Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coach."" "subject:"roach.""
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Qualität von Coaching-Weiterbildungen – Konstruktion und Güteprüfung eines MessmodellsRauen, Christopher 02 February 2018 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Messung der Qualität von Coaching-Weiterbildungen. Grundlage ist eine Klärung der Charakteristika und Definition der Begriffe „Coaching“ und „Coaching-Weiterbildung“ vor dem Hintergrund der Literatur und Forschung. Die Qualität von Coaching-Weiterbildungen wird dabei auf der Basis der DIN EN ISO 9000 verstanden als „Grad, in dem ein Satz inhärenter Merkmale Anforderungen an Struktur-, Prozess- und Ergebnis erfüllt“. Qualitätsstandards relevanter Coaching-Verbände und vorhandene Forschungsarbeiten zu dem Thema werden ausführlich dargestellt. Zur Ermittlung der inhärenten Merkmale wurde eine Literaturanalyse vorgenommen. Das Ergebnis wurde in einer Befragung von 72 Experten bewertet und ergänzt. Zudem wurden Interviews mit zehn weiteren Experten durchgeführt, um weitere potenzielle Qualitätskriterien zu identifizieren. Zu den so zusammengetragenen Qualitätskriterien wurde ein Fragebogen mit 150 Items konstruiert, den 975 Absolventen von Coaching-Weiterbildungen verwertbar ausgefüllt haben. Um statistisch trennbare Skalen zu konstruieren, wurden die Antworten einer exploratischen Faktorenanalyse unterzogen (Extraktion von 12 Faktoren, Hauptachsenanalyse mit Varimax-Rotation) und nach einer Itemanalyse die zehn Skalen das Messmodell „Coaching-Index“ konstruiert. Zur Güteprüfung des Coaching-Index-Modells wurde es mittels der Befragung von 42 Teilnehmern einer Coaching-Weiterbildung inhaltlich validiert und die Modellgüte durch eine konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse auf der Basis einer Stichprobe mit den Datensätzen von 277 Personen geprüft. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich das Coaching-Index-Modell als objektiv und valide und weist überwiegend gute bis sehr gute Reliabilitäten auf. Einzelne Skalen könnten jedoch durch weitere Modellanpassungen verbessert werden. Dazu sind weitere Untersuchungen geplant.
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Moving the Chains on Men’s Sports: An Analysis of Successful Female CoachesWidran, Kira 20 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Relationship between Males' Coaching Efficacy and Prior Exposure to Sport PsychologyVillalon, Christina Ann 05 1900 (has links)
Coaching efficacy is largely influenced by mastery experiences such as formal education, coaching experience, and sport participation. Further examining specific experiences, such as exposure to sport psychology, may prove helpful in advancing our understanding of coaching efficacy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore male high school coaches' coaching experience to determine whether sport psychology education and interactions with sport psychology consultants relate to coaches' coaching efficacy. Participants, 585 males (Mage = 43.89 + 10.02), completed an online survey measuring coaching efficacy and coaching and sport psychology experience. A hierarchical regression analysis revealed that after controlling for years of coaching experience and school size, sport psychology education and interactions with sport psychology consultants were associated with higher overall coaching efficacy scores (p < .001). Additionally, analysis of covariance revealed that those with extensive sport psychology education had statistically higher coaching efficacy scores than those reporting no sport psychology education (p < .05). Knowledge of these phenomena may be relevant for sport psychology consultants, coach educators, and researchers.
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Vilka roller kan en musikproducent ha? : en studie om rollen som musikproducent samt tillhörande ämneskunskaperRoberts, Rebecka January 2016 (has links)
Musikproduktion är ett brett ämnesområde som innefattar flera olika yrkesroller som t.ex producent, inspelningstekniker, studiomusiker, låtskrivare etc. Olika inspelningssammanhang kräver olika roller beroende på vem eller vilka man jobbar tillsammans med. Paletten av kunskaper inom dessa olika yrkesroller behöver vara bred och översiktlig samtidigt som den i vissa situationer behöver vara mer djupgående inom ett specifikt avgränsat område. I den här studien kommer yrkesrollen som musikproducentens roll vara i fokus. Vilka olika roller kan en musikproducent ha? Vilka kunskaper kräver dessa roller? Är vissa kunskaper viktigare att ha än andra? Dessa frågeställningar utforskades genom två fallstudier inom området musikproduktion. Den första fallstudien genomfördes med fokus på det yrkesverksamma fältet och består av intervjuer med yrkesverksamma musikproducenter. Den andra fallstudien hade fokus på utbildningsfältet och är en studie av den konstnärliga kandidatutbildningen i Musik- och Medieproduktion vid Kungliga Musikhögskolan. Tre kunskapsområden identifierades: musik, teknik och sinne för branschen. Resultatet visade på att "sinne för branschen" var det viktigaste kunskapsområdet för en musikproducent. Det trädde fram fem olika roller som en musikproducent kan få: musikproducenten som arrangör/kompositör, tekniker, ledare, coach och entreprenör, vilka beskrivs ingående under respektive fall med tillhörande kunskaper. I samband med studien utvecklade författaren en ny metod för datainsamling: interaktiv enkät.
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Tränares utbildnings- och kompetensnivå inom ungdomsidrotten. : En kvantitativ studie med fokus att undersöka eventuella samband mellan utbildning och upplevd kompetens / Coaches level of education and competence in youth sports. : A quantitative study with a focus on studying eventually connections between level of education and experienced competence.Jönsson, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idrotten är en viktig del av de flesta barn- och ungdomars liv, för att idrotten ska bli rolig och uppfostrande krävs det att det finns kompetenta ledare som kan ställa upp. Syfte: Den här studien syftar till att undersöka utbildnings- och upplevd kompetensnivå hos tränare för ungdomar 13-16 år. Metod: Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en kvantitativ metod och enkäter skickades ut till 226 tränare inom fotboll, innebandy och ishockey, varav 116 av dem svarade. Resultat: Resultatet visade att 33% av tränarna hade universitetsutbildning, 47% hade mer än 3 utbildningar inom SISU eller inom förbundet. Det är främst idrottsspecifika områden inom idrottspsykologi, idrottsskador & rehab, ledarskap & tränarskap, träningslära samt kost- och näringslära som tränarna själva vill lära sig mer om. Den upplevda kompetensnivån var högst inom den professionella kompetensen som handlar om idrottsspecifik kunskap. Det verkar finnas en tendens till ett negativt samband mellan intrapersonell kompetens och antal utbildningar inom SISU och förbund. Diskussion: Medelvärdet för upplevd kompetens låg under ´´Medel´´på alla områden, dock var professionell kompetens högst och intrapersonell kompetens lägst. Vilket kan bero på att den professionella kompetensen ofta anses som mest nödvändig att ha som tränare.
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An Exploratory Examination of Coach-Athlete Interactions in Adolescent Team SportBuckham, Sara 30 September 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore coach-athlete interactive behaviours. More specifically, it investigated why coaches choose to interact with their athletes, and why coaches interact with their athletes in a particular manner. Head male coaches, of nine female competitive club soccer teams participated in the current study. Each coach was videotaped and audiotaped during two practices. Each video was uploaded to a computer and reviewed. Coaches then participated in a stimulated recall interview. During the interview, coaches were shown a total of 15 video clips that included footage of themselves interacting with an individual athlete, group of athletes, and the entire team. Coaches were asked to expand on the dynamics of these interactions. The results of the study indicate that when coaches interact with athletes, their reasoning is two-fold: first they decide to interact, and second, they decide the way in which they should interact with their athlete(s) based on several factors. Coaches interacted for one of four reasons: (1) connection to a larger picture, (2) teachable moments, (3) standards of behaviour, and (4) organization. The manner in which coaches interacted with their athletes was influenced by four factors: (1) knowledge of the athlete, (2) degree of athlete input, (3) degree of tolerance, and (4) team unit involved. Together, these results helped to construct a model that illustrates how coaches make decisions with regards to coach-athlete interactive behaviour in context. Preliminary findings indicate that coaching philosophy permeates this entire process. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-27 21:33:32.095
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Idrottsledare och HBTQ : Perspektiv på diskriminering, medvetenhet och normer i ungdomsidrottenByström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Many athletes experience homophobia in sport environments and lgbtq is a rather invisibletopic in organized sport. The purpose with the study was to investigate coaches’ perspective ondiscrimination and heteronormativity in youth sport. Another purpose was to examine howcoaches perceived their own awareness about lgbtq. The result is based on seven semistructuredinterviews with coaches from four different sports and five different sport clubs. Firstof all, results showed that the role as a coach involved two main tasks. These were, education inthe specific sport and social education. The result also showed that discrimination based onsexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression was said to be unusual from thecoaches’ perspective. One coach experienced that discrimination had occurred to one of theplayers in his team. The coach from the opposing team argued that the player in the girls’ teamwas actually a boy, because of the person’s appearance and skills in floorball. Coachesexperienced that their own awareness about lgbtq could improve and those with sometheoretical knowledge about heteronormativity hadn’t implemented that in the role as a coach.Regarding lgbtq, the result from the interviews also showed that coaches’ awareness wasinadequate in some aspects, which affected how situations were handled. For example ifnegative language about lgbtq occurred it was many times seen as harmless and didn’t result inconsequences from coaches. Negative languages about lgbtq were more or less normalized in allof the boy’s teams. At the same time lgbtq was not a subject that had been brought up in thetraining groups, between coaches, in the sport clubs or in coaches’ education. One possibleconclusion to the ”invisibility” of lgbtq in the sport environments may be highly connected to alack of awareness. For instance, problems in this context were principally connected to anindividual who was discriminated against or treated badly.
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Kompetenční profil trenéra Street Dance / Competency profil of a Street Dance coachKárníková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Title: Competency profile of a Street Dance coach Objectives: The aim of this work is to find the key competencies and needs for the profile of a Street dance coach. The competencies are discovered through questions given to dance students and trainers.The benefit of this work should be seen during the selection of the dance trainers. Methods: The research is made from quantitative methods and interviews. The interviews of the dance students and trainers were made through an electronic questionnaire. The respondents were addressed on the social media. The theoretical part of the thesis comes from the studied professional literature, internet sites and personal experience. Results: We found out which are the key competencies that a trainer should have. Based on the results of the research we choose the 12 most important competencies of a street dance trainer, which were valorised thanks to the weighted average and split by importance. Keywords: Dance, Street Dance, Coach, Competence
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Recherches sur les professionnels de la voix dans l’antiquité grecque et romaine. L’exercice de la voix : φωνασκoί et φωνασκία / Studies in Voice’ Professionals during the Greek and Roman Antiquity. Vocal exercise : φωνασκοί and φωνασκίαMelidis, Konstantinos 31 March 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat se compose de deux parties distinctes. L’examen détaillé de la professionambiguë de l’antiquité postclassique du φωνασκός (lat. phonascus), maître de déclamation, maître dechant ou entraîneur de voix occupe toute la première partie. Nous en reconsidérons les interprétationsproposées dans le passé. Toutes les sources relatives à ce sujet, littéraires, médicales et épigraphiques,ont été interrogées. Une prosopographia phonascorum est aussi présentée. La deuxième partie porte surla question plus générale de l’art vocal. Bien que nos remarques concernent l’ensemble desprofessionnels de la voix (orateurs, acteurs, hérauts, maîtres de voix, rhapsodes etc.), notre attention seporte plus particulièrement sur le métier du chanteur. Nous déchiffrons le sens d’un certain nombre determes relatifs à la vocalité (un lexique spécialisé des métiers de la voix), ainsi que les exercices vocauxles plus importants attestés dans l’antiquité gréco-romaine (8e siècle av. notre ère - fin du 3e siècle denotre ère). Enfin, les questions de l’eunuque musicien, du « trac » éprouvé par les artistes de voix ainsique celle du métier de chanteur professionnel des thrènes (θρηνῳδός) y sont aussi discutées. / In this dissertation, divided in two distinct parts, I examine firstly the ambiguousdefinition/interpretation of the term φωνασκός (lat. phonascus) which we commonly understand tomean a teacher of singing or recitation or declamation, or simply, a voice coach. This term first appearsin Latin texts that date from the second half of the 1st century A.D. In Greek, it emerges some yearslater, at the very beginning of the 2nd century. Unfortunately, we do not possess an ancient definition ofthis term. All the relevant sources, literary, medical and inscriptional are studied closely in order toundertake a presentation of the historical evolution of this term/profession. A prosopographiaphonascorum is also provided. The second part of this dissertation concerns generally the vocal art andmore precisely the profession of the singer. In addition, I propose an interpretation of some terms relatedto the human voice, which probably constituted a special vocabulary (slang) of the professionalmusicians, as well as the most important attested vocal exercises of the Greco-Roman antiquity. Thecases of eunuch-musician, of the stage fright as well as of the profession of the professionalmourner (θρηνῳδός) are also discussed.
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Fotbal jako mimoškolní aktivita na 1. stupni ZŠ / Football as an extracurricural activity in the first grade of elementary schoolNosková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Title: Football as an extracurricural activity in the first grade of elementary school The goal of this thesis is to explore the role of football in the first grade of elementary school as an extracurricular activity from the child, parent, and coach perspectives. I assessed the frequency of this sport through carefully directed interviews with elementary school children. I conducted yet more interviews at football practices at different competitive levels to determine the popularity amongst players and its influence on them. I further examined the financial and time demands of this extracurricular activity through sending out surveys to parents. Last, I surveyd coaches to find out about the quality and type of football practices. Key words: football training, age patterns, coach, child, parents
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