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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le statut des salariés des sociétés militaires privés participant aux conflits armés / Status of employees of private military companies involved in armed conflicts

Kimbembe-Lemba, Aymar 26 November 2012 (has links)
Il existe une distinction entre les civils et les membres des forces armées. Cette distinction est implicitement la question de fond de cette étude sur la détermination du statut juridique des salariés des sociétés militaires privées (SMP) participant aux conflits armés. Par ailleurs, la défense et la sécurité de l'État sont assurées par divers acteurs de statuts différents qui ont des rôles bien définis par un cadre juridique : les civils et les membres des forces armées. La distinction sus-évoquée ne se limite pas là, mais elle concerne aussi les seuls membres des forces armées car il existe une distinction interne et une autre externe. Tous les membres des forces armées n'ont pas droit au statut de combattant. En revanche, la négation du statut de combattant à certains militaires n'est que relative et elle n'influence pas leur droit au statut de prisonnier de guerre. Ces militaires sont différents des personnes employées en dehors des forces armées et mandatées par leur employeur pour fournir des prestations auprès des armées sur un théâtre d'opérations. Cette utilisation soulève plusieurs questions en DIH. Les SMP fournissent des prestations qui vont de la logistique à la participation directe aux hostilités. Cette participation directe ou indirecte aux hostilités débouche sur une « hémorragie de langage » pour qualifier les salariés des SMP de mercenaires, de nouveaux mercenaires, de « security contractors », des soldats à vendre, des combattants irréguliers, etc. Ainsi, les salariés de ces sociétés exercent-ils une activité de mercenariat ? Leurs sociétés-employeurs constituent-elles des sociétés de secours ? ... / A distinction is made between civilians and military personnel. This distinction is implicit in the substantive issue of this study on determining the legal status of employees of private military companies (PMCs) involved in armed conflicts. Moreover, the defense and State security are provided by various actors of different statuses that have defined roles for a legal framework. Civilians and members of the armed forces are indeed links in this chain. The distinction mentioned over is not confined there, but it is also about the only members of the armed forces because there is a distinction between internal and one external. All members of the armed forces are not entitled to combatant status. However, the denial of combatant status to certain military is only relative and does not affect their right to prisoner of war status. These soldiers are different from those employed outside the armed forces and mandated by their employer to provide benefits to the armies in a theater of operations. This use raises several issues in IHL. PMCs provide services that go from logistics to direct participation in hostilities. This direct or indirect participation in hostilities leads to a “hemorrhage of language” to describe employees of PMCs as mercenaries, new mercenaries, defense and security contractors, soldiers for sale, irregular combatants, etc. Thus, the employees of these companies undertake specific activities of mercenaries? Their companies-employers do they constitute relief societies ? Are they combatants, noncombatants or irregular combatants ? This is so prompt questions that this thesis attempts to answer.

A construção pesada brasileira / The Brazilian heavy construction

Raquel Rodrigues Lage 15 December 2017 (has links)
A construção pesada brasileira, setor produtor das rodovias, túneis, aeroportos, portos, ferrovias, metrovias, barragens, usinas hidrelétricas e obras de arte, pontes e viadutos - bens que compõem a infraestrutura nacional - além de dinamizar diretamente as demais indústrias, contribuir para ocupação da mão de obra e absorver conhecimento tecnológico, é também formadora de uma engenharia nacional de alta especialidade técnica, reconhecida e respeitada no mundo todo. Para se entender a pujança desta atividade industrial, parte-se da gênese histórica da construção pesada nacional e das grandes firmas. Verifica-se o funcionamento do setor, aspectos técnicos, jurídicos, econômicos, políticas, materiais, máquinas, pessoal e demanda. E, por fim, a distribuição espacial, localização de obras e empresas. A estruturação da construção pesada acompanha o processo da industrialização nacional, dinamizado, sobretudo, a partir dos anos 1930. De 1960 a 1970 o setor montado vive a expansão interna com o aumento da demanda e início da inserção no mercado regional. Após a desaceleração da demanda interna a partir dos anos 1980, as construtoras partem para concessões de serviços públicos e demanda externa de construção de obras pesadas. Mantém-se pela expansão via diversificação de atuação e multinacionalização, as quais tomam força a partir da década 1990. Com as políticas nacionais de privatizações passam a atuar as firmas em saneamento, telecomunicações, energia, petroquímicos, transportes, defesa, mineração, óleo e gás, bioenergia, mobilidade urbana, empreendimentos imobiliários, têxtil, naval. Nos anos 2000 consolidam-se como grandes grupos empresariais atuantes nos mais diversos setores econômicos e retomam com força às atividades de construção de infraestruturas internas estimuladas por novas demandas públicas. A partir dos anos 2010 inicia-se o reajuste do setor. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o de compreender o setor da construção pesada brasileira sua consolidação, expansão e multinacionalização, a partir da combinação de aspectos naturais e sociais. Um setor complexo que atingiu preponderância regional e consagrado destaque mundial associado ao protagonismo de empresas, que começaram pequenas, cresceram, disputaram e ganharam mercados internacionais, demonstrando excelência. / Brazilian heavy construction, road, highways, railroads, underground, marine construction, bridges, tunnels, harbor and port facilities construction, dams, hydroelectric power plant construction infrastructure suppliers products - besides being important to the overall economy, pushing other industries, it contributes to job generation and technological knowledge, and it is also responsible for a high specialized national engineering, acknowledged and respect all over the world. To understand the strength of this sector, firstly the research follows historical data about beginning of Brazilian heavy construction industry and Brazilian main enterprises. Then how the sector works, technical activities, rules, laws and regulations, policies and practices, materials, equipments, labor and demand. Finally where main heavy constructions have been distributed and Brazilian contractors are located. Brazilian heavy construction sector increased while the national industrialization process was set down planning by political policies most since 1930. From 1960 to 1970 stimulated by public sector and assistance from the federal government and domestic demand Brazilian contractors reach technical skills make them ready to foreign market. When recession issues from the 1980s weaken some Brazilian industries, contractors start operating new segments as public service concessions merging more easily export policies. Consolidated in the 1990s whether by diversification due to privatization projects or multinationalization strategies. They have started business in sanitation, telecommunication, power, petrochemicals, transportation, defense, mining, oil and gas, bioenergy, building construction. In the 2000 already powerful organized corporations acting in many different economic activities, attracted by internal infrastructure demand, they come back where they had started. From 2010 sector has known little by little its breakdown. This text intends to understand Brazilian heavy construction its beginning, consolidations, development, distribution and internationalization, following natural and social aspects arrangement. A very complex sector which had a long time achieved regional leadership and worldwide acknowledgment.


Obořilová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on current very important and widespread IT sector on the Czech labor market and discusses the frequent solutions to the problems of IT workers employment: outsourcing. The theoretical part of this work solves development and overall approach to outsourcing. The practical part includes the legal framework of outsourcing in the Czech Republic. Given is the definition of the ICT sector, including individual sub-branches of the IT sector with their individual specifications and performance of EI-PRAGUE, s.r.o. whose database of IT specialists, together with data of Czech Statistical Office it is also used for actual calculations. These calculations help to dismantle the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing, both from the perspective of a worker employed on main job or self-employed, but also from the perspective of the IT specialists provider, state and health insurers. Carried comparisons have conflicting results. From the perspective of the worker is in almost all respects advantageous to work as self-employed, while in terms of state income and health insurers is more suitable if the workers are in an employment relationship at main job.

Nárůst soukromých vojenských společností a jejích efekt na stabilitu států v Latinské Americe / Examining the Growth of Private Military Contractors and their Applications in State Stability in Latin America

Austman, Connor January 2020 (has links)
Private military companies have rapidly filled in many operational force capacities that national militaries now longer have the capabilities to fill natively. As such, PMCs have expanded their rosters as well as their services provided to fill in many roles, and have carried out many such roles such as logistics management, personal and site security, and some inherently state functions such as training indigenous security forces and interrogation of prisoners. This rise has impacted national militaries in many facets of their operations and abstract professional bases. The ability of the PMC to carry out operations at the same standard as regular soldiers but with higher pay has impacted how the regular soldier views their own place in the professional national military, and creates problems for the establishment as a whole. This thesis will discuss the Iraq War as a case study and the impact of PMCs on the war, as well as introduce the Huntingtonian theories of soldier professionalism and corporateness, and will also employ a critical Marxist perspective to analyse the role and impact of PMCs in the modern military convention and in civil-military relations.

Samverkan på Järnvägen : Samverkan för arbete med Förebyggande Underhåll / Interaction on the Railway : Interaction for applying Preventive Maintenance

Andersson, Cecilia, Jayamanne, Lawrence January 2013 (has links)
Under litteraturstudierna fick författarna en uppfattning om att järnvägsbranschen är präglad av en hel del problematik som visat sig i ett flertal brister. Flera större omorganiseringar hade skapat en bransch med otydliga ansvarsgränser och otydliga roller med en mängd utdragna rättsliga tvister mellan beställare och entreprenörer som följd. Stämningen beskrevs som dyster och kompromisser mellan järnvägsaktörer förekom inte i den mån som behövdes, utan aktörerna tänkte mest på sin egen verksamhet. En ändring behövdes. Rapporten är begränsad till tre nyckelaktörer med koppling till järnvägsunderhåll: beställare, entreprenör och trafikutövare. Fokus har lagts på det alltför förekommande avhjälpande underhållet, som visar sig i form av trafikstörningar och trafikstopp. I samma veva uppstod en insikt om att behovet att föra in förebyggande underhåll i större omfattning var stort. Med tanke på de kunskaper författarna införskaffat sig under sin utbildning gällande förebyggande underhåll, var det lite av en chock att upptäcka hur underhållet på järnvägen sköts tidigare. Järnvägsaktörer med olika verksamheter på järnvägen, är formellt oberoende av varandra för att uppnå en fungerande järnväg och därmed en utökad samverkan. Dialog och samverkan var två nyckelord som ofta förekom och en idé om att införa rutiner för en utökad samverkan i form av dialog, antogs kunna vara början till en lösning på problematiken.  När arbetet med rapporten fortlöpte, upptäckte författarna att järnvägsbranschen är en bransch under en pågående förnyelse. Ett förbättringsarbete pågår i form av renodlade roller på riksdagens beslut nu i år och Forum för Framkomlighet (FFF) är ett forum som arbetar för just en utökad samverkan. I forumet träffas beställare, entreprenörer och trafikutövare för att genom dialog uppnå en utökad samverkan, där det första mötet inträffade i april nu i år.  En hel del har hänt under rapportens gång och författarna har utvecklat en samverkansstrategi i bästa mån utefter befintliga förutsättningar för att strategin ska vara applicerbar. Strategin är uppdelad i tre faser för att införas successivt, där Fas 3 innebär en samverkan över ett helt distrikt. Det om något, är en total samverkan. / During the writers literature study they received a clearer perception of the problematics that is embossed in the Railway industry. Several larger reorganisations had created an industry with unclear responsibilities and unclear roles resulting in several protracted litigations between the client and the contractor. The mood was described as bleak and compromises between the operators did not occur by the necessary means, the operators mostly considered only their own activities in the industry. A change had to be done. This report is limited to three key operators with connections to the maintenance on the railway. These key operators are: the client, the contractor and the transport operator. The report focuses on the all too reoccurring corrective maintenance those results in traffic-disturbances and traffic-stops. In the same time an insight occurred that a large need for implementing a preventive maintenance on a larger scale existed. Considering the knowledge the writers had acquired during their education about preventive maintenance, it slightly shocked them to see how the railway maintenance was carried out on the railway. Different operators in different organisations on the railway are dependant of each other to accomplish a functional railway, thus an increased interaction between the operators is achievable. Dialogue and interaction were two keywords that often reoccurred and the idea to, by an increased dialogue, introduce routines for an extended interaction was considered being a first step to solving the issues that exists on the railway. During the writers work on this report, they discovered that the railway industry is an industry under renewal. A process for improvement is currently going on, in the form of purer roles which was carried on after a decision was made by the Parliament of Sweden. The Forum for Accessibility (FFF) is a forum, which had their first meeting in April this year, they are currently working on increasing the interaction on the railway. In this forum the client, contractors and transport operators form a dialogue to achieve this increased interaction between one and another. A lot has happened during the writers work on this report and they have developed an interaction-strategy in the best way possible to make this strategy applicable considering the current conditions on the railway today.

Dimentions and outcomes of buyer-seller relationship intentions for concrete products in the construction environment

Masitenyane, Lehlohonolo Amos 05 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / In recent years, the concept of relationship-marketing earned eminence in academia with associated implications for marketing strategy. The aim of this study was to examine relationship intentions in the business-to-business (B2B) context from the concrete product environment within the construction industry of South Africa. Literature reviewed reveals that empirical studies for concrete product environment and the construction industry is limited, principally in South Africa, concerning the dimensions of relationship intentions. As deliberations on relationship-marketing intentions carry on maturing, there are imperative concerns yet to be clarified, one of which relates to customer’s buying behaviour in relation to the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions. Given the increasing prominence of customer buying patterns in modern marketplaces, the study intends to empirically analyse the dimesions and outcomes of buyer-seller relationship intentions, with reference to the civil and building concrete product users in a B2B setting within the South African construction industry. The civil and building engineering contractor segments were selected as research sites owing to their scope and size, which signify a productive market segment with prospects of influencing future behavioural intentions in the construction environment. The the study was underpinned by the relationship-marketing theory and social exchange theory, which clarified the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions of the civil and building constructs that underlie concrete products. As the study intended to determine the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions of civil and building contractors (customer) towards their concrete product manufacturer (supplier) organisations, a descriptive research method was chosen. The objective being to confirm and expand the dimensions of buyer-seller relationship intentions in the B2B industry context and to examine the explanatory power of the indetified dimensions. The current study employed a quantitative research method that is entrenched in the post-positivist paradigm, which also underpins this study. Data were collected using probability sampling in the form of systematic random sampling. A sample size of 560 respondents returned fully completed questionnaires. As the study was descriptive in nature, the reliability and validity of data were analysed, correlation analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) were performed. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were also conducted to confirm and expand the factor structure of the relationship intention dimensions. Preceding the main study’s data collection process, a pilot survey was undertaken to examine the correctness and accuracy of the questionnaire. The data collected were examined with the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 25.0 and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 25.0. The preliminary data analysis included the procedure of coding and examining the distribution of scores. In addition, the normality test results revealed that data were normally distributed. To confirm the consistency of the measuring instrument and its items, the reliability and validity tests were carried out. The results of the consistency of measures demonstrated that the measuring instrument was reliable. The correlation analysis disclosed a weak relationship between expectations, involvement and feedback towards relationship quality, whereas a moderate association was revealed between forgiveness and trust towards relationship quality, while a strong association was discovered between fear of relationship loss, information sharing and flexibility towards relationship quality construct. The suitability of the measurement and structural models were evaluated prior to testing the hypothesised relationships. The suggested relationships were verified by structural equation modelling (SEM). The hypotheses testing findings revealed that concrete product repurchase intentions by the study respondents were significantly and positively motivated by the supplier’s relationship quality and commitment that leads to customer satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intentions. A framework of relationship marketing intentions for the concrete product environment of the South African construction industry was developed. It was anticipated that the proposed framework will contribute towards addressing the insufficiencies in the application of relationship marketing strategies. The empirical study results advocated that concrete product manufacturer-suppliers (CPM) must invest in methods of increasing their levels of relationship quality and commitment to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will lead to customer repurchase intentions. The study results revealed that unlike previous relationship intention studies that found five dimensions, this study proposed and found eight (involvement, expectations, forgiveness, feedback, fear of relationship loss, trust, flexibility and information sharing/exchange) dimensions of relationship intentions within the B2B concrete product environment. Furthermore, the study results revealed that customer satisfaction can be upheld by concentrating on relationship building strategies, which fuel customer loyalty and repurchase intentions by meeting or exceeding customer needs and requirements. One of the study contributions is the investigation of the order of the dimesions of relationship intentions in a B2B context for the concrete product environment within the construction industry. Therefore, the study pens down both the theoretical and practical contributions to the relationship marketing literature. Paths for additional research is offered. The outcome of this study advanced a framework of the dimensions of relationship intentions, which may possibly benefit future researchers. Future studies must consider the application of a cohesive research model, which includes supplementary variables using a larger sample size utilising a longitudinal study with the purpose of increasing generalisability of the results.

What Factors Influence Medicare Reimbursement Payments for Healthcare Providers that Admit Diabetic Patients?

Saffore, Lateef Yusef, PhD 29 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Preparation and Management in Construction Company

Moudrá, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the preparation and management of construction contracts in terms of suppliers. In the thesis there are explained the basic terminology related to the preparation and management of construction contracts in terms of suppliers. The outcome of the thesis is the preparation of construction documentation from the supplier's perspective for the construction contract Agroturistika Kojatín.

Requisitos de segurança no trabalho e sua influência na formação de preços de serviços de construção civil: estudo de caso em uma empresa petroquímica

Assunção, Ana Maria Farhá January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-137 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-07T18:21:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 5555.pdf: 13354600 bytes, checksum: a877fa17734885ff9617d782a7473128 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-03-14T19:17:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 5555.pdf: 13354600 bytes, checksum: a877fa17734885ff9617d782a7473128 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-03-14T19:17:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5555.pdf: 13354600 bytes, checksum: a877fa17734885ff9617d782a7473128 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / A transformação nas organizações na busca da excelência de gestão fez evoluir a gestão dos Sistemas de Saúde, Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho - SSHMA que passaram a atuar de forma sistêmica nas empresas envolvendo também os fornecedores de serviços contratados. A análise do que ocorre nos custos dos serviços contratados após a introdução dos requisitos de Saúde, Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, e em paralelo à verificação dos benefícios e avanços obtidos nos níveis de redução de acidentes, torna-se relevante para as empresas contratantes na consolidação dos seus sistemas de SSHMA. Da mesma forma torna-se relevante para as empresas de construção civil contratadas, verificar em que medida um padrão de atuação em SSHMA, diferenciado em relação seu setor usual de atuação, influencia a competitividades destas empresas para atuar como fornecedoras no mercado do Pólo Petroquímico de Camaçari. Esta pesquisa verifica, no período de 2000 a 2004, numa empresa petroquímica situada no Pólo de Camaçari, ganhadora do Prêmio Pólo de Segurança por duas vezes neste período, o reflexo na ocorrência de acidentes e nos preços dos serviços de Construção Civil realizados, com a introdução de requisitos de segurança nos contratos. / Salvador

Prosperity in the On-Demand Economy: Reinvigorating the American Labor Force

Smallens, Ziya Mehmet 06 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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