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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I kölvattnet av MeToo : En kvalitativ studie om förändringsarbete kring sexuella trakasserier inom socialt arbete / In the wake of MeToo : A qualitative study about change management regarding sexual harassment in social work

Kiziltas, Sena, Lagbo Jernestrand, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to research change management in routines to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in workplaces for social work after the MeToo movement in 2017. Another aim is to discuss how these changes were implemented and communicated to the employees of the studied workplaces and how the informants in this study have perceived these changes and their results. The study is qualitative with an inductive approach and the empirical data consists of five telephone interviews and in order to collect the informants perception of the change management we have used idea and ideology analysis as a method for processing the material. The results of the study show how changes have been made in all five of the studied workplaces, but to varying degrees and extent, which has made the routines for dealing with sexual harassment more or less visible. Two of the social workers describe how there have been courses for the employees to access information about the new routines, but where one of them simultaneously explains how sexual harassment still exists today, however more subtly. What also emerges is how collegial support and cohesion are unanimously viewed as protection against the possibility of sexual harassment. To analyse the data, we have looked at theories such as change management in the form of organisational culture, power, social mobilisation, and gender roles. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka förändringsarbetet kring rutiner som gjorts inom socialt arbete för att bemöta sexuella trakasserier. Detta efter att MeToo haft sin framfart 2017. Vidare syfte är att se hur dessa förändringar gjorts synliga för medarbetare och hur dessa upplevts av de informanter som fått utrymme i studien. Studien är en kvalitativ studie med fem telefonintervjuer som empirisk grund med en induktiv ansats. För att nå informanternas upplevelser av fenomenet på just deras arbetsplatser har vi använt oss av idé- och ideologianalys som metod för bearbetning av materialet. Vår ambition med studien är att bidra till ett annars relativt smalt forskningsfält där svenska studier kring sexuella trakasserier och MeToos påverkan på förändringsprocessen är knapphändig. Studiens resultat visar att förändringar gjorts på samtliga arbetsplatser, men i olika grad och utsträckning, vilket gjort rutinerna för att bemöta sexuella trakasserier mer eller mindre synliga. Två av arbetsplatserna har lyft hur det utformats utbildningar för att samtliga ska nås av samma information, men där en av dessa samtidigt förklarar hur det än idag förekommer sexuella trakasserier, om än mer subtilt. Vad som även framkommer är hur det kollegiala stödet och sammanhållningen enhälligt ses som skydd mot att sexuella trakasserier kan förekomma. För att analysera empirin har vi sett till teorier som förändringsarbete i form av organisationskultur, makt, social mobilisering och könsroller.

Organizational Change Management for the Adoption of Alternative Project Delivery Methods within the AEC Industry

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The alternative project delivery methods (APDMs) today are being increasingly used by owner organizations in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Yet the adoption of these methods can be extremely difficult to accomplish and requires significant change management efforts. To facilitate the APDM adoption, this research aimed to better understand how AEC owner organizations have changed from only using the design-bid-build method to also successfully implementing APDMs from an organizational change perspective. This research utilized a literature review, survey and interviews to fulfill the research objectives. The dissertation follows a three paper format. The first paper focuses on identifying organizational change management (OCM) practices that, when effectively executed, lead to increased success rates of adopting APDMs in owner AEC organizations. The results of the first paper indicated that the five OCM practices with the strongest correlations to successful APDM adoption were realistic timeframe, effective change agents, workload adjustments, senior-leadership commitment, and sufficient change-related training. The second paper focuses on investigating AEC employees’ reactions to the adoption of APDMs. The findings of the second paper revealed that employees in AEC organizations react favorably to adopting a change in their project delivery systems. The findings further revealed that increasing the use of OCM practices is related to decreased employee resistance to change. The third paper aimed to provide guidelines detailing on how to lead APDM adoption. The findings of the third paper indicated that there was a general sequence of four implementation phases, which were preparing and planning, pilot project testing, expanding to the intended scale, and sustaining and evaluating. The phases include specific OCM practices that increase the probability of successful APDM adoption. The dissertation results can help in guiding the senior managers of construction organizations and OCM consultants to effectively implement APDMs for the first time in the construction sector. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Construction Management 2020

Zvládání rizik při implementaci změn / Managing Risk when Implementing Changes

Anca, Marek January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis put its focus on dealing with risk management issues during the implementation of changes in a particular company with a focus on the human factor. The literature research is devoted to a professional description of topics related to the research issues of this diploma thesis. The following part describes the methods that were used to achieve the goal of the thesis. The next part distinguish the analysis of the current situation of the company, the design of measures that would minimize most of the risk factors and processes of the company. The last part presents a project for which risks are identified and possible measures are proposed in order to increase the probability of success.

Perceiving resistance to strategic organizational change : A barrier to success or an opportunity for improved decision-making?

Karlsson, Mathias, Westermark, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Background: To keep up with competitors and the ever-changing business environment, organizations constantly adapt and adjust their strategies. Strategic organizational change is the implementation of change to increase corporate performance and find new competitive advantages. Studies are showing how the majority of change processes fail. This high failure rate is dependent on several different factors. However, one factor which seems to be one of the most common is resistance to strategic organizational change. Resistance is often looked through a negative lens by the management, which can negatively affect the whole change process. Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about resistance to strategic organizational change and explore the field of change management to yield valuable insights to managers' quest to implement change successfully. Research Question: How can understanding the source of resistance be used beneficially by management to improve the managerial decision-making and, therefore, increase the success rate of change implementation? Methodology: A qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews has been adopted. Conclusion: If resistance is not only seen as an obstacle but instead analysed thoroughly by the management it could contribute to an organizational discussion which potentially could improve the quality of the management decision-making and, thus, improve the success rate of strategic organizational change implementation.v

Important activities in an early ERP implementation phase : A case study at Valmet

Larsson, Emma, Hallberg, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Research about implementing an ERP system has been investigated for many years but is still a current issue. This is due to the large number of implementations that fail. The purpose of this paper is to identify important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation. The thesis is based on a literature study to create a foundation of understanding of earlier research and the struggles implementing an ERP system. The study was composed from the five most important critical success factors as a framework. To identify the activities in an early phase, interviews with people from different layers in an implementation organization were conducted. From the interviews, several survey questions were designed to rank the activities. The result of the interviews shows several activities performed in an early phase in an ERP implementation. The result from the survey shows that many of the identified activities from the interviews are important since several of the respondents consider these critical. Some of the most important activities in an early phase of an ERP implementation are:   • Conducting workshops to explain the changes to come when implementing a new ERP system. • Make sure the people working in the project are able to work and focus on the project fulltime in the phase where their role is critical for the implementation. • Involve the key-users in an early phase of the implementation. • Communicate the vision to all the employees in the organization. • Have a local super-user that is available to support and help.   This research provides a less general framework for what activities are important to perform in an early phase of an ERP implementation to achieve the critical success factors. The study can help companies facing an ERP implementation to do the right things to succeed with the implementation.

Att praktiskt sätta kunden i centrum” : En utvärdering av en organisation som har implementerat ett agilt arbetssätt utifrån metodiken Scrum.

Nilsson Landby, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Forskningen grundar sig på att det finns en kunskapslucka i utvärderingar av företag som praktiskt implementerar arbetsmetoden Scrum. Det finns tydliga samband mellan kulturen i en organisation och hur denna kan effektivt och framgångsfullt implementera ett agilt arbetssätt (Ilvari, Ilvari, 2011). Forskaren gjorde en semistrukturerad intervjuform med 7 medarbetare. Syftet utvärderar implementering av Scrum som metod samt hur organisationen jobbar med kundinsikter. Resultatet visar att en majoritet av medarbetarna upplever ett högre engagemang och större motivation tack vare det nya arbetssättet. Att sätta kunden i centrum är ett arbete som kräver stort fokus och då inte minst från organisationens ledare. Här har organisationens ledare varit engagerade. Några förbättringspunkter identifierats i forskningen, som till exempel att organisationen behöver bli bättre på att systematiskt mäta och sprida kundinsikter, att utveckla arbetet med att bli en lärande organisation samt att ledningen behöver hitta ett sätt att strategiskt jobba med organisationens kultur. / The research is based on the fact that there is a knowledge gap in evaluations of companies that implement the working method Scrum. There is a connection between the culture of an organization and how it can effectively and successfully implement an agile approach (Ilvari, Ilvari, 2011). The researcher did a semi-structured interview with employees. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of Scrum as a method and how the organization works with customer insights. The result shows that a majority of employees experience a higher commitment and greater motivation thanks to the new way of working. Putting the customer at the centre is something that requires a lot of focus. And much from the organisation's leaders. Here the organisation's leaders have been highly involved. Some improvement points were also identified in the research, such as systematically measuring and disseminating customer insights, developing the work of becoming a learning organization, and That the management does not work strategically with the organisation's culture. / <p>2019-08-23</p>

Nyttorealisering inom hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie om hur regioner arbetar med nyttorealisering vid investeringar i digitalisering / Benefit Realisation Management in health care : A case study on how regions work with Benefit Realisation Management when investing in digitalisation

Lindberg, Linnea, Myrskog, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: För att lyckas lösa de utmaningar hälso- och sjukvården står inför vad gäller framförallt ökade behov och minskade resurser finns det stor behövlighet av att ta tillvara de möjligheter som investeringar i digitalisering erbjuder. Detta förutsätter dock att kunna säkerställa att de nyttor som dessa investering förväntas leda till verkligen realiseras, så kallad nyttorealisering. För att arbeta med nyttorealisering i offentlig sektor har därför E-delegationen tagit fram ett ramverk för ett formaliserat såväl som strukturerat arbetssätt i form av en nyttorealiseringsprocess. Trots detta har det dock visat sig att hälso- och sjukvården har en låg mognad inom nyttorealisering gällande såväl kompetens som användningsgrad. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva ramverket för nyttorealiseringsprocessen samt förstå hur det förhåller sig till dess teoretiska grund och därmed möjliggöra en kritisk granskning av det. Vidare syftar studien till att systematisera praktiska erfarenheter kring regioners arbete med nyttorealisering vid investeringar i digitalisering för att kunna sätta detta i förhållande till ramverket för nyttorealiseringsprocessen och dess teoretiska grund. På så vis är det möjligt att urskilja styrkor och svagheter i ramverket för nyttorealisering men även i det praktiska arbetet med nyttorealisering för att skapa förutsättningar för framtida lyckade investeringar i digitalisering inom hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: För att genomföra studien har en kvalitativ fallstudieansats på två regioner tillämpats. Den huvudsakliga insamlingsmetoden för det empiriska materialet är intervjustudie genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter för de två regionerna vilka framförallt valts ut genom ett målstyrt urval men även snöbollsurval. Slutsats: Ramverket för nyttorealiseringsprocessen består av de fem faserna identifiera förändringsbehov, specificera nyttor, planera nyttorealisering, realisera nyttor samt följa upp nyttorealisering och avser att realisera den förväntade nyttan med en förändring genom att verka som en röd tråd som binder ihop olika delar av verksamheten. De olika delar som främst utgör ramverket för nyttorealiseringsprocessens teoretiska grund kan konstateras vara investeringsteori, projektledning och förändringsledning vilka är stora områden med olika huvudfokus varför kombinationen av dessa följaktligen blir omfattande men även komplex. I praktiken har det visat sig att regionernas tillvägagångssätt framförallt behandlar planering och genomförande, vilket således kan bero på just komplexiteten. Därmed går det slutligen att konstatera att det av regionerna å ena sidan krävs ett utökat fokus från enbart nyttorealiseringsprocessens planerafas samt realiserafas till samtliga faser för att uppnå ett mer komplett och systematiskt arbetssätt men att detta å andra sidan kanske inte kan vara helt i enlighet med ramverket för nyttorealiseringsprocessen. / Background and problem: In order to succeed in solving the challenges health care is facing particular in terms of increased needs and reduced resources, there is a great need for utilitizing the opportunities offered by investments in digitalisation. This, however, presupposes that it is possible to ensure that the benefits that these investments are expected to lead to are actually realised, so-called Benefit Realisation Management. In order to work with Benefit Realisation Management in the public sector the E- delegation has therefore produced a framework for a formalized as well as a structured way of working in the form of a benefits model. Despite this, however, it has been found that health care has a low maturity in Benefit Realisation Management regarding both competence and utilization. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe the framework of the benefits modeland to understand how it relates to its theoretical basis and thus enable a critical examination of it. Furthermore, the study aims to systematize practical experiences regarding regions' work with Benefit Realisation Management when investing in digitalisation and thereafter put it in relation to the framework of the benefits model and its theoretical basis. In this way, it is possible to distinguish strengths and weaknesses of the framework of the benefits model, but also in the practical work with Benefit Realisation Management, and thus create conditions for future successful investments in digitalisation in health care. Method: To carry out the study, a qualitative case study methodology on two regions has been applied. The main empirical collection method consisted of semistructured interviews with representatives of the two regions, which were mainly selected through a targeted selection but also snowball sampling. Conclusion: The framework of the benefits model consists of the five phase’s benefitsidentification, benefits analysis, benefits planning, benefits realisation and benefits review and intends to realize the expected benefit of a change by acting as a common thread that ties together different parts of the organization. The various parts that primarily form the theoretical basis of the framework of the benefits model can be found to be investment theory, project management and change management, which are large fields with different focus, why the combination of these is extensive but also complex. In practice, it has been found that the approaches of the regions primarily deal with planning and implementation, which may be due to the complexity. Thus, it can finally be concluded that the regions on the one hand need to increase the focus from just the benefits planning and benefits realization to all phases in order to achieve a more complete and systematic way of working, but that this on the other hand may not be entirely in line with the framework of the benefits model.

Förändringskommunikation : En studie av kommunikationen mellan ledning och medarbetare vid en organisationsförändring / Change Communication

Käll, Niklas, Johansson, Frej, Kanaan, Judy January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker kommunikation under organisationsförändring. Syftet att är ta reda på hur chefer och medarbetare ser på och använder kommunikation. Dels hur de vanligtvis kommunicerar, genom vilka kanaler, samt vilken typ av kommunikation de föredrar för ändamålet förändring. Detta leder fram till studiens mest centrala frågor, hur kommunikation påverkar förändring och om det kan bidra till minskat motstånd. För att söka dessa svar har en kvalitativ metod använts, med 17 semistrukturerade intervjuer samt 18 respondenter. Av dessa är 11 chefer, varav 2 inom HR, samt 7 medarbetare, 3 av dem inom HR. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av teori om kommunikation, diffusion och meningsskapande. Samt en modell skapad utifrån frågorna; vad, med koppling till kommunikationsteori. Hur, diffusion och varför, meningsskapande. Dessutom med begreppet hinder varigenom kommunikationsvägar har analyserats utifrån en så kallad gatekeeper-teori. Som resultat har det bland annat framkommit att flera chefer behandlar förändring på ett noggrant och varsamt sätt. Kommunikationsplaner är vanliga, vidare diskuteras vilka praktiker och tillvägagångssätt som de olika ledarna har. Som slutsats återfinns ett antal av de metoder vilka anses fungera väl och därmed kan rekommenderas för andra som genomgår förändring. Här besvaras även studiens frågeställning, samt ges förslag på studier som kan ta reda på mer inom ämnet och vidare hjälpa både chefer och medarbetare att bättre och enklare hantera förändringar. / This thesis investigates communication during organizational change. The purpose has been to find out how managers and co-workers perceives communication. How they usually communicate, basically through which channels, and what type of communication they prefer for the subject of change. Which leads to the most central questions of this study, how communication affects change, and if it may contribute to decreased resistance. To seek these answers, a qualitative method has been deployed. Including semi-structured interviews. 17 interviews have been carried out with 18 respondents. Among these 11 managers, 2 from HR. 7 are co-workers, 3 of them within HR. This empirical material has then been analyzed with theory about communication, diffusion and sense making. A model is used, created by the questions; what, how and why. Those are related to the theories of communication, diffusion and sense making respectively. The model also includes the term obstacles, with which communication was analyzed through the so-called gatekeeper theory. Among the studies results it was found that many managers treat change carefully. Communication plans are common. Further discussion concerns the practices of different leaders. Among the conclusions some good practices are highlighted, which can be recommended for others who are in a process of change. This also allows the research questions to be answered, and some suggestions for future studies to be given. An aim of the study is to, by these insights, help leaders and co-workers manage change even better.

Förändringsarbete inom offentlig sektor vid införande av nya informationssystem / Change management in public organizations in implementation of new information systems

Jammeh, Awa, Hansson, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Idag går teknikutvecklingen och digitaliseringen snabbt framåt. För att kunna dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter krävs bland annat förändringsarbete. Tidigare forskning visar att det är brist på empiriska studier om förändringsarbete inom offentlig sektor. Syftet med studien är därför att bidra med kunskap inom ämnet förändringsarbete inom offentlig sektor och ge en djupgående förståelse för hur ledare arbetar med förändringsarbete. Genom en kvalitativ studie studerar vi hur ledare inom offentliga verksamheter arbetar med förändringsarbete i samband med systemimplementeringar och hur benägna de är till att genomföra förändringsarbete. Vår studie är baserad på sex djupgående intervjuer fördelade på två ledare på en region och fyra ledare på en kommun i Sverige. Studien är även baserad på förändringsmodellen ADKAR för att undersöka hur ledare arbetar med förändringsarbete utefter dessa milstolpar. Resultatet av studien visade att ledare inom de offentliga verksamheter där studien genomfördes, arbetar aktivt med förändringsarbete genom att kommunicera och vara transparenta i verksamheterna vid implementering av nya informationssystem samt är i stor omfattning benägna till att genomföra förändringsarbete. Studien har även resulterat i ett förbättringsförslag till ADKAR-modellen, i form av en utökning med ytterligare en milstolpe kallad Openness. Den nya förändringsmodellen blir ADKARO. / Today, technological developments and digitalization are moving forward at a rapid pace, however in order to benefit from the advantages of digitalization, change management is required. Previous research shows that there are not enough empirical studies on change management in public organizations. The purpose of the study is therefore to contribute with knowledge within the subject of change management and to provide a thorough understanding of how leaders in the public sector work with change management. Through a qualitative study, we research how leaders in public organizations work with change management when implementing new information systems and how inclined they are to implement change management. The study is based on six interviews, two within a region and four within a municipality in Sweden. The study was conducted using the change management model ADKAR to evaluate how leaders work with change management. The results of the study showed that leaders within the public sector where the study was conducted, are actively working on change management by communicating and being transparent within their organizations when implementing new information systems and are to a large extent inclined to carry out change management. The study also resulted in an improvement proposal for the ADKAR model, by extending the model with another acronym called Openness. The new model for change management becomes ADKARO.

Matching the vision to the organization : A case study of a Swedish municipal change implementation

Bjärnek, Mathias, Wickbom, Louise January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this study is to gain an understanding of how change leaders and managers affect a change implementation in a municipality. To help increase the understanding, the study examines the change project Skolplattformen which was implemented in Sweden's largest municipality Stockholms stad. This to uncover areas that possibly could improve change initiatives in the public sphere. The literature review of the study examines the concepts of public sector related change, change management and change leadership in order to help answer our research questions. This qualitative single case study is conducted primarily through 13 semi-structured interviews with five interviewees, combined with data from publicly published documents. The findings are analyzed through subcategories derived from the theoretical concepts and suggest that the scale of the change project was too complex to implement smoothly in a municipal environment. Hence, lack of communication was shown, the timeframe prolonged and strategic changes in structure was at times unexplained. In the end, Skolplattformen did not meet expectations in relation to time and cost spent.

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