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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attaching Your Heart: Community Engagement and Innovative Youth Programming with Pueblo Communities

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores the notion of Pueblo community engagement at multiple levels, from the communities’ role in engaging its members, the individual’s responsibility in engaging with the community, both the community and individual’s engagement relationship with external forces, and the movement towards new engagement as it relates to youth and community. This research recognizes both the existing and the changing nature of engagement in our Pueblo communities. Because the core value of contribution is critical to being a participant in community, both participants and communities need to think of what needs to be done to strengthen Pueblo community engagement , for community and for youth. On the community side, this dissertation examines past community programs impact to the social structures of Pueblo communities and highlights a couple of new strategies to incorporate community voice in programming efforts. In addition, this dissertation explores youth contribution to community. The notions of community recognizing and being receptive to new ideas for youth engagement and of instilling their sense of community in youth is critical to the ‘new engagement’ paradigm. This dissertation proposes that one strategy is to incorporate youth in the governance structures of community through innovative programming with the ultimate goal of instilling in youth the feeling that they belong to their community. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Justice Studies 2015

Measuring Success : Indicators for Strategic Approaches to Sustainable Community Planning

Boisvert, Alaya, Cheevers, Sarah, Romanchuk, Erin, Stroebel, Karen January 2008 (has links)
Understanding successful community planning and transparently monitoring the process through indicators is essential for empowering communities to move towards a sustainable future. This paper investigates two key categories of indicators: 1) socio-ecological indicators and 2) process indicators. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, the foundation of this research, offers a science-based and principled definition of sustainability, as well as a method for structuring, evaluating and informing the design of indicators. A universally applicable set of community planning process indicators has been devised through ‘backcasting’. First, a list of Success Criteria for an ideal sustainable community planning process was developed. To determine the gaps that require monitoring, general practices in current planning were next assessed against this vision of success. Indicators were then brainstormed to measure closure of the highlighted gaps and movement towards success. Finally, these indicators were evaluated against a comprehensive list of ideal indicator characteristics. In summary, applying whole systems and strategic approaches to identifying and designing indicators can be relevant in any context. Process indicators provide the structure in which to monitor planning at every level and across disciplines so that appropriate socio-ecological indicators can then be derived, while simultaneously ensuring more effective governance. / <p>Alaya Boisvert - alaya.boisvert@gmail.com Sarah Cheevers - sacheevers@yahoo.com Erin Romanchuk - erinroser@gmail.com Karen Stroebel - kstroebel@gmail.com</p>

Komunikace obcí a měst: aktuální problémy a východiska / Communication of local governments

Mlčkovská, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with communication between public administration and local stakeholders. Main attention is concentrated on communication between local governments and citizens. Communication is one of the tools of local development, the effective communiaction makes decisions of local governments rightful and transparent. Theoretical framework is dedicated to definitions connected with ommunication and communication of an organisation, the internal and external communication. In this work there is also descibed forms of the communication tools that organisations use in a relation to target groups. Special attention is paied to specifics of communication between public administration and local stakeholders and to participation processes in the public sector. The role of communication is presented in the framework of concrete example of participation proces - in preparation of community plan of social services - in Praha 13.

Inaktuella detaljplaners påverkan på utveckling och hållbarhetsfrågor : En fallstudie i Sollefteå kommun

Settlin, Settlin January 2022 (has links)
Sollefteå kommun är en landsbygdskommun som stått relativt still i exploateringen under många år men som nu blivit aktuell för en rad olika större etableringar. Detta har inneburit att många äldre detaljplaner finns kvar, och kan komma att bromsa utvecklingen. Kommunen har som mål att växa befolkningsmässigt med hållbarhet som utgångspunkt och därför bör det finnas en bra struktur för hur hinder som inaktuella detaljplaner medför kan undvikas. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå vilka problem en inaktuell detaljplan kan leda till, om de förhindrar utveckling samt om hållbarhetsarbetet kan påverkas. Vilka konsekvenser får eventuellt upphävande och ersättning av planerna? Detaljplaner i Sollefteå kommun har studerats och intervjuer med berörda resurser gjorts för att få en bild av hur det ser ut idag och i vilken omfattning problemen uppstår. Den äldsta gällande planen är nära 100 år gammal och därmed framtagen för ett helt annat typ av samhälle. Det visar sig att en del hållbarhetsaspekter alltid funnits med i detaljplaner men idag ställs högre krav i dem och kunskapsläget är bättre. Det medför att en nyare och aktuell detaljplan kan främja arbetet mot att nå vissa miljömål. En svårighet är att en plan får definitionen som inaktuell först när hindren uppstår och de är på så sätt svåra att förebygga. Något som kan konstateras är att en inaktuell detaljplan kan hålla tillbaka utvecklingen samt göra åtgärder både dyrare och mer tidskrävande än nödvändigt. / relatively still in the development for many years, but which has now become relevant for several different major establishments. This has meant that many older detailed plans remain and may slow down development. The municipality's goal is to grow in terms of population with sustainability as a guideline. Therefore, there should be a good structure for how obstacles caused by outdated detailed plans can be avoided. The purpose of this study is to understand what problems an outdated detailed plan can lead to, whether they prevent development and whether sustainability work can be affected. What are the consequences of any revocation and compensation of the plans? Detailed plans in Sollefteå municipality have been studied and interviews with relevant resources have been done to get a good view of ​​what it looks like today and to what extent the problems arise. The oldest current plan is almost 100 years old and developed for a completely different type of society. It turns out that some sustainability aspects have always been included in detailed plans, but today higher demands are placed on them, and the state of knowledge is better. This means that a newer and current detailed plan can promote the work towards achieving certain environmental goals. One difficulty is that a plan is defined as outdated just when obstacles arise, and the problems are therefore difficult to prevent. Something that can be stated is that not updated detailed plans can hold back development and make measures both more expensive and more time-consuming than necessary. / <p>2022-06-21</p>

Ungdomars deltagande i samhällsplaneringen : Dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier för att öka ungdomars involvering i Ockelbo kommun

Ismaal, Asmah, Stenberg, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Ungdomar har rätt att delta och påverka beslut som berör deras omgivning och vardag. Det finns ett stort intresse bland många av de svenska kommunerna att involvera ungdomar i samhällsplaneringen, trots detta är de underrepresenterade i kommuners planering. Det främsta problemet är att kommunerna inte vet vilka dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier de ska använda för att engagera och involvera ungdomarna. Studiens syfte är att hitta dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier som landsbygdskommuner och kommuner med gles landsbygd kan tillämpa i arbetet med ungdomsfrågor. Målet är att hitta dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier som får ungdomarna i Ockelbo kommun mer delaktiga i kommunens planering och utvecklingsarbete. De slutsatser och rekommendationer som detta examensarbete grundar sig på är en följd av flera olika dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier. Inledningsvis undersöktes hur Emmaboda- och Malung-Sälens kommun arbetar för att involvera fler ungdomar i planeringen. Därefter genomfördes en enkätundersökning vars syfte var att se hur intresset för att delta i kommunens planering såg ut bland Ockelbos ungdomar i åldrarna 13-15 år. Till sist utfördes tre fokusgrupper med Ockelbos högstadieelever, en för varje årskurs, för att diskutera hur de skulle kunna involveras och bli mer delaktiga i Ockelbo kommuns planering och utvecklingsarbete. De dialogmetoder och dialogstrategier som framgick av undersökningen på de två svenska kommunerna var att de arbetade mycket med att nå ut till ungdomarna i skolorna, på ungdomsgårdar samt genom ungdomsråd. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att ungdomarna i Ockelbo kommun har ett intresse för att vara delaktiga i kommunens planering. I fokusgrupperna diskuterades viktiga komponenter, som till exempel återkoppling, till ett ökat ungdomsdeltagande i Ockelbo kommun. En slutsats är att det krävs tydligare riktlinjer för kommuners politiker, tjänstemän och ungdomar i arbetet med att öka ungdomars delaktighet i samhällsplaneringen. Det är viktigt att förklara när och hur ungdomarna ska vara delaktiga och hur politiker och tjänstemän ska hantera de inkomna förslagen från ungdomarna. En aktiv återkoppling har en betydande roll för att upprätthålla ungdomars engagemang och intresse. / Young people have the right to participate and influence decisions that affect their environment and everyday life.  Despite this, young people are underrepresented in community planning although there is great interest among many of the Swedish municipalities to include them. The main problem is that the municipalities don't know which methods of dialogue and dialogue strategies they need to use to engage and involve young people. The study focuses on finding dialogue methods that smaller municipalities with limited resources can use. The aim is to find dialogue methods that will get young people in Ockelbo municipality more involved in community planning and development. To find viable solutions, the conclusions and recommendations of this thesis are based on several different methods and strategies of dialogue. This study initially examined how Emmaboda and Malung-Sälen municipality are trying to involve more young people in community planning. This study was followed by a survey in Ockelbo municipality. The aim was to find how the levels of interest looked among young people, ages 13-15, to participate more in community planning. Finally, three focus groups were conducted with Ockelbo school students, one for each grade. The purpose was to discuss how they could become more involved in Ockelbo municipality's community planning and development. The results from the case study showed that municipalities worked on reaching out to young people in schools, youth centers and by youth councils. It also showed that young people in Ockelbo has an interest in being involved in community planning. The focus groups discussed key components to increased youth participation, such as feedback. It was concluded that clearer guidelines for municipal politicians, officials and young people are required to increase youth participation. It is important to explain when and how young people should be involved and how politicians and officials deal with their proposals. Active feedback plays a significant role in maintaining youth involvement and interest.

District of Columbia Policy Decisions and the Redevelopment of the Columbia Heights Neighborhood

Rodrigues, John W. 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Bygglovets giltighetstid : Och hanteringen av justeringar efter bygglovsbeslut / The period of validity of a building permit : And the management of adjustments after the permit has become valid

Borgmalm, Tomas, Schüllerqvist, Ola January 2016 (has links)
Hur länge ett bygglov är giltigt finns reglerat i plan- och bygglagen (PBL) 9:43 som att den åtgärd ett bygglov avser ska ha påbörjats inom två år och avslutas inom fem år från den dag då bygglovet vann laga kraft. Huvudfrågan i studien handlar om svårigheten i att bedöma om åtgärden verkligen blivit påbörjad. Det finns ont om rättspraxis kring vad som avses med "påbörjats" vilket antagligen innebär att landets kommuner gör olika tolkningar i frågan. En annan fråga som studien behandlar är hur ändringar efter ett bygglovsbeslut hanteras. Rimligtvis händer det att byggherrar behöver göra justeringar under byggnationens gång. Syftet är att undersöka hur kommunerna tolkar PBL 9:43 med avseende på begreppet "påbörjats" samt hur giltighetstiden för byggnationens påbörjande efterlevs. Vidare är syftet att ge en beskrivning av den rättsliga grunden för vad som avses med "påbörjats" i nu gällande lagstiftning. Studien ska även utreda om PBL ger möjlighet att justera bygglov under byggnationens gång och hur kommunerna hanterar sådana fall i praktiken. Studien byggs upp av en juridisk analys som avser att beskriva de rättsliga grunderna kring bygglov och speciellt regeln i PBL 9:43. För att undersöka hur tvåårsfristen efterlevs genomfördes en kvantitativ undersökning av 500 bygglovshandlingar i sex kommuner. En enkätundersökning skickades ut till 75 kommuner för att ge svar på frågor kring kommunens tolkningar av "påbörjats" i PBL 9:43 och hanteringen av justeringar efter bygglovsbeslutet. Resultatet av den juridiska analysen visar att det sannolikt krävs att ett arbete med byggnadens grund ska kommit igång för att byggnationen ska bedömas som påbörjad. Enkätundersökningen visar på stora skillnader i hur kommunerna tolkar "påbörjats" i PBL 9:43. Den visar även att häften av kommunerna inte gör någon aktiv kontroll av giltighetstiden för byggnationens påbörjande. Av undersökningen framgick även att det är vanligt förekommande att byggherrar vill göra justeringar under byggnationens gång och de flesta kommunerna hanterar det inom det befintliga bygglovet. Av bygglovsgranskningen framgick inget fall där startbesked lämnats efter tvåårsfristens utgång. Slutsatser som dras i studien är bland annat att ett förtydligande av lagstiftningen troligtvis skulle ge en mer enhetlig bedömning av "påbörjats" i kommunerna, samt att det är oklart vilket stöd PBL ger för kommunernas hantering av justeringar av bygglov. / How long a building permit is valid is regulated in the Swedish planning and building act (PBL) 9:43. The validity of the permit is defined as the actual works with the building must be commenced in two years and ended in five years. The main question in this study is about the difficulty in assessing whether the actual works with the building has been commenced. There are few law cases that define the meaning of "commenced", which probably means that municipalities make different interpretations of the issue. Another question the study addresses is how changes in building permits are handled after the permit has become valid. Reasonably it happens that developers need to make adjustments of the building permit during the actual construction. The aim of this study is to examine how municipalities interpret PBL 9:43 with respect to the term "commenced" and how the building permits limitation of two years is complied with. Furthermore, the purpose is to give a description of the legal basis of what is meant by "commenced" in the current legislation. The study also intends to investigate whether PBL provides the ability to adjust the building permit during the time of the construction, and how municipalities deal with such cases in practice. The study is based on a legal analysis that aims to describe the legal grounds surrounding the building permit and especially the rule in PBL 9:43. To examine how the two-year period is complied, a quantitative survey of 500 building permit documents in six municipalities was completed. A questionnaire was sent out to 75 municipalities to provide answers to questions about the municipalities interpretations of "commenced" in PBL 9:43 and how adjustments of building permits are being handled. The outcome of the legal analysis shows that work with a building's foundation is probably a requirement that is needed for the work to be assessed as "commenced". The questionnaire survey reveals large differences in how municipalities interpret "commenced" in PBL 9:43. It also shows that half of the municipalities do not perform any active controls of the building permit's two year limitation. The investigation reveals that it is common that developers make adjustments during the time of construction and that most municipalities deal with it within the existing building permit. The investigation of building permits shows no case where starting clearance was given after the two year limitation. We conclude that a clarification of the legislation would likely provide a more uniform assessment of "commenced" in the municipalities. Likewise, it is unclear what support PBL provides considering adjustment after the building permit has become valid.

Permakultur i Byggandet : En utredning inför uppförande av en miljöanpassad utbyggnad av skola i Ljusdal

Ersson, David, Yngvesson, Robert January 2011 (has links)
Beräkningar visar att det med nuvarande befolkning och en västerländsk levnadsstandard behövs upp till sju jordklot för vår försörjning. Tillsammans förbrukar USA och Europa 2/3 av jordens resurser varav flera därtill redan är överutnyttjade. Jordens nuvarande befolkning förbrukar i dagsläget 120 % mer av jordens resurser än vad som är hållbart. Med den västerländska människans nuvarande genomsnittliga livsstil förmår jorden bara försörja en miljard innevånare på ett hållbart sätt. Ofta är energieffektiviseringar och energibesparingar de lösningar som föreslås för att lösa de problem som det medför. Naturligtvis är det viktigt att spara energi men de tekniska lösningar som finns för att energieffektivisera kan inte ensamma utgöra en lösning. Det visar sig ofta vara så att investeringar i energieffektivisering och energieffektiv teknik leder till högre istället för till lägre energianvändning. Detta kallas för Jevons paradox. Ett sätt att komma runt denna paradox är att göra konsumenter medvetna. Konsumenternas medvetenhet ökar genom att minska avståndet till produktionen. Utnyttjandet av naturresurser blir då inte något abstrakt långt borta utan en konkret verklighet som de kan förhålla sig till. Det bästa skulle därför vara att i byggsammanhang skapa små i stort sett självförsörjande enheter. Permakultur, en metod och ett sätt att tänka som ursprungligen mest handlar om odling, erbjuder verktyg för att göra denna idé till verklighet. Permakultur fokuserar på att skapa småskaliga lösningar nära den enskilda människan för just självförsörjning. Detta går att implementera i olika grad beroende på varje enskilt falls förutsättningar. Den metod som tagits fram i detta arbete går ut på att undersöka platsens och projektets aktuella förutsättningar och sedan matcha detta mot de tekniska lösningar som finns. Syftet med detta är inte enbart att skapa en fungerande teknisk lösning utan också att skapa en lösning som gör brukarna medvetna om sin egen energianvändning. Detta arbete kretsar därför i hög grad kring ett konkret exempel, Freinetskolan Tallbacken i Ljusdal. Där kommer en byggnad uppföras som arbetar med dessa principer och detta arbete visar hur de principerna också kan överföras på byggnadens energiförsörjning. Arbetet visar vilka avvägningar som gjorts i detta enskilda fall och ger därför en hjälp för den som själv vill kunna göra liknande avvägningar i ett byggprojekt. / Calculations show that the current population on earth and with a western life-style takes up to seven earth-like planets to sustain a sustainable lifestyle. Today Europe and the U.S. consume 2/3 of the resources on earth of which many are already over-used. The current population is overconsuming the resources on earth with 120% above the sustainable level. With the standard that the western citizen demands, the earth would only be able to house only one billion citizens in a sustainable way. The suggestion to solve this problem is mostly to invest in energy saving technologies and to invest in energy saving solutions. Of course, energy savings indeed are important but technical solutions can not alone provide a solution. It is often shown that investments in energy efficiency and in energy saving technology leads to higher instead of lower energy consumption. This is known as Jevons paradox. A way to solve this paradox is to create awareness among the energy consumers. By decreasing the distance between energy use and energy production, the awareness among the consumers is likely to increase. Thus, the use of natural resources will no longer remain difficult to grasp and feel remote but will be something everyone can relate to. When it comes to the built environment, the best solution would therefore be to utilse relatively small units with a high grade of self supply. Permaculture, which is a concept captured from the world of farming, provides tools to investigate and to make this idea real. What permaculture and the planning tools of permaculture do is that it focuses on small scale solutions close to the end users. Permaculture is also a concept that allows implementation on levels that can be adapted to every single case. This means that there can be different levels of self sufficiency in every unique project. The method that is presented in this paper focuses in investigating the conditions of the site and the project, and to find the technical solutions that fulfill the prerequisites of the actual case. The purpose is not necessarily just to create a working technical solution but to create a solution that makes the inhabitants aware of their energy use. Therefore this paper focuses a lot on a real example: The Freinet School Tallbacken in the Swedish municipality of Ljusdal. The school is about to build a sports hall and a canteen using these principles. This paper shows the considerations made in that actual case and provides therefore a model for anyone who is interested in the implementation of these principles in any other project.

Optimalizace sociálních služeb pro děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v Mikroregionu Bystřicko / Optimization of social services for children with special educational needs in the Microregion of Bystřicko

BERANOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Thesis deals with location, diversity and capacity of social services for children with special educational needs in the Microregion of Bystřicko. It characterizes the current situation of target group and number of children with special educational needs in the microregion. It also surveys the current state of providers and services offered to the target group. It responds to data collected from interviews with chiefs of institutions and head of section of social affairs and health. The proposal represents solutions to community social services plan for the city of Bystřice nad Pernštejnem during the years from 2008 to 2016 and it reacts by optimizing of social services with its own draft resolution, which takes into account the number of children with special educational needs and priorities in providing comprehensive care for the target group.

Pohled zdravotníků na potřebnost rozvoje komunitního ošetřovatelství v ČR / View therapist of necessity for an ad'vancement community health care in Czech Republic

NAGYOVÁ, Věra January 2009 (has links)
Community nursing services provide health care services in communities outside health care institutions. They are targeted at the sick people in their own home environments, especially providing disease prevention, health support and health care assistance. The goal of community health services is to improve the whole community health, especially of those people who are exposed to risky lifestyles and who are under risk of petting sick, or of dech, and to provide a specific care to them. The introductory part of my thesis contains the theory and elementary parts and types of the health care system in the CR as well as categorized structures and functions of the World Health Organization. It also includes the primary health care goals as well as the goals of the European Union and of the Czech Ministry of Health for the health care system development. In the second part the theory deals with the meaning of the community care, its foundations, the past and the present in the CR. It also describes the nurses´ job descriptions. In the course of the quantitative research I chose the technique of a questionnaire on the grounds of a stratified selection. It was made up by questions used in interviews with nurses. In the frame of qualitative research I chose a method used in interviews with workers in health insurance companies in which I used a guided interview. The goal of my thesis was to find out whether health care workers are aware of health care deficits. I asked for the workers´ opinions on the necessity of community care development in the CR. The goals of my work were reached. The research question was used to find out what the of health care insurance companies representatives´ opinions on the necessity of the community care in the CR are. On the grounds of the questionnaire it was found out that the representatives of health care insurance companies have a positive opinion on the necessity of the community care development in the CR. I did not prove the first hypothesis which stipulated that nurses working outside hospitál facilities do not feel any deficit in providing health care services referring to the provided care. The second hypothesis was proven stipulating that nurses working in hospital facilities can see the most serious deficit in the the fact that people lack their interest in their own health. The third hypothesis was proven, too. The health care workers´ opinions on the the necessity of the community care in the CR are positive.

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