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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Competências do preceptor enfermeiro: uma análise da percepção de enfermeiros de uma instituição hospitalar privada / Skills of the nurse preceptor: A nurses' perception of the analysis of a private hospital

Miyazato, Helena Scaranello Araújo January 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T13:12:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015 / Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar, na percepção dos enfermeiros, as competências necessárias à função da preceptoria de enfermeiros em uma instituição hospitalar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo-exploratório. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital de médio porte na cidade de Marília - SP. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma entrevista semi-estruturada com os enfermeiros que atuam na instituição hospitalar na função de enfermeiro, de ambos os sexos, que concordaram com o objetivo da pesquisa e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido – TCLE. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e os dados analisados por meio da técnica de análise do conteúdo, modalidade temática. O estudo está em consonância com os preceitos éticos de pesquisa e teve autorização concedida pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, mediante CAAE: 41473814.3.3001.5496 e Número do parecer: 992.076. Ao definir 'preceptor', os entrevistados atribuíram características ao invés de defini-lo. Os dados mostram que o enfermeiro preceptor deve munir-se de vasto conhecimento técnico e científico ao preparar-se para ser um formador de outros profissionais em enfermagem, no entanto, há a necessidade de capacitação específica para a atuação no ensino, devido a variedade de papéis que o professor deve desempenhar: facilitador do aprendizado dos estudantes, planejador de cursos, orientador de indivíduos ou grupos, produtor de material didático, avaliador do aprendizado e modelo de comportamento profissional. O preceptor enfermeiro deve ser exemplo profissional, responsável, paciente e embasar suas ações no respeito às individualidades dos educandos, com a finalidade de promover a articulação ensino, serviço e aprendizado. A partir das análises e categorização das entrevistas, uma matriz com competências foi construída para mapear o perfil do preceptor enfermeiro atuante em capacitação admissional. A definição das atribuições do preceptor enfermeiro poderá contribuir para a educação permanente dos profissionais que estão no mundo do trabalho e que não foram formados com base nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, no sentido de qualificá-los para a resolutividade das demandas atuais e para a melhoria da qualidade da atenção na saúde. Frente a este cenário, o desafio das instituições de saúde é elencar profissionais ou capacitá-los para exercer a preceptoria de enfermeiros recém admitidos, adequando a assistência de enfermagem às reais necessidades dos usuários. / This study had as objective to analyze, in the perception of nurses, the necessary competences to the preceptory of nurses in a hospital institution. It's a qualitative research, with descriptive and exploratory character. The study was accomplished in a medium-sized hospital in Marilia-SP. The data were collected by a semi-structured interview with the nurses who work on the hospital institution in the nurse function, of both genders, who agreed with the research objective and signed the Free and Informed Consent Term. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the content analysis technique, thematic modality. The study is in consonance with the ethical principles of research and had an authorization granted by the Ethics Committee on Research of the Federal University of São Paulo, by CAAE: 41473814.3.3001.5496 and number of the opinion: 992.076. When the respondents defined 'preceptor', they attributed characteristics instead of defining them. The data show that the preceptor nurses must equip themselves with vast technical and scientific knowledge to prepare to be a formator of other professionals in nursing, however, there's a need for specific capacity to act in education, due to the variety of roles that the teacher must execute: facilitator of students learning, planner of courses, advisor of individuals or groups, producer of educational material, evaluator of learning and model of professional behavior. The nurse preceptor should be an example of professional, responsible, patient and base their actions on respect for the students' individuality, with the finality to promote the articulation between teaching, service and learning. From the analysis and categorization of the interviews, a matrix with competences was built to map the profile of preceptor nurses who work in admission training. The definition of the assignments of nurse preceptor may contribute to the permanent education of the professionals who are in the working world and weren't formed based on the National Curriculum Guidelines, in order to qualify them for the resolutivity of current demands and to the improvement of the quality of care in health. In front of this scenario, the challenge of health institutions is to choose professionals or empower them to exercise preceptory of newly hired nurses, adjusting the nursing assistance to the real needs of users.

CONSTRUMED : metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico

Torrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem como finalidade elaborar uma metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs), a qual integre orientações técnicas, gráficas e pedagógicas. O objetivo é colaborar para a prática de equipes desenvolvedoras de MEDs e para a articulação entre seus membros. Como base teórica, são abordados o construtivismo de Piaget, o conceito de design pedagógico, a educação por competências e a experiência estética. A metodologia utilizada classifica-se como quantiqualitativa. Primeiramente, é realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os conceitos envolvidos, assim como a revisão de produções nacionais e internacionais acerca dos temas abordados. Após, é efetuado o mapeamento das competências da equipe desenvolvedora de MEDs com base no design pedagógico. Na sequência, é construído o objeto de aprendizagem CompEMed. Por meio da sua aplicação em curso de extensão, é realizada a validação do referido mapeamento. Baseando-se nele, uma metodologia é elaborada para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. Ela é disponibilizada na web por meio da construção do objeto de aprendizagem ConstruMed que, por sua vez, contém as etapas da referida metodologia e textos explicativos sobre os principais conceitos envolvidos. O intuito é fornecer suporte a equipes desenvolvedoras durante o processo de construção de MEDs. / The present research study aims at developing a methodology for the making of digital educational materials (DEM) which integrates technical, graphic and pedagogical instructions. The objective is to support the practices of the DEM development staff and its members’ articulation. For the theoretical basis, Piaget’s constructivism, the concept of pedagogical design, competency-based education and aesthetic experience are approached. The methodology used is classified as quantiqualitative. Firstly, a bibliographic research about the concepts involved is performed, as well as the review of local and international works on the approached themes. Then, the competencies of the DEM development staff are mapped, based on pedagogical design. Finally, a CompEMed learning object is designed. Through its use in an extension program, the referred mapping is validated. Supported by it, a methodology for the making of digital educational materials based on pedagogical design is developed. It is made available on the web through the development of the learning object ConstruMed, which contains the steps of the referred methodology and texts explaining the main concepts involved in the process. The aim is to provide support to development staffs during the making of DEM. / Esta tesis tiene por finalidad elaborar una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales (MEDs), la cual integre orientaciones técnicas, gráficas y pedagógicas. El objetivo es colaborar con la práctica de equipos que desarrollen MEDs y también en la articulación entre sus miembros. Como base teórica, se abordan el constructivismo de Piaget, el concepto de diseño pedagógico, la educación por competencias y la experiencia estética. La metodología utilizada se clasifica como cuantitativa y cualitativa. Primeramente, se realiza una investigación bibliográfica acerca de los conceptos relacionados, además de una revisión de producciones nacionales e internacionales sobre los temas planteados. Enseguida, se identifican las competencias del equipo que desarrolló los MEDs con base en el diseño pedagógico. A continuación, se construye el objeto de aprendizaje CompEMed. A través de su empleo en un curso de extensión universitaria, se valida la referida identificación de competencias. Con base en esta identificación, se elabora una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales basados en el diseño pedagógico. Dicha metodología se pone a disposición en la red a través de la construcción del objeto de aprendizaje ConstruMed, el cual, a su turno, contiene las etapas de la referida metodología y textos que explican los principales conceptos relacionados. El objetivo es apoyar, durante el proceso, a equipos que desarrollen MEDs.

The use of environmental education learning support materials in OBE the: case of the Creative Solutions to Waste project

Mbanjwa, Sibonelo Glenton January 2003 (has links)
The Creative Solutions to Waste Project (CSW) is a local environmental education project, involving five Grahamstown schools, the local municipality; community members and the Rhodes University Environmental Education Unit, where I worked at the time this study was undertaken. In this research I explore the use of environmental education learning support materials (LSM) in Outcomes Based Education (OBE). I have employed a participatory action research approach informed by critical theory in this case study of the Creative Solutions to Waste project (CSW). The research focused on the ‘Waste Education’ materials and their use, developed and piloted during the pilot phase. The Waste Education materials were also used in phase one. In phase two, the research focused on the use of ‘Health and Water’ learning support materials in 4 Grahamstown schools. Research participants included educators, support team members, municipal officials, Department of Education officials, Department of Health (Eastern Cape) officials, the Health Promoting Schools committee and NGO representatives. I employed a range of data collection strategies including questionnaires, observations, field notes, semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, workshops, reflective journal, videotapes, and photographs and documents analysis. The research process was collaboratively discussed and agreed upon by all the participants. This research indicated that the purpose influences the use of LSM. It also indicated the importance of mediation processes in the use of LSM. This study indicates that the designs of LSM and particular views of learning influence the way LSM are used. It does that by looking at how an active learning framework influenced the use of learning support materials and consequent learning processes. It also highlights the significance of paying attention to issues of language and literacy in the design of LSM, and how these factors influence the use of LSM. It also identified the tension between prescriptive and open-ended processes to professional development in supporting the use of LSM in contexts of curriculum change and transformation. This study also indicated the importance of reflexive processes to improve support process in the CSW project by demonstrating how the contributions and the roles of the support team were reflexively changed. I have reviewed the research processes in relation to the research design decisions made at the start of the project. This study lastly offers some recommendations for further research into the use of LSM, and how an understanding of LSM use may influence the development of LSM.

Enabling reflexivity and the development of reflexive competence within course processes: a case study of an environmental education professional development course

Raven, Glenda C January 2005 (has links)
This research was undertaken in the context of socio-economic transformation in South Africa, and more specifically, in the context of change in education policy. To support socio-economic transformation in South Africa after the first democratic elections in 1994, a competence-based National Qualifications Framework (NQF) was introduced in 1995. In responding to the particular socio-historical context of South Africa, the South African NQF is underpinned by the notion of applied competence, integrating practical, foundational and reflexive competence, which is the key and distinguishing feature of this competence-based framework. In this context of transformation, the research was aimed at an in-depth exploration of the notion of reflexivity and reflexive competence, and course processes that enable its development, with a view to providing curriculum development insights for learning programme development in the competence-based NQF, more broadly, and environmental education professional development programmes, more specifically. To enable these aims, the research was undertaken in the context of the Rhodes University / Gold Fields Participatory Course in Environmental Education (RU/GF course), as a case example of a professional development course that aims to develop critically reflexive practitioners. Within an interpretivist orientation, a multiple-embedded case study approach was used to gain insight into the relationship between course processes, reflexivity and the development of reflexive competence to clarify and provide a critical perspective on how competence develops in the context of the course. Data was collected over a period of one year using observation, interviewing and document analysis as the primary data collection techniques. Data was analysed through various phases and layers to inform data generation and the synthesising of data for further interpretation. Through the literature review undertaken within the study, various significant insights emerged around the notion of reflexivity and reflexive competence. Firstly, there appears to be a need to distinguish between reflexivity as social processes of change (social actions and interactions within social systems, structures and processes) and reflexive competence (a range of integrative elements of competence) that provides the evidence of an engagement within social processes of change. The second key insight emerging is the significance of social structure in shaping participation in reflexive processes, thus emphasising the duality of structure as both the medium for, and outcome of reflexive social actions and interactions and so challenges the deterministic conception of social structure. Further, the significance of an epistemologically framed notion of reflexivity and reflexive competence emerged, in the context of responding to the complex and uncertain quality of socio-ecological risks and in supporting change in context. Reflexivity, distinguished from processes of critical reflection, foregrounds a critical exploration of both knowledge and unawareness. As such a reinterpretation of reflexive competence is offered as a process of potential challenge to dominant and reigning forms of reasoning (knowledge frameworks) and consequent principles of ordering. Through this reframing of reflexive competence, the potential exists to destabilise dominant forms of reasoning and principles of ordering to create a broader scope of possibilities for action and change in context. This reframing of reflexive competence in the context of transformation in South Africa has critical implications for engaging within processes of learning programme design in the NQF to support an engagement within reflexive processes of change and the development of a range of integrative elements of reflexive competence. In this light, the study attempts to make the following contribution to curriculum deliberations within the context of environmental education and the NQF in relation to reflexivity, reflexive competence and change: ♦ Reflexivity is conceptualised as social processes of change with reflexive competence providing evidence of engagement within these social processes of change; ♦ An epistemologically framed conception of reflexivity and reflexive competence recognises how rules of reason and the ordering of the ‘reasonable’ person come to shape social life; and so ♦ Change is conceptualised as ruptures and breaks in dominant knowledge frames and the power relations embedded in these; ♦ Unawareness emerges as a key dimension within reflexive environmental education processes in responding to the unpredictable and uncertain nature of risks; ♦ An epistemological framing of reflexivity and reflexive competence highlights the need to develop open processes of learning to support the critical exploration of knowledge and unawareness; and ♦ Within this framing of reflexivity and reflexive competence, the difficulty emerges in specifically predefining reflexive competence to inform standard setting processes within a context of intended change. In framing data within this emerging conception of reflexivity and reflexive competence, a review of course processes highlighted potential areas for reorienting the RU/GF course to support change in context, for which I make specific recommendations. Drawing on the review of course processes in the RU/GF course, and in light of the reframing of reflexivity and reflexive competence, I further offer summative discussions as ‘possible implications’ for learning programme design in the South African competence-based NQF, broadly and environmental education professional development programmes in this framework, more specifically.

CONSTRUMED : metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico

Torrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem como finalidade elaborar uma metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs), a qual integre orientações técnicas, gráficas e pedagógicas. O objetivo é colaborar para a prática de equipes desenvolvedoras de MEDs e para a articulação entre seus membros. Como base teórica, são abordados o construtivismo de Piaget, o conceito de design pedagógico, a educação por competências e a experiência estética. A metodologia utilizada classifica-se como quantiqualitativa. Primeiramente, é realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os conceitos envolvidos, assim como a revisão de produções nacionais e internacionais acerca dos temas abordados. Após, é efetuado o mapeamento das competências da equipe desenvolvedora de MEDs com base no design pedagógico. Na sequência, é construído o objeto de aprendizagem CompEMed. Por meio da sua aplicação em curso de extensão, é realizada a validação do referido mapeamento. Baseando-se nele, uma metodologia é elaborada para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. Ela é disponibilizada na web por meio da construção do objeto de aprendizagem ConstruMed que, por sua vez, contém as etapas da referida metodologia e textos explicativos sobre os principais conceitos envolvidos. O intuito é fornecer suporte a equipes desenvolvedoras durante o processo de construção de MEDs. / The present research study aims at developing a methodology for the making of digital educational materials (DEM) which integrates technical, graphic and pedagogical instructions. The objective is to support the practices of the DEM development staff and its members’ articulation. For the theoretical basis, Piaget’s constructivism, the concept of pedagogical design, competency-based education and aesthetic experience are approached. The methodology used is classified as quantiqualitative. Firstly, a bibliographic research about the concepts involved is performed, as well as the review of local and international works on the approached themes. Then, the competencies of the DEM development staff are mapped, based on pedagogical design. Finally, a CompEMed learning object is designed. Through its use in an extension program, the referred mapping is validated. Supported by it, a methodology for the making of digital educational materials based on pedagogical design is developed. It is made available on the web through the development of the learning object ConstruMed, which contains the steps of the referred methodology and texts explaining the main concepts involved in the process. The aim is to provide support to development staffs during the making of DEM. / Esta tesis tiene por finalidad elaborar una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales (MEDs), la cual integre orientaciones técnicas, gráficas y pedagógicas. El objetivo es colaborar con la práctica de equipos que desarrollen MEDs y también en la articulación entre sus miembros. Como base teórica, se abordan el constructivismo de Piaget, el concepto de diseño pedagógico, la educación por competencias y la experiencia estética. La metodología utilizada se clasifica como cuantitativa y cualitativa. Primeramente, se realiza una investigación bibliográfica acerca de los conceptos relacionados, además de una revisión de producciones nacionales e internacionales sobre los temas planteados. Enseguida, se identifican las competencias del equipo que desarrolló los MEDs con base en el diseño pedagógico. A continuación, se construye el objeto de aprendizaje CompEMed. A través de su empleo en un curso de extensión universitaria, se valida la referida identificación de competencias. Con base en esta identificación, se elabora una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales basados en el diseño pedagógico. Dicha metodología se pone a disposición en la red a través de la construcción del objeto de aprendizaje ConstruMed, el cual, a su turno, contiene las etapas de la referida metodología y textos que explican los principales conceptos relacionados. El objetivo es apoyar, durante el proceso, a equipos que desarrollen MEDs.

Os sentidos da avaliação do desempenho do estudante em um currículo por competência / The meaning of the student performance evaluation in a competency-based curriculum

Luzmarina Aparecida Doretto Braccialli 17 December 2009 (has links)
O propósito deste trabalho foi analisar o processo de avaliação da aprendizagem do estudante em um currículo integrado, orientado por competência, nos Cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem e Medicina da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (FAMEMA). Essa análise incide particularmente sobre o Exercício de Avaliação da Prática Profissional (EAPP), em que a avaliação do desempenho do estudante recai sobre aspectos cognitivos, habilidades e atitudes. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com os objetivos de descrever o processo avaliativo do EAPP na área do cuidado individual nas diferentes séries dos Cursos de Enfermagem e Medicina da FAMEMA; analisar a avaliação do desempenho do estudante, cotejando-a com o currículo prescrito e o apresentado aos professores e analisar as tendências convergentes e divergentes em relação aos sentidos do processo avaliativo encontrados no currículo prescrito, no currículo apresentado apresentados aos professores e nos currículos moldado e em ação pelos professores. Foram analisados 694 registros dos formatos de avaliação dos Cursos de Enfermagem e Medicina e realizadas 16 observações dos EAPPs, filmadas e transcritas. Procedeu-se ainda à análise documental dos projetos e manuais da FAMEMA, que foram submetidos ao Método de Interpretação dos Sentidos, que se baseia em princípios hermenêutico-dialéticos. O EAPP revelou-se uma estratégia que reforça a potencialidade da avaliação. Entretanto, exige de professores e estudantes um movimento de ruptura com o paradigma de origem no que toca a avaliação. Pôde-se constatar ainda a presença de diferentes concepções de avaliação, desde a mais tradicional, até a mais crítica, reflexiva, negociada, comprometida com a aprendizagem e com a prática profissional. A avaliação expressa no EAPP que a avaliação vivida nem sempre é a expressão daquela proposta no currículo prescrito e no apresentado aos professores: ora apresenta-se vinculada ao referencial condutivista, ora ao construtivista de competência. Constatou-se, portanto, a necessidade de construir uma reflexão coletiva sobre as práticas pedagógicas, em especial as práticas de avaliação, por meio de um processo de sucessivas aproximações, que permita à comunidade acadêmica da FAMEMA reconstruir e repensar as formas de organização do trabalho docente, com ênfase no processo avaliativo. Para isso, será necessário promover uma aliança de fato entre os Cursos de Enfermagem e Medicina em que os Projetos Político-Pedagógicos dos cursos expressem o referencial de educação e de avaliação dialógica adotados. Será necessário ainda promover a reconstrução dos formatos de avaliação do desempenho do estudante e a ação do professor no EAPP / The purpose of this study was to analyze the student learning evaluation process in an integrated competency-based curriculum in the Nursing and Medical Courses at the Medical School of Marilia (FAMEMA). This analysis focuses particularly on the Professional Practice Evaluation Exercise (PPEE), in which the student performance evaluation falls back on cognitive aspects, abilities, and attitudes. A qualitative research was performed with the objectives of describing the PPEE evaluative process in the area of individual care, in the different series of the Nursing and Medical Courses at FAMEMA; analyzing the student performance evaluation, comparing it with the curriculum prescribed and presented to the teachers; and analyzing the convergent and divergent tendencies in relation to the meanings of the evaluative process presented in the prescribed curriculum, the one presented to the teachers, and those molded and in put into action by the teachers. There were 694 registrations of the evaluation instruments of the Nursing and Medical Courses that were analyzed and 16 observations of the PPEEs that were filmed and transcribed. The documental analysis was carried out with the projects and manuals of FAMEMA, which were submitted to the Interpretation of the Meaning Method, based on hermeneutic-dialectic principles. PPEE revealed itself as a strategy that reinforces the potentiality of the evaluation. However, it demands a paradigm rupture from the teachers and students concerning the evaluation. The presence of different evaluation concepts can still be verified, from the most traditional to the most critical, reflexive, negotiated, committed to learning, and to the professional practice. In PPEE, the experienced evaluation isnt always an expression of that proposed in the prescribed curriculum and in that presented to the teachers: either it is presented linked to the referential behaviorist or to the competence constructivist. Therefore, a collective reflection on the pedagogic practices, especially the evaluation practices, is needed, by means of a process of successive approaches that allows the academic community of FAMEMA to rebuild and rethink the forms of educational work organization, with emphasis on the evaluative process. To do this, it will be necessary to promote an alliance between the Nursing and Medical Courses in which the Political-Pedagogic Projects of the courses express the referential of education and the adopted dialogical evaluation. It will still be necessary to promote the reconstruction of the student performance evaluation instruments, as well as the action of the teacher in the PPEE

CONSTRUMED : metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico

Torrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem como finalidade elaborar uma metodologia para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MEDs), a qual integre orientações técnicas, gráficas e pedagógicas. O objetivo é colaborar para a prática de equipes desenvolvedoras de MEDs e para a articulação entre seus membros. Como base teórica, são abordados o construtivismo de Piaget, o conceito de design pedagógico, a educação por competências e a experiência estética. A metodologia utilizada classifica-se como quantiqualitativa. Primeiramente, é realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os conceitos envolvidos, assim como a revisão de produções nacionais e internacionais acerca dos temas abordados. Após, é efetuado o mapeamento das competências da equipe desenvolvedora de MEDs com base no design pedagógico. Na sequência, é construído o objeto de aprendizagem CompEMed. Por meio da sua aplicação em curso de extensão, é realizada a validação do referido mapeamento. Baseando-se nele, uma metodologia é elaborada para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. Ela é disponibilizada na web por meio da construção do objeto de aprendizagem ConstruMed que, por sua vez, contém as etapas da referida metodologia e textos explicativos sobre os principais conceitos envolvidos. O intuito é fornecer suporte a equipes desenvolvedoras durante o processo de construção de MEDs. / The present research study aims at developing a methodology for the making of digital educational materials (DEM) which integrates technical, graphic and pedagogical instructions. The objective is to support the practices of the DEM development staff and its members’ articulation. For the theoretical basis, Piaget’s constructivism, the concept of pedagogical design, competency-based education and aesthetic experience are approached. The methodology used is classified as quantiqualitative. Firstly, a bibliographic research about the concepts involved is performed, as well as the review of local and international works on the approached themes. Then, the competencies of the DEM development staff are mapped, based on pedagogical design. Finally, a CompEMed learning object is designed. Through its use in an extension program, the referred mapping is validated. Supported by it, a methodology for the making of digital educational materials based on pedagogical design is developed. It is made available on the web through the development of the learning object ConstruMed, which contains the steps of the referred methodology and texts explaining the main concepts involved in the process. The aim is to provide support to development staffs during the making of DEM. / Esta tesis tiene por finalidad elaborar una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales (MEDs), la cual integre orientaciones técnicas, gráficas y pedagógicas. El objetivo es colaborar con la práctica de equipos que desarrollen MEDs y también en la articulación entre sus miembros. Como base teórica, se abordan el constructivismo de Piaget, el concepto de diseño pedagógico, la educación por competencias y la experiencia estética. La metodología utilizada se clasifica como cuantitativa y cualitativa. Primeramente, se realiza una investigación bibliográfica acerca de los conceptos relacionados, además de una revisión de producciones nacionales e internacionales sobre los temas planteados. Enseguida, se identifican las competencias del equipo que desarrolló los MEDs con base en el diseño pedagógico. A continuación, se construye el objeto de aprendizaje CompEMed. A través de su empleo en un curso de extensión universitaria, se valida la referida identificación de competencias. Con base en esta identificación, se elabora una metodología para la construcción de materiales educacionales digitales basados en el diseño pedagógico. Dicha metodología se pone a disposición en la red a través de la construcción del objeto de aprendizaje ConstruMed, el cual, a su turno, contiene las etapas de la referida metodología y textos que explican los principales conceptos relacionados. El objetivo es apoyar, durante el proceso, a equipos que desarrollen MEDs.

Formação dos enfermeiros e enfermeiras com base nas competências: possibilidades de um novo olhar / Nursing formation based on competences: the possibility of a new look / La formación de los enfermeros y enfermeras con base en las competencias: la posibilidad de una nueva imagen

Szewczyk, Michele da Silveira Chapacais January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Josiane ribeiro (josiane.caic@gmail.com) on 2016-03-10T17:33:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 michelle.pdf: 674106 bytes, checksum: ed41c726862f12d1ba594e00661a593a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lilian M. Silva (lilianmadeirasilva@hotmail.com) on 2016-03-10T22:31:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 michelle.pdf: 674106 bytes, checksum: ed41c726862f12d1ba594e00661a593a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-10T22:31:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 michelle.pdf: 674106 bytes, checksum: ed41c726862f12d1ba594e00661a593a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Somos seres inacabados, parte de um processo de construção e reconstrução de realidades, movidos pela curiosidade, pela necessidade de transformar, de buscar crescimento pessoal e social. Estamos constantemente ensinando e aprendendo, embora nem sempre tenhamos essa consciência. As idéias de Paulo Freire, que se constituíram o referencial filosófico deste estudo, contribuem para que a educação formal seja entendida como uma ação política e potencialmente transformadora da realidade social. A formação de enfermeiros e enfermeiras com base nas competências está legitimada através da Resolução nº 3, de 2001, que institui as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e direciona a possibilidade dos futuros profissionais perceberem a complexidade do seu fazer. Esse estudo objetivou identificar as competências e habilidades gerais presentes no curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma universidade federal do extremo sul do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), na percepção de um grupo de alunos e alunas. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva-exploratória, do tipo estudo de caso. O projeto foi encaminhado e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisas da Área da Saúde (CEPAS). Foram sujeitos da pesquisa estudantes do 3º ao 8º semestres de um curso de graduação em enfermagem, selecionados previamente. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida através do Grupo Focal, sendo realizados três encontros. Estes foram transcritos na íntegra e submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo, tendo originado as seguintes categorias: Dicotomia provocada pelas competências administrativas e gerenciais na formação dos enfermeiros e enfermeiras; Atenção à saúde: uma competência que merece atenção em tempos de mudança; Desvelando sentimentos e significados da comunicação como atributo da arte de cuidar; Reflexos do processo de ensino aprendizagem no planejamento de ações voltadas à educação permanente: delineando um caminho a ser percorrido. Foi possível alcançar o objetivo delineado para este estudo, tornando-se clara a necessidade de envolvimento do corpo docente e discente na concretização de uma nova proposta de ensino-aprendizagem. Esperamos que os resultados encontrados possam trazer colaborações para a universidade na qual se realizou este estudo, para o corpo docente e discente bem como comunidade em geral. Refletir sobre seu próprio fazer é um passo importante a ser dado pelos docentes e, do mesmo modo, é igualmente importante que os alunos e alunas reflitam acerca de sua condição na busca por um ensino mais contributivo na formação de profissionais críticos, reflexivos, questionadores, compromissados e humanos. / We are unfinished beings, parts a construction process and reconstruction of realities, moved by the curiosity, by the needing of transformation, by looking for personal and social growth. We are constantly teaching and learning, although not always we are that aware. Paulo Freire's ideas, that are the philosophical base of this study, contribute so that the formal education is understood as a political action and potentially changeable of the social reality. The nurses' formation and nurses, based in the competences, are legitimated through the Resolution no. 3, of 2001, that it institutes the Guidelines National Study Contents and it shows the possibility of the future professionals notice the complexity their work. The aim of this study was to identify the competences and present general abilities in the nursing college of a federal university from the extreme south of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, in the perception of a group of students boys and girls. It is a qualitative research, descriptiveexploratory, case study type. The project was submitted and approved for the Committee of Ethics in Researches of the Area of the Health. The subjects of this study were students of the 3rd to the 8th semesters of a nursing college, previously selected. The collection of data was developed through the Focal Group, being accomplished three encounters. These data were transcribed completely and submitted to the Content Analysis, originating the following categories: Dichotomy provoked by the administrative and managerial competences in the nurses' formation and nurses; Attention to the health: a competence that deserves attention in times of change; Revealing feelings and meanings of the communication as attribute of the art of taking care; Reflexes of the process of teaching learning in the planning of actions returned to the permanent education: delineating a road to be traveled. It was possible to reach the objective delineated for this study, becoming evident the needing of involvement of the professors and college students in the materialization of a new teaching-learning proposal. We hoped the found results can bring collaborations for the university in the which took place this study, to the professors and students as well as community in general. To reflect about your work is an important step to be given by the professors and, in the same way, it is equally important that the students realize their condition in the search for a more contributive teaching in the professionals' critical, reflexive formation, interested, committed and humans. / Nosotros somos seres inacabados, que forma parte de un proceso de construcción y reconstrucción de realidades, movidos por la curiosidad, por la necesidad de transformar, a buscar crecimiento personal y social. Estamos constantemente enseñando y aprendiendo, aunque ni siempre tengamos esa conciencia. Las ideas de Paulo Freire, que constituyeron la referencia filosófica de este estudio, contribuyen para que la educación formal sea entendida como una acción política y con potencial de transformación de la realidad social. La formación de enfermeras y enfermeros con base en las competencias es legitimada a través de la Resolución N º 3, 2001, que establece las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales y dirige la posibilidad de que los futuros profesionales comprendan la complejidad de su hacer. El objetivo de esto estudio fue identificar las destrezas y habilidades generales en el curso de graduación en enfermería de una universidad federal del sur de Rio Grande do Sul (RS), en la percepción de un grupo de alumnos. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, descriptivo y exploratorio, del tipo de estudio de caso. El proyecto fue dirigido y aprobado por el Comité de Ética de Investigación en la Zona de Salud. Fueron objeto de investigación estudiantes del 3º a 8º semestres de un curso de graduación en enfermería, seleccionados de antemano. La recogida de datos se desarrolló a través de la Coordinadora de Grupo, en tres sesiones. Estas fueron transcritas en su totalidad y presentada al análisis de contenido, tiendo provocado las siguientes categorías: Dicotomía causada por vía administrativa y de gestión en la formación de enfermeros y enfermeras; Atención a la salud: una competencia que merece la atención en tiempos de cambio; Desvelando sentimientos y significados de la comunicación como atributo del arte de cuidar; Reflejos del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la planificación de acciones para la educación permanente: esbozando un camino a recorrer. Fue posible alcanzar la meta establecida para esto estudio, dejando clara la necesidad de participación de los profesores y alumnos en la terminación de una nueva propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esperamos que los resultados encontrados puedan aportar contribuciones a la universidad en la cual se ha realizado esto estudio, para el profesorado y alumnos, la comunidad en general. Reflexionar sobre su propio hacer es un paso importante a ser tomado por los profesores y, del mismo modo, también es importante que los alumnos y alumnas reflexionen sobre su posición en la búsqueda de una enseñanza más contributiva en la formación de profesionales críticos, reflexivos, preguntadores, comprometidos y humanos.

Aplicabilidade do modelo de análise qualitativa de Yang no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Bioética em fóruns eletrônicos / Applicability of Yang analysis model in the teaching-learning Bioethics in electronic forums

Monica Magalhães Pereira da Silva 03 February 2015 (has links)
No campo da Educação está cada vez mais presente o meio eletrônico com suas potencialidades. O ensino mediado por tecnologia é uma realidade, oferecido no âmbito internacional e em todos os campos do saber. Esse novo meio em rede do processo de aprendizagem favorece a promoção das estratégias de ensino centradas no aluno. Paralelamente, múltiplos fatores culminaram no surgimento de uma nova ciência: a Bioética. O processo de aprendizagem em Bioética se identifica com a aquisição de competências que vão além do conhecimento do conteúdo, do saber teórico. Engloba habilidades cognitivas de reflexão e discernimento, de juízo e decisão que conduzem ao saber comportar-se com qualidade e aconselhar de forma assertiva, diante de uma questão ética que reclama uma ação, atitude ou postura adequada. Portanto, identificam-se como elementos desse processo, não apenas o conhecimento do conteúdo, mas também as habilidades que determinam a capacidade operativa do indivíduo no âmbito da Bioética. Especificamente faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aplicação de metodologias de avaliação adequadas ao meio digital e à finalidade do processo de ensino-aprendizagem nesta área do saber. Este estudo propõe o modelo de análise qualitativa de conteúdo de Yang (2008) como metodologia para identificar as competências próprias do aprendizado específico da Bioética nas postagens dos alunos em fóruns eletrônicos. Sua metodologia de análise contempla indicadores de aprendizagem cognitiva (cognitive learning) adquiridos através de fóruns eletrônicos, abrangendo competências de conteúdo e habilidades cognitivas. O modelo de análise de conteúdo proposto por Yang demonstrou-se eficiente para aferir a aprendizagem no campo da Bioética, apontando a capacidade e profundidade das reflexões pessoais; também é adequado para avaliar o registro das habilidades cognitivas que correspondem ao aprendizado de bioética, bem como se apresenta como uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para a elaboração das questões dos fóruns visando às competências pretendidas. / In the field of Education electronic means are increasingly present, with all its potentialities. Teaching through technological means is a reality offered internationally and in every educational field. These new means of the learning process in the web offer teaching strategies centered on the student. Simultaneously and in parallel, due to several factors, a final result appeared: the development of a new science, Bioethics. The learning process in Bioethics identifies itself with the acquisition of competencies which goes beyond the knowledge of the content, the theoretical knowledge. Includes cognitive abilities of reflection and insight, judgment and decision, which lead to the knowledge of how to behave with quality and advise assertively, through an ethical issue that calls for a proper proceeding, attitude or posture. Therefore the elements of the learning process identify themselves not only with acquired knowledge of the contents but also with the abilities which determine the operative capacity of the student in the sphere of Bioethics. Specifically it becomes necessary to develop evaluation methodologies suitable to the digital technologies and to the objective of the teaching-learning process in this sphere of knowledge. This study proposes de Yang qualitative analysis of content (2008) as a methodology to identify the competences specific to the learning of Bioethics in answers given by the students in electronic forums. The analysis methodology contemplates cognitive learning indicators acquired through the electronic forums, which include content competences and cognitive abilities. The Yang qualitative analysis of content was efficient to evaluate the learning in the sphere of Bioethics, indicating the capacities and depth of personal reflection; it was also adequate to evaluate the registry of cognitive abilities which correspond to the learning of Bioethics, as well as a valuable tool to elaborate questions to the forums in the direction of the sought competences.

'n Model vir die optimalisering van leer by die serebraal- en verstandelik gestremde leerders

Pretorius, Christoffel Cornelius Jacobus 22 August 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / In schools for cerebral palsied learners there are also learners who, in addition to their primary disability, have a secondary mental disability. Teaching these learners poses a serious problem, as there is no set curriculum for them. In most cases teachers do not have the necessary skill and training required to teach these learners. It is this deficit in learners, teachers, therapists and parents/guardians that has become noticible to the researcher. The researcher, as educational psychologist has felt the need to develop a model that would make education in this LSEN-phenomenon (Learners with special education needs) more meaningful. The purpose of this research is to develop a model that will optimise learning in cerebral palsied and mentally disabled learners, and that will enable these learners to realize their full potential. The model has been developed from a programme which has been compiled after four years of practical experience in teaching LSEN. The programme involves creating a context in which these learners can master life and learning skills. In this research a qualitative exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was followed. The research was divided into four phases namely conceptualization, the relation within the concepts, the description of the model and the evaluation of the model. The validity and reliability of the research were described using Guba's model for determining trustworthiness. During phase one the researcher concentrated on identifying and classifying concepts, after which these concepts were defined. In order to do this, a multiple case study design was applied. Four learners were selected purposively. These learners suffered primarily from ii therapists, and parents/ guardians. Data was collected through operationalising the programme. Interviews were conducted with the various role players. The learners' progress was evaluated continually. Data was also collected through document analysis. During phase two the various concepts were brought into relation with each other, after which a model was devised during phase three. During phase four guidelines for the implementation of the model in practice were given. The programme included in this model refers to learning and life skills that learners would require within an education and learning situation. The learning skills or meta learning strategies referred to, are planning, evaluation, and correcting. The life skills refer to self care skills, social skills and work skills. life skills are addressed in all subject areas under a single theme, in the classroom situation, as well as with the therapist and at home. The most significant contribution of this research is the fact that a model has been devised, which contains a programme that enables learners to reach their full life potential, a result of the more purposeful guidelines provided by educational psychological intervention to the various role players.

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