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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultivating Social Capital in Thessaloniki : Contesting neoliberal governance on Urban Agricultural Gardens

Gallagher, Andrew January 2018 (has links)
The economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent implementation of austerity policies in Greece has had profound negative socio-economic impacts on Greek citizens. One way people seek to improve their socio-economic conditions is through participation in community organisations that have been studied for their ability to provide access to resources and representation. Through the application of a conceptual framework that connects the concepts of Social Capital and empowerment, this thesis investigates in what ways participation in Urban Agricultural Gardens (UAGs) in Thessaloniki benefits citizens. Specifically, the research aims to identify in what ways the formation of social relationships on these organisations produces and distributes Social Capital and whether this has empowering effects on individuals. The research positions itself within an ongoing discussion in what is referred to as a ‘neoliberal transition’, where in the last two decades social movements have increasingly contested forms of neoliberal governance and sought alternative forms of social organisation. Using empirical data from two Urban Agricultural Gardens in Thessaloniki, this thesis further investigates in what ways citizen empowerment may lead to contestations of neoliberal governance. While Social Capital was found to be generated at both organisations, there were differences in the ways it was produced and distributed. Stronger social ties were formed at PERKA due to an organisational structure that was conducive to social interaction. Similarly, narratives of contestation were found to be intensified by the physical and ideational practices at the organisation.

Entre o consenso e a contestação no Estado democrático de direito: uma interlocução entre a teoria democrática de J. Habermas e P. Pettit / Between consensus and contestation in the democratic state of law: A dialogue between the democratic theory of J. Habermas and P. Pettit

Alberto Paulo Neto 19 March 2015 (has links)
A discussão contemporânea sobre a organização de uma sociedade política que estabeleça princípios normativos visando à legitimação do Estado de direito está no epicentro da fundamentação das teorias de democracia deliberativa. Assim, indagaremos sobre a estruturação de mecanismos constitucionais que possibilitem o exercício dos direitos políticos para a formação da opinião pública. A tese a ser defendida é que há pontos problemáticos na teoria deliberativa de Habermas que dificultam a sua aplicação na práxis social. O que observamos é a necessidade do estabelecimento de mecanismos para a defesa dos cidadãos perante a forma instrumental por meio da qual os sistemas sociais operam na sociedade capitalista tardia. Por isso, com o auxílio da teoria de democracia contestatória e a concepção de liberdade republicana, apresentadas por Pettit, almejamos salvaguardar os princípios discursivos da teoria habermasiana de democracia e, ao mesmo tempo, possibilitar uma ampliação no processo de reconstrução normativa e discursiva do Estado democrático de direito. A teoria republicana de liberdade como não-dominação nos oferece um estratagema para escapar da aporia na qual as teorias contemporâneas de democracia deliberativa encontram-se aprisionadas, em particular, no que se refere à finalidade de equilibrar a força de legitimação do poder comunicativo e a sua influência na formatação do aparelho administrativo-estatal. / The contemporary discussion on the organization of a political society to establish normative principles aimed at legitimizing the rule of law is at the epicenter of the grounds of deliberative democracy theories. Therefore, we inquire on structuring constitutional mechanisms that enable the exercise of political rights for the formation of public opinion. The thesis to be defended is that there are trouble spots in the deliberative theory of Habermas that hinder their implementation in social praxis. What we observe is the need to establish mechanisms for the protection of citizens before the instrumental means by which social system operate in late capitalist society. Therefore, with the help of contestatory democracy theory and the design of republican liberty, presented by Pettit, we aim to safeguard the discursive principles of Habermas\' theory of democracy and at the same time, enabling an expansion in the process of normative and discursive reconstruction of the democratic state of law. The republican theory of freedom as non-domination gives us a ploy to escape quandary in which contemporary theories of deliberative democratic are trapped in particular as regards the purpose of balancing the legitimacy under power communicative and their influence in shaping the administrative-state apparatus.

Développement du territoire, environnement et démocratie participative : le cas de la LGV Bordeaux-Toulouse / Development of the territory, environment and participative democracy : The case of the LGV Bordeaux-Toulouse

Férezin, Elodie 25 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail propose une analyse de la mobilisation citoyenne autour du projet de LGV Bordeaux-Toulouse sur une période de dix ans. La mise en place du débat public par la CNDP en 2005 constitue une étape permettant à la population de prendre connaissance de l'existence d'un projet LGV. Ce premier débat public n'engage aucun tracé précis, l'enjeu est essentiellement de statuer sur l'opportunité d'une LGV entre Bordeaux et Toulouse. Progressivement, une mobilisation se structure. Cependant, nous montrons que la mobilisation n'est pas homogène tout au long du tracé et dépend du contexte local. Il n'y a que dans le Bordelais où les citoyens se mobilisent et participent au débat public organisé par la CNDP pour contester le projet LGV. En 2009, le maître d'ouvrage, RFF, met en place un nouveau dispositif participatif : la concertation dite " GPSO " (Grand Projet du Sud-Ouest). L'enjeu de cette nouvelle procédure participative vise, cette fois-ci, l'élaboration d'un tracé précis. La proposition d'un tracé par le maître d'ouvrage contribue à généraliser la contestation relative à la LGV au-delà du Bordelais. En effet, lors du débat public de 2005 la question de l'opportunité du projet a été tranchée, ce que remettent en cause les groupes civiques de Bordeaux à Toulouse. Dans le Lot-et-Garonne, notamment, de nombreuses associations d'opposants voient le jour et s'organisent en collectif, la Coordination 47. Ces associations se structurent et s'entendent pour proposer un projet alternatif. Contrairement au maître d'ouvrage qui souhaite la création de nouvelles voies, la Coordination 47 défend, quant à elle, la possibilité de réhabiliter les voies existantes. La Coordination 47 s'engage alors dans d'importantes actions de sensibilisation de la population afin de favoriser la participation des citoyens à l'enquête publique qui se déroule en 2014. Les militants ont obtenu gain de cause : la participation du " public " a été soutenue et la commission d'enquête a rendu un avis défavorable. A ce jour, le gouvernement n'a pas encore rendu sa décision. / This work proposes an analysis of the mobilization citizen around the project of "LGV Bordeaux-Toulouse" over a period of ten years. The implementation of the public debate by CNDP in 2005 establishes a stage allowing the population to acquaint with the existence of a project LGV. This first public debate engages no precise plan, the stake is essentially to rule on the opportunity of a LGV between Bordeaux and Toulouse. Gradually, a mobilization forms itself. However, we show that the mobilization is not homogeneous throughout the plan and depends on the local context. There are that in the "Bordelais" only the citizens mobilize and participate in the public debate organized by CNDP to dispute the LGV project. In 2009, the project owner, RFF, sets up a new participative procedure: the said dialogue "GPSO" (Big Project of the Southwest). The stake in this new participative procedure aims, this time, at the elaboration of a precise plan. The proposal of a plan by project owner contributes to generalize the contesting relative to the LGV beyond the "Bordelais". Indeed, during the public debate of 2005 the question of the opportunity of the project was cut, what question the civic groups from Bordeaux to Toulouse. In Lot-et-Garonne, in particular, a lot of opponents associations are born and get organized in collective, the Coordination 47. These associations form themselves and get on to propose an alternative project. Contrary to the project owner who wishes the creation of new ways, the Coordination 47 defends the possibility of rehabilitating the existing ways. The Coordination 47 makes a commitment then in important awareness-raising activities of the population to favor the participation of the citizens in the public inquiry which takes place in 2014. The activists were proved right: the participation of the "public" was supported and the commission of inquiry returned an unfavorable opinion. To date, the government has not taken its decision yet.


IAGO GAMA DRUMOND 13 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo analisar o engajamento do Brasil nos debates normativos sobre segurança internacional, em especial os que envolvem a temática da reconstrução estatal e a construção da paz, enquanto um agente contestador através da construção e da prática do Brazilian Way of Peacebuilding. Para realizar tal análise partiu-se do debate sobre normas nas Relações Internacionais para entender como uma norma surge, se consolida e pode ser contestada. Assim, para analisar essa atuação normativa do Brasil buscou-se analisar dois processos de reconstrução estatal e consolidação da paz nos quais a presença brasileira é e foi bastante significativa tanto em termos militares quanto em termos políticos: Guiné-Bissau e Haiti. A partir desses casos foi buscado entender como que o Brazilian Way of Peacebuilding contesta e, no limite, legitima uma visão tradicional de construção da paz. Por fim, são apresentadas as consequências dessas práticas para as normas de segurança internacional. / [en] The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze Brazil s engagement in the normative debates on international security, especially those that involve the theme of Statebuilding and peacebuilding, as a contestation agent through the construction and practice of the Brazilian Way of Peacebuilding. In order to carry out this analysis, we started with the debate on norms in International Relations to understand how a norm emerges, is consolidated and can be contested. Thus, in order to analyze this normative action in Brazil, we sought to analyze two processes of statebuilding and peacebuilding in which the Brazilian presence is and was quite significant both in military and in political terms: Guinea-Bissau and Haiti. From these cases it was sought to understand how the Brazilian Way of Peacebuilding contests and, in the limit, legitimizes a traditional vision of peacebuilding. Finally, the consequences of these practices for international security norms are presented.


[pt] A tese se propõe a responder a seguinte pergunta: como se dá a construção de significados da norma de justiça de transição no Brasil? Partindo do arcabouço conceitual do construtivismo crítico de normas, especialmente da lógica da contestação e do enquadramento da justiça de transição enquanto uma norma complexa e configurada como um agrupamento de normas, argumentamos que os sentidos atribuídos à norma de justiça de transição no Brasil são inerentes às práticas adotadas sobre ela, ou seja, do seu significado-em-uso. A fim de identificar e descrever como se dá a construção dos sentidos da norma de justiça de transição no Brasil, levantamos inicialmente os sentidos da norma de justiça de transição junto à ONU. Essa estratégia serve ao objetivo de determinar o parâmetro de sentido global da norma ao qual os sentidos da norma no Brasil se estabelecem à revelia. Uma vez que para determinar o sentido da norma devemos reconhecer o significado-em-uso, estrutura que dá sentido à norma, e esse se revela na prática, adotamos a estratégia praxeográfica sobre a pesquisa. Essa estratégia aponta os pontos de entrada das práticas e sugere como investigá-las. Baseados nessa orientação, determinadas manifestações dos atores interessados na norma (stakeholders), a maioria na forma de práticas discursivas, são utilizadas como dados (corpus textual), dos quais extraímos os significados-em-uso através da técnica de análise predicativa de discurso. Essas manifestações são majoritariamente informais (entrevistas, declarações públicas em meios não oficiais, escritos biográficos), mas contamos também com documentos de forma suplementar. A análise aponta para alguns sentidos inéditos no Brasil em relação aos sentidos globais atribuídos a norma. Apontamos que esses novos sentidos emergem de práticas também inovadoras e intensamente atreladas às experiências individuais anteriores dos atores interessados na norma imersos no contexto brasileiro de aplicação da norma de justiça de transição. / [en] This thesis aims to answer the following question: How does the construction of meaning of the transitional justice norm occur in Brazil? Starting from the conceptual framework of critical constructivism of norms, especially the logic of contestation and the framing of transitional justice as a complex norm configured as a group of norms, we argue that the meanings attributed to the norm of transitional justice in Brazil are inherent to the practices adopted about it, that is, its meaning-in-use. To identify and describe the meanings of the transitional justice norm in Brazil, we initially raised the meaning of the transitional justice norm within the UN. This strategy serves the objective of determining a global meaning parameter to which the meaning in Brazil is established by default. Since to determine the meaning of the norm we must recognize the meaning-in-use, the structure that gives meaning to the norm and is revealed in practice, we adopted the praxeographic strategy on research. This strategy points out the entry points of practices and suggests how to investigate them. Based on this orientation, certain manifestations of actors interested in the norm (stakeholders), most in the form of discursive practices, are used as data (textual corpus), from which we extract the meanings-in-use through the predicative discourse analysis technique. These manifestations are mostly informal (interviews, public statements in unofficial media, biographical writings), but we also rely on additional documents. The analysis points to some new meanings in Brazil concerning the global meanings attributed to the standard. We point out that these new meanings emerge from practices that are also innovative and intensely linked to the previous individual experiences of actors interested in the norm immersed in the Brazilian context of application of the transitional justice norm.

Critique éthique du traitement journalistique des mouvements populaires

Gagnon, Anthony 27 March 2025 (has links)
Ce mémoire se veut une critique de l'éthique de la couverture médiatique de mouvements sociaux. Bien que les médias traditionnels soient toujours importants pour façonner les opinions, leur couverture d'une situation peut comporter des biais, par exemple l'exagération de certaines caractéristiques d'un évènement ou d'une communauté, pour des motifs idéologiques ou politiques. Dès lors, ces biais peuvent comporter des manquements éthiques, tels que la décrédibilisation ou la valorisation d'une collectivité ainsi que la propagation de fausses nouvelles, générant des tensions et des injustices envers certains groupes de personnes lors de la médiatisation d'un évènement. Pour explorer l'étendue de cet enjeu, trois évènements s'étant produits entre 1999 et 2021 seront analysés à travers les éditoriaux du New York Times, du Wall Street Journal et de The Nation, afin d'observer comment cette dimension éthique est exprimée dans le contenu journalistique. / The aim of this thesis is to carry an ethical analysis on the media coverage of social movements. While traditional medias 'news still hold credibility among the population in general, they can be subject to biases based on their ideological and political positions. For instance, during a strike, medias may exaggerate some aspects or distort some actions of involved groups to discredit or praise them. Thus, these biases can lead to ethical neglects such as defamation or the spread of fake news. This practice can foster tensions and injustices between communities when said ethical neglects are present in journalists 'reports. To better understand this matter, this work analyzes three events between 1999 and 2021 through the content analysis of editorials to determine how the ethical aspect of the are presented in the newspaper.

Évolution de la critique libertaire du travail entre le XIXe siècle et le XXe siècle / Évolution de la critique libertaire du travail entre le dix-neuvième siècle et le vingtième siècle

Letarte, Jo 16 April 2018 (has links)
La recherche est le résultat d'une analyse sur l'évolution du contenu de la critique libertaire du travail entre le XIXe et le XXe siècle. La recherche montrera que la critique libertaire du travail au XlXe siècle se centre sur ce que l'industrialisation a fait perdre à l'ouvrier sur le lieu de production: le monopole de son savoir technique et des conditions de travail qui le satisfassent. Divers mouvements porteront ces luttes, tels que les luddites, le Capitaine Swing, les manifestations précédents le massacre de Haymarket Square, le système des communes françaises et le regroupement en syndicats révolutionnaires. Tandis qu'au XXe siècle, la critique libertaire du travail va au-delà du milieu de production en apportant une sévère mise en accusation: de l'institutionnalisation des luttes ouvrières, de la société de consommation; de la marchandisation des rapports sociaux et du caractère hétéronome des techniques de production. Ceci s'incarne dans diverses révoltes comme les émeutes de Watts, Berkeley ou de Mai 68, dans le mode de vie adopté par les punks, dans des mouvements qui ont théorisés sur la transformation du travail afin qu'il puisse s'allier à l'art et au jeu ainsi que par la mondialisation de la lutte ouvrière.

La contestation médiatisée par le monde de l'Art en contexte autoritaire : l'expérience cinématographique en Syrie au sein de l'Organisme général du cinéma (1964-2010)

Boëx, Cécile 23 May 2011 (has links)
Notre recherche interroge les modalités selon lesquelles une pratique artistique peut constituer un vecteur de contestation en contexte autoritaire. Elle se situe à l’intersection de deux aires de questionnement. D’une part, elle examine les multiples rapports qu’un monde de l’art peut entretenir avec un monde politique, éclairant les enjeux politiques qui traversent un champ cinématographique fortement dépendant de l’État, ainsi que les pratiques contestataires spécifiques qui y ont court. D’autre part, elle explore des formes de contestation qui se déploient à la marge d’un espace politique verrouillé, mettant au jour certains mécanismes de l’autoritarisme observés dans les négociations, arrangements et conflits entre acteurs du monde cinématographique et acteurs de l’appareil bureaucratique et étatique. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons comment les relations sociales qui se tissent autour de l’organisation et du fonctionnement de la production cinématographique polarisent et réfractent certaines pratiques et enjeux spécifiques au champ politique tout en les reformulant. Nous plaçons ensuite l’analyse au cœur des films afin de repérer et de décrire, à partir des différents procédés propres au langage cinématographique, des thématiques, des catégories et des objets qui relèvent du politique, sur lesquels les cinéastes posent un regard critique, alors même que l’expression d’une opinion contestataire dans l’espace public s’avère problématique / Our research investigates how an artistic activity can also be a vehicle for contention within an authoritarian context. It relies at the crossroad of two areas of questioning. On the one hand, we explore the various interactions between an art world and a political world, shedding light on the political logics at stake in a cinematographic field greatly dependent upon the state, as well as on the contentious practices emerging from this particular configuration. On the other hand, we scrutinize contention expressed at the margin of a locked political space, unveiling some mechanisms of authoritarianism produced by negotiations, arrangements and conflicts between actors belonging to the cinematographic world and actors of the bureaucratic apparatus. At first, we examine how the social relationships woven around the organization and the functioning of film production polarize and refract practices and issues proper to the political field while reformulating them. Then we shift the focus of our analysis on the very heart of the films to locate and describe, from the specific tools of the film language, subjects, categorizations and objects dealing with politics, upon which filmmakers cast a critical eye, whereas contentious expression in the public sphere proves to be problematic

Biyi Bandele : crise sociale et contestation politique au Nigeria / Biyi Bandele : social Crisis and Political Protest in Nigeria

Elecho, Kolawolé 25 November 2011 (has links)
Biyi Bandele est un écrivain d'origine nigériane dont l'œuvre novatrice et très riche reste encore peu connue du milieu universitaire en France. Aucune étude de grande ampleur n'a encore été consacrée à sa production et le présent travail essaie de combler ce grand vide. Cette étude qui s'appuie principalement sur les quatre romans de l'auteur a pour objectif de montrer que Biyi Bandele est un romancier carnavalesque et que tout son effort consiste à s'interroger sur les conditions de vie de ses concitoyens nigérians, la nature du pouvoir politique et ses modes d'exercice et les raisons pour lesquelles la construction d'une vraie nation semble impossible au Nigeria tant d'années après l'indépendance. A travers ces diverses interrogations, Biyi Bandele peint surtout un pays dont l'état de déconfiture et d'anomie est tel qu'il semble inconcevable d'en rendre compte avec les moyens traditionnels du roman réaliste européen. Mais grâce à son exceptionnel talent de conteur, Biyi Bandele réussit à nous faire prendre conscience de cette réalité grâce à une langue riche, et un nouvel art de conter inspiré des traditions yoruba et d'autres éléments de la culture populaire nigériane. / Biyi Bandele is a Nigerian writer whose innovative and very rich writings are still little known by academics in France. No large-scale study has been devoted to his writings yet, and this work tries to make up for this gap. This study which is mainly based on the four novels written by Biyi Bandele aims at showing that he is a Carnivalesque novelist and that all of his effort consists in raising questions about the living conditions of his fellow countrymen, the nature of political power and its functioning, and the reasons why nation-building seems impossible in Nigeria so many years after independence . Through these different questions, Biyi Bandele mainly portrays a country in shambles, in such a state of anomy that one can no longer rely on the means of the Europen realist novel to render its situation. But thanks to his exceptional talent as a storyteller, Biyi Bandele manages to make us become aware of this reality by inventing a rich language and a new way of telling story inspired by yoruba traditions and other elements of Nigerian popular culture.

Les distinctions dans le droit de la filiation

Coudoing, Nadège 23 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La filiation est un lien de droit dont la seule donnée biologique ne saurait rendre compte de la richesse et de la complexité. Le droit qui la régit forme un système de preuve qui varie dans le temps et dans l'espace en fonction de l'objectif qu'il poursuit, des contingences politiques et économiques, des influences sociétales et supranationales.Avec l'ordonnance du 4 juillet 2005, il s'est agi d'égaliser et de sécuriser les liens de filiation. Cependant, les rédacteurs n'ont pas instauré d'unification parfaite : il demeure des distinctions entre la maternité et la paternité parfois associées à des distinctions selon qu'il existe ou non un engagement conjugal entre les parents, de même qu'il y a toujours une différence de régime entre la filiation charnelle et la filiation par greffe. Parmi les divergences, il en est (particulièrement dans les domaines qui ont été exclus de la réforme) dont la suppression serait bienvenue au regard de la cohérence du droit. Il en est d'autres dont l'abolition est plus sujette à controverses. Enfin, il en est dont la disparition serait regrettable parce qu'elles témoignent de ce qu'est véritablement La Filiation. On rencontre ces distinctions dans le non contentieux, où leur réduction aurait pour conséquence de faire perdre à la filiation tout aspect symbolique, toute signification. C'est dans une analyse de ces règles qu'il faut rechercher la signification de ce lien. La filiation est un lien social reconnu par le droit, un lien social auquel il est donné valeur juridique.

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