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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vytvorenie internetového obchodu, ako nadstavba kamenného obchodu spoločnosti / Establishing elektronical shop like a enhacement of classical shop

Mokrý, Richard January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns with electronic business. The technology of the trade, the internet and it's services and the history is described in the first chapter. Next chapter concerns with the general theoretical issues of electronic business. Defines relationships of particular subjects, such as client, seller or government service that appear in the terms and conditions of electronic business. Then describes the general model of electronic business. The third chapter is dedicated to general approach to creation of the electronic shop project. The fourth and the last chapter describes the project of implementation of the electronic shop to the company M&N in detail, from setting goals, evaluating expenses, to actual creation of the electronic market as a enhacement to existing store. At last there is the contract between M&N and the software development company that will create the internet application in the attachement of the thesis.

Consumer’s Perceptions and Attitudes on Augmented Reality in Online Retail.

Amaris Baños, Indira January 2020 (has links)
This study discusses Augmented Reality (AR) as a digital marketing tool in online retail, with a special focus on the perceptions and attitudes which consumers hold towards the tool. The project, aims to give insights on how to study AR in online retail settings and also touches upon how different characteristics of augmented reality can impact the consumers attitudes towards products displayed or demonstrated with AR tools. The conceptual framework is based on literature and case studies in the fields of augmented reality, consumer experience and, customer value creation. The data for this research project was obtained through in-depth interviews with participants who have had previous experiences with Augmented Reality. After analysing and categorising their answers, the findings suggest that the participants have an overall positive attitude towards the tool and that they are already keen to engage with the technology. Their answers also suggested that the use of AR tools in online retail could positively affect the consumers attitudes towards the promoted services or products which are displayed with the tool. Moreover, depending on certain factors, the tool could potentially have a positive effect on the purchasing decision. On the negative side, the participants consider the technology is not there yet and needs to be improved to deliver meaningful value for them. Other valuable findings of the project are related to the customer journeys and the value the tool provides to the users. / Denna studie diskuterar Augmented Reality (AR) som ett digitalt marknadsföringsverktyg inom onlinehandeln, med ett särskilt fokus på de uppfattningar och attityder som konsumenterna har gentemot verktyget. Projektet syftar till att ge insikter om hur man studerar AR i online-butiksmiljöer och berör också hur olika egenskaper hos AR kan påverka konsumenternas attityder till produkter som visas eller demonstreras med AR-verktyg. Den konceptuella ramen är baserad på litteratur och fallstudier inom AR, konsumentupplevelse och kundvärdeskapande. Data för detta forskningsprojekt erhölls genom fördjupade intervjuer med deltagare som tidigare haft erfarenheter av AR. Efter att ha analyserat och kategoriserat sina svar föreslår resultatet att deltagarna har en övergripande positiv inställning till verktyget och att de redan är angelägna om att engagera sig i tekniken. Deras svar föreslog också att användningen av AR-verktyg i online-detaljhandeln positivt kunde påverka konsumenternas attityder till de marknadsförda tjänsterna eller produkterna som visas med verktyget. Beroende på vissa faktorer kan verktyget dessutom ha en positiv effekt på inköpsbeslutet. Bland de negativa aspekterna anser deltagarna att tekniken inte Einns där ännu och måste förbättras för att ge ett meningsfullt värde för dem. Andra värdefulla insikter från projektet är relaterade till kundresan och det värde verktyget ger användarna.

Utvärdering av maskininlärningsmodeller för riktad marknadsföring inom dagligvaruhandeln / Evaluation of machine learning methods for direct marketing within the FMCG trade

Sundström, Ebba, Goodbrand Skagerlind, Valentin January 2020 (has links)
Företag inom dagligvaruhandeln använder sig ofta av database marketing för att anpassa deras erbjudande till deras kunder och därmed stärka kundrelationen och ökaderas försäljning. Länge har logistisk regression varit en modell som ofta används för att bygga upp maskininlärningsmodeller som kan förutse vilka erbjudanden som löses in av vilken kund. I arbetet utvärderas en maskininlärningsmodell med logistisk regression och stepwise selection på kunddata från en av Sveriges större aktörer inom dagligvaruhandeln. Modellen jämförs med en annan modell som istället använder sig utav elastic net, vilket är en regulariserad regressionsmetod. Modellerna testas på fem olika produkter ur företagets sortiment och baseras på ett femtiotal variabler som beskriver kundernas sociodemografiska data och historiska köpbeteende i företagets butiker. Dessa utvärderas med hjälp av en förväxlingsmatris och värden för deras Accuracy, Balanced Accuracy, Precision, Recall och F1-score. Dessutom utvärderas modellen utifrån affärsnytta, påverkan på kundrelationer och hållbarhet. Studien visade att den logistiska regressionen med stepwise selection hade ett genomsnittligt värde för Precision på 23 procent. Vid användning av elastic net ökade värdet för Precision med i genomsnitt 7 procentenheter för samtliga modeller. Detta kan bero på att vissa av parametrarna i modellen med stepwise selection får överdrivet stora värden samt att stepwise selection väljer ut variabler för modellen som inte är optimala för att förutsäga kundens beteende. Det noterades även att kunder generellt verkade nöjda med de erbjudanden de fått, men missnöjda ifall de kände sig missförstådda av företaget. / Companies within the FMCG trade often uses database marketing to customize offers to each customer, and thereby strengthen customer relationships to the company and increase their sales. For a long time, logistic regression has been the preferred machine modelling method to predict which offer to present to each costumer. This study evaluates a machinelearning model based on logistic regression and stepwise selection on costumer data from one of Sweden’s larger companies within the FMCG trade. The model is later compared to another model based on the elastic net-method, which is a regularized regressionmodel. The models are tested on five different products from the company’s assortment and are based on about fifty different variables which describes the costumers’ sociodemographic factors and purchasing history. The models are evaluated using a confusion matrix and values stating their Accuracy, BalancedAccuracy, Precision, Recall and F1-score. Furthermore, the model is evaluated in the perspectives of business advantages, costumer relations and sustainability. The study concluded that the logistic regression and stepwise selection-model had an average Precisionon 23 procent. When the elastic net-method was used the Precision increased with approximately 7 percentage points. This might depend on the fact that some of the parameters in the logistic regression-model had an overrated value and that the stepwise selection chose a subset of features that was not optimal to predict the consumer behaviour. It was also noted that costumers most often seemed content, but were dissatisfied if they felt misunderstood by the company.

Är grön det nya svart? : En studie om hur miljövänliga kläder skapar konkurrensfördelar / Is green the new black? : A survey about how environmental clothes creates competitive advantage

Kamjar, Tannaz January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Under de senaste 20 åren har en global oro växt kring konsumtionens påverkan på miljön. Faktorer som den globala uppvärmningen, hål i ozonlagret samt katastrofer som Tjernobyl var några av drivkrafterna. Historiskt börjar nu den gröna marknadsföringen att framträda på marknaden. Den delades in i tre faser varav en fas representerar marknadsföring av miljövänliga produkter, designade för att främja en hållbar konsumtion (Mishra & Sharmra, 2012). Det är dock under 2000-talet som konsumenternas miljömedvetenhet leder till en ekologisk trend och livsstil. Forskare menar att ekonomisk tillväxt är den bidragande faktorn till ett ohållbart utnyttjande av jordens resurser. Således ligger framtiden i effektivisering, återvinning och ny miljövänlig teknologi för att resurserna ska räcka till. Allmänheten i industrialiserade länder är väl medvetna om de negativa effekter som deras konsumtionsbeteende har på miljön. Den ökade kunskapen bidrar till en efterfråga på ekologiska varor. De ekologiska produkterna skapar nya möjligheter för differentiering och konkurrensfördelar för företag. Men är inom klädbranschen en minoritet då konsumenternas etiska värderingar inte sammanfaller med deras prioriteringar vid ett klädköp. Problemet stärks ytterligare då klädindustrin är byggt på komplicerade system där produktionen består av lågkostnads kläder som produceras i kostnadseffektiva länder. Företag måste se över modegrad och kvalitet vid produktion av ekologiska kläder.

Den ideella organisationens utmaning : att värva nya och behålla befintliga donatorer

Haglund, Annelie, Laine, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of the essay is to result in recommendations for how non-profit organizations work with signing new and keeping existing donors can be improved.</p><p><strong>Methology:</strong> The thesis has a hermeneutic view. It does not have the intention to lead to generalizations, although the result could lead to new knowledge, increased  understanding and deepened insight based on well thought-out interpretations. Furthermore, the thesis has a deductive approach. The research method is qualitative and the objectivity has been sustained by not enter personal values and views until the discussion section. It is a case study and semi-structured interviews have been done with two non-profit organizations, two individual donors and three donating/sponsoring companies.</p><p><strong>Theoretical perspective:</strong> The essay proceed from theories in development, fundraising, communication and customer relations. The development theory focuses on five phases of fundraising which go through different cycles of fundraising. In the fundraising theory it is focused on central tools of fundraising, development, encouragement for donation and campaign theories. The value theory empathises the relationship between the non-profit organization and the donors, and the donor’s motivation for donation. In the communication theory section is the adaptation between a non-profit organization and its donors brought up.</p><p><strong>Empiric:</strong> The empiric is a condensed version of the material studied and interviews made for this thesis.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Simplicity is important when it comes to donations. According to the donors, the trustworthiness of the non-profit organizations is important. It is also important to build a relation between the donor and the non-profit organization. When both heart and mind of the donor is involved value is created and donations are motivated.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

Den ideella organisationens utmaning : att värva nya och behålla befintliga donatorer

Haglund, Annelie, Laine, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to result in recommendations for how non-profit organizations work with signing new and keeping existing donors can be improved. Methology: The thesis has a hermeneutic view. It does not have the intention to lead to generalizations, although the result could lead to new knowledge, increased  understanding and deepened insight based on well thought-out interpretations. Furthermore, the thesis has a deductive approach. The research method is qualitative and the objectivity has been sustained by not enter personal values and views until the discussion section. It is a case study and semi-structured interviews have been done with two non-profit organizations, two individual donors and three donating/sponsoring companies. Theoretical perspective: The essay proceed from theories in development, fundraising, communication and customer relations. The development theory focuses on five phases of fundraising which go through different cycles of fundraising. In the fundraising theory it is focused on central tools of fundraising, development, encouragement for donation and campaign theories. The value theory empathises the relationship between the non-profit organization and the donors, and the donor’s motivation for donation. In the communication theory section is the adaptation between a non-profit organization and its donors brought up. Empiric: The empiric is a condensed version of the material studied and interviews made for this thesis. Conclusion: Simplicity is important when it comes to donations. According to the donors, the trustworthiness of the non-profit organizations is important. It is also important to build a relation between the donor and the non-profit organization. When both heart and mind of the donor is involved value is created and donations are motivated.

Serviços ao cliente como estratégia de relacionamento: um estudo sobre a satisfação e a lealdade do consumidor em uma rede supermercadista

Boustany, Samir Mahfuz 06 September 2006 (has links)
In the last twenty years there have been an increasing number of companies that chose strategies to establish a relationship with their clients. In consequence, several studies concerning the Relationship Marketing have been developed with the purpose to identify which type of strategy is more accepted by the clients and to evaluate the efficiencies of these actions in obtaining the loyalty at clients. Therefore, this study intends to analyze the effects of the level of the service satisfaction and costumer loyalty within a supermarket company. The SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988 e 1991) model was used to compare the expectations and the perceptions of the clients. A survey was conducted and 402 clients of 14 stores of the company were interviewed, from 28th October until 30th November 2005. The results were obtained through the Factorial Analysis and afterwards Linear Regression showed that from the 22 variables of perception of the quality of the service that were tested, only the ones which are part of the factors Confiability e Tangible influenced positively in the relationship between the company and its clients. At the end, the final considerations were presented as well as the limitations of the study. / Nos últimos vinte anos tem sido crescente o número de empresas que adotam ações no sentido de estabelecer relacionamentos com os seus clientes. Em decorrência disto, diversos estudos abordando o Marketing de Relacionamento vem sendo desenvolvidos tendo como objetivo identificar que tipo de ação voltada ao desenvolvimento de relacionamento encontra maior aprovação por parte dos clientes e também avaliar a eficácia destas ações na conquista da lealdade destes clientes. Desse modo, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos da satisfação com os serviços na propensão dos clientes em manter relacionamento com uma empresa do setor de supermercados. Como modelo para avaliação dos serviços foi utilizado o SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988 e 1991), que efetua um comparativo entre as expectativas e as percepções dos clientes. Para tanto foi desenvolvido um survey que alcançou 402 clientes de 14 lojas da empresa, entre os dias entre 28 de outubro e 30 de novembro de 2005. Os resultados obtidos através de aplicação de Análise Fatorial e posteriormente Regressão Linear demonstram que das 22 variáveis de percepção da qualidade do serviço testadas, somente as que fazem parte dos fatores Confiabilidade e Tangíveis influenciam positivamente nos relacionamentos entre a empresa e seus clientes. Ao final apresentam-se as considerações finais e as limitações do estudo.

Serviços bancários: qualidade percebida por clientes de alta renda no mercado brasileiro

Almeida, Adriano César Paes de 19 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:20:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 176004.pdf: 708106 bytes, checksum: 03ab8afa34375fc736af312de122628e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-19T00:00:00Z / The main purpose of this work is to investigate the perceived quality by the customers in banking services, as well as to identify gaps between clientsí expectations and perceived service. In order to do so, a group of high income customers was selected, since the banks strategy of allocation resources is focused on this market segment. The analysis were based on a questionnaire which was specially developed to cover the multiple dimensions of theoretical models of Grˆnroos (1984), Parasuraman (1988) and Brogowicz (1990) so that we could identify which were the main necessities to be fulfilled under these customers point of view. / O objetivo central deste trabalho é investigar a qualidade percebida pelos clientes em relação a serviços bancários, bem como identificar as lacunas em relação às expectativas dos clientes. Para tanto, foi selecionado o público de alta renda já que, de acordo com a estratégia de alocação de recursos dos bancos atuantes hoje no território brasileiro, este é o segmento para quem são dirigidos os maiores esforços e melhores recursos destas instituições. As análises foram baseadas em um questionário desenvolvido com o objetivo de abranger as diferentes e diversas dimensões dos modelos teóricos de Grönroos (1984), Parasuraman (1988) e Brogowicz (1990) a fim de identificar quais seriam as principais necessidades de aporte de qualidade sob a ótica destes consumidores de serviços financeiros.

Věrnostní program jako nástroj pro zefektivnění prodeje / Loyalty Bonus Program as a Tool to Streamline Sales

Hrstka, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The master’s thesis is proposal of loyalty program of food reailer, which should serve as a tool for building relationship with the costumers and potential for creating competitive advantage. In order to program be best used by the company, should serve an analysis of current situation in the company, then also present loyalty program analyses and analyses of needs and wisch of company’s costumers, as well as researching loyalty programs in other companies in Czech Republic and foreign countries. Klíčová slova

Komunikační strategie podniku / Company Communication Strategy

Menoušek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on creation of suitable communication strategy for internet store Luxusni pera Brno and the solution is based on detailed analysis of the store. The first part of the thesis is devoted to evolution of basic marketing strategies over time and to marketing communication as well. The second part is focused on analysis of the store, of the competition and also of the purchasers on the internet. The final third part is formed by evaluation of the proposal and its economic demands.

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