Spelling suggestions: "subject:"old climate"" "subject:"old elimate""
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Melatonin and thyroid hormones in the cold and in darkness:association with mood and cognitionPääkkönen, T. (Tiina) 16 February 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the cold-induced effects on pineal and thyroid hormones, as well as the associations of these hormones with psychological performance and to determine how psychological performance could be affected by demographic, anthropometric, physiological or biochemical measures during cold acclimatisation. The feasibility of urinary melatonin (MT), rather than 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), as an indicator of MT secretion was also examined.
In the laboratory study, seasonal cold acclimatisation, its effects on hormones and their associations with mood and cognition were assessed in 15 young urban subjects exposed to cold in winter or summer in bright or dim light. In the field study, the associations of mood and cognition with demographic, anthropometric, physiological and biochemical measures were determined in healthy, euthyroid subjects (n = 133) in Antarctica in the beginning and at the end of summer and winter seasons.
In both seasons, simple task performance was consistently impaired in the cold in experimental and field conditions. In complex tasks, negative, positive and mixed effects were observed. In the experimental study, serum MT and thyroid hormone levels were positively associated with mood. MT was negatively associated with simple task performance. Free triiodothyronine (T3) and thyrotropin (TSH) had mixed effects on simple task performance. TSH was positively associated with complex task performance. In the field study, higher age was associated with impaired cognition, especially in complex task performance. Total T3 was positively associated with mood and total thyroxine (T4) with complex task accuracy. Both urinary MT and aMT6s were good indicators of MT secretion, but the variation was smaller for MT.
In conclusion, the associations of serum MT, TSH and thyroid hormone levels with mood and cognition found in experimental and field conditions are consistent with the psychological changes associated with the onset and consequent stages of the previously established polar T3 syndrome. In the field study, cognition and mood were associated with subject’s age and gender, which seemed to affect the physiological changes during acclimatisation to cold and darkness in Antarctica. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kylmäaltistuksen aiheuttamia muutoksia käpy- ja kilpirauhasen hormonien tasoissa, hormonien yhteyttä psyykkiseen toimintakykyyn sekä demografisten, antropometristen, fysiologisten ja biokemiallisten tekijöiden yhteyttä psyykkiseen toimintakykyyn kylmäakklimatisaation aikana. Lisäksi verrattiin virtsan melatoniinin (MT) ja 6-sulfatoksimelatoniinin (aMT6s) soveltuvuutta MT-erityksen kuvaajina.
Laboratoriotutkimuksessa selvitettiin talveen liittyvää kylmäsopeutumista, sen vaikutusta hormonitasoihin ja näiden yhteyttä mielialaan ja älylliseen toimintakykyyn 15 nuorella miehellä, jotka altistettiin kylmälle talvella ja kesällä sekä kirkkaassa että hämärässä valossa. Kenttäkokeessa Antarktiksella selvitettiin mielialan ja älyllisen toimintakyvyn sekä demografisten, antropometristen, fysiologisten ja biokemiallisten tekijöiden välistä yhteyttä terveillä henkilöillä (n = 133) kesä- ja talvikauden alussa ja lopussa.
Suoriutuminen yksinkertaisista tehtävistä huononi kylmässä kesällä ja talvella sekä laboratorio- että kenttäoloissa. Kylmä vaikutti monimutkaisista tehtävistä suoriutumiseen vaihtelevasti. Laboratoriotutkimuksessa seerumin MT- ja kilpirauhashormonitasot korreloivat positiivisesti mielialan kanssa. MT korreloi negatiivisesti yksinkertaisista tehtävistä suoriutumisen kanssa. Vapaa trijodotyroniini (T3) ja tyrotropiini (TSH) korreloivat vaihtelevasti yksinkertaisista tehtävistä suoriutumisen kanssa. TSH korreloi positiivisesti monimutkaisista tehtävistä suoriutumisen kanssa. Kenttätutkimuksessa korkeampi ikä oli yhteydessä huonontuneeseeen älylliseen toimintakykyyn erityisesti monimutkaisissa tehtävissä. T3:n kokonaismäärä korreloi positiivisesti mielialan ja tyroksiinin (T4) kokonaismäärä monimutkaisista tehtävistä suoriutumisen kanssa. Sekä virtsan MT että aMT6s olivat hyviä MT-erityksen mittareita, mutta MT:ssa vaihtelu oli pienempää.
Laboratorio- ja kenttäolosuhteissa havaitut MT:n, TSH:n ja kilpirauhashormonien yhteydet mielialaan ja älylliseen toimintakykyyn vahvistavat aiemmin havaittuja tuloksia polaarisen T3 -oireyhtymän synnystä ja oireyhtymän eri vaiheisiin liittyvistä psyykkisistä muutoksista. Kenttätutkimuksessa mieliala ja älyllinen toimintakyky olivat yhteydessä koehenkilön ikään ja sukupuoleen, jotka puolestaan voivat vaikuttaa fysiologisiin muutoksiin kylmään ilmastoon ja pimeyteen sopeutumisen aikana.
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L’assainissement écologique des eaux usées domestiques : scénario d’aménagement type pour les résidences isolées de pays développés nordiquesBeaudry, Pierre-Luc 07 1900 (has links)
L’aménagement des systèmes d’assainissement conventionnel des eaux usées domestiques entraine actuellement la déplétion de ressources naturelles et la pollution des milieux récepteurs. L’utilisation d’une approche écosystémique plus globale telle que l’Assainissement Écologique, visant la fermeture du cycle de l’eau et des éléments nutritifs (phosphore et azote), contenus dans les excréments, par leur réutilisation à travers l’agriculture, permettrait d’améliorer de façon écologique cette situation. Toutefois, ce paradigme émergent est peu enseigné aux professionnels de l’aménagement responsables de sa planification, surtout au niveau de son application dans les pays développés nordiques. C’est pourquoi, afin d’améliorer la planification de ce type de système, il faut informer ces derniers des pratiques les plus adéquates à adopter. Pour y arriver, un scénario d’aménagement type a été développé à partir d’une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de l’analyse des données en se basant sur les recommandations de l’approche en fonction du contexte étudié. Ce scénario aidera les professionnels à mieux comprendre l’Assainissement Écologique et son aménagement. Il représente alors un point de départ pour les discussions interdisciplinaires et participatives que celui-ci requiert. En conclusion, il y a encore de nombreux manques d’informations concernant l’utilisation de traitements alternatifs dans les climats nordiques et l’acceptation de ceux-ci par les usagers. De plus, les cadres législatifs demeurent un obstacle considérable à l’aménagement d’un tel système. Cette recherche permet cependant de démystifier l’approche auprès des professionnels et pourrait aider à modifier certains cadres législatifs afin d’y intégrer sa philosophie. / At the moment, the planning of conventional sanitation systems for the treatment of domestic wastewater is responsible for the depletion of natural resources and pollution of receiving waters. A more holistic approach, respecting the local ecosystem, such as the new paradigm of Ecological Sanitation would greatly improve this situation. The idea pursues the closure of water and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus found in the human excreta) cycles through their reuse in agriculture. However, this new approach remains relatively unknown except for a few planning professionals responsible for the implementation of sanitation systems especially in the context of northern industrialized countries. Therefore to enhance the design of this kind of system, there is a need to educate and inform these professionals on more suitable treatment options to adopt. To achieve this, a planning scenario has been developed using a literature review and analysis of the data using a grid based on the recommendations of the paradigm when planned in this particular context. This scenario will help the professionals to better understand the philosophy of this approach and its implementation. It will represent a starting point for the interdisciplinary and participatory discussions that this approach demands. In conclusion, there is still a lack of knowledge surrounding the use of certain alternative options and their degree of acceptance by the public. Moreover, the legislation surrounding sanitation represents a significant obstacle to the implementation of this sort of alternative system. Still, this research helps the planning and design professionals demystify the new paradigm and may even be helpful in the modification of laws for the integration of its philosophy.
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L’assainissement écologique des eaux usées domestiques : scénario d’aménagement type pour les résidences isolées de pays développés nordiquesBeaudry, Pierre-Luc 07 1900 (has links)
L’aménagement des systèmes d’assainissement conventionnel des eaux usées domestiques entraine actuellement la déplétion de ressources naturelles et la pollution des milieux récepteurs. L’utilisation d’une approche écosystémique plus globale telle que l’Assainissement Écologique, visant la fermeture du cycle de l’eau et des éléments nutritifs (phosphore et azote), contenus dans les excréments, par leur réutilisation à travers l’agriculture, permettrait d’améliorer de façon écologique cette situation. Toutefois, ce paradigme émergent est peu enseigné aux professionnels de l’aménagement responsables de sa planification, surtout au niveau de son application dans les pays développés nordiques. C’est pourquoi, afin d’améliorer la planification de ce type de système, il faut informer ces derniers des pratiques les plus adéquates à adopter. Pour y arriver, un scénario d’aménagement type a été développé à partir d’une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de l’analyse des données en se basant sur les recommandations de l’approche en fonction du contexte étudié. Ce scénario aidera les professionnels à mieux comprendre l’Assainissement Écologique et son aménagement. Il représente alors un point de départ pour les discussions interdisciplinaires et participatives que celui-ci requiert. En conclusion, il y a encore de nombreux manques d’informations concernant l’utilisation de traitements alternatifs dans les climats nordiques et l’acceptation de ceux-ci par les usagers. De plus, les cadres législatifs demeurent un obstacle considérable à l’aménagement d’un tel système. Cette recherche permet cependant de démystifier l’approche auprès des professionnels et pourrait aider à modifier certains cadres législatifs afin d’y intégrer sa philosophie. / At the moment, the planning of conventional sanitation systems for the treatment of domestic wastewater is responsible for the depletion of natural resources and pollution of receiving waters. A more holistic approach, respecting the local ecosystem, such as the new paradigm of Ecological Sanitation would greatly improve this situation. The idea pursues the closure of water and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus found in the human excreta) cycles through their reuse in agriculture. However, this new approach remains relatively unknown except for a few planning professionals responsible for the implementation of sanitation systems especially in the context of northern industrialized countries. Therefore to enhance the design of this kind of system, there is a need to educate and inform these professionals on more suitable treatment options to adopt. To achieve this, a planning scenario has been developed using a literature review and analysis of the data using a grid based on the recommendations of the paradigm when planned in this particular context. This scenario will help the professionals to better understand the philosophy of this approach and its implementation. It will represent a starting point for the interdisciplinary and participatory discussions that this approach demands. In conclusion, there is still a lack of knowledge surrounding the use of certain alternative options and their degree of acceptance by the public. Moreover, the legislation surrounding sanitation represents a significant obstacle to the implementation of this sort of alternative system. Still, this research helps the planning and design professionals demystify the new paradigm and may even be helpful in the modification of laws for the integration of its philosophy.
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Development of a precipitation index-based conceptual model to overcome sparse data barriers in runoff prediction in cold climateAkanegbu, J. O. (Justice Orazulukwe) 07 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a new precipitation index-based conceptual water balance model with parameters easily regionalized through the functional relationship with catchment and climate attributes. It also presents a simple method for improving model dynamics for streamflow simulations in a non-stationary climate.
The model was developed for streamflow modelling and prediction in high-latitude catchments, where model parameter regionalization is difficult due to limited availability of hydrological data for the region. The model couples a snow accumulation and melt formulation with a current precipitation index (CPI) formulation to simulate daily precipitation in runoff hydrograph pattern from catchments with seasonal snow cover. Using new runoff conversion factors CT and Lf, and a threshold flow factor ThQ, the simulated CPI hydrograph is converted into daily runoff and routed using the transformation function Maxbas.
The model was developed in Microsoft Excel workbook and tested in 32 catchments in Finland, a region with considerable seasonal snow cover. The results showed that the model can adequately simulate and reproduce the dynamics of daily runoff from catchments where the underlying physical conditions are not known. In addition, incorporating temperature conditions influencing inter-annual variability in streamflow into the model structure improved its structural dynamics, thereby improving its performance in a non-stationary climate. Most model parameters showed strong relationships with observable catchment characteristics, climate characteristics, or both. The parameter functional relationships derived from the model parameter-catchment relationships produced equally good model results when applied to independent test catchments used as mock-ungauged catchments.
Inclusion of snow-water equivalent records and use of multiple objective functions for snow-water equivalent and runoff simulations during model optimization helped reduce the effect of parameter equifinality, making it easier to determine optimal parameter values. The current precipitation index (CPIsnow) model is a parsimonious tool for predicting streamflow in data-limited high-latitude regions. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee yksinkertaisen sadantaan perustuvan konseptuaalisen vesitasemallin kehitystä ja soveltamista boreaalisille valuma-alueille sekä malliin liittyvää alueellista parametrisointia valuma-alueominaisuuksien ja ilmastoaineiston perusteella. Hydrologinen malli on luotu laskemaan ja ennustamaan valuntaa pohjoisille valuma-alueille, joilta on vähän hydrologista tietoa. Malli yhdistää lumen kertymisen ja sulannan tunnettuun sadantaindeksiin perustuvaan malliin (CPI) ja edelleen simuloi päivittäisen hydrografin valuma-alueille, joilla on selkeä lumipeitteinen ajanjakso. Malli laskee MaxBas funktion avulla CPI:llä muodostetun hydrografin päivittäiseksi valunnaksi valuntaan liittyvien malliparametrien CT ja Lf sekä virtaaman kynnysarvon ThQ avulla.
Malli kehitettiin Excel-ympäristössä ja sitä testattiin 32 valuma-alueella Suomessa. Valuma-alueet edustivat maantieteellisesti kattavasti alueita, joilla esiintyy tyypillisesti kausittainen lumipeite. Saadut tulokset osoittivat, että kehitetty malli simuloi ja tuottaa päivittäisen valunnan riittävällä tarkkuudella valuma-alueille, vaikka hydrologista ja fysikaalista tietoa alueilta olisi niukasti. Useimmat malliparametrit olivat vahvasti riippuvaisia joko valuma-alue ominaisuuksista tai ilmastollisista parametreista tai molemmista. Parametrien funktionaalinen yhteys muodostettiin valuma-alueiden ominaisuuksien perusteella ja testattiin riippumattomalla valuma-aluejoukolla hyvin tuloksin.
Malliparametrien samatavoitteellisuutta eli ekvifinaliteettiä voitiin vähentää huomioimalla mallissa lumen vesiarvomittaukset sekä hyödyntämällä useita parametrisia funktioita. Tällöin myös optimaalisten parametrien löytyminen nopeutui ja helpottui. Tämän väitöstyön pohjalta syntynyt uusi sadannan indeksiin pohjautuva laskentamalli (CPIsnow) mahdollistaa valunnan arvioinnin pieniltä valuma-alueilta, joilta on niukasti aineistoa saatavilla ja joissa lumen sulanta ja kertyminen ovat keskeisiä hydrologisia prosesseja.
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Ice Cold Urban Planning : A Literature Review on Challenges and Strategies in Designing Sustainable Winter Cities / Iskall stadsplanering : En litteraturöversikt om utmaningar och strategier vid utformning av hållbara vinterstäderHuerta, Carlos, Axelsson, Catrin January 2023 (has links)
Designing winter cities after the conditions of the winter weather entails unique challenges that require urban planning that is adapted to the specific conditions. One challenge is enabling transportation and accessibility despite heavy snowfall and slippery road surfaces. Understanding these challenges that may arise during the planning and designing of winter cities is crucial for achieving sustainable urban development. As the population increases and climate changes become increasingly unpredictable, winter cities must be planned to optimize land use and create comfortable living spaces. This is essential for preserving important values of nature and cultural values, as well as creating livable environments regardless of the climate. The purpose of this study is to compile and map the challenges of designing winter cities and identify strategies and solutions for sustainable urban planning in cold climates. Through a literature review as a method, a thematization of research and studies in the subject area was compiled and conducted. The thematization resulted in three main themes: Urban design and layout, Operations and maintenance, and Transportation and street space. Thus, the results consist of these themes and associated subheading for each theme. The study shows that winter cities must actively consider multiple aspects, including the need for microclimates, efficient snow clearing, prioritization of soft mobility, and innovative alternatives such as winter trails. Weighing different interests against and considering both practical and aesthetic aspects is crucial in the planning process. The study also highlights the importance of managing conflicts between different modes of transportation and the potential role of winter trails in promoting sustainable mobility. The study suggests exploring alternative solutions for winter trails and how snow management can be made more efficient through further research. This way, urban planners can create sustainable and inviting winter cities for both residents and visitors / Utformningen av vinterstäder efter vinterförhållanden medför unika utmaningar som kräver en stadsplanering som är väl anpassad till de specifika förutsättningarna. En utmaning är att möjliggöra transport och tillgänglighet trots stora snömängder och halt underlag. Förståelsen kring utmaningar som kan uppkomma vid planering och utformning av vinterstäder är avgörande för att uppnå en hållbar stadsutveckling. I takt med att befolkningen ökar och klimatförändringar blir alltmer oförutsägbara måste vinterstäder planeras för effektivisering av markanvändning och behaglig livsmiljö. Detta är viktigt för att bevara värdefulla natur-och kulturvärden, men även för att skapa miljöer som går att bo på oavsett klimat. Syftet med denna studie är att sammanställa och kartlägga utmaningarna med att utforma vinterstäder och identifiera möjliga strategier och lösningar för hållbar stadsplanering i kallt klimat. Genom en litteraturöversikt som metod sammanställdes och utfördes en tematisering av forskning och studier inom ämnesområdet. Tematiseringen mynnade ut i tre huvudteman; Urban design och utformning, Drift och underhåll och Transport och gaturum. Således utgörs resultatet av dessa teman samt tillhörande underrubriker för respektive tema. Studien visar att vinterstäder aktivt måste beakta flera aspekter, bland annat behovet av mikroklimat, effektiv snöröjning, prioritering av mjuk mobilitet samt nytänkande alternativ såsom vinterleder. Att väga olika intressen mot varandra och samtidigt beakta både praktiska och estetiska aspekter är avgörande i planeringsprocessen. Studien framhäver också vikten av att hantera konflikter mellan olika transportmedel samt rollen som vinterleder skulle kunna spela för att främja hållbar mobilitet. Studien föreslår att man utforskar alternativa lösningar för vinterleder samt hur snöhanteringen skulle kunna effektiviseras, detta genom vidare forskning. På så sätt kan stadsplanerare skapa hållbara och inbjudande vinterstäder för både boende och besökare.
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Analysis to reduce ice-related production losses for wind turbinesDe La Cruz, Jhason Paran January 2023 (has links)
In the rapidly growing wind energy market, regions with cold climates are currently in the spotlight owing to their abundance of wind resources. However, the operation of wind turbines in cold climate conditions is challenged by serious icing problems. Ice accretion on the rotor blades of a wind turbine results in a decline in power production, an increase in fatigue loads, and raises health and safety concerns. To mitigate these adverse effects, ice protection systems (IPS) are now widely being employed. These systems mainly rely on costly blade heating techniques, yet their efficiency is limited and they cannot effectively prevent or remove ice build-up under all ambient conditions. In this study, the performance of five identical wind turbines, each equipped with an electrothermal heating IPS, is analyzed over several icing events. All data are collected from an undisclosed wind park located in northern Sweden. Historical wind turbine data is studied to explore the extent of icing-induced losses and IPS activities, as well as the dependence of blade icing and IPS efficiency on meteorological conditions. Based on the results from the analysis, suggestions will be provided on how the control settings of the IPS can be modified to increase the de-icing effectiveness and reduce ice-related production losses. For the purposes of better understanding the performance of the wind turbines and their IPS in icing conditions, an analytic dashboard has been internally developed. To derive quantitative information about the IPS efficiency, a set of standardized metrics is utilized. An internal algorithm has been developed that classifies various forms of ice losses and different status codes of wind turbines. These ice losses and turbine status codes are monitored and analyzed using the analytic dashboard. Statistical analysis indicates that the most substantial source of ice losses is the stoppages caused by blade icing, whereas losses during de-icing operations are relatively insignificant. Results from the IPS performance analysis show that the icing-induced losses are further influenced by the inconsistency in the IPS behavior. The systems have shown to be inefficient even when operating under conditions of wind speed and ambient temperature that fall within their specified operational limits, indicating their dependence on external conditions. In the majority of icing events, a delay in IPS activation was observed, particularly when these events coincided with periods of high wind speeds. Moreover, the heating of the blades is not sufficient, as multiple attempts to melt the accreted ice are often required, yet success is not always achieved. The difficulty in validating whether the blades are free of ice stems from the fact that the heat is emitted only from the blade’s leading edge. The author suggests specific immediate measures to improve the control of the IPS, including changing the threshold values for IPS triggering and adjusting the duration and frequency of ice removal cycles. These measures are confined by constraints tied to Intellectual Property Rights, limiting the extent to which elements in the IPS control settings can be modified by the wind operator. Nevertheless, if these constraints are relaxed, there exists significant untapped potential for further optimizing the control of IPS. / På den snabbt växande vindkraftsmarknaden är regioner med kallt klimat för närvarande i fokus på grund av deras rikliga vindresurser. Driften av vindkraftverk i kalla klimatförhållanden utmanas dock av allvarliga problem med isbildning. Isbildning på vindkraftverkens rotorblad leder till minskad kraftproduktion, ökade utmattningsbelastningar och ger upphov till hälso- och säkerhetsproblem. För att mildra dessa negativa effekter används nu isskyddssystem (IPS) i stor utsträckning. Dessa system är huvudsakligen beroende av kostsamma tekniker för uppvärmning av bladen, men deras effektivitet är begränsad och de kan inte effektivt förhindra eller avlägsna isbildning under alla omgivningsförhållanden. I denna studie analyseras prestandan hos fem identiska vindkraftverk, vart och ett utrustat med en IPS för elektrotermisk uppvärmning, under flera nedisningshändelser. Alla data har samlats in från en icke namngiven vindkraftspark i norra Sverige. Historiska vindturbindata studeras för att undersöka omfattningen av nedisningsinducerade förluster och IPS-aktiviteter, samt beroendet av bladnedisning och IPS-effektivitet på meteorologiska förhållanden. Baserat på resultaten från analysen kommer förslag att ges på hur kontrollinställningarna för IPS kan modifieras för att öka avisningseffektiviteten och minska isrelaterade produktionsförluster. För att bättre förstå hur IPS-utrustade vindkraftverk presterar under isförhållanden har en analysverktyg utvecklats internt. För att få kvantitativ information om IPS-effektiviteten används en uppsättning standardiserade mätvärden. En intern algoritm har utvecklats som klassificerar olika former av isförluster och olika statuskoder för vindturbiner. Dessa isförluster och turbinstatuskoder övervakas och analyseras med hjälp av analysverktyget. Statistisk analys visar att den mest betydande källan till isförluster är de stopp som orsakas av isbildning på bladen, medan förluster under avisning är relativt obetydliga. Resultaten från IPS-prestandaanalysen visar att de isinducerade förlusterna påverkas ytterligare av inkonsekvensen i IPS-beteendet. Systemen har visat sig vara ineffektiva även när de arbetar under förhållanden med vindhastighet och omgivningstemperatur som faller inom deras angivna operativa gränser, vilket visar att de är beroende av yttre förhållanden. Vid de flesta isbildningstillfällen observerades en fördröjning av IPS-aktiveringen, särskilt när dessa händelser sammanföll med perioder med höga vindhastigheter. Vidare är uppvärmningen av bladen inte tillräcklig, eftersom det ofta krävs flera försök att smälta den ackumulerade isen, men man lyckas inte alltid. Svårigheten att avgöra om bladen är fria från is beror på att värmen endast avges från bladets framkant. Studien föreslår specifika omedelbara åtgärder för att förbättra kontrollen av IPS, inklusive ändring av tröskelvärdena för IPS-aktivering och justering av varaktigheten och frekvensen för isborttagningscykler. Dessa åtgärder begränsas av immateriella rättigheter, som begränsar i vilken utsträckning operatören kan ändra IPS-kontrollinställningarna. Om dessa begränsningar lättas finns det dock en betydande outnyttjad potential för ytterligare optimering av kontrollen av IPS.
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Modeling the Seasonality of Carbon, Evapotranspiration and Heat Processes for Cold Climate ConditionsWu, Sihong January 2010 (has links)
The productivity of agricultural and forest ecosystems in regions at higher latitudes is to a large extent governed by low temperature and moisture conditions. Environmental conditions are acting both above- and below-ground and regulating carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration. However, the understanding of various feedbacks between vegetation and environmental conditions is still unclear. In this thesis, two studies were conducted to understand the physical and biological processes. In the first study, the aim was to simulate soil temperature and moisture dynamics in the bare soil with seasonal frost conditions in China. In the second study, the aims were to model seasonal courses of carbon and evapotranspiration and to examine the responses of photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration on environmental conditions in a boreal Scots pine ecosystem in Finland. In both studies the CoupModel was applied to simulate the dynamic responses of the systems. Both sites represented investigations from which a high number of measurements were available. To understand to what extent the data could be used to increase the understanding of the systems, the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) was applied. The GLUE method was useful to reduce basic uncertainties with respect to parameter ranges, model structures and measurements. The strong interactions between soil temperature and moisture processes have indicated by a few behavioral models obtained when constrained by combined temperature and moisture criteria. Model performance on sensible and latent heat fluxes and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) also indicated the coupled processes within the system. Seasonal and diurnal courses were reproduced successfully with reduced parameter ranges. However, uncertainties on what is the most general regulation for transpiration and NEE are still unclear and need further systematic investigations. / QC 20101206
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Ice detection on wind turbine blades using sound level measurements / Isdetektion på vindkraftverk med hjälp av ljudnivåmätningarNilsson, Marcus January 2024 (has links)
When ice is accumulated on a wind turbine's rotor blade its aerodynamics are altered, leading to reduced efficiency and sometimes altered pressure oscillations around the blade. These pressure oscillations can be detected as sound. With sound level measurements over a long time, combined with known ice conditions in the same period, the measured sound data can be used to classify the ice conditions. This master's thesis aims to investigate the possibilities of using sound level measurements at 36 frequency bands in the range 6.3–20 000 Hz along with machine learning and wind speed to detect icing on wind turbine blades. Four k-NN models have been trained and evaluated using two different data configurations that each treat two different means of normalization: one uses the raw sound level data in dBA which has been standardized using z-score. The other uses the wind power density Iwind = 0.5ρU3 instead of the reference sound intensity I0 = 10-12 W/m2 in the decibel formula L = 10log10(I/I0) to reduce the influence of wind speed on the data. The sound/wind speed hybrid data was also z-score standardized. Available data was from February 21st to March 3rd in 2023 and March 1st to April 3rd in 2024. In the summer of 2023, the leading edges of the rotor blades on the investigated wind turbine were renovated which might have altered the sound. Therefore, what is denoted as Data configuration A used 2024 data as training data while 2023 data was used solely for testing. Data configuration B on the other hand used data from March 1st to March 17th 2024 for training and data from April 1st to April 3rd 2024 for testing as the rotor blades were identical between those data sets. Wind conditions were also more similar between training and testing data for Data configuration B. The models were optimized using grid search, varying k, distance metrics and feature combinations of the 36 frequency bands, while maximizing the balanced accuracy, BA, of the model using 5-fold cross-validation. For Data configuration A, this resulted in a balanced accuracy in the testing stage at BAtesting = 0.535 using the dBA sound level data, and BAtesting = 0.601 using the data normalized with wind power density. For Data configuration B, balanced accuracy was BAtesting = 0.845 using the dBA sound level data, and BAtesting = 0.773 using the data normalized with wind power density. The main conclusion is that icing can be detected using sound level measurements, wind speed and machine learning although the models in this project generalize poorly partly due to limited data and partly due to how the models were constructed. The models perform better with wind speeds similar to the training data. / När is ackumuleras på vindturbinblad ändras aerodynamiken vilket leder till lägre verkningsgrad och ibland förändrade tryckoscillationer kring bladet. Dessa tryckoscillationer kan detekteras i form av ljud. Med hjälp av ljudmätningar över en längre tid, kombinerat med kända isförhållanden under tidsperioden, kan ljuddatan användas för att klassificera isförhållandena. Målet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka möjligheterna att använda ljudnivåmätningar vid 36 frekvensspann mellan 6,3–20 000 Hz tillsammans med maskininlärning och vindhastighet för att detektera isbildning på vindkraftverk. Fyra modeller baserade på algoritmen k-NN har tränats och utvärderats med två olika datakonfigurationer som vardera behandlar två olika metoder för normalisering: en använder obehandlad ljudnivådata i enheten dBA som har standardiserats med z-poäng. Den andra använder vindenergidensiteten Iwind = 0.5ρU3 istället för referensintensiteten I0 = 10-12 W/m2 i formeln för decibel L = 10log10(I/I0) för att begränsa vindhastighetens inverkan på datan. Ljud-/vindhybriddatan standardiserades också med z-poäng. Den tillgängliga datan var mellan 21 februari och 3 mars 2023 samt 1 mars till 3 april 2024. Sommaren 2023 renoverades bladen på det undersökta vindkraftverket vilket kan ha påverkat ljudet. Därför användes data från 2024 som träningsdata och data från 2023 som testdata i vad som benämns som Data configuration A. Data configuration B använde istället data från 1-17 mars 2024 för träning och data från 1-3 april 2024 för testning eftersom rotorbladen var identiska mellan de datamängderna. Vindförhållandena var också mer lika inom Data configuration B. Modellerna optimerades med grid search genom att variera k, avståndsmått, och vilken kombination av de 36 frekvensspannen som ingår i modellen. Balanserad träffsäkerhet, BA, är resultatet som maximerades genom 5-delad korsvalidering. För Data configuration A resulterade detta under teststadiet i BAtesting = 0,535 med omodifierad ljuddata och BAtesting = 0,601 då vindenergidensiteten användes som ljudets referensnivå. För Data configuration B var den balanserade träffsäkerheten BAtesting = 0,845 med omodifierad ljuddata och BAtesting = 0,773 då vindenergidensiteten användes som ljudets referensnivå. Den främsta slutsatsen är att isbildning kan detekteras med ljudnivåmätningar, vindhastighet och maskininlärning men modellerna som har tagits fram i detta projekt presterar relativt dåligt, delvis på grund av en begränsad datamängd och delvis på grund av hur modellerna har konstruerats. Modellerna presterade bättre för testdata med liknande vindförhållanden.
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Bioremédiation de sols en milieu nordique : des ressources locales pour traiter une variété d’hydrocarbures pétroliers et autres contaminants avec la phytoremédiation, la mycoremédiation et l’aide de matières résiduelles fertilisantesRobichaud, Kawina 04 1900 (has links)
Les hydrocarbures pétroliers sont expédiés et utilisés dans pratiquement toutes les parties du monde et sont devenus l’un des contaminants parmi les plus communs et les plus répandus dans les sols. Les éléments traces sont parfois associés aux hydrocarbures, ce qui peut augmenter la toxicité d’un site, compliquer les voies possibles de remédiation, et augmenter les coûts de traitements traditionnels. Dans les régions nordiques, où des déversements sont recensés dans de nombreux sites, le temps de nettoyage des contaminants et les coûts des méthodes d’assainissement traditionnelles peuvent s’avérer considérablement plus élevés que dans les régions tempérées. Des recherches alternatives visant une remédiation plus rapide et moins coûteuse, adaptée à des climats subarctiques, sont nécessaires et l’utilisation de plantes et champignons indigènes à l’écosystème local sont des approches prometteuses. En parallèle, les gouvernements de multiples pays visent à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, notamment par la réduction des déchets putrescibles voués à l’enfouissement. En utilisant ces matières résiduelles fertilisantes obtenues localement dans le processus de décontamination, une opportunité se présente pour valoriser ces matières tout en décontaminant des sites.
Cette recherche doctorale vise à développer des méthodes de bioremédiation adaptées aux conditions locales, avec des intrants indigènes aux régions d’étude, pour des sols contaminés aux HCP au sein de trois projets de recherche à grande échelle sur le terrain, dont un également contaminé aux éléments traces.
Deux projets ont été effectués dans un climat subarctique au 60° parallèle (Whitehorse, Yukon), en utilisant une approche novatrice de phytoremédiation assistée de champignons et compost municipal; nous qualifions cette technique intégrée d’approche par « microsystème écologique ». Comme le volume de sol affecte beaucoup l’efficacité des méthodes de bioremédiation, des volumes considérables de 0.15 m3 et 1 m3 ont été utilisés (au premier et deuxième site, respectivement), pour maximiser la pertinence des résultats lors de transfert d’échelles futures. Au premier site, l’efficacité des différentes composantes du microsystème a été évaluée en bacs dans quatre différentes combinaisons et comparée au traitement de base habituel (fertilisant) dans un sol contaminé par un déversement accidentel de diésel. La plante choisie était le saule Salix planifolia et le champignon Pleurotus ostreatus. Les résultats indiquent qu’après une saison de traitement, le microsystème était le traitement avec le taux d’élimination du diésel le plus rapide. Après trois saisons, les traitements contenant un ou plusieurs éléments du microsystème avaient des taux de contamination sous les normes pour des sols agricoles et étaient plus efficaces que le traitement au fertilisant ou que l’atténuation naturelle. Le deuxième site était une fosse à huiles usées située sur une pile de stériles miniers au cœur d’un ancien dépotoir. Le microsystème a été implanté dans des cellules au sol avec une doublure à l’épreuve du lessivât de contaminants. Les saules Salix alaxensis et Salix planifolia furent utilisés en combinaison avec le champignon Trametes versicolor. Cette approche, dans un sol hautement contaminé, a réussi à diminuer de façon considérable les hydrocarbures pétroliers (plus de 65 à 75 %). Le potentiel d’accumulation des métaux dans les tissus aériens des plantes a également été mesuré. Les deux espèces de saules ont démontré des taux d’accumulation d’éléments traces distincts et des stratégies racinaires différentes. Un champignon de la famille des Psathyrellaceae fut observé pour la première fois sur un site si hautement contaminé, puis est apparu de façon récurrente sur les cellules du microsystème pendant quatre ans. Les deux premiers sites répondent à un besoin de développer des méthodes de bioremédiation efficaces, passives et applicables en climat subarctique.
Le troisième site de recherche porte sur l’utilisation de deux matières résiduelles fertilisantes (bois raméal fragmenté et drêche) et de fumier pour la dégradation de l’huile à moteur dans un climat continental humide à une latitude moyenne (Neuville, Québec). Des mésocosmes de 0.76 m3 avec aération contrôlée furent utilisés. L’utilisation de bois raméal fragmenté et de drêche de brassage à cette échelle, de même que l’acquisition des matières résiduelles dans un rayon très rapproché du centre de traitement afin d’explorer une approche d’économie circulaire dans un tel contexte, constituent les volets novateurs de cette étude. Les résultats démontrent que le fumier est plus efficace que le traitement habituel au fertilisant. La drêche de brassage et le bois raméal fragmenté sont utiles pour conserver l’humidité dans les sols (un paramètre de bioremédiation important). Cette étude, menée en collaboration avec un partenaire industriel, s’intègre dans la politique canadienne et québécoise de réductions des gaz à effets de serre et la philosophie de l’économie circulaire en valorisant des matières organiques résiduelles locales.
Cette thèse a permis de démontrer qu’une combinaison de stratégies de bioremédiation avec des composantes locales est une méthode efficace dans un climat subarctique. Deux nouvelles espèces de saules (Salix planifolia et Salix alaxensis) ont été utilisées avec succès pour la bioremédiation d’hydrocarbures pétroliers et pour l’accumulation de certains éléments traces. Lors d’une collaboration avec un partenaire industriel, il a été possible de démontrer l’applicabilité de certains concepts d’économie circulaire et d’approche écosystémique en bioremédiation. / Petroleum hydrocarbons are shipped and used in virtually all parts of the world and have become one of the most common and widespread contaminants in soils. Trace elements are sometimes associated with them, and they can increase the toxicity of a site, complicate remediation, and increase the costs of traditional treatments. In northern areas where spills occur at multiple sites, the clean-up time and cost of traditional remediation methods can be significantly higher than in temperate regions. Alternative research aimed at faster and cheaper remediation adapted to subarctic climates is needed and the use of native plants and fungi integrated into the local ecosystem are promising approaches. Concurrently, governments in multiple countries aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, namely through the reduction of putrescible waste destined for landfills. By using locally-sourced residual fertilizing materials for decontamination processes, an opportunity arises to valorize these materials while restoring soils.
This doctoral research aims to develop locally-adapted bioremediation methods, with indigenous plant and fungal inputs, to treat petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils in three large-scale field research projects, including one also contaminated with trace elements.
Two projects were carried out in a subarctic climate at the 60 ° parallel (Whitehorse, Yukon), using an innovative approach of phytoremediation assisted by mushrooms and municipal compost; we call this integrated technique the "ecological microsystem" approach. Because soil volume has significant impacts on the efficiency of bioremediation methods, considerable volumes of 0.15 m3 and 1 m3 were used (at the first and second sites, respectively) to maximize the relevance of results in the event of a scale-up operation. At the first site, the effectiveness of the various components of the microsystem were evaluated in four different combinations, as well as compared to the usual basic treatment (fertilizer) in soil contaminated by an accidental diesel spill. The plant species chosen was Salix planifolia and Pleurotus ostreatus was selected for the fungus. Results indicate that after one treatment season, the microsystem was the treatment with the fastest diesel removal rates. After three seasons, treatments containing one or more elements of the microsystem were below standards for agricultural soils and were more effective than fertilizer treatment or natural attenuation.
The second northern site was a waste oil pit located on top of a mine waste rock pile, at the heart of an old landfill. The microsystem was implanted into ground-level cells with a contaminant-proof leachate liner. The plant species Salix alaxensis and Salix planifolia were used in combination with the fungus Trametes versicolor. This approach in a highly contaminated soil was able to significantly reduce petroleum hydrocarbons (65 to 75%). The potential for metal accumulation in aerial plant tissues was also measured. Both willow species demonstrated distinct trace element accumulation patterns and different rooting strategies. A fungus of the Psathyrellaceae family was observed for the first time at a site so highly contaminated and was recurrent on the cells of the microsystem for 4 years. The first two sites contribute to the development of efficient and passive bioremediation methods applicable in subarctic climates.
The third research site focused on the use of two residual fertilizing materials (fragmented rameal wood and brewer’s spent grain) and manure for the degradation of motor oil in a humid continental climate at a medium latitude (Neuville, Quebec). Mesocosms of 0.76 m3 with controlled aeration were used. Innovative aspects of this project include the use of rameal wood and spent grain at this scale, as well as the acquisition of residual materials in a very close radius of the treatment center to explore how a circular economy approach could apply in such a context. Results indicate that the addition of manure is more effective than the usual fertilizer treatment alone. Brewer’s spent grain and fragmented rameal wood were useful for maintaining soil moisture (an important bioremediation parameter) but did not increase degradation. This study, conducted in close collaboration with an industrial partner, falls under the objectives set by Canadian and Quebec policy on greenhouse gas reductions and circular economy approaches by working on the valorization of local residual organic matter.
This thesis has demonstrated that combining strategies with local biological components is an effective bioremediation method in a subarctic climate. Two new willow species (Salix planifolia and Salix alaxensis) have been successfully used for the bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and for the accumulation of certain trace elements. In collaboration with an industrial partner, it has been possible to demonstrate the applicability of certain circular economy concepts and the ecosystemic approach to bioremediation.
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The Effect of Substrate on Treatment Efficiency of Constructed Wetlands for Year-Round Onsite SanitationMazzone, Nichole D. 16 September 2022 (has links)
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