Spelling suggestions: "subject:"more@shell"" "subject:"more@thell""
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Thermo-responsive microcarriers based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)Zhang, J.N., Cui, Z.F., Field, R., Moloney, M.G., Rimmer, Stephen, Ye, H. 2015 April 1917 (has links)
No / Microcarrier cell culture systems provide an attractive alternative to the conventional monolayer cell culture for cell amplification, due to their high surface area-to-volume ratio. Unlike enzymatic methods for removing cells from microcarriers after cell culture, which can lead to irreversible damage of the cells, microcarriers which release cells by temperature adjustment have been developed. This was achieved by grafting a temperature-responsive polymer, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm), on the microcarrier surface. This review comprehensively presents various methods to prepare such thermo-responsive microcarriers based on PNIPAAm. These methods include the grafting-to technique, grafting-from technique, grafting-through technique, along with methods leading to PNIPAAm hydrogel beads, seeded polymerization, and non-covalent adsorption. The methods for controlling PNIPAAm grafting density, molecular weight and molecular architecture are also outlined. Further, the efficiency of cell attachment, proliferation and thermally-induced detachment of such thermo-responsive microcarriers is introduced and compared. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Modular Hybrid Architectures for Single Particle-based Analytical AssaysSarma, Dominik Arun 22 October 2020 (has links)
Suspension Array Technology / Global megatrends such as demographic change, personalization, climate change or urbanization demand for increasingly flexible and mobile analytical measurement methods and assays. Especially in the environmental, agricultural, food and health sectors, chemical assays are a suitable choice. A large variety of such assays is available in the academic and industry area. However, their modification to measure new compounds is time-consuming and laborious, because they are typically designed to detect a specific single analyte.
A modular platform for chemical assay development is thus highly desirable. Such a system should include the possibility for fast, easy and flexible implementation of various recognition types towards emerging analytes and the possibility for multi-parameter (multiplexed) detection in a potentially portable fashion. Single particle-based assays have proven to be an adequate solution here.
In this work, I present hybrid polystyrene core-silica shell (SiO2@PS) particles as new spherical substrates for the flexible configuration of single particle-based chemical assays. First, a procedure to control the surface topology of the beads was developed, giving access to smooth, raspberry-like or multilayer-like CS structures. These particles were used for DNA detection down to the fmol-level (Chapter 2). A new tool to extract the roughness of the particles from electron microscopy images was developed next and applied to the wide range of CS beads prepared throughout the project (Chapter 3). This general protocol provides the basis for the comparability of future CS particle characterization. Finally, a multiplex assay with dye-encoded beads with non-fouling surfaces was developed to detect small molecules via immunochemical reactions in a wash-free procedure (Chapter 4). The latter ultimately proves that hybrid CS particles can combine high analytical performance and unmatched potential for flexible functionality. / Globale Megatrends erfordern immer flexiblere analytische Messmethoden und Assays. Insbesondere im Umwelt-, Agrar-, Lebensmittel- und Gesundheitssektor sind chemische Assays hier eine geeignete Wahl. Eine Vielzahl solcher Assays steht in akademischen und industriellen Bereichen zur Verfügung. Die Anpassung an neue Verbindungen hingegen ist oft schwierig zu realisieren, da der einzelne Test meist für einen spezifischen Analyten konzipiert ist.
Eine modulare, analytische Plattform für die Entwicklung chemischer Assays ist daher sehr wünschenswert. Ein solches System sollte die Möglichkeit einer schnellen und flexiblen Implementierung verschiedener Erkennungstypen für neue Analyten und die Möglichkeit einer Multiparameter-(Multiplex-)Bestimmung in einem robusten und portablen Auslesegerät beinhalten. Einzelpartikel-basierte, chemische Assays haben sich hier als geeignete Lösung erwiesen.
In dieser Arbeit stelle ich Polystyrol-Kern-Silikat-Schale-Partikel als modulare, hybride Plattform für die flexible Konfiguration von Einzelpartikel-basierten chemischen Assays vor. Zunächst wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, das den Zugang zu verschiedenen-Partikelarchitekturen ermöglicht. Diese Partikel wurden für den DNA-Nachweis bis in den fmol-Bereich getestet (Kapitel 2). Ein neues Werkzeug zur Bestimmung der Rauheit der Partikel aus elektronenmikroskopischen Bildern wurde entwickelt und auf das breite Spektrum der im Projekt hergestellten SiO2@PS-Partikel angewendet (Kapitel 3). Damit soll die Grundlage zur Vergleichbarkeit zwischen zukünftigen Partikelcharakterisierungen geschaffen werden. Schließlich wurde ein Multiplex-Assay mit farbstoffkodierten, Protein-abweisenden Partikeln entwickelt, um kleine Moleküle durch immunochemische Reaktionen in einem waschfreien Verfahren nachzuweisen (Kapitel 4). Letzteres verdeutlicht, dass eine hohe analytische Leistung mit neuem Potenzial an flexibler Funktionalität durch die Verwendung hybrider SiO2@PS-Partikel kombiniert werden kann.
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Molecularly imprinted chromogenic and fluorogenic receptors as optical sensor matrixWan, Wei 17 July 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasste sich mit der Entwicklung von optischen Sensormaterialien für anionische Zielmoleküle durch die Kopplung der herausragenden Erkennungsfähigkeiten von molekular geprägten Polymere (molecularly imprinted polymers, MIPs) mit der Empfindlichkeit fluorometrischer Nachweisverfahren. In dieser Arbeit wurde dabei der direkte Einschritt-Nachweis für das Design der Sensormaterialien adaptiert. Hierbei wird eine Fluoreszenzsonde für die Signalübertragung kovalent in die Hohlräume der MIP-Matrix eingebaut. MIP-Sensormaterialien wurde in monolithischen, Dünnfilm- und Kern/Schale-Partikel-Formaten hergestellt. Die hergestellten Materialien wurden unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Techniken charakterisiert. Die Performanz der Sensormaterialien wurde auch in Bezug auf die Sensitivität, Selektivität sowie Ansprechzeit bewertet. In dieser Arbeit wurden dabei Systeme untersucht, bei denen die Signalerzeugung sowohl auf dem „Einschalten“ als auch auf dem „Ausschalten“ der Fluoreszenz beruhte. Mit den hergestellten Materialien wurden dabei viele Ziele des Projekts erreicht. Sowohl die synthetisierten dünnen Filme als auch die Kern/Schale-Partikel zeigten eine hohe Selektivität für die geprägten Aminosäuren, auch in Bezug auf die Unterscheidung von Enantiomeren. Diese Sensormaterialien waren ebenfalls durch eine niedrige Nachweisgrenze bis 60 µM und eine schnelle Ansprechzeit von 20 Sekunden gekennzeichnet. Insbesondere die Kern/Schale-Partikel können mit verschiedenen Detektionstechniken gekoppelt werden und sind potentiell für die Entwicklung von miniaturisierten Messinstrumenten für die on-line-Detektion sowie Point-of-Care-Diagnostik (patientennahe Labordiagnostik) einsetzbar. / This dissertation derives from the DFG project aimed on preparing optical sensor material for anionic target through combing the outstanding recognition of Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIPs) and sensitive fluorescence technique. A single step direct sensing strategy is adopted to prepare the sensor material in this thesis. Here, a fluorescence probe is covalently embedded into the MIP cavity for signal transduction. MIP sensor material are prepared in forms of bulk, thin film and particles. The material is characterized using various techniques. The performance of the sensor materials is also assessed in terms of sensibility, selectivity as well response time. Both the switching on and off signaling methods are tested in this thesis. The prepared material achieves the goal of the project. Both the prepared thin film as well as core-shell particle show prominent selectivity even a strong enantioselective discrimination. These sensing materials also have low LOD to 60 µM and fast sensing response of 20 seconds. Especially the core-shell sensing particle can be coupled with various detection techniques and is potentially applicable for developing miniaturized sensing instrument for on-line detection as well as point of care diagnose.
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Core-Shell Based Metamaterials: Fabrication Protocol and Optical PropertiesDe Silva, Vashista C. 12 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine core-shell type plasmonic metamaterials aimed at the development of materials with unique electromagnetic properties. The building blocks of metamaterials under study consist of gold as a metal component, and silica and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) as the dielectric media. The results of this study demonstrate important applications of the core-shells including scattering suppression, airborne obscurants made of fractal gold shells, photomodification of the fractal structure providing windows of transparency, and plasmonics core-shell with a gain shell as an active device. Plasmonic resonances of the metallic shells depend on their nanostructure and geometry of the core, which can be optimized for the broadband extinction. Significant extinction from the visible to mid-infrared makes fractal shells very attractive as bandpass filters and aerosolized obscurants. In contrast to the planar fractal films, where the absorption and reflection equally contribute to the extinction, the shells' extinction is caused mainly by the absorption. This work shows that the Mie scattering resonance of a silica core with 780 nm diameter at 560 nm is suppressed by 75% and only partially substituted by the absorption in the shell so that the total transmission is noticeably increased. Effective medium theory supports our experiments and indicates that light goes mostly through the epsilon-near-zero shell with approximately wavelength independent absorption rate. Broadband extinction in fractal shells allows as well for a laser photoburning of holes in the extinction spectra and consequently windows of transparency in a controlled manner. Au fractal nanostructures grown on PCC flakes provide the highest mass normalized extinction, up to 3 m^2/g, which has been demonstrated in the broad spectral range. In the nanoplasmonic field active devices consist of a Au nanoparticle that acts as a cavity and the dye molecules attached to it via thin silica shell as the active medium. Such kind of devices is considered as a nano-laser or nano-amplifier. The fabricated nanolasers were studied for their photoluminescence kinetic properties. It is shown that the cooperative effects due to the coupling of dye molecules via Au nanoparticle plasmons result in bi-exponential emission decay characteristics in accord with theory predictions. These bi-exponential decays involve a fast superradiant decay, which is followed by a slow subradiant decay. To summarize, this work shows new attractive properties of core-shell nanoparticles. Fractal Au shells on silica cores prove to be a good scattering suppressor and a band pass filter in a broadband spectral range. They can also be used as an obscurant when PCC is used as the core material. Finally, gold nanoparticles coated with silica with dye results in bi-exponential decays.
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Determination of the actual morphology of core-shell nanoparticles by advanced X-ray analytical techniques: A necessity for targeted and safe nanotechnologyMüller, Anja 07 April 2022 (has links)
Obwohl wir sie oft nicht bewusst wahrnehmen, sind Nanopartikel heutzutage in den meisten Bereichen unseres Alltags präsent, unter anderem in Lebensmitteln und ihren Verpackungen, Medizin, Medikamenten, Kosmetik, Pigmenten und in elektronischen Geräten wie Computermonitoren. Ein Großteil dieser Partikel weist, beabsichtigt oder unbeabsichtigt, eine Kern-Schale Morphologie auf. Einfachheitshalber wird diese Morphologie eines Kern-Schale-Nanopartikels (CSNP) oft als ideal angenommen, d.h. als ein sphärischer Kern, der komplett von einer Schale homogener Dicke bedeckt ist, mit einer scharfen Grenzfläche zwischen Kern- und Schalenmaterial. Außerdem wird vielfach auch davon ausgegangen, alle Partikel der Probe hätten gleiche Schalendicken. Tatsächlich weichen die meisten realen CSNPs in verschiedenster Weise von diesem Idealmodell ab, mit oft drastischen Auswirkungen darauf, wie gut sie ihre Aufgabe in einer bestimmten Anwendung erfüllen.
Das Thema dieser kumulativen Doktorarbeit ist die exakte Charakterisierung der wirklichen Morphologie von CSNPs mit modernen Röntgen-basierten Methoden, konkret Röntgen-Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie (XPS) und Raster-Transmissions-Röntgen-Mikroskopie (STXM). Der Fokus liegt insbesondere auf CSNPs, die von einer idealen Kern-Schale-Morphologie abweichen.
Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an CSNPs, die sich in Material, Zusammensetzung und Form unterscheiden, kann eine Messmethode nicht völlig unverändert von einer Probe auf eine andere übertragen werden. Nichtsdestotrotz, da die als Teil dieser Doktorarbeit präsentierten Artikel eine deutlich ausführlichere Beschreibung der Experimente enthalten als vergleichbare Publikationen, stellen sie eine wichtige Anleitung für andere Wissenschaftler dafür dar, wie aussagekräftige Informationen über CSNPs durch Oberflächenanalytik erhalten werden können. / Even though we often do not knowingly recognize them, nanoparticles are present these days in most areas of our daily life, including food and its packaging, medicine, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pigments as well as electronic products, such as computer screens. The majority of these particles exhibits a core-shell morphology either intendedly or unintendedly. For the purpose of practicability, this core-shell nanoparticle (CSNP) morphology is often assumed to be ideal, namely a spherical core fully encapsulated by a shell of homogeneous thickness with a sharp interface between core and shell material. It is furthermore widely presumed that all nanoparticles in the sample possess the same shell thickness. As a matter of fact, most real CSNPs deviate in several ways from this ideal model with quite often severe impact on how efficiently they perform in a specific application.
The topic of this cumulative PhD thesis is the accurate characterization of the actual morphology of CSNPs by advanced X-ray analytical techniques, namely X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). A special focus is on CSNPs which deviate from an ideal core-shell morphology.
Due to the vast diversity of nanoparticles differing in material, composition and shape, a measurement procedure cannot unalteredly be transferred from one sample to another. Nevertheless, because the articles in this thesis present a greater depth of reporting on the experiments than comparable publications, they constitute an important guidance for other scientists on how to obtain meaningful information about CSNPs from surface analysis.
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Die Entwicklung superparamagnetischer Kern-Schale-Nanopartikel und deren Einsatz als Trägermaterial in der festphasengebundenen Synthese von Peptiden, Peptid- Polymerkonjugaten und OligonucleotidenStutz, Christian 20 October 2015 (has links)
Die im Jahre 1963 von Robert Bruce Merrifield vorgestellte festphasengebundene Peptidsynthese beeinflusste in hohem Maße verschiedene Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften. Doch trotz zahlreicher neuer Entwicklungen hat sich in der das Prinzip der eingesetzten Trägermaterialien nicht grundlegend geändert. Geringfügig quervernetzte Polystyrol-Harze sind immer noch die meist verwendeten Trägermaterialien in der standardisierten Peptidsynthese. In dieser Arbeit wurden superparamagnetische Kern-Schale-Nanopartikel entwickelt und erstmals deren Einsatz als neues Trägermaterial für die Synthese von Peptiden, Peptid-Polymer-Konjugaten und Oligonucleotiden demonstriert. Unter Verwendung einer mikrowellenunterstützten Syntheseroute gelang es zunächst superparamagnetische Magnetitpartikel mit einem Durchmesser von durchschnittlich 6 nm darzustellen. Anschließend wurde ein neu entwickelter mikrowellenunterstützter Stöber-Prozess zur Herstellung von Magnetit-Silica-Kern-Schale-Nanopartikel angewendet, welche im dritten Schritt mit Aminopropyltrimethoxysilan funktionalisiert wurden. Es wurden hochpräzise, monodisperse Kern-Schale-Nanopartikel mit einem Durchmesser von durchschnittlich 69 nm und einem Beladungswert von 0.11 mmol/g erhalten, welche in durchgeführten Stabilitätstests hervorragende Ergebnisse zeigten und als neue Trägermaterialien für festphasengebundenen Synthesen getestet wurden. Die erforderliche Produktaufreinigung erfolgte durch ein externes Magnetfeld, durch welches die Partikel reversibel sedimentierbar sind. Erste Studien der Synthese einer 4-mer-Peptidsequenz zeigten Ausbeuten von über 70% und mit herausragender Reinheit von über 95%. Besonders eindrucksvolle Ergebnisse erzielten die Partikel bei der Synthese von Peptid-Polymer-Konjugaten, bei denen die Ligationsreaktionen mit vorher nicht dokumentierten Umsatzraten verliefen. Außerdem konnte die Anwendbarkeit bei der Synthese eines Trinucleotids nachgewiesen werden. / In 1963 Merrifield introduced the method of solid-phase supported synthesis and thus revolutionized peptide synthesis. In spite of several new developments, the main principle of established solid supports has not changed much. Still lightly cross linked poly(styrene) resins dominate the used supports. This work reports on surface amino functionalized, superparamagnetic nanoparticles with a protective silica shell to be applicable as colloidal supports for organic synthesis of peptides, peptide polymer conjugates and oligonucleotides. A microwave supported synthesis route lead to superparamagnetic magnetite particles with an average particle diameter of 6 nm. Subsequently a new developed microwave assisted Stöber process was used to build up magnetite-silica-core-shell-nanoparticles, which were functionalized in a third step with aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. Defined monodisperse core-shell nanoparticles were obtained with an average diameter of 69 nm and a concentration of free amino groups of 0.11 mmol/g, which showed excellent results in conducted stability tests and were used as new support materials for solid-supported syntheses. Convenient magnetic sedimentation proved to ensure ease of purification after each reaction step. Initial studies of a synthesis of a tetramer peptide sequence showed yields of more than 70% and an outstanding purity of more than 95%. The particles also showed impressive results in the synthesis of peptide-polymer conjugates, in which the ligation reactions proceeded conversion rates, which had not been published before. In addition, the applicability of the particles was demonstrated in the synthesis of a trinucleotide.
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Theory of Excitation Energy Transfer in Nanohybrid SystemsZiemann, Dirk 25 November 2020 (has links)
Im Folgenden werden Transferprozesse in Nanohybridsystemen theoretisch untersucht.
Diese Hybridsysteme sind vielversprechende Kandidaten für neue optoelektronische Anwendungen und erfahren daher ein erhebliches Forschungsinteresse.
Jedoch beschränken sich Arbeiten darüber hauptsächlich auf experimentelle Untersuchungen und kaum auf die dazugehörige theoretische Beschreibung.
Bei den theoretischen Betrachtungen treten entscheidende Limitierungen auf.
Es werden entweder Details auf der atomaren Ebene vernachlässigt oder Systemgrößen betrachtet, die wesentlich kleiner als im Experiment sind.
Diese Thesis zeigt, wie die bestehenden Theorien verbessert werden können und erweitert die bisherigen Untersuchungen durch die Betrachtung von vier neuen hoch relevanten Nanohybridsystemen.
Das erste System ist eine Nanostruktur, die aus einem Au-Kern und einer CdS-Schale besteht.
Beim zweiten System wurde eine ZnO/Para-Sexiphenyl Nanogrenzfläche untersucht.
Die zwei anderen Systeme beinhalten jeweils einen CdSe-Nanokristall, der entweder mit einem Pheophorbide-a-Molekül oder mit einem röhrenförmigen Farbstoffaggregat wechselwirkt.
In allen Systemen ist der Anregungsenergie-Transfer ein entscheidender Transfermechanismus und steht im Fokus dieser Arbeit.
Die betrachteten Hybridsysteme bestehen aus zehntausenden Atomen und machen daher eine individuelle Berechnung der einzelnen Subsysteme sowie deren gegenseitiger Wechselwirkung notwendig.
Die Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen werden mit der Tight-Binding-Methode und der Methode der Konfigurationswechselwirkung beschrieben.
Für das molekulare System wird die Dichtefunktionaltheorie verwendet.
Die dazugehörigen Rechnungen wurden von T. Plehn ausgeführt.
Das metallische Nanoteilchen wird durch quantisierte Plasmon-Moden beschrieben.
Die verwendeten Theorien ermöglichen eine Berechnung von Anregungsenergietransfer in Nanohybridsystemen von bisher nicht gekannter Systemgröße und Detailgrad. / In the following, transfer phenomena in nanohybrid systems are investigated theoretically.
Such hybrid systems are promising candidates for novel optoelectronic devices and have attracted considerable interest.
Despite a vast amount of experimental studies, only a small number of theoretical investigations exist so far.
Furthermore, most of the theoretical work shows substantial limitations by either neglecting the atomistic details of the structure or drastically reducing the system size far below the typical device extension.
The present thesis shows how existing theories can be improved.
This thesis also expands previous theoretical investigations by developing models for four new and highly relevant nanohybrid systems.
The first system is a spherical nanostructure consisting of an Au core and a CdS shell.
By contrast, the second system resembles a finite nanointerface built up by a ZnO nanocrystal and a para-sexiphenyl aggregate.
For the last two systems, a CdSe nanocrystal couples either to a pheophorbide-a molecule or to a tubular dye aggregate.
In all of these systems, excitation energy transfer is an essential transfer mechanism and is, therefore, in the focus of this work.
The considered hybrid systems consist of tens of thousands of atoms and, consequently, require an individual modeling of the constituents and their mutual coupling.
For each material class, suitable methods are applied.
The modeling of semiconductor nanocrystals is done by the tight-binding method, combined with a configuration interaction scheme.
For the simulation of the molecular systems, the density functional theory is applied.
T. Plehn performed the corresponding calculations.
For the metal nanoparticle, a model based on quantized plasmon modes is utilized.
As a consequence of these theories, excitation energy transfer calculations in hybrid systems are possible with unprecedented system size and complexity.
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Investigation of oxide semiconductor based thin films : deposition, characterization, functionalization, and electronic applicationsRajachidambaram, Meena Suhanya 06 January 2013 (has links)
Nanostructured ZnO films were obtained via thermal oxidation of thin films formed with metallic Zn-nanoparticle dispersions. Commercial zinc nanoparticles used for this work were characterized by microscopic and thermal analysis methods to analyze the Zn-ZnO core shell structure, surface morphology and oxidation characteristics. These dispersions were spin-coated on SiO₂/Si substrates and then annealed in air between 100 and 600 °C. Significant nanostructural changes were observed for the resulting films, particularly those from larger Zn nanoparticles. These nanostructures, including nanoneedles and nanorods, were likely formed due to fracturing of ZnO outer shell due to differential thermal expansion between the Zn core and the ZnO shell. At temperatures above 227 °C, the metallic Zn has a high vapor pressure leading to high mass transport through these defects. Ultimately the Zn vapor rapidly oxidizes in air to form the ZnO nanostructures. We have found that the resulting films annealed above 400 °C had high electrical resistivity. The zinc nanoparticles were incorporated into zinc indium oxide solution and spin-coated to form thin film transistor (TFT) test structures to evaluate the potential of forming nanostructured field effect sensors using simple solution processing.
The functionalization of zinc tin oxide (ZTO) films with self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of n-hexylphosphonic acid (n-HPA) was investigated. The n-HPA modified ZTO surfaces were characterized using contact angle measurement, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrical measurements. High contact angles were obtained suggesting high surface coverage of n-HPA on the ZTO films, which was also confirmed using XPS. The impact of n-HPA functionalization on the stability of ZTO TFTs was investigated. The n-HPA functionalized ZTO TFTs were either measured directly after drying or after post-annealing at 140 °C for 48 hours in flowing nitrogen. Their electrical characteristics were compared with that of non-functionalized ZTO reference TFTs fabricated using identical conditions. We found that the non-functionalized devices had a significant turn-on voltage (V[subscript ON]) shift of ~0.9 V and ~1.5 V for the non-annealed and the post-annealed conditions under positive gate bias stress for 10,000 seconds. The n-HPA modified devices showed very minimal shift in V[subscript ON] (0.1 V), regardless of post-thermal treatment. The VON instabilities were attributed to the interaction of species from the ambient atmosphere with the exposed ZTO back channel during gate voltage stress. These species can either accept or donate electrons resulting in changes in the channel conductance with respect to the applied stress. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Jan. 6, 2012 - Jan. 6, 2013
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Investigação da estrutura local e média de nanopartículas por técnicas de espalhamento e difração de raios X / Local and average structure investigation of nanoparticles using X-ray scattering and diffraction methodsIchikawa, Rodrigo Uchida 19 April 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a estrutura local e média de nanopartículas foi estudada utilizando-se métodos de espalhamento e difração de raios X. Os métodos utilizados foram: Análise da Função de Distribuição de Pares Atômicos (Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis, em inglês) para o estudo do ordenamento estrutural de curto alcance, Refinamento de Rietveld e Modelamento Total do Perfil de Difração de Pó para o estudo do ordenamento médio. Os materiais estudados foram: nanopartículas de KY3F10 dopadas com Tb, nanocubos núcleo-camada (core-shell, em inglês) de FeO-Fe3O4 e nanopartículas de ferritas de Mn-Zn. O trabalho teve como objetivo demonstrar como os métodos mencionados podem ser utilizados de forma complementar para fornecer informações de curto, médio e longo alcance usando-se dados de espalhamento e difração de raios X. Neste trabalho, ressalta-se a importância de cada método no estudo da estrutura cristalina e demonstra avanço e desenvolvimento de metodologias para a sua aplicação. / In this work, local and average structure of nanoparticles were studied using X-ray scattering and diffraction methods. The methods used were: Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis to study the short-range ordering, Rietveld refinement and Whole Powder Pattern Modelling to study the long-range ordering. The studied materials were: Tb-doped KY3F10 nanoparticles, core-shell FeO-Fe3O4 nanocubes and Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles. The objective of this work was to demonstrate how the methods mentioned can be used in a complementary way to provide short, average and long range information about the structure using X-ray scattering and diffraction data. The importance of each method to study the crystalline structure is highlighted demonstrating progress and development of methodologies for its application.
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Investigação da estrutura local e média de nanopartículas por técnicas de espalhamento e difração de raios X / Local and average structure investigation of nanoparticles using X-ray scattering and diffraction methodsRodrigo Uchida Ichikawa 19 April 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a estrutura local e média de nanopartículas foi estudada utilizando-se métodos de espalhamento e difração de raios X. Os métodos utilizados foram: Análise da Função de Distribuição de Pares Atômicos (Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis, em inglês) para o estudo do ordenamento estrutural de curto alcance, Refinamento de Rietveld e Modelamento Total do Perfil de Difração de Pó para o estudo do ordenamento médio. Os materiais estudados foram: nanopartículas de KY3F10 dopadas com Tb, nanocubos núcleo-camada (core-shell, em inglês) de FeO-Fe3O4 e nanopartículas de ferritas de Mn-Zn. O trabalho teve como objetivo demonstrar como os métodos mencionados podem ser utilizados de forma complementar para fornecer informações de curto, médio e longo alcance usando-se dados de espalhamento e difração de raios X. Neste trabalho, ressalta-se a importância de cada método no estudo da estrutura cristalina e demonstra avanço e desenvolvimento de metodologias para a sua aplicação. / In this work, local and average structure of nanoparticles were studied using X-ray scattering and diffraction methods. The methods used were: Atomic Pair Distribution Function Analysis to study the short-range ordering, Rietveld refinement and Whole Powder Pattern Modelling to study the long-range ordering. The studied materials were: Tb-doped KY3F10 nanoparticles, core-shell FeO-Fe3O4 nanocubes and Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles. The objective of this work was to demonstrate how the methods mentioned can be used in a complementary way to provide short, average and long range information about the structure using X-ray scattering and diffraction data. The importance of each method to study the crystalline structure is highlighted demonstrating progress and development of methodologies for its application.
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