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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Johansson, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Jobbcoachers inverkan på motivationen hos arbetssökande

Näs, Therese, Höglund, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka om det fanns en skillnad i upplevd motivation mellanarbetssökande som hade en intern eller extern jobbcoach. Samt om ålder hade någon betydelse och ifall motivationsförändringen gav resultat genom fler sökta jobb. 42 arbetssökande svarade på en enkät med 28 frågor om motivation och jobbcoaching. Resultatet visade ingen skillnad i motivation mellan arbetssökande oavsett om de hade intern eller extern jobbcoach. Däremot blev äldre mer motiverade än yngre. Motivationen gav inte effekten att de arbetssökande sökte fler jobb. Slutsatsen var att jobbcoacherna tycks ha motiverade arbetssökande men det var oklart om de fick jobb efter avslutad coaching.

Vem är jag? Vad kan jag? Vad vill jag? : Om coachingprocessen i Livs- och Karriärplanering

Henriksson, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
Livs- och karriärplanering (LKP) är en strukturerad tidsbegränsad form av coaching som undersöker tre frågeställningar: Vem är jag, vad kan jag och vad vill jag? I föreliggande studie intervjuades fem coacher och fem klienter om deras upplevelse av vad som driver coachingprocessen framåt i LKP. Resultaten visar en samstämmig syn mellan coacher och klienter avseende de framträdande faktorerna som påverkar LKP-processen i en för klienten utvecklande och berikande riktning. Dessa är samtalen mellan coachen och klienten, en professionell och empatisk relation mellan coach och klient, metoden med dess upplägg samt klientens hemuppgifter. Ytterligare framkom att en tydlig ansvarsfördelning mellan coach och klient samt klientens motivation också bidrar till en positiv utveckling av processen. LKP kan rekommenderas till människor som vill ha till stånd en inre eller yttre förändring, är öppna för nya perspektiv samt är villiga att investera tid i att arbeta med sig själv.

The Development of Youth Soccer Coaches: An Examination Within the Unique Coaching Context of Recreational Youth Sport

Capstick, Andrea Lauren 28 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore the context of youth recreational soccer, and to examine how coaches volunteering in this context learn to coach soccer. Framed within Jarvis’ (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) theory of lifelong learning and employing a mixed-methods approach, this dissertation research had two distinct phases. Phase One involved the collection of data via an on-line survey from 433 recreational youth soccer coaches from Eastern Ontario. The survey served to collect demographic information, as well as general information about their team, their role as a recreational coach, and their approach to learning. The data analysis for the on-line surveys was comprised of an analysis of descriptive statistics. Phase Two involved semi-structured interviews. Recruited through their participation in Phase One, 30 coaches were purposefully targeted and interviewed based on their varied biographies, experiences, and social contexts. Additionally, seven soccer administrators were interviewed. Interview data was analyzed according to the principles of thematic analysis (Braun & Clark, 2006). Findings examine the biographies of youth recreational coaches, their coaching context, how recreational coaches learn to coach, issues of shared responsibilities related to learning, as well as practical implications. It is suggested that recreational coaches differ from one-another on many factors, and that the context of recreational youth soccer is similarly diverse and presents unique challenges to coaches. Recreational youth coaches learn to coach through a variety of sources; mostly through informal learning situations. Responsibilities surrounding coach development fall on the shoulders of individual coaches and clubs, as well as regional, provincial, and national associations; and suggestions for increased engagement in this regard are provided.

A Pilot Trial of a Coaching Intervention Designed to Increase Women's Attendance at Cardiac Rehabilitation Intake

Price, Jennifer Anne Devereux 19 December 2012 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading cause of death of Canadian women and while treatment for CVD has improved dramatically, women typically fare worse than men with regards to morbidity following cardiac event. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is well established as a key intervention in the treatment of coronary artery disease and has been shown to be effective in both men and women. CR remains largely underutilized, especially in women who comprise only 12 – 24% of contemporary CR programs, even though the prevalence of CVD in men and women is similar. The objectives of this pilot trial were to test the feasibility of all procedures, specifically to determine: 1) an estimate of patient recruitment rates, 2) acceptability and feasibility of the intervention and 3) barriers to CR attendance and resources required. Additionally, exploratory research questions were used to determine the effects of telephone coaching on women’s attendance at CR intake appointment, self-efficacy for cardiac exercise and self-efficacy to attend CR. A RCT design enrolled women with CVD referred for CR at a single site in Ontario. Patients were randomized, stratified for age, to either a usual care group or an intervention group. Participants allocated to usual care received a referral to CR. In addition to usual care, women assigned to the intervention group received individualized telephone coaching, designed to support self-management prior to CR intake. Eighty-three patients were approached and 70 consented to participate (usual care n = 36, intervention n = 34). Participants in the intervention group were significantly more likely to attend CR intake (p = 0.048). Participants were highly satisfied with their coaching experience; they found the information provided to be helpful with goal setting, action planning and assisted them in their interactions with their health care providers. Barriers to attendance identified included transportation, health concerns, timing and lack of physician endorsement. Most common resources identified included problem solving support, assistance with communication with physicians and information concerning CR. The evidence obtained from this pilot trial suggests that a telephone coaching intervention designed to enhance self-management is feasible and may improve attendance at CR intake for women following hospital discharge with a cardiac event.

Leadership Supports for First-time Vice-principals: Coaching as a Form of Professional Learning

Williamson, Richard 12 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to learn about how coaching serves as a form of professional learning for newly-appointed vice-principals. This study is intended to add to our understanding of the ways in which coaching supports the professional learning of vice-principals in a context where their role is ill-defined and determined by their principal. A qualitative research approach was used which included personal interviews with fourteen first-time elementary vice-principals in five Ontario school districts. The study was based on the following research question: How does the coaching experience support the professional learning of first-time school administrators? The participants reported positive feelings about their coaching experiences. Specifically, they described that they appreciated the confidential and non-evaluative nature of the coaching relationship, that the focus was on their individual learning needs, and that the coaching provided opportunities to engage in reflective thinking. In terms of their learning, the participants reported that through coaching they built confidence, gained knowledge about both the managerial and leadership aspects of school leader roles, and that they learned about themselves and their own well-being in the process. Several challenges were reported. These included a desire for increased frequency of scheduled coaching sessions while maintaining a focus on learning during the sessions, and financial constraints for those who needed to be released from teaching responsibilities in order to participate in coaching. Based on their experiences, the participants described the vice-principal role as being determined by the principal, offering limited opportunity to exercise their own leadership, expecting them to follow decisions made by the principal, and serving to prepare them for the principalship. The thesis concludes that coaching for newly-appointed elementary vice-principals is a valuable experience because it serves as personalized professional learning that engages participants in reflective thought. The lack of clarity about the vice-principal role creates a situation where vice-principals understand their role principally through their experiences of it, not through research, policy, or training. As a result, each vice-principal has unique learning needs based on their experience of the role thus they benefit when their learning is personalized.

Alignment Between Performance and NCAA Division I Football Head Coach Compensation

Lee, Daniel K. 01 January 2012 (has links)
According to Fama (1980), the agency theory states that in order to avoid issues of moral hazard and adverse selection problems, executive compensation should be in alignment with performance. However, it is difficult to identify specific performance measures that are both precise and sensitive, especially when concerning corporate executives who typically do not give out public information. In order to analyze the validity of the agency theory, this study uses the scope of NCAA Division I-A football to analyze the relationship between pay and performance with respect to head coaches. We investigate factors that various literature on executive compensation have identified as associated variables such as organization size, job complexity, market competition, ability to attract talent, and mentorship. Through multiple regression analysis, results showed that size, ability to attract talent (recruiting ability), competition, and academic success were significantly positively associated with coach compensation. There was no significant association for winning games or mentorship, however. Because winning had no effect on salaries, we concluded that the agency theory did not hold for the specific context of Division I-A college football.

Leadership Supports for First-time Vice-principals: Coaching as a Form of Professional Learning

Williamson, Richard 12 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to learn about how coaching serves as a form of professional learning for newly-appointed vice-principals. This study is intended to add to our understanding of the ways in which coaching supports the professional learning of vice-principals in a context where their role is ill-defined and determined by their principal. A qualitative research approach was used which included personal interviews with fourteen first-time elementary vice-principals in five Ontario school districts. The study was based on the following research question: How does the coaching experience support the professional learning of first-time school administrators? The participants reported positive feelings about their coaching experiences. Specifically, they described that they appreciated the confidential and non-evaluative nature of the coaching relationship, that the focus was on their individual learning needs, and that the coaching provided opportunities to engage in reflective thinking. In terms of their learning, the participants reported that through coaching they built confidence, gained knowledge about both the managerial and leadership aspects of school leader roles, and that they learned about themselves and their own well-being in the process. Several challenges were reported. These included a desire for increased frequency of scheduled coaching sessions while maintaining a focus on learning during the sessions, and financial constraints for those who needed to be released from teaching responsibilities in order to participate in coaching. Based on their experiences, the participants described the vice-principal role as being determined by the principal, offering limited opportunity to exercise their own leadership, expecting them to follow decisions made by the principal, and serving to prepare them for the principalship. The thesis concludes that coaching for newly-appointed elementary vice-principals is a valuable experience because it serves as personalized professional learning that engages participants in reflective thought. The lack of clarity about the vice-principal role creates a situation where vice-principals understand their role principally through their experiences of it, not through research, policy, or training. As a result, each vice-principal has unique learning needs based on their experience of the role thus they benefit when their learning is personalized.

Coaching exécutif : étude empirique sur les liens entre la motivation pré-formation, le soutien du superviseur, et la participation des gestionnaires

Beauregard, Lise January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le coaching exécutif est maintenant reconnu comme une technique avec un taux élevé d'efficacité. Des études empiriques soutiennent l'ampleur des bénéfices à utiliser le coaching exécutif auprès des gestionnaires (Kampa-Kokesch, 2001, Smither et Reilly, 2001). Dans la majorité des organisations, le coaching est offert de façon volontaire, c'est-à-dire que les gestionnaires ne sont pas obligés, comme cela est le cas dans la majorité des formations organisationnelles, d'y participer. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous concentrons uniquement sur les situations de coaching exécutif qui se réalisent sur une base volontaire. Les études sur les déterminants de la participation dans des contextes avec d'autres types de formation (Birdi, Allan et Warr, 1997; Maurer et Tarulli, 1994; Noe et Wilk, 1993) suggèrent deux grandes catégories de déterminants soit les déterminants individuels et situationnels. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons retenu un déterminant dans chaque catégorie soit la motivation pré-formation (déterminant individuel) et le soutien du superviseur (déterminant situationnel). Spécifiquement, nous avons tenté de répondre à la question de recherche suivante: Quels sont les liens entre la motivation pré-formation, le soutien du superviseur, et la participation de gestionnaires à une intervention de coaching exécutif dans un contexte organisationnel? Nos résultats indiquent, contrairement à nos attentes, que la variable de la motivation pré-formation n'est pas liée significativement avec la participation aux séances de coaching: notre hypothèse H1 est donc infirmée. Pour ce qui a trait à la deuxième variable, soit la variable du soutien du superviseur, les résultats indiquent un lien positif et significatif avec la participation aux séances de coaching. L'hypothèse H2 est donc confirmée. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Motivation pré-formation, Soutien du superviseur, Participation, Coaching exécutif.

Influence du coaching exécutif et rôle de l'alliance de travail sur le développement du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle de gestion

Baron, Louis January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur le coaching exécutif en milieu organisationnel, une méthode de développement des compétences en très forte croissance dans les organisations depuis les quinze dernières années (Bacon & Spear, 2003; Styhre, 2008). La popularité de cette nouvelle approche de formation n'a cessé de progresser, et ce, malgré une rareté d'appuis scientifiques (Joo, 2005; Kilburg, 2000). Certains auteurs vont même jusqu'à affirmer que le coaching exécutif est sur-utilisé dans les organisations étant donné le peu d'études empiriques ayant étudié son efficacité (McGovern et al., 2001). Cette recherche vise à combler en partie ce vide. Spécifiquement, deux objectifs sont visés. Premièrement, vérifier si le coaching exécutif est une méthode efficace pour favoriser le développement de compétences de gestion. Devant le défi considérable posé par la mesure du transfert des apprentissages d'habiletés relationnelles, et appuyé par la quantité d'études ayant démontré des corrélations élevées entre le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (SEP) et la performance (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998a), l'impact d'un programme de coaching exécutif sur le SEP des participants a été évalué. Deuxièmement, explorer le processus du coaching afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs sous-jacents à son efficacité. Alors qu'un nombre important d'auteurs suggèrent que la relation entre coach et coaché contribue fortement au succès d'une démarche de coaching (Kampa & White, 2002; Lowman, 2005), aucune étude empirique n'a à notre connaissance approfondi cette question. En réponse, la présente étude a testé empiriquement l'impact de l'alliance de travail, un concept issu de la littérature sur les processus thérapeutiques, sur le succès d'une intervention de coaching exécutif en milieu organisationnel. L'influence de l'alliance de travail sur le développement du SEP des participants, tout comme certains déterminants de celle-ci liés aux compétences du coach et aux caractéristiques du contexte de formation ont été étudiés. Toutes les données de cette thèse ont été recueillies dans une grande entreprise du milieu manufacturier ayant son siège social au Canada, et ce auprès de deux échantillons: 73 gestionnaires recevant du coaching exécutif sur une période de huit mois et 24 coachs. Trente et une dyades coach-coaché ont été ainsi formées. Pour le premier objectif visé, les résultats indiquent que le nombre de séances de coaching exécutif reçues est un déterminant significatif du SEP des participants, et ce après avoir contrôlé pour le SEP pré-formation et les autres méthodes de formation. Les résultats indiquent également que la perception d'utilité, l'engagement affectif et le soutien perçu entretiennent des liens significatifs avec le SEP, tandis qu'aucun lien significatif n'a été observé entre l'orientation d'apprentissage et le SEP. En regard du deuxième objectif de cette thèse, les résultats indiquent que l'alliance de travail joue un rôle médiateur dans la relation entre le nombre de séances de coaching exécutif reçues et le développement du SEP. Aussi, les résultats d'une analyse de régression identifient plusieurs déterminants à l'alliance de travail. Ainsi, le SEP des coachs en regard d'habiletés d'alignement vers l'apprentissage et les résultats, la motivation à transférer des coachés, la perception de soutien de leur supérieur immédiat ainsi que le nombre de séances de coaching reçues sont des déterminants significatifs de l'alliance de travail. Les résultats n'indiquent toutefois pas que le SEP des coachs à l'endroit d'habiletés relationnelles et de communication constitue un déterminant de l'alliance de travail. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Coaching exécutif, Efficacité, Sentiment d'efficacité personnelle, Alliance de travail, Habiletés de coaching.

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