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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La société civile globale: une «chimère insaisissable» à l'épreuve de la reconnaissance juridique

Amouroux, Mathieu 05 1900 (has links)
La prolifération des acteurs non étatiques, favorisée par la mondialisation, est un phénomène marquant de notre histoire contemporaine. Rassemblés sous le vocable de «société civile», ils ont contribué à créer un foisonnement de normes sur le plan international allant, pour certains commentateurs, jusqu'à concurrencer l'État sur sa capacité de dire le droit. Parmi ces acteurs privés, les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) et les entreprises multinationales jouent un rôle prépondérant. Notre imaginaire collectif oppose cependant trop souvent l'ONG, symbole du désintéressement, à la multinationale assoiffée de profit. Le présent mémoire vise à relativiser ce constat manichéen et simplificateur. En analysant, dans une perspective de droit international, les moyens d'action des ONG et des multinationales, on se rend compte que les passerelles entre les deux «mondes» sont en réalité nombreuses. ONG et multinationales se retrouvent d'ailleurs dans leur aspiration commune à être reconnues formellement sur la scène internationale. L'opportunité d'une reconnaissance juridique de la société civile sera discutée. / The multiplication of non state actors that emerged as a consequence of globalization is a striking phenomenon of contemporaneous history. These actors otherwise referred to under the concept of «civil society», have contributed to a proliferation of norms in the international arena. Some commentators even convey the idea that the State is being overtly rivalled in this respect. Among these private actors, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and multinational firms play a significant role. In this regard, a common assumption is that NGOs are the symbol of selflessness, while multinationals would be profit-thirsty monsters. This master's thesis aims at relativizing this over-simplification. Under an international law perspective, the analysis of NGOs and multinationals' means of action, leads to the realization that many links do exist, between these two supposedly closed «worlds». Moreover, NGOs and multinationals share a common quest for formaI recognition on an international scale. The potential for legal recognition will be discussed.

Pojetí spravedlnosti u Johna Rawlse a jeho kritika u F. A. von Hayeka / Rawls's Conception of Justice and His Critic F. A. von Hayek

Polenová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The work focuses on analyzing the concept of justice as fairness in the political and moral philosophy. Mapping the development of opinion on the fairness of the ancient world, which will deal mainly with access to justice in Platon and Aristoteles. Particular attention will be paid to the concept of justice in the social contract T. Hobbes, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau and I. Kant. The core work will consist of an analysis of John Rawls's theory of justice as fairness and approach to social justice by Friedrich August von Hayek. Keywords: theory of justice, social contract, social fairness, civil society, morality

Forschendes Lehren und Lernen gestalten: ein standortübergreifendes Projektseminar zu "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft"

Schulze Wessel, Julia, Behrens, Rico, Pates, Rebecca, Schmidt, Daniel, Thümmler, Ellen, Schale, Frank 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie kann "Forschendes Lernen" noch besser in die politikwissenschaftliche Lehre integriert werden? Dieser Frage gingen sechs Lehrende an den sächsischen Universitäten Dresden, Leipzig und Chemnitz im Wintersemester 2015/2016 mit einem gemeinsam entworfenen Projektseminar unter dem Titel "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft" nach. Im Interview berichten die Beteiligten von ihren Konzeptionen und deren Umsetzung.

Minding the Gap : the Role of UK Civil Society in the European Refugee Crisis

Rosales Pena, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The recent collapse of the Dublin system, a system meant to distribute responsibility towards asylum-seekers and refugees between EU Member States (MSs), has marked a new phase of the so-called European Refugee “Crisis”, where the inability of EU MS governments to address the situation in a unified and coherent manner ultimately harms those most in need of protection. Public discontent with EU and MS government responses to the crisis has led to strong citizen mobilisation in the form of civil society. This study focuses on the case of the UK and examines the role played by policy advocacy Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). The concept of Political Responsibility is used to establish the emergence of a Governance Gap in the UK's response to the crisis, where the government finds itself unable to bridge a growing distance between its representation and responsible governance functions. Policy advocacy CSOs are found to be now minding this gap. Critical Discourse Analysis is used to study how CSOs react to the UK government's response in terms of practice and discourse, and to highlight the consequences which language use can have on how we perceive and treat refugees and asylum-seekers in this context.

Quantitative Untersuchung über Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft in Österreich

Klarer, Alexander 23 July 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Gründungstrends bei neu gegründeten Vereinen in Österreich von 2006-2017. Vereine haben ihre Anfänge zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie sind in Österreich die häufigste Rechtsform für Organisationen im Bereich der Zivilgesellschaft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden mithilfe von Text-Mining-Verfahren die Namen neu gegründeter Vereine analysiert. Anschließend werden Kategorien gebildet und anhand der vorkommenden Worthäufigkeiten Trends dargestellt. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass im gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum diverse Förderungsvereine, Vereine in den Bereichen Kunst und Kultur sowie Sparvereine zu den häufigsten Neugründungen zählten. Zudem wird ersichtlich, dass Neugründungstrends oftmals mit politischen und gesellschaftlichen Vorgängen zusammenhängen. / Series: Working Papers / Institute for Nonprofit Management

Implementation of the National Policy Framework on Public Participation in the Ugu district municipality

Ngwane, Ntombenhle Precious January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Management, University of Witwatersrand, in 50% fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Management in the field of Public Policy June 2017 / Successfully translating policy intentions to desired policy outputs has been identified as a challenge that most developing countries and emerging democracies are faced with. In the early 1970s theorists and researchers realised that in part the problem is not paying enough attention to policy implementation. As a result, more research effort was put into understanding policy implementation and what factors contribute towards or impede a successful implementation of policies. This research is aimed at exploring the factors that contribute to successful implementation of policies in South African Local Government. Focus has been put on institutional provisions that are put in place by these local government institutions to support the implementation of policies. The policy used for the purposes of this study is the National Policy Framework on Public Participation (NPFPP) and the area of focus is the Ugu District. The study followed the qualitative method and nineteen (19) in-depth interviews were held with members of government, civil society and community members and representatives. Municipal documents were analysed for purposes of validating information received from interviews. The study found that there are structural and systemic challenges that contribute to low levels of success in implementing the NPFPP in the Ugu district. This is mainly due to the fact that there are inadequate and ineffective provisions for public participation in the district. Issues identified include lack of capacity within municipalities, both in terms of understanding policy requirements and the number of staff available to implement the policy. Furthermore, there was no perceived involvement of all the strategic units within the municipality to implement the policy. The external structures put in place by the municipalities in accordance with the provisions of the policy, that is, ward committees and IDP processes, proved inadequate and ineffective. The study also found that communities were unaware of their right and responsibility to participate in municipal matters. However, willingness and eagerness to work with the municipalities was displayed by both communities and civil society organizations. The study concluded by making recommendations for implementation of the NPFPP in local government generally and also recommendations for the specific area of interest. / MT 2017


CAROLINA BURLE DE NIEMEYER 10 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Na era da globalização, a sociedade civil é um ator cada vez mais relevante na política global e, dentre estes, a Rede Transnacional de Movimentos Sociais Via Campesina seria um exemplo dos mais emblemáticos. Esta rede, de composição heterogênea, é formada por movimentos sociais representativos de atores marginalizados em suas respectivas sociedades, unidos no propósito comum de lutar pela implantação de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento que, baseado na Soberania Alimentar, substitua o padrão neoliberal vigente. Esta dissertação visa investigar a capacidade de a Via Campesina influenciar as negociações de agricultura e desenvolvimento em nível internacional. Para tal, elegemos as suas relações com duas das principais instituições internacionais a negociarem o tema da agricultura em nível internacional: a FAO e a OMC. Além deste objetivo principal, temos a intenção de mostrar que a relevância da Via Campesina vai além da sua relação com atores estatais. Com esta intenção, abordamos a relação de influência mútua da rede com as organizações locais que a compõem; a sua interação com ONGs e institutos de pesquisa e a sua participação em fóruns sociais. Neste percurso, avaliamos os antecedentes, motivações e evolução da rede; além de mencionar as suas principais campanhas, dentre as quais, privilegiamos a Campanha Sementes contra a agricultura transgênica. / [en] In the age of globalization, civil society becomes a major player in global politics. We find between these players, the Transnational Network of Social Movements, Via Campesina, which is one of the most emblematic examples. This is an heterogeneous network formed by social movements composed by actors, which are kept apart by their own societies, united by a common purpose of fighting for the implementation of a new model of development based on the idea of food sovereignty which could replace the actual neoliberal model. This essay seeks to investigate the capacity of Via Campesina to influence the agricultural and development negotiations at the international level. For that purpose, we investigate its relationships with two of the main international institutions, which negotiate the agricultural matter at the international level: the FAO and the WTO. Further on, we want to demonstrate that the Via Campesina´s relevance goes beyond its relationship with state players. With this intention, we tackle the relation of mutual influence with the local organizations from witch they are built; its interaction with NGOs and research institutes and its participation in social forums. One way to get to this question is to evaluate the backgrounds, motivations and the network evolutions; we mention, moreover, its main campaigns, among which, we favor the Seeds Campaign against the transgenic agriculture.

Nas franjas da sociedade política: estudo sobre o orçamento participativo. / On the fringes of political society: a study of the participatory budget.

Romão, Wagner de Melo 25 August 2010 (has links)
A literatura acadêmica sobre as novas instâncias de participação surgidas no Brasil, nas últimas duas décadas, foi marcada por estudos que colocavam a sociedade civil como elemento impulsionador e centro deste processo. A tese se estrutura a partir da crítica a esta perspectiva de análise, focalizando o modo como esta literatura conformou determinada visão sobre as experiências de orçamento participativo (OP). Defende-se que os estudos sobre tais experiências devem considerar menos a referência da sociedade civil e mais as dinâmicas sociopolíticas próprias dos partidos políticos e dos governos, reunidas no conceito de sociedade política. Assim, o OP é analisado enquanto: a) uma estratégia de mobilização e ampliação da base social de apoio de governos e de partidos; e b) um novo espaço de interação de agentes sociopolíticos, permeado pela lógica das disputas eleitorais. Apresenta-se um estudo de caso do orçamento participativo de Osasco SP, voltado, sobretudo, para os aspectos político-institucionais da experiência e para a análise do conselho do OP e do perfil sociopolítico de seus conselheiros. A pesquisa indica a predominância de um alto envolvimento dos conselheiros com a sociedade política, o que se combina com as funções estratégicas do orçamento participativo, de movimentação permanente e formação de novos quadros militantes. / The academic literature related to the new instances of participation in Brazil over the last two decades has been characterized by studies that considered the civil society both as a triggering element and center of this process. The thesis is based on the critic of this kind of analysis, and focuses on the way this literature generated a certain view on the experiences of participatory budget (PB). It advocates the idea that the studies about such experiences should focus less on the reference of the civil society and more on the sociopolitical dynamics that characterize the political parties and governments and that are comprised in the concept of political society. Thus, the PB is analyzed as being: a) a strategy for the participation and increase of the social basis of support given by governments and parties; and b) a new space where sociopolitical agents can interact and which is permeated by the logics of electoral disputes. It presents a case study of participatory budget in the city of Osasco SP aimed at the political and institutional aspects of the experience, and at the analysis of both the PB council and the sociopolitical profile of the counselors. The research points to the significant involvement of the counselors with the political society, which relates to the strategic roles of the participatory budget, permanent movement and formation of new party militants.

Atuação do psicólogo em organizações não-governamentais na área de educação / The work of psychologists in non-governmental organizations in the educational field

Dadico, Luciana 21 August 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho se faz presente em um contexto de transformações nos discursos e práticas educacionais, que acompanham a globalização e a crise econômica dos Estados nacionais, atribuindo a novos personagens, as organizações não-governamentais, a tarefa de promover melhoria no atendimento escolar. Esses discursos vêm promovendo, no país, o incremento na quantidade de organizações não-governamentais e no seu papel político. O objetivo principal da presente pesquisa é conhecer o trabalho de psicólogos que atuam em organizações não-governamentais no campo educacional, com ênfase nas especificidades deste trabalho, bem como nas principais questões relacionadas à atuação dos profissionais. Assim, constituíram informações importantes para a pesquisa as características das organizações não-governamentais que afirmam ter como missão atuar na área educacional, as características do trabalho realizado pelos psicólogos que atuam nessas instituições e as questões que os psicólogos destacaram enquanto constituintes do trabalho realizado na área da educação. Para a realização deste estudo, baseou-se principalmente nos conceitos de sociedade civil de Gramsci e nos princípios que norteiam uma educação libertadora e uma Psicologia comprometida com o oprimido. Espera-se, como resultado desta tarefa, contribuir para a reflexão que vêm se operando no terreno em que confluem a atuação das ONGs, a educação pública e a prática profissional em Psicologia no país, fornecendo subsídios, de modo mais direto, aos estudiosos e profissionais que atuam nestas áreas. Trata-se de um estudo que visa propiciar aos psicólogos que irão atuar ou vêm atuando em organizações não governamentais, em particular na área da educação, um estímulo à reflexão acerca de sua práxis. / This paper is presented in a context of transformation in discourses and educational practices, as they try to keep up with globalization and the economic crisis in national states, assigning to new agents, the non-governmental organizations, the task of enhancing school service. Such discourses have been producing in this country an increase in the number of non-governmental organizations and the growth of its political role. The main objective of the research is to study the work of psychologists in non-governmental organizations in the educational field, focusing on the specificity of this work, as well as on the principal issues related to their work in this area. Therefore, important information for the research was found in the characteristics of the non-governmental organizations that state their mission as working in the educational area, the characteristics of the work carried out by the psychologists who work in these institutions, and the issues pointed out by the psychologists as constituent parts of the work in the educational field. The present work was based mainly on Gramsci´s concept of civil society and on the principles that guide a liberating education and a psychology which is committed to the oppressed. As a result of this task, we expect to contribute to the discussion that has been taking place on the ground where the work of NGO´s, public education and the professional psychological practice meet in Brazil, providing resources to scholars and professionals who work in this field. This research aims to foster the debate on the praxis of psychologists who intend to or have been working in non-governmental organizations, particularly in the educational field.

Mobilização, sociedade civil e governança: a escassez e a crise hídrica na macrometrópole de São Paulo / Mobilization, Civil Society and Water Management: scarcity and water crisis in Macrometropolis São Paulo

Richter, Renato Mauro 12 December 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, cada vez mais a participação social é um fator preponderante para a consolidação da democracia e o desenvolvimento da cidadania. Com a participação da sociedade civil surgem conflitos diante de uma cultura política centralizadora, tanto nas decisões, como na manutenção do poder por grupos dominantes dos recursos políticos, econômicos e culturais, onde o consenso e as consequências das políticas públicas em relação à governança da água afetam a sociedade civil. Fatos recentes, que envolve a crise hídrica na Macrometrópole Paulista (MMP), denunciam a escassez e revelam a atual e real gestão em relação à água. Indispensável à sobrevivência humana, tal contexto desencadeou novas articulações entre governo, instituições e sociedade. Neste cenário, a luta pela questão ambiental passou a ocupar arenas antes não ocupadas. A participação da sociedade civil na gestão da água desvenda vários conflitos ao envolver diferentes atores diante da desigualdade e das condições de negociação. Neste sentido, tais conflitos desencadeiam arranjos entre os atores sociais que procuram influenciar o processo decisório institucional, apesar de tal análise focar a sociedade civil externa à institucionalidade estabelecida. A presente Tese buscou analisar a atuação da sociedade civil frente à crise hídrica na MMP, ou seja, foca a sociedade civil e seus atores na busca de soluções para enfrentar a crise e propor soluções diante do problema apresentado. Ao enriquecer a reflexão sobre os caminhos alternativos, com a participação da sociedade civil, busca propostas diante da escassez hídrica, uma vez que a crise atual não se refere apenas ao abastecimento, mas também ao modelo de gestão e de efetividade da governança. Utilizou como fundamentos de análise, tanto a escola europeia, como a americana, de teorias dos movimentos sociais. A pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter interdisciplinar, envolveu o desenho da uma cronologia da crise e conta com o estudo de caso, a partir de entrevistas e o acompanhamento dos processos de participação da sociedade civil e seus atores. / In recent years, more and more social participation is a major factor for the consolidation of democracy and the development of citizenship. With the participation of civil society conflict arise before a coordinating political culture, both in decisions such as the maintenance of power by dominant groups of the political, economic and cultural resources, where the consensus and the consequences of public policies in relation to the governance of water affect civil society. Recent events involving the water crisis on macro-metropolis of São Paulo (MMP), denounce the scarcity and reveal the real and current water management. Essential for human survival, this context has unleashed new joints between Government, institutions and society. In this scenario, the struggle for environmental issue occupied arenas before not occupied. The participation of civil society in water management unveils several conflicts involving different actors on inequality and trading conditions. In this sense, such conflicts trigger arrangements between the social actors who seek to influence the institutional decision-making process, although such analysis focus on civil society outside established institutions. The present Thesis sought to analyze the performance of civil society vis-à-vis the water crisis in the MMP, namely, focuses on civil society and its actors in the search for solutions to address the crisis and propose solutions before the problem presented. To enrich the reflection on the alternate routes, with the participation of civil society, seeking proposals on the water shortage, since the current crisis does not refer only to the supply, but also the management and effectiveness of governance. Used as a basis for analysis, both the European school, as the American theories of social movements. The qualitative research, interdisciplinary character, involved the design of a chronology of the crisis and the case study, from interviews and monitoring of the processes of participation of civil society and its actors.

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