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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial and temporal patterns in resource dispersion and the structure of range use and co-existence in a social omnivore Chlorocebus Aethiops

Barrett, Alan Sean 11 1900 (has links)
The movements of two vervet monkey troops were studied to determine whether they optimize their rate of food intake in relation to seasonal energy availability. The effect of variation in habitat structure on the troops’ foraging strategies while utilizing temporally and spatially distributed resources was determined. Troop home range boundaries were delineated, the various plant communities and species utilised by the troops identified and classified, and variations in home range and vegetation structure were reported. The diets of the troops were determined and compared. Effects of coexistence on competition were assessed. Vervet food trees were randomly selected, marked and seasonal phenological data collected. Samples of food items constituting the two troops diets were collected for energy analysis. Using geostatistical interpolation techniques, monthly energy values were extrapolated onto home range grids for the two vervet monkey troops. Grids were stored as database files that were interrogated through GIS simulation models. Using the stochastic processes inherent in Markov chain theory, a series of non-returning random walks were simulated for comparison to original routes taken by the two troops. Results from comparisons of home range energy, day range lengths and areas, shortest route energy to actual route energy, time spent in high energy areas, and energy utilisation from actual and randomly generated routes indicated that the two troops optimize resource energy available to them by adopting flexible foraging strategies. In environments where temporal and spatial variations in habitat structure affect the distribution of resources, it is essential that animals develop optimal foraging strategies to survive. For the two troops investigated, foraging strategies fluctuate between being time minimizers in more heterogeneous environments where resources are abundant, and energy maximisers in homogeneous environments where resources are constrained by low diversity and seasonality. / Environmental Sciences (Department) / D.Litt et Phil (Environmental Management)

Mudança cognitiva em obesos  com comprometimento cognitivo leve submetidos à perda intencional de peso / Cognitive change in elderly obese with mild cognitive impairment undergoing intentional weight

Horie, Nidia Celeste 12 February 2015 (has links)
Obesidade na idade adulta é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de demência. O aumento da prevalência de obesidade, assim como o aumento da expectativa de vida na população tornam mais importante avaliar estratégias de prevenção e tratamento que possam diminuir o risco de declínio cognitivo. Neste estudo, foi avaliado se, em idosos obesos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve, a perda de peso induzida por dieta poderia melhorar aspectos da cognição, e se o genótipo para apoliproteína E, perfil metabólico e marcadores inflamatórios também teriam influência. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico prospectivo, randomizado de 1:1, de 12 meses, no Ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, entre 2011 e 2013, incluindo pacientes com 60 anos ou mais, com índice de massa corporal maior ou igual a 30 kg/m2, com Comprometimento cognitivo leve. Eles foram randomizados em dois grupos, um com assistência médica convencional (grupo convencional), outro adicionalmente com reuniões de orientação alimentar (26 a 28 sessões em 12 meses), com objetivo de obter maior perda de peso (grupo intensivo). Dos 1605 voluntários foram selecionados 80 pacientes, com idade média de 68,1 ±4,9 anos, escolaridade de 8,8 ±4,6 anos, IMC 35,5±4,4kg/m2; 13 (16,3%) eram do sexo masculino, 67 (83,6%) apresentavam síndrome metabólica; 50 (62,5%) eram fisicamente ativos. Os grupos eram semelhantes quanto às características iniciais. Após 12 meses, houve diminuição média de IMC de 1,7±1,8kg/m2 (4,9% do peso), e 85% da perda de peso foi em gordura corporal; sendo a variação semelhante entre os grupos. Para a maioria dos testes cognitivos aplicados houve melhora, sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Na análise do grupo todo, a perda de peso induzida por dieta foi associada a melhora em avaliação de memória, função executiva, atenção e queixas subjetivas, tendo sido essa associação mais forte abaixo dos 70 anos e em carreadores do alelo 4 da apoliproteína E. Variação de insulinemia, HOMA-IR, triglicérides, proteína C reativa e leptina estiveram associadas à melhora em alguns testes cognitivos; risco maior de piora foi associado a níveis mais altos de pressão arterial (memória e cognição global) e de hemoglobina glicada (executivo/visuo-espacial) e de IL6 (atenção e velocidade de processamento); adiponectina mais alta diminuiu risco de piora (memória visual/verbal). Houve melhora principalmente em memória verbal, visual e memória de trabalho associadas à dieta, com relação à diminuição de consumo calórico, de carboidratos e gorduras, e sem relação com diminuição de consumo proteico. Houve melhora na avaliação funcional em relação à velocidade de marcha e força de membros inferiores e melhora na qualidade de vida associada à capacidade funcional, mostrando que a intervenção não trouxe prejuízo a essas áreas. A intervenção com restrição calórica em idosos obesos, com objetivo de promover perda de peso, foi benéfica em diversos aspectos da cognição e segura do ponto de vista funcional / Obesity in adulthood is a risk factor for developing dementia. The populational rise in obesity and life expectancy increase the importance of search for strategies for prevention and treatment to reduce the risk of cognitive decline. In this study we evaluated if in elderly obese with Mild Cognitive Impairment, weight loss induced by diet could improve aspects of cognition, and if the apolipoprotein E genotype, metabolic profile and inflammatory markers also influence these tests. A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted at Ambulatório de Endocrinologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, between 2011 and 2013, including patients 60 years or older, with a body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2, with mild cognitive impairment. They were randomized into two groups and followed by 12 months, one with conventional medical care (conventional group), another with also group meetings with nutricionists (26-28 sessions over 12 months), in order to achieve greater weight loss (intensive group). Of the 1605 volunteers were selected 80 subjects, mean age 68.1 ± 4.9 years, education 8.8 ± 4.6 years, BMI 35.5 ± 4.4kg/m2; 13 were male (16.3%), 67 (83.6%) had metabolic syndrome; 50 were physically active. The groups had similar baseline characteristics. After 12 months there was a decrease in BMI of 1.7 ± 1.8 kg/m2 (4.9% of weight), and 85% weight loss was in fat; similar between groups. There was improvement for most of the cognitive tests, without difference between groups. In the analysis of the whole group, the weight loss induced by diet was associated with improvements in memory, executive function, attention and subjective complaints, though this association was strongest under 70 years of age and in carriers of the ?4 allele of apolipoprotein E. Changes in insulin, HOMA-IR, triglycerides, C-reactive protein and leptin were associated with improvement in some cognitive tests; increased risk of worsening was associated with higher blood pressure levels (memory and global cognition), HbA1c (executive / visuospatial) and IL6 (attention and processing speed); higher adiponectin decreased risk of worsening (visual memory/verbal). There was improvement in verbal, visual and working memory associated with diet, with respect to decreased caloric intake, carbohydrates and fats, and unrelated to decreased protein intake memory. There was improvement in functional assessment in relation to gait speed and lower limb strength and improvement in quality of life associated with functional capacity, showing that the intervention did not bring damage to these areas. Intervention with caloric restriction in obese elderly, in order to promote weight loss was safe and had beneficial effects in cognition

Conception, synthèses et évaluations biologiques d’inhibiteurs à double cible : ALK et la restriction calorique / Design, synthesis and biological evaluations of inhibitors double target : ALK and caloric restriction

D'Attoma, Joseph 20 November 2013 (has links)
Les lymphomes à grandes cellules anaplasiques ou ALCL (Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma) sont des cancers appartenant à la famille des lymphomes de type non-Hodgkin. La majorité des ALCL est issue d'une translocation t(2;5)(p23;q35) donnant lieu à la formation d'une protéine de fusion appelée NPM-ALK. A ce jour, peu d'inhibiteurs présentent de bonnes activités contre cette protéine chimérique. L'obésité représente un problème socio-médical d'envergure, à la fois pour ses effets directs et indirects ; le surpoids étant un facteur primaire dans de nombreuses maladies, tout particulièrement les diabètes, les accidents cardiovasculaires, le cancer, etc. A contrario, une restriction calorique (RC) est associée à des bénéfices importants en terme de santé. A l'issue de plusieurs criblages, un inhibiteur au motif 2-acylaminothiazole a montré une activité anticancéreuse sur ALK mais également la faculté de mimer la restriction calorique chez C. Elegans. Par conséquent, les travaux de recherche réalisés lors de cette thèse ont concerné la synthèse d'inhibiteurs comportant le squelette 2-acylaminothiazole. Les chromatographies d'affinité effectuées sur deux de nos inhibiteurs ont permis l'identification de cibles principales potentielles dans le cadre de la restriction calorique et des cibles secondaires possibles pour NPM-ALK. Ensuite, la présence d'un atome de brome sur le cycle aromatique a mené à la formation de liaisons C(sp2)-C(sp2), C(sp2)-C(sp) et C(sp2)- N, en utilisant les couplages catalysés par le palladium. Les différentes méthodes de modulation chimique ont conduit à mettre en place une librairie de 134 molécules. Certains d'entres eux et plus précisément ceux possédant un atome de silicium ont démontré une très bonne activité contre ALK et son mutant L1196M. Enfin, des résultats préliminaires ont également été obtenus sur le sujet de la restriction calorique avec quatre composés montrant une réduction du taux de lipides chez C. Elegans / Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma (ALCL) is a type of cancer belonging to the non-Hodgkin family. The majority of ALCL arises from a translocation t(2;5) (p23;35) which leads to the formation of a fusion protein called NPM-ALK. Nowadays, few molecules are known to inhibit the activity of this chimeric protein. Obesity is a major socio-medical problem, for both direct and indirect effects, overweight is a primary factor in many diseases, especially diabetes, cardiovascular events, cancer, etc... In contrast, caloric restriction (CR) is associated with significant benefits in terms of health. After several screenings, one inhibitor based on a 2-acylaminothiazol scaffold showed anticancer activity on the protein ALK but also the ability to mimic caloric restriction in C. Elegans. The aim of this PhD was to develop the synthesis of new inhibitors including the 2-acylaminothiazol scaffold. The affinity chromatography performed on two of our inhibitors was used to identify potential major cellular targets in the process of caloric restriction and secondary cellular targets for NPM-ALK. Then, the presence of a bromo group on the aromatic ring allowed the formation of C(sp2)-C(sp2), C(sp2)- C(sp) and C(sp2)-N bonds, using palladium-catalyzed couplings. The different chemical methodologies afforded the synthesis of a library of 134 molecules. Some of them especially with a silicon atom demonstrated very good inhibitory activity and high selectivity against NPM-ALK and L1196M-NPM-ALK. Finally, preliminary results were also obtained on the subject of calorie restriction with four compounds showing a reduction of lipids in C. Elegans

Étude des mécanismes associés aux effets bénéfiques de la restriction calorique sur la fonction somatotrope du rat vieillissant.

Bédard, Karine 07 1900 (has links)
Dans les cellules somatotropes, la liaison du facteur de libération de l’hormone de croissance (GHRH) à son récepteur (GHRH-R) stimule la synthèse et la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance (GH) ainsi que la prolifération cellulaire. Chez les mammifères, le vieillissement est caractérisé par une diminution de la sécrétion de GH, liée à une perte de sensibilité des somatotropes au GHRH. Chez le rat âgé, des modifications de niveaux d'ARNm du GHRH-R et une diminution d'affinité et de capacité de liaison du GHRH sont rapportés. Au cours du vieillissement, une augmentation des niveaux de glucose et d’acides gras libres sérique suggère qu’une gluco- ou lipotoxicité puisse contribuer au dysfonctionnement de la fonction somatotrope. À ce jour, la restriction calorique modérée de longue durée (RCMLD) constitue l’intervention la plus efficace pour prévenir ou retarder les détériorations liées à l’âge. Des études ont montré des effets bénéfiques de la RCMLD sur l’axe somatotrope au cours du vieillissement via un maintien des paramètres de liaison du GHRH-R. Compte tenu de l’importance de cet axe, la compréhension des mécanismes menant à la somatopause ainsi que ceux associés aux effets bénéfiques de la RCMLD s’avère importante. Les objectifs principaux de la présente thèse étaient : 1) de déterminer les effets de la RCMLD chez le rat, sur le GHRH-R hypophysaire et la sensibilité des somatotropes au GHRH, 2) d’identifier les mécanismes associés à la somatopause et aux effets bénéfiques de la RCMLD, et 3) de préciser les effets d’une gluco-ou lipotoxicité sur l’axe somatotrope de rats et leur implication dans la somatopause. Des rats de 8 mois ont été soumis à une restriction calorique de 40% jusqu’à l’âge de 18-20 mois et ont été comparés à des rats jeunes et âgés nourris ad libitum. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence des effets bénéfiques de la RCMLD sur la régulation et la fonctionnalité du GHRH-R et de proposer que le glucose et les acides gras libres (AGL) circulants soient impliqués dans le vieillissement de la somatotrope. Une étude de micro-puce à ADN à permis d’identifier des gènes associés à des mécanismes de protection et de réparation des dommages cellulaires mis en place dans l’hypophyse antérieure au cours du vieillissement et par la RCMLD. Finalement, les effets d’un stress gluco- ou lipotoxique sur la fonction somatotrope ont été étudiés chez des rats de 2 et 6 mois, infusés 72 h avec une solution de glucose ou d’Intralipides, mimant les niveaux circulants de glucose et d’AGL retrouvés chez le rat âgé. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la glucotoxicité affecte la régulation de certains gènes de la somatotrope, dont le GHRH-R, et suggèrent que la capacité de réponse à ce type de stress est altérée. Les mécanismes par lesquels la glucotoxicité exerce ces effets pourraient inclure la génération de stress oxydant. L’ensemble de ces résultats proposent de nouvelles pistes mécanistiques qui pourraient contribuer au retardement de la somatopause et, ultimement, à l’élaboration de nouvelles stratégies d’intervention nutritionnelles ou pharmacologiques ciblant les mêmes voies que la RCMLD, avec une efficacité similaire ou supérieure. / In somatotroph cells, growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) binding to its receptor (GHRH-R) stimulates growth hormone (GH) secretion and cell proliferation. In mammals, aging is characterized by a decrease of GH, associated with a decline of GHRH somatotroph sensitivity. In the aged rat, changes in GHRH-R mRNA levels and decrease of GHRH affinity and capacity were reported. In the course of aging, significant increase of glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) serum levels are observed, suggesting that gluco- or lipotoxicity could contribute to somatotroph dysfunction. Up to now, long-term moderate caloric restriction (LTMCR) has been the most efficient intervention to prevent or delay age-related deteriorations. Studies have shown beneficial effects of LTMCR on somatotroph axis during aging, through the maintenance of GHRH-R binding parameters. Knowing the importance of this axis, an understanding of the mechanisms associated with the effects of somatopause and benefits of LTMCR is important. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis were: 1) to determine the effects of LTMCR on rat pituitary GHRH-R and somatotroph sensitivity to GHRH, 2) to identify the mechanisms associated to somatopause and the beneficial effects of LTMCR and 3) to specify the effect of gluco- or lipotoxicity on the rat somatotroph axis and their implications in somatopause. Eight-month-old rats were submitted to a 40% LTMCR until the age of 18 to 20-months and where compared to young and old rats fed ad libitum (AL). This study highlighted beneficial effects of LTMCR on GHRH-R regulation and functionality and suggested that high circulating levels of glucose and FFA could be involved in somatotroph aging. A microarray study was also performed, allowing the identification of genes associated to cellular protection and damage repair mechanisms regulated by aging and LTMCR in the anterior pituitary. Finally, effects of a gluco- or lipotoxic stress on the somatotroph function was assessed in 2- and 6-month-old rats submitted to a 72-h glucose and/or Intralipid infusion, to mimic the levels of glucose and FFA found in aged rats. The results showed that glucotoxicity affects the regulation of specific genes in the somatotroph, such as the GHRH-R gene, and suggest that the response capacity against this type of stress is altered with age very early on. Mechanisms by which glucotoxicity exerts these effects might include oxidative stress production. Altogether, these results proposed novel mechanisms that could contribute to delay somatopause and, ultimately, to the development of new nutritional or pharmacologic interventions targeting the same pathways as LTMCR, with a similar or greater efficiency.

Advancing the Interhemispheric Switch Model of Perceptual Rivalry

Trung Thanh Ngo Unknown Date (has links)
Perceptual rivalry refers to visual phenomena that are characterised by alternations between different percepts, despite an unchanging sensory input. Two common types of perceptual rivalry are (i) reversible figures — two-dimensional stable images that when viewed, are perceived to switch between different interpretations, and (ii) binocular rivalry — the alternations in image dominance resulting from the presentation of conflicting stimuli, one to each eye. Several investigators have suggested that these rivalling phenomena are mediated by similar neural mechanisms. Such a view, however, has not only been inadequately substantiated, but has also yet to be assessed in the context of a directly testable neurophysiological model. Miller and Pettigrew have proposed a novel, high-level interhemispheric switch (IHS) explanatory model of binocular rivalry. This model conceptualises the perceptual alternations as being mediated by alternations between one hemisphere’s selected image and the other hemisphere’s selected (rival) image. To assess their hypothesis, caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) was used. CVS is a simple, inexpensive, and non-invasive brain stimulation technique that unilaterally activates high-level attentional areas. In accordance with the IHS model, CVS was found to significantly affect predominance (the duration that one image is perceived relative to the other, within a given viewing period) during conventional binocular rivalry with horizontal/vertical gratings and with orthogonal oblique gratings. The present thesis therefore aims, through the use of CVS, to extend this IHS model of binocular rivalry to reversible-figure alternations and propose a general IHS model of perceptual rivalry. Chapter 1 provides a detailed literature review of the field within the context of comparing both perceptual rivalries. In Chapter 2, investigations are presented on two different reversible figures — the perspective-reversing Necker cube and the figure–ground reversing Rubin’s vase–faces illusion. In these experiments, CVS was found to significantly change observers’ predominance compared to their baseline predominance. These results demonstrate that interhemispheric switching also mediates the alternations of these visual phenomena, in addition to binocular rivalry, thereby extending the IHS model to one of perceptual rivalry in general. Moreover, the findings are interpreted in a cognitive neuroscience context, including a novel proposal of a forebrain framework for the IHS model. Chapter 3 presents CVS experiments that address the issue of percept–to–hemisphere selection and the reproducibility of CVS effects, following Miller’s initial work on two types of conventional binocular rivalry. In planned analyses, significant predominance changes were not found in horizontal/vertical rivalry, oblique rivalry and Necker-cube rivalry. In post-hoc analyses that accounted for study-design differences between Miller’s original experiments and the present experiment, CVS was again not shown to induce significant predominance changes in any of the rivalry types. Assessment of directional predominance changes following CVS appeared to suggest an arbitrary selection of percept–to–hemisphere in all rivalry types, although no firm conclusions could be drawn from the obtained data on this issue. Nevertheless, the experiments further extend upon Miller’s earlier work by examining the inter- and intra-individual reproducibility of CVS-induced effects on predominance. Such reproducibility was found to be low and potential reasons for this are discussed. The experiments in Chapter 4 examine a type of binocular rivalry in which dichoptic presentation of Díaz-Caneja stimuli yields rivalry among four different stable images: half-field rivalry between the images presented to the eyes, and coherence rivalry in which aspects of each eye’s presented image are perceptually regrouped into rivalling coherent images. Each of these rivalries was found to occur for about half the given viewing time. Furthermore, CVS significantly shifted the predominance of perceived coherent images (coherence rivalry) but not half-field images (eye rivalry). This finding suggests that coherence rivalry (like conventional rivalry according to previous experiments) is mediated by interhemispheric switching at a high level, while eye rivalry is mediated by intrahemispheric mechanisms, most likely at a low level. In addition, it is proposed that Díaz-Caneja stimuli induce ‘meta-rivalry’ whereby these discrete high- and low-level competitive processes themselves rival for visual consciousness. The current thesis thus presents a novel meta-rivalry model of multistable binocular rivalry. It also presents the first direct evidence that interhemispheric switching mediates reversible-figure alternations, thereby supporting a generalised IHS model of perceptual rivalry. It is argued that both models provide a parsimonious exploratory framework within which specific predictions can be made and readily tested. Finally, the findings of all experiments in the current thesis are summarised.

Advancing the Interhemispheric Switch Model of Perceptual Rivalry

Trung Thanh Ngo Unknown Date (has links)
Perceptual rivalry refers to visual phenomena that are characterised by alternations between different percepts, despite an unchanging sensory input. Two common types of perceptual rivalry are (i) reversible figures — two-dimensional stable images that when viewed, are perceived to switch between different interpretations, and (ii) binocular rivalry — the alternations in image dominance resulting from the presentation of conflicting stimuli, one to each eye. Several investigators have suggested that these rivalling phenomena are mediated by similar neural mechanisms. Such a view, however, has not only been inadequately substantiated, but has also yet to be assessed in the context of a directly testable neurophysiological model. Miller and Pettigrew have proposed a novel, high-level interhemispheric switch (IHS) explanatory model of binocular rivalry. This model conceptualises the perceptual alternations as being mediated by alternations between one hemisphere’s selected image and the other hemisphere’s selected (rival) image. To assess their hypothesis, caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) was used. CVS is a simple, inexpensive, and non-invasive brain stimulation technique that unilaterally activates high-level attentional areas. In accordance with the IHS model, CVS was found to significantly affect predominance (the duration that one image is perceived relative to the other, within a given viewing period) during conventional binocular rivalry with horizontal/vertical gratings and with orthogonal oblique gratings. The present thesis therefore aims, through the use of CVS, to extend this IHS model of binocular rivalry to reversible-figure alternations and propose a general IHS model of perceptual rivalry. Chapter 1 provides a detailed literature review of the field within the context of comparing both perceptual rivalries. In Chapter 2, investigations are presented on two different reversible figures — the perspective-reversing Necker cube and the figure–ground reversing Rubin’s vase–faces illusion. In these experiments, CVS was found to significantly change observers’ predominance compared to their baseline predominance. These results demonstrate that interhemispheric switching also mediates the alternations of these visual phenomena, in addition to binocular rivalry, thereby extending the IHS model to one of perceptual rivalry in general. Moreover, the findings are interpreted in a cognitive neuroscience context, including a novel proposal of a forebrain framework for the IHS model. Chapter 3 presents CVS experiments that address the issue of percept–to–hemisphere selection and the reproducibility of CVS effects, following Miller’s initial work on two types of conventional binocular rivalry. In planned analyses, significant predominance changes were not found in horizontal/vertical rivalry, oblique rivalry and Necker-cube rivalry. In post-hoc analyses that accounted for study-design differences between Miller’s original experiments and the present experiment, CVS was again not shown to induce significant predominance changes in any of the rivalry types. Assessment of directional predominance changes following CVS appeared to suggest an arbitrary selection of percept–to–hemisphere in all rivalry types, although no firm conclusions could be drawn from the obtained data on this issue. Nevertheless, the experiments further extend upon Miller’s earlier work by examining the inter- and intra-individual reproducibility of CVS-induced effects on predominance. Such reproducibility was found to be low and potential reasons for this are discussed. The experiments in Chapter 4 examine a type of binocular rivalry in which dichoptic presentation of Díaz-Caneja stimuli yields rivalry among four different stable images: half-field rivalry between the images presented to the eyes, and coherence rivalry in which aspects of each eye’s presented image are perceptually regrouped into rivalling coherent images. Each of these rivalries was found to occur for about half the given viewing time. Furthermore, CVS significantly shifted the predominance of perceived coherent images (coherence rivalry) but not half-field images (eye rivalry). This finding suggests that coherence rivalry (like conventional rivalry according to previous experiments) is mediated by interhemispheric switching at a high level, while eye rivalry is mediated by intrahemispheric mechanisms, most likely at a low level. In addition, it is proposed that Díaz-Caneja stimuli induce ‘meta-rivalry’ whereby these discrete high- and low-level competitive processes themselves rival for visual consciousness. The current thesis thus presents a novel meta-rivalry model of multistable binocular rivalry. It also presents the first direct evidence that interhemispheric switching mediates reversible-figure alternations, thereby supporting a generalised IHS model of perceptual rivalry. It is argued that both models provide a parsimonious exploratory framework within which specific predictions can be made and readily tested. Finally, the findings of all experiments in the current thesis are summarised.

Étude des mécanismes associés aux effets bénéfiques de la restriction calorique sur la fonction somatotrope du rat vieillissant

Bédard, Karine 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Efeitos da perda de peso corporal induzida por dieta hipolip?dica ad libitum e pela restri??o cal?rica com dieta hiperlip?dica na inflama??o do tecido adiposo de camundongos obesos

Rodrigues, Manuela Ortega Marques 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-26T12:48:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) manuela_ortega_marques_rodrigues.pdf: 2356674 bytes, checksum: e576d7cb84dd67e4068acfffffe22e9f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-29T12:57:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) manuela_ortega_marques_rodrigues.pdf: 2356674 bytes, checksum: e576d7cb84dd67e4068acfffffe22e9f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-29T12:57:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) manuela_ortega_marques_rodrigues.pdf: 2356674 bytes, checksum: e576d7cb84dd67e4068acfffffe22e9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / A expans?o do tecido adiposo branco na obesidade leva ? express?o alterada de prote?nas em seus adip?citos, bem como a infiltra??o de c?lulas do sistema imune, especialmente macr?fagos, cujas secre??es levam ao desenvolvimento da inflama??o cr?nica de baixo grau, a qual ? considerada subjacente ao desenvolvimento de in?meras comorbidades. Dentre as formas de tratamento da obesidade, dietas de restri??o cal?rica (RC) nutricionalmente balanceadas induzem a perda de peso e melhorias em marcadores sist?micos da inflama??o, mas os efeitos diretos no tecido adiposo visceral ainda s?o controversos. No entanto, existe uma lacuna sobre qual o impacto dessas dietas na inflama??o local, mesmo em condi??es de sobrecarga lip?dica. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da perda de peso corporal induzida por dieta hipolip?dica ad libitum e pela restri??o cal?rica com dieta hiperlip?dica na inflama??o do tecido adiposo visceral de camundongos obesos. Para tal, inicialmente, camundongos C57BL/6 com 12 semanas de idade, machos, foram divididos em dois grupos: LF ? alimentados com dieta controle hipolip?dica ? do ingl?s low fat (10% das calorias, fonte ?leo de soja, rica em ?cidos graxos poli-insaturados); e HF ? alimentados com dieta controle hiperlip?dica ? do ingl?s high fat (60% calorias, fonte banha de porco, rica em ?cidos graxos saturados) para indu??o da obesidade. Ap?s oito semanas, seis animais de cada grupo foram eutanasiados para verifica??o da adiposidade visceral e estado inflamat?rio (dosagens de prote?na C reativa ? PCR s?rica e hep?tica). Em seguida, os animais HF foram aleatoriamente divididos em tr?s grupos HF ? continuaram recebendo dieta HF; LFAL ? submetidos ao emagrecimento pela substitui??o da dieta HF pela LF e acesso livre (ad libitum) e RHF ? submetidos ao emagrecimento por receberem quantidades restritas em calorias da dieta HF para atingir o mesmo peso corporal dos animais LFAL. A partir deste momento, esses grupos foram alimentados, juntamente com os animais LF, por mais sete semanas. Ao final, foram avaliados o ganho/perda de peso corporal, a adiposidade, as concentra??es s?ricas e hep?ticas de PCR, e as concentra??es de leptina, adiponectina, e das citocinas IL-6, TNF e MCP-1 no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal, al?m da morfologia dos adip?citos e a presen?a de infiltrados inflamat?rios no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal. Ao final da fase de indu??o da obesidade, os animais HF estavam obesos e inflamados. Ao final da fase de indu??o da perda de peso, os grupos LFAL e RHF tiveram pesos corporais semelhantes, menores que o HF e se igualaram ao LF. No entanto, houve maior dificuldade em perder peso pelo grupo RHF em compara??o ao LFAL, dado pelas diferen?as significativas entre os deltas de perda de peso, que foram menores para RHF e pelos coeficientes de efici?ncia energ?tica, que foram maiores para o grupo RHF. Os animais LFAL retornaram a adiposidade e a hipertrofia dos adip?citos viscerais a valores semelhantes ao grupo LF. Isto provavelmente foi o que levou ? menor concentra??o de leptina com concomitante aumento da adiponectina e menor infiltra??o de c?lulas inflamat?rias neste tecido, igualando-se tamb?m ao LF. Em consequ?ncia, houve menor concentra??o tecidual de citocinas pr?-inflamat?rias, al?m de menor concentra??o hep?tica e circulante de PCR. J? para os animais RHF, houve apenas atenua??o da adiposidade e da hipertrofia dos adip?citos retroperitoneais. Isso foi suficiente para restabelecer a concentra??o local de leptina a n?veis semelhantes ao grupo LF, embora n?o tenha elevado a concentra??o de adiponectina. Al?m disso, a infiltra??o de c?lulas inflamat?rias menteve-se tamb?m elevada. N?o houve redu??o da concentra??o de citocinas pr?-inflamat?rias, ? exce??o da IL-6, que reduziu levemente. A concentra??o hep?tica de PCR foi atenuada, o que n?o refletiu na concentra??o s?rica dessa prote?na. Concluiu-se que a restri??o cal?rica com dieta hiperlip?dica foi menos eficiente em promover a perda de peso e de adiposidade e n?o melhorou a inflama??o do tecido adiposo visceral, comparada com a dieta hipolip?dica ad libitum. Inferiuse que a ingest?o de dieta com sobrecarga de lip?deos (60% das calorias) e de ?cidos graxos saturados foi mais determinante da inflama??o local do que a restri??o cal?rica per se. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa Multic?ntrico de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Fisiol?gicas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The expansion of white adipose tissue in obesity leads to altered protein expression in its adipocytes, as well as the infiltration of immune cells, especially macrophages, whose secretions lead to the development of chronic low-grade inflammation, which underlies the development of several comorbidities. Among treatments, caloric restriction (CR) nutritionally balanced diets induce weight loss and ameliorates inflammation systemic markers, but adipose tissue effects are still controversial. Moreover, there is a gap on the impact of these diets on local inflammation, even under lipid overload. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate effects of body weight loss induced by a low fat ad libitum diet and a CR in a high fat diet in the visceral adipose tissue inflammation of obese mice. Firstly, 12 weeks of age male C57BL/6 mice were divided into two groups: LF - fed a control low fat diet (10% calories, source soybean oil, high in polyunsaturated fatty acids); and HF - fed a control high fat diet (60% calories, source lard, high in saturated fatty acids) for obesity induction. After eight weeks, six animals from each group were euthanized to verify visceral adiposity and inflammatory status (serum and hepatic C-reactive protein-CRP). Then, HF animals were randomly divided into three groups: HF ? keept at HF diet; LFAL - a weight loss group that was switched from HF to LF and maintained on it ad libitum; RHF - a weight loss group that received restricted amounts of HF to maintain the same body weight as LFAL. Thereafter, these groups were fed, along with the LF animals, for another seven weeks. At end, body weight gain / loss, adiposity, serum and hepatic CRP concentrations, and adipose retroperitoneal tissue concentrations of leptin, adiponectin, IL-6, TNF and MCP-1 were evaluated, as well as adypocite morphology and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue. Obesity was induced, since HF animals had higher weights, adiposity and were inflamed. At the end of the weight loss period, both LFAL and RHF had similar body weight, lower than HF and equal to LF. However, it was more dificcult to loose wheight by the RHF group compared to LFAL, since weight loss deltas were lower for RHF and energy efficiency ratios were higher for RHF group. LFAL animals returned visceral adiposity and retroperitoneal adipocyte hypertrophy similarly to the LF group. Also, there was a lower leptin level with concomitant increase of adiponectin and less infiltration of inflammatory cells in this tissue, also matching to LF. Still, there was a lower tissue concentration of proinflammatory cytokines, and a lower hepatic and serum CRP. For RHF animals, there was only an attenuation in adiposity and visceral adipocyte hypertrophy, although it was sufficient to restore local leptin concentration similarly to LF. However, this regimen was not able to elevate the adiponectin concentration. In addition, the inflammatory cells infiltration was highly elevated. There was no reduction in proinflammatory cytokines concentration, despite IL-6, which was reduced slightly. Hepatic CRP concentration was attenuated, which did not reflect in its serum concentrations. In mice with diet-induced obesity, the weight loss by means a CR in a high fat diet was less effective in promoting wheight and adiposity losses and it did not improve visceral adipose tissue inflammation. It can be inferred that a lipid overload (60% from calories) as well as a saturated fatty acid surplus from the high fat diet were more determinant of local inflammation than caloric restriction per se.

Hodnocení úpravy funkce vestibulo-okulárního reflexu u pacientů po operaci vestibulárního schwannomu / The evaluation of adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Hladíková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in patients indicated for neurosurgical resection of vestibular schwannoma, executed at the Motol University Hospital. To evaluate the function of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, three types of clinical examinations were used. In periods before the surgery, early after the surgery and before leaving the hospital we monitored the patients' ability to perceive subjective visual vertical, which reflects tonic function of otolith organs. Before the surgery we also tested relative dynamic visual acuity during passive isolated head movements in the transversal plane, whose impairment is related to dysfunction of lateral semicircular canals. Furthermore, we obtained patients' preoperative values achieved in caloric reflex test. In the early postoperative period, bordered by the first day after the vestibular schwannoma surgery and the last day of the hospitalization, patients underwent specialized vestibular rehabilitation. Based on statistical analysis of acquired data, we found out that in some patients there was a lesion of the vestibulo-ocular reflex already before the surgery and moreover, there was a correlation between dysfunction of translational and rotational parts of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Although variance of subjective...

Spatial and temporal patterns in resource dispersion and the structure of range use and co-existence in a social omnivore Chlorocebus Aethiops

Barrett, Alan Sean 11 1900 (has links)
The movements of two vervet monkey troops were studied to determine whether they optimize their rate of food intake in relation to seasonal energy availability. The effect of variation in habitat structure on the troops’ foraging strategies while utilizing temporally and spatially distributed resources was determined. Troop home range boundaries were delineated, the various plant communities and species utilised by the troops identified and classified, and variations in home range and vegetation structure were reported. The diets of the troops were determined and compared. Effects of coexistence on competition were assessed. Vervet food trees were randomly selected, marked and seasonal phenological data collected. Samples of food items constituting the two troops diets were collected for energy analysis. Using geostatistical interpolation techniques, monthly energy values were extrapolated onto home range grids for the two vervet monkey troops. Grids were stored as database files that were interrogated through GIS simulation models. Using the stochastic processes inherent in Markov chain theory, a series of non-returning random walks were simulated for comparison to original routes taken by the two troops. Results from comparisons of home range energy, day range lengths and areas, shortest route energy to actual route energy, time spent in high energy areas, and energy utilisation from actual and randomly generated routes indicated that the two troops optimize resource energy available to them by adopting flexible foraging strategies. In environments where temporal and spatial variations in habitat structure affect the distribution of resources, it is essential that animals develop optimal foraging strategies to survive. For the two troops investigated, foraging strategies fluctuate between being time minimizers in more heterogeneous environments where resources are abundant, and energy maximisers in homogeneous environments where resources are constrained by low diversity and seasonality. / Environmental Sciences (Department) / D.Litt et Phil (Environmental Management)

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