuals are dependent on authorities in order to be able to live an independent life. This thesis amis to explore and critically examine the content of good living condition in the Swedish Disability Act, LSS. The thesis explores the notion of good living conditions through a legal analysis method. Thenceforth, the content of good living condition in the Act is critically examined through a human rights-based approach, in this thesis the Capabilities Approach. The human rights-based approach enables examination of whether the content of the Act is legitimate from a perspective based on the freedom and choice of the individual to achieve central capabilities. This thesis concludes that the foundation of the Act is consistent with the human rights approach as well as with the Convention on the Rights of Peoples with Disabilities regarding the common intention and fundamental principles. The support and service in LSS can be understood as the societal responsibility to promote for individuals capabilities. Where the support and service essentially can be related to all central capabilities required for a life worthy of human dignity consistent with social justice. However, the notion of good living conditions in the Act contains significant shortcomings in the light of its implementation and the extent of the court’s trial, for individuals intrinsic opportunity to do and to be what they have reason to value.
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Inlåsning och smygmedicinering på särskilda boenden : En rättslig analys av befogenheterna att använda tvångsåtgärder gentemot personer med demens utifrån ett rättighetsperspektivWillstedt, Janina January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Diskriminering inom hälso- och sjukvård : Är elöverkänslighet en funktionsnedsättning?Holmvall, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate whether Electro hypersensitivity (EHS) can be considered a disability. The essay’s core begins with the problematic point of view that some people claim they are suffering from EHS and experience severe issues when they encounter certain environments that contain radiation, more specifically health care within hospitals. People with EHS believe that their symptoms appear because of electromagnetic fields (EMF) consisting of radiation from Wi-Fi or mobile towers among other things. Because of this, people with EHS find it difficult seeking medical help for not only problems with EHS, but any type of health issues. This, since healthcare often chooses not to adapt and make their facilities available for their intended needs. The symptom itself is not questioned by scientists, doctors, or politicians. The main thing that are questioned on the other hand are the cause of EHS. Some scientists claim that they have trouble seeing a link between the symptoms of EHS occurring because of EMF. Because of this, two sides of EHS arise. One side claim that people experience severe symptoms when they encounter EMF, while the other side claims that this cannot be demonstrated with objective facts. The essay thus aims to answer two questions: first, can EHS be considered a disability? Second, are these people discriminated against within medical health care because of their lack of adequate health care? The answer to these questions is based on applicable laws such as Swedish law and international conventions which Sweden is obligated to follow. Previous medical research is also important to consider. To help answer the questions the theoretical framework of the essay states that a functional limitation does not hinge on an individual's inherent abilities, but rather on the compatibility between a person's physical capabilities and an environment that fails to cater to their specific requirements. Consequently, a functional impairment emerges. The result of the analysis therefore shows that in some cases there can exist a functional impairment even though there is no established disability or disease.
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NGOs impact on women with physical disabilities: an independent life in Colombo, Sri Lanka?Naumann Umegård, Maja, Wrembicki, Annastasia January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to explore how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Sri Lanka define and interpret an independent life for women with physical disabilities (WWPD) in their services. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five employees at five Sri Lankan NGOs. The material was then analysed using two theoretical models, the social and medical model on disability. The study results showed that the selected NGOs in Sri Lanka in the majority defined an independent life as difficult to achieve due to societal barriers. However, one local NGO defined WWPD as not independent due to the individual's impairment. Further results showed that NGOs in Sri Lanka provide individual, employment, education and advocacy/lobbying services to help WWPD achieve independence. Services based on the social model focus more on helping WWPD achieve independence than services based on the medical model. Nevertheless, medical model services are needed in combination with social model services for WWPD to achieve independence. International and national NGOs work with social model services more than local organisations. Further, services connect since several services are needed to achieve independence.
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