Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chastity"" "subject:"chasitity""
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They Hasten toward Perfection: Virginal & Chaste Monks in the High Middle AgesCheatham, Karen 20 March 2012 (has links)
As perennial Christian ideals, virginity and chastity were frequent themes in medieval religious discourse. Male religious were frequently virgins and were expected to cultivate chastity; however, women not men were usually the focus of such discussions. But some monastic writers did draw on those models when considering their own spirituality, and it is worth knowing how they were understood and enlisted in those instances. To this end, I investigate five eleventh- and twelfth-century monks who wrote about monastic virginity or chastity: Anselm of Canterbury, Guibert of Nogent, Rupert of Deutz, Bernard of Clairvaux, and Ælred of Rievaulx. In my analysis, I uncover each author’s perception of virginity/chastity. Thus, I reveal that Anselm’s Deploratio is not about lost physical virginity or even sexual sin per se; it is a spiritual meditation driven by his immense fear that sinners would be forever damned. Guibert’s work exposes what a treatise on virginity could become in the hands of an adolescent struggling with sexual desire and steeped in lessons taught by his monastery. Rupert’s tract on virginity and masturbation portrays male virginity as tangible and potent. In so doing, it erects a barrier defending Rupert’s work as an exegete against detractors. For his part, Bernard teaches that what matters most is chaste humility. He also consistently links virginity with pride and false holiness, a strategy possibly linked with a battle between white and black monks. Finally, Ælred produces a model of monastic perfection that is terrifically masculine, distinctively different from virginity, and perfectly suited for his audience. In addition to uncovering each monk’s unique perception of virginity and chastity, I call attention to similarities and differences in their thought and make conclusions based on those observations. Overall, I have found not only that virginity and chastity did matter to some medieval religious men but also that the way they handle those ideals can be tremendously revealing.
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They Hasten toward Perfection: Virginal & Chaste Monks in the High Middle AgesCheatham, Karen 20 March 2012 (has links)
As perennial Christian ideals, virginity and chastity were frequent themes in medieval religious discourse. Male religious were frequently virgins and were expected to cultivate chastity; however, women not men were usually the focus of such discussions. But some monastic writers did draw on those models when considering their own spirituality, and it is worth knowing how they were understood and enlisted in those instances. To this end, I investigate five eleventh- and twelfth-century monks who wrote about monastic virginity or chastity: Anselm of Canterbury, Guibert of Nogent, Rupert of Deutz, Bernard of Clairvaux, and Ælred of Rievaulx. In my analysis, I uncover each author’s perception of virginity/chastity. Thus, I reveal that Anselm’s Deploratio is not about lost physical virginity or even sexual sin per se; it is a spiritual meditation driven by his immense fear that sinners would be forever damned. Guibert’s work exposes what a treatise on virginity could become in the hands of an adolescent struggling with sexual desire and steeped in lessons taught by his monastery. Rupert’s tract on virginity and masturbation portrays male virginity as tangible and potent. In so doing, it erects a barrier defending Rupert’s work as an exegete against detractors. For his part, Bernard teaches that what matters most is chaste humility. He also consistently links virginity with pride and false holiness, a strategy possibly linked with a battle between white and black monks. Finally, Ælred produces a model of monastic perfection that is terrifically masculine, distinctively different from virginity, and perfectly suited for his audience. In addition to uncovering each monk’s unique perception of virginity and chastity, I call attention to similarities and differences in their thought and make conclusions based on those observations. Overall, I have found not only that virginity and chastity did matter to some medieval religious men but also that the way they handle those ideals can be tremendously revealing.
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Chastity among adult Seventh-Day Adventists in Botswana: a psycho-spiritual studyOrapeleng, Galenakgosi 31 March 2008 (has links)
Extra-marital affairs seem to be rampant among Seventh-day Adventist adult membership in Botswana. To determine the extent of the problem, to investigate the causative factors and to suggest ways in which individuals and families can be helped, has been the motivation for this study. It was discovered that 11.8% of married adults in the survey had at least one secret sexual partner, and 42.6% of singles had an illegal sexual partner(s). Seventh-day Adventist adults' sexuality in Botswana is characterized by hetero-sexual, multiple partners. Some of the contributing factors are economic, cultural and spiritual. Despite the prevailing influences, the majority of the adults (68%) still disagree with lax sexual behavior. This gives hope to work for their restoration and empowerment. Two key areas that were seen to be critical in empowering them were the family and spirituality. A psycho-spiritual program called, Harmonious Development, is being suggested for a systematic, educational, holistic and lifelong empowerment. This model is based on the psycho-educational theory developed by W.J. Schoeman for adult training. / SCH: HUM, SOC SCIENC & THEO / DTH (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY)
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Inculturation and consecrated life in the Catholic church: the Companions of St Angela as a case studyModise, Mary 30 November 2003 (has links)
Consecrated life or religious life as it is sometimes called within the Catholic Church is almost as old as Christianity. All baptised persons are consecrated persons by virtue of their baptism, but the consecrated life to which some people feel called, is a special and fruitful deepening of the consecration received in baptism and confirmation.. This dissertation explores Christian spirituality as it is manifested in consecrated life with relation to inculturation and religious life. The scope has been limited to a study of one congregation, the Companions of St Angela as a case study. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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« Un oggetto considerabile di mondana politica » : Celibato del clero e critica illuminista in Europa nel XVIII secolo / Un objet considérable de politique mondain : Célibat du clergé et critique éclairée en Europe au XVIIIe siècleDoria, Alessandra 16 April 2013 (has links)
L'obligation de célibat imposée aux ecclésiastiques catholiques fait l'objet de discussions depuis le début de l'église chrétienne, mais au cours du XVIIIe siècle, elle est de plus en plus considéré d'un point de vue politique plutôt que théologique. Le but de cette thèse est de reconstruire la naissance, le développement et la diffusion en Europe de la nouvelle perspective - laïque et séculière - d'envisager l'interdiction au clergé de se marier, née de la «crise de la conscience européenne" et sous l'impulsion des Lumières radicales. Grâce à l'analyse et l'étude de la littérature philosophique et politique européenne, cette thèse reconstruit le débat sur le célibat ecclésiastique dès la fin du XVIIe siècle et jusqu'à la Révolution française, lorsque la laïcisation du mariage permit aux ecclésiastiques, hommes et femmes, de se marier. Cette approche a permis de rendre compte de la complexité d'une question qui sous-tend le problème des rapports entre l'état et l'église, et de l'articulation des différentes positions critiques et orientations idéologiques : de la critique des Lumières radicales à la critique modérée, de l'approche d'observateurs ecclésiastiques intérieurs - clercs et experts en droit canon - qui proposent des prudentes réformes du célibat, à la fermeture complète des conservateurs. Les accusations portées par les révolutionnaires à la chasteté et au célibat, la question de «mariage des prêtres» et la plupart des critiques qui recouvrent encore le célibat ecclésiastique ont leurs racines dans le débat du XVIIIe siècle et dans l'émancipation du regard critique avec lequel les Lumières radicales ont prirent à considérer l'église et ses règles. / Mandatory clerical celibacy for all clergy within catholic countries has been discussed since the beginning of the Christian church. During the eighteenth century, it was increasingly taken into consideration from a political rather than strictly theological point of view. The purpose of this thesis is to reconstruct the creation, development and dissemination in Europe of a new way - secular and lay – of considering the obligation of the clergy to be unmarried that arose from the "crisis of the European conscience" and developed thanks to radical Enlightenment.Through the analysis and study of philosophical and political literature, this thesis reconstructs the debate on clerical celibacy which arose within the European Republic of Letters from the late seventeenth century up until the French Revolution, when the secularization of marriage allowed secular and regular clergy, women and men to get married. This approach has made it possible to account for the complexity of a debate that underlies the problem of the relationship between church and state and the articulation of the different ideological positions: from radical to moderate criticism; from the approach of observers inside the church – clerics or experts in canon law - who proposed cautious reforms to the complete refusal of the conservatives.The accusations levelled against chastity and celibacy by revolutionaries, the issue concerning "married priests" and many criticisms that still invest ecclesiastical celibacy have their roots in the eighteenth-century debate and the secular emancipation of the critical perspective from which radical Enlightenment started to consider the church and its rules.
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拆毀中間隔斷的牆:<<仙后>>中艾德蒙.史賓塞的環狀辯論林質心, Lin, Chih-hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在闡明史賓塞如何架構出一則阿諦構和布烈特瑪間的完美愛情故事並鼓勵那些活在真實世界中的讀者跟隨這對戀人的腳蹤。本文首先介紹基督教中的愛論如何建基於神人之間完美的愛,並介紹史賓塞如何以神聖之愛為典範,寫出一對完美的愛人。藉此典範,史賓塞拆毀了兩座巨牆:他不但使人可以有完美的愛情,也使他的人物同時具有寓言和寫實兩大特性.此外、本文亦說明基督教愛論和其實現間的環狀關係如和使史賓塞的愛情故事和基督教的愛論亦產生環狀關係。第二、本文細探阿諦構和布烈特瑪間關係的發展、將之分為三個階段:為愛人、為夫妻、為朋友。在這三階段中、此愛情故事皆和基督教的愛論有環狀關係:此故事反映了神聖之愛的光華、釋明了神聖之愛的迷團、並藉著神聖之愛的特異處將此愛情故事中似乎不完美處解釋為完美。藉著探討史賓塞的愛情故事和基督教愛論彼此間的環狀關係、本文終能釐清史賓塞如何促使讀者基督教中認為人可以行出的貞潔。本文最後呈現史賓塞的環狀辯論如何鼓勵讀者不僅閱讀阿諦構和布烈特瑪的經驗、並能親身嘗試實行這對愛人的信念。 / This thesis aims at explaining how Spenser builds his love
story of Artegall and Britomart as a perfect love model for all his readers in the real world to follow. The thesis first introduces how the Christian theory of love is modeled on the perfect love relation between God and human beings and how Spenser emulates that divine model and creates a pair of perfect human lovers. By his emulation of the divine model, he not only breaks down the middle wall between the perfect and the human, but also shapes his characters as both allegorical and realistic. Besides, the thesis also explains how the circular relationship between the Christian theory of love and its practice renders Spenser's artistic love model to have a circular relatioinship with theChristian love theory, too.
Second, the argument of the thesis follows closely the
development of Artegall and Britomart's relationship and divides it into three phases: their relationship as lovers, as husband and wife, as friends. In all the three phases, the love story has a circular relationship with the Christian theory oflove. It reflects the glory of a divine love model, explains the mystery of Christian love, and is justified of its seeming defects by the harshness andother-worldliness of the divine love. By laying bare of the circularrelationship between Spenser's love story and the Christian theory of love, the thesis finally comes to unravel Spenser's art of inviting the readers
toperform chastity that human beings in Christian theory is
supposed perform. Thethesis concludes by showing how the
circular argument encourages the readers to join in Artegall and Britomart's experience and to practice their belief about love rather than simply to read it.
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Mokytojų, įgyvendinančių Rengimo šeimai ir lytiškumo ugdymo programą, profesinio tobulėjimo poreikiai / Profesional improvement needs of teachers, who implement preperation for family and sexuality education programBoicova, Saulė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Šis tyrimas skirtas atskleisti etikos ir biologijos mokytojų, įgyvendinančių „Rengimo šeimai ir lytiškumo ugdymo programą“ (toliau RŠLU), profesinio tobulėjimo poreikius Kauno vidurinėse mokyklose ir gimnazijose. Išanalizavus mokslinę pedagoginę, psichologinę, metodinę literatūrą nagrinėjamos problematikos aspektu, buvo suformuluoti reikalavimai, kurie reikalingi įgyvendinti RŠLU programą. Atskleidžiama mokytojų žinios vykdyti RŠLU programą, tiriamųjų vertybinės nuostatos šeimos, kontracepcijos ir užsimezgusios gyvybės atžvilgiu.
Tyrime dalyvavo 69 mokytojai iš 34 Kauno vidurinių mokyklų ir gimnazijų. Pagrindiniai tyrimo metodai – anoniminė anketinė apklausa (tyrimo ataskaitos anketos dalis adaptuota S. Ustilaitės ir kt.) ir testas. Testą – anketą pildė etikos ir biologijos mokytojai.
Mokytojai, įgyvendinantys RŠLU programą, privalo gebėti atskirti tokius sąvokų apibrėžimus kaip lytiškumas, lytinis švietimas, lytinis ugdymas ir lytiškumo ugdymas, taip pat turi žinoti lytinio ir lytiškumo ugdymo principus, amžiaus tarpsnių psichologiją, tėvų vaidmenį lytinio ir lytiškumo ugdyme ir kaip turi būti pateikiamos ugdytiniams žinios apie kontracepciją.
Tyrimo duomenys rodo, jog ne visi respondentai turi pakankamai specifinių žinių, reikalingų įgyvendinti RŠLU programą. Didžioji dauguma respondentų (65%) negeba atskirti lytiškumo sąvokos nuo lyties apibrėžimo, taipogi lytinio švietimo, lytinio ugdymo ir lytiškumo ugdymo sąvokų. Didžioji dauguma respondentų (68%) nežino kaip turėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research is aimed to reveal improvement needs of ethics and biology teachers who implement “preparation for family and sexuality education program” (hereafter PFSE) in Kaunas high schools and gymnasiums. After traversed scientific pedagogical, psychological, methodical literature based on problematic consideration aspect, needs were formed which are essential for PFSE program implementation. Detectable knowledge needed to implement PFSE program, respondent valuation attitude to family, contraception and life forming aspect.
69 teachers from 34 Kaunas high schools and gymnasiums took part in this investigation. Main investigation methods – anonymous questionnaire survey (research report questionnaire part is adapted by S. Ustilaitė and others) and test. Test was completed by ethic and biology teachers.
Teachers who implement PFSE program have to manage to separate such definitions as sexuality, sexual education, sexual upbringing and sexuality upbringing, also have to know sexuality and sexual principles, age phase psychology, role of parents in sexuality and sexual education, and how information about contraception has to be revealed.
Results of investigation educe that not all respondents have enough specific knowledge which are needed to implement PFSE program. Mayor parts of respondents (65%) are not able to separate sexuality concept from sex definition also sexual upbringing and sexuality upbringing meanings. Most part of respondents (68%) does not know how... [to full text]
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Chastity among adult Seventh-Day Adventists in Botswana: a psycho-spiritual studyOrapeleng, Galenakgosi 31 March 2008 (has links)
Extra-marital affairs seem to be rampant among Seventh-day Adventist adult membership in Botswana. To determine the extent of the problem, to investigate the causative factors and to suggest ways in which individuals and families can be helped, has been the motivation for this study. It was discovered that 11.8% of married adults in the survey had at least one secret sexual partner, and 42.6% of singles had an illegal sexual partner(s). Seventh-day Adventist adults' sexuality in Botswana is characterized by hetero-sexual, multiple partners. Some of the contributing factors are economic, cultural and spiritual. Despite the prevailing influences, the majority of the adults (68%) still disagree with lax sexual behavior. This gives hope to work for their restoration and empowerment. Two key areas that were seen to be critical in empowering them were the family and spirituality. A psycho-spiritual program called, Harmonious Development, is being suggested for a systematic, educational, holistic and lifelong empowerment. This model is based on the psycho-educational theory developed by W.J. Schoeman for adult training. / SCH: HUM, SOC SCIENC and THEO / DTH (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY)
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Inculturation and consecrated life in the Catholic church: the Companions of St Angela as a case studyModise, Mary 30 November 2003 (has links)
Consecrated life or religious life as it is sometimes called within the Catholic Church is almost as old as Christianity. All baptised persons are consecrated persons by virtue of their baptism, but the consecrated life to which some people feel called, is a special and fruitful deepening of the consecration received in baptism and confirmation.. This dissertation explores Christian spirituality as it is manifested in consecrated life with relation to inculturation and religious life. The scope has been limited to a study of one congregation, the Companions of St Angela as a case study. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Christian Spirituality)
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Saving a Saint : A Study of the Representation of Maria Goretti (1890-1902): a Saint, a Martyr, a Virgin, a ChildCadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the legend of the Italian virgin martyr, Saint Maria Goretti (1890-1902). Her legend states that she died at the age of eleven protecting her virginity from her assailant Alessandro Serenelli who stabbed her numerous times, and that she granted him forgiveness before she died. Hence, she has been promoted as an example of purity and mercy. The continued relevance of Saint Maria Goretti is demonstrated by the fact that her figure was used to promote the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis and first announced in March 2015. The aim of the current study is to examine how Maria Goretti has been portrayed in the Catholic tradition. This is done by analysing Maria Goretti’s official representation found in the papal discourse about her (which consists of homilies, discourses, Angelus, messages and a letter), as well as by analysing the devotional discourse which in this study is comprised of two books that belong to the genre of hagiography. The chosen books: St. Maria Goretti, by Marie Cecilia Buehrle (1950), and St. Maria Goretti: In garments all red, by Fr. Godfrey Poage, C.P. (1950) can be included among the classics written about Saint Maria Goretti in English. I deploy a thematic narrative analysis as method in which I’m concerned with content in terms of themes, and with the ways in which characters are represented. Uncovering the themes that are discussed in the papal discourse and the devotional discourse about Saint Maria Goretti contributes to a better understanding of her representation and, in some measure, to a reconsideration of what she represents. A part of this thesis focuses on the aspects of Maria Goretti’s representation that can be considered problematic because of the claim that it is preferable to choose to be killed rather than to be raped. Therefore, it becomes necessary to include the discourse that treats Goretti’s story from a critical point of view which in this study embraces ethical, psychological, and feminist perspectives. The legend of Maria Goretti has been the object of arguably many studies. This thesis, nonetheless, contributes with a more detailed analysis of the discourse about Maria Goretti at the official level as well as the devotional level. I also seek to give insight into the genre of hagiography and to elucidate that the edeavour of portraying a wholly virtuous individual does not come without it’s complications in terms of the interpretations that can be made of the images that are conveyed. The analysis shows, among other things, that the representation of Maria Goretti misses aspects of reality and the complexity and multifariousness of the subject of sexual violence. I argue that a wholesome and more comprehensive representation of Saint Maria Goretti should include expert knowledge of sexual violence, especially that which can be found within the field of psychology.
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