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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processos cognitivos na construção da língua escrita em situações de uso de aplicativos de comunicação virtual

Kist, Silvia de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo trata dos processos cognitivos na construção do sistema de escrita durante a interação entre crianças em processo de alfabetização por meio do uso de aplicativos de comunicação virtual. Seu objetivo é compreender como tal interação pode favorecer o processo de construção da língua escrita. Baseada no Método Clínico, a coleta de dados foi realizada com alunos de uma turma do 2o ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública do campo, situada na região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, durante nove sessões de uso de dois aplicativos nos tablets da escola: o Google Classroom e o Google Hangouts. Sustentada pela teoria da equilibração de Jean Piaget, parte-se de uma proposição teórica inicial pautada em uma visão de que o uso dos aplicativos potencializará os desequilíbrios cognitivos e, portanto, a construção da língua escrita em função do contexto de comunicação. Adotou- se a generalização analítica como estratégia para análise dos dados. A primeira unidade de análise apresenta um panorama com dados sobre o processo de construção da língua escrita de sete sujeitos e sobre os desequilíbrios ocorridos ao longo das sessões. Na segunda unidade, analisa-se como ocorrem os desequilíbrios durante o uso dos aplicativos e quais são as reações dos sujeitos ante as perturbações. Na última unidade, discutem-se as situações desencadeadoras e as circunstâncias para a emergência dos desequilíbrios. Ao final do cruzamento das análises, a proposição teórica é revisada, aprofundando o papel dos desequilíbrios e as condições emergentes para o processo de construção da língua escrita. Conclui-se que as situações de comunicação virtual, seja para uma audiência ou para um interlocutor, potencializam a ocorrência de desequilíbrios, favorecendo o surgimento da necessidade cognitiva e/ou afetiva de compreensão da língua escrita, embora os aplicativos em questão, por si só, não ofereçam as resistências ou os feedbacks necessários ao processo. Os resultados encontrados apontam caminhos para a construção de aplicativos voltados à alfabetização. / The present work is a study of the interaction between children in the early literacy process by using virtual communication apps. It researches the cognitive processes involved in the construction of written language that emerges from this interaction. It aims to understand how such interaction can help the development of writing. Based on the Clinical Method, the data collection was carried out with primary education students from a 2nd-year class at a rural public school in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. In nine sessions, they used two apps in the school's tablets: Google Classroom and Google Hangouts. Supported by Jean Piaget's theory of equilibration, the study starts with an initial theoretical proposition based on a view that the use of the apps will potentialize the cognitive imbalances due to the communication context and, therefore, the construction of the written language. The study adopted the analytical generalization as the methodological framework. The first unit of analysis presents a panorama of the data regarding the process of construction of the written language of seven subjects and on the imbalances that have occurred throughout the sessions. The second unit analyzes how the imbalances occur during the use of the apps and what are the reactions of the subjects to the disturbances. The last unit discusses the triggering situations and the circumstances of the imbalances emergence. At the end of the analyses triangulation, the theoretical proposition is revised, deepening the understanding of the imbalances role and emerging conditions for the process of construction of written language. The study concludes that situations of virtual communication, whether to an audience or to an interlocutor, create a fertile context for the occurrence of imbalances, favoring the emergence of the cognitive and/or affective necessity to understand how to write. Although, the studied apps, per se, do not create the resistances or feedbacks necessary to the process. The results point towards new paths for the development of literacy apps.

Análise do processamento cognitivo de leitura do surdo com o Teste de Nomeação de Sinais por Escolha de Palavras nas versões 1.3 e 2.3 com 5.365 estudantes surdos de 1ª a 13ª série de 14 estados brasileiros / Word Matching Sign Naming Test for analyzing cognitive processes in reading: versions 1.3 and 2.3 with 5,365 1st-13th grade deaf students from 14 Brazilian states

Cláudia Regina Zocal Mazza 13 December 2007 (has links)
O Teste de Nomeação de Sinais por Escolha de palavras escritas (TNS-Escolha) é parte de uma bateria de 11 testes de desenvolvimento da linguagem de sinais e de competência de leitura e escrita, desenvolvida pela equipe de Capovilla na Universidade de São Paulo especialmente para a população escolar surda brasileira, e validada e normatizada com uma amostra de 5.365 escolares surdos. O TNS-Escolha avalia o desenvolvimento conjunto de compreensão de sinais da Libras e de leitura de palavras em Português, e analisa a participação de processos quirêmicos, ortográficos e semânticos envolvidos na escolha de palavras escritas para denominar sinais da Libras. O TNS-Escolha faz uso da estratégia de indução de erros de leitura (i.e., paralexias) por palavras escritas distraidoras quirêmicas, ortográficas e semânticas como alternativas de escolha, com vistas a permitir caracterizar a natureza do processamento cognitivo subjacente à leitura e escrita em Português. A presença de paralexias quirêmicas sugere que o acesso semântico na leitura envolve a mediação por sinalização interna, como tende a ocorrer no surdo sinalizador com perda profunda pré-lingual ou perilingual. A presença de paralexias ortográficas sugere que a leitura é baseada na tentativa de reconhecimento visual global da palavra, com dificuldade de fazer uso da estratégia alfabética de decodificação grafêmica serial (i.e., processamento serial da seqüência ortográfica), como tende a ocorrer na leitura fundamentalmente ideográfica de surdo com perda profunda pré-lingual e perilingual. A presença de paralexias semânticas sugere que o leitor tenta obter acesso ao léxico semântico, mas esse acesso é dificultado por insuficiência de conceitos, vocabulário, ou habilidade de leitura. Esta dissertação apresenta duas versões reordenadas, o TNS1.3-Escolha e o TNS2.3-Escolha, bem como dados de sua normatização com uma amostra de mais de 5.000 surdos de 14 estados brasileiros. Foram avaliados 5.365 estudantes surdos de 14 estados brasileiros (AC, AM, BA, CE, DF, ES, MA, MG, MS, PA, PR, RJ, RS, SP). A escolaridade média desses estudantes, em termos de número de anos no Ensino Fundamental, era de 4,9 anos (DP = 2,8), ou seja, quase 5a. série, com mínimo de 1 ano e máximo de 12 anos de escolaridade, ou seja, Ensino Superior. A idade variou de 5 a 59 anos, com média de 17,7 anos (DP = 6,9). Para viabilizar a análise da grande massa de dados foram selecionadas as séries 1a, 5a, 8a, 10a e 13a. Os resultados do TNS1.3-Escolha e do TNS2.3-Escolha indicaram que, ao longo das séries 1a, 5a, 8a, 10a e 13a, a porcentagem de acerto cresceu sistematicamente, ao passo que o total de paralexias diminuiu sistematicamente. Considerando a distribuição dos três tipos de paralexias (ortográfica, semântica e quirêmica) desse total decrescente de paralexias, observou-se que, ao longo das cinco séries escolares, as porcentagens de paralexias ortográficas e semânticas diminuíram sistematicamente, ao passo que a porcentagem de paralexias quirêmicas aumentou sistematicamente. Assim, ao longo da escolarização, na nomeação de sinais por escolha de palavras escritas, os surdos tendem a cometer cada vez menos erros, e esses erros tendem a concentrar-se cada vez mais em processamento quirêmico. Isso sugere que, ao longo da escolarização, o crescente léxico de leitura do surdo depende cada vez mais das propriedades formais dos sinais como indexadoras das formas ortográficas das palavras para resgate lexical. Esta dissertação é parte de um estudo maior (Capovilla e colaboradores, no prelo). Dos estudantes da amostra, 5.072 foram avaliados no Teste de Nomeação de Sinais por Escolha, versão 1.3 (TNS1.3-Escolha), e 4.854 foram avaliados no Teste de Nomeação de Sinais por Escolha, versão 2.3(TNS2.3-Escolha). Dos 5.072 estudantes avaliados no TNS1.3-Escolha, 4.930 tiveram seus dados avaliados item a item para fins de análise de fidedignidade e de reordenação do teste. Foram conduzidas duas análises de fidedignidade, gerando dois tipos de coeficiente, o coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, e o coeficiente de Spearman- Brown para análise split-half. A análise de itens revelou coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach = 0,9004, o que pode ser considerado muito bom. Assim, o TNS1.3-Escolha mostrou-se bastante fidedigno, produzindo dados bastante confiáveis e estáveis. Como o TNS1.3-Escolha inclui alguns sinais que ainda não haviam sido testados anteriormente, o presente estudo gerou, como fruto adicional, a versão aperfeiçoada TNS1.4-Escolha em que os 36 itens que compõem o TNS1.3-Escolha foram reordenados por grau de dificuldade crescente. Dos 4.854 estudantes avaliados pelo TNS2.3-Escolha, 4.840 tiveram seus dados avaliados item a item para fins de análise de fidedignidade e de reordenação do teste. Foram conduzidas duas análises de fidedignidade, gerando dois tipos de coeficiente, o coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, e o coeficiente de Spearman-Brown para análise split-half. A análise de itens revelou coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach = 0,8728, o que pode ser considerado muito bom. Assim, o TNS2.3-Escolha mostrou-se bastante fidedigno, produzindo dados bastante confiáveis e estáveis. Como o TNS2.3-Escolha inclui alguns sinais que ainda não haviam sido testados anteriormente, o presente estudo gerou, como fruto adicional, a versão aperfeiçoada TNS2.4-Escolha em que os 36 itens que compõem o TNS2.3-Escolha foram reordenados por grau de dificuldade crescente. / The Word Matching Sign Naming Test (WMSNT) assesses the skill of matching alternative Portuguese printed words to sample Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) signs. WMSNT is part of a battery of 11 language development tests for assessing reading, spelling and Libras sign comprehension. Capovilla and coworkers at the University of Sao Paulo developed, standardized and validated the battery with a sample of 5,365 Brazilian deaf students. WMSNT assesses the joint development of sign comprehension and Portuguese reading. It analyzes the participation of cheremic, orthographic and semantic processes involved in matching print alternatives to Libras signs. On each trial there are four printed word alternatives, one being the target word, and the remaining three being cheremic, orthographic, and semantic distracter words. WMSNT is elaborated so as to have distracter-printed words as choice alternatives induce cheremic, orthographic, and semantic paralexias. By analyzing the relative prevalence of cheremic, orthographic, and semantic paralexias that occur when the deaf is to match print to pictures and signs, WMSNT allows characterizing cognitive processes underlying Portuguese reading by Brazilian deaf students. The prevalence of cheremic paralexias suggests that reading comprehension (i.e., the access to semantic lexicon while reading) involves the mediation of some internal signing processes. That is usually the case with the congenitally deaf who are fluent signers. The prevalence of orthographic paralexias suggests that reading is based on the strategy of attempting to make some visual recognition of the global crude form of a word, with difficulty of using the alphabetical serial graphemic decoding (i.e., the serial parsing of the orthographic sequence). That is usually the case with the congenitally deaf who are not capable of fluent signing and linguistic parsing, tend to rely on a primarily ideographic reading style. The prevalence of semantic paralexias suggests that reading comprehension is hindered by the insufficient development of concepts, vocabulary, and/or reading skill. This dissertation presents two reordered versions of WMSNT: WMSNT 1.3 and WMSNT 2.3 as well as standardization data with a sample of 5,365 5-59 year old deaf students with 1-12 years of schooling coming from 14 Brazilian states (AC, AM, BA, CE, DF, ES, MA, MG, MS, PA, PR, RJ, RS, SP). The preliminary analysis of such a large data basis was limited to the following grades: 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th and 13th. Results from both WMSNT 1.3 and WMSNT 2.3 indicated that the percentage of correct naming increased systematically, whereas the percentage of total paralexias decreased systematically. Considering the distribution of all three types of paralexia, it was found that, over the course of the five school series, the percentages of orthographic and semantic paralexias diminished systematically, whereas the percentage of cheremic paralexias increased systematically. Thus, over the course of schooling, when having to name signs by matching their corresponding printed words counterparts, deaf students tended to commit progressively less errors, and that those errors tended to concentrate progressively more on cheremic processes. According to Capovilla, such a finding suggests that, over the course of schooling, in order to be able to retrieve lexical items from an increasingly large reading lexicon, the deaf reader tends to rely more and more on indexing sublexical word components (at both levels of word graphemes and word morphemes) to their corresponding sublexical sign components (at both levels of sign cheremes and sign morphemes). This dissertation is part of a broader study (Capovilla et al, in print). Out of the sample, 5,072 students were assessed using WMSNT 1.3 and 4,854 were assessed using WMSNT 2.3. Out of the sample of 5,072 students tested with WMSNT 1.3, in order to assess test reliability and to arrange test items in increasing order of difficulty, the data of 4,930 students were subjected to item analysis. Two reliability analyses were conducted, which generated two coefficients: Cronbach Alpha coefficient and Spearman-Brown coefficient from split-half analysis. Item analysis revealed Cronbach Alpha coefficient = 0,9004, which may be considered quite good. Therefore, WMSNT 1.3 was found to be a quite reliable test. In addition this study generated WMSNT 1.4, in which WMSNT 1.3 items are arranged in increasing difficulty order. Out of the sample of 4,854 students tested with WMSNT 2.3, in order to assess test reliability and to arrange test items in increasing order of difficulty, the data of 4,840 students were subjected to item analysis. Two reliability analyses were conducted, which generated two coefficients: Cronbach Alpha coefficient and Spearman-Brown coefficient from split-half analysis. Item analysis revealed Cronbach Alpha coefficient = 0,8728, which may be considered good. Therefore, WMSNT 2.3 was found to be a quite reliable test. In addition this study generated WMSNT 2.4, in which WMSNT 2.3 items are arranged in increasing difficulty order.

Att tänka rätt är stort, att tänka högt är större : En Think-Aloud-studie av texttypens roll i översättningsprocessen / The Role of Text Types in the Translation Process : A Think-Aloud Study

Sannholm, Raphael January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här processorienterade studien var att undersöka hur texttypen påverkar översättningsprocessen, och närmare bestämt om olika texttyper aktualiserar olika fokus i de kognitiva processerna. Fyra deltagare fick därför översätta två olika källtexter, en operativ och en informativ. Materialet samlades in med hjälp av Think-Aloud (TA). Studien visar att de båda texterna huvudsakligen gav upphov till liknande fokus. Texttypen verkar således inte ha haft någon märkbar påverkan på översättningsprocessen i det aktuella fallet. Vad gäller deltagarnas individuella processer fokuserade flera av dem på liknande faktorer oberoende av källtexten, vilket antyder att processerna i viss utsträckning kan antas vara individuellt betingade.</p> / <p>The aim of the present study was to investigate whether different text types bring different focuses to the fore in the cognitive processes during translation. Four translator students were thus asked to translate one operative and one informative text while verbalizing their thoughts. The verbalizations were recorded and later transcribed into so called think-aloud protocols (TAPs). The analysis of the TAPs showed that the participants focused on similar aspects regardless of the source text, which indicates that the text type did not have any significant effect on the translation process in the study at hand.</p>

'n Intervensieprogram vir die verbetering van die akademiese vaardighede van leerders met 'n beperkte intellektuele vermoë / Ora Marx

Marx, Ora January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

Factors Shaping Process and Representation in Multiple-Cue Judgment

Olsson, Anna-Carin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates the cognitive processes and representations underlying human judgment in a multiple-cue judgment task. Several recent models as-sume that people have several qualitatively distinct and competing levels of knowledge representations (Ashby, Alfonso-Reese, Turken, &amp; Waldron, 1998; Erickson &amp; Kruschke, 1998; Nosofsky, Palmeri, &amp; McKinley, 1994; Sloman, 1996). The most successful cognitive models in categorization and multiple-cue judgment are, respectively, exemplar-based models and cue abstraction models. The models are different in the computations and processes implied, but the structure of the task is similar. Study 1 investigated if the different theoretical conclusions in categorization and multiple-cue judgment derive from genuine differences in the processes, or are accidental to the different research methods. In Study 2, we expected learning in dyads to promote explicit cue abstraction as a consequence of verbalization (a social abstraction effect) and performance to improve due to the larger joint exemplar knowledge base (an exemplar pooling effect). In Study 3 we used the generalized model Sigma to illustrate how change in task environments (linear vs. nonlinear) can shape the knowledge representation that is used. We expected that people are not able to use cue ab-straction when judging objects with a non-linear structure between the visual cues (features) of the objects and the criterion, and therefore they are forced to use exemplar-based processes. Taken together, the results of these studies indicate that differences that characterize typical categorization and multiple-cue judgment tasks are conducive of qualitatively different cognitive processes, and that the task environment plays an important role for which cognitive processes are used in multiple cue judgments.

Humanitarinių 6–10 kl. vadovėlių poligrafija, kaip mokymosi veiksmingumą ir pažinimo kokybę ugdantis veiksnys / Polygraphy of humanities’ textbooks for 6-10 forms as a factor developing the efficiency of learning and the quality of cognition

Čibinskaitė, Gitana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vadovėlio poligrafinė kokybė yra susijusi su mokymosi rezultatais, nes tinkamai parengtas vadovėlis gali pozityviai orientuoti mokinį mokomojo dalyko atžvilgiu, skatinti jo smalsumą, didinti mokymosi motyvaciją tuo atveju, jei vaikui patinka vadovėlio iliustracijos, jei jo tekstas sukomponuotas logiškai, nuosekliai, jei akcentuotini dalykai išskirti išraiškingomis ir matomomis priemonėmis. Problema: Į mokyklas patenka ne tik profesionalūs, kokybiški vadovėliai, t.y. tie, kurie yra įdomūs ir nenuobodūs, neblaško mokinio dėmesio, padeda mokytis bei pažinti, tačiau ir margi, nuobodūs, prastos kokybės tiek maketo, tiek poligrafiniu aspektu, kurie sudaro sudėtingesnes sąlygas mokiniui priimti žinias. Tyrimo objektas: vadovėlių poligrafija, kaip mokymosi veiksmingumą ir pažinimo kokybę ugdantis veiksnys. Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti humanitarinių vadovėlių poligrafinės ir meninės kokybės santykį su mokymosi ir pažinimo kokybe. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti su darbo tema susijusią literatūrą ir teisinius aktus, reglamentuojančius vadovėlių leidybą. 2) Išskirti poligrafinius ir higieninius nagrinėjamų vadovėlių ypatumus. 3) Išnagrinėti 6–10 klasių mokinių mokymąsi ir pažinimą lemiančius psichologinius veiksnius. Tyrimo metodai: 1) Teoriniai: teisinių aktų, reglamentuojančių vadovėlių leidybą, menotyrinės, psichologinės ir pedagoginės literatūros, nagrinėjančios vadovėlio poligrafinius estetinius ir higieninius ypatumus, panaudojimas 2) Empiriniai: vadovėlių poligrafinės ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The quality of a textbook‘s graphic art is related to learning results, because a properly prepared textbook can positively orient the pupil towards the subject studied, can stimulate his curiosity, to increase learning motivation in the case when the child likes the textbook’s artwork, when its text is arranged in a logical, coherent way, when the issues to be emphasized are highlighted by expressive and apparent means. The problem: Not only professional, high quality textbooks, i.e. those that are interesting and not boring, do not distract pupils’ attention, facilitate learning and cognition, but also variegated, boring, low quality, both in terms of layout and graphic art textbooks, which create more difficult conditions for a pupil to accept knowledge find their way to schools. Research object: graphic art of textbooks as a factor developing learning efficiency and cognition quality. Research objective: to reveal the relationship between the humanities textbooks’ graphic art and artistic quality and the quality of learning and cognition. Research tasks: 1) To analyse the literature related to the topic of the paper and the legal acts regulating publishing of textbooks. 2) To distinguish graphic arts’ and hygienic peculiarities of the examined textbooks. 3) To research psychological factors determining learning and cognition of 6-10 grade students. Research methods: 1) Theoretical: Application of legal acts regulating publishing of textbooks, art criticism... [to full text]

Lietuvos nacionalinėms rinktinėms priklausančių ir nepriklausančių dziudo imtynininkų motyvacijos, kognityvinių ir emocinių procesų kompleksinis įvertinimas / Complex Evaluation of cognitive and emotional processes of motivation in sports activities for the wrestlers who belong or do not belong to the national teams of Lithuania

Paškevičius, Marius 12 May 2006 (has links)
In the training of judo sportsmen, it is topical for the coach to be aware of the psychological specialties that are important for the sportsmen in this field, and know how they are successfully realized in sporting wrestlers’ activities. Psychological characteristics of Lithuanian judo sportsmen have not been researched so far. In this paper there were researched professionally important qualities of judo wrestlers. The set aim of the research was to evaluate psychosocial specialties, cognitive processes (transfer of attention, spatial-visual thinking) and emotional resistance of judo wrestlers who belong to adult and junior groups in a complex manner, and compare the data of wrestlers, who belong or do not belong to the national team. The personality’s motivational field is analyzed in a complex with other domains, as any activities are conditioned by motives. Motives play an exceptionally important role for the development of actions, thinking and all other cognitive functions. The task of research: 1. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, seven psychosocial dimensions that influence the motivation in sports activities. 2. 2To investigate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national judo teams of Lithuania and those ho not, cognitive field - operations of attention transfer and spatial-visual thinking. 3. To evaluate the sportsmen groups, who belong to adult and junior national... [to full text]

'n Intervensieprogram vir die verbetering van die akademiese vaardighede van leerders met 'n beperkte intellektuele vermoë / Ora Marx

Marx, Ora January 2006 (has links)
The overall aim of the study was to determine whether an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, could be used to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability. A literature review was used to provide an overview of the learner with a limited intellectual ability, learning barriers to cognitive processes, as well as elements which have a positive influence on the learning receptiveness and academic skills of learners with a limited intellect. An empirical study consisting of a quasi-experimental study was conducted over a period of eight weeks. The sample in this study consisted of fourteen learners in the intermediate phase of a school for learners with severe mental delay in Kempton Park. They were randomly divided into an Experimental and a Control Group. Measuring instruments that were used for pre- and post testing were the ESSl Reading- and Spelling tests. The UK Graded reading test and the UK Speed Reading test, as well as the VASSl Mathematics efficiency tests. The empirical study led to the following conclusions: an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, is an effective technique to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability; the academic skills that improved most were word recognition, and then numeracy followed by spelling. Reading speed was the skill that improved least, however it was still better that that of the Control Group. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

'n Intervensieprogram vir die verbetering van die akademiese vaardighede van leerders met 'n beperkte intellektuele vermoë / Ora Marx

Marx, Ora January 2006 (has links)
The overall aim of the study was to determine whether an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, could be used to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability. A literature review was used to provide an overview of the learner with a limited intellectual ability, learning barriers to cognitive processes, as well as elements which have a positive influence on the learning receptiveness and academic skills of learners with a limited intellect. An empirical study consisting of a quasi-experimental study was conducted over a period of eight weeks. The sample in this study consisted of fourteen learners in the intermediate phase of a school for learners with severe mental delay in Kempton Park. They were randomly divided into an Experimental and a Control Group. Measuring instruments that were used for pre- and post testing were the ESSl Reading- and Spelling tests. The UK Graded reading test and the UK Speed Reading test, as well as the VASSl Mathematics efficiency tests. The empirical study led to the following conclusions: an intervention programme, based on an integrated positive brain programming- and brain gym exercise programme, is an effective technique to improve the academic skills of learners with a limited intellectual ability; the academic skills that improved most were word recognition, and then numeracy followed by spelling. Reading speed was the skill that improved least, however it was still better that that of the Control Group. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

Portfolio-based segmentation and consumer behavior : empirical evidence and methodological issues

Gunnarsson, Jonas January 1999 (has links)
Recent work in the area of retail financial services marketing almost invariably cite the deregulation of national and international financial markets as a major reason as to why financial institutions have a need for better knowledge of their customers' behaviors and needs. Among the most sought-after information are better ways to segment and target the market, that is, how do groups of households behave with regards to their savings and investments, why do they behave in certain ways, how can we reach them and how do they respond to marketing activities? In this thesis we will attempt to shed light on some salient aspects of the first two of these four questions.Three of the papers in this volume are based on the segmentation of the market for retail financial services based on different financial strategies, as expressed in households' portfolio choices. In the first two papers, such behavioral segmentation is carried out on data from samples of Swedish and Dutch households. Issues concerning the stability of segmentation over time are also highlighted. The third paper is also focused on the concept of heterogeneity, but this time as expressed by different agents within the individual household, the question being whether the marketing researcher needs to collect data from both spouses in family households. In the fourth paper behavioral segments are used as domains to examine differences in human intertemporal discounting. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

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