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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribucions a la microagregació per a la protecció de dades estadístiques

Torres Aragó, Àngel 08 September 2003 (has links)
DE TESIDesprés de recollir la informació referent a les tècniques pertorbatives més rellevants de control de la revelació de microdades contínues actualment existents, l'objectiu general de la tesi és l'anàlisi i la millora d'aquestes tècniques de control de la revelació mitjançant mètodes d'estadística matemàtica; millora referida a almenys un dels tres aspectes següents: 1) Nivell de protecció. Donar un bon grau de protecció a la informació confidencial de les dades que han de ser publicades.2) Pèrdua d'informació. Minimitzar la pèrdua d'informació durant el procés de modificació de les dades. 3) Complexitat computacional. Reduir el temps de càlcul i/o computació inherent a l'aplicació de tècniques de control de la revelació.L'anàlisi i millora referides als objectius generals d'aquesta tesi han estat aplicades concretament a una tècnica de control de la revelació per a microdades contínues anomenada microagregació que bàsicament ajunta registres individuals del conjunt de microdades per tal de disminuir el risc de revelació.Podem diferenciar les diverses aportacions de la tesi de la següent manera:1. Aportacions als mètodes de microagregació univariant, aplicats fonamentalment al tractament de microdades contínues univariants.2. Aportacions als mètodes de microagregació multivariant, aplicats bàsicament al tractament de microdades contínues multivariants (més d'una variable observada).3. Mesures comparatives de mètodes pertorbatius.1. Microagregació univariant1.1. S'ha desenvolupat un estudi analític mitjançant estadístics d'ordre sobre la seguretat del mètode de microagregació amb ordenació individual.1.2. S'ha comparat la qualitat del mètode de microagregació mitjançant ordenació individual amb altres mètodes de control de la revelació per a microdades contínues; qualitat que ha estat mesurada per l'equilibri aconseguit entre la pèrdua d'informació i el risc de revelació.2. Microagregació multivariant2.1. S'ha creat un nou mètode de microagregació multivariant de la "Distància Màxima Modificat" (DMM), modificació d'un altre mètode existent anomenat de la "Distància Màxima" (DM) i s'han comparat les seves complexitats computacionals.2.2. Hem comparat la qualitat del nou mètode de microagregació de la Distància Màxima Modificat" (DMM) amb altres mètodes de control de la revelació per a microdades contínues; qualitat que també ha estat mesurada per l'equilibri aconseguit entre la pèrdua d'informació i el risc de revelació.2.3. Hem desenvolupat un estudi analític per calcular el número de possibles particions d'un conjunt de p variables observades en h-1 conjunts de mida s i un únic conjunt de mida s+r, on p=hs+r.2.4. S'ha realitzat un estudi sobre el número de variables que han de tenir els conjunts d'una partició sobre la que s'executarà el mètode DMM perquè el conjunt modificat de dades resultant tingui una bona qualitat.2.5. Hem fet un estudi sobre la combinació de variables dintre els conjunts que formen una partició que, juntament amb l'anterior estudi sobre el número de variables, proporcionen a l'usuari de la microagregació multivariant una guia per saber quantes i quines variables haurien de formar la partició del conjunt de variables sobre la que s'executarà el mètode DMM perquè el conjunt modificat de dades resultant tingui una millor qualitat.3. Mesures comparatives3.1. Distinció entre les diverses naturaleses que formen part de les mesures emprades per comparar mètodes pertorbatius.3.2. Ponderació de les diverses mesures tenint en compte les diverses naturaleses trobades en el punt anterior.3.3.Creació d'una nova mesura de pèrdua de confidencialitat basada en intervals de confiança construïts a partir de desviacions típiques. / THESIS SUMMARYThis Ph. D. thesis deals with topics related to the protection of the confidentiality of statistical data being disseminated by statistical offices.Beyond presenting a state of the art on the most relevant perturbative techniques for statistical disclosure control of microdata, the general objective of this thesis is to analyze and improve such techniques through the use of mathematical statistics. Improvements achieved in at least one of the three following directions:1) Increase the protection level, i.e. increase the level of protection of sensitive information in the data being published.2) Decrease information loss, i.e. the loss of data utility caused by the application of statistical disclosure control techniques.3) Decrease computational complexity, i.e. the computation inherent to the application of statistical disclosure control techniques.The analysis and improvement mentioned in the general objectives of this thesis have beenapplied to a specific statistical disclosure control technique for continuous microdata. This technique, known as microaggregation, basically consists of clustering individual records in the data set in order to reduce disclosure risk.The contributions of this thesis can be classified as follows:1. Contributions to univariate microaggregation methods, which are mainly used to treat univariate continuous data.2. Contributions to multivariate microaggregation methods, which are mainly used to treat multivariate continuous data (observations of several variables).3. Comparative measures for perturbative methods.1. Univariate microaggregation1.1. An analytical study has been carried out using order statistics whose purpose is to assess the security of individual ranking microaggregation.1.2. The quality of individual ranking microaggregation has been compared with the quality of other statistical disclosure control methods for continuous microdata. Quality is measured as the balance between information loss and disclosure risk.2.Multivariate microaggregation.2.1. A new multivariate microaggregation method has been presented which is called "modified maximum distance" (MMD). MMD is a modification of a previous method called "maximum distance" (MD). Computational complexities of MMD and MD have been compared.2.2. The quality of MMD has been compared with the quality of other statistical disclosure control methods for continuous microdata. Quality is measured as the balance between information loss and disclosure risk.2.3. An analytical study has been carried out in order to compute the number of possible partitions of a set of p observed variables into h-1 sets of size s and one set of size s+r, where p=hs+r.2.4. A study has been carried out on the number of variables required by the sets of a partition on which the MMD method is run in order to obtain a modified data set with good quality.2.5. A study on the combination of variables within the sets that form a partition has been performed which, together with the previous study on the number of variables, provides the user of multivariate microaggregation with a guideline for deciding how many and which variables should form the partition of the set of variables on which MMD is to be run in order to obtain a modified data set with better quality.3. Comparative measures3.1. A distinction has been established between the different natures of the measures used to compare perturbative methods.3.2. A weighting of the various measures has been proposed which takes into account the various natures determined in the previous item.3.3. A new disclosure risk measure has been introduced which consists of a confidence interval based on standard deviations (rather than on ranks, as proposed in previous work). This new measure is especially suited for skewed data.

"Vi har barn ihop" : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst / “We got children together” : A Qualitative Study about interaction between education and Social Administration

Naumburg, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka former och innehåll i samverkan över förvaltningsnivå, utbildningsförvaltning och socialförvaltning i Västra Götaland, samt hur den uppfattas. Studien avgränsas till samverkan inom två kommuner och baseras på intervjuer med representanter från de båda förvaltningarna. Det är för mig ett aktuellt ämne eftersom vi som blivande lärare vet att alla elever har olika behov av stöd och hjälp. Utsatta barn är i behov av vuxna och är i en beroendeställning. Skolan är en verksamhet och socialtjänsten en annan som kan komma att ingå i utsatta barns liv. Intressant och aktuellt känns därför att undersöka vem har vilket ansvar och hur går det att samverka kring en elev mellan skola och socialtjänst? För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ studie genomförts med intervjuer där totalt fem lärare på Individuella programmet och en rektor ingår, samt två socialsekreterare, det vill säga respondenter från de båda förvaltningarna. Studiens resultat visar att samverkan behövs och krävs, samtliga som deltar i studien ser att en samverkan är positiv och ju mer desto bättre. Samverkan bygger på personliga kontakter och är beroende av personliga relationer, vilket gör att samverkan fungerar olika. Sekretessen lyfts som ett hinder för samverkan utifrån en lärares syn, medan socialtjänsten inte ser sekretessen som ett hinder då det finns sekretessbrytande regler. Slutsatser som kan göras efter genomförd studie är att vi bör sätta det utsatta barnet i centrum och handla för dess bästa. Vi har olika yrkesroller som vi bör värna om och här krävs en samverkan över förvaltningsnivå för att kunna stötta det utsatta barnet på bästa och effektivaste sätt. / The study aims to examine the forms and contents of interaction of government, Social Administration and education administration, with the declared intention is to work for the pupil's best and create an overall perspective on the student. It is for me a timely subject because we as future teachers know that all students have different needs for support and help. Vulnerable children are in need of adults and are in a dependent position. The school is an operation and Social Administration of another who might be part of the vulnerable children's lives. Interesting and topical feel, therefore, to examine who has the responsibility and how you can interact around a student from school and Social Administration? To investigate this, a qualitative study conducted interviews with a total of five teachers in the Individual Program and a principal part, and two social workers. The study results show that collaboration is needed and necessary, all participating in the study sees a synergy is positive and the more the better. It is based on personal contacts and is dependent on personal relationships, making cooperation work differently. Secrecy is lifted as a barrier to collaboration on a teacher's views, while the Social Administration does not see confidentiality as a barrier where there are confidentiality-breaking rules. Conclusions can be made after the study is that we should put the abused child in the center and act for the best. We have different professional roles that we should protect and this requires a collaboration of government to support the abused child in the best and most efficient manner.

Attitudes And Opinions Of People Who Use Medical Services About Privacy And Confidentiality Of Health Information In Electronic Environment

Ozkan, Ozlem 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In health services, it is a necessity to keep the records of the patients. Although paper-based records are commonly used for this aim, they are not as convenient as computerized records. Therefore, many of the health facilities have recently started keeping patients&rsquo / health records in electronic databases. However, new questions about confidentiality and privacy of these records were raised with this new system.This study aims to investigate the opinions and attitudes of the people who use the health services of Turkey about the privacy and confidentiality of health information in electronic environment. In the survey, there are 596 participants from 64 different cities in six geographical regions of Turkey. The findings show that people feel comfortable about computer usage in health-care but they are concerned about the privacy and confidentiality of their information and also they are not sure if their medical information is safe and secure now. Moreover, they are mostly unaware about current regulations related to information privacy in Turkey. The study also shows that people trust in their doctors, health researchers in universities, pharmacist, nurses and other hospital staff but do not trust in insurance companies, government, private sector health researchers, information technology specialists and government health researchers for the privacy of their medical records.

"Vi har barn ihop" : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst / “We got children together” : A Qualitative Study about interaction between education and Social Administration

Naumburg, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Studien syftar till att undersöka former och innehåll i samverkan över förvaltningsnivå, utbildningsförvaltning och socialförvaltning i Västra Götaland, samt hur den uppfattas. Studien avgränsas till samverkan inom två kommuner och baseras på intervjuer med representanter från de båda förvaltningarna. Det är för mig ett aktuellt ämne eftersom vi som blivande lärare vet att alla elever har olika behov av stöd och hjälp. Utsatta barn är i behov av vuxna och är i en beroendeställning. Skolan är en verksamhet och socialtjänsten en annan som kan komma att ingå i utsatta barns liv. Intressant och aktuellt känns därför att undersöka vem har vilket ansvar och hur går det att samverka kring en elev mellan skola och socialtjänst? För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ studie genomförts med intervjuer där totalt fem lärare på Individuella programmet och en rektor ingår, samt två socialsekreterare, det vill säga respondenter från de båda förvaltningarna.</p><p>Studiens resultat visar att samverkan behövs och krävs, samtliga som deltar i studien ser att en samverkan är positiv och ju mer desto bättre. Samverkan bygger på personliga kontakter och är beroende av personliga relationer, vilket gör att samverkan fungerar olika. Sekretessen lyfts som ett hinder för samverkan utifrån en lärares syn, medan socialtjänsten inte ser sekretessen som ett hinder då det finns sekretessbrytande regler.</p><p>Slutsatser som kan göras efter genomförd studie är att vi bör sätta det utsatta barnet i centrum och handla för dess bästa. Vi har olika yrkesroller som vi bör värna om och här krävs en samverkan över förvaltningsnivå för att kunna stötta det utsatta barnet på bästa och effektivaste sätt.</p> / <p>The study aims to examine the forms and contents of interaction of government, Social Administration and education administration, with the declared intention is to work for the pupil's best and create an overall perspective on the student. It is for me a timely subject because we as future teachers know that all students have different needs for support and help. Vulnerable children are in need of adults and are in a dependent position. The school is an operation and Social Administration of another who might be part of the vulnerable children's lives. Interesting and topical feel, therefore, to examine who has the responsibility and how you can interact around a student from school and Social Administration? To investigate this, a qualitative study conducted interviews with a total of five teachers in the Individual Program and a principal part, and two social workers.</p><p>The study results show that collaboration is needed and necessary, all participating in the study sees a synergy is positive and the more the better. It is based on personal contacts and is dependent on personal relationships, making cooperation work differently. Secrecy is lifted as a barrier to collaboration on a teacher's views, while the Social Administration does not see confidentiality as a barrier where there are confidentiality-breaking rules.</p><p>Conclusions can be made after the study is that we should put the abused child in the center and act for the best. We have different professional roles that we should protect and this requires a collaboration of government to support the abused child in the best and most efficient manner.</p>

Ethical dilemmas among psychologists in Sweden and South Africa

Lindén, Ellen, Rådeström, Johanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate ethical dilemmas and ethical difficulties experienced by psychologists in Sweden and South Africa. The study is a replication of previous studies conducted by Colnerud (1997) and Slack and Wassenaar (1999). A sample of 295 psychologists in Sweden and 312 psychologists in South Africa were asked to describe situations that they identified as ethically difficult. 53 psychologists in Sweden described 61 incidents and 21 psychologists in South Africa described 24 situations. This corresponds to a response rate of 20% in Sweden and 8% in South Africa. The reported dilemmas were categorized according to a qualitative content analysis developed by Pope and Vetter (1992). The contribution of this study is that the results confirm that confidentiality is a prominent ethical dilemma for psychologists in Sweden and South Africa. This finding is consistent with findings in comprehensive international research. Furthermore, the results indicate that psychologists, especially in Sweden, experience ethical problems due to weakened legitimacy when conducting assessments. The results are discussed taking into consideration the different contexts in which psychologists work, the application of different ethics codes and different levels of ethical awareness. The weaknesses of the study and the method used are also discussed.</p>

Topics and Applications in Synthetic Data

Loong, Bronwyn 07 September 2012 (has links)
Releasing synthetic data in place of observed values is a method of statistical disclosure control for the public dissemination of survey data collected by national statistical agencies. The overall goal is to limit the risk of disclosure of survey respondents' identities or sensitive attributes, but simultaneously retain enough detail in the synthetic data to preserve the inferential conclusions drawn on the target population, in potential future legitimate statistical analyses. This thesis presents three new research contributions in the analysis and application of synthetic data. Firstly, to understand differences in types of input between the imputer, typically an agency, and the analyst, we present a definition of congeniality in the context of multiple imputation for synthetic data. Our definition is motivated by common examples of uncongeniality, specifically ignorance of the original survey design in analysis of fully synthetic data, and situations when the imputation model and analysis procedure condition upon different sets of records. We conclude that our definition provides a framework to assist the imputer to identify the source of a discrepancy between observed and synthetic data analytic results. Motivated by our definition, we derive an alternative approach to synthetic data inference, to recover the observed data set sampling distribution of sufficient statistics given the synthetic data. Secondly, we address the problem of negative method-of-moments variance estimates given fully synthetic data, which may be produced with the current inferential methods. We apply the adjustment for density maximization (ADM) method to variance estimation, and demonstrate using ADM as an alternative approach to produce positive variance estimates. Thirdly, we present a new application of synthetic data techniques to confidentialize survey data from a large-scale healthcare study. To date, application of synthetic data techniques to healthcare survey data is rare. We discuss identification of variables for synthesis, specification of imputation models, and working measures of disclosure risk assessment. Following comparison of observed and synthetic data analytic results based on published studies, we conclude that use of synthetic data for our healthcare survey is best suited for exploratory data analytic purposes. / Statistics

Σχεδιασμός των αλγορίθμων υλοποίησης εμπιστευτικής και ακέραιας επικοινωνίας του πρωτοκόλλου UMTS σε φορητές συσκευές

Κουλούρης, Αντώνιος 18 June 2009 (has links)
Θέμα της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας ήταν ο σχεδιασμός των αλγορίθμων εμπιστευτικής και ακέραιης επικοινωνίας του πρωτοκόλλου UMTS. Απώτερος στόχος υπήρξε η ενσωμάτωση τους σε φορητές συσκευές και γι’ αυτό σχεδιάστηκαν με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε διατηρώντας μία ικανοποιητική απόδοση να μπορούν να καταλαμβάνουν όσο το δυνατόν μικρότερη επιφάνεια ολοκλήρωσης και ταυτόχρονα να καταναλώνουν όσο το δυνατόν λιγότερη ενέργεια. Οι τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για να επιτευχθεί ο στόχος αυτός ήταν η βελτίωση του αλγορίθμου μαζί με την τεχνική της διοχέτευσης και τα ισορροπημένα δέντρα από πύλες XOR. / -

Pacientų nuomonė apie konfidencialumo principo taikymą n gydymo įstaigoje / Patients‘ opinion about the application of confidentiality principle in medical institution n

Venclovaitė, Rūta 15 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti pacientų nuomonę apie konfidencialumo principo taikymą gydymo įstaigoje. Uždaviniai. Įvertinti pacientų informuotumą apie konfidencialumo principo taikymą sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje. Išaiškinti pacientų požiūrį į konfidencialumo principo taikymą sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje ir nustatyti ryšį su pacientų lytimi ir išsimokslinimu. Tyrimo metodika. N sveikatos priežiūros įstaigoje atlikta anoniminė anketinė 303 pacientų apklausa (atsako dažnis – 86,6 proc.) Duomenų analizei naudotas SPSS 13.0 statistinės analizės paketas. Diagramos ir lentelės parengtos Microsoft Excel 2007 programa. Rezultatai. 56,8 proc. tyrimo dalyvių teigė, jog perskaitė visas pasirašyti pateiktas formas, 28,7 proc. respondentų tvirtino, kad perskaitė kai kurias jiems pateiktas informavimo/sutiki-mo formas. 66,7 proc. respondentų teigė, kad prieš pasirašydami visiškai aiškiai žinojo dėl ko duoda sutikimą, 19,1 proc. respondentų prisipažino, jog kai kas buvo neaišku, ir 14,2 proc. respondentų nurodė, jog nesuprato su kuo sutinka, tačiau pasirašė, nes taip reikia. 52,5 proc. skaičiusių informavimo formas respondentų nurodė, jog pateiktoje informuoto sutikimo formoje buvo aiškūs visi teiginiai, 36,7 proc. respondentų dauguma teiginių buvo aiškūs. Mažiau nei pusė respondentų (45,9 proc.) manė, jog informacija apie ligą ir medicininius tyrimus yra įslaptinta, su šiuo teiginiu nesutiko 26,1 proc. respondentų. Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp pacientų išsimokslinimo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate patients' opinion about the application of confidentiality principle in medical institution. Objectives. To evaluate patients' awareness about the application of confidentiality principle in health care institution. To find out patients‘ attitude towards the application of confidentiality principle in health care institution and to determine its relationship with patients‘ gender and education. Methods. An anonymous survey of 303 patients using questionnaires (response frequency – 86.6 %) ¬was carried out in the health care institution N. Data analysis used the SPSS 13.0 statistical analysis package. Charts and tables were prepared using Microsoft Excel 2007. Results. 56.8 % of the survey participants told that they had read all the forms presented to be signed, 28.7 % of the respondents claimed that they had read some of the forms of information/consent presented to be signed. 66.7 % of the respondents affirmed, that before signing they knew absolutely clearly why they had given their consent, 19.1 % of the respondents admitted that some things were unclear, and 14.2 % of the respondents told that they had not understood why they had given their consent; however, they had signed the form because it was necessary. 52.5 % of the respondents who had read the forms of information claimed that all the propositions of the form of informed consent were clear, 36.7 % of the respondents had understood most of the propositions. Less than half of the... [to full text]

Ar įvaikinimo konfidencialumas nepažeidžia vaiko giminaičių pagal kilmę teisių? / Wheather the confidentiality of adoption violates the rights of child‘s former close relatives (according to blood relationship)?

Jonuškienė, Daiva 30 July 2009 (has links)
Darbe keliama hipotezė, kad vaiko giminaičių pagal kilmę teisės dėl valstybės užtikrinamo įvaikinimo konfidencialumo nėra pažeidžiamos. Tam patvirtinti ar paneigti reikia, visų pirma, suprasti, kas yra šeima, koks vaiko vaidmuo šeimoje ir visuomenėje, kas yra įvaikinimas, koks yra įvaikinimo konfidencialumo tikslas. Šeima yra valstybės ir visuomenės pagrindas. Ją sudaro sutuoktiniai ir jų vaikai. Vaikas yra apibrėžiamas kaip asmuo, kuriam nėra suėję 18 metų. Jis turi teisę gyventi šeimoje, ir niekas negali iš jo tokios teisės atimti. Bet tėvų sprendimu ar dėl tam tikrų aplinkybių (pvz., tėvų mirties, ligos, įkalinimo)vaikas negali augti šeimoje. Tokiu atveju vaiko teises ir teisėtus interesus imasi užtikrinti valstybės įgaliotos institucijos. Be tėvų globos likęs vaikas yra apgyvendinamas globos namuose. Kita alternatyva be tėvų globos likusiam vaikui yra įvaikinimas. Įvaikinimu yra panaikinamos vaiko biologinių tėvų ir kitų giminaičių teisės ir pareigos vaiko atžvilgiu, o tarp vaiko ir įtėvių bei kitų giminaičių sukuriamos tokios teisės ir pareigos kaip tarp tėvų ir vaikų bei giminaičių pagal kilmę. Tėvų teisės ir pareigos vaikams yra tapačios – juos auginti ir išlaikyti. Abipusė išlaikymo pareiga yra numatyta artimiesiems vaiko giminaičiams – seserims, broliams, seneliams. Šie artimieji giminaičiai taip pat turi ir teisę bendrauti su vaiku. Įvaikinus vaiką visos buvusių giminaičių pagal kilmę teisės ir pareigos yra panaikinamos. Tuomet yra galimas vaiko giminaičių pagal... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adoption is the legal act where all rights and duties between the natural family and the child are extinguished and the rights and duties between the child and the adoptive parents are established as they are relatives according to blood relationship. The purpose of these theses is to answer the question wheather the confidentiality of adoption violates the rights of child‘s former close relatives (according to blood relationship). There are some points that help to answer this question: • Defining what the family is; • Analizing the child‘s role in his family and in the society; • By rewiev of conception of adoption, its development, procedural fetures; • Defining the causes of adoption, its warranties and limits; • Defining the communication between the adopted child and his former close relatives. The hypothesis is that the confidentiality does not violate the relations between the adopted child and his former close relatives. It‘s important to notice that adoption is closely connected with social life and warranties of the adoptive family so it is impossible to separate the social aspect and the legal act of adoption. Family is the ground of the society and the nation. Family is knowable as the spouses and their children. The concept of the child in the legal documents is associated with the capability of the person. The international and national legal acts interprets the child as a person under 18. There are some occasions when the child may be declared as capable even... [to full text]

La confidentialité des résultats des tests génétiques : les droits des membres de la famille et les obligations des professionnels de la santé : une étude comparée Québec / France

Fecteau, Claudine 09 1900 (has links)
L'information génétique, de manière intrinsèque, concerne non seulement un individu, mais également les personnes qui lui sont liées par le sang. Dans l'hypothèse où une personne refusait de communiquer des informations cruciales pour la santé des membres de sa famille, les professionnels de la santé qui détiennent ces renseignements pourraient se retrouver confrontés à un dilemme, soit le choix entre le respect de la confidentialité ou la communication des infonnations pertinentes dans l'intérêt de la famille. Ce mémoire propose une analyse des règles régissant la confidentialité des résultats des tests génétiques en regard des droits des membres de la famille et des obligations des professionnels de la santé. Une analyse comparative entre le droit québécois et français est effectuée. La législation portant sur la confidentialité est essentiellement fondée sur la protection des droits individuels. Des exceptions législatives sont toutefois prévues dans l'intérêt de certains membres de la famille, mais elles s'adressent uniquement à la famille biologique. La notion de famille est ainsi restreinte spécifiquement dans le cadre de la génétique. Le bris de la confidentialité ne semble pas la solution optimale pour résoudre le conflit entre les droits de la personne concernée et ceux de sa famille et n'est d'ailleurs pas envisagé par les systèmes juridiques québécois et français. Les professionnels de la santé doivent alors mettre l'accent sur l'information et le dialogue avec le patient, ce qui est davantage garant de la protection des droits de toutes les personnes en cause. / Genetic information, by its very nature, concerns not only the individual, but also the persons related to him by blood. Where an individual refuses to share genetic information crucial to the health of his family members, health professionals who hold such information are faced with a dilemma: they must choose between respecting confidentiality and communicating in the interest of family members. This thesis analyses the rules governing the confidentiality of genetic test results with regards to the rights of family members and the obligations of health professionals. A comparative analysis between the laws of Québec and France is undertaken. Legislation dealing with confidentiality is essentiatly based on the protection of the rights of individuals. Legislative exceptions are nevertheless provided in the interest of certain family members, but they are directed only to the biological family. The concept of "family" is thus restricted in the context of the confidentiality of genetic information. Disregarding confidentiality is not the best solution to the conflict between the rights of the person concerned and of those of his family, and such a solution is not contemplated either in Québec or in France. Health professionals must therefore place emphasis on informing the patient, a solution which offers great protection of the rights of all concemed. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maître en droit LL.M.". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury : "Mémoire de très bonne tenue. Exposé clair et synthétique. Approche relativement classique. Texte fort bien écrit."

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