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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

一九八九年至一九九九年國際法院成案之研究—實體法與程序法層面之分析 / Cases Studies of International Court of Justice from 1989 to 1999 : Analysis on views of substantive and procedural law

黃志揚, Huang, Chih-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Le principe de l'absence d'effet suspensif des recours contentieux en droit administratif / The non-suspensive effect principle of dispute actions in french administravive law

Lei, Maxime 17 March 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la procédure administrative contentieuse, les recours ne sont pas pourvus d’un effet suspensif. Par conséquent, les autorités administratives ont la possibilité d’exécuter les décisions contestées jusqu’à la décision juridictionnelle. Cette situation, constitutive d’un principe, est le produit d’une philosophie contentieuse marquée par un déséquilibre à l’avantage de l’administration. Le principe de l’absence d’effet suspensif en est une des formes d’expression les plus directes tant il est susceptible de grever la protection des droits des requérants. Son étude permet indirectement de questionner la pertinence contemporaine des fondements idéologiques du droit et du contentieux administratif. Sa déconstruction fait apparaitre son caractère désuet au regard des évolutions en cours. Celles-ci, qu’elles soient propres au phénomène juridique ou qu’elles le dépassent, servent à déterminer les caractéristiques attendues des recours contentieux. La recherche d’une solution équilibrée, à mi-chemin entre efficacité administrative et protection des requérants, devient un impératif. Celui-ci sera atteint à partir d’une reconstruction de cet aspect épineux de la procédure administrative contentieuse en s’appuyant sur une analyse matérielle de la situation litigieuse. / In contentious administrative disputes, appeal actions do not trigger any suspensive effect on the case. As a consequence, the administrative authorities can enforce the appealed decisions until the court gives its final decision. This position constitutes a principle and is due to a highly unbalanced dispute philosophy, as it tends to be favourable to the administration. The non-suspensive effect principle is one of the most direct expressions of this phenomenon as it is most likely to encumber the protection of the plaintiff rights. Studying this principle allows to question the relevance, nowadays, of the ideological basis on which law and administrative disputes are built. A deconstructive analysis shows that, due to several evolutions, this principle seems to be “outdated”. These developments, whether they are part of the legal dimension or part of something bigger, help shaping the expected features of the dispute actions. Finding a balanced solution, between administrative effectiveness and protection of plaintiffs, has become an essential requirement. And this may be reached through rebuilding this rather thorny aspect of the administrative proceedings from a legal analysis of the position in controversy.

Digital Contention: Collective Action Dynamics in Social Movements for Internet Freedom

Jared M Wright (9164600) 24 July 2020 (has links)
<p>How does collective action operate in digital space, particularly for those social movements at the cutting edge of technologically innovative contentious politics? This dissertation analyzes activist (and hacktivist) groups engaged in what I call <i>digital contention</i> with state and corporate institutions over the future of Internet policy and governance, or what they see as “the freedom of the Internet.” Based on case studies of the Digital Rights movement and the Anonymous hacktivist collective, I use a combination of computational and qualitative analyses of online texts, along with participant-observation at meetings and protest events, to explore how certain collective action dynamics are changing in digital space. Specifically, these include how movements internally perceive political opportunities and threats, as well as how they construct frames to communicate to external audiences. I find that: 1) Political opportunity is less important than threat for activists in digital contention, which is likely due to the lower costs of collective action; and 2) The digital divide and technological knowledge gap create a barrier to frame resonance which digital activists address either through “strategic inclusiveness” or “communities of anonymity,” both of which encourage diversity among participants while also reifying other inequalities in different ways. These findings have significance for the study of social movements, communication and technology studies, and Internet policy. I argue that they portend changing dynamics that may ultimately affect all forms of collective action, and indeed the balance of power in whole societies, in the future as digital technology continues to spread into every facet of our lives.</p>


Fejfar, Jindřich January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis Public sphere in networked society concerns about the relation of public sphere and cyberspace. Cyberspace is defined as new social institution, which is not embodied Habermasian normative ideal of critical public sphere, but in contrary it constitute new forms of inequalities and new forms of fragmentarization and commercialization. Explored are therefore also theories which critically deal with concept of public sphere and better describe the reality of cyberspace. The expansion of Cyberspace and horizontal communication network also relate with transformation of contentious politics. The thesis provides an overview of historical development of new action repertoire of contention - virtual sit-in. As an embodiment of all these societal shifts, which are seen as an elements of change in power balance, is presented Operation Payback orchestrated by hacktivist group Anonymous. Keywords Cyberspace, public sphere, hacktivism, action repertoires, repertoires of contention, virtual sit-in, electronic civil disobedience, Anonymous, Operation Payback

La fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d'Ivoire / The contentious administrative function in Ivory Coast

Ambeu, Akoua Viviane Patricia 12 September 2011 (has links)
D’une manière générale, la fonction administrative contentieuse peut être appréhendée comme l’ensemble des juridictions chargées de connaître des litiges résultant de l’activité des autorités administratives. Elle represente l’activité juridictionnelle en matière administrative. Par conséquent, la fonction administrative contentieuse doit s’appréhender tant sous l’angle d’une juridiction, que sous celle de son juge. L’institution d’une fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d’Ivoire remonte à l’époque coloniale. Cependant, à l’instar de la plupart des ex-colonies françaises, ce n’est qu’au lendemain de l’indépendance en 1960, que la fonction administrative contentieuse ivoirienne s’est affirmée en tant que fonction juridictionnelle autonome à l’égard du système français. La procédure administrative non contentieuse, comme la procédure administrative contentieuse dont il est question dans l’étude ont connu de grands progrès tant en France que dans les pays francophones d’Afrique pour lesquels le système de juridiction administrative comme le droit qu’il vise à contrôler ont longtemps constitué, selon la belle formule de Jean RIVERO, un bon « produit d’exportation » français. La Côte d’ivoire n’échappe pas à ce constat. Aussi l’étude de la fonction administrative contentieuse en Côte d’Ivoire a pour objet de dessiner la physionomie générale de la justice administrative ivoirienne un demi siècle après son institution afin d’en souligner les éléments de permanence ou de changement. / Generally speaking, the contentious administrative function can be arrested as all the jurisdictions asked to know disputes resulting from the activity of the authorities. She represente the jurisdictional activity in administrative subject. Consequently, the contentious administrative functio has to dread as long under the angle of a jurisdiction, that under that of his judge. The institution of a contentious administrative function (office) in Ivory Coast goes back up to the colonial time. However, following the example of most of the French ex-colonies, it is that after the independence in 1960, that the Ivory Coast contentious administrative function asserted itself as autonomous jurisdictional office towards the French system. The not contentious administrative procedure, as the contentious administrative procedure question of which it is in the study knew big progress both in France and in the French-speaking countries of Africa for which the system of jurisdiction administrative as the right at which it aims at checking constituted for a long time, according to the Jean RIVERO's beautiful formula, a voucher " produced by export " French. Ivory Coast does not escape this report. So, the study of the contentious administrative office in Ivory Coast has for object to draw the general face of the Ivory Coast administrative justice half a century after her institution to underline the elements of durability or change.

La liaison du contentieux / The link of contentious

Il, Léa 11 December 2012 (has links)
Si l’expression liaison du contentieux est communément utilisée en jurisprudence administrative, dans les manuels et ouvrages de contentieux administratif, c’est pour être confondue avec la règle de la décision administrative préalable. Or, la liaison du contentieux est plus vaste que cette dernière, elle renvoie à une réalité différente qui reste à découvrir. L’étude pratique de la liaison du contentieux révèle qu’elle est dans l’intérêt des parties à l’instance et qu’elle est l’instrument de travail du juge car sans elle, le litige ne peut être réglé. Et comme le litige est avant tout l’affaire des parties à l’instance, ce sont elles qui devront lier le contentieux. Le juge, destinataire de la liaison du contentieux, va intervenir dans sa réalisation alors qu’il restait initialement à l’extérieur de celle-ci. L’analyse juridique de la liaison du contentieux montre qu’elle exerce en parallèle, et ce à tous les niveaux du procès, une emprise forte sur la matière litigieuse qu’elle délimite. Le contentieux, qui se lie devant les premiers juges du fond, se cristallise en effet après l’expiration du délai de recours avant d’être rendu totalement immuable à la clôture de l’instruction. Le litige, tel qu’il a été lié, est « transféré » dans les instances dérivées pour être, éventuellement, rejugé. La liaison du contentieux se poursuit alors devant le juge d’appel et de cassation mais tout en assurant au litige son unicité. / If expression link of contentious is commonly used in administrative case law, in manuals and books of administrative contentious, it is to be confused with the rule of administrative decision. But the link of contentious is vaster than this last, it returns in a different reality which remains to discover. The practical study of link of contentious reveals that it is in interest of litigants and that itis the working instrument of the judge because without it, litigation cannot be settled out of court. And as litigation is before the affair of litigants, it is them who will have to link contentious. The judge, addressee of the link of contentious, is going to play a part of link of contentious’srealization while he resided outside this one initially. The juridical analysis of the link of contentious shows that it exercises in the same time a strong hold, at all the law suit, over the litigation which it delimits. In effect, the contentious, which linked in front of the first investigation magistrates, is crystallized after the expiry of the deadline of submission for a legal settlement before being completely irremovable at the close of investigation of the case. Litigation, such as it was linked, is possibly “transferred” in other proceedings to be re-judged. The link of contentious continues then in front of the judge of appeal and cassation but while ensuring to the litigation his uniqueness.

Droit au procès équitable et autorité administrative / Right to a fair trial and administrative authorithy

Cornu, Julie 03 December 2014 (has links)
Principe trouvant une expression solennelle à l’article 6 C.E.D.H., le droit au procès équitable irradie aujourd’hui l’ensemble de notre droit interne. Dans un contexte de subjectivisation du droit, le droit administratif n’échappe pas à cette « irrésistible extension du contentieux du procès équitable » (Mme KOERING-JOULIN). Cette assertion trouve une manifestation éclatante quant aux pouvoirs de sanctions et de règlement des différends reconnus aux autorités administratives. La définition européenne du champ d’application du droit au procès équitable, suivie par la Cour de cassation et adaptée par le Conseil d’État, permet, en effet, à l'article 6 précité de faire florès en ce domaine. Ainsi, en l’état actuel de la jurisprudence administrative, le moyen tiré de la violation de cette stipulation peut utilement être invoqué à l’encontre des autorités administratives indépendantes, tant dans le cadre de leur activité répressive que contentieuse. Depuis maintenant huit ans, le respect de cette garantie s’impose à la procédure d’établissement des sanctions fiscales. A suivre cette ligne jurisprudentielle, l’extension du droit au procès équitable à l’ensemble des autorités administratives répressives voire contentieuses pourrait être la voie de l’avenir. Une telle évolution n’est toutefois pas sans soulever certaines questions. La processualisation croissante de la répression administrative, sous l’effet du droit au procès équitable, n’est-elle pas une contradiction en soi ? Ne va-t-elle pas à rebours de l’objectif initialement poursuivi par l’externalisation de la sanction ? Plus fondamentalement, l’assujettissement de l’administration aux garanties spécifiques à la procédure juridictionnelle ne participe-t-il pas au rétablissement d’une certaine confusion entre l’administration et la juridiction ? N'y a-t-il pas là renaissance, sous une forme évidemment nouvelle, de la figure que l'on croyait révolue de l'administrateur-juge ? / The right to a fair trial is enshrined in the article 6§1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and irradiates now all French law. In the context of the subjectivization of the law, administrative law is also subject to this "unstoppable rise of disputes in the name of the right to a fair trial" (Mrs. KOERING-JOULIN). This assertion is particularly true regarding the powers of sanction and the settlement of disputes granted to the administrative authorities. The European definition of the right to a fair trial applied by the Court of Cassation and adapted by the Council of State allows a wide application of this right. So, given the current state of the administrative case law, the right to a fair trial can be usefully claimed against independent administrative authorities as regard either their law enforcement activities or litigation practice. And the tax administration has also been compelled to respect this fundamental right for eight years now. In line with this settled jurisprudence, the extension of the right to a fair trial to all the administrative authorities may be the way of the future. But such an evolution raises a few questions. Isn't the increasing jurisdictionalization of the administration activities as a result of the right to a fair trial an inconsistency in itself? Doesn't it go against the primary goal of the outsourcing of the administrative penalties? More fundamentally, doesn't subjecting the administrative authorities to the specific principles of court procedures participate in reinstating some confusion between administration and jurisdiction? Isn’t it the rebirth, under a new form, of the administrator-judge we thought was long gone?

L'entité territoriale infra-étatique dans la jurisprudence de l'Union européenne. La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne face à la dimension régionale et locale des États membres / No English title available

Payet, Dorothée 13 March 2013 (has links)
L'entité territoriale infra-étatique se présente comme une réalité institutionnelle pluriforme et géographiquement éclatée de la dimension régionale et locale des États membres au sein de l'Union européenne. Son statut juridique en droit de l'Union s'est construit en grande partie sous l'impulsion juridictionnelle. L'examen de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice permet d'identifier et de caractériser ce statut juridique. On constate qu'il a en droit de l'Union un caractère ambivalent et hybride du fait des spécificités de ce système juridique. D'une part, la Cour de justice assimile l'entité territoriale infra-étatique tantôt au statut d'État membre, tantôt au statut de particuliers. Cette ambivalence statutaire en tant que sujet de cet ordre juridique résulte des spécificités de la mission du juge de l'Union. Celui-ci doit assurer la suprématie du droit de l'Union dans les ordres juridiques internes et dans l'ordre juridique de l'Union. D'autre part, la Cour fait de l'entité territoriale infra-étatique un objet de réglementation du droit de l'Union. Elle doit tenir compte des exigences de cette dimension régionale et locale des États membres. Elle encadre l'action normative de l'entité territoriale infra-étatique en vue de la réalisation de l'intégration européenne, et dans le même temps développe un corpus normatif spécifique aux outre-mers. On constate également qu'elle contribue à la mise en œuvre du corpus normatif applicable aux entités territoriales infra-étatiques. / The infra-State body represents a pluriform institutional reality and a fragmented geographical reality of the regional and local dimension in EU Member States. Its European legal status is appeared in large part under jurisdictional impetus. The review of the case law of the Court allows to identify and to characterize this legal status. We note that European legal status of the regional or local authority is ambivalent and hybrid in character because of this specificities of the legal system of the European Union. On the one hand, the regional or local authority is assimilated sometimes to the status of the EU Member States, sometimes to the status of the individuals. That ambivalence in terms of legal status, as a subject to European law, cornes from the specificities of the mission of the Court. The Court must be insuring the primacy of European law into national legal systems and into the legal order of the European Union. On the other hand, the Court should consider the requirements of the regional and local dimension of EU Member State. The infra-State body is as an object to EU regulation. The normative action of the regional or local authority is supervised with a view to european integration, and at the same time, a special normative body for overseas regions has developed. We note that the Court contributes to define the normative corpus applying to the regional and local dimension in EU Member States.

Řízení ve věcech nezvěstnosti a smrti / Proceedings to declare a person missing and dead

Kaplanová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the proceedings in matters of a person missing and death, which include proceedings to declare a person missing, proceedings to declare a person dead and proceedings to determine the date of death. This thesis is devoted to these court proceedings in the first instance, especially to the means of the iniciation of the proceedings, determination of the participants in the proceedings, the course of the proceedings and evidence, the form of decisions, costs of proceedings and possible remedies. Concurrently, the thesis describes the substantive legal regulation of the assumptions and effects of the declaration of a person missing and the declaration of a person dead and the history of individual institutions and court proceedings. Furthermore, in order to enable a comparison with foreign legal regulations, the Spanish legal regulation of the institutions of missing persons and the declaration of death is presented here. The thesis aims to compare whether the substantive and procedural legislation correspond to each other. On the basis of this comparison, the analysis of the substantive and procedural legislation and the comparison with the Spanish legislation, de lege ferenda considerations are proposed. The work uses a historical, analytical and comparative method.

Nezletilý v civilním procesu / The minor in civil procedure

Sladká Hyklová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The Minor in the Civil Procedure JUDr. Jana Sladká Hyklová Abstract The thesis deals with the topic of the minor in civil procedure. This topic has not been yet properly compiled in Czech legal literature although the issues of participation of minors within civil proceedings are still actual and their importance is increasing. The basic legal source covering the chosen topic is Act No. 99/1963 Coll., Civil Procedure Code, which had to be amended more than 120 times. Procedural law in family law matters, which form substantial part of the content of this thesis topic, is firmly connected with substantive law. Substantive legislation is nowadays represented by Civil Code and Family Law, which are supposed to be replaced on 1 January 2014 with new code of civil law, Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.). This is the reason why the thesis pays attention to the existing legislation as well as to novelties brought by the new code. Where needed, an analysis of new legislation in terms of proper procedural protection of the rights of minors is provided. New legislation of civil law brings the question of preparation of appropriate procedural code. On spring 2012 the draft of law of non contentious procedure which includes main principles and outline of this brand new procedural regulation was published. Where...

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