Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coherence"" "subject:"koherence""
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Studenters hälsa vid Växjö universitet : – en studie med KASAM, symtom och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd som utgångspunktWallin, Henrik, Hiltunen, Markku January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gender and self reported symptoms (physiological and psychological) and sense of coherence (SOC) and Job Demand-Control-Social support (JDCS). The sample consisted of 360 respondents (nfemale= 261, nmale= 99), in the ages between 19-53 (M=25,57, SD=5,77), all students from Växjö University. A quantitative work method was used in the study; data was collected using questionnaires that consisted of self-reported questions, based on three parts: A modified symptom checklist, SOC 13 and a modified JDCS questionnaire. The result of our study showed that both SOC and JDCS had an effect on self-reported symptoms but there were no interaction between SOC and JDCS. No significant gender differences were found regarding the level of SOC. Female students reported symptoms in a significant higher extent than male students. There were no gender differences regarding JDCS. Our results are discussed in relation to previous studies. Our conclusion is that it is important to perform further research on students’ health and work environment.
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Finns det skillnader i känsla av sammanhang mellan personer på monotona och icke -monotona arbetsplatser med hänsyn tagen till syskonplacering?Stagova, Emine January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in Sense of Coherence between people in monotonous and non – monotonous jobs with regard to birth order. In this present study, 89 individuals from three different working organizations participated, of which 51 (57, 3 %) of them were men and 38 (42, 7 %) women. The results showed that in varying occupations, firstborn children showed a higher level of Sense of Coherence. In monotonus jobs, middle children prove to have the lowest level of Sence of Coherence. The results from this study also show that Sense of Coherence is associated with the individuals’ age and their experienced relationship with their parents during childhood. / Sammanfattning Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om det finns skillnader i känsla av sammanhang mellan personer på monotona och icke – monotona arbeten med hänsyn tagen till syskonplacering. I den här studien deltog 89 personer från tre olika arbetsorganisationer i södra Sverige, varav 51 (57,3 %) av dem var män och 38 (42,7 %) kvinnor. Resultatet visade att i varierade arbeten har förstfödda barn högre nivåer av KASAM. I monotona arbeten uppvisar mellanbarn inneha den lägsta nivån av KASAM. Resultatet från denna studie visar även att KASAM är kopplad till individers ålder och upplevda relation till föräldrarna under barndomen.
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KASAM´s betydelse för de äldre i avseende på livskvalitet, välbefinnande och hälsa : - en litteraturstudieNordenhjälm, Sara, Wilén, Erika January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vad starkt respektive svagt KASAM betyder för livskvalitet, välbefinnande och hälsa bland äldre (60 år och äldre). Studien designades med en deskriptiv ansats. Metoden var att systematiskt söka litteratur i databaserna; Medline, CINAHL samt Vård i Norden, detta kompletterades även med manuella sökningar. Femton artiklar som motsvarade syftet och inklusionskriterierna granskades och analyserades. Resultatet visade att KASAM hade signifikanta samband med de äldres upplevda livskvalitet, välbefinnande och hälsa. Antalet sjukdomar och fysiska begränsningar hade en liten inverkan på de äldre om de hade ett starkt KASAM, då KASAM hade ett svagt samband med den objektiva hälsan och ett starkt samband med den subjektiva hälsan. KASAM var den faktor som bäst förutsåg hur de äldre upplevde sin livssituation. De äldre som hade ett starkt KASAM upplevde även tillfredställande socialt stöd, som hade en stor inverkan på deras välbefinnande. De äldre med svagt KASAM hade även låg livskvalitet och försämrat allmäntillstånd. Slutsatsen var att om vårdpersonal kan stärka de äldres KASAM kommer även de äldres livskvalitet, välbefinnande och hälsa förbättras.
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INTENSIVVÅRDSSJUKSKÖTERSKORS BEHOV AV PATIENTUPPFÖLJNING / ICU-nurses need of patient follow-upBjerså, Kristofer January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund Uppföljning av utskrivna patienter inom intensivvård har utvecklats under de senaste decennierna, där fokus varit patienternas återhämtning och upplevelse av intensivvårdstiden. Huruvida sjukvårdspersonal har behov av uppföljning har varit oklart. Därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskors behov av uppföljning av utskrivna patienter och behovets relation till känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Metod En tvådelad enkät, med fokus på behov av uppföljning och KASAM, delades ut till intensivvårdssjuksköterskor vid sex intensivvårdsavdelningar i Västra Götaland under våren 2011. Resultat Av 216 distribuerade enkäter returnerades 143 (66,2 %). Drygt 80 % av intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna skattade sig ha ett behov. Det fanns ingen skillnad i personliga faktorer (ålder, kön, erfarenhet, KASAM) mellan de med behovet och de utan. Vanligaste sätten att följa upp på var att besöka patienten, kontakta patientens sjuksköterska och att läsa i patientens journal. De vanligaste orsaker till behovet av uppföljning var feedback på utförda åtgärder samt av empati för patienten. Knappt 12 % såg nackdelar med att följa upp, medan drygt 67 % såg nackdelar med att inte följa upp. Konklusion Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har ett behov av att följa upp utskrivna patienter. Detta behov kan vara knutet till sjuksköterskans profession, snarare än till sjuksköterskans personliga egenskaper. Orsaken till behovet kan ses som två huvudsyften; verksamhetens lärande och patientens förståelse. / Background Follow-up on discharged patients in intensive care has emerged in the last decades. Focus has been patient recovery and experiences from the intensive care units (ICU). It is however unknown whether health care workers have a need of follow-up on discharged patients. Hence, the aim of this study was to survey ICU-nurses need of follow-up on discharged patients and the correlation to sense of coherence (SOC). Method A two-parted questionnaire, with focus on the need of follow-up and SOC, was distributed to ICU-nurses at six ICU’s in the west ofSwedenin 2011. Result A total of 216 questionnaires were distributed, and 143 was returned (66.2%). Approximately 80% of the ICU-nurses indicated that they had a need of following up on discharged patients. No personal attribute (age, gender, working experience, SOC) differed between those with a need and those without a need. The most common way of practically follow-up on patients was by visiting the patient, contacting the patient’s nurse, and by reading the patient’s electronical journal. The general reason for the need of follow-up was to gain feedback on the preformed interventions (nursing and medical), and by empathy for the patient. Almost 12% of the ICU-nurses emphasized disadvantages by following-up on discharged patients. But just over 67% experienced disadvantages with not performing follow-up on discharged patients. Conclusion There is a need among ICU-nurse to follow-up discharged patients. This need could be connected to the nursing profession, rather than the nurses’ personal attributes. The reason of the need of follow-up could be interpreted as two main objectives; Organizational learning and Patient understanding.
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"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheterJohnell, Rakel, Newman, Emelia January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to provide an understanding of the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers’ own children. Our main focus was to explore this group’s experience of foster care, their experience of participating in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method was qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study was Sense of Coherence. Our interviewees mainly gave a positive description of being part of a foster family, however they also gave examples of difficult situations and of loss. All of them gave different examples of how they had participated in the care of foster children, such as babysitting, defending foster siblings in school and supporting them. Despite their overall positive memories most of them wished they had been offered better support, preferably counseling with advice on how to act in difficult situations. The need for better information, as well as education about why the foster children act as they do, seemed important to the interviewees.
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Coherence of Matter and Light Waves in Localizing MediaRayanov, Kristian 20 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The phenomena of coherence and localization have gained enormous research interest during the past decades. Theoretical predictions of localization have been confirmed recently in a variety of experiments in the fields of condensed matter physics and optics. We consider the widely employed model of the one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation which allows for the investigation of localization of linear and nonlinear waves. We establish a generic connection between coherence and localization by showing that localized solutions are necessarily coherent. The effects of a loss of coherence are investigated numerically by applying random dephasing. The onset of a diffusive spreading regime is observed as a generic feature for persistent dephasing, which eventually destroys localization. After finite integration times maximal delocalization is achieved for a certain rate and strength of dephasing, resulting from the competition between destroying the initial wave packet on the one hand and not suppressing spreading too much on the other. When dephasing is switched off at a certain time, a loss or gain of coherence in linear wave packets directly corresponds to delocalization or stronger localization. This leads to stable partially coherent wave packets. In contrast, localization of nonlinear waves after dephasing is connected to the efforts of establishing complete coherence, at least for asymptotically long times. On intermediate time scales, however, various interesting partially coherent regimes can be observed. / Die Phänomene von Kohärenz und Lokalisierung haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zum Schwerpunkt zahlreicher Forschungsinteressen entwickelt. Erst kürzlich wurden theoretische Vorhersagen von Lokalisierung in verschiedensten Experimenten in den Bereichen der Festkörperphysik und Optik bestätigt. In dieser Arbeit wird das häufig angewendete Modell der eindimensionalen diskreten nichtlinearen Schrödingergleichung betrachtet, welches die Untersuchung der Lokalisierung von linearen und nichtlinearen Wellen ermöglicht. Eine generelle Verbindung zwischen Kohärenz und Lokalisierung wird gezeigt, wonach lokalisierte Lösungen notwendigerweise kohärent sind. Die Auswirkungen eines Verlustes von Kohärenz werden numerisch durch Anwendung unterschiedlicher Methoden eines zufälligen Dephasierens untersucht. Ein permanentes Dephasieren führt stets zum Auftreten eines diffusiven Regimes, welches letztlich die Zerstörung von Lokalisierung bedingt. Nach einer endlichen Integrationszeit wird jedoch eine maximale Delokalisierung nur durch eine bestimmte Rate und Stärke des Dephasierens bewirkt, resultierend aus einem Wettstreit zwischen möglichst schneller Zerstörung des ursprünglichen Wellenpaketes auf der einen Seite und nicht zu starker Behinderung des Zerfließens auf der anderen. Wird das Dephasieren nach einer bestimmten Zeit abgeschaltet, so entspricht ein folglicher Verlust oder Zugewinn an Kohäarenz in einem linearen Wellenpaket direkt einem Verlust oder Zugewinn von Lokalisierung. Dabei treten im allgemeinen stabile teil-kohärente Wellenpakete auf. Im Gegensatz dazu ist Lokalisierung nichtlinearer Wellenpakete stets mit den Bemühungen verbunden, vollständige Kohärenz wiederherzustellen, zumindest für asymptotisch lange Zeiten. Auf mittleren Zeitskalen können jedoch verschiedene interessante teil-kohärente Strukturen beobachtet werden.
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Functional Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography ImagingBower, Bradley A. January 2009 (has links)
<p>Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SDOCT) is a high-speed, high resolution imaging modality capable of structural and functional resolution of tissue microstructure. SDOCT fills a niche between histology and ultrasound imaging, providing non-contact, non-invasive backscattering amplitude and phase from a sample. Due to the translucent nature of the tissue, ophthalmic imaging is an ideal space for SDOCT imaging. </p><p>Structural imaging of the retina has provided new insights into ophthalmic disease. The phase component of SDOCT images remains largely underexplored, though. While Doppler SDOCT has been explored in a research setting, it remains to catch on in the clinic. Other, functional exploitations of the phase are possible and necessary to expand the utility of SDOCT. Spectral Domain Phase Microscopy (SDPM) is an extension of SDOCT that is capable of resolving sub-wavelength displacements within a focal volume. Application of sub-wavelength displacement measurement ophthalmic imaging could provide a new method for imaging of optophysiology. </p><p>This body of work encompasses both hardware and software design and development for implementation of SDOCT. Structural imaging was proven in both the lab and the clinic. Coarse phase changes associated with Doppler flow frequency shifts were recorded and a study was conducted to validate Doppler measurement. Fine phase changes were explored through SDPM applications. Preliminary optophysiology data was acquired to study the potential of sub-wavelength measurements in the retina. To remove the complexity associated with in-vivo human retinal imaging, a first principles approach using isolated nerve samples was applied using standard SDPM and a depth-encoded technique for measuring conduction velocity. </p><p>Results from amplitude as well as both coarse and fine phase processing are presented. In-vivo optophysiology using SDPM is a promising avenue for exploration, and projects furthering or extending this body of work are discussed.</p> / Dissertation
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Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System Development for in Vivo Ophthalmic ImagingZhao, Mingtao January 2009 (has links)
<p>Spectral‐domain optical‐coherence tomography (SDOCT) has recently emerged as a powerful new tool for noninvasive human retinal imaging. I have developed a low‐cost, high resolution real‐time Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SDOCT) system optimized for rapid 3D imaging of the human retina in vivo. Then functional retinal OCT imaging such as polarization sensitive OCT (PSOCT) and Doppler OCT were also developed based on phase technique. Unique phase unwrapping method in retina is described to extract the total reflectivity, accumulative retardance and fast axis orientation of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL). The polarization scrambling layer of the retinal pigment epithelium was segmented by employing single camera sequential scan bsed PSOCT. As an extension, synthetic wavelength method will be also introduced for phase unwrapping in cell imaging. Finally I present an algorithm for 3D refraction correction based on a vector representation which accounts for refraction of CT light in the cornea. Following 3D refraction correction of volumetric corneal datasets, we can estimate the corneal optical power, thickness and the individual wavefront aberrations of the epithelial and the refraction‐corrected endothelial surfaces by using Zernike spectrum analysis.</p> / Dissertation
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Cost-effective Designs for Supporting Correct Execution and Scalable Performance in Many-core ProcessorsRomanescu, Bogdan Florin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Many-core processors offer new levels of on-chip performance by capitalizing on the increasing rate of device integration. Harnessing the full performance potential of these processors requires that hardware designers not only exploit the advantages, but also consider the problems introduced by the new architectures. Such challenges arise from both the processor's increased structural complexity and the reliability issues of the silicon substrate. In this thesis, we address these challenges in a framework that targets correct execution and performance on three coordinates: 1) tolerating permanent faults, 2) facilitating static and dynamic verification through precise specifications, and 3) designing scalable coherence protocols.</p>
<p>First, we propose CCA, a new design paradigm for increasing the processor's lifetime performance in the presence of permanent faults in cores. CCA chips rely on a reconfiguration mechanism that allows cores to replace faulty components with fault-free structures borrowed from neighboring cores. In contrast with existing solutions for handling hard faults that simply shut down cores, CCA aims to maximize the utilization of defect-free resources and increase the availability of on-chip cores. We implement three-core and four-core CCA chips and demonstrate that they offer a cumulative lifetime performance improvement of up to 65% for industry-representative utilization periods. In addition, we show that CCA benefits systems that employ modular redundancy to guarantee correct execution by increasing their availability.</p>
<p>Second, we target the correctness of the address translation system. Current processors often exhibit design bugs in their translation systems, and we believe one cause for these faults is a lack of precise specifications describing the interactions between address translation and the rest of the memory system, especially memory consistency. We address this aspect by introducing a framework for specifying translation-aware consistency models. As part of this framework, we identify the critical role played by address translation in supporting correct memory consistency implementations. Consequently, we propose a set of invariants that characterizes address translation. Based on these invariants, we develop DVAT, a dynamic verification mechanism for address translation. We demonstrate that DVAT is efficient in detecting translation-related faults, including several that mimic design bugs reported in processor errata. By checking the correctness of the address translation system, DVAT supports dynamic verification of translation-aware memory consistency.</p>
<p>Finally, we address the scalability of translation coherence protocols. Current software-based solutions for maintaining translation coherence adversely impact performance and do not scale. We propose UNITD, a hardware coherence protocol that supports scalable performance and architectural decoupling. UNITD integrates translation coherence within the regular cache coherence protocol, such that TLBs participate in the cache coherence protocol similar to instruction or data caches. We evaluate snooping and directory UNITD coherence protocols on processors with up to 16 cores and demonstrate that UNITD reduces the performance penalty of translation coherence to almost zero.</p> / Dissertation
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Compressive Spectral and Coherence ImagingWagadarikar, Ashwin Ashok January 2010 (has links)
<p>This dissertation describes two computational sensors that were used to demonstrate applications of generalized sampling of the optical field. The first sensor was an incoherent imaging system designed for compressive measurement of the power spectral density in the scene (spectral imaging). The other sensor was an interferometer used to compressively measure the mutual intensity of the optical field (coherence imaging) for imaging through turbulence. Each sensor made anisomorphic measurements of the optical signal of interest and digital post-processing of these measurements was required to recover the signal. The optical hardware and post-processing software were co-designed to permit acquisition of the signal of interest with sub-Nyquist rate sampling, given the prior information that the signal is sparse or compressible in some basis.</p>
<p>Compressive spectral imaging was achieved by a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI), which used a coded aperture and a dispersive element to modulate the optical field and capture a 2D projection of the 3D spectral image of the scene in a snapshot. Prior information of the scene, such as piecewise smoothness of objects in the scene, could be enforced by numerical estimation algorithms to recover an estimate of the spectral image from the snapshot measurement.</p>
<p>Hypothesizing that turbulence between the scene and CASSI would introduce spectral diversity of the point spread function, CASSI's snapshot spectral imaging capability could be used to image objects in the scene through the turbulence. However, no turbulence-induced spectral diversity of the point spread function was observed experimentally. Thus, coherence functions, which are multi-dimensional functions that completely determine optical fields observed by intensity detectors, were considered. These functions have previously been used to image through turbulence after extensive and time-consuming sampling of such functions. Thus, compressive coherence imaging was attempted as an alternative means of imaging through turbulence.</p>
<p>Compressive coherence imaging was demonstrated by using a rotational shear interferometer to measure just a 2D subset of the 4D mutual intensity, a coherence function that captures the optical field correlation between all the pairs of points in the aperture. By imposing a sparsity constraint on the possible distribution of objects in the scene, both the object distribution and the isoplanatic phase distortion induced by the turbulence could be estimated with the small number of measurements made by the interferometer.</p> / Dissertation
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