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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores associados ao risco de desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma gástrico: estudo caso-controle / Risk factors associated with the development of gastric adenocarcinoma: case-control study

Marcus Fernando Kodama Pertille Ramos 15 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer vem apresentando um impacto cada vez maior nas populações em todo o mundo. Apesar de recente queda global na sua incidência, o câncer gástrico ainda é o quinto tipo mais comum. Sua patogênese é multifatorial, envolvendo a interação de fatores genéticos, ambientais e infecciosos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação de tabagismo, consumo de álcool e nível de escolaridade com o desenvolvimento de câncer gástrico. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo caso-controle de base hospitalar em que foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de estômago confirmado por exame histopatológico sem tratamento prévio para a neoplasia. Posteriormente, os casos foram divididos em subtipos de acordo com a histologia (intestinal e difuso) e localização da lesão (proximal, distal e outras). Os indivíduos do grupo controle foram selecionados entre pacientes admitidos no mesmo hospital, sem história ou suspeita de câncer de estômago, emparelhados por frequência aos casos segundo sexo e idade. Tabagismo foi classificado em maços-ano e consumo de álcool em gramas-ano. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 240 casos e 499 controles recrutados no período de junho de 2001 a dezembro de 2007. Não frequentaram a escola ou apresentavam ensino fundamental incompleto 94 indivíduos (39,2%) no grupo dos casos e 187 (37,5%) no grupo de controles. Ensino universitário foi atingido por 12 indivíduos (5%) no grupo de casos e por 45 indivíduos (9%) do grupo de controles. Não houve associação de nível de escolaridade com risco de desenvolvimento de câncer de estômago. Tabagismo esteve associado ao risco de câncer gástrico com odds ratio (OR) de 2,25 (IC95%: 1,53-3,31) para ex-tabagistas e de 2,67 (IC95%: 1,72-4,13) para tabagistas atuais. Com relação à localização e tipo histológico, tabagismo foi associado com todos os subtipos de tumores gástricos analisados, com destaque para os tumores proximais que apresentaram OR de 5,38 (IC95%: 2,15-13,45) para consumo superior a 38 maços-ano. Consumo de álcool também esteve associado a risco de desenvolvimento de câncer gástrico em todos os subtipos analisados. Entretanto, esta associação apresentou características distintas do tabagismo. Ex-consumidores de álcool apresentaram risco mais elevado (OR=3,81; IC95%: 2,45-5,91) que consumidores atuais (OR=2,06; IC95%: 1,31-3,26). A análise da interação mostrou que o efeito conjunto de tabagismo e consumo de álcool encontrado foi maior que o esperado, evidenciando interação positiva [?=1,51 (IC 95%: 1,05 - 1,96)]. CONCLUSÕES: Tabagismo e consumo de álcool apresentaram associação com o risco de desenvolvimento de câncer gástrico, com destaque para tabagistas atuais e maior consumo de maços-ano. O consumo associado do tabaco e do álcool aumenta esse risco / BACKGROUND: Cancer has an increasing impact on populations around the world. Despite a recent overall decline in incidence, gastric cancer stills the fifth most common type. Its pathogenesis is multifactorial involving the interaction of genetic, environmental and infectious factors. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association of smoking, alcohol consumption and education level with the development of gastric cancer. METHODS: This is a hospital-based case-control study that included patients with gastric adenocarcinoma confirmed by histopathological examination without prior treatment. Subsequently, patients were divided into subtypes according to histology (intestinal and diffuse) and location of the lesion (proximal, distal and others). Control subjects were selected among patients admitted to the same hospital with no history of gastric câncer, and were frequency-matched to cases for age and sex. Smoking was classified in pack-years and alcohol consumption in grams per year. RESULTS: We analyzed 240 cases and 499 controls recruited from June 2001 to December 2007. Not attended school or had incomplete elementary school 94 subjects (39.2%) in the group of cases and 187 (37.5%) in the control group. University education was achieved by 12 subjects (5%) in the case group and 45 subjects (9%) in the control group. There was no association of education level with increased risk of stomach cancer. Smoking was associated with increased risk of gastric cancer with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.25 (95%CI: 1.53-3.31) for former smokers and 2.67 (95%CI: 1.72-4.13) for current smokers. With respect to location and histological type, smoking was associated with all subtypes of gastric tumors analyzed with emphasis on the proximal tumors that had OR of 5.38 (95%CI: 2.15-13.45) for consumption over 38 packs-years. Alcohol consumption was also associated with increases risk of gastric cancer development in all analyzed subtypes. However, this association showed distinct characteristics of smoking. Former drinkers had higher risk (OR=3.81; 95%CI: 2.45-5.91) than current users (OR=2.06; 95%CI: 1.31-3.26). The analysis of the interaction showed that the combined effect of smoking and alcohol consumption was higher than expected, thus showing up a positive interaction [?= 1.51 (95%CI: 1.05-1.96)]. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking and alcohol consumption were associated with the risk of gastric cancer development, especially for current smokers and higher consumption of pack-years. Association of tobacco and alcohol consumption increases this risk

"Estudo da microbiota intestinal em doentes com retocolite ulcerativa antes e após retocolectomia com anastomose de bolsa ileal ao canal anal" / Intestinal microbiota in patients with ulcerative colitis, before and after proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis

Maristela Gomes de Almeida 22 January 2004 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo, descrever a microbiota intestinal de pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa grave, em tratamento clínico, antes e após retocolectomia com anastomose de bolsa ileal ao canal anal. Comparou-se a flora bacteriana do íleo terminal e do reto no pré-operatório com a flora encontrada na bolsa ileal após dois e oito meses do fechamento da ileostomia e com a flora do íleo terminal e do reto de um grupo controle. Observou-se que a Veillonella sp foi a bactéria mais freqüentemente encontrada em todos os grupos. Não houve diferenças significativas entre a flora intestinal do grupo controle e dos pacientes com retocolite ulcerativa / The aim of this study is to describe the intestinal microbiota of patients with severe ulcerative colitis, under clinical treatment, before and after proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Intestinal flora of distal ileum and rectum before surgery was compared with the flora found in ileal pouch after two and eight months after ileostomy closure and with the flora of distal ileum and rectum of controls. Veillonella sp was the most frequent microorganism found in all groups. There were no significant differences between the intestinal microbiota found in controls and in patients with ulcerative colitis

Avaliação de marcadores de inflamação em pacientes com lesão renal aguda em unidade de terapia intensiva / Assessement of inflammatory mediators in critically ill AKI patients

Amanda Francisco Martins 09 January 2009 (has links)
A incidência de lesão renal aguda (LRA) em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é de 5 a 25% e está associada a elevada mortalidade. A intensidade da resposta inflamatória reflete a magnitude do processo fisiopatológico da LRA e parece estar relacionada a um aumento na gravidade desses pacientes. Os objetivos desse estudo foram: a) avaliar o nível de mediadores inflamatórios em pacientes críticos com LRA; b) avaliar o perfil desses mediadores em conjunto com parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais, comparando pacientes críticos com e sem LRA; c) avaliar o impacto desses mediadores na sobrevida dos pacientes. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, prospectivo, do tipo caso-controle, em quatro UTIs do HCFMUSP no período entre novembro de 2006 e março de 2008. LRA foi definida segundo a classificação de RIFLE. Foram realizadas dosagens séricas dos seguintes marcadores: fator de necrose tumoral- (TNF-), receptor solúvel do tipo 1 do TNF- (sTNFR1), interleucina (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, leptina e proteína C-reativa (PCR). Os mediadores foram dosados no dia do diagnóstico de LRA (D1), dois dias após o D1, denominado D3 e quatro dias após o D1, denominado D5. A população final de análise foi composta por 52 pacientes no grupo caso e 9 pacientes no grupo controle. No D1, os níveis séricos de IL-6 estavam significativamente mais elevados nos pacientes com LRA: 61,68 (14,30 389,11) pg/mL versus 13,21 (1,50 47,06) pg/mL (p=0,032). Da mesma forma, os níveis de TNF-: 3,22 (0,57 xvi 15,9) pg/mL nos pacientes com LRA versus 0,32 (0,32 0,34) pg/mL nos controles (p<0,001). Os níveis séricos de sTNFR1 dosados, neste primeiro dia, foi significativamente menor no grupo LRA: 554,48 (459,48 770,61) pg/mL versus 768,82 (590,78 840,86) pg/mL no grupo controle, (p=0,035). No D3, os níveis séricos de TNF- mantiveram-se mais elevados, 4,64 (1,10 11,81) pg/mL versus 0,32 (0,32 0,34) pg/mL (p<0,001). Após análise de regressão logística, a dosagem mais elevada de TNF-, no D1, permaneceu como fator independente associado a LRA. Dentre os pacientes do grupo LRA, os marcadores inflamatórios que tiveram valor preditivo para menor sobrevida, quando dosados no D1, foram: PCR maior ou igual a 80 mg/dL, 39±6,7 dias versus 42±8,1 dias (p=0,023); IL-8 maior ou igual a 77 pg/mL, 25±11,4 dias versus 42±15,7 dias (p=0,037); IL-10 maior ou igual a 90 pg/mL, 24±9,2 dias versus 39±5,7 dias (p=0,029) e sTNFR1 menor ou igual a 540 pg/mL, 29±6,7 dias versus 39±5,7 dias (p=0,029). Após análise de regressão proporcional de Cox, IL-10 e sTNFR1 permaneceram como preditores independentes de menor sobrevida entre os pacientes com LRA. Na população analisada, o perfil de citocinas nos pacientes com LRA sugere um aumento da resposta imunológica pró-inflamatória, já no dia do diagnóstico da LRA, sendo TNF- um marcador de LRA neste dia. O perfil de citocinas preditoras de sobrevida em pacientes com LRA sugere o envolvimento da resposta imunológica anti-inflamatória na menor sobrevida destes pacientes, sendo sTNFR1 e IL-10 preditores independentes de menor sobrevida em pacientes críticos com LRA / The incidence of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Intensive Care Units (ICU) ranges between 5 and 25% and is associated with an increased mortality. The degree of the inflammatory response reflects the severity of the physiopathologic process involved in AKI which appears to be correlated to the underline severity of the disease in these patients. The aims of this study were: a) evaluate serum level of inflammatory mediators in AKI critically ill patients; b) assess the pattern of these inflammatory mediators in addition to some others clinical and laboratory parameters, in order to compare these values in patients with and without AKI; c) correlate the serum level of these inflammatory markers and patient survival. We conduct a prospective, observational, case-control study in four ICUs at Clinic Hospital of University of Sao Paulo from November 2006 to March 2008. AKI was defined based on the RIFLE classification system. The following inflammatory mediators were measured in the serum: tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-), soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (sTNFR1), interleukin (IL) -6, IL-8, IL-10, leptin e C-reactive protein (PCR). The inflammatory mediators were measured in the day of AKI diagnosis (D1), two and four days after the diagnosis, named D3 and D5, respectively. We analyzed 52 AKI patients and 9 controls. In D1 serum levels of IL-6 were significantly higher in AKI patients: 61.68 (14.30 389.11) pg/mL vs 13.21 (1.50 47.06) pg/mL in controls (p=0.032). Also the serum levels of TNF- were higher in AKI patients; 3.22 (0.57 15.9) pg/mL vs 0.32 (0.32 0.34) pg/mL in controls (p<0.001). The serum levels of sTNFR1 in the first day were significantly lower in the AKI group; 554.48 (459.48 770.61) pg/mL vs 768.82 (590.78 840.86) pg/mL in controls, (p=0.035). In D3, the serum levels of TNF- were still higher, 4.64 (1.10 11.81) pg/mL vs 0.32 (0.32 0.34) pg/mL (p<0.001). After logistic regression, the higher serum levels of TNF- remained as independent factor associated to AKI. Among the AKI patients, the inflammatory mediators that were predictive of survival in the first day were: PCR 80 mg/dL, 39±6.7 days vs 42±8.1 days (p=0.023); IL-8 77 pg/mL, 25±11.4 days vs 42±15.7 days (p=0.037); IL-10 90 pg/mL, 24±9.2 days vs 39±5.7 days (p=0.029) and sTNFR1 540 pg/mL, 29±6.7 days vs 39±5.7 days (p=0.029). After Cox proportional hazards survival regression, IL-10 and sTNFR1 remained as independent predictors of lower survival among patients with AKI. In the population studied, the pattern of cytokines in patients presenting AKI suggests an elevated pro-inflammatory immunologic response since AKI diagnosis. TNF- was the AKI marker in this first day. The pattern of cytokines related to AKI point to the role of immunologic anti-inflammatory response on the lower survival of these patients. The higher levels of sTNFR1 and IL-10 were independent factors associated with lower survival rates in AKI critically ill patients

Carcinoma hepatocelular de pequeno tamanho e cirrose hepática pelo vírus da hepatite C: estudo caso-controle de variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais / Small hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis C liver cirrhosis. A case-control study based on clinical and laboratorial data

Celso Eduardo Lourenço Matielo 11 August 2005 (has links)
O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é a quinta neoplasia maligna mais frequente no mundo, sendo que, em mais de 80% dos casos, seu aparecimento está relacionado à presença de cirrose hepática (CH). A infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) é uma das principais causas de cirrose hepática no mundo e, consequentemente, de CHC. Este estudo caso-controle foi baseado na análise de variáveis clínicas, bioquímicas e sorológicas de 31 pacientes cirróticos pelo VHC com CHC de pequeno tamanho (<= 3 cm, tamanho médio = 22 mm) comparando-os com grupo controle de 62 pacientes cirróticos pelo VHC sem CHC, pareados por idade e sexo. Os principais objetivos foram identificar marcadores auxiliares ao diagnóstico de CHC e desenvolver um modelo linear para o diagnóstico presuntivo de CHC de pequeno tamanho. Os dados levantados foram submetidos à análise univariada. Demonstramos diferenças significantes entre os dois grupos com relação à presença de marcadores de infecção pregressa pelo vírus da hepatite B; às dosagens séricas de aspartato aminotransferase, de alanina aminotransferase, de gamaglutamil transpeptidase; à contagem de plaquetas, fibrinogênio plasmático, alfafetoproteína e resposta virológica sustentada ao tratamento com interferon. As variáveis significantes foram submetidas à análise multivariada com procedimento de regressão logística \"stepwise\" para ajustar o modelo linear. Esta análise multivariada selecionou duas variáveis preditoras para o diagnóstico de CHC, a aspartato aminotransferase e a alfa-fetoproteína, com uma probabilidade de 0,26; sensibilidade de 74,2% e especificidade de 66,1%. Entretanto este modelo linear, devido a sua baixa probabilidade, não pode ser empregado para o diagnóstico de CHC, porém potencializa a identificação de um grupo de pacientes com maior risco para o seu desenvolvimento, merecendo assim um programa de rastreamento mais cuidadoso / Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cause of cancer worldwilde. In 80% of cases HCC develop in cirrhotic livers. Hepatitis C virus infection is considered one of the main causes of liver cirrhosis and HCC. We conducted a case-control study involved 31 small HCC cases (<= 3 cm, mean size = 22 mm) and 62 age and gender matched control HCV liver cirrhosis subjects. All included patients (case and controls) were HCV positive (confirmed by RT-PCR). The present study was based on the comparison of clinical, biochemical and serological data in these patients. Our aims were to identify auxiliar parameters for the diagnosis of HCC and develop a linear model that predict the diagnosis of HCC. Data were submitted to an univariate analysis. Significant differences between the groups were observed in relation to markers of hepatitis B past infection, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gammaglutamyltransferase, platelet count, fibrinogen, alpha-fetoprotein and sustained response after Interferon therapy. The significant variables were submitted to a multivariate analysis with stepwise logistic regression procedure to adjust a linear model to estimate the probability of diagnosis of HCC. Two significant variables to HCC prediction were found, the aspartate aminotransferase and alpha-fetoprotein adjusted a linear model that allows HCC diagnosis with 0,26 probability, 74,2% sensibility and 66% specificity. However, because this model has low probability, it cannot make the HCC diagnosis but allows identify the potential group of patients with major risk to rise HCC, so that deserves more accurate surveillance strategy

Fatores associados a não realização de pré-natal no município de Pelotas, RS

Rosa, Cristiane Quadrado da 22 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2014-12-03T21:19:41Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Fatores associados a não realização de pré-natal no município de Pelotas, RS.pdf: 1970333 bytes, checksum: b4f214bae0fcf638fdcd1cea56f7d29f (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-03T21:19:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Fatores associados a não realização de pré-natal no município de Pelotas, RS.pdf: 1970333 bytes, checksum: b4f214bae0fcf638fdcd1cea56f7d29f (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-22 / Sem bolsa / Objetivo: Investigar fatores associados a não realização de pré-natal das mulheres com filhos nascidos vivos em 2009 e 2010, residentes no município de Pelotas. Métodos: estudo caso-controle no qual se identificou 179 casos (mulheres que não realizaram o pré-natal) e 537 controles (mulheres com pré-natal) utilizando o banco de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos local. Os controles foram pareados por idade e selecionados de acordo com a região administrativa de moradia do caso. A análise multivariada hierarquizada foi efetivada por meio de Regressão Logística Condicional. Resultados: o modelo ajustado final mostrou associação entre menor escolaridade materna, especialmente ter menos de quatro anos de estudo, ser mulher solteira e multípara com não realização de pré-natal. Conclusões: este estudo aponta indicadores que devem ser considerados na estruturação e implementação de políticas de educação para a saúde reprodutiva, planejamento familiar e rastreamento de gestantes sem pré-natal, assim como indica as regiões do município onde tais estratégias deveriam ser prioritárias. / Objective: To investigate associated factors with lack of prenatal care use of women with live births in 2009 and 2010, residents in the city of Pelotas. Methods: A casecontrol study where they identified 179 cases (women who did not have prenatal care) and 537 controls (women with prenatal) using the Live Births Information System database. The controls were matched by age and selected according to the administrative region's housing case. A hierarchical multivariate analysis was carried out by means of Conditional Logistic Regression. Results: In the final adjusted model showed association no conducting pre-natal the maternal education, especially those having less than four years of study, be unmarried woman and multiparous. Conclusions: This study suggests that indicators should be considered as the implementation of education policies for reproductive health, family planning and tracking of pregnant women without prenatal care, as well as indicates the regions of the county where such strategies should be a priority.

Isänsä surmannut poika - psykiatrinen tutkimus

Säävälä, H. (Hannu) 13 November 2001 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on a son's violence against his father. It consists of three substudies. The first substudy examines the incidence of patricide in Finland. The incidence was essentially the same in the beginning and in the end of 20th century: 0.07 and 0.06 cases of patricide per 100 000 per year respectively. At the same time the incidence of matricide increased from 0.01 to 0.07 per 100 000 respectively. The proportion of patricide and matricide of all homicides increased due to the decrease of all homicides in Finland during the study period. The incidences of parricides seem to be of the order of other western countries. In the second substudy, all the reports of 107 serious violent offences by a son against his father were extracted from among all the forensic psychiatric examination reports made in Finland in 1973-96. These index cases were compared to 107 control cases of homicide against other people. Various statistically significant differences were found between the groups. The controls had the following characteristics more commonly than the indexes: developmental problems (especially conduct disorders) in childhood, personality disorders, dependence on alcohol or drugs and criminal histories as adults. They were also married and left their childhood home before the crime more commonly than the indexes. The indexes had psychotic diseases and dependence on parents more commonly, but also better educational and professional success. The indexes were more commonly diagnosed as 'without legal responsibility' (33% vs. 12%) and the controls more commonly 'with diminished legal responsibility'. In the third substudy, five major predisposing factors for a son's violence against his father were identified (incidence in parenthesis): A son's dependence on his parents (70%), a son's tendency to violence (65%), psychotic disease of the son (31%), the fathers oppressive and violent behaviour against the son (36%), protection of the mother against the father's violence by the son (21%). One or more of these factors could be involved in any single case. It was found that oedipality could not explain the violence of a son against his father. Distant and aggressive fathering and close and caring mothering can be seen as predisposing factors both to violence against the father and to the claimed general high prevalence of oedipality in our culture. / Tiivistelmä Tämä työ koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä tutkittiin pojan tekemän patrisidin eli isän surmaamisen esiintyvyyttä Suomessa. Patrisidin esiintyvyys pysyi suunnilleen samana, 0.07 ja 0.06 tapausta 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa, 1900-luvun alussa ja lopussa. Sen sijaan matrisidin eli äidin surmaamisen esiintyvyys kasvoi 0.01:stä 0.07:ään tapaukseen 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa. Patrisidien ja matrisidien osuus kaikista henkirikoksista Suomessa kasvoi 1900-luvun aikana, koska yleinen henkirikoskuolleisuus aleni kyseisen jakson aikana. Patrisidin ja matrisidin esiintyvyys vastaa muissa länsimaissa havaittuja esiintyvyyslukuja. Työn toisessa osassa tutkittiin mielentutkimuksessa vuosina 1973-96 olleiden 107 isänsä surmanneen tai pahoinpidelleen pojan ja heidän 107 verrokkinsa teon taustalla olleita tekijöitä. Useita tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja havaittiin: verrokit kärsivät indeksejä yleisemmin lapsuudessa kehitysongelmista, etenkin käytöshäiriöistä, ja aikuisena persoonallisuushäiriöistä ja päihderiippuvuudesta sekä tekivät yleisemmin rikoksia. He myös solmivat parisuhteen ja lähtivät kotoa ennen väkivallantekoaan yleisemmin kuin indeksit Indeksit olivat yleisemmin psykoottisia ja riippuvaisia vanhemmistaan, mutta menestyivät paremmin koulussa ja työelämässä kuin verrokit. Indeksit todettiin mielentilatutkimuksessa yleisemmin syyntakeettomiksi kuin verrokit ja verrokit taas yleisemmin alentuneesti syyntakeiseksi kuin indeksit. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa isään kohdistuneelle väkivallalle todettiin viisi keskeistä altistavaa tekijää (tekijöiden esiintyvyys 107 indeksin joukossa suluissa prosentteina): Pojan riippuvuus vanhemmistaan (70%), pojan väkivaltataipumus (65%), pojan psykoottinen sairaus (31%), isän alistava ja väkivaltainen käytös poikaa kohtaan (36%), äidin suojelu isän väkivallalta (21%). Kuhunkin tapaukseen saattoi liittyä samanaikaisesti yksi tai useampia tekijöitä. Oidipaalisuuden ei havaittu olevan keskeinen altistava tekijä pojan väkivallalle isää kohtaan. Etäinen ja väkivaltainen isyys ja suojaava ja huolehtiva äitiys voivat olla altistavia tekijöitä paitsi isään kohdistuvalle väkivallalle myös aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaitulle oidipaalisuuden yleisyydelle kulttuurissamme.

Occupational risk factors for pancreatic cancer in Montreal

Manthorp, Emily 06 1900 (has links)
Problématique. L’étiologie du cancer pancréatique est encore peu caractérisée, notamment quant au rôle des expositions environnementales modifiables. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner si les expositions chimiques dans les milieux de travail sont des facteurs de risques pour ce cancer le plus souvent mortel. Méthodes. Une étude cas-témoin populationnelle à Montréal incluant 19 types de cancer a été réalisée entre 1979 et 1985. Pour chaque participant, un historique de travail détaillé a été obtenu ainsi que des données sur des variables sociodémographiques et des habitudes de vie. Les antécédents de travail ont été examinés par des chimistes et hygiénistes de travail afin de déterminer le statut d’exposition de chaque participant pour environ 300 substances d’intérêt. Pour ce rapport, les 116 cas participants de cancer pancréatique ont été comparés avec les autres cas de cancers et des témoins populationnelles. Des analyses préliminaires ont été effectuées pour repérer les substances qui démontraient des indices d’association avec le cancer du pancréas. Celles-ci, en plus des substances qui sont réputées être associées avec le cancer du pancréas dans la littérature, ont été retenues pour des analyses statistiques plus approfondies. Pour chaque substance, deux catégories d’exposition ont été établies : « exposé » et « substantiellement exposé ». Les ratios de cotes entre le cancer pancréatique et chaque substance ont été estimés par régression logistique tout en contrôlant pour des facteurs de confusion possibles. Des analyses semblables ont été réalisées pour des catégories industrielles et occupationnelles. Résultats. Parmi toutes les expositions étudiées, la majorité d’entre eux n’ont pas démontré une association avec le cancer du pancréas. Cependant, des associations positives ont été repérées pour quelques substances, notamment pour les produits de combustion du charbon (RC 2,6, IC 95 % [1,3- 5,3]), la suie (RC 3,4, IC 95 % [1,3-8,6]), les cires et agents de polissage (RC 2,7, 95 % [1,1-4,1]), les produits de nettoyage (RC 1,9, IC 95 % [1,1-3,2]) et pour la catégorie des concierges et nettoyeurs (RC 2,8, IC 95 % [1,5-5,1]). Conclusion. Malgré que plusieurs des associations observées dans cette étude ne sont pas suffisamment appuyées directement par la littérature existante, nos résultats représentent une ressource utile pour diriger les futurs projets de recherche et notamment pour les éventuelles méta- analyses. / Background. Pancreatic cancer is a fatal disease in most cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the etiology of pancreatic cancer and whether modifiable environmental chemical exposures may play an important role. The purpose of this study is to explore whether chemical exposures in the workplace may be risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Methods. A population-based case-control study including 19 types of cancer was conducted in Montreal between 1979 and 1985. Detailed occupational histories were obtained from all subjects as well as information on several socio-demographic and lifestyle variables. Occupational histories were assessed by industrial hygienists and chemists to determine whether exposure had occurred to any of nearly 300 substances from a checklist. For this report, the participating 116 pancreatic cancer cases were compared with other cancer controls and population controls. Preliminary analyses were conducted to identify agents from the checklist showing evidence of an association with pancreatic cancer. These were selected for more in-depth statistical analyses together with agents reported in the literature as being potentially associated with pancreatic cancer. For each agent, “any” and “substantial” exposure metrics were defined. Unconditional logistic regression methods were used to estimate odds ratios between pancreatic cancer and each of the selected exposures while controlling for potential confounders. Similar analyses were conducted for occupation and industry groups. Results. Of all the exposures assessed, the majority did not reveal an association with pancreatic cancer. However, suggestive positive associations were found for several agents including coal combustion products (OR 2.6, 95% CI [1.3-5.3]), soot (OR 3.4, 95% [1.3-8.6]), waxes and polishes (OR 2.7, 95% [1.1-4.1]), cleaning agents (OR 1.9, 95% [1.1-3.2]) and for the occupational category “janitors and cleaners” (OR 2.8, 95% CI [1.5-5.1]). Conclusion. For most of the agents revealing an association with pancreatic cancer in our study, there is a paucity of direct evidence published by other authors to corroborate our findings. However, parallels can be made with previously observed excesses in occupational groups making our findings useful for guiding future research efforts, notably for meta-analyses, to uncover the specific chemical exposures that may account for these excesses.

Étiologies et facteurs de risque des pneumopathies chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les pays en développement : une étude cas-témoins multicentrique / Etiology of pneumonia and risk factors in children under-five years of age in developing countries : a multicenter case-control study

Bénet, Thomas 17 October 2016 (has links)
Les pneumonies sont la première cause de mortalité par maladie infectieuse dans le monde chez les enfants. Les objectifs étaient d'identifier les causes microbiologiques des pneumonies communautaires chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les pays émergents et en développement et les déterminants associés à leur sévérité en termes d'hypoxémie à l'admission et de mortalité. Une étude cas-témoins multicentrique hospitalière a été menée par le réseau GABRIEL dans 9 sites des pays suivants : Cambodge, Chine, Haïti, Inde (2 sites), Madagascar, Mali, Mongolie et Paraguay. Les cas étaient des enfants hospitalisés, âgés de 2 à 60 mois et atteints de pneumonie radiologiquement confirmée ; un témoin par cas du même centre, sans signe évocateur de pneumonie était recherché. Un appariement fréquentiste sur la période et la classe d'âge était effectué. Des prélèvements respiratoires ont été réalisés chez tous les sujets pour identifier 19 virus, 5 bactéries et les sérotypes de Streptococcus pneumoniae par biologie moléculaire. Pour les cas, des prélèvements supplémentaires de sang et de liquide pleural étaient effectués. Les étiologies des pneumonies ont été estimées par le calcul de la fraction attribuable populationnelle après régression logistique multivariée. Les facteurs associés à l'hypoxémie à l'admission - déterminés chez les patients atteints de pneumonie - ont été identifiés par régression logistique multivariée ; les facteurs associés à la mortalité hospitalière à 14 jours ont été quantifiés par modèle de Cox bivarié. Parmi les 888 cas et 870 témoins analysés, les agents causaux des pneumonies après analyse multivariée étaient par ordre décroissant de fréquence : S. pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus (hMPV), parainfluenza virus 1, 3 et 4, influenzavirus A et B et Mycoplasma pneumoniae. La fraction attribuable ajustée était de 42,2% (intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95% : 35,5-48,2%) pour S. pneumoniae, de 18,2% (IC à 95% : 17,4-19,0%) pour RSV et de 11,2% (IC à 95% : 7,5-14,7%) pour rhinovirus. Une importante hétérogénéité des étiologies entre pays a été identifiée. Parmi les 405 cas de pneumonie analysés pour l'étude de la gravité, 17,3% étaient hypoxémiques. La détection d'hMPV ou de RSV au niveau respiratoire était indépendamment associée à un risque accru d'hypoxémie (odds ratio ajusté [ORa]=2,4 ; IC à 95% : 1,0-5,8 et ORa=2,5 ; IC à 95% : 1,1-5,3, respectivement). La détection de S. pneumoniae dans le sang (hazard ratio brut [HRb]=4,6 ; IC95% : 1,5-14,0), un dosage de procalcitonine ≥50 ng/ml (HRb=22,4 ; IC à 95% : 7,3-68,5) et l'hypoxémie à l'admission (HRb=4,8, IC à 95% : 1.6-14.4) étaient prédictifs de surmortalité hospitalière ; ces associations subsistaient après ajustement sur l'âge, la période, le centre, la séropositivité HIV ou le statut nutritionnel. La majorité des pneumonies chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les pays en développement peut être attribuée à S. pneumoniae, RSV, rhinovirus et hMPV. Les pneumonies hypoxémiantes chez les enfants sont liées à hMPV et RSV alors que les pneumonies liées à S. pneumoniae sont associées à un risque accru de décès. Ces résultats permettent d'identifier des priorités de prévention vaccinales et non-vaccinales / Pneumonia is the leading cause of death from infectious diseases in children worldwide. The objectives were to identify the etiologies of community-acquired pneumonia in children under 5 years in emerging and developing countries and the determinants associated with severity in terms of hypoxemia at admission and mortality. A hospital-based multicenter casecontrol study was conducted at 9 sites in the following countries: Cambodia, China, Haiti, India (2 sites), Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia and Paraguay. Cases were hospitalized children aged between 2 and 60 months, with radiologically confirmed pneumonia; a control was a patient from the same center, without any sign suggesting pneumonia. A frequentist matching by period and age category was made. Respiratory samples were taken from all subjects to identify 19 viruses, 5 bacteria and Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes by molecular biology. For cases only, additional blood samples and pleural fluid were performed. The etiologies of pneumonia were estimated by calculating the population-attributable fraction after multivariate logistic regression. The factors associated with hypoxemia at admission were identified in patients with pneumonia by multivariate logistic regression; factors associated with 14-day in-hospital mortality were quantified by bivariate Cox model. Among the 888 cases and 870 controls analyzed, the causative agents of pneumonia after multivariate analysis migth be: Streptococcus pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus (hMPV), parainfluenza virus 1, 3 and 4, influenzavirus A and B, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The adjusted attributable fraction was 42.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 35.5-48.2%) for S. pneumoniae, 18.2% (95% CI: 17.4-19.0%) for RSV and 11.2% (95% CI: 7.5-14.7%) for rhinovirus. A significant heterogeneity in etiologies between countries was identified. Among the 405 pneumonia cases analyzed for the study of gravity, 17.3% were hypoxemic. Detection of hMPV or RSV from respiratory samples were independently associated with an increased risk of hypoxemia (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]=2.4, 95% CI: 1.0-5.8; aOR=2.5, 95% CI: 1.1-5.3, respectively). Detection of S. pneumoniae from blood (crude hazard ratio [cHR]=4.6, 95% CI: 1.5- 14.0), procalcitonin ≥50 ng/ml (cHR=22.4, 95 %: 7.3-68.5) and hypoxemia (cHR=4.8, 95% CI: 1.6- 14.4) were predictive of higher hospital mortality; these associations were consistent after adjusting for age, period, center, HIV or nutritional status. The majority of pneumonia in children under 5 years of age in developing countries might be attributable to S. pneumoniae, RSV, rhinovirus and hMPV. Hypoxemic pneumonia in children were related to RSV and hMPV infection while S. pneumoniae-related pneumonia was associated with an increased risk of death. These findings might guide future vaccinal or non vaccinal policies

Évaluation de l'impact de l'environnement socio-économique sur le pronostic du cancer du sein : résultats d'une étude Cas-Témoins / Assessment of socio-economic deprivation impact on breast cancer prognosis : results of a case-control study

Orsini, Mattea 16 December 2014 (has links)
Contexte : Les inégalités sociales de santé représentent un problème de santé publique considérable. Dans le cadre du cancer du sein, la précarité est associée au pronostic. En effet, une relation entre précarité géographique et stade au diagnostic a été établie dans la littérature. Cependant, à ce jour, aucune étude n'a encore analysé l'association de ce dernier à la précarité individuelle.Objectifs : Les objectifs de ce travail de recherche sont (1) d'estimer le risque de cancer du sein de stade avancé associé à la précarité individuelle, (2) d'étudier l'impact des facteurs pouvant modifier ce risque, (3) d'évaluer la robustesse de l'association face au choix de la mesure de précarité.Population et méthode : Les données sont issues d'une étude cas-témoins. Les Cas et les Témoins de l'étude ont été recrutés parmi les patientes de l'Hérault atteintes de cancers du sein invasifs diagnostiqués entre 2011 et 2012. Les Cas correspondent aux patientes présentant un cancer du sein de mauvais pronostic (taille de tumeur supérieure à 5cm, ou atteinte ganglionnaire ou atteinte métastatique) et les Témoins aux patientes présentant des cancers de bon pronostic (taille de tumeur inférieure à 5cm et aucune atteinte ganglionnaire et aucune atteinte métastatique). Au total 604 patientes ont été incluses : 173 Cas et 431 Témoins. L'exposition à la précarité a été recueillie par un questionnaire standardisé.Résultats : Les patientes précaires ont, toutes variables égales par ailleurs, 2 fois plus de risque d'avoir un cancer de stade avancé comparée aux patientes non précaires. La précarité n'est associée à aucun autre facteur biologique (grade SBR, types histologique et moléculaire). Chez les patientes asymptomatiques (diagnostiquées suite à un dépistage) les patientes précaires ont plus de risque d'avoir des cancers de stade avancé. Chez les femmes avec un antécédent familial de cancer du sein tout comme chez les femmes vivant dans une zone géographique favorisée, les patientes précaires et non-précaires ont le même risque de cancer de stade avancé. Comparé aux autres mesures de l'environnement socio-économique (classe sociale, précarité géographique…), le score EPICES semble la méthode de mesure la plus adaptée pour étudier l'association entre précarité et stade au diagnostic.Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que les écarts observés entre les patientes précaires et les patientes non-précaire semblent être plutôt liés à retard au diagnostic plutôt qu'à des différences biologiques entre les tumeurs. Ce retard au diagnostic semble dépendre de composantes individuelles mais aussi collectives. De plus, une meilleure connaissance du cancer du sein pourrait permettre de réduire les barrières supplémentaires vécues par les précaires. / Context: Socio-economic inequalities in health represent a significant public health problem. In the breast cancer context, socio-economic deprivation is associated with prognosis. Indeed, a relationship between area-based deprivation and diagnostic stages was already described in the international literature. However, the association between individual deprivation and diagnostic stages was not study so far.Objectives: Our aim was to (1) estimate the risk of advanced breast cancer associated with individual socio-economic deprivation, (2) study the impact of modifying factors, (3) evaluate the strength of this association according to the method used to measure deprivation.Population and methods: Data were collected from a Case-Control study. Cases and Controls were recruited among invasive breast cancer patients diagnosed between 2011 and 2012 in the Hérault. Cases were defined as patients with poor prognosis breast cancer (with tumor size over 5cm, or with lymph node involvement, or with metastasis). Controls were defined as patients with good prognosis breast cancer (with tumor size under 5cm, and without lymph node involvement, and without metastasis). A total number of 604 patients were included: 173 Cases and 431 Controls. The exposition to deprivation was measured by a standardized questionnaire.Results: Deprived patients, with all other variables remaining constant, have a two-fold risk of having advanced breast cancer compared to non-deprived patients. Deprivation was not associated with the other biological factors (SBR grade, histologic and molecular type). Among asymptomatic patients (diagnosed after a mammographic screening), deprived patients have a higher risk of advanced breast cancer. Among women with family history of breast cancer so as women living in affluent geographic areas, deprived and non-deprived patients have the same risk of advanced breast cancer. Compared to other measures of socio-economic environment (social class, area-based deprivation…), EPICES score seems to be the most adapted method to study the association between deprivation and breast cancer diagnostic stages.Conclusion: Our results suggest that the gap observed between deprived and non-deprived patients seem to be associated with delayed diagnosis more than biological differences between tumors. This delayed diagnosis seems depend on individual and geographic components. Moreover, a better knowledge of breast cancer could allow a reduction of the barrier experienced by deprived women.

Utilização da técnica de Open Array para investigação de genes associados a fendas labiopalatais em amostra da população brasileira / Association study between genes and cleft lip and palate in Brazilian population using the openarray technique

Araujo, Tânia Kawasaki de, 1985- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Vera Lúcia Gil da Silva Lopes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T00:02:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Araujo_TaniaKawasakide_D.pdf: 3447671 bytes, checksum: 97911848c6334882843e4b270b9c6771 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A fenda de labiopalatal (FLP) isolada é o defeito craniofacial mais comum em humanos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar associações entre 39 genes e a etiologia de FLP isolada em uma amostra da população brasileira. Este estudo de associação do tipo caso-controle foi desenhado com um poder estatístico de 81,29% por meio de regressão logística. O grupo de casos foi composto por 182 pacientes com FLP isolada registrados na Base Brasileira de Dados Clínicos e Familiais de Fendas Orofaciais Típicas. O grupo controle foi formado por 355 indivíduos saudáveis, sem história de fendas orais em três gerações. Toda a amostra foi genotipada por meio do sistema OpenArray®TaqManTM para 253 polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) em 39 genes, incluindo dois genes que, recentemente, haviam sido descritos por este grupo de pesquisa. A seleção de SNPs foi feita com o programa SNPbrowser 4.0 (Applied Biosystems) para verificar o número e a localização dos SNPs apropriados para explorar a associação de cada gene com FLP isolada. A análise de associação foi realizada por meio de regressão logística e regressão stepwise. Os resultados foram corrigidos para múltiplos testes (correção de Bonferroni). Vinte e quatro SNPs em 16 genes foram significativamente associados com a etiologia da FLP isolada, incluindo MSX1, SPRY1, MSX2, PRSS35, TFAP2A, SHH, VAX1, TBX10, WNT11, PAX9, BMP4, JAG2, AXIN2, DVL2, KIF7 e TCBE3. A análise de regressão stepwise revelou que 11 genes contribuiram em 15,5% do fenótipo de FLP isolada nessa amostra. Este é o primeiro estudo a associar os genes KIF7 e TCEB3 à FLP isolada / Abstract: Nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (NSCLP) is the most common craniofacial birth defect. The aim of this study was to evaluate associations between 39 genes and the etiology of NSCLP in a Brazilian population. This case-control association study was designed with 81.29% statistical power according to logistic regression. The case group was composed of 182 patients with NSCLP enrolled in the Brazilian Database on Orofacial Clefts. The controls included 355 healthy individuals with no history of oral clefting in the past three generations. All samples were genotyped by TaqMan®OpenArrayTM system for 253 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 39 genes, including two that had recently been associated with this process. The SNPs selection was made by SNPbrowser 4.0 (Applied Biosystems) in order to establish the best SNPs to explor the association between each gene and NSCLP. The association analysis was performed using logistic regression and stepwise regression. The results were corrected for multiple testing (Bonferroni correction). Twenty-four SNPs in 16 genes were significantly associated with the etiology of NSCLP, including MSX1, SPRY1, MSX2, PRSS35, TFAP2A, SHH, VAX1, TBX10, WNT11, PAX9, BMP4, JAG2, AXIN2, DVL2, KIF7 and TCBE3. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that 11 genes contributed to 15.5% of the phenotype of NSCLP in the sample. This is the first study to associate KIF7 and TCEB3 with NSCLP / Doutorado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Doutora em Ciências Médicas

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