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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Citation Practices in Jerome’s Letters as vestigia of Late Antique Identity Construction

Revellio, Marie 19 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Is Nurse Aide Retention Associated with Nursing Home Quality?

Kennedy, Katherine A. 16 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Liberating The Sexed Body: Oscar Wilde Erodes Victorian Conventions As A New World Is Created In <i>The Importance Of Being Earnest</i>

Wulu, Amber Michaela January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Why βίοϛ? : on the relationship between gospel genre and implied audience

Smith, Justin M. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the gap in the scholarly record pertaining to the explicit relationship between gospel genre and implied audience. This thesis challenges the consensus that the canonical gospels were written to/for individual communities/churches and that these documents (gospels) address the specific historical/social circumstances of each community. It is argued in the thesis that the Evangelists chose the genre of biography because it was the genre that was best suited to present the words and deeds of Jesus to the largest possible audience. The central thesis is supported by four lines of evidence: two external and two internal (Chapters 3-6). Furthermore, the thesis is bolstered by a new typology for Greco-Roman biography that arranges the biographical examples within a relational matrix. Chapter 2 is integral to the main thesis of this dissertation in that it proposes nuanced language capable of being applied to specific kinds of biographies with the emphasis on the relationship to implied audience. Chapter 2 sets the boundaries of the discussion of genre as a vital factor in potentially determining audience as well as raising the important consideration that genres are representative of authorial choice and intent. Chapters 3 and 4 take up the discussion of the two lines of external evidence pertinent to placing the Gospels within the relational typology proposed in chapter 2. Chapter 3 supports the main argument of the thesis in that it demonstrates that the earliest Christian interpreters of the Gospels did not understand them to be sectarian documents written specifically to and/or for specific sectarian Christian communities. The second line of external evidence, taken up in chapter 4, deals with the wider context of Jesus literature in the second/third century. We argue that these texts, if any of them are indeed biographies, were part of the wider Christian practice of writing and disseminating literary presentations of Jesus and Jesus traditions. Chapters 5 and 6 address the lines of internal evidence and chapter 5 deals specifically with the difficulty in reconstructing the various gospel communities that might lie behind the gospel texts. It is argued that the genre of biography does not allow us to reconstruct these communities with any detail. Finally, chapter 6 is concerned with the ‘all nations’ motif present in all four of the canonical gospels. The ‘all nations’ and ‘sending’ motifs in the Gospels suggest an evangelistic tone for the Gospels and further suggest an ideal secondary audience beyond those who could be identified as Christian.

A organização da informação em plataforma de gestão de referências, a Zotero: a coleção Lélia Gonzalez e o projeto memória / The organization of information in a plataform for management of references, the Zotero: the Lélia collection and the memory project

Teixeira, Patricia 01 September 2017 (has links)
Propõe-se na presente dissertação divulgar e apresentar à pesquisadoras e pesquisadores a organização da informação e a educação aberta, a plataforma Zotero, uma ferramenta de gestão de referências, por meio de oficinas e tutorial. Expor o contexto histórico de construção desta ferramenta, na perspectiva das humanidades digitais, mostrar sua utilização para coleta, organização, citação, formatação, compartilhamento e contextualização histórica do conhecimento.Como exemplo de organização da informação foi utilizada a coleção de documentos da Lélia Gonzalez, do Projeto Memória, assim como a disponibilização do tutorial para uso da plataforma Zotero como um Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA). Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados, a partir da abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, do levantamento bibliográfico que compõe a fundamentação teórica, no aspecto comparativo das ferramentas de gestão de referências, Zotero e Mendeley e a escolha pela Zotero para a organização da coleção Lélia Gonzalez, refletem as perspectivas das humanidades digitais, assim como as perspectivas da educação aberta para a aplicação das oficinas à pesquisadoras e pesquisadores. / This dissertation intends to publicize and to present to researchers the organization of information and the open education, the Zotero platform, a tool for management of references, through workshops and tutorial. It also aims at exposing the historical context of the making of that tool, from the perspective of digital humanities, to show its use for collecting, organizing, citing, formatting, sharing and historical contextualization of knowledge. Lélia Gonzalez's collection of documents from “Projeto Memória” (Memory Project) was used as an example of organization of information, as well as the tutorial regarding the use of Zotero platform as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Based on the qualitative and exploratory approach of the bibliographic survey that composes the theoretical foundation, the methodological procedures adopted on the comparative aspect of the reference management tools, Zotero and Mendeley, and the choice by Zotero for the organization of Lélia Gonzalez collection reflect the perspectives of the digital humanities, as well as the perspectives of open education for the application of workshops to researchers.

A organização da informação em plataforma de gestão de referências, a Zotero: a coleção Lélia Gonzalez e o projeto memória / The organization of information in a plataform for management of references, the Zotero: the Lélia collection and the memory project

Teixeira, Patricia 01 September 2017 (has links)
Propõe-se na presente dissertação divulgar e apresentar à pesquisadoras e pesquisadores a organização da informação e a educação aberta, a plataforma Zotero, uma ferramenta de gestão de referências, por meio de oficinas e tutorial. Expor o contexto histórico de construção desta ferramenta, na perspectiva das humanidades digitais, mostrar sua utilização para coleta, organização, citação, formatação, compartilhamento e contextualização histórica do conhecimento.Como exemplo de organização da informação foi utilizada a coleção de documentos da Lélia Gonzalez, do Projeto Memória, assim como a disponibilização do tutorial para uso da plataforma Zotero como um Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA). Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados, a partir da abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, do levantamento bibliográfico que compõe a fundamentação teórica, no aspecto comparativo das ferramentas de gestão de referências, Zotero e Mendeley e a escolha pela Zotero para a organização da coleção Lélia Gonzalez, refletem as perspectivas das humanidades digitais, assim como as perspectivas da educação aberta para a aplicação das oficinas à pesquisadoras e pesquisadores. / This dissertation intends to publicize and to present to researchers the organization of information and the open education, the Zotero platform, a tool for management of references, through workshops and tutorial. It also aims at exposing the historical context of the making of that tool, from the perspective of digital humanities, to show its use for collecting, organizing, citing, formatting, sharing and historical contextualization of knowledge. Lélia Gonzalez's collection of documents from “Projeto Memória” (Memory Project) was used as an example of organization of information, as well as the tutorial regarding the use of Zotero platform as an Open Educational Resource (OER). Based on the qualitative and exploratory approach of the bibliographic survey that composes the theoretical foundation, the methodological procedures adopted on the comparative aspect of the reference management tools, Zotero and Mendeley, and the choice by Zotero for the organization of Lélia Gonzalez collection reflect the perspectives of the digital humanities, as well as the perspectives of open education for the application of workshops to researchers.

Tendencias de producción y financiación de la investigación biomédica en la Comunitat Valenciana. Análisis bibliométrico 2008-2015

Garzón Rams, Vanessa 27 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los centros biomédicos de la Comunitat Valenciana investigan mucho sobre salud, pero se sabe menos sobre quiénes desarrollan y financian esa investigación biomédica, objeto de estudio de la presente tesis. Nuestro trabajo analiza indicadores bibliométricos, que ofrecen resultados estadísticamente significativos cuando la muestra es grande, verificables y reproducibles. Ahora bien, son meramente cuantitativos, parciales, convergentes y relativos. Quienes trabajan en centros de investigación de Alicante, Castellón o Valencia publican cada año cerca de 2.000 artículos y revisiones incardinados en las 68 disciplinas más estrechamente vinculadas a la salud, de acuerdo con el análisis de los registros publicados entre 2008 y 2015. Los investigadores de la Comunitat Valenciana escriben más artículos que revisiones (91% frente a 9%) y, en 6 de cada 10 casos, se indica la fuente de financiación. La producción científica crece año tras año no solo por el aumento del número de revistas que salen al mercado o porque cada vez se indizan más. Ese incremento se apoya sobre todo en los artículos, no tanto en las revisiones. La investigación biomédica se escribe en inglés (88% de las publicaciones analizadas). El predominio de la lengua de Shakespeare va a más año tras año. El segundo idioma, sobre todo en los documentos sin financiación, es el español. Los artículos y revisiones con autoría valenciana se publicaron entre 2008 y 2015 en 2.359 revistas de 50 países diferentes (sólo 37 de ellas se editan en España). La revista española con más artículos publicados durante el periodo de estudio es Nutrición Hospitalaria. La revista extranjera, Food Chemistry. Estados Unidos e Inglaterra son los países que editan más revistas con producción de autoría valenciana aunque, cuando no hay financiación, es España. Los 17.437 trabajos descargados de la WoS y publicados entre 2008 y 2015 los firman autores/as adscritos a 343 centros de investigación (33% es del sector privado y el 25% se relaciona con la sanidad pública). Ahora bien, el mundo académico, no el hospitalario, es la cuna del saber biomédico, con la Universitat de València como centro que más producción científica acumula en el periodo. La autoría corresponde a un único centro de investigación en tres de cada cuatro trabajos y lo más habitual es que haya varios firmantes, no uno solo. La investigación biomédica valenciana la paga la administración pública, asociaciones, la Universidad, la banca, los laboratorios o las sociedades científicas¿ unas 3.400 agencias financiadoras entre 2008-2015. La que más producción biomédica sufraga es el Instituto de Salud Carlos III. La financiación alternativa no se refleja todavía en la WoS. Respecto a la influencia de sus obras, la Universitat de València es la que más citas acumula, pero los más eficientes son el Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante y el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF). Casi todos los documentos estudiados (89%) han recibido al menos una cita. Para documentos con financiación, la revista que más citas acumula, en términos absolutos, es Blood y, en términos relativos, Autophagy. Cuando no hay fondos, las revistas que destacan son Journal of Hypertension en términos absolutos y Annual Review of Cell and Development Biology, respectivamente.Las revistas editadas en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra son las que tienen más visibilidad e impacto. Además, la mitad de los trabajos estudiados se sitúan en los tres primeros cuartiles. Finalmente, las áreas temáticas con más artículos publicados son Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Oncología, campos donde trabajan grupos potentes de profesionales. Sobre indicadores los mixtos, destaca el peso de las instituciones investigadoras privadas en la provincia de Valencia cuando, en término autonómicos, la sanidad pública y el mundo académico concentran el 82% de producción y el 34% de citas. Además, Castellón supera a Alicante en número absoluto de citas. / [CA] Els centres biomèdics de la Comunitat Valenciana investiguen molt sobre salut, però se sap menys sobre qui desenvolupa i financia els treballs de recerca biomèdica, objecte d'estudi de la present tesi. El nostre treball analitza indicadors bibliomètrics, que ofereixen resultats estadísticament significatius quan la mostra és gran, verificables i reproduïbles. Ara bé, són merament quantitatius, no qualitatius, parcials, convergents i relatius. Els profesionals que treballen en centres d'investigació d'Alacant, Castelló o València publiquen cada any prop de 2.000 articles i revisions incardinats en les 68 disciplines més estretament vinculades a la salut, d'acord amb l'anàlisi dels registres publicats entre 2008 i 2015. Els investigadors de la Comunitat Valenciana escriuen més articles que revisions (91% enfront de 9%) i, en 6 de cada 10 casos, s'indica la font de finançament. La producció científica creix any rere any no sols per l'augment del nombre de revistes que ixen al mercat o perquè cada vegada s'indexen més. Aqueix increment es recolza sobretot en els articles, no tant en les revisions. La investigació biomèdica s'escriu en anglés (és la llengua del 88% de les publicacions analitzades). El predomini de la llengua de Shakespeare va a més any rere any. El segon idioma, especialment en els documents sense finançament, és l'espanyol. Els articles i revisions amb autoria valenciana es van publicar entre 2008 i 2015 en 2.359 revistes de 50 països diferents (només 37 d'elles s'editen a Espanya). La revista espanyola amb més articles publicats durant el període d'estudi és Nutrició Hospitalària. La revista estrangera, Food Chemistry. Els Estats Units i Anglaterra són els països que editen més revistes amb producció d'autoria valenciana encara que, quan no hi ha finançament, és Espanya. Els 17.437 treballs descarregats de la WoS i publicats entre 2008 i 2015 els signen autors/as adscrits a 343 centres d'investigació (33% és del sector privat i el 25% es relaciona amb la sanitat pública). Ara bé, el món acadèmic, no l'hospitalari, és el bressol del saber biomèdic, amb la Universitat de València com a centre que més producció científica acumula en el període. L'autoria correspon a un únic centre d'investigació en tres de cada quatre treballs i el més habitual és que hi haja diversos signants, no un només. La investigació biomèdica valenciana la paga l'administració pública, associacions, la Universitat, la banca, els laboratoris o les societats científiques¿ unes 3.400 agències finançadores entre 2008-2015. La que més producció biomèdica sufraga és l'Institut de Salut Carles III. El finançament alternatiu no es reflecteix encara en la WoS. Respecte a la influència de les seues obres, la Universitat de València és la que més cites acumula, però els més eficients són l'Institut de Neurociències d'Alacant i el Centre d'Investigació Príncep Felip (CIPF). Quasi tots els documents estudiats (89%) han rebut almenys una cita. Per a documents amb finançament, la revista que més cites acumula, en termes absoluts, és Blood i, en termes relatius, Autophagy. Quan no hi ha fons, les revistes que destaquen són Journal of Hypertension en termes absoluts i Annual Review of Cell and Development Biology, respectivament. Les revistes editades als Estats Units i Anglaterra són les que tenen més visibilitat i impacte. A més, la meitat dels treballs estudiats se situen en els tres primers quartils. Finalment, les àrees temàtiques amb més articles publicats són Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular i Oncologia, camps on treballen grups potents de professionals. Respecte als indicadors mixtos, destaca el pes de les institucions investigadores privades a la província de València quan, en terme autonòmics, la sanitat pública i el món acadèmic concentren el 82% de la producció i el 34% de les cites. A més, Castelló supera a Alacant en nombre absolut de cites. / [EN] Biomedical centres in the Valencian Community do a lot of health research, but less is known about who develops and finances this biomedical research, which is the subject of this thesis. Our work analyses bibliometric indicators, which offer statistically significant results when the sample is large, verifiable and reproducible. However, they are merely quantitative, not qualitative, partial, convergent and relative. Those working in research centres in Alicante, Castellón and Valencia publish around 2,000 articles and reviews each year in the 68 disciplines most closely linked to health, according to an analysis of the records published between 2008 and 2015. Researchers in the Valencia Region write more articles than reviews (91% compared to 9%) and, in 6 out of 10 cases, the source of funding is indicated. Scientific production is growing year after year not only because of the increase in the number of journals that come onto the market or because they are increasingly indexed. This increase is mainly based on articles, not so much on reviews. Biomedical research is written in English (the language of 88% of the publications analysed). The predominance of Shakespeare's language is increasing year by year. The second language, especially in unfunded papers, is Spanish. Articles and reviews with Valencian authorship were published between 2008 and 2015 in 2,359 journals from 50 different countries (only 37 of them are published in Spain). The Spanish journal with the most articles published during the study period is Nutrición Hospitalaria. The foreign journal, Food Chemistry. The United States and England are the countries that publish the most journals with Valencian authorship, although when there is no funding, it is Spain. The 17,437 papers downloaded from WoS and published between 2008 and 2015 are signed by authors attached to 343 research centres (33% are from the private sector and 25% are related to public health). However, the academic world, not the hospital world, is the cradle of biomedical knowledge, with the University of Valencia as the centre that accumulated the most scientific production in the period. Authorship corresponds to a single research centre in three out of every four papers, and it is most common for there to be several authors, not just one. Valencian biomedical research is paid for by the public administration, associations, universities, banks, laboratories and scientific societies... some 3,400 funding agencies between 2008-2015. The agency that funds most biomedical production is the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Alternative funding is not yet reflected in the WoS. Regarding the influence of its works, the University of Valencia is the one that accumulates the most citations, but the most efficient are the Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante and the Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF). Almost all the documents studied (89%) have received at least one citation. For funded papers, the journal with the most citations in absolute terms is Blood and, in relative terms, Autophagy. When there is no funding, the journals that stand out are the Journal of Hypertension in absolute terms and the Annual Review of Cell and Development Biology, respectively. Journals published in the United States and England have the highest visibility and impact. In addition, half of the papers studied are in the first three quartiles. Finally, the subject areas with the most articles published are Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Oncology, fields in which powerful groups of professionals work. Concerning the mixed indicators, the weight of private research institutions in the province of Valencia stands out, when, in regional terms, public health and the academic world account for 82% of the production and 34% of the citations. Moreover, Castellón exceeds Alicante in the absolute number of citations. / Garzón Rams, V. (2022). Tendencias de producción y financiación de la investigación biomédica en la Comunitat Valenciana. Análisis bibliométrico 2008-2015 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183880 / TESIS

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