Spelling suggestions: "subject:"climate mitigation"" "subject:"climate litigation""
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Climate Litigation in South Africa and Nigeria: Legal Opportunities and Gender PerspectivesObani, Pedi 07 October 2023 (has links)
Yes / This chapter explores climate change cases from South Africa and Nigeria through a legal opportunity structures (LOS) lens. Understanding the effects of LOS is critical for sustaining climate litigation momentum across countries. Further, the academic literature on climate litigation hardly covers gender issues, even though women’s vulnerability to adverse climate change impacts and limited access to resources for adaptation are widely acknowledged. The receptivity of the existing LOS to women’s unique experiences affects their ability to engage in climate litigation and prospects for accessing climate justice through the courts. The chapter, therefore, undertakes a gender-sensitive analysis of the relevant literature, laws and decisions of courts from South Africa and Nigeria to conceptualize the LOS for climate litigation.
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Climate Change and Human Rights in Philosophy and LawBechtel, Erica 04 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Soudní ochrana práva na ochranu zdraví a práva na příznivé životní prostředí se zaměřením na Ostravsko / Judicial Protection of a Right to the Protection of Health and Favourable Environment with fous on the Region of OstravaDziková, Kateřina January 2022 (has links)
Judicial Protection of a Right to the Protection of Health and Favourable Environment with focus on the Region of Ostrava Abstract This diploma thesis deals with legal means of legal protection of the right to the protection of health and favourable environment with focus on the Ostrava region. The aim of this work is to map out judicial means of protection and analyze whether these means are in accordance with their purpose of ensuring the protection of persons against interference with their rights and the public interest in protection of health and the environment. The main methods used in this diploma thesis were the research of legal literature, case law of Czech and foreign courts and legal regulations. Subsequent use of synthesis and the analysis of the acquired information and the use of linguistic, systematic, logical and theological interpretative methods led to the generalization of the main and partial conclusions. This diploma thesis is divided into an introduction and a conclusion and six main chapters, some of which are further divided into subchapters and individual points. The first chapter deals with on the constitutional basis of health protection and a favourable environment. The second chapter focuses on the current condition of the environment in the Ostrava region, its causes and...
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Climate Litigation, Human Rights & Intergenerational JusticeHerrmann, Julian Robert January 2023 (has links)
The progression of climate change has brought the issue of intergenerational justice further into focus. At the same time, there has been a global increase in climate litigation. Activists increasingly use litigation and fundamental and human rights as instruments to enforce their demands for intergenerational justice. This thesis, therefore, focuses on the question of whether climate litigation can transform intergenerational justice from a political norm into a human rights-based, justiciable right. Previous studies identified a human-rights turn in climate litigation. In addition, other studies revealed that climate activists are increasingly using intergenerational framing. However, the relationship between intergenerational justice and human rights is understudied. This thesis addresses the existing research gap. Utilizing a mechanism-based account, the legal framing and the legal interpretation of the Neubauer case, decided by the German Federal Constitutional Court are analyzed to show the transformation of intergenerational justice into a matter of human rights. Moreover, climate litigation cases at the ECtHR are analyzed whether they contain references to Neubauer to identify indicators for a precedent-setting effect upon the supranational human rights framework of ECHR. This thesis demonstrates the importance of climate litigation as a policy tool in national and international climate governance.
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[pt] A sociedade de risco simboliza o momento civilizatório atual, em que os
efeitos secundários não desejados de uma modernização exitosa (para os que com
ela se beneficiam, frise-se) se tornaram incontroláveis. Mais do que isso. Vive-se
atualmente em um mundo em metamorfose, no qual as certezas da sociedade
moderna estão sendo solapadas diante de eventos globais significativos (Beck,
2017), como as mudanças climáticas e a pandemia do Covid-19. Dessa forma, não
se pode prever, mesmo diante de todo o avanço do conhecimento técnico-científico,
qual será o impacto dessa crise humanitária avassaladora que atinge a todos e
ressalta a efemeridade do ser humano diante dos efeitos colaterais do mundo
moderno. Embora os riscos climáticos apresentem uma tendência globalizante e um
efeito equalizador, a distribuição de tais riscos costuma seguir a lógica da
vulnerabilidade local, ocorrendo de forma socialmente desigual e injusta. A
articulação da teoria do risco com o movimento da justiça ambiental e climática
possibilita questionar a iniquidade na distribuição de riscos ambientais, em especial
os climáticos, além de introduzir importantes ferramentas conceituais que
problematizam a privatização de bônus e a socialização de ônus decorrentes da
exploração de atividades poluentes. As instituições, como o Estado e o próprio
Direito, que deveriam regulamentar e controlar a sua produção e externalidade,
acabam produzindo uma espécie de normalização de riscos, de modo a legitimar os
conflitos resultantes de situações de injustiça socioambiental, fenômeno que Ulrich
Beck (1995) denomina de irresponsabilidade organizada. A insuficiência de
respostas domésticas à produção de riscos globais e a ausência de coercitividade do
direito internacional sinalizam o relevante papel que os Tribunais em todo o mundo
– apesar das limitações e contradições inerentes ao próprio Poder Judiciário
enquanto instituição estatal – estão sendo instados a atuar na governança climática,
decidindo ações em que se discutem lacunas legislativas e regulatórias,
descumprimento de metas de redução e compromissos climáticos, sob a releitura de direitos fundamentais no tratamento de conflitos climáticos, à luz do chamado
constitucionalismo climático. Utiliza-se o método indutivo e a metodologia de
pesquisa se baseia, além da análise da previsão normativa, na revisão bibliográfica
nacional e internacional e no estudo dos precedentes judiciais brasileiros e
estrangeiros de maior repercussão envolvendo matéria climática. Espera-se que a
análise articulada da teoria da sociedade de risco e do movimento da justiça
ambiental aliado à perspectiva climática forneça importantes subsídios teóricos para
a confirmação da hipótese levantada nesta tese, a saber: se (e como) a litigância
climática pode representar uma importante estratégia de promoção da justiça
climática para contribuir para a redução das desigualdades socioambientais
resultantes da produção e externalização injusta e desigual de riscos climáticos,
mediante aplicação de ferramentas já existentes no sistema jurídico pátrio voltadas
à prevenção e reparação de impactos e danos climáticos. / [en] The risk society symbolizes the current civilizational moment, in which the
unwanted side effects of successful modernization (for those who benefit from it, it
should be noted) have become uncontrollable. More than that. We currently live in
a world in metamorphosis, in which the certainties of modern society are being
undermined in the face of significant global events (Beck, 2017), such as climate
change and the Covid-19 pandemic. In this way, it is not possible to predict, even
in the face of all the advance of technical-scientific knowledge, what will be the
impact of this overwhelming humanitarian crisis that affects everyone and
highlights the ephemerality of the human being in the face of the side effects of the
modern world. Although climate risks have a globalizing trend and an equalizing
effect, the distribution of such risks usually follows the logic of local vulnerability,
occurring in a socially unequal and unfair way. The articulation of risk society
theory with the environmental and climate justice movement makes it possible to
question the inequity in the distribution of environmental risks, especially climatic
ones, in addition to introduce important conceptual tools that problematize the
privatization of bonds and the socialization of burdens resulting from the
exploitation of polluting activities. Institutions, such as the State and the legal
system, which should regulate and control the production and the externality of
these risks, end up producing a kind of risk normalization, in order to legitimize
conflicts resulting from situations of socio-environmental injustice, a phenomenon
that Ulrich Beck (1995) calls organized irresponsibility. The insufficiency of
domestic responses to the production of global risks and the lack of coerciveness of
international law signal the relevant role that Courts around the world - despite the
limitations and contradictions inherent to the Judiciary itself as a state institution -
are being urged to act in climate governance, deciding actions that discuss
legislative and regulatory gaps, non-compliance with reduction targets and climate commitments, under the reinterpretation of fundamental rights in the treatment of
climate conflicts, in the light of the so-called climate constitutionalism. The
inductive method is used and the research methodology is based, in addition to the
analysis of applied legislation, on the national and international bibliographic
review and on the study of Brazilian end foreign judicial precedents of greater
repercussion involving climate matters. It is expected that the articulated analysis
of the risk society theory and the environmental justice movement allied to the
climate perspective will provide important theoretical support to confirme the
hypothesis raised in this thesis, namely: if (and how) climate litigation can represent
a important strategy to promote climate justice to contribute to the reduction of
socio-environmental inequalities resulting from the unjust and unequal production
and externalization of climate risks, through the application of existing tools in the
national legal system aimed at preventing and repairing climate impacts and damages.
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Introduction to International Energy Arbitration Disputes in AfricaNalule, Victoria R, Olawuyi, D.S. 27 September 2024 (has links)
Yes / This chapter provides a background on the roles of international arbitration as an important mechanism for dispute resolution in Africa’s dynamic and evolving energy and mining sectors. Given its abundant endowment with renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Africa has for several decades provided significant opportunities for international energy companies to spearhead energy production activities and investments in the production, distribution, and sale of energy.
Despite these investment opportunities, entrants into energy markets in Africa often face legal risks that pose monumental threats to the economic viability of investments. If not properly mitigated and addressed, such risks may result in complex and protracted legal disputes. Over the last decade, arbitration has emerged as a key mechanism for dispute resolution in Africa’s growing energy industry.
After providing an overview of the history, nature, and scope of energy arbitration in Africa, this chapter examines the drivers and sources of energy disputes in Africa’s energy and mining sectors and how the rise in arbitration provisions in energy contracts is shaping legal responses to such risk drivers. It analyzes how the full value of arbitration can be maximized as a tool for achieving fair, timely, efficient, and effective dispute resolution in Africa’s energy sector, especially in light of ongoing energy transitions.
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[pt] A Dissertação de Mestrado Justiça Climática nos tribunais: territórios e
litigância climática brasileira se propõe a realizar uma investigação sobre como a
temática da Justiça Climática vem sendo abordada nos tribunais
brasileiros. Buscou-se identificar como certos segmentos sociais, mais
especificamente povos indígenas e quilombolas, têm se apropriado da pauta
climática e levado suas demandas para os tribunais. A hipótese da pesquisa
questiona se as ações de litigância climática brasileiras traduzem a importância que
estas populações representam no debate acerca das mudanças climáticas no Brasil.
Dessa maneira, o trabalho apresenta o histórico de conflitos territoriais no Brasil e
sua conexão com a questão ambiental. Demonstra como as lutas oriundas
de conflitos socioterritoriais evoluíram para direitos consagrados na Constituição
Federal, notadamente os direitos socioambientias. Além disso, é apresentado o
fenômeno de ambientalização das lutas sociais visando contextualizar as lutas
por Justiça Ambiental no Brasil e a relação destas com as lutas territoriais. É
apresentado o movimento por Justiça Climática e porque este deve levar em
consideração as especificidades dos territórios. Em adição a isto, é apresentado o
fenômeno de litigância climática no Brasil, a partir da análise de casos organizados
na Plataforma de Litigância Climática no Brasil e classificados de acordo com a
abordagem sobre Justiça Ambiental e Climática. A partir das ações analisadas,
pode-se verificar que, apesar de protagonizarem algumas ações climáticas, as
populações indígenas e quilombolas não figuram ações climáticas de maneira
proporcional a sua importância no enfrentamento e mitigação desta crise. / [en] The Master s Dissertation Climate Justice in the courts: territories and
Brazilian climate litigation aims to analyze climate litigation actions in Brazil that
address the theme of Climate Justice. The objective is to identify how certain social
segments, specifically indigenous peoples and quilombolas, have adopted the
climate agenda and taken their demands to the courts. From this perspective, the
dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents territorial
conflicts in Brazil and their connection with the environmental issue. The Brazilian
agrarian history is briefly presented, and how socio-territorial conflicts evolved into
enshrined rights in the Federal Constitution, notably socio-environmental rights. In
addition, the environmentalization of social struggles movement is presented to
contextualize the struggles for Environmental Justice in Brazil and their relationship
with territorial struggles. Finally, the movement for Climate Justice is presented and
contextualized. It is argued that to effectively address climate change, it is necessary
to consider the specificities of the territories in question. Moreover, climate
litigation in Brazil is presented, based on the analysis of cases organized in the The
Brazilian Climate Litigation Platform and classified according to the
Environmental/Climate Justice approach. Finally, the cases analyzed were selected
by the active participation of indigenous people or quilombolas.
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Climate Change Litigation Based on Human Rights : challenges and possbilities in SwedenParling, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
Climate change litigation is expanding at fast speed throughout various jurisdictions around the world. Citizens are taking states’ lack of climate mitigation measures to courts, demanding that more has to be done on the climate crisis. More often now, litigants use human rights based argumentation which relies on international human rights law: human rights treaties, conventions, and precedent from human rights courts. According to litigants, states are therefore seen as both creating and prolonging this threat against the lives of their citizens, violating some of their most basic human rights, such as the right to life. Coupling these human rights obligations with climate treaties such as the Paris Agreement has proven effective when attempting to establish a causal connection between state emissions and climate change’s threat to citizen’s lives. This is sometimes characterized as a global ‘rights turn’ or a ‘greening’ of human rights. While a climate litigation case was denied to be brought up in Swedish courts in 2016, the Swedish government is now in 2021 finding itself tested again. Several children and youths in Sweden are currently suing the Swedish state, claiming that Sweden does not live up to its international human rights obligations. The claim is based on a human rights framing and is more similar to other ongoing or successful climate litigation cases at present time. While also facing a lawsuit as defendants in a case under the European Court of Human Rights, Sweden is now finding itself in the midst of this new phenomenon. Since, however, the issue of climate litigation in Swedish courts is quite new, the results of a new case in Sweden based on different grounds and on the precedent established in other successful cases in other similar jurisdictions, could be different. The overall purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the intentional human rights obligations that the Swedish state is bound by internationally which can be used in a climate litigation case based on human rights argumentation. The issue at hand is therefore to ascertain what, how and why those obligations concerning the climate and human rights makes it possible or challenging to pursue a case against the Swedish government, and what these obligations entail. If the case is tried in Swedish courts, it will establish the current obligations concerning climate change and its threat to human lives under international human rights law, as well as Sweden’s mitigation duties.
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