Spelling suggestions: "subject:"courage"" "subject:"ecourage""
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Moralisk stress inom ideellt socialtarbete i Sverige och Tanzania / Moral stress within nonprofit social work in Sweden and TanzaniaCooper, Catarina, Ekström, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Moralisk stress är ett fenomen som kan uppstå när det sker ett moraliskt dilemma på grund avatt organisatoriska ramförutsättningar kolliderar med yrkesutövarens personliga värderingar.Tidigare forskning visar att fenomenet påverkar socialarbetare negativt genom varierandesymtom. Däremot råder det en kunskapslucka gällande återfinnandet av fenomenet hosutövare av socialt arbete inom den ideella sektorn. Syftet med studien är att undersöka omoch i så fall i vilka avseenden utförare av socialt arbete inom den ideella sektorn erfararmoralisk stress, genom att jämföra fenomenets närvaro i både Sverige och Tanzania.Fenomenet har undersökts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre olikafrivilligorganisationer i respektive land och har sedan analyserats med hjälp av tematiskanalys. Resultaten visar både likheter och skillnader vid förekomsten av moralisk stress. Bådaländer står inför organisatoriska hinder och riskfaktorer som orsakar moralisk stress sombegränsad beslutsrätt och personalbrist. Det framkommer också skillnader som kan förklarasutifrån den samhälleliga kontexten och dess förutsättningar som klientmotstånd och motståndfrån tillhörande community. En central skyddsfaktor för båda länderna är kollegialt stöd inomarbetsplatsen som både kan motverka och åtgärda upplevelsen av fenomenet. / Moral distress is a phenomenon that can occur when a moral dilemma presents itself becauseof a collision between institutional limitations and personal values. Research shows that thephenomenon has a negative effect on social workers through various symptoms. However,there is a gap within the knowledge of the occurrence of the phenomenon among practitionersof social work within the nonprofit sector. The aim of this study is to examine if and in whatway moral distress occurs among practitioners of social work in the nonprofit sector and tomake a comparison between two different cultures through examining the phenomenon inboth Sweden and Tanzania. To examine the phenomenon, semi structured interviews havebeen conducted with three different organizations in each country which have later on beenanalyzed thematically. The results show both differences and similarities regarding theoccurrence of moral distress. Both countries face institutional limitations and risk factorssuch as, limited right of decision and shortage of staff, that can cause moral distress. Beyondthis there are also differences that can be explained by the cultural context and its conditionssuch as resistance from the client and its community. A distinguished similarity in bothcountries is the available peer support within the organization that seems to both prevent andremedy the experience of the moral distress.
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Workplace Social Courage in the United States and India: A Measurement Invariance StudySturgis, Grayson D. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Civilkurage ombord på fartyg : Faktorer som påverkar studentens agerande när hen bevittnat trakasserier, mobbning eller kränkande särbehandling ombord på fartyg. / Moral courage onboard a ship : Factors that effects a student’s behaviour onboard a ship when he or she witnesses a situation when an individual is being bullied, harassed or is a victim to abusive treatment.Johansson, Adam, Sekulic, Aleksandra January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie belyser de faktorer som påverkar en students agerande ombord på ett fartyg när studenten bevittnar en situation där en individ ombord blir mobbad, trakasserad eller utsatt för kränkande särbehandling. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer som påverkat studenten när hen har bevittnat mobbning, trakasserier och/eller kränkande särbehandling. Studien har utgått från semistrukturerade intervjuer med studenter från Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. Dessa studenter har genomgått hela eller större delen av sin fartygsförlagda praktik. Respondenternas erfarenheter har bidragit till en tydlig bild kring detta problemområde. Resultatet visar att hierarki var den största bidragande faktorn som påverkade studentens agerande när hen bevittnat mobbning, trakasserier eller kränkande särbehandling. Resultatet visar också att trakasserier ombord på fartyg ofta beror på kulturella skillnader. / This study brings up factors that effects a student’s behaviour onboard a ship when he or she witnesses a situation when an individual is being bullied, harassed or is a victim to abusive treatment. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that effected a student when he or she witnessed bullying, harassment or/and abusive treatment. This study has been based on semi structured interviews with students from the Maritime University in Kalmar. These students have completed all or most of their ship-based practice. The respondents’ experiences have contributed to a clear picture of this problem area. The result showed that hierarchy was the biggest factor that effected a student’s behaviour when he or she had witnessed bullying, harassment, or abusive treatment. The result also shows that harassment onboard a ship often happens because of cultural differences.
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Devising, Revising and Rehearsing in a 30 Year WarWillcuts, Bradley 01 January 2015 (has links)
By Bradley Harris Willcuts, M.F.A.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of
Fine Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Virginia Commonwealth University, 2015
Thesis Chair: David Leong
Devising, Refining and Rehearsing in a 30 Year War is an account of the process
of developing movement and choreography for the production of Mother Courage and
her Children at Arena Stage in Washington D.C. It was my largest project during the
two years I spent at Virginia Commonwealth University studying an MFA. The title
reflects the chronological process that my mentor, director, and colleague David Leong
and I went through to produce the work that earned a Helen Hayes Nomination for
Outstanding Choreography in a Play. The show starred Kathleen Turner and was
directed by acclaimed artistic director of the Arena Stage, Molly Smith. The demands of
the work not only had serious responsibilities, but they also asked for a higher caliber of
work than I had ever been a part of before. It proved to be the single most influential
theatrical experience of my career.
The movement work needed to be approached with great research and merit
due to the highly stylized nature of the project and the national acclaim for it’s opening.
This thesis documents that process and the successful outcome of the work which
David Leong and I spent over 8 months on.
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A coragem da literatura: ética e estética em Los detectives salvajes, de Roberto Bolaño / The literatures courage: ethics and aesthetics in Los detectives salvajes, by Roberto BolañoNicolette, Ana Patrícia 18 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a obra do chileno Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) sob a ótica da coragem, vislumbrada como traço marcante dos personagens bolanianos e entendida pelo autor como requisito da literatura de qualidade, que supõe a proximidade da arte com uma espécie de abismo. Num primeiro momento, perguntamo-nos sobre quais seriam os perigos que, de acordo com Bolaño, rondariam a literatura e que exigiriam do escritor uma atuação corajosa. Para isso, valemo-nos de romances como Amuleto e Estrella distante, do conto El Ojo Silva e das intervenções críticas de Bolaño. Posteriormente, nos centramos na obra Los detectives salvajes, que retoma procedimentos narrativos e cânones - como as vanguardas e as neovanguardas - considerados corajosos por sua inovação formal, pela crítica às instituições e pela formulação de uma estética que se entrelaça com uma ética. Nesse mesmo processo, verificamos que o autor diagnostica a perda de espaço desses procedimentos corajosos no cenário literário contemporâneo, pautado pelo abandono das utopias e pelas exigências do mercado literário. Vemos que a obra caminha para a elaboração de uma ética possível nesse novo contexto, e que será marcada pela recusa da estabilidade, que se traduz em deslocamento geográfico e linguístico. / This paper analyzes the work of chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) from the perspective of courage, envisioned as a remarkable feature of his characters and considered by the author as a requirement for a writing with quality, which supposes the proximity between art and a kind of abyss. At first, we wonder about what would be the dangers that, according to Bolaño, surround literature and require a courageous performance. Novels such as Amuleto and Estrella distante, the tale El Ojo Silva and the critical interventions of Bolaño, can be used as examples of that kind of performance. Subsequently, we focus on the work Los detectives salvajes, which incorporates narrative procedures and canons - such as the vanguards and neovanguards - considered courageous due to their formal innovation, the criticism of institutions and the formulation of an aesthetic that is interlaced with a kind of ethic. In that case, we find out that the author had diagnosed the loss of space for these courageous procedures in contemporary literature scene, marked by the abandon of utopias and the demands of the literature market. We can also observe that his work is heading towards the elaboration of a possible ethics in this new context, which will be stamped by the refusal of stability, translated into geographical and linguistic displacement.
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On the problem of Exupérian heroism in Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perceptionSmyth, Bryan Alan. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Dimensions of Enterprise Hypocrisy with Specifics to Recruitment & SelectionBhaur, Amer, Mulač, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
<p>The increase in white-collar crimes has become a common feature around the globe and</p><p>its impact has left many conglomerates despaired affecting businesses, economies,</p><p>employees and families that are somehow related to these organizations. The famous</p><p>money laundering and accounting scandals such as; Parmalat, Adelphia, Yukos Oil</p><p>Company, Qwest Communications International, Tyco, and WorldCom, are true bitter</p><p>realities of the corporate world. The dilemma is costing enterprises great amounts of</p><p>money to set the image right that keeps on getting wrong. People are hired on loads of</p><p>relevant work experience with excellent academic backgrounds, yet the strain of</p><p>dishonesty lurks within the individual worker of an organization.</p><p>The purpose of the research is to investigate the dismal realities that occur within the</p><p>recruiters’ conscious or subconscious mind during a recruitment and selection process</p><p>(the gateway to an organization). Our objective is to identify the dimensions of enterprise</p><p>hypocrisy and to understand and explain the scenarios and the ways professionals are</p><p>trying to cope with the matter.</p><p>The recruiters see the white collar crimes as a potential rising concern and are using</p><p>personality test such as the OPQ 32 (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) together</p><p>with other methods (interviews, references, intuition, education, etc.) in hiring the right</p><p>candidate for the job, which hopefully would be potentially harmless to the organization.</p><p>The findings are not based on a systematic comparative study and can therefore only be</p><p>interpreted as indicative.</p>
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"Det sås ett frö där som liksom sakta gror" : Att utveckla ett empatiskt och professionellt förhållningssätt under sjuksköterskeutbildningOlin, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
<p>In human service organizations it is important to enlighten the significance of human encounters. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students experiences of developing empathy and professional relationship in encounters with patients and next of kin during their education. Interviews with five nursing students were carried out. The method of analysing content analysis was used. One main theme and five subthemes were presented. The main theme was described as a process of developing courage and awareness. The students challenged themselves and their beliefs and through this they gained self-knowledge and courage. During periods of clinical practice the usefulness of theoretic knowledge became evident for the students. The developing of awareness and the gain of courage made them more secure in human encounters. The result of this study lead to a deeper understanding of the significant elements for nursing students development towards a professional relationship in human encounters.</p>
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Dimensions of Enterprise Hypocrisy with Specifics to Recruitment & SelectionBhaur, Amer, Mulač, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
The increase in white-collar crimes has become a common feature around the globe and its impact has left many conglomerates despaired affecting businesses, economies, employees and families that are somehow related to these organizations. The famous money laundering and accounting scandals such as; Parmalat, Adelphia, Yukos Oil Company, Qwest Communications International, Tyco, and WorldCom, are true bitter realities of the corporate world. The dilemma is costing enterprises great amounts of money to set the image right that keeps on getting wrong. People are hired on loads of relevant work experience with excellent academic backgrounds, yet the strain of dishonesty lurks within the individual worker of an organization. The purpose of the research is to investigate the dismal realities that occur within the recruiters’ conscious or subconscious mind during a recruitment and selection process (the gateway to an organization). Our objective is to identify the dimensions of enterprise hypocrisy and to understand and explain the scenarios and the ways professionals are trying to cope with the matter. The recruiters see the white collar crimes as a potential rising concern and are using personality test such as the OPQ 32 (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) together with other methods (interviews, references, intuition, education, etc.) in hiring the right candidate for the job, which hopefully would be potentially harmless to the organization. The findings are not based on a systematic comparative study and can therefore only be interpreted as indicative.
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Kan man lagstifta om mod : En kvalitativ studie av förslaget på en civilkuragelag i SverigeSundin, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Jag vill med denna uppsats belysa frågan om man i Sverige bör införa en allmän skyldighet att hjälpa nödställda. Syftet är att undersöka vilken betydelse en sådan så kallad civilkuragelag skulle kunna få för samhällsmoralen. Genom att använda mig av relevant samhällsvetenskaplig teori om bland annat medmänsklighet, moral, tillit, normer och socialt kapital vill jag sätta frågan i ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Jag har genomfört intervjuer med jurister och juridikstudenter för att få deras perspektiv på frågan. Frågan har jag sedan analyserat utifrån deras svar och utifrån de teorier och den tidigare forskning jag använt mig av. Resultaten av intervjuerna visar att informanterna i allmänhet är skeptiskt inställda till införandet av en civilkuragelag i Sverige. Nackdelarna, bland annat risken att färre skulle våga träda fram som vittnen till brott om en civilkuragelag införs, tycks överväga fördelarna i frågan. Man kan konstatera att lagen möjligen skulle kunna stötta människors moraliska tänkande. Informanterna såg dock andra faktorer, bland annat goda förebilder och en trygg omgivning, som mer betydelsefulla för samhällsmoralen.
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