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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaccinmotstånd i Europa : Faktorer som kännetecknar tveksamhet eller motstånd till vaccinering mot COVID-19

Eriksson, Sara, Wellhag, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
BakgrundUnder den rådande COVID-19-pandemin som startade år 2020 har vaccinationsfrågan blivit mer aktuell. För att bekämpa COVID-19 behöver en flockimmunitet uppnås, samtidigt som vaccinationsmotstånd är ett komplext problem. Faktorer som ligger bakom beslutet om att tveka inför, eller helt avvisa, vaccinering kan vara många och dessa är viktiga för sjukvårdspersonal att uppmärksamma. Detta för att få en starkare förståelse i vårdmötet med patienter som upplever motvillighet att vaccinera sig. Om sjuksköterskan blir mer insatt skapas förutsättningar för ett tryggt möte med korrekt informationsutbyte till de osäkra patienterna, vilket i sin tur kan leda till en ökad vaccinacceptans. Syfte Att belysa faktorer som kännetecknar tveksamhet eller motstånd till vaccinering mot COVID-19.Metod En allmän litteraturstudie av elva originalartiklar med kvantitativ metod. Sökningar efter artiklar har gjorts i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Kvalitetsgranskning har gjorts med hjälp av en bedömningsmall för kvantitativa artiklar och i resultatanalysen identifierades faktorer som sedan delades in i kategorier. Resultat Faktorerna som framkom i studierna kunde delas in i fem olika kategorier. Faktorer som framkom gällande vaccinmotstånd var kvinnligt kön, yngre ålderskategorier, högersympatiserande, lägre inkomst, lägre utbildningsnivå och oro kring vaccinsäkerhet. Slutsats Resultatet belyser faktorer som både kan och inte kan påverkas. En etnisk bakgrund går inte att påverka, men oron som kan finnas hos en del patienter kan påverkas av sjuksköterskan genom information och utbildning. Sjuksköterskan har också en viktig roll i att bemöta den kunskap som patienten redan besitter och utgå ifrån den.

Studie- och yrkesvägledarnas arbetemed gymnasievalet under pandemin : En kvalitativ studie med studie- och yrkesvägledare omgymnasievalet under Covid-19- pandemin / Study and career counselors’ work with pupils high school choices during the pandemic : A qualitative study on study and career counselors and high school choices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Krasniqi, Albina, Szigeti, Melissa January 2022 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin orsakade en stor omställning i samhället där även skolväsendet blevpåverkat av dess följder genom bland annat inställd prao, digitala mässor och öppet hus. Vi vill undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare arbetade med att ge grundskoleelevermöjligheten att genomföra ett välgrundat gymnasieval under pandemin. Studiensfrågeställningar är följande: “Hur arbetar vägledare med studie- och yrkesvägledning föratt ge grundskoleelever möjligheten att genomföra välgrundade gymnasieval?”, “Hurarbetar studie- och yrkesvägledare med yrkesbeskrivningar i vägledning med elever?”samt “Hur har pandemin påverkat vägledarnas arbetssätt?” Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysenanvänds de teoretiska utgångspunkterna System Theory Frameworks of CareerDevelopment (STF), Cognitive Information Process (CIP) och Careership theory. Resultatet visar att vägledarna arbetar med att öka elevernas självkännedom ochyrkeskunskap genom samtal och övningar, men trots detta upplever de en lägresjälvkännedom hos eleverna som gjort gymnasieval under pandemin jämfört med tidigareår. Vägledarna håller i informationspass och övningar om gymnasieprogram och olikayrkesbeskrivningar för att vidga elevernas perspektiv och utmana eventuellaföreställningar. Trots att dessa informationspass är en viktig del i att hjälpa eleverna attgöra välgrundade gymnasieval så har de blivit färre under pandemin, som ett steg i attminska smittspridningen. Utöver färre pass ersattes praon med andra aktiviteter medkoppling till utbildning och arbetsliv och öppet hus samt gymnasiemässor digitaliserades. Ett nytt tillvägagångssätt som tillkom under pandemin var att digital vägledning blev mertillgängligt.

Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på motivationen hos intensivvårdssjuksköterskor

Matic, Mia, Rockström, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Date: 2nd of June 2022. Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr.  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalens University.  Authors: Sara Rockström (96/10/04) & Mia Matic (00/05/02). Title: Covid-19 pandemic's impact on the motivation of intensive care nurses. Tutor: Klara Regnö. Keywords: Covid-19, Intensive care, Nurses, Motivation, External motivation. Question: How did the Covid-19 pandemic change the external motivational factors that affect intensive care nurses? How has the change affected the well-being of intensive care nurses? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding and insight into how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the external motivational factors that intensive care nurses receive from the organization and how it has affected their well-being. Method: A qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews was chosen for this essay. The empirical gathering was done with 7 respondents who worked as intensive care nurses during the covid 19 pandemic in the Stockholm region. Thereafter a thematic analysis was used to process the empirics and the theory. Conclusion: Most external motivational factors have changed during the pandemic and the study showed that the changed external motivational factors have affected intensive care nurses to poorer well-being. The study also shows that if external motivational factors are satisfied, intensive care nurses will feel better in the workplace and feel better.

Disparities in inpatient COVID-19 clinical trial eligibility and enrollment across age, sex, race, ethnicity

Higgins, Jasmine Mae 18 November 2021 (has links)
COVID-19 is caused by a novel coronavirus which has a high affinity for ACE-2 receptors in respiratory epithelium. The high affinity for ACE-2 allows the virus to infiltrate cells leading to viral assembly, maturation, and release. COVID-19 presents itself with respiratory and cold-like symptoms which may ultimately develop into ARDS. This study analyzed the demographics of inpatients who tested positive at MGH as well as their eligibility and enrollment status for COVID-19 clinical trials. When looking at the study population, MGH and the state of Massachusetts shared similar distributions of hospitalized men and women. MGH had a slightly higher proportion of Non-Hispanic Black hospitalized patients and a lower proportion of Hispanic hospitalized patients compared to the state of MA. MGH also had a higher percent of hospitalized patients 65 and older compared to the state. This study found statistically significant differences among eligibility status and enrollment status across race/ethnicity and age. There were no statistically significant differences among eligibility status or enrollment status across sex. Differences among eligibility and enrollment status among those 65 and older may be due to the large elderly population that utilizes MGH for care. It may also have to do with the fact that those who were under 65 had shorter hospital stays. The differences between eligibility and enrollment status across race/ethnicity may have to do with the hospital’s program dedicated to clinical trial inclusion of Spanish speaking patients. Findings from this study exemplify MGH’s efforts for equitable clinical trial involvement.

Covid-19-pandemins påverkan på studie- och yrkesval efter gymnasiet / The impact of the covid-19-pandemic on study and career choices after upper secondary school

Göransson, Martin, Lindquist, Marc January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Households' Income : Empirical Evidence from Sweden

Nilsson, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the emerging literature on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on individuals’ labour market outcomes by investigating the effects on households’ income in the Swedish labour market. Using panel data for Sweden’s municipalities over the period 2011-2020, a difference-in-difference design is constructed to examine how the pandemic has affected average yearly disposable income for all households and how the effects are distributed across different household compositions and age groups. The findings suggest a decrease in income for all households of approximately 0.37%, mainly driven by households in the age group 30-49. Further, the distribution of impacts across the household types and age groups varies. Cohabiting without children experienced a decline in income of 0.37%, while no statistically significant values are discovered for women with- or without children, or men with- or without children. Looking at the age groups, significant negative values are found for cohabiting aged 18-29 without children and cohabiting aged 30-49 with children. Even though no statistically significant values for neither women nor men are found, the size of the coefficients indicates a slightly larger income decrease for men compared to women.

“Vi har fått utmana oss själva och testa nya saker” - En kvalitativ studie om studenthälsans arbete under corona-pandemin : “We have had to challenge ourselves and try new things” - A qualitative study about the student health care centers work during the corona-pandemic

Fast, Sara, Rengbo, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att utifrån de centrala begreppen inom KASAM få en bild av hur personalen inom studenthälsan beskriver att deras arbete har påverkats under corona-pandemin. Hur beskriver personalen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet i sitt arbete under corona-pandemin. Studiens metodologiska utgångspunkt är hermeneutisk kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det genomfördes sju intervjuer. Den valda teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien är Antonovskys (2005) teori om KASAM. Resultatet av studien visar att personalen på studenthälsan har genomgått förändringar under corona-pandemin i form av distansarbete, digitaliseringen samt ökad arbetsbelastning. De beskriver att de funnit situationen begriplig. Samtidigt framkommer det att arbetssituationen för studenthälsans personal har varit hanterbar och de har hanterat de förändringarna som de ställts inför. De har tagit lärdom av de förändringar som corona-pandemin ställt dem inför och utvecklat verksamheten efter detta och funnit meningsfullhet i det arbetet. Verksamheterna har utvecklats och gett det stöd som studenthälsans personal har behövt. Arbetet har anpassats efter de digitala verktygen som de haft tillgång till och de har funnit fördelar som bidrar till att de kommer att fortsätta denna utveckling.

The impact of covid-19 on income inequality in Sweden : Empirical evidence using municipality data

Sunesson, David January 2022 (has links)
This study uses data between 2011 and 2020 from the 290 municipalities of Sweden to investigate theeffect that covid-19 has had on income inequality. Excess mortality rate is used as the variablemeasuring the intensity of the pandemic and the Gini coefficient as well as percentile quotas representsincome inequality. Using a Difference in Difference approach, a positive effect on income inequalitywas found using percentile quotas. A unit increase in excess mortality corresponds to an increase inP90P10 with up to 1,1%. It was also found that mainly the low income group of people were the mostaffected.

Ensamhet och isolering hos personer över 60 år under Covid- 19 pandemin

Götesson, Johanna, Isoaho, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under Covid-19 pandemin infördes restriktioner för att skydda äldre från att insjukna. Restriktionerna innebar en påtvingad isolering av en population som redan innan pandemin ansågs vara överrepresenterad gällande ensamhet och isolering. Ensamhet leder till ökad risk för såväl fysisk- som psykisk ohälsa som i vissa fall kan leda till förtidig död. Det är oklart om huruvida äldre har upplevt ensamhet och isolering under Covid-19. För att förebygga samt behandla ohälsa relaterat till ensamhet och isolering, behöver sjuksköterskan ha kunskap inom området och genom ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt kan ensamhet identifieras. Syfte: Beskriva förekomst av ensamhet och isolering hos personer över 60 år under Covid-19 pandemin. Metod: En kvantitativ metod genomfördes som en deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie baserat på ett urval från The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care – Blekinge. Resultat: Ensamhet och isolering visade sig inte vara ett problem för deltagarna. Kvinnor rapporterade i högre utsträckning sin hälsa som någorlunda till dålig jämfört med män, vilket även personer i ålderskategorin ≥80 år hade högre benägenhet att göra. Kvinnor samt ålderskategorin ≥80 kände sig ensamma och isolerade i högre utsträckning än övriga kategorier. Signifikant skillnad mellan könen och mellan de olika ålderskategorierna påvisades i självuppskattad hälsa. Slutsats: Ensamhet och isolering har inte påvisats vara ett problem i stor utsträckning för äldre under Covid-19 pandemin. Varvid sjuksköterskan ej kan förutsätta att äldre upplevt ensamhet och isolering till följd av Covid-19 pandemins restriktioner.

Fabrication of Lspr-Based Multiplexed and High-Throughput Biosensor Platforms for Cancer and Sars-Cov-2 Diagnosis

Masterson, Adrianna Nichole 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Designing and developing a diagnostic technology that is capable of highly sensitive and specific, multiplexed, high-throughput, and quantitative biomarker assays for disease diagnosis and progression is of the upmost importance in modern medicine and patient care. Current diagnostic assays capable of multiplexed and high-throughput analysis include mass spectrometry, electrochemistry, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and fluorescence-based techniques, however, these techniques suffer from a lack in sensitivity, false responses, or extensive sample processing that are detrimental to clinical diagnostics. To overcome these sensitivity challenges, the field of nanoplasmonics has become utilized when developing diagnostic assays. Plasmonic-based diagnostic tests utilize the unique optical, chemical, and physical property of nanoparticles to increase the sensitivity of the assay. In this dissertation, novel diagnostic platforms that utilize nanoparticles and their localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property will be introduced. LSPR is an optical property in noble metallic nanoparticles that is referred to as the collective oscillation of free electrons upon light irradiation. It is highly dependent on the shape, size, and dielectric constant (refractive index) of the surrounding medium of the nanoparticle and LSPR sensing is based on a change in these properties. In this dissertation, the LSPR property is utilized to fabricate nanoplasmonic-based diagnostic platforms that are capable of multiplexed and high-throughput biomarker assays, with high sensitivity and specificity. The work presented in this dissertation is presented as six chapters, (1) Introduction. (2) Methods, (3) Fabrication of a LSPR-based multiplexed and high-throughput biosensor platform and its application in performing microRNA assays for the diagnosis of bladder cancer. In this chapter, the advancement of single-plex solid state LSPR-based biosensors into a multiplexed and high-throughput diagnostic biosensor platform is reported for the first time. The diagnostic biosensor platform is first fabricated utilizing different gold nanoparticles (spherical nanoparticles, nanorods, and triangular nanoprisms), and then with the gold triangular nanoprisms as the nanoparticle of choice, microRNA assays were performed. The developed biosensor platform is capable of assaying five different types of microRNAs simultaneously at an attomolar limit of detection. Additionally, five microRNA were assayed in 20-bladder cancer patient plasma samples. (4) Development/optimization of the biosensor platform presented in Chapter 3 for the detection of COVID-19 biomarkers. In this chapter, the biosensor platform utilized in Chapter 3 was designed to assay 10 different COVID-19 specific biomarkers from three classes (six viral nucleic acid gene sequences, two spike protein subunits, and two antibodies) with limit of detections in the attomolar range and with high specificity. The high-throughput capability of the biosensor platform was advanced, with the platform performing analysis of a single biomarker in 92 patient samples simultaneously. Additionally, the biomarker platform was utilized to assay all 10 biomarkers in a total of 80 COVID-19 patient samples. (5) Further optimization of the biosensor platform for the development of a highly specific antibody detection test for COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, knowledge was gained on the specificity of antibodies produced against COVID-19. In this chapter, that knowledge was applied towards the optimization of the biosensor platform presented in Chapter 4 in order to assay SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody IgG. The optimization of the biosensor platform included the size of the gold triangular nanoprisms and the receptor molecule of choice. The biosensor platform assayed this highly specific COVID-19 IgG antibody with a limit of detection as low as 30.0 attomolar with high specificity and no cross reactivity. Additionally, as a proof of concept, the biosensor platform was utilized in a high-throughput format to assay SARS-CoV-2 IgG in a large cohort of 121 COVID-19 patient samples simultaneously. (6) Advancement of the biosensor platform from a 96-well plate to a 384-well plate and its application in assaying microRNA for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. In this chapter, the high-throughput capabilities of the biosensor platform presented in Chapters 3-5 was expanded by increasing the sensor amount in one platform from 92 to 359. The 384-well plate biosensor platform was designed, optimized, and utilized to perform microRNA assays for early-stage pancreatic cancer diagnosis. The optimization of the biosensor platform included the manipulation of LSPR-based parameters and the -ssDNA receptor molecule in order to obtain low limit of detections (high sensitivity). Additionally, the biosensor platform assayed two microRNA in a large cohort (n=110) of pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis patient samples.

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