Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conceptual dhange"" "subject:"conceptual dchange""
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Pre-service science teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical scienceIwuanyanwu, Paul Nnanyereugo January 2014 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Students frequently leave first-year physical science classes with a dual set of physical laws in mind- the equations to be applied to qualitative problems and the entrenched set of concepts, many erroneous, to be applied to qualitative, descriptive, or explanatory problems. It is in this sense that the emphasis of this study is on ‘change’ rather than acquisition. Thus, a blend of theoretical framework was considered according to the aim of the study. Of immediate relevance in this regard within the “constructivist paradigm” are: Posner, Strike, Hewson and Gertzog’s (1982) conceptual change theory and the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Moreover, the very shift or restructuring of existing knowledge, concepts or schemata is what distinguishes conceptual change from other types of learning, and provides students with a more fruitful conceptual framework to solve problems, explain phenomena, and function in the world (Biemans & Simons, 1999; Davis, 2011). A quasi-experimental design was adopted to explore pre-service teachers’ conceptual and procedural difficulties in solving mathematical problems in physical science. Sixteen second and third year pre-service teachers in one of the historically black universities in the Western Cape, South Africa, participated in the study. Two inseparable concepts of basic mechanics, work-energy concepts were taught and used for data collection. Data were collected using questionnaires, Physical Science Achievement Test (PSAT), Multiple Reflective Questions (MRQ) and an interview. An explicit problem solving strategy (IDEAL strategy versus maths-in-science instructional model) was taught in the intervention sessions for duration of three weeks to the experimental group (E-group). IDEAL strategy placed emphasis on drill and practice heuristics that helped the pre-service teachers’ (E-group) understanding of problem-solving. Reinforcing heuristics of this IDEAL strategy include breaking a complex problem into sub-problems. Defining and representing problem (e.g. devising a plan-using Free-Body-Diagram) was part of the exploring possible strategies of the IDEAL. More details on IDEAL strategy are discussed in Chapter 3. The same work-energy concepts were taught to the control group (C-group) using lecture-demonstration method
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Základy právního vědomí u žáků jako východisko pro výuku výchovy k občanství / Legal awareness among pupils as a starting point for civic educationDousková, Pavla January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the basics of legal awareness of pupils. Its aim is to examine children's conceptions of responsibility and the processes associated with it in pupils at the beginning of the secondary school, to identify gaps and misconceptions with which pupils come to teaching and to propose recommendations for teaching. The theoretical part introduces the concept of responsibility, especially from the point of view of law, the psychological foundations of children's concepts and research devoted to children's concepts in the field of law. The practical part consists of a probe into children's conceptions of responsibility. The probe is implemented on pupils before the transition to the secondary school and on pupils in the 6th grade. The probe is based on two situations, which pupils can meet in their daily lives. The situations take place in two familiar environments - school and park. We focused on these situations in semi-structured interviews, which were then qualitatively evaluated. Based on the probe, it was found that students at the beginning of the 2nd grade understand responsibility, but have difficulty identifying the rules according to which it is attributed and do not understand the relationships and powers of the institutions associated with responsibility. Also...
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Culturally Responsive Professional Development through Conceptual Change: A Case Study of Substitute Teachers in Urban School DistrictsFeola, Frank J. 24 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining the Conceptual Understandings of Geoscience Concepts of Students with Visual Impairments: Implications of 3-D PrintingKoehler, Karen E. 23 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Kindliche Konzepte zur Größe Gewicht und ihre Entwicklung / theoretische Modellierung und zwei Einzelfallstudien mit DrittklässlernReuter, Dinah 08 August 2011 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit ist, die Konzepte von Drittklässlern zur Größe Gewicht zu beschreiben. Es handelt sich um eine hypothesengenerierende Arbeit auf Basis einer qualitativen Studie. Dabei soll geklärt werden, welche Konzepte überhaupt auftreten, welchen Einfluss Unterricht auf diese Konzepte haben kann und welche Anhaltspunkte sich finden, Unterricht an die Vorkenntnisse der Kinder anknüpfen lassen zu können. Auf der Basis der Theorie des Konzeptwechsels und der Theorie der Subjektiven Erfahrungsbereiche sowie der mathematisch-physikalischen Hintergründe zur Größe Gewicht und Ergebnissen bereits vorliegender Untersuchungen wird ein Modell eines Gewichtskonzepts erstellt, das die beteiligten Teilkonzepte identifiziert. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde eine empirische Studie konzipiert, die das Ziel hat, mit Hilfe von Einzelinterviews die Konzepte von Drittklässlern im Kontext der unterrichtlichen Behandlung der Größe Gewicht zu untersuchen. An der Studie nahmen 15 Kinder teil. Die Konzepte zweier Kinder werden in Form von Einzelfallstudien analysiert und durch ausgewählte Konzepte anderer Kinder ergänzt. Es zeigen sich sehr unterschiedlich differenzierte Konzepte zur Größe Gewicht. Manche Kinder verfügen über ein weit ausgebautes Konzept aufgrund vielseitiger Vorerfahrungen. Bei diesen Kindern ist über den Untersuchungszeitraum fast keine Entwicklung der Konzepte feststellbar. Die weniger ausgebauten Konzepte anderer Kinder zeigen insbesondere bezüglich der Teilkonzepte Einheiten, Stützpunktwissen, Waagen sowie Wiegen Entwicklung auf. Direkt nach der unterrichtlichen Behandlung sind sowohl Konzepterweiterungen als auch -neubildungen feststellbar. Später sind diese Umstrukturierungen bei einigen Kindern stabilisiert oder sogar weitergeführt, bei anderen dagegen wieder in den Hintergrund gerückt. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse wird das Modell eines Gewichtskonzepts reflektiert und mögliche Konsequenzen für den Unterricht diskutiert. / This thesis aims at describing German third grade pupils'' concepts concerning the physical quantity weight. It is a hypothesis-generating thesis based on a qualitative study. We are going to clarify those concepts that can be observed, what kind of influence school instruction can have on these concepts and the implications for an instruction that wants to tie in with children''s previous experiences. Based on the theory of conceptual change and the theory of subjective domains of experiences as well as the mathematical and physical background of the quantity weight but also the results of previous studies, we will develop a model of a weight concept by organizing related aspects into subconcepts. We have designed an empirical study with the purpose of examining third graders'' weight concepts in the context of a teaching unit on weights. For the study, 15 children were interviewed. The interviews of two children are evaluated in form of two single case studies. The analysed concepts of these two children are completed with selected concepts of other children to find similarities and differences, allowing us to draw conclusions on both general concept evolution and instructional issues. The interview analyses show varied differentiated weight concepts. Some of the children showed already at the beginning highly developed subconcepts based on all-round individual experience. In the later interviews hardly any change of these children''s concepts were assessed. Other children with initially less sophisticated subconcepts evolved over time the concepts units, base knowledge, scales, and weighing. Immediately after the teaching unit we were able to find both new and evolved concepts. Later, some children''s concepts had stabilised while other children had returned to pre-instructional concepts. Based on the overall results of the study, we revisit our weight concept model.
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Data-based scientific reasoning: Uncovering perceptual and interpretational processes involved in responses to anomalous data in science educationMeister, Sabine 23 January 2024 (has links)
In der Dissertation wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche kognitiven Prozesse der Informationsverarbeitung von wissenschaftlichen Daten beim konzeptuellen Lernen von biologischen Inhalten eine Rolle spielen. Dafür wird ein theoriebasiertes Modell des data-based scientific reasoning beschrieben, welches ebenfalls Aspekte der visuellen Wahrnehmung einbezieht. Dabei kann eine Synthese sogenannter bottom-up- und top-down-Effekte die visuelle Wahrnehmung der dargestellten Daten beeinflussen. Von Interesse sind hierbei Charakteristika der Repräsentation der Daten, sowie die individuellen Vorstellungen zum Kontext und ob, die Daten diese stützen oder widerlegen (anomale Daten). Weiterhin wird in der Arbeit die Rolle von data-based scientific reasoning auf wissenschaftliche Modellierungsprozesse untersucht, da Modellieren als übergreifende wissenschaftliche Praxis gesehen werden kann. In vier empirischen Studien wurden kognitive Prozesse beim Umgang mit Daten bei angehenden Biologielehrkräften, mit Fragebögen, Eye Tracking und lautem Denken untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Studien heben die Rolle der visuellen Wahrnehmung als entscheidenden Schritt beim data-based scientific reasoning hervor. In Bezug auf Charakteristika der Repräsentation erscheint es notwendig, die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit der Lernenden auf spezifische Merkmale zu lenken und mit entsprechendem konzeptuellem Wissen zu verknüpfen. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass anomale Daten zwar mit wissenschaftlich adäquatem Wissen erklärt werden, dies aber nicht automatisch zur Änderung ursprünglicher Vorstellungen bezüglich des Kontexts führt. Diese Tendenz scheint mit Unsicherheit gegenüber den Daten verbunden zu sein. Darüber hinaus spielen anomale Daten eine zentrale Rolle in wissenschaftlichen Modellierungsprozessen. Die Ergebnisse der entsprechenden Studie deuten darauf hin, dass hoch ausgeprägte Kompetenzen des data-based scientific reasoning mit elaborierten Modellierungsprozessen zusammenhängen. / The thesis focusses on the relevance of reasoning with scientific data for conceptual learning in biology. It aims to contribute to the question which cognitive processes are involved when learners encounter data sets that support or contradict their individual expectations. Therefore, a theoretical model of data-based scientific reasoning is described that is grounded on a general model of information processing. In this model, aspects of visual perception are emphasized. However, visual perception is influenced by a synthesis of so-called bottom-up and top-down effects. Furthermore, the theoretical perspective on the role of responses to anomalous data for scientific practices was extended by investigating how learners react and integrate anomalous data during modeling processes. In four empirical studies cognitive processes leading to responses to anomalous data in science education were investigated by applying a mixture of questionnaires, eye tracking techniques, and think aloud. The findings of the conducted studies highlight the role of perceptual processes as a key step during data-based scientific reasoning. Regarding representational characteristics it seems necessary to guide learners´ visual attention and connect specific features with corresponding conceptual knowledge. However, the findings suggest that a use of adequate scientific knowledge for explaining anomalous data does not lead to a change in initial conceptions regarding the context, since participants of the studies still tended to maintain their initial expectations. This tendency seems to be linked to a high need for encompassing information and a connected uncertainty towards the perceived data. Furthermore, anomalous data play a central role during modelling processes. The results of the corresponding study, indicate that sophisticated competencies of data-based reasoning with anomalous data relate to elaborate modeling processes.
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Conceptual change through cognitive perturbation using simulations in electricity and magnetism : a case study in Ambo University, EthiopiaBekele Gashe Dega 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate physics undergraduate students’ conceptual change
in the concepts of electric potential and energy (EPE) and electromagnetic induction (EMI).
Along with this, categorization of students’ conceptions was done based on students’
epistemological and ontological descriptions of these concepts. In addition, the effect of
cognitive perturbation using physics interactive simulations (CPS) in relation to cognitive
conflict using physics interactive simulations (CCS) was investigated.
A pragmatic mixed methods approach was used in a quasi-experimental design. Data were
collected by using the modified Diagnostic Exam of Electricity and Magnetism (DEEM), focus
group discussions (FGD) and concept maps (CM). Framework analysis was conducted separately
on FGD and CM qualitative data to categorize students’ conceptions while concentration
analysis was used to categorize students’ responses to the modified DEEM into three levels,
during pre and post intervention. In the qualitative results, six categories of alternative
conceptions (naive physics, lateral alternative conceptions, ontological alternative conceptions,
Ohm’s P-Primes/ P-Primes, mixed conceptions and loose ideas) and two categories of conceptual
knowledge (hierarchical and relational) were identified. The alternative conceptions were less
frequently and inconsistently revealed within and across the categories. It was concluded that the
categories have common characteristics of diversified distribution of alternative conceptions and
multiple alternative conceptions of specific concepts within and across the categories. Most of
the categories found in pre intervention persisted in post intervention, but with a lesser
percentage extensiveness of categories of alternative conceptions in the CPS than in the CCS
class and more percentage extensiveness of categories of conceptual knowledge in the CPS than in the CCS class.
ANCOVA was separately conducted on the scores of 45 students on the modified DEEM and
CM tests to compare the effectiveness of the CCS and CPS. The results showed a significant
difference between the two classes of the post test scores on the DEEM test, (1, 36) = 4.66,
p=0.04 and similarly, on the CM test, (1, 31) = 8.33, p=0.007. Consequently, it was concluded
that there is a statistically significant difference between CPS and CCS in changing students’
alternative conceptions towards scientific conceptions favoring CPS. To characterize and compare students’ conceptual change of both treatment classes, Hake’s average normalized gain
<g> from pre to post scores (the modified DEEM and the CM) were analyzed. Finally, it is
suggested that in abstract conceptual areas of EM, cognitive perturbation through interactive
simulations is more effective than cognitive conflict through interactive simulations in
facilitating conceptual change, and, thus, should guide classroom instruction in the area.
Furthermore, recommendations are also suggested for guiding future research in this area. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Physics Education))
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Une approche conceptuelle pour l’interprétation des graphiques en cinématique au secondaireChoquette, Guillaume-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche tente de déterminer si, dans le cadre d’un cours de physique de cinquième secondaire, l’utilisation d’un laboratoire par enquête guidée (comme complément d’enseignement basé sur une approche conceptuelle) permet aux élèves de mieux comprendre des notions de cinématique, que le laboratoire traditionnel. Elle s’inscrit dans une série d’études, réalisées au collégial ou à l’université, qui portent sur des approches d’enseignement exploitant le laboratoire comme moyen de transmission des concepts mécaniques en physique (McDermott, 1996; Beichner, 1994).
Le laboratoire par enquête est associé à une approche conceptuelle axée sur le raisonnement qualitatif alors que celui qui est traditionnel est associé à une approche traditionnelle de l’enseignement de la physique. Le test TUG-K, «Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics » (Beichner, 1994), ainsi que des entrevues individuelles ont été utilisés afin d’évaluer la compréhension des concepts de cinématique. Il semble d’abord que le laboratoire par enquête guidé soit efficace pour enseigner la plupart des notions de cinématique. De plus, en comparant deux groupes d’une trentaine d’élèves de 5e secondaire ayant suivi deux types de laboratoires différents, l’étude a permis d’entrevoir une piste concernant la compréhension du concept d’accélération. Les résultats suggèrent qu’un laboratoire associé à une approche conceptuelle permettrait aux étudiants, à long terme, de mieux s’approprier les notions d’accélération qu’un laboratoire traditionnel. / The goal of this study is to determine whether the use of a guided inquiry laboratory (as a teaching complement based on a conceptual approach) will allow secondary five students to better understand kinematics notions than by the use of an expository laboratory. It comes within a series of college and university studies about teaching approaches using laboratories to transmit physics’ concepts in mechanics (McDermott, 1996; Beichner, 1994).
The guided inquiry laboratory approach is associated to a conceptual approach based on qualitative reasoning, whereas the expository laboratory is associated to traditional approach in teaching physics. The Test of Understanding Graphs in Kinematics (TUG-K) (Beichner, 1994) and individual interviews were used to evaluate understanding of kinematics concepts. First of all, the study shows that a guided inquiry approach is an effective method to teach most of kinematics notions. Comparing the results from two groups of 38 students, the study results indicate that a conceptual approach laboratory is better than an expository laboratory for students’ long-term understanding of acceleration notions.
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Impact des services d'animation pédagogique de la Biosphère sur certaines conceptions d'élèves du deuxième cycle du primaireLanoue, Caroline 01 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement des sciences est capital dès l’école primaire, mais est souvent délaissé. Les musées scientifiques peuvent palier à cette lacune en offrant des ressources éducatives concrètes, dont les programmes éducatifs. Cette recherche détermine l’impact d’une animation pédagogique de la Biosphère sur certaines conceptions d’élèves du deuxième cycle du primaire. La chercheuse a opté pour une recherche qualitative et la méthode choisie est l’étude de cas, de type exploratoire. Des élèves d’une classe ont participé à l’étude. Ils ont assisté à une visite muséale, insérée au sein d’une séquence didactique. À l’aide de plusieurs outils de collecte de données (questionnaires, entrevues et observations), la chercheuse a été en mesure d’identifier quatre niveaux de modification des conceptions d’élèves (évolution notable, une certaine évolution, stabilité des conceptions, confusion des conceptions). Enfin, elle suggère quelques pistes d’amélioration à la Biosphère afin de maximiser l’impact de la visite sur l’apprentissage des élèves. / Science education is essential in elementary school, but it is often neglected. Science museums can overcome this gap by providing practical educational resources, including educational programs. This research determines the impact of a Biosphere’s educational animation of certain conceptions of students from elementary school. The researcher chose a qualitative research and the chosen method is an exploratory case study. Students from a class have participated to this study. They attended a museum visit, insert in a didactic sequence. Using several data collection tools (questionnaires, interviews and observations), the researcher has been able to identify four levels of modified conceptions of students (significant evolution, a certain evolution, stable conceptions, confusion conceptions). Finally, she suggests some ways of improving the Biosphere’s animation to maximize the impact of the visit on student learning.
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Filmmaking: a new pedagogical method to explore students' view of nature of scienceKottova, Alena 23 September 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the nature, scope, and significance of a new pedagogical approach to teaching of views on nature of science (VNOS) to high school students. Educational approaches based on teaching ‘correct’ VNOS continue to be dominated by the epistemology of logical empiricism and, as I will point out, these approaches are inadequate to address the issues of VNOS. I assert and the findings presented in this dissertation offer evidence that students’ VNOS are dynamic and context-based.
In this research I used filmmaking to explore students’ VNOS. High school students, supported by a professional filmmaking crew, completed a short film entitled, The Shadows of Hope; this film explores the use of scientific knowledge in understanding everyday life problems. The filmmaking environment introduced simultaneously a number of contexts in which students’ VNOS were concurrently collected using mixed methods methodology.
The results show that contexts sway students’ VNOS and generate a variety of the VNOS for each student. Evidence shows that there is a common, theme-based pattern to individual students’ set of VNOS. The variety of expressed VNOS seemed natural to the students, with no registered discomfort. However, in this study a contrast between students’ VNOS and their ‘school-based’ understanding of science also became apparent. This is evidence that cognitive dissonance is not sufficient to explain the full spectrum of ways in which students learn, deepen knowledge and arrive to conceptual change. I assert that including cognitive contextual expansion in our understanding of conceptual change is essential to provide a framework that allows to integrate cognitive diversity into the theory of learning, reflecting a perhaps more natural way human mind works.
The project’s findings offer evidence that students’ VNOS deepened and expanded through filmmaking; students arrived to a more examined and mature VNOS while enjoying the activity of making a film. There is evidence that cooperation with a professional team provided students with a feeling of respect and pride. Filmmaking offers a robust way of learning, based on collaborative work that enlivens a large number of learning-enhancing activities. Additional resources and a Brief Guide For Teachers are added to this text to support teachers in adopting filmmaking as a unique pedagogical method. / Graduate / 0714 / 0900 / 0533 / akottova@uvic.ca
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