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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaktion mellan små barn med Cerebral Pares och deras vardagliga samtalspartners på förskolan

Brolin, Lina, Karlsson, Lina January 2014 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om hur små barn med Cerebral Pares (CP) deltar, kommunicerar och interagerar med sina vardagliga samtalspartners på förskolan. I studien deltog två små pojkar (2;4 och 4;3 år) med grav CP (GMFCS 5) med lite/inget talat språk. De filmades på förskolan i olika vardagliga aktiviteter tillsammans med de andra barnen och personalen. Vid analysen studerades pojkarnas samlade kommunikativa resurser och återkommande mönster i samtalen på ett detaljerat plan med hjälp av Conversation Analysis (CA). Analysen visade att samtalspartnern hade en viktig roll för att underlätta i samtalet genom att tolka och tillskriva pojkarnas bidrag betydelse. När pojkarna använde en kombination av flera kommunikativa resurser föreföll det vara lättare för samtalspartnern att tillskriva bidragen betydelse. Vilken betydelse som tillskrevs kunde bland annat påverkas av hur barnens bidrag producerades, vilken aktivitet deltagarna var involverade i, eller vilken kunskap samtalspartnern hade om pojkarna sedan tidigare. Det framkom också att pojkarnas oförmåga att sitta självständigt påverkade deltagarstukturen som i sin tur påverkade interaktionen och kommunikationen. Kvalitativa närstudier av interaktion med barn med svår motorisk nedsättning till följd av CP är viktiga då dessa kan demonstrera vilka metoder som omgivningen använder för att skapa mening i interaktion trots barnens begränsade kommunikativa resurser. Barnens signaler kan till exempel vara svårtolkade för omgivningen på grund av den motoriska funktionsnedsättningen, men de vuxna använder den aktuella aktiviteten eller samtalet för att skapa en meningsfull kontext för barnens bidrag. Detta leder till att barnen blir mindre passiva i sin kommunikation och att kommunikationen blir lättare att förstå. Nyckelord: Interaktion, Kommunikation, Cerebral Pares (CP), Conversation Analysis (CA), Kommunikativa resurser. / The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge on how young children with severe Cerebral Palsy (CP) participate, interact and communicate with naturally speaking communication partners at preechool. Two young boys (2;4 and 4;3 years) with severe CP (GMFCS 5) with little or no spoken language participated in the study. They were recorded at preschool in various everyday activities and the recorded material arose from ordinary conversations with other children or staff at the preeschool. When analyzing the data, the principals and procedures of Conversation Analysis (CA), was used to study the childrens communicative resourses and the repeating conversational patterns on a detailed level. The analysis showed that the interlocutor had a very important role in the interaction with the child. The interlocutor attributed meaning to the boys' contributions and this was closely linked to the combination of different communicative resources by the boys. Which meaning that was attributed could, among other things be affected by how the children's contributions were produced, what activity the participants were involved in, or the interlocutors previous knowledge about the boys. In addition, the boys' bodily position relative to the other participants had an influence on communication. The boys inability to sit independently affected the participants positions in interaction, witch affected interaction and communication.  Qualitative detailed studies of interaction with children with severe motor impairment, (CP) is important since these can demonstrate which methods the communicative surround uses to create meaning in interaction despite the children's limited communication resources. Children’s signals can for example be difficult for the communication partners to interpret because of the motor function, but the adults are using the current activity or conversation to create a meaningful context for the children's contributions . This leads to children becoming less passive in their communication and communication becomes easier to understand. Keywords: Interaction, Communication, Cerebral Palsy (CP), Conversation Analysis (CA), Communicative resources

Recursos comunicativos utilizados por bebês em interação com diferentes interlocutores, durante processo de adaptação à creche: um estudo de caso / Communicative resources used by babies in the Interaction with different interlocutors during the process of adapting to the day-care center: a case study.

Elmôr, Larissa de Negreiros Ribeiro 16 March 2009 (has links)
Estudos têm analisado, apreendido e explicitado o modo como ocorrem as interações nas diferentes idades, particularmente nos primeiros anos de vida, considerando-as com distintos interlocutores e relacionando-as ao desenvolvimento global do indivíduo. Dentro dos estudos sobre interação, a linguagem tem sido vista como de fundamental importância nas relações entre os parceiros e ao processo de desenvolvimento da criança. Porém, as pesquisas diferem em pressupostos quando abordam diferentes interlocutores (mãe, babá, irmã, educadoras, coetâneos e o câmera). São também, fragmentados, investigando a criança com um interlocutor específico, sem considerar o conjunto das relações. Ainda, a noção de linguagem varia, a maioria das pesquisas restringindo-a ao aspecto verbal, enquanto que algumas poucas contemplam também diferentes formas de expressão e apreensão de significações (incluindo-se aí a linguagem não-verbal). Frente a esse panorama, definiu-se por investigar, a partir de um estudo de caso, quais recursos comunicativos e lingüísticos (verbais e não-verbais) são utilizados por um bebê no primeiro ano de vida, na interação com distintos interlocutores (mãe, babá, irmã, educadoras, coetâneos e o câmera).O material empírico utilizado foi obtido do Banco de Dados do Projeto Integrado Processos de adaptação de bebês à creche, que acompanhou a adaptação de 21 bebês (4-14 meses) em creche universitária. Após aprovação do CEP, um bebê foi selecionado (Iraídes - 09 meses ao ingresso), sendo realizada a transcrição microgenética de todos seus episódios interativos no primeiro mês de freqüência à creche. A análise foi guiada pela perspectiva teórico-metodológica da Rede de Significações e pela noção de campo interativo. Através da seleção dos episódios interativos com diferentes parceiros, foram construídos quadros verificando quais os recursos comunicativos utilizados e se existiriam semelhanças ou diferenças na interação do bebê com os distintos interlocutores. Os resultados apontaram vinte (20) diferentes tipos de recursos comunicativos do bebê com os distintos interlocutores, aqueles ocorrendo de forma diferente entre os diferentes parceiros de interação. Os recursos integrados foram os de maior freqüência na interação de Iraídes com todos os interlocutores, participando desta categoria 39 diferentes recursos comunicativos. A educadora Mirtes obteve o maior número de diferentes tipos de recursos comunicativos (12), enquanto que a educadora Branca obteve 05 recursos. A mãe obteve segundo lugar no número de recursos comunicativos (10). O bebê Isa foi o interlocutor que obteve a menor ocorrência nos diferentes recursos comunicativos (03), enquanto que o bebê Linda obteve um número maior (06) de distintos recursos. A babá obteve 08, a irmã Dalila 06 e o câmera José 05 diferentes recursos. Os resultados demonstram a multiplicidade e a riqueza dos tipos e das características de recursos comunicativos que o bebê pode fazer uso na relação com diferentes interlocutores. Os bebês podem iniciar um episódio interativo e existe a possibilidade dos bebês terem parceiros preferenciais nas suas interações, tanto nos de mesma idade como com os adultos. Entende-se a importância da creche nas relações e coloca-se a necessidade de novos estudos que destaquem os recursos comunicativos. / Studies have analyzed, understood and explained the way interactions happen at different ages, particularly in the first years of life, considering them with different partners and relating them to the global development of the child. Within the studies on interaction, language has been seen as extremely important in relationships between partners and to childrens development process. Nevertheless, the researches differ in assumptions when approaching different interlocutors (mother, nanny, sister, educators, coetaneous and cameraman). They are fragmented as well, investigating the child with a specific interlocutor, without considering the set of relationships. Moreover, the notion of language varies, with most researches restricting it to the oral aspect, whilst very few also contemplate different forms of expression and meaning apprehension (including non-oral language). Considering this aspects, it was decided to investigate, through a case study, which communicative and linguistic resources (oral and non-oral) are used by a baby in the first year of life, in interaction with different interlocutors (mother, father, caregivers, and other babies). The empirical data used was obtained from the Database of the Integrated Project Adaptation process of babies to the day-care center, which followed up the adaptation of 21 babies (4-14 months), at a university day-care center. After the approval by CEP, one baby was selected (Iraídes - 09 months) and the microgenetic transcription of all her interactive episodes in the first month in the day-care center was carried-out. Analysis was guided by the Network of Meanings theoretic-methodological perspective, besides the notion of interactive field. Through the selection of the interactive episodes with different partners, frames were built checking which communicative resources were used and if there were similarities or differences in the babys interaction with the different interlocutors. The results indicated twenty (20) different types of communicative resources of the baby with the different interlocutors. These resources happened differently between the different interaction partners. Integrated communicative means had a greater frequency in Iraídes interaction with all interlocutors, having been found 39 different communicative means in this category. The caregiver Mirtes obtained the largest number of different types of communicative means (12), whilst caregiver Branca obtained 05. The mother came in second place in the number of communicative means (10). Baby Isa was the interlocutor that had the smallest occurrence in the different communicative resources (03), whilst baby Linda had a larger number (06) of them. The babysitter had 08, the sister Dalila 06 and the cameraman José 05 different communicative means. The results show the multiplicity and abundant of types and characteristics of communicative means the baby can use in the relationship with different partners. Babies can begin an interactive episode and it is possible that babies have preferred partners in their interactions, both with the same age and adults. The importance of the day-care center is understood in the relationships and there is the need for new studies that highlight the communicative resources.

Analys av samtal mellan personer med afasi och logopeder/anhöriga : Användande av kommunikativa resurser i samarbete mot gemensam förståelse

Johansson, Sofia, Östlund, Pernilla January 2007 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöktes kommunikativa resurser i samtal mellan tre personer med afasi och deras respektive logoped/anhörig. Syftet var att identifiera och analysera resurser som samtalsdeltagarna gemensamt använde för att uppnå intersubjektivitet. Vidare undersöktes om det, utifrån vem personen med afasi samtalade med, fanns någon inverkan på hur de kommunikativa resurserna användes. Sex dyader spelades in och samtalsanalys användes för att studera materialet. Samtalsämnen valdes fritt av samtalsdeltagarna. Analysen resulterade i identi¬fie¬ring av tre bevarade resurser hos personerna med afasi; upprepningar, gester och skratt. Det gemensamma för dessa resurser var; att de förekom i den naturliga sekventialiteten i samtalet, att deras kommunikativa funktioner uppstod i samarbetet mellan samtalsdeltagarna och att de bidrog till intersubjektiviteten. Resurserna visade även på en social kompetens hos deltagarna med afasi som ofta döljs av de språkliga hindren. Då de kommunikativa resurserna fick liknande funktioner i de olika dyaderna, är resultatet troligen generaliserbart till annan interaktion där personer med afasi deltar. Resursernas kommunikativa funktioner föreföll inte bero på vem samtalspartnern var. Slutsatsen var att språklig kompetens hos personer med afasi framför allt bör ses ur ett inter¬aktivt perspektiv och att ett sådant förhållningssätt är önskvärt i logopediskt behandlingsarbete. / Analysis of Talk-in-Interaction involving People with Aphasia and Speech and Language Pathologists/Spouses: The Use of Communicative Resources in Collaboration toward Intersubjectivity. In the present study, communicative resources in conversations involving three persons with aphasia and their speech and language pathologists/spouses were investigated. The main purpose was to identify and analyse collaboratively used resources for achieving intersubjectivity. In addition, possible changes in the use of the communicative resources depending on conversational partner were investigated. The conversations of six dyads were recorded and analysed. Conversational topics were chosen by the participants. Through the analysis three preserved resources for participants with aphasia could be identified; repetitions, gestures and laughter. All resources occurred within the natural sequentiality of the conversation, their communicative functions emerged in collaboration of the participants and contributed to intersubjectivity. The social competence of the persons with aphasia, often concealed by the language impairment, was also revealed. The results may possibly be generalised to other communicative activities where persons with aphasia participate, since similar communicative functions were achieved through the same resources in different dyads. The functions of the resources were not determined by conversational partner. To conclude, it may be argued that linguistic competence of persons with aphasia should mainly be considered in an interactive perspective and that this view is preferred in language therapy.

Analys av samtal mellan personer med afasi och logopeder/anhöriga : Användande av kommunikativa resurser i samarbete mot gemensam förståelse

Johansson, Sofia, Östlund, Pernilla January 2007 (has links)
<p>I föreliggande studie undersöktes kommunikativa resurser i samtal mellan tre personer med afasi och deras respektive logoped/anhörig. Syftet var att identifiera och analysera resurser som samtalsdeltagarna gemensamt använde för att uppnå intersubjektivitet. Vidare undersöktes om det, utifrån vem personen med afasi samtalade med, fanns någon inverkan på hur de kommunikativa resurserna användes. Sex dyader spelades in och samtalsanalys användes för att studera materialet. Samtalsämnen valdes fritt av samtalsdeltagarna. Analysen resulterade i identi¬fie¬ring av tre bevarade resurser hos personerna med afasi; upprepningar, gester och skratt. Det gemensamma för dessa resurser var; att de förekom i den naturliga sekventialiteten i samtalet, att deras kommunikativa funktioner uppstod i samarbetet mellan samtalsdeltagarna och att de bidrog till intersubjektiviteten. Resurserna visade även på en social kompetens hos deltagarna med afasi som ofta döljs av de språkliga hindren. Då de kommunikativa resurserna fick liknande funktioner i de olika dyaderna, är resultatet troligen generaliserbart till annan interaktion där personer med afasi deltar. Resursernas kommunikativa funktioner föreföll inte bero på vem samtalspartnern var. Slutsatsen var att språklig kompetens hos personer med afasi framför allt bör ses ur ett inter¬aktivt perspektiv och att ett sådant förhållningssätt är önskvärt i logopediskt behandlingsarbete.</p> / <p>Analysis of Talk-in-Interaction involving People with Aphasia and Speech and Language Pathologists/Spouses: The Use of Communicative Resources in Collaboration toward Intersubjectivity.</p><p>In the present study, communicative resources in conversations involving three persons with aphasia and their speech and language pathologists/spouses were investigated. The main purpose was to identify and analyse collaboratively used resources for achieving intersubjectivity. In addition, possible changes in the use of the communicative resources depending on conversational partner were investigated. The conversations of six dyads were recorded and analysed. Conversational topics were chosen by the participants. Through the analysis three preserved resources for participants with aphasia could be identified; repetitions, gestures and laughter. All resources occurred within the natural sequentiality of the conversation, their communicative functions emerged in collaboration of the participants and contributed to intersubjectivity. The social competence of the persons with aphasia, often concealed by the language impairment, was also revealed. The results may possibly be generalised to other communicative activities where persons with aphasia participate, since similar communicative functions were achieved through the same resources in different dyads. The functions of the resources were not determined by conversational partner. To conclude, it may be argued that linguistic competence of persons with aphasia should mainly be considered in an interactive perspective and that this view is preferred in language therapy.</p>

"Vi har nästan blivit för bra" : lärares sociala representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik / "We have become almost too good" : teachers' social representations of pre-school as a pedagogical practice

Granbom, Ingrid January 2011 (has links)
En majoritet av svenska barn deltar i förskoleaktiviteter, vilket indikerar att förskolemiljön spelar en viktig roll för de erfarenheter barn får i sin vardag. Förskolans verksamhet baserar sig i hög grad på grundläggande värderingar och idéer beträffande bland annat barnuppfostran, förskolans uppdrag och synen på förskolans roll i samhället. Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och analysera lärarnas konstruktion av mening och vardagskunskap beträffande förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Fokus för den empiriska studien är hur delad kunskap om förskolan genereras och artikuleras av lärare som arbetar i förskolan. Den teoretiska ramen tar sin utgångspunkt i teorin om sociala representationer. Studien syftar till att svara på frågor om innehåll och teman i lärarnas samtal samt lyfta fram de kommunikativa resurser som används av deltagarna när de skapar en gemensam förståelse av vardagsarbetet i förskolan. Empirin i föreliggande studie utgörs av diskussioner i fokusgrupper. Sju grupper med sammanlagt 45 deltagare deltog i dessa fokusgruppsintervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärares samtal om förskolans yrkespraktik inkluderar underliggande sociala representationer. Ett antagande som är centralt i studien är att representationerna ligger till grund för hur arbetet organiseras och genomförs. Deltagarna i studien var arbetskamrater och deras diskussioner tog sin utgångspunkt i stimulusmaterial som jag tillhandahöll i syfte att stimulera diskussionen. En analys av data visar att lärarna utvecklar delade kunskapssystem vilket inkluderar olika, sinsemellan motsatta idéer och värderingar av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Begreppet relationella kategorier bidrar till att lyfta fram och synliggöra dessa motsatta idéer. De skall dock betraktas med utgångspunkt i ett ömsesidigt beroende och i relation till varandra snarare än särskiljande dikotomier. De relationella kategorierna formar kulturella antaganden utifrån vilka människor tänker och talar. Att tala utifrån en position innebär således att vi tar något för givet. Analysen resulterade i ett flertal relationella kategorier vilka tycks ha inverkan på lärares tal om sin praktik. I studien beskrivs även förankringsprocesser och kommunikativa resurser som deltagarna använder för att skapa gemensam förståelse för vardagsarbetet i förskolan. Resultatet visar att lärarna ger uttryck för två, sinsemellan olika, sociala representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik: Förskolan som en plats för alla och Förskolan som en plats för några. Dessa båda representationer innefattar skilda representationer av barn och barns kompetenser, lärarens yrkesroll samt förskolans roll i samhället. Begreppet cognitive polyphasia bidrar tillatt belysa och beskriva relationen mellan stabil och föränderlig kunskap samt hur det kommer sig att lärarnas sociala representationer av förskolan framstår som ambivalenta och i viss mån t.o.m. motsägelsefulla. Studien bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse för den komplexa och dynamiska kunskap som involverar lärarens konstruktion av mening beträffande förskolan som pedagogisk praktik. Teorin om sociala representationer möjliggör analys och beskrivning av denna komplexitet. / A majority of Swedish children take part in preschool activities. This indicates that the pre-school environment plays an important role in children’s everyday experiences. However, what happens in the preschool is largely based on fundamental values and ideas in society as well as those held among teachers. The study aims to describe and analyze teachers’ constructions of meaning and common sense knowledge concerning preschool as a pedagogical practice. It focuses on how shared knowledge of preschool practice is articulated and generated by teachers. The theoretical framework is the theory of social representations. The study investigates the content in teachers’ talk as well as communicative resources used when discussing their everyday work. The empirical data has been obtained from seven focus group discussions with a total of 45 participants. The participants in the groups were colleagues and they were given material to support their discussions. The results indicate that teachers’ discussions about their daily practice include underlying social representations. Analyses of data show that the teachers develop shared knowledge systems. This indicates that teachers have contradictory ideas and values about preschool as a pedagogical practice. The analytical concept of ‘relational categories’ draws attention to these contradictory ideas as mutually interdependent, where one point of view makes sense only in terms of the other. Several relational categories were identified in the teachers’ talk. The study also gives support to the process of anchoring, showing how communicative resources are used by the participants to create a common understanding of everyday work. The results suggest two different social representations of preschool as a pedagogical practice: Preschool as a place for everyone and Preschool as a place for just a few. Hopefully, this study will increase our knowledge of teachers’ constructions of meaning in relation to preschool as a pedagogical practice. The theory of social representations enables analysis and descriptions of this complexity.

Recursos comunicativos utilizados por bebês em interação com diferentes interlocutores, durante processo de adaptação à creche: um estudo de caso / Communicative resources used by babies in the Interaction with different interlocutors during the process of adapting to the day-care center: a case study.

Larissa de Negreiros Ribeiro Elmôr 16 March 2009 (has links)
Estudos têm analisado, apreendido e explicitado o modo como ocorrem as interações nas diferentes idades, particularmente nos primeiros anos de vida, considerando-as com distintos interlocutores e relacionando-as ao desenvolvimento global do indivíduo. Dentro dos estudos sobre interação, a linguagem tem sido vista como de fundamental importância nas relações entre os parceiros e ao processo de desenvolvimento da criança. Porém, as pesquisas diferem em pressupostos quando abordam diferentes interlocutores (mãe, babá, irmã, educadoras, coetâneos e o câmera). São também, fragmentados, investigando a criança com um interlocutor específico, sem considerar o conjunto das relações. Ainda, a noção de linguagem varia, a maioria das pesquisas restringindo-a ao aspecto verbal, enquanto que algumas poucas contemplam também diferentes formas de expressão e apreensão de significações (incluindo-se aí a linguagem não-verbal). Frente a esse panorama, definiu-se por investigar, a partir de um estudo de caso, quais recursos comunicativos e lingüísticos (verbais e não-verbais) são utilizados por um bebê no primeiro ano de vida, na interação com distintos interlocutores (mãe, babá, irmã, educadoras, coetâneos e o câmera).O material empírico utilizado foi obtido do Banco de Dados do Projeto Integrado Processos de adaptação de bebês à creche, que acompanhou a adaptação de 21 bebês (4-14 meses) em creche universitária. Após aprovação do CEP, um bebê foi selecionado (Iraídes - 09 meses ao ingresso), sendo realizada a transcrição microgenética de todos seus episódios interativos no primeiro mês de freqüência à creche. A análise foi guiada pela perspectiva teórico-metodológica da Rede de Significações e pela noção de campo interativo. Através da seleção dos episódios interativos com diferentes parceiros, foram construídos quadros verificando quais os recursos comunicativos utilizados e se existiriam semelhanças ou diferenças na interação do bebê com os distintos interlocutores. Os resultados apontaram vinte (20) diferentes tipos de recursos comunicativos do bebê com os distintos interlocutores, aqueles ocorrendo de forma diferente entre os diferentes parceiros de interação. Os recursos integrados foram os de maior freqüência na interação de Iraídes com todos os interlocutores, participando desta categoria 39 diferentes recursos comunicativos. A educadora Mirtes obteve o maior número de diferentes tipos de recursos comunicativos (12), enquanto que a educadora Branca obteve 05 recursos. A mãe obteve segundo lugar no número de recursos comunicativos (10). O bebê Isa foi o interlocutor que obteve a menor ocorrência nos diferentes recursos comunicativos (03), enquanto que o bebê Linda obteve um número maior (06) de distintos recursos. A babá obteve 08, a irmã Dalila 06 e o câmera José 05 diferentes recursos. Os resultados demonstram a multiplicidade e a riqueza dos tipos e das características de recursos comunicativos que o bebê pode fazer uso na relação com diferentes interlocutores. Os bebês podem iniciar um episódio interativo e existe a possibilidade dos bebês terem parceiros preferenciais nas suas interações, tanto nos de mesma idade como com os adultos. Entende-se a importância da creche nas relações e coloca-se a necessidade de novos estudos que destaquem os recursos comunicativos. / Studies have analyzed, understood and explained the way interactions happen at different ages, particularly in the first years of life, considering them with different partners and relating them to the global development of the child. Within the studies on interaction, language has been seen as extremely important in relationships between partners and to childrens development process. Nevertheless, the researches differ in assumptions when approaching different interlocutors (mother, nanny, sister, educators, coetaneous and cameraman). They are fragmented as well, investigating the child with a specific interlocutor, without considering the set of relationships. Moreover, the notion of language varies, with most researches restricting it to the oral aspect, whilst very few also contemplate different forms of expression and meaning apprehension (including non-oral language). Considering this aspects, it was decided to investigate, through a case study, which communicative and linguistic resources (oral and non-oral) are used by a baby in the first year of life, in interaction with different interlocutors (mother, father, caregivers, and other babies). The empirical data used was obtained from the Database of the Integrated Project Adaptation process of babies to the day-care center, which followed up the adaptation of 21 babies (4-14 months), at a university day-care center. After the approval by CEP, one baby was selected (Iraídes - 09 months) and the microgenetic transcription of all her interactive episodes in the first month in the day-care center was carried-out. Analysis was guided by the Network of Meanings theoretic-methodological perspective, besides the notion of interactive field. Through the selection of the interactive episodes with different partners, frames were built checking which communicative resources were used and if there were similarities or differences in the babys interaction with the different interlocutors. The results indicated twenty (20) different types of communicative resources of the baby with the different interlocutors. These resources happened differently between the different interaction partners. Integrated communicative means had a greater frequency in Iraídes interaction with all interlocutors, having been found 39 different communicative means in this category. The caregiver Mirtes obtained the largest number of different types of communicative means (12), whilst caregiver Branca obtained 05. The mother came in second place in the number of communicative means (10). Baby Isa was the interlocutor that had the smallest occurrence in the different communicative resources (03), whilst baby Linda had a larger number (06) of them. The babysitter had 08, the sister Dalila 06 and the cameraman José 05 different communicative means. The results show the multiplicity and abundant of types and characteristics of communicative means the baby can use in the relationship with different partners. Babies can begin an interactive episode and it is possible that babies have preferred partners in their interactions, both with the same age and adults. The importance of the day-care center is understood in the relationships and there is the need for new studies that highlight the communicative resources.

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