Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contractual"" "subject:"acontractual""
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Kontraktační proces a změna smlouvy ve veřejné zakázce / The process of contracting and change of public procurement contractKubeš, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
79 Abstract The method of entering into a contract in public tenders according to Act. No. 134/2016 Coll. is a civil contractual process with a high degree of formalization and legal regulation. This makes it different from the general contractual process in civil law. The first chapter of this thesis is devoted to the analysis of public tenders in terms of setting up the legal framework. It goes into a conclusion that contractual process in public tender is part of the civil law with the subsidiary use of civil law rules, especially the Civil Code. The second chapter deals with a contractual process in a public tender itself. The process is divided into two phases - a precontractual phase and contractual phase. The precontractual phase includes procedures of the public tender that determine the clarification of content of the contract and the range of contractors. The contractual phase contains mainly the actual entering into a contract with successful tenderer. The chapter describes the specificity of the contractual process in a public tender since the announcement of the tender up to the actual entering into a contract. These specificities are introduced in relation to the open procedure being used in upper-tier mode. At the end of the chapter, there is a comparison with other types of proceedings and...
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Smluvní zajištění v mezinárodní přepravě / Contractual Ensuring of International TransportationDvořáková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis address to a contractual ensuring of an international transportation from the business and the legal points of view as a part of intenrational business operations. It describes the clasification of freight transports and its economic significance in the world an in the case of the Czech Republic, as well. The thesis also characterizes the different types of transport contracts from the points of view of the Czech legislation as well as international treaties that is the Czech Republic a part of, including the ways of ensuring the customs declaration of transported goods. The thesis also includes a practical part focused on specifics of a dangerous goods transportation and the analysis of the related risks.
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La gouvernance de la société par actions simplifiée / The governance of the "société par actions simplifiée" (SAS)Mahmoudi, Rim 11 October 2016 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est « la gouvernance de la société par actions simplifiée (SAS) ». La SAS vient de fêter ses 20 ans. Par ailleurs, la gouvernance est un thème qui prend de plus en plus de place dans le milieu des entreprises. Ce sont deux notions récentes qu’il convient de définir. La SAS, ne connait pas de modèle unique puisque son régime souple lui donne la possibilité d’avoir une multitude d’organisations en son sein. Elle varie en fonction de la taille et de l'activité de la société. La gouvernance, peut être traitée sous deux angles. Le premier est le sens classique de la gouvernance, qui se limite à l’étude de la direction au sens strict du terme. Le second, est le sens moderne de la gouvernance, à savoir le nouveau thème de gouvernement d'entreprise. Cette dernière notion est plus large et comprend un ensemble de principes issus autant du droit dur que du droit souple. Elle a trouvé un cadre au sein des sociétés cotées avec le développement de codes de gouvernement d'entreprise. Ce cadre n’existant pas dans les sociétés non cotées, il convient de le définir. La SAS est, à cet égard, un excellent outil d'adaptation puisque la flexibilité de son régime permet d'ajuster son organisation dans la recherche d’une « bonne gouvernance ». L'objet de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle de gouvernance propre au caractère "protéiforme" de la SAS. / The subject of this thesis is « the governance of the « société par actions simplifiée » (SAS) ». The SAS has just celebrated its 20 years old. The governance is also a new concept which is growing within companies. Both concepts must be defined. The “SAS” has no single model. Its flexible legal structure allows different types of organisation. Its organisation varies throughout the activity and the size of the company. The governance, can be approached from two perspectives: the first one is a traditional approach which is the study of the management of the company, in its strictest definition. The second one is a modern approach, meaning the new concept of “corporate governance”. The latter is a wilder concept and includes legal (hard law) and non-legal (soft law) principles. This new concept has already its framework within listed companies (i.e Corporate Governance Code). However, within non listed companies such framework does not exist. In this context, the flexibility of the “SAS” is an excellent tool to adapt its organisation in the quest of a “good corporate governance”. This study proposes a governance model adapted to the SAS which is a "multifaceted" company.
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Náhrada škody při porušení smluvní a mimosmluvní povinnosti v občanském právu / Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non Contractual Duty in Civil LawJanoušková, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non-Contractual Duty in Civil Law - Abstract The thesis at hand deals with liability for non-performance of a contract and liability in tort. The new Civil Code abandoned the general rule of Sec. 420 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., which did not distinguish between contractual and non-contractual liability. The new Civil Code thus provides for two different liability regimes depending on whether the wrongdoer and the victim entered into a contract (or similar obligation) or not. While liability in tort is governed by Sec. 2909 and 2910 CC, contractual liability is stipulated in Sec. 2913 CC. The thesis strives to examine this important change in its complexity when emphasis in being put onto the theoretical, comparative and historical context. Firstly, the thesis provides for the basic theoretical background of liability in civil law and looks at the foundations of its division into contract and tort. The author further dives into the topic from a comparative perspective. Given the inspirational sources of the Czech Civil Code, the thesis focuses mainly on German and Austrian approach. The thesis also gives a brief summary of the historical development in the Czech civil law. The main part of the thesis focuses on the relevant provisions, their relationship and conditions for...
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Náhrada škody při porušení smluvní a mimosmluvní povinnosti v občanském právu / Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non Contractual Duty in Civil LawJanoušková, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non-Contractual Duty in Civil Law - Abstract The thesis at hand deals with liability for non-performance of a contract and liability in tort. The new Civil Code abandoned the general rule of Sec. 420 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., which did not distinguish between contractual and non-contractual liability. The new Civil Code thus provides for two different liability regimes depending on whether the wrongdoer and the victim entered into a contract (or similar obligation) or not. While liability in tort is governed by Sec. 2909 and 2910 CC, contractual liability is stipulated in Sec. 2913 CC. The thesis strives to examine this important change in its complexity when emphasis in being put onto the theoretical, comparative and historical context. Firstly, the thesis provides for the basic theoretical background of liability in civil law and looks at the foundations of its division into contract and tort. The author further dives into the topic from a comparative perspective. Given the inspirational sources of the Czech Civil Code, the thesis focuses mainly on German and Austrian approach. The thesis also gives a brief summary of the historical development in the Czech civil law. The main part of the thesis focuses on the relevant provisions, their relationship and conditions for...
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[pt] No contexto da indústria de adquirência, uma adquirente é uma empresa
que facilita a comunicação entre um varejista (online ou loja física) e os bancos
emissores. Para um adquirente, é crucial determinar o potencial transacional de
cada varejista para orientar estratégias adequadas de precificação e gestão de
risco. Neste trabalho, propomos uma estrutura para avaliar adequadamente
o potencial transacional de qualquer varejista usando as transações de seus
pares. A estrutura proposta é baseada na construção de um contrafactual probabilístico que usa a regressão não paramétrica do kernel Nadaraya-Watson
para modelar diferentes padrões sazonais, tendências e ciclos de negócios. Propomos uma metodologia integrada de processamento de dados para separar e
validar os dados não afetados por intervenções para construir nosso modelo
contrafactual probabilístico não paramétrico. O framework proposto é um poderoso sistema de suporte à decisão para gestão de receitas de uma adquirente,
com aplicações diretas para precificação, detecção de churn e, de forma mais
geral, gerenciamento de receita. Os resultados empíricos corroboram a eficácia
do método em relação aos benchmarks relevantes. / [en] In the payment industry context, a merchant acquirer is a firm that facilitates communication between a retailer (online or brick–and–mortar store)
and the issuing banks. For an acquirer, it is crucial to determine the transactional potential of each retailer to guide proper pricing and risk management
strategies. In this work, we propose a framework to properly assess the transactional potential of any retailer using the transactions of its peers. The proposed framework is based on the construction of a probabilistic counterfactual
that uses non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson kernel regression to model differing seasonal patterns, trends and business cycles. We propose an integrated
data processing methodology to separate and validate the data not affected
by interventions to construct our non-parametric probabilistic counterfactual
model. The proposed framework is a powerful decision support system for a
merchant acquirer revenue management, with direct applications to pricing,
churn detection and, more generally, revenue management. Empirical results
corroborate the effectiveness of the method against relevant benchmarks.
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Valuation Practices of IFRS 17 / Värdering inom IFRS 17Widing, Björn, Jansson, Jimmy January 2018 (has links)
This research assesses the IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts standard from a mathematical and actuarial point of view. Specifically, a valuation model that complies with the standard is developed in order to investigate implications of the standard on financial statements of insurance companies. This includes a deep insight into the standard, construction a valuation model of a fictive traditional life insurance product and an investigation of the outcomes of the model. The findings show firstly that an investment strategy favorable for valuing insurance contracts according to the standard may conflict with the Asset & Liability Management of the firm. Secondly, that a low risk adjustment increases the contractual service margin (CSM) and hence the possibility of smoothing profits over time. Thirdly, that the policy for releasing the CSM should take both risk-neutral and real assumptions into account. / I denna rapport ansätts redovisningsstandarden IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts utifrån ett matematiskt och aktuariellt perspektiv. En värderingsmodell som överensstämmer med standarden konstrueras för att undersöka standardens implikationer på ett försäkringsbolags resultaträkning. Detta inkluderar en fördjupning i standarden, konstruktion och modellering av en fiktiv traditionell livförsäkringsprodukt samt undersökning av resultaten från modellen. Resultaten visar att det finns en möjlig konflikt mellan investeringsstrategier som är gynnsamma med avseende på värdering enligt standarden och ett försäkringsbolags tillgångs- och skuldförvaltning. Vidare leder en låg riskjustering till en högre avtalsmässig servicemarginal (CSM) vilket ökar möjligheten att utjämna vinster över tid. Slutligen bör policyn för hur CSM frisläpps beakta både risk-neutrala och verkliga antaganden.
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Osäkerheter kring förhandsavtal för nyproducerade bostadsrätter i Stockholm : Vilka finansiella orsaker ligger till grund för de problem som har uppstått? / Uncertainties Regarding Pre-sale Contracts for Newly Produced Condominiums in StockholmBrunius, Charlotte, Lorenius, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Bostadsinvesteringarna har tagit fart de senaste åren i Sverige. Den gynnsammaprisutvecklingen har resulterat i fler nybyggnadsinvesteringar och antaletproducerade lägenheter har varit stort. I detta marknadsläge blev det allt merattraktivt att teckna förhandsavtal på nyproducerade bostäder. När prisfallet sedankom under hösten 2017 för att därefter stagnera, har det uppstått en ökad osäkerhetpå den svenska bostadsmarknaden. I den stagnerade marknaden harbostadsutvecklarnas finansieringsmodell avseende förhandsavtalen fått störremedial uppmärksamhet. Oftast handlar det om den kritik och de brister vad gäller deförhandsavtal som tecknats och som har uppenbarat sig allt mer när marknadensvängde. Detta har gett upphov till ett ökat antal tvister mellan bostadsutvecklare ochköpare såsom konsumenter, i ett försök att häva dessa avtal. Mot denna bakgrundhar idag allt fler hushåll avvaktat med att teckna förhandsavtal, framför allt påbostadsrätter där tillträdesdatum ligger långt fram i tiden.I uppsatsen har intervjuer hållits med bostadsutvecklare i Stockholm, finansiärer ochjuridiska ombud för konsumenter för att sammanställa synen på marknaden idag vadgäller förhandsavtal för nyproducerade bostadsrätter hos olika aktörer. Vidare har enfallstudie genomförts genom en djupdykning i två olika bostadsutvecklaresaffärsmodeller och styrprocesser, för att kunna granska underliggande orsaker till atttvister med köpare har uppstått. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att identifiera definansiella orsaker som ligger till grund för de problem som idag uppstått påmarknaden, samt ge förslag på lösningar som vidare skulle kunna undersökas iämnet. / Residential investments have increased over the past years in Sweden. Thefavorable price trend has resulted in more investments in new-construction, and thenumber of new-built apartments has been large. During this market situation, itbecame increasingly attractive to sign pre-sale agreements on newly producedcondominiums. Since the prices subsequently fell in Autumn 2017 and thereafterstagnated, there has been an increased uncertainty in the Swedish housing market.In this stagnated market, the residential housing developers’ financing models for thepre-sale agreements has received greater medial attention. Most of this attention hasbeen about criticism and shortcomings regarding the pre-sale agreements that havebeen signed and which have become increasingly appeared when the marketswung. This has led to enhanced numbers of disputes between residentialdevelopers and buyers, as an attempt to lift these agreements. Today an increasingnumber of households have been waiting to sign pre-sale agreements, especially oncondominiums where access dates are well ahead.In the paper, interviews were carried out with housing developers in Stockholm,financiers and legal representatives for consumers in order to compile the view of themarket today regarding pre-sale agreements for newly produced condominiums,from various players. In addition, a case study has been conducted to get a deepdive into two different housing developers' business models and control processes,in order to be able to examine the underlying reasons why any disputes with buyershave arisen. The purpose of the thesis has been to identify the financial causes thatunderlie the problems that have arisen in the market today, and to give suggestionsfor solutions that could further be investigated on the subject.
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Pandemins effekter på avtalsvillkor : En studie om avtalsflexibilitet i lokalhyresavtal / The Effects of the Pandemic on Leasing TermsMichael Alazar, Ruben January 2022 (has links)
Pandemins framfart har påverkat den svenska detaljhandeln negativt i många avseenden. Flertalet rapporter från aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen har indikerat på en negativ prisutveckling på transaktionsmarknaden och nedåtgående marknadshyror som en direkt konsekvens av pandemin. Lokalhyresmarknaden har därför ställts inför nya förutsättningar som har förändrat förhållandet mellan hyresvärd och hyresgäst. Ovissheten inför framtiden och rädslan för oönskad vakans har medfört en ekonomisk risk för avtalsparterna. Den förändrade marknaden har således skapat nya behov för att kunna hantera förändrade konsumentmönster, restriktiv investeringsvilja och nedåtgående marknadshyror. God avtalsflexibilitet har under pandemin visat sig vara ett effektivt verktyg för att dels skydda det ekonomiska värdet som ett hyresavtal implicerar men även parternas egna intressen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur behovet av flexibla avtalsvillkor i standardavtalet 12.B2 har ökat som en direkt konsekvens av de nya marknadsförutsättningarna som pandemin har gett upphov till. Uppsatsen skall identifiera och belysa relevanta avvikelser i standardavtalet 12.B2 samt hur dessa förändringar har hanterat den ekonomiska risken för avtalsparterna. Studien tar även upp efterfrågan på avtalsflexibilitet som inte har kunnat tillgodoses på grund av hyresvärdens och hyresgästens skilda intressen. Behovet för föränderliga avtal diskuteras sedan i sammanhanget av upprätthållandet av det ekonomiska värdet som ett avtalsförhållande antyder. Uppsatsen har grundats på en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har varit den primära källan för underlaget som diskuteras. Samtliga respondenter har reflekterat hur omständigheterna har sett ut under pandemin och hur avtalsparterna har gått till väga för att anpassa sig till den förändrade marknaden. Alla respondenter angav att både hyresvärd och hyresgäst har eftersökt flexibilitet. Det framgår att flexibla hyresavtal har primärt fungerat som ett ekonomiskt redskap för att driva fram det egna intresset. Studien har visat på att samtliga parter i ett avtalsförhållande bör identifiera ekonomiska fördelar för att flexibiliteten skall kunna nyttjas till sin fulla potential. Trots stor efterfrågan på anpassningsbara avtalsformer under pandemin har man inte kunnat tillgodose alla önskemål, i synnerhet inte hyresgästens behov för anpassningsbara öppettider. / The recent pandemic has had a negative impact on the Swedish retail market in many aspects. The majority of the reports about the economical consequences as a result of the pandemic have indicated negative price developments in the transaction market and falling market rents. The retail rental market has therefore been faced with new conditions that have changed the relationship between the landlord and the tenant. Uncertainty about the future and fear of unwanted vacancy have led to vast financial risks for the parties. The changed market has thus created new needs to be able to handle changing consumer patterns, restrictive investment willingness and falling market rents. During the pandemic, good contractual flexibility has proved to be an effective tool to protect the economic value of a rental agreement, but also the interests of the parties themselves. The main aim of the study is to examine how the need for flexible contractual terms in the standard contract 12.B2 has changed as a direct consequence of the new market conditions that the pandemic has created. The thesis should identify and highlight relevant deviations in the standard agreement 12.B2 and how these changes have managed the financial risk for the parties of the agreement. The study also addresses the demand for contractual flexibility that has not been met due to the different interests of the landlord and the tenant. The need for changing contracts is then discussed in the context of maintaining the economic value implied by a contractual relationship. The essay has been based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews have been the primary source for the material being discussed. All respondents have reflected on the situation during the pandemic and how the parties within a contract have adapted to the changed market. The respondents indicated that both the landlord and the tenant had sought flexibility. It can be seen that flexible rental agreements have primarily served as an economic tool to protect their own interests. The study has shown that all parties in a contractual relationship should identify economic benefits in order to make full use of flexibility. Despite strong demand for adaptable forms of contracts during the pandemic, it has not been possible to meet all requests, especially the tenants' needs for adaptable opening hours.
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El Límite del Principio Precautorio en la Función Administrativa (Análisis de la Sentencia Casatoria N° 28162-2017)Espinoza Burgos, María Carolina 21 March 2022 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se desarrollarán los aspectos normativos y técnicos sobre el uso de
las radios electromagnéticas que emanan las antes de telefonía móvil para garantizar un
buen servicio a los administrados.
Sin embargo, existe controversia si dicha utilización ocasiona deterioros a la salud de las
personas y al medio ambiente, toda vez que por un lado el Tribunal Constitucional
peruano ha reiterado, en sus diversos pronunciamientos, que no existe prueba científica
que compruebe que su utilización ocasione perjuicio a dichos derechos; y, por otro lado,
la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú al emitir su pronunciamiento en la Sentencia
Casatoria N.° ° 28162-2017 indicó que puede no es necesario la existencia de un informe
técnico- científico que señale que su utilización puede ocasionar un perjuicio en los
acotados derechos, ya que lo que se busca garantizar es el principio precautorio.
Lo anterior expuesto es explicado desde los enfoques normativos y jurisprudenciales para
determinar si el criterio del Tribunal Constitucional es válido en relación a que las ondas
electromagnéticas no son perjudiciales para la salud y el medio ambiente
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