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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmica de dois condensados de Bose-Einstein - Tratamento de campo médio / Dynamics of two Bose-Einstein condensates: mean-field treatment

Renata Benedicto Prandini 01 October 2002 (has links)
Investigamos o sistema formado por dois condensados aprisionados em estados hiperfinos diferentes do Rubídio, num potencial em forma de charuto, ou seja, num sistema físico real e quase-unidimensional. É investigada a dependência das soluções das equações de Gross-Pitaevski com a separação entre as armadilhas, bem como com o parâmetro de acoplamento de Josephson, para três valores diferentes do número total de átomos aprisionados. Para alguns conjuntos de parâmetros constatamos a existência de estados metaestáveis. O observável que escolhemos para caracterizar tal sistema físico foi a separação média entre os pacotes, pois os dois ramos de soluções encontramos correspondem a soluções mais juntas ou mais separadas espacialmente. / We study the system formed by two coupled condensates of different Rubidium hyperfine states trapped in a cigar shaped potential, that is, a real quasi one-dimensional system. The dependency of the solution of the Gross-Pitaevski equations is investigated as a function of trap displacement and Josephson coupling parameter for three different values of the total trapped atoms number. For some sets of parameters we report the existence of metastable states. The observable we chose to characterize this system was the mean separation between the packages, because we found two branches which correspond to closer or more separated solutions.

Recherche de déformation dans des noyaux riches en neutrons / Search for deformation in neutron rich nuclei

Mancuso, Clément 04 July 2016 (has links)
Actuellement, le noyau de l'atome sert dans diverses utilisations courantes. Pourtant, notre compréhension que de cet objet n'est pas complète. C'est pourquoi la recherche nucléaire est nécessaire. Parmi cet ensemble vaste, ce manuscrit s'intéresse à l'étude des changements de forme dans les isotopes riches en neutrons des séries Ru et Sr. Le sujet est d'abord cerné dans un chapitre de concepts théoriques de la physique nucléaire. Un second chapitre décrit l'expérience permettant de produire les isotopes d'intérêt. Cette expérience de spectroscopie gamma est réalisée avec un multidétecteur HPGe composé à partir d'EXOGAM et complété de cristaux GASP et LOHENGRIN. Cette expérience consiste en la fission du 241Pu induite par neutrons froids fournis par le réacteur de l'Institut Laue Langevin. Elle fait partie de la campagne EXILL. Le deuxième chapitre traite également de la pré-analyse des données. Après avoir montré les effets d'une pré-sélection des événements en multiplicité, les résultats obtenus concernant les isotopes 108Ru à 115Ru, et 92Sr à 96Sr sont abordés dans le troisième chapitre. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre replace ces résultats dans des ensembles plus larges des parties riches en neutrons des deux séries. Ces séries sont également replacées dans le contexte de leur région de masse.La région d'intérêt est riche en changement de forme, avec l'enrichissement neutronique ou avec l'excitation des noyaux. Ces changements sont plutôt bien décrits par certains modèles, mais ces derniers peinent encore à en décrire les limites. Leurs déterminations précises est essentielle pour contraindre les modèles / Nowadays, the atomic nucleus is used in a variety of common way. Nevertheless, this object is not fully understood yet. This is why nuclear physics research is still needed. Among the large number of nuclear physics topics, this work is interested in the study of shape changes in neutron rich Ru and Sr isotopes. The subject is figured out in the first chapter, dealing with theoretical concepts about nuclear physics. A second chapter describes the experiment permitting to produce the isotopes of interest. This gamma-ray spectroscopy experiment has been realized with a HPGe multidetector made from EXOGAM and completed by GASP and LOHENGRIN detectors. This experiment consists of the cold neutron, supplied by the reactor of the Institute Laue Langevin, induced fission of 241Pu. This experiment is a part of the EXILL measurement campaign. The second chapter also deals with the data pre-analysis of this experiment. After showing the effects of a multiplicity cut on event preselection, the obtained results concerning 108Ru to 115Ru and 92Sr to 96Sr isotopes are presented on the third chapter. Finally, the fourth chapter puts these results in a wider part of the neutron rich side of both series. These last ones are also placed in their mass region context.The region of interest is rich in shape change, whether with neutronic enrichment or with excitation energy. These changes are rather well described by certain models, but the latter still have difficulty to describe the limits. Their precise determinations by experiment is essential to constrain models

Réseaux d'interactions, biodiversité et services éco-systémiques en milieu agricole : que nous apprennent les coléoptères carabiques ? / Interaction networks, biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural areas : lessons from carabid beetles communities

Kamenova, Stefaniya 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le contrôle des ravageurs est l'un des principaux services éco-systémiques rendus par la biodiversité à l'agriculture. Les communautés d'insectes auxiliaires, hébergées par les espaces agricoles présentent des niveaux de diversité, spécifique et fonctionnelle, élevés et leurs biologie et traits de vie sont bien décrits et étudiés. Ces communautés constituent donc un excellent modèle pour aborder des questions d'intérêt à la fois fondamental et appliqué sur les mécanismes à l'origine de la biodiversité et sur l'impact de la biodiversité sur l'approvisionnement en services éco-systémiques. Dans cette thèse, nous développons une combinaison originale d'approches classiques et d'approches moléculaires de pointe pour élucider les relations trophiques au sein de la communauté de coléoptères carabiques en milieu agricole. Les coléoptères carabiques peuvent contribuer de façon significative au service de contrôle biologique mais les mécanismes généraux conditionnant cette contribution restent encore difficiles à évaluer par manque d'approche systémique pour l'analyse de leurs réseaux d'interactions.L'étude sans a priori du régime alimentaire de la communauté de carabes dans un paysage agricole typique révèle un partitionnement de la ressource entre groupes d'espèces. L'étude expérimentale des interactions entre espèces avec un régime alimentaire similaire montre une différentiation des activités spatio-temporelles à fine échelle. D'un point de vue fondamental, ces résultats semblent démontrer la prépondérance des processus déterministes (partage de niche) par rapport aux processus neutres (stochasticité environnementale) pour expliquer la coexistence des espèces. D'un point de vue appliqué, l'importance de la ressource dans la structuration des communautés de carabes fournit un levier d'action potentiel pour l'élaboration de stratégies de gestion afin d’optimiser leur fonction de régulateurs naturels. / Biological control is one of the main ecosystem services provided by biodiversity in agroecosystems. Communities of beneficial insects, hosted by agricultural areas exhibit high levels of species and functional diversity, and their biology and life history traits are well described today. These communities are therefore an excellent model for addressing issues of fundamental and applied interest about mechanisms at the origin of biodiversity and its impacts on the supply of ecosystem services. In this thesis, we develop an original combination of advanced molecular approaches and more traditional methods in order to elucidate trophic interaction network within the community of carabid beetles in agricultural areas. The carabid beetles can significantly contribute to the service of biological control, but their contribution and beneficial conditions are difficult to assess because of their opportunistic and plastic feeding behavior. A without a priori investigation of carabid diet at community level in a typical agricultural landscape reveals a resource partitioning between groups of species. Additional experimental studies in laboratory conditions indicate that interspecific competition could be the mechanism generating this partitioning. From a fundamental point of view, these results suggest a preponderance of deterministic processes (niche partitioning) compared to neutral processes (environmental stochasticity) to explain the coexistence of species. From an applied point of view, the importance of the resource in structuring carabid communities provides a potential lever of action for the development of efficient management strategies optimizing carabid function as crop auxiliaries.

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra : une médiatisation à contre-courant / West-Eastern Divan Orchestra : a media coverage against the current

Fartouna Fetoui, Houda 01 December 2016 (has links)
L’orchestre symphonique du West-Eastern Divan Orchestra semble constituer un bon support de réflexion sur la possibilité d’échapper aux stéréotypes dans la communication, du fait même de sa nature qui met ensemble les deux parties d’un conflit historique à savoir le conflit israélo-palestinien. Ce sujet est par essence problématique dans le monde des médias internationaux, puisqu’il fait l’objet de censure et de diverses omissions de la part de certaines parties gênées par l’existence même de cette formation. Ce projet semble également faire l’objet de discours divergents et fournit une matière intéressante de communication non consensuelle. Comme hypothèse de travail, cette thèse postule que la médiatisation du WEDO va à contre-courant de l’image qui entoure habituellement le conflit israélo-palestinien. Cette recherche se propose de discerner les échos qui circulent autour de ce phénomène du WEDO et examiner les multiples facettes développées par les différents discours qui prennent en charge ce projet. Le résultat expérimental confirme l’hypothèse de travail et infirme l’aspect de la couverture médiatique non consensuelle. En fait, les médias sont partagés par rapport à l’image controversée de Daniel Barenboim, un personnage à contre-courant et un projet d’étude en lui-même. La présentation du WEDO, dans l’ensemble du discours médiatique, quels que soient le pays d’origine, la coloration politique et la rubrique, est entre favorable et très favorable. Également, l’aspect le plus développé est le caractère pacifique de l’orchestre ; effectivement les énoncés qui traitent de l’image médiatique de l’orchestre dénotent dans leur ensemble la représentation d’une entreprise courageuse bannissant les conflits et les atrocités de la guerre et d’une nouvelle forme de pensée empruntant à Goethe cet esprit universel pour la paix entre les hommes et fait de la musique un chant privilégié de fraternité et d’amour. / The symphony orchestra of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra seems to be a good reflection of support on the opportunity to escape the stereotypes in communication, by virtue of its nature that puts together the two parts of a historical conflict namely the israeli-palestinian conflict. This topic is problematic for nature in the world of international media, since the subject of censorship and various omissions on the part of some parts hindered by the very existence of this composition. This project also appears to be divergent speech and provides an interesting field of non-consensual communication. As a working hypothesis, this theory posits that the media coverage of WEDO goes against the grain of the image that usually surrounds the israeli-palestinian conflict. This research aims to discern echoes that circulate around the phenomenon of the WEDO and examine the many facets developed by the various discourses that support this project. The experimental results confirm the hypothesis of work and cripple the aspect of non-consensual coverage. In fact, the media is divided over the controversial image of Daniel Barenboim, a character against the current and a research project in itself. The presentation of WEDO, throughout the media discourse, whatever the country of origin, political color and the item is between favorable and very favorable. Also, the most developed aspect is the peaceful character of the orchestra; indeed statements that deal with the media image of the orchestra as a whole indicate the representation of a brave company banishing conflicts and atrocities of war and a new way of thinking borrowed from Goethe to this universal spirit peace among men and made music a special song of brotherhood and love.

Éléments de différenciation de la niche écologique chez deux coléoptères parasitoïdes en compétition : comportement et communautés bactériennes / Differenciation elements of ecological niches for two competiting coleopteran parasitoids : behavior and bacterial communities

Bili, Mikaël 18 December 2014 (has links)
Lorsque deux espèces exploitent la même niche écologique, elles entrent en compétition pour l'accès aux ressources. Or, un accès limité aux ressources réduit la fitness des individus. La compétition interspécifique va donc agir comme une pression de sélection qui peut mener à des modifications physiologiques ou comportementales pour partager les ressources, car si elles ne sont pas partagées la compétition entraînera le déplacement ou la disparition d'une des deux espèces. Aleochara bilineata et A. bipustulata sont deux coléoptères staphylins parasitoïdes qui s'attaquent à la mouche du chou Delia radicum. Elles ont des paramètres biologiques différents, notamment au niveau des traits d'histoire de vie (qui semblent avantager A. bipustulata) et du spectre d'hôtes (plus généraliste chez A. bipustulata). Ces deux espèces partagent cependant la même stratégie d'exploitation des hôtes et présentent l'originalité que la femelle pond ses œufs à proximité des hôtes et non à l'intérieur, ce qui les distingue des hyménoptères parasitoïdes qui font l'objet de nombreuses études. La larve Aleochara de premier stade est donc mobile et doit trouver et sélectionner elle même un hôte pour s'y développer. Il y a ainsi des possibilités d'adaptations comportementales à la compétition à la fois pour les adultes et les larves de premier stade. Dans ce projet de thèse, nous avons donc choisi d'explorer la niche écologique de ces deux espèces de façon originale en étudiant les modifications comportementales induites par la présence de compétiteurs à la fois chez les femelles adultes et les larves de premier stade. Nous avons également identifié les communautés bactériennes associées aux deux espèces en compétition mais aussi à leur hôte D. radicum et à un autre compétiteur parasitoïde, l'hyménoptère Trybliographa rapae, dans le but d'étudier ultérieurement les impacts des différents partenaires bactériens sur la niche écologique des deux espèces de coléoptères en compétition. Nos résultats montrent que les femelles de l'espèce spécialiste A. bilineata adaptent leurs comportements aux compétiteurs qu'elles rencontrent et sélectionnent les sites de ponte présentant les meilleures chances de succès parasitaire pour leurs larves. Par ailleurs, les larves de premier stade de l'espèce spécialiste dominent largement la compétition larvaire lorsqu'elles sont en compétition avec les larves de l'espèce généraliste. Enfin, les communautés bactériennes des deux espèces de coléoptères sont plus proches entre elles qu'avec les autres membres du réseau trophique étudiés mais comportent des différences à explorer. Ces résultats sont discutés dans le cadre de l'adaptation des choix comportementaux des individus d'une espèce spécialiste à la présence de compétiteurs généralistes et de la coexistence de ces deux espèces dans le milieu naturel. / When two species live in the same ecological niche, they compete for resources. Since a limited access to resources reduces fitness, interspecific competition represents a selection pressure that can lead to physiological or behavioral changes to share resources, because not sharing them will cause the displacement or disappearance of the weaker competitor. Aleochara bilineata and Aleochara bipustulata are two coleopteran parasitoids and attack the same host, the cabbage root fly Delia radicum. These two species have different biological parameters, particularly in their life history traits (which seem to favor A. bipustulata) and host spectrum (A. bipustulata is more generalist). These two species share the same strategy to exploit their host (idiobiont ectoparasitoid). Unlike parasitoid wasps (the object of most studies on parasitoids) coleopteran parasitoid females do not lay their eggs directly inside the host but in locations likely to harbour hosts. Aleochara first instars are mobile and need to find and select a host where they will develop. There is thus the possibility of behavioral adaptations to competition for both for adults and first instars. In this project, we have chosen to explore the ecological niche of these two species in an original way by studying behavioral changes induced by the presence of competitors both in adult females and first instars. We also studied bacterial communities associated to the two competing species but also those of their host D. radicum and of another competitor, the parasitoid wasp Trybliographa rapae, in order to later study the impacts of different bacterial partners in the ecological niche of the two beetle species in competition. Our results show that females of the specialist A. bilineata adapt their behavior to the competitors they face and select oviposition sites with the best probability of parasitism success. Moreover, first instars of A. bilineata dominate the larval competition when competing with larvae of the generalist A. bipustulata. Finally, bacterial communities of the two rove beetles are closer to each other than other members of the food web studied and their differences should be investigated. These results are discussed in the context of behavioral adaptation of specialists to the presence of generalist competitors and the coexistence of these two species in the field.

Local probe investigations of the electronic phase diagrams of iron pnictides and chalcogenides

Materne, Philipp 09 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, the electronic phase diagrams of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 and Fe1+yTe were investigated using muon spin relaxation and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Single crystals of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 with x = 0.00, 0.35, 0.50, and 0.67 were examined. The undoped 122 parent compound CaFe2As2 is a semi metal and shows antiferromagnetic commensurate spin density wave order below 167 K. By hole doping via Na substitution, the magnetic order is suppressed and superconductivity emerges including a Na-substitution level region, where both phases coexist. Upon Na substitution, a tilting of the magnetic moments out of the ab-plane is found. The interaction of the magnetic and superconducting order parameter in this coexistence region was studied and a nanoscopic coexistence of both order parameters is found. This is proven by a reduction of the magnetic order parameter of 7 % in x = 0.50 below the superconducting transition temperature. This reduction was analysed using Landau theory and a systematic correlation between the reduction of the magnetic order parameter and the ratio of the transition temperatures, Tc/TN, for the 122 family of the iron pnictides is presented. The magnetic phase transition is accompanied by a tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition. The lattice dynamics at temperatures above and below this magneto-structural phase transition were studied and no change in the lattice dynamics were found. However, the lattice for finite x is softer than for the undoped compound. For x = 0.67, diluted magnetic order is found. Therefore, the magnetism in Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 is persistent even at optimal doping. The superconducting state is investigated by measuring the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth, where two superconducting gaps with a weighting of nearly 50:50 are obtained. A temperature independent anisotropy of the magnetic penetration depth γ_λ = 1.5(4) is obtained, which is much smaller compared to other 122 compounds indicating a more three-dimensional behaviour of Ca1−xNaxFe2As2. Powder samples of Fe1+yTe with y = 0.06, 0.12, 0.13, and 0.15 were examined. Fluctuating paramagnetic moments at room temperature were found, which are independent of the excess iron level y. Below 100 K, a magnetic precursor phase is observed, which is independent of y. Fe1.06Te shows a commensurate spin density wave phase below TN, while for y ≥ 0.13 an incommensurate spin density wave phase below TN is found. However, a slowing down of the magnetic fluctuations with decreasing temperature and static magnetic order at lowest temperature are observed. / In dieser Arbeit wurden die elektronischen Phasendiagramme von Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 and Fe1+yTe mit Hilfe der Myonspinrelaxations- und Mössbauerspektroskopie untersucht. Einkristalle von Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 mit x = 0.00, 0.35, 0.50 und 0.67 wurden untersucht. Das undorierte 122-System CaFe2As2 ist ein Halbmetal und zeigt eine antiferromagnetische Spindichtewelle unterhalb von 167 K. Substituiert man Ca durch Na, werden Löcher in das System eingebracht. Die magnetische Ordnung wird mit steigendem Na-Anteil unterdrückt und Supraleitung tritt auf. Dabei existiert ein Na-Substitutionslevelbereich, in welchem Magnetismus und Supraleitung koexistieren. Desweiteren wurde ein herausdrehen der magnetischen Momente aus der ab-Ebene als Funktion von x beobachtet. Die Wechselwirkung des magnetischen mit dem supraleitenden Ordnungsparameter in der Koexistenzregion wurde untersucht und nanoskopische Koexistenz der beiden Ordnungsparameter wurde gefunden. Dies konnte durch eine Reduktion des magnetischen Ordnungsparameteres um 7 % in x = 0.50 unterhalb der supraleitenden Ordnungstemperatur gezeigt werden. Diese Reduktion wurde mit Hilfe der Landautheorie untersucht und es wurden systematische Korrelationen zwischen der Reduktion des magnetischen Ordnungsparamteres und dem Verhältnis der Übergangstemperaturen, Tc/TN, in der 122-Familie der Eisenpniktide gefunden. Der magnetische Phasenübergang wird von einem strukturellen Phasenübergang begleitet. Die Gitterdynamik wurde bei Temperaturen oberhalb und unterhalb dieses magneto-elastischen Phasenübergangs untersucht. Es wurden keine Änderungen in der Gitterdynamik festgestellt. Jedoch konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Gitter für endliche x weicher ist als für das undotierte System. Für x = 0.67 wurde festgestellt, dass der Magnetismus im Ca1−xNaxFe2As2-System auch noch bei optimaler Dotierung zu finden ist. In der supraleitenden Phase wurde die Temperaturabghängigkeit der magnetischen Eindringtiefe untersucht und es wurden zwei supraleitende Bandlücken gefunden. Die Anisotropie der magnetischen Eindringtiefe ist temperaturunabhängig und mit γ_λ = 1.5(4) wesentlich kleiner als in anderen 122- Verbindungen, was für eine erhöhte Dreidimensionalität in Ca1−xNaxFe2As2 spricht. Pulverproben von Fe1+yTe mit y = 0.06, 0.12, 0.13 und 0.15 wurden untersucht. Es wurden fluktuierende paramagnetische Momente bei Raumtemperatur gefunden, welche unabhängig vom Überschusseisenlevel y sind. Unterhalb von 100 K wurde eine magnetische Vorgängerphase gefunden, welche unabhängig von y ist. Mit fallender Temperatur wurde eine Verlangsamung der magnetischen Fluktuationen festgestellt, welche in einer statischen magnetischen Ordnung bei tiefen Temperaturen münden.

Al-Wasatiyya - medelvägen som teologiskt program i sydeuropeisk (bosnisk) och sydostasiatisk (malaysisk) kontext

Cajlakovic, Zekerijah January 2015 (has links)
Al-Wasatiyya - The Middle Path as theological program in Southern European (Bosnian) and Southeast Asian (Malaysian) contexts. This study examines the neglected phenomenon of al-wasitiyyah and how it relates to an Islamic theological context. This study focuses on the religious aspect of al-wasatiyyah, specifically in beliefs, actions, rituals and ethics perspective, social and interpersonal relationships. The main purpose of this study is to describe, clarify and critically examine the phenomenon of al-wasatiyya as a theological program, and practices in Europe, namely in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeast Asia, Malaysia. The material for the investigation consists of some relevant literature, scientific articles, and open-ended interviews with prominent researchers in al-wasatiyya from the chosen countries of research. The methodology used in the study is a qualitative textual analysis of the open individual interviews. The analysis and its results provide us with specific answers to the following question: how the concept of al-wasatiyya can be understood in an Islamic theological context, and then displays its scale, interpretations and practices. There are similarities as well as differences between the Southern European and Southeast Asian perspectives on the field of al-wasatiyya. Lastly, the critical objections against al-wasatiyya are examined, and ultimately the results of the study are compared to previous research on the field.  The results show that the neglected phenomenon of al-wasatiyya returned back to the Islamic discourse in the early 2000s, especially after the tragic events of 9/11 in the US. Thus, the result of the study indicates that al-wasatiyya occurs as a reaction to extremism and radicalism in Islam. Finally, the results of the study demonstrate that the concept of al-wasatiyya, except for religious purposes, can be used as well in other areas and socio-political systems in the contemporary world.

International human rights education: an evaluation of treaty compliance in British Columbia's Kindergarten to Grade 12 Social Studies school curriculum

Friedmann, Lesley Barbara 05 May 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I probe into British Columbia’s (BC) Kindergarten to Grade 12 Social Studies curriculum to determine how adequately it adheres to Canada’s international treaty obligations. I give particular attention to the duties regarding dissemination of information about, through, and for human rights principles and norms that are contained within the United Nations (UN) 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (Convention) and the UN 2011 Declaration of Human Rights Education and Training (DHRET). To accomplish this, I first develop a compliance assessment tool that is based on international human rights legal standards. This tool is then used in a normative inquiry into BC’s current Social Studies curriculum to assess the extent to which its educational aim, and its conception of the learner, learning process, learning environment, teacher’s role, and evaluation satisfies the international human rights education law requirements that are articulated in the treaties that Canada has ratified. The knowledge that is generated from this investigation is of value to BC’s Ministry of Education and members of the public who are involved in BC’s curriculum development and revision, because it creates a benchmark from which to “take more active measures to systematically disseminate and promote” (UN, 2012, paragraph 25) knowledge about international human rights in BC’s schools. / Graduate

Quais características influenciam a limitação de dispersão de sementes em uma comunidade arbórea tropical? / Which characteristics influence seed limitation in a tropical tree community?

Zimback, Leticia Bolian 25 November 2016 (has links)
A limitação de dispersão de sementes tem sido empiricamente investigada como um mecanismo equalizador das diferenças competitivas entre espécies que coexistem em comunidades vegetais. Além da limitação espacial, as variações temporais da dispersão também podem ser importantes para a coexistência das espécies. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a relação entre limitação de dispersão espacial (LDe) e limitação de dispersão temporal (LDt) e as características das espécies que influenciam as duas limitações. Em uma floresta da planície costeira, a chuva de sementes foi amostrada, ao longo de 36 meses, em 40 coletores (20m2) distantes 100m entre si e da borda do fragmento. A abordagem de seleção de modelos mistos foi utilizada para testar a relação entre a limitação de dispersão e a massa média das sementes, a síndrome de dispersão, a altura máxima local e a frequência de distribuição dos indivíduos adultos. Os resultados encontrados mostram que as proporções de espécies analisadas limitadas espacial (90,3%) e temporalmente (70,9%) foram altas e a correlação entre LDe e LDT também foi alta (Spearman = 0,8). Tanto para LDe como LDt, foram selecionados a massa média das sementes, a altura máxima e a frequência de distribuição de adultos. Em geral, as relações encontradas indicam que espécies com sementes maiores, com menor altura máxima e menor frequência de distribuição dos indivíduos adultos são mais limitadas espacial e temporalmente. Apesar desses fatores terem sido selecionados, houve uma grande variação nos efeitos para as espécies analisadas. O estudo reforça o fato do mecanismo de limitação de dispersão espacial ser frequentemente encontrado em comunidades arbóreas e apresenta uma abordagem temporal para o estudo da limitação de dispersão. A redução das interações competitivas interespecíficas, decorrente das altas limitações de dispersão observadas no estudo, se contrapõe às teorias amplamente aceitas (Janzen-Connell) que indicam os mecanismos de dispersão eficientes de sementes como uma forma de minimizar a competição intraespecífica. A importância relativa dos mecanismos de dispersão e de limitação de dispersão para a manutenção da diversidade em comunidades deveria ser estudada para avaliar em quais situações ou para quais conjuntos de espécies a coexistência é mediada pela ausência das interações intraespecíficas ou interespecíficas / The seed limitation has been empirically investigated as an equalizing mechanism of the competitive differences between species that coexists in plant communities. In addition to the spatial limitation, the temporal variations of seed dispersal can also be important to the species coexistence. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between spatial seed limitation and temporal seed limitation and the species characteristics that influence both limitations. In a coastal plain forest, the seed rain was sampled over 36 months in 40 traps (20 m2), 100 m distant from each other and from the forest edges. The generalized mixed-effect models approach was used to test the relation between seed limitation and the average mass of the seeds, the dispersal syndrome, the trees local maximum height, and the adult trees distribution frequencies. The results show that the proportion of the analysed species spatial limited (90,3%) e temporal limited (70,9%) were high and the correlation between spatial seed limitation and temporal seed limitation were also high (Spearman = 0,8). To explain spatial seed limitation and temporal seed limitation were selected the average mass of seeds, the trees local maximum height and the adult trees distribution frequencies. Usually those relations indicate that species with lagger seeds, lowest maximum tree height and lowest adult trees distribution frequencies are more limited spatially and temporally. Although these factors have been selected, there was a great variation in the effects of the species analysed. The study supports the fact that the spatial seed limitation mechanism is frequently found in tree communities and shows a temporal approach to the seed limitation study. The reduction of interspecific competitive interactions, due to the high seed limitation observed in the study, is opposed to widely accepted theories (Janzen-Connell) that indicates that the efficient seed dispersal mechanism are a strategy to minimize the intraspecific competion. The relative importance of dispersal mechanisms and seed limitation on maintaning diversity in trees communities should be studied to evaluate which situations or which species sets the coexistence is mediated by the absence of intraspecific or interspecifir interactions

Coexistir na fronteira: notas de um antropólogo sobre a trajetória de um grupo de jovens em meio a uma guerra entre a comunidade e o tráfico de drogas

Fonseca, Mário 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mario Fonseca.pdf: 1090735 bytes, checksum: e6883260fed6d787e83b13d2065642e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / On behalf of an anthropology that looks for to analyze the can-resistance relationships starting from the coexistence among the several components inside of different urban territories and that he seeks to do to emerge the several present violence forms in the daily relationships is that I intended to accomplish this research. In my entitled research of Master's degree of Cartography of the resistances: an anthropological analysis of the Pavilion Eight of the House of Detention of São Paulo where I inferred that such sociability can also be understood as being the product of an intriguing political game between the detainees and the forces of the State, generating hierarchization of the involved subjects, nets of corruption and extortion, and finally criminal cells, where not only they will make part detainees, but also those that should reeducate them. Looking for new prisms for the discussion of the urban violence, I intend in that doctorate research to give continuity and to problematize as she felt the sociability change among a group of young called pichadores Korja, considered rebellious, of the Vila Brasilândia and the community in the which they lived. I understand that the youths residents' of the outlying neighborhoods of the great cities coexistence is built, in general in the street, the corners become encounter points and leisure. It is there that you build the friendships and the youths look for to build collective identities, at the same time in that they learn how to live together with the urban violence and to work with the repressive apparels. In what he says respect, more specifically to these young of the Vila Brasilândia, what wakes up my interest is to understand as she felt the transformation so much of the sociability, as in the way that the community noticed them. If at the beginning this she saw them as that that in fact were, rebellious and dreamer youths, little by little passed to be seen as dangerous individuals and indesejados that there were if transformed in a problem and in a weight for the community. That change felt progressively, starting from the moment in that they passed to be allured by the traffic that looked for to dominate the community. In a first moment those young ones saw each other in the center of a crossed fire, where on one side, the community tried cooptá-los and to recover them through practices normalizadoras, and of the other, the traffickers that you tried to seduce them and to allure them, fact that frequently finished with the death of some of them / Em nome de uma antropologia que busque analisar as relações de poder-resistência a partir da coexistência entre os vários componentes dentro de diferentes territórios urbanos e que vise fazer emergir as várias formas de violência presentes nas relações cotidianas é que me propus a realizar esta pesquisa. Em minha pesquisa de Mestrado intitulada de Cartografia das resistências: uma análise antropológica do Pavilhão Oito da Casa de Detenção de São Paulo onde inferi que tal sociabilidade pode também ser entendida como sendo o produto de um intrigante jogo político entre os detentos e as forças do Estado, gerando hierarquização dos sujeitos envolvidos, redes de corrupção e extorsão, e por fim células criminosas, onde não só farão parte detentos, mas também aqueles que deveriam reeducá-los. Buscando novos prismas para a discussão da violência urbana, me proponho nessa pesquisa de doutorado dar continuidade e problematizar como se deu a mudança de sociabilidade entre um grupo de jovens pichadores chamados Korja, considerados rebeldes, da Vila Brasilândia e a comunidade na qual viviam. Entendo que coexistência dos jovens moradores dos bairros periféricos das grandes cidades se constrói, de modo geral na rua, as esquinas se transformam em pontos de encontro e lazer. É aí que constroem as amizades e os jovens buscam construir identidades coletivas, ao mesmo tempo em que aprendem a conviver com a violência urbana e a lidar com os aparelhos repressivos. No que diz respeito, mais especificamente a estes jovens da Vila Brasilândia, o que desperta meu interesse é compreender como se deu a transformação tanto da sociabilidade, como da maneira que a comunidade os percebia. Se de início esta os via como aquilo que de fato eram, jovens rebeldes e sonhadores, aos poucos passaram a ser vistos como indivíduos perigosos e indesejados que haviam se transformado num problema e num peso para a comunidade. Essa mudança se deu progressivamente, a partir do momento em que eles passaram a ser aliciados pelo tráfico que buscava dominar a comunidade. Em um primeiro momento esses jovens se viram no centro de um fogo cruzado, onde por um lado, a comunidade tentava cooptá-los e recuperá-los através de práticas normalizadoras, e do outro, os traficantes que tentavam seduzí-los e aliciá-los, fato que terminava freqüentemente com a morte de alguns deles

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