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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder som stödjer patientens återhämtning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med intensivvårdssjuksköterskor / Care measures which support the patients recovery : A qualitative interview study with Intensive Care nurses

Nikitin, Cecilia, Smeds, Ulrica January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Patientens upplevelser från intensivvårdsavdelningen kan ge upphov till stress som orsakas av flera faktorer. Detta kan påverka patienten lång tid efter utskrivningen. Det är därför viktigt att veta vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder på intensivvårdsavdelningen som stödjer patientens återhämtning. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattningar av preventiva omvårdnadsåtgärder på intensivvårdsavdelningen som kan vara stödjande för patientens återhämtning. Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes och datainsamling skedde i form av nio intervjuer med intensivvårdssjuksköterskor, med erfarenhet av uppföljningsarbete, på tre olika sjukhus. Analys av insamlat material, skedde med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Huvudresultat: I resultatet framkom fyra huvudkategorier som beskriver områden för preventiva omvårdnadsåtgärder: Skapa meningsfullhet, Förklara omvärlden, Skapa trygghet och Förbered framtiden. Konklusion: Studiens resultat visar att kunskap om patientens historia kan användas som grund för att knyta an till patientens vardagsliv. Struktur, förklaringar och råd från personalen har uppfattats stödja patientens omvärldsuppfattning på IVA. Trygghet och närhet från personal och anhöriga anses viktigt för patienten. Framförallt har stöd till patientens inre resurser och anpassande av miljön genom nedtrappad övervakning, uppfattats kunna bidra till att patienten återfår sin självständighet och bättre kan hantera framtiden. / Introduction: A patient´s experiences during intensive care can lead to stress that is caused by several factors. This can affect the patient long after discharge. Therefore, it is essential to know which nursing interventions in the intensive care unit, that best support the patient's recovery. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the intensive care nurses' perceptions of preventive care measures in the intensive care that can be supporting for the patient's recovery. Method: A qualitative method was chosen and the data collection was done by interviewing nine intensive care nurses with experience in monitoring work at three different hospitals. The collected material was analyzed in accordance with Graneheim and Lundman´s qualitative content analysis. Main Results: The results revealed four main categories in which preventive care measures are especially useful: Creating meaning, Explaining the environment, Creating safety and Preparing for the Future. Conclusion: By gaining knowledge about what is relevant to each particular patient it is possible to adapt care measures based on this. It seems that structure, detailed explanations and advice provided by the staff will help the patient to better assess his/her situation. Being close to staff and family is comforting for the patient. It is a great importance to help the patient regain independence in order to manage the future. It was perceived that this can be done by gradually decreasing the use of technology and supporting the patient´s inner strengths.

Närståendes upplevelser av möten med vårdpersonal på intensivvårdsavdelningen : Kvalitativ studie

Liljén, Stina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: På intensivvårdsavdelningen är patienterna ofta så sjuka att kommunikationen med vårdpersonalen kan vara svår. Närstående på intensivvårdsavdelningen har en viktig roll i omvårdnaden. I studierna framkommer att närstående har ett stort behov av information samt att kommunikation, skydd av patient, deltagande och stöd är viktigt men ingen av studierna har utgått från mötet med vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva upplevelser av närståendes möten med vårdpersonal på intensivvårdsavdelningen. Metod: Deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio närstående. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Huvudresultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier: Att känna trygghet som handlade om att få ett förtroende för vårdpersonalen, att vårdpersonalen visade omtanke, var tillmötesgående och professionella. Att känna otrygghet som handlade om att de upplevde otillräckligt förtroende för vårdpersonalen, att de kände ovisshet i mötet med dem och var oprofessionella. Att ha behov av information som syftar till att närstående önskade få information som var tydlig, förståelig, kontinuerlig, aktuell och ärlig. Att uppleva brist på information framkom då det förekom osäkerhet i informationen och en ovilja hos vårdpersonalen att ge information. Slutsatser: Vårdpersonalen bör få en ökad insikt om hur närståendes behov ska tillgodoses och att de får en ökad medvetenhet om att det framkommer både osäkerhet och brist på information. Det är viktigt att de gör något åt det för att öka tryggheten för de närstående. / Background: In the intensive care unit, patients are often so ill that communication with nursing staff can be difficult. Relatives in the intensive care unit have an important role in nursing care. The studies show that relatives have a large need for information and that communication, patient protection, participation and support are important, but none of the studies have been based on the meeting with nursing staff. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe experiences of relatives' meetings with nursing staff at the intensive care unit. Method: A descriptive design with qualitative approaches and semi-structured interviews with nine relatives were conducted. Qualitative content analysis with inductive approaches was used. Main results: Four categories emerged: To feel secure was about gaining confidence in the nursing staff, that the nursing staff showed care, were courteous and professional. To feel insecure was about experiencing insufficient confidence in the nursing staff, feeling uncertainty when meeting and being unprofessional. Needing information aims to that relatives wished for information that was clear, understandable, continuous, current and honest. To experience lack of information emerged as uncertainty in the information and an unwillingness of the nursing staff to provide information existed. Conclusion: Nursing staff should gain insight into how to meet relatives' needs and to gain increased awareness that both uncertainty and lack of information exists. It is important that they do something about it to increase the safety of the relatives.

Predictors of agitation in the critically ill

Burk, Ruth 06 May 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Agitation is a common complication in the intensive care unit (ICU) manifested in behavior and actions that range from simple apprehension or anxiety to frankly combative behavior.5 Agitation is associated with significant adverse outcomes.1-3 Studies report up to 71% of ICU patients have some degree of agitation during their ICU stay and that agitation is observed 32% of the time.3;4 Potential causes of agitation in critically ill patients are numerous; however, data about factors that predict agitation are limited. OBJECTIVE: The specific aim of this study was to identify predictors of agitation on admission to the ICU as well as within 24 hours prior to the first agitation event. DESIGN: Retrospective medical record review. SETTING: Two adult critical care units, Medical Respiratory ICU (MRICU) and Surgical Trauma ICU (STICU) in an urban university medical center. SUBJECTS: A convenience sample of 200 critically ill adult patients, all older than 18 years of age, consecutively admitted to a MRICU and STICU, admitted for longer than 24 hours, over a two month period. METHODS: Risk factors for agitation were identified from literature review as well as from expert consultation. Data were collected during the first 5 days of ICU stay. Agitation was identified using the documented Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale or notation of “agitation” in the medical record. RESULTS: Of the sample 56.5% were male, 51.5% Euro-American, with mean age 55.5 years (±16.4). Independent predictors of agitation on admission to the ICU were: past medical history of illicit substance use, height, both the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment respiratory and central nervous system subscores, and use of restraints. Predictors of agitation within 24 hours prior to the first agitation event were: percent of hours using restraints, percent of hours using mechanical ventilation, number of genitourinary catheters, and blood pH and albumin. CONCLUSIONS: Use of these empirically based data may allow care providers to identify those at risk as well as predict agitation. Elimination or reduction of agitation in the ICU would improve patient safety and reduce hospitalization resulting in significant savings to healthcare. Reference List (1) Woods JC, Mion LC, Connor JT et al. Severe agitation among ventilated medical intensive care unit patients: frequency, characteristics and outcomes. Intensive Care Med 2004;30:1066-1072. (2) Jaber S, Chanques G, Altairac C et al. A prospective study of agitation in a medical-surgical ICU: incidence, risk factors, and outcomes. Chest 2005;128:2749-2757. (3) Fraser GL, Prato BS, Riker RR, Berthiaume D, Wilkins ML. Frequency, severity, and treatment of agitation in young versus elderly patients in the ICU. Pharmacotherapy 2000;20:75-82. (4) Gardner K, Sessler CN, Grap MJ. Clinical factors associated with agitation. Am J Crit Care 2006;15:330-331. (5) Riker RR, Picard JT, Fraser GL. Prospective evaluation of the Sedation-Agitation Scale for adult critically ill patients. Crit Care Med 1999;27:1325-1329.

Respiratory Management Education for the Post Anesthesia Care Unit Registered Nurse

Wilton, Ashley Jordan, Wilton, Ashley Jordan January 2017 (has links)
Background: Post anesthesia care unit (PACU) nurses provide patient care during the vulnerable postoperative period when patients are at greatest risk of experiencing respiratory management issues and postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). In rural facilities such as Canyon Vista Medical Center (CVMC) in Sierra Vista, Arizona, limited staff and resource shortages can lead to suboptimal patient care conditions in the PACU setting. To compound the issue, PACU nurses in rural facilities rely on facility training and have little guidance on important patient care issues such as post anesthesia respiratory management. Quality improvement initiatives aimed at resolving knowledge deficits in settings such as these can improve both quality and patient safety via a more competent and educated PACU nursing staff. Purpose: To address an educational need among the CVMC PACU nursing staff with the implementation of a post anesthesia respiratory management educational intervention. Methods: A quasi-experimental one group pretest-posttest design using a targeted intervention based upon the knowledge to action (KTA) framework. The PACU setting was used to conduct the intervention with the nurse participants (N = 9). Descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to determine intervention efficacy. Intervention: One 75-minute educational intervention divided into three consecutive phases. Results: A significant improvement in the nurses’ knowledge (p < .05) and perception of understanding of PACU respiratory management following the intervention (p < .05).

Parents’ perception of nursing support in neonatal intensive care units in private hospitals in the Western Cape

Ndango, Immaculate Nyonka January 2018 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / Parents undergo negative experiences that include parental anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress when their new-born babies are hospitalised in neonatal intensive care unit. During this stressful period, parents need assistance from staff in order to cope. A quantitative, descriptive survey design was used to describe parents’ perception of nursing support during their baby’s admission in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) at three selected private hospitals in the city of Cape Town in the Western Cape Province. A structured existing 21- item Likert type questionnaire, the Nurse-Parent Support Tool (NPST) was used to collect data from an all-inclusive sample of 85 parents with a response rate of 78.8% (n=67). The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine their perception of information giving and communication by nurses; emotionally supportive behaviours by nurses; care given support or instrumental support and to identify parents’ perception of esteem or appraisal support while in the NICU environment. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The findings of this study suggested that the overall mean score for parents’ perception of nursing support was high 4.6 (±0.5) out of a possible of 5. There was no significant difference in the overall mean perceived support score between the different facilities. No significant differences were found in terms of all the demographics characteristics with regard to perceptions of the support that was received, thus indicating that there was no relationship between the demographic variables and perception of support. The findings suggested that though high parental support was reported, the area of involving parents in the care of their babies i.e. letting them decide whether to stay or leave during procedures need improvement.

Lesão renal aguda associada ao uso de polimixinas em pacientes críticos / Acute kidney injury associated with the use of polymyxins in critically ill patients

Coelho, Filipe Utuari de Andrade 10 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A Lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma síndrome de alta incidência (23,2%) e mortalidade (23,0%), que acomete principalmente pacientes críticos, internados em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI). A sepse é a principal causa de LRA (40,0%). A infecção por microrganismos multirresistentes exige o uso de agentes antimicrobianos potencialmente nefrotóxicos, como as polimixinas (Pmxs). Dentre elas, destaca-se a Pmx B e a colistina (Pmx E) utilizadas no controle de infecções por bacilos gram negativos (BGN). Objetivos: avaliar a incidência de LRA associada ao uso de Pmxs e identificar os fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de LRA associada ao uso de Pmxs. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por 1009 pacientes internados em UTI, provenientes de um banco de dados universal (BDU) organizado no período de abril a dezembro de 2012. Resultados: Foram incluídos 936 pacientes. A incidência geral de LRA na amostra foi de 43,1%, enquanto que para pacientes que receberam Pmxs foi de 87,0%. O principal fator de risco para LRA geral foi a pré existência de Doença Renal Crônica. Dentre os pacientes com LRA e que fizeram uso de Pmxs, a maioria era do sexo masculino (69,2%); 54,4±15,7 anos, internação do tipo clínica e com o maior tempo de internação em UTI, as características clínicas mais prevalentes foram o estado de choque (81,5%), a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (35,3%), o Diabetes Mellitus (20,0%) e a sepse (23,0%). Esse grupo apresentou maiores índices de gravidade SAPS II e LODS e o choque se confirmou como fator de risco nesse grupo. Conclusões: As Pmxs confirmaram-se como medicamento nefrotóxico em pacientes críticos (87%), tendo o choque como fator de risco. / Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome of high incidence (23.2%) and mortality (23.0%), which affects mainly critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs). Sepsis is the main cause of AKI (40.0%). Infection with multiresistant microorganisms requires the use of potentially nephrotoxic antimicrobial agents, such as polymyxins (Pmxs). Among them, Pmx B and colistin (Pmx E) are used to control gram-negative bacilli (GNB) infections. Objectives: to evaluate the incidence of AKI associated with the use of Pmxs and to identify the risk factors for the development of AKI associated with the use of Pmxs. Methods: It´s a cross-sectional, retrospective, quantitative approach The sample consisted of 1009 patients hospitalized in ICUs from a universal database (BDU) organized from April to December 2012. Results: A total of 936 patients were included. The overall incidence of AKI in the sample was 43.1%, whereas for patients receiving Pmxs it was 87.0%. The main risk factor for overall AKI was the pre-existence of Chronic Kidney Disease. Among the patients with AKI who used Pmxs, the majority were male (69.2%); 54.4 ± 15.7 years, hospitalization of the clinical type and with the longer ICU stay. The most prevalent clinical characteristics in the AKI and Pmx groups were shock state (81.5%), systemic arterial hypertension (35.3%), Diabetes Mellitus (20.0%) and sepsis (23.0% ). This group presented highest SAPS II and LODS severity indexes and the shock was confirmed as a risk factor. Conclusions: Pmxs were confirmed as nephrotoxic drugs in critical patients (87%), with shock as a risk factor.

Family and patient perception of physiotherapy care rendered to patients in the cardiothoracic intensive care unit

Naidoo, Melissa January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Background: Physiotherapists are involved in the management of patients in the cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patient and family perception of care has become an important measure in evaluating the quality of care, including care in the intensive care setting. Overall Aim: To explore and describe the family and patient perception of physiotherapy care rendered in a public sector cardiothoracic ICU in the Western Cape, South Africa. Method: This study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 (scoping review) identified and described available outcomes for measuring family perception of ICU care by searching six databases from inception to the 20th June 2018. Results from the scoping review informed the discussion schedule for the first primary study of Phase 2. Phase 2 (two exploratory descriptive qualitative primary studies) explored and described i) family perception and ii) patient perception of physiotherapy care in a cardiothoracic ICU. Audio-taped, individual face to face semi-structured interviews were conducted with family and patient participants that met the inclusion and exclusion sampling criteria (purposive sampling). Data was transcribed verbatim and analysed using deductive-inductive thematic content analysis. The data was coded, categorised and themes were generated. Trustworthiness of the data was ensured through methods addressing credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability. Results: A total of ten full text studies were included in the scoping review. Included studies were published between 2006 and 2017, were conducted in both developed and developing countries, in different ICUs (except cardiothoracic ICU)and all used different quantitative outcome measures to measure family perception of ICU care. Thirteen cardiothoracic ICU patients and their respective family members partook in the studies describing patient and family perception of cardiothoracic ICU physiotherapy care. The median patient age was 62 years; the mean ICU length of stay 6 days and the median family age was 55. Themes arising from the family perception of care data analysed included: i) understanding of physiotherapy care (the role of the physiotherapist, perceived benefit of physiotherapy and communication), family involvement in physiotherapy care (physical presence during physiotherapy sessions and decision-making), and satisfaction of physiotherapy ICU care. Themes arising from patient perception of care data analysed included: i) Physiotherapy management of patients, ii) The Physiotherapists – skill, iii) knowledge and professionalism, iv) Continuity of Care, v) Tangibility, vi) Physiotherapy benefits, vii) Decision-Making, viii) Communication, ix) Satisfaction of Physiotherapy ICU care. Overall, family and patients were satisfied with the physiotherapy care in the cardiothoracic ICU. However, there were areas of improvement such as the understanding of physiotherapy care, communication, family involvement in the physiotherapy care and decision-making. Conclusion: While there are multiple quantitative measures for measuring family perception of ICU care there is no “gold” standard measure that has been identified. A qualitative measure and research design would allow richer in-depth information on family perception of ICU care. The findings from the family and patient perception of cardiothoracic ICU physiotherapy care are influenced by many factors. While family and patients perceive cardiothoracic ICU physiotherapy care both positively and negatively, the majority of patient and family were satisfied overall with the care the patient received. Family perception of ICU physiotherapy care should be evaluated in order to identify areas for improvement in quality of care and could add to the body of evidence in ICU physiotherapy practice.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Fabrize, Lauren 01 August 2019 (has links)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics, assessment, and treatment of infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) as perceived by Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) and whether it differed from those of other Neonatal Intensive Care Unit populations. Methods: A secure web-based questionnaire with 62 questions collected information on NAS, caseloads, treatment environment, and demographics. Twenty-six respondents initiated the survey; 42% completed most or all questions. Response analyses included descriptive and nonparametric inferential statistics. Results: Infants with NAS were on the caseloads of 73% of respondents. The majority (79%) only saw infants with NAS and feeding problems. Primary problems included incomplete or increased time to complete feeds, increased/excessive/irregular sucking rates, and reflux. Working on teams, respondents provided assessment, treatment, and education of infant feeding and state. Conclusion: Growing demand for SLP intervention with infants with NAS is likely to persist if opioid use continues to increase as projected.

Associação de hipernatremia com o prognóstico e a mortalidade de pacientes com traumatismo cranioencefálico grave em um hospital terciário brasileiro / Hypernatremia, prognosis and mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in a tertiary academic center in Brazil

Carvalho, Aline dos Santos 04 September 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) é atualmente uma das maiores causas de incapacidade, custo econômico e morte em todo o mundo. O prognóstico do paciente com TCE depende tanto da lesão encefálica primária, que ocorre no momento do trauma, como da lesão secundária, que ocorre após o evento traumático, em decorrência da evolução da lesão inicial ou de suas complicações intracranianas e sistêmicas. Dentre estas complicações sistêmicas destacam-se os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos, em especial os distúrbios de sódio, por ser este o principal íon extracelular e o mais importante soluto osmoticamente ativo, estando diretamente ligado à formação de edema cerebral. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que a hipernatremia é um fator de risco independente para pior prognóstico em pacientes críticos e neurocríticos. Não estão claros, entretanto, a frequência e o impacto clínico da hipernatremia no prognóstico de pacientes com TCE grave em nosso meio. Objetivou-se neste estudo identificar a incidência e os fatores preditivos da hipernatremia na fase aguda em pacientes com TCE grave em uma amostra de pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) e verificar se a hipernatremia na fase aguda constitui um fator de risco independente para o óbito intra-hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, retrospectivo, unicêntrico, com dados coletados a partir da revisão dos prontuários dos pacientes adultos internados entre 1º de janeiro de 2011 a 17 de maio de 2015 na UTI da UE-HCFMRP com diagnóstico de TCE grave. Foram excluídos pacientes com traumas ocorridos há mais de 5 dias da admissão na UTI ou que tiveram tempo de internação na UTI inferior a 24 horas. Os fatores de risco para hipernatremia (definida como dois ou mais valores de sódio sérico > 145 mEq/L na primeira semana após o trauma), os preditores de óbito intra-hospitalar e de desfecho funcional desfavorável pela Glasgow Outcome Scale na alta hospitalar foram determinados através de análise multivariada por regressão logística linear, Para esta análise, foram também excluídos os pacientes que desenvolveram diabetes insípido e morte encefálica. RESULTADOS:Foram incluídos 254 pacientes, dos quais 89,4% eram do sexo masculino. A média de idade foi 34,11±12,46 anos, sendo os acidentes de trânsito o principal mecanismo de trauma encontrado. A média do valor do sódio sérico na admissão hospitalar foi 136,3±4,6 mEq/L; apenas 5 pacientes já foram admitidos com hipernatremia. A taxa de mortalidade geral foi 26,8%; hipernatremia foi identificada em 40,6% dos casos. Os fatores de risco independentes para a ocorrência de hipernatremia foram a glicemia de admissão (OR:1,01;IC95%:1,002-1,017), instabilidade hemodinâmica na admissão (OR:3,995;IC95%:1,35-11,8), presença de contusão cerebral na TC de crânio inicial (OR:3,208;IC95%:1,502-6,853) e o balanço hídrico positivo na primeira semana após o trauma (OR:1,113;IC95%:1,027-1,206). Os fatores de risco independentes para óbito intra-hospitalar foram glicemia (OR:1,014;IC95%:1,005-1,022), hipertensão intracraniana (OR:3,037;IC95%:1,074-8,592) e hipernatremia grave (OR:4,532;IC95%:1,798-11,423); já os preditores de GOS desfavorável na alta hospitalar foram glicemia (OR:1,01;IC95%:1,003-1,018), pneumonia (OR:3,115;IC95%:1,179- 8,231), hipernatremia (OR:2,592;IC95%:1,261-5,327) e hipernatremia grave (OR:3,933;IC95%:1,732-8,291). CONCLUSÕES: A hipernatremia é uma complicação frequente entre os pacientes com TCE grave e é independentemente associada à maior mortalidade intra-hospitalar e pior desfecho funcional na alta hospitalar. / INTRODUCTION: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is currently one of the major causes of disability, economic cost and death in the world. The prognosis of a TBI patient depends on the severity of the brain injuries, both the primary injury, that occurs at the time of the trauma, and secondary injury, which occurs after the traumatic event and is related to the progress of the initial lesion or its intracranial and systemic complications. Prevention and treatment of secondary injuries has been shown to change the evolution of those patients and is one of the pillars of management of TBI. Secondary injuries include hydroelectrolytic disorders, especially disorders of sodium, that is the main extracellular ion and the most important osmotically active solute, being directly related to the formation of cerebral edema. Recent studies have shown that hypernatremia is an independent risk factor for worse prognosis in critically ill and neurocritical ill patients. In this context, it is still unclear what is the frequency and what are the predictors of hypernatremia in patients with severe TBI and whether hypernatremia has a negative impact on the prognosis of those patients. The objective of this study was to identify the incidence and predictive factors of hypernatremia in the acute phase in patients with severe TBI in a sample of patients admitted to an academic tertiary ICU in Brazil and to verify if hypernatremia in the acute phase of TBI constitutes an independent risk factor for death in those patients. METHODS: Observational, transversal, retrospective, monocentric study with data collected from the review of medical records of hospitalized adult patients between January 1, 2011 and May 17, 2015 in the UE-HCFMRP ICU with diagnosis of severe TBI. Patients with trauma that occurred more than 5 days after admission to ICU or who had an ICU stay of less than 24 hours were excluded; and demographic, clinical and evolution data were collected, including ICU length of stay, hospital length of stay, functional outcome at hospital discharge and mortality rate. Risk factors for hypernatremia (considered present when there were two or more serum sodium values> 145 mEq / L in the first week after the trauma) and the predictors of death and unfavorable functional outcome by Glasgow Outcome Scale were determined bymultivariate analysis by linear logistic regression, and for this analysis, patients who developed hypernatremia associated with diabetes insipidus and brain death were excluded. RESULTS: A total of 254 patients were included, 89.4% were male. The mean age was 34.11±12.46 years, and traffic accidents were the main trauma mechanism. The mean serum sodium value at hospital admission was 136.3± 4.6 mEq / L; only 5 patients were admitted with hypernatremia. The overall mortality rate was 26.8%; hypernatremia was identified in 40.6% of the cases. The independent risk factors for the occurrence of hypernatremia were admission blood glucose (OR:1.01;95%CI:1.002-1.017), hemodynamic instability at admission (OR:3.995;95%CI:1.35-11.8), presence of brain contusion at the initial brain CT scan (OR:3.208;95%CI:1.502-6.853), and positive fluid balance in the first week after trauma (OR:1.113;95%CI:1.027-1.206). The independent risk factors for death were glycemia (OR:1.014;95%CI:1.005-1.022), intracranial hypertension (OR:3.037;95%CI:1.074-8.592) and severe hypernatremia (OR:4.532; 95%CI:1.798-11.423); the predictors of unfavorable GOS at hospital discharge were glycemia (OR:1.01;95%CI:1.003-1.018), pneumonia (OR:3.115;95%CI:1,179-8.231), hypernatremia (OR:2.592;95%CI:1.261-5.327) and severe hypernatremia (OR:3.933; 95%CI:1.732-8.291). CONCLUSIONS: Hypernatremia is a frequent complication among patients with severe TBI and is independently associated with higher mortality and worse functional outcome at hospital discharge in those patients.

"Análise dos instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e SF-36: confiabilidade, validade e concordância entre pacientes de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e seus familiares" / Analysis of the WHOQOL-bref and SF-36: reliability, validity and agreement between patients of the Intensive Care Unit and their families.

Zanei, Suely Sueko Viski 22 February 2006 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivos: analisar as propriedades psicométricas dos instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e SF-36 aplicados a pacientes adultos após a internação em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e a seus familiares e, avaliar a concordância entre pacientes e familiares como seus substitutos. A amostra foi composta por 71 pares paciente-famíliar. A confiabilidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna através do Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. A validade convergente foi avaliada através das correlações interdomínios dos instrumentos e a validade divergente pelas correlações entre os domínios e o número de comorbidades através da Correlação de Spearman. A concordância entre os pares foi verificada pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse e pela estatística kappa ponderado. Os resultados mostraram que o SF-36 quanto à confiabilidade apresenta valores aceitáveis (0,70) para a maioria dos domínios tanto para pacientes como para os familiares. Quanto ao WHOQOL-bref o coeficiente foi inferior a 0,70 para todos os domínios, em ambos os casos. A maioria das correlações interdomínios do SF-36 foram positivas e significativas para pacientes e familiares. O WHOQOL-bref quando aplicado aos pacientes apresentou correlações interdomínios positivas e significativas, mas o mesmo não ocorreu com os familiares. As correlações entre os domínios e número de comorbidades, tanto para o SF-36 e o WHOQOL–bref não foram significativas. A concordância entre os pares foi melhor quando o familiar foi o pai ou a mãe, filho e cônjuge, nessa ordem. Domínios e itens que avaliam condições objetivas são os que apresentam valores de concordância mais elevados entre os pares. O SF-36 apresentou maior número de concordâncias moderadas. O domínio Aspectos Físicos do SF-36 foi o que apresentou concordância substancial para todos os familiares. O domínio Físico do WHOQOL-bref apresentou concordância moderada para a maioria dos familiares. Para o SF-36, a concordância foi melhor quando os pacientes tinham duas ou mais comorbidades, Para o WHOQOL-bref foi melhor quando o paciente tinha uma ou duas comorbidades, mas apresentou maior número de concordâncias inconsistentes. De forma geral, os domínios previstos como aqueles que avaliam construtos similares não se correlacionaram. Esses resultados confirmam que no contexto do tratamento intensivo o SF-36 é mais adequado como instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de vida relacionado à saúde. Esses achados são similares aos da literatura internacional. / This aims this study were: to analyze the psychometric properties of the instruments for the evaluation of Quality of Life WHOQOL-bref and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) applied to adult patients after discharged from Intensive Care Units and their families and to evaluate the agreement between patients and their families as proxies. The sample consisted of 71 patient-family pairs. The internal consistency reliability was evaluated by the Cronbach’s Alfa Coefficient. The convergent validity was evaluated by the inter-domain correlations of the instruments and a divergent validity was evaluated by Spearman correlation between domains and number of comorbidities. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and weighted kappa were used to analise the agreement between the pairs. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was acceptable (0.70) for the majority of SF-36 domains for patients and their families. For the WHOQOL-bref, the coefficients were below 0, 70 for all domains in both cases. The majority of inter-domains correlation of SF-36 for patients and proxies were positive and significant. WHOQOL-bref inter-domain correlations were positive and significant when applied to the patients but not for the families. For the correlations between domains and number of comorbidities, the majority of SF-36 and WHOQOL-bref domains did not correlate for either the patients or their families. The divergent validity was not supported in both instruments. Agreement between the pairs was better when the relatives were the parents or sons. Domains and items that evaluated objective conditions presented much higher values of agreement between the pairs. The SF-36, showed a larger number of domains with moderate agreement. The Physical Role domains of SF-36 were what showed a substantial agreement for all of the families. The Physical domain of WHOQOL-bref, showed moderate agreement between each of the family members. The agreement SF-36, was better when the patients had 2 or more comorbidities, regarding the WHOQOL-bref, it was better when a patiente had 1 or 2 comorbities, however it showed a greater number of inconsistent agreements. In general, domains hypothesized to measure similar constructs do not correlated. These results confirm that the SF-36 is more suitable for the evaluation of quality of life in the intensive care context. These findings are similar to from international literature.

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