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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing nature, producing cultures : Inuit participation, science and policy in wildlife governance in the Nunavut Territory, Canada

Henri, Dominique January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, a critical analysis is proposed of the relationships between Inuit participation, science and policy in wildlife governance in the Nunavut Territory, Canada. This analysis situates the emergence of a participatory regime for the governance of wildlife in Nunavut, explores its performance and examines the relations between the ways in which wildlife governance arrangements are currently represented in policy and how they are played out in practice across the territory. To pursue these objectives, this research draws upon a number of theoretical perspectives and methodological strategies poised at a crossroads between environmental geography, science and technology studies, political ecology and ecological anthropology. It combines participant observation, semi-directed interviews and literature-based searches with approaches to the study of actor-networks, hybrid forums and scientific practices associated with Latour and Callon, as well as with Foucauldian and post-Foucauldian analyses of power, governmentality and subjectivity. This analysis suggests that the overall rationale within which wildlife governance operates in Nunavut remains largely based on a scientific and bureaucratic framework of resource management that poses significant barriers to the meaningful inclusion of Inuit views. In spite of their participation in wildlife governance through a range of institutional arrangements, consultation practices and research initiatives, the Inuit of Nunavut remain critical of the power relations embedded within existing schemes, where significant decision-making authority remains under the control of the territorial (or federal) government, and where asymmetries persist with regard to the capacity of various actors to produce and mediate their claims. In addition, while the use of Inuit knowledge, or Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, in wildlife governance in Nunavut has produced some collaborative research and management endeavours, it has also crystallised a divide between ‘Inuit’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge, generated unresolved conflicts, fuelled mistrust among wildlife co-management partners and led to an overall limited inclusion of Inuit observations, values and beliefs in decision-making.

Territorialidade e governança em áreas protegidas: o caso da comunidade do Marujá, no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (Cananeia, SP) / Territoriality and governance in protected areas: the case of the community of Marujá, in Ilha do Cardoso State Park (Cananeia, SP)

Marinho, Mauricio de Alcantara 20 February 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os processos de governança entre grupos culturalmente diferenciados e as áreas protegidas, e como esses processos interferem na definição de novos territórios e territorialidades, envolvendo unidades de conservação (proteção integral e uso sustentável) e espaços de uso comum. Identificou-se uma modalidade singular de gestão comunitária e compartilhada, iniciada em 1993, entre a comunidade caiçara do Marujá e o Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), em Cananeia, SP. Protagonizada por lideranças locais e empreendedores de políticas públicas, o estudo de caso demonstra a viabilidade de comunidades tradicionais planejarem seus próprios futuros, o que inclui o ordenamento ecológico e territorial. Propõe-se a adoção do termo comunidade de referência para designar o Marujá e outras comunidades que desempenham protagonismo e constituem locus de aprendizagem de práticas sustentáveis. / This work analyzes governance processes in culturally differentiated groups and protected areas, seeking to understand how these processes interfere in the definition of new territorialities and territories, with protected areas (strict-use and sustainableuse) and commons. A singular model of community management and co-management starting in 1993 was identified among the caiçara community of Marujá and Ilha do Cardoso State Park, Cananeia, SP. Led by local leaderships and public policy entrepreneurs, the case study shows how apt traditional communities are to take care of their future, including ecologic and spatial planning. The term community of reference was adopted to refer to Marujá as well as other communities that are a learning locus of sustainable practices.

Gestão de recursos pesqueiros no âmbito do programa de desenvolvimento sustentável do Amapá. / Fisheries management in the context of the Program of Sustainable Development of the Amapa (PDSA)

Brondízio, Luciana Sonnewend 12 March 2003 (has links)
Apesar do consenso sobre a necessidade de uma evolução substancial nos sistemas existentes de uso dos recursos pesqueiros, em especial nos países em desenvolvimento, para dar suporte ao manejo sustentável deste recurso, não há um senso comum sobre quais seriam as instituições que poderiam alcançar este objetivo. Uma nova filosofia de manejo seria aquela onde os usuários dos recursos pesqueiros fossem envolvidos no processo de gestão e onde o objetivo de sustentabilidade não se referisse apenas à dimensão ecológica, mas também às dimensões: social, econômica, política e cultural. A iniciativa do Governo do Estado do Amapá, eleito em 1994 e reeleito em 1998, em adotar o Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amapá -PDSA, como política pública, representa uma valiosa oportunidade de se avaliar a viabilidade de um modelo alternativo de desenvolvimento para a Amazônia e de levantar elementos e condições que favorecem e que possam limitar este modelo. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar o processo de implantação do PDSA no setor pesqueiro, focando por um lado, as interações entre as mudanças institucionais, trazidas pelo programa, e a participação dos agentes e setores envolvidos, e por outro, os fatores e elementos que interferem na performance desse sistema. Foram coletados dados primários através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e diagnósticos participativos junto a pescadores, lideranças das organizações que os representam e agentes do governo. Dados secundários foram levantados a partir de documentos e literatura disponível. A análise dos dados indica que através de fóruns de discussão, da descentralização e da co-gestão na execução de projetos o governo do PDSA aumentou as oportunidades de participação dos pescadores no manejo dos recursos pesqueiros. Verificou-se que a falta de costume destes agentes, com este tipo sistema, limitou o processo. Além da necessidade de maior fortalecimento organizacional, os atributos dos recursos pesqueiros e dos grupos de usuários e questões estruturais como representação, domínio e comunicação também influenciam a perfomance deste sistema. Conclui-se que não há uma solução simples de manejo que integre todas as diferentes necessidades, demandas e interesses existentes dentro do setor. Além de considerar a importância do envolvimento dos usuários, o modo pelo qual as instituições são criadas e o contexto no qual os arranjos são organizados são determinantes nos resultados que serão obtidos. / There is a consensus on the need for improvements in the current fisheries resources use and their sustainability, particularly in the developing countries. There is no consensus, however, on strategies and institutions necessary to achieve this goal. A new resource management philosophy calls for the participation of users in all steps of the process. It also points that the goals of resource sustainability include social, economic, political and cultural dimensions. The Program of Sustainable Development (PDSA) implemented by the government of the state of Amapa (elected in 1994 and re-elected in 1998) represents an opportunity to evaluate the viability of an alternative model of development to the Amazon region. This research analyzes the process of implementation of PDSA in the fishing sector. It focuses on the institutional changes brought by the program itself, the participation of agents and groups involved, and on the factors that interfere in the success of the program. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation with fishermen, community and union leaders, and government officials. Secondary data were used when available. The study shows that the PDSA increased the participation of fishermen and their organizations in the management of fishing resources. However, fishermen\'s lack of previous experience on participatory policy implementation limited the program\'s achievements. In addition to social organization, user groups attribute, political representation, domain and communication also affected the participatory program. Given the needs and demands of different user groups, there is no simple management solution. In addition to co-management, a participatory program needs to consider the available institutional arrangements in order to achieve its goals.

Empresas embrionárias (startups) e as modificações das relações de emprego e societárias

Cunha, Leonardo Stocker Pereira da January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação se propõe a discutir as transformações das relações societárias e empregatícia em razão das startups, empresas embrionárias com modelo de negócios inovador: escalável, repetível, rentável e de extrema incerteza. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento, serão analisados os conceitos clásicos de relação societária e empregatícia assim como as startups. Em um segundo momento, serão estudadas algumas das alterações trazidas pelas startups, por meio de cláusulas de vesting, ambiente de trabalho virtual e contrato de participação realizado pelo investidor-anjo. Buscar-se-á, por fim, repensar os modelos clássicos, com base em novas figuras jurídicas: intra-empreendedorismo, colaboração, quaseempregados, cogestão empresarial e cláusulas compromissórias, adaptando o Direito às novas exigências sociais, diante da tecnologia e do empreendedorismo. / The present dissertation proposes to discuss the transformations of the corporate and employment relationships due to the startups, embryonic companies with innovative business model: scalable, repeatable, profitable and of extreme uncertainty. To do so, in a first moment, we will analyze the classic concepts of corporate and employment relationshi as well as the startups. In a second moment, some of the changes brought by startups will be studied, through vesting clauses, virtual work environment and participation agreement made by the angel investor. Finally, we will try to rethink the classical models, based on new legal figures: intraentrepreneurship, collaboration, almost employees, corporate co-management and compromise clauses, trying to adapt the Law to new social demands, in the face of technology and entrepreneurship.


Angela Maria Ferreira Moreira 26 March 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho à um relato dos resultados da avaliaÃÃo da polÃtica de cogestÃo do governo do Estado do CearÃ, tendo como objeto de estudo as aÃÃes desenvolvidas pelo Projeto ABC - Pirambu, no ano de 2009. Os efeitos da pobreza nos bairros perifÃricos de Fortaleza levaram o Poder PÃblico a ampliar as suas aÃÃes no sentido de minimizar os resultados negativos dessa problemÃtica, adotando uma polÃtica de parceria com a sociedade civil. O Governo do Estado do CearÃ, por meio da Secretaria do Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Social (STDS), associando-se a organizaÃÃes da sociedade civil, representativas das comunidades e bairros perifÃricos de Fortaleza, em sistema de cogestÃo, buscou a participaÃÃo e divisÃo da responsabilidade, na soluÃÃo dos problemas vivenciados pela populaÃÃo, implementando o Projeto ABC em 18 pontos cruciais da periferia da capital fortalezense, em busca de atender a crianÃas e adolescentes, na faixa etÃria de 6 a 17 anos, que se encontram em situaÃÃo de risco e vulnerabilidade social. Para a presente pesquisa foi escolhido o projeto localizado no bairro Pirambu. O objetivo do Projeto ABC à contribuir com aÃÃes sociais por meio do esporte, arte, lazer e cultura. Busca retirar crianÃas e adolescentes da rua, proporcionando-lhes, educaÃÃo e desenvolvimento de habilidades, para que possam se preparar para a inserÃÃo no mercado de trabalho e conviver, harmoniosamente em sociedade. A opÃÃo por este estudo se deveu ao envolvimento da pesquisadora, como servidora pÃblica estadual, no trabalho de assessoramento do movimento popular no bairro do Pirambu, por doze (12) anos, quando no exercÃcio da gerencia do Centro ComunitÃrio Luiza TÃvora-Pirambu, vinculado à Secretaria do Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Social (STDS), do Estado do CearÃ. Os resultados da pesquisa apresentam que 88% dos participantes do Projeto ABC reconhecem que o mesmo foi propulsor de suas existÃncias, entretanto detectou-se falha no assessoramento comprometendo uma comunicaÃÃo eficaz entre representantes do CCCR e tÃcnicos da STDS. Foi constatado um alto Ãndice de pobreza, contudo nÃo existe um trabalho consistente junto Ãs famÃlias por falta de profissionais. Existe uma baixÃssima participaÃÃo em grupos ou formas associativas, e sobre o conhecimento do sistema de gestÃo somente 2% dos alunos, oito monitores e 7,3% dos representantes das famÃlias conhecem que o sistema de gestÃo à a cogestÃo. Apresenta-se aqui, portanto, uma reflexÃo sobre os alcances e limites da polÃtica da cogestÃo, a partir dos resultados dos estudos que analisam a gestÃo como um todo, fazendo-o pela voz dos atores implicados, e pelo significado das percepÃÃes dos participantes. / This work is a report of the evaluation results of the co-management politic of the Cearà state government, having as end of the study, the actions developed by the ABC Project â Pirambu, on 2009. The poverty effects in the suburbs of Fortaleza took the Public Power to have wider actions in order to minimize the negatives results of that problematic situation, adopting a partnership with the civil society. Cearà state government, through the Secretary of Work and Social Development (STDS), in association with civil society organizations, representatives of the communities and Fortaleza suburbs, in a co-management system, went after the participation and the shared responsibility, for the solution of the problems lived by the community, implementing the ABC Project in 18 crucial points of the Fortaleza suburbs, looking for serving children and youth, ranging from 6 to 17 years old, that were on a risk situation and social vulnerability. For the present research was chosen the project located on the Pirambu suburb. The objective of the ABC Project is to contribute with social actions through sports, art, leisure and culture. It looks forward to take off the children out of the streets, providing education and abilities development, so they can prepare themselves to get into the labor market and coexist harmoniously in the society. The choose of this research was due to the involvement of the researcher, as a state social servant in the work of counseling of the popular movement on the Pirambu suburb, for twelve (12) years, while in the management of the Communitarian Center Luiza TÃvora-Pirambu, linked to the Secretary of Work and Social Development (STDS), of Cearà state. The survey results show that 88% of the Project ABC participants recognize that it was driver of their stocks, however it was detected fault in advising compromising effective communication between representatives of the CCCR and technicians STDS. It was found a high rate of poverty, yet there is a consistent work with families for lack of professionals. There is a very low participation in groups or forms of association, and the knowledge management system, only 2% of students, eight monitors and 7.3% of the representatives of the families know that the management system is the comanagement. Itâs presented, hence, a reflexion about the scope and boundaries of the co-management politic, starting from the research result that analyzed the management as a whole, making it by the voice of the involved actors, and by of the meaning of the participants perceptions.

<i>In Rhizomia</i> : Actors, Networks and Resilience in Urban Landscapes

Ernstson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>With accelerating urbanization it is crucial to understand how urban ecosystems play a part in generating ecosystem services for urban dwellers, such as clean water, spaces for recreation, stress relief and improved air quality. An equally important question relate to who gets to enjoy these benefits, i.e. the distribution of ecosystem services, and how issues of power and equity influence the management of ecosystems. Through case studies from the urban landscape of Stockholm, this doctoral thesis engages with these perspectives through combining ecological theory with social theory, including social network analysis, actor-network theory and social movement theory. Strategies for how to improve urban ecosystem management are presented along with frameworks for how to analyze issues of power and equity in relation to natural resource management.</p><p><b>Paper I </b>shows that ecosystem management can be studied through analyzing the structure of social networks, i.e. the patterns of relations between agencies, stake-holders and user groups. <b>Paper II</b> and <b>Paper III</b> analyze, based on a network survey of 62 civil society organizations and in-depth interviews, a transformational process of how an urban local movement managed to protect a large urban green area from exploitation (The Stockholm National Urban Park). <b>Paper IV</b> discusses, based on several case studies from Stockholm, a conducive network structure for linking managers and user groups (e.g. allotment gardens, cemetery managers, and urban planners) across spatial ecological scales so as to improve urban green area management. <b>Paper V</b> presents a framework to analyze the social-ecological dynamics behind the generation and distribution of ecosystem services in urban landscapes.</p><p>The thesis points towards the notion of "a social production of ecosystem services" and argues for deeper engagement with urban political ecology and critical geography to inform governance and collective action in relation to urban ecosystems.</p>

A network perspective on ecosystems, societies and natural resource management

Bodin, Örjan January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis employs a network perspective in studying ecosystems and natural resource management. It explores the structural characteristics of social and/or ecological networks and their implications on societies’ and ecosystems’ ability to adapt to change and to cope with disturbances while still maintaining essential functions and structures (i.e. resilience).</p><p>Paper I introduces terminology from the network sciences and puts these into the context of ecology and natural resource management. Paper II and III focus on habitat fragmentation and how it affects an agricultural landscape in southern Madagascar. Two ecosystem services were addressed: (1) crop pollination by bees, and (2) seed dispersal by ring-tailed lemurs. It is shown that the fraction of the studied landscape presently covered by both crop pollination and seed dispersal is surprisingly high, but that further removal of the smallest habitat patches in the study area could have a severe negative impact on the landscape’s capacity to support these ecosystem services.</p><p>In Papers IV and V, the network approach is used to study social networks and the impact they may have on the management of natural resources. In Paper IV it is found that social networks of low- to moderate link densities (among managers) significantly increase the probability for relatively high and stable utility returns whereas high link densities cause occasional large-scale ecological crises between periods of stable and excessively high utility returns. In Paper V, social networks of a rural fishing community in eastern Africa were analyzed. The results indicate that patterns of communication partly explain the distribution of ecological knowledge among villagers, and that gear type used by small-scale coastal fishermen strongly correlates with their patterns of communication. The results also show that groups most central in the network, and hence potentially most influential, are dominated by one type of fishermen.</p>

Exploring pathways to adaptive collaborative management : a multi-case study of the National Riparian Service Team's place-based riparian assistance

Smedstad, Jill A. 22 March 2012 (has links)
Adaptive collaborative (co-) management has received increased recognition as a novel approach to environmental governance that combines the dynamic learning features of adaptive management with the linking and network features of collaborative management. This approach is concerned with fostering sustainable livelihoods and ecological sustainability in the face of uncertainty and change. Despite the growing interest in adaptive co-management, little is known about processes useful for catalyzing adaptive co-management arrangements. This paper considers the potential of a government-led initiative designed to build capacity for adaptive collaborative management. We present the results of our study comparing the outcomes of this approach to those forwarded by the adaptive co-management literature, identifying process and context factors that influence the initiative's effectiveness. A multi-case study approach was utilized to assess the degree to which the initiative helped catalyze adaptive co-management of public-lands riparian areas in seven cases in the western U.S. We found that the initiative influenced improvements in knowledge, trust among participants, and shared understanding. In most cases the initiative also helped work towards improvements in the management of specific community-level riparian issues. However, the initiative had a limited influence on the self-organization of new or modified governance arrangements capable of supporting cross-scale networks and ongoing cycles of learning from actions; key features of adaptive co-management. We found that employing adaptive co-management processes did not necessarily result in ongoing adaptive co-management arrangements. The presence of exogenous factors such as existing group capacity and facilitative leadership played an important role in determining whether the riparian initiative resulted in lasting outcomes, regardless of the approach used. We also identified constraints affecting the initiative's ability to facilitate authentic dialogue and develop high-quality agreements. Our results suggest that government-led interventions aimed at catalyzing the transformation of governance arrangements toward adaptive co-management may face significant barriers. Suggestions for future research include further investigation of the barriers and opportunities for government to help catalyze adaptive co-management, and the role of scale in the emergence of ongoing cross-scale networks. / Graduation date: 2012

A network perspective on ecosystems, societies and natural resource management

Bodin, Örjan January 2006 (has links)
This thesis employs a network perspective in studying ecosystems and natural resource management. It explores the structural characteristics of social and/or ecological networks and their implications on societies’ and ecosystems’ ability to adapt to change and to cope with disturbances while still maintaining essential functions and structures (i.e. resilience). Paper I introduces terminology from the network sciences and puts these into the context of ecology and natural resource management. Paper II and III focus on habitat fragmentation and how it affects an agricultural landscape in southern Madagascar. Two ecosystem services were addressed: (1) crop pollination by bees, and (2) seed dispersal by ring-tailed lemurs. It is shown that the fraction of the studied landscape presently covered by both crop pollination and seed dispersal is surprisingly high, but that further removal of the smallest habitat patches in the study area could have a severe negative impact on the landscape’s capacity to support these ecosystem services. In Papers IV and V, the network approach is used to study social networks and the impact they may have on the management of natural resources. In Paper IV it is found that social networks of low- to moderate link densities (among managers) significantly increase the probability for relatively high and stable utility returns whereas high link densities cause occasional large-scale ecological crises between periods of stable and excessively high utility returns. In Paper V, social networks of a rural fishing community in eastern Africa were analyzed. The results indicate that patterns of communication partly explain the distribution of ecological knowledge among villagers, and that gear type used by small-scale coastal fishermen strongly correlates with their patterns of communication. The results also show that groups most central in the network, and hence potentially most influential, are dominated by one type of fishermen.

In Rhizomia : Actors, Networks and Resilience in Urban Landscapes

Ernstson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
With accelerating urbanization it is crucial to understand how urban ecosystems play a part in generating ecosystem services for urban dwellers, such as clean water, spaces for recreation, stress relief and improved air quality. An equally important question relate to who gets to enjoy these benefits, i.e. the distribution of ecosystem services, and how issues of power and equity influence the management of ecosystems. Through case studies from the urban landscape of Stockholm, this doctoral thesis engages with these perspectives through combining ecological theory with social theory, including social network analysis, actor-network theory and social movement theory. Strategies for how to improve urban ecosystem management are presented along with frameworks for how to analyze issues of power and equity in relation to natural resource management. <b>Paper I </b>shows that ecosystem management can be studied through analyzing the structure of social networks, i.e. the patterns of relations between agencies, stake-holders and user groups. <b>Paper II</b> and <b>Paper III</b> analyze, based on a network survey of 62 civil society organizations and in-depth interviews, a transformational process of how an urban local movement managed to protect a large urban green area from exploitation (The Stockholm National Urban Park). <b>Paper IV</b> discusses, based on several case studies from Stockholm, a conducive network structure for linking managers and user groups (e.g. allotment gardens, cemetery managers, and urban planners) across spatial ecological scales so as to improve urban green area management. <b>Paper V</b> presents a framework to analyze the social-ecological dynamics behind the generation and distribution of ecosystem services in urban landscapes. The thesis points towards the notion of "a social production of ecosystem services" and argues for deeper engagement with urban political ecology and critical geography to inform governance and collective action in relation to urban ecosystems.

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