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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The International Journal of Homiletics

Deeg, Alexander, Ringgaard Lorensen, Marlene, Pleizier, Theo 31 August 2021 (has links)
COVID-19-pandemic: the crisis was not only a challenge for the forms of preaching but also its content. What could and should be said? How can people be comforted and strengthened without preaching weak and banal ‘good news’? And again and again the question: How can we speak of God amid a worldwide crisis? For Societas Homiletica it became clear quite soon that the Budapest Conference would have to be postponed (and – God willing – we will meet in Budapest from August 12 to 17, 2022!). But our International Secretary, Prof. Dr. Theo Pleizier, came up with the idea of organizing an Online Conference on “Preaching in Time of Crisis.” The International Board of Societas Homiletica supported this idea, and on August 10–12, 2020, the first Online Conference in the history of Societas Homiletica ‘took place.’ We are glad and honored to present five outstanding papers delivered at the Online Conference in this Special Volume of our International Journal of Homiletics, two from Europe and three from North America (Canada and the USA). Clara Nystrand from Lund (Sweden) compares sermons delivered in Sweden in the time of the Spanish flu 1918 with sermons delivered in the first phase of the Corona pandemic. André Verweij, pastor and researcher in the Netherlands, analyzes five Easter sermons delivered in the Netherlands during the first wave of the Covid-19-pandemic and discovers a lamenting mode in preaching, which steers away from interpreting the pandemic’s possible ‘meaning’ or ‘message.’ Joseph H. Clarke and David Csinos from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Canada, show how fruitful dialogue between psychotherapy and homiletics can be. David M. Stark, teaching and doing homiletical research at the University of the South in Sewanee (USA), speaks about a dual pandemic of COVID-19 and systemic racism. In the final article, Edgar “Trey” Clark III from Fuller Theology Seminary in Pasadena (USA), examines protests in support of “Black Lives Matter” and sees these protests as a form of Spirit-inspired proclamation – connecting lament and celebration, particularity and universality, word and deed. Obviously, the COVID-19-pandemic changed not only the forms and media of preaching, but also its contents – and will have an impact also in the time ‘after’ the pandemic.:Editorial .............................................................................................................................................................. iii Preaching in Times of Pestilence – 1918 and 2020 Clara Nystrand ................................................................................................................................................. 1 Preaching in a Lamenting Mode: Easter Lockdown Sermons in the Netherlands André Verweij ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Steer into the Storm: Dynamic Psychotherapy for Preaching in Anxious Times Joseph H. Clarke and David M. Csinos ................................................................................................. 23 Eucharistic Preaching as Early Response to a Dual Pandemic David M. Stark ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Protest as Preaching: The Pneumatic Proclamation of Black Lives Matter Edgar “Trey” Clark III ................................................................................................................................. 43

Viropolitics and capitalistic governmentality: On the management of the early 21st century pandemic / Viropolítica y gubernamentalidad capitalística. Acerca de la gestión de la pandemia de comienzos del siglo XXI

Ayala-Colqui, Jesús 29 July 2020 (has links)
This text offers an analysis of the power apparatuses (dispositifs) employed in the management of the early 21st century Covid-19 pandemic. The paper is divided into two sections. The first part is oriented both towards a charac- terization of the mode of government that preceded the onset of the viral disease and towards an exposition of the power apparatuses it instrumentalized. This mode of go- vernment is referred to in the text as «capitalistic gover- mentality», a practice combining regimes of knowledge, economically encoded materialities, subjective formations and power apparatuses in order to maintain the valorization of private capital. The second part exposes the ways in which the apparatuses of capitalistic governmentality are modified and articulated in the context of the pandemic, through a phenomen given the provisional name of «viropolitics».

Un teatro para la pandemia: alternativas para la creación escénica en tiempos del nuevo coronavirus en el Perú, a propósito del proyecto virtual «Sin filtro» del Teatro Británico / A theater for the pandemic: alternatives to the performing arts in the time of coronavirus in Peru, and the Teatro Británico’s virtual project «Unfiltered»

Barraza Eléspuru, Ernesto 30 June 2020 (has links)
Este artículo centra su análisis en el proyecto «Sin filtro», impulsado por el Teatro Británico en Lima, como respuesta a la crisis del sector de las artes escénicas en el Perú, en el marco de la emergencia nacional por la COVID-19 que se inició el 16 de marzo de 2020 y que se ha mantenido durante el desarrollo de la presente investigación. El artículo toma como objeto de análisis las cuatro obras que se escribieron y produjeron como parte de la primera etapa del proyecto. De esta manera, se busca reflexionar, describir y analizar los factores de un nuevo proceso creativo, a propósito del mencionado proyecto, y se intenta indagar hasta qué punto es posible la creación escénica a través de un soporte virtual, como respuesta a un contexto que ha obligado a cerrar la totalidad de los teatros en el mundo y ha dejado al sector casi totalmente en el desempleo.

Estadística epidemiológica del suicidio adolescente durante confinamiento por pandemia de Covid-19 en Ecuador / Epidemiological statistics of adolescent suicide during confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Ecuador

Guarnizo Chávez, Andres Joaquin, Romero Heredia, Nathaly Alejandra 23 September 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Presentar las características del suicidio adolescente, durante el periodo de confinamiento por pandemia en el año 2020 en el Ecuador, para con su conocimiento atender las necesidades de salud mental en este grupo etario. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal retrospectivo, con la información de la base de datos de muertes violentas del Ministerio de Gobierno, desde el 17 de marzo al 13 de septiembre que duró el estado de excepción. El análisis se llevó a cabo por provincia, sexo, edad, método de suicidio y frecuencia en días de ocurrido el evento. Se estimó la tasa de mortalidad de suicidio (por 100 000 habitantes) para cada provincia. Todos estos resultados se compararon con estadísticas del 2019 durante el mismo periodo de tiempo. Resultados: Durante el confinamiento por estado de excepción en el año 2020 en el Ecuador, se registraron 97 suicidios en adolescentes de entre 10 a 19 años de edad. Se estimó el número más alto en varones de 15 a 19 años, siendo la edad más frecuente a los 19. El día con más frecuencia de levantamiento de cadáveres fueron los lunes, y el modo preferido de suicidio fue la ahorcadura con 81 casos reportados, seguido con diferencia de la intoxicación y envenenamiento. Conclusiones: Las características del suicidio adolescente durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Ecuador indican que merece una atención especial en nuestro medio, al tratarse de un problema de salud pública.

Cross-cultural validation of the new version of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale in twelve Latin American countries

Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás, Valencia, Pablo D., Vilca, Lindsey W., Carbajal-León, Carlos, Vivanco-Vidal, Andrea, Saroli-Araníbar, Daniela, Reyes-Bossio, Mario, White, Michel, Rojas-Jara, Claudio, Polanco-Carrasco, Roberto, Gallegos, Miguel, Cervigni, Mauricio, Martino, Pablo, Palacios, Diego Alejandro, Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo, Samaniego-Pinho, Antonio, Lobos-Rivera, Marlon Elías, Figares, Andrés Buschiazzo, Puerta-Cortés, Diana Ximena, Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique, Calderón, Raymundo, Tapia, Bismarck Pinto, Ferrari, Ilka Franco, Flores-Mendoza, Carmen 01 January 2022 (has links)
The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety related to COVID-19. Although different studies reported that the CAS is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether it is invariant across countries. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS in twelve Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). A total of 5196 people participated, with a mean age of 34.06 (SD = 26.54). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS across countries and gender. Additionally, the graded response model (GRM) was used to provide a global representation of the representativeness of the scale with respect to the COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety construct. The unidimensional structure of the five-item CAS was not confirmed in all countries. Therefore, it was suggested that a four-item model of the CAS (CAS-4) provides a better fit across the twelve countries and reliable scores. Multigroup CFA showed that the CAS-4 exhibits scalar invariance across all twelve countries and all genders. In addition, the CAS-4 items are more informative at average and high levels of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety than at lower levels. According to the results, the CAS-4 is an instrument with strong cross-cultural validity and is suitable for cross-cultural comparisons of COVID-19 dysfunctional anxiety symptoms in the general population of the twelve Latin American countries evaluated.

Engelska på distans under pandemin : Engelsklärares erfarenheter av att undervisa nyanlända elever

Amer, Khozama January 2021 (has links)
Under 2019 drabbade covid 19 hela världen och även skolan har drabbats av pandemin liksom andra verksamheter i Sverige. Universitet, Folkhögskolor och gymnasieskolor har omvandlat klassrumsundervisning till distans/fjärrundervisning. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskap om engelsklärares erfarenheter av att undervisa nyanlända elever under covid 19 pandemin. För att belysa engelsklärares upplevelser av distansundervisning har jag valt att använda kvalitativ metod för insamling av material i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex lärare inom grundskola 7–9, som jobbar med att undervisa i engelska för nyanlända elever på olika skolor, intervjuades. Lärarna måste både stödja eleverna i engelska och samtidigt ge dem tillräckliga digitala kunskaper. Studien visade att lärarna upplevde att problemet inte var bristande digital kompetens utan problemet var pedagogiken under distansundervisningen. Resultaten visar att lärarna upplevde en stor brist i elevernas kunskaper gällande både engelska och digital kunskap. De två problemen existerar parallellt och tillsammans är det en utmaning för lärarna att stödja elevers utveckling och kunskapsinhämtning. Vidare forskning behövs för att ge en tydlig bild av pandemins påverkan på undervisningen.

Good Pandemic People: Citizenship and Ethical Striving During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ottawa, Ontario

Karabatsos, Alexandra 16 May 2022 (has links)
When the COVID-19 pandemic first reached Ottawa, Canada in March 2020, the lives of nearly all residents were dramatically impacted. From the loss of jobs to the loss of loved ones, many experienced an intense period of loneliness, fear, and uncertainty. This thesis explores residents’ experiences of the pandemic in Ottawa and how these were shaped by the state’s response to COVID-19, namely its public health and economic response. It is based on fieldwork conducted during the first waves of COVID-19, which combined participant observation, interviews, and online observation. It begins by exploring how the state called on residents to take responsibility for public health, thereby enacting a certain type of citizenship, and the ethical striving of my interlocutors to become responsible. It then focuses on how state officials urged people to use their common sense at the limits of state advice and how my informants attempted to cultivate their ability to make safe decisions. Lastly, it analyzes how the introduction of CERB, a social program that targeted un- and underemployed Canadians, renewed public discourse about the purpose of welfare and how the program served as a technology of government that encouraged applicants to reflect on their receipt of the benefit.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vårda under Covid19-pandemin : En litteraturstudie

Dimitrovska, Marie, Norrström, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin slog till plötsligt och intensivt och på kort tid gjordes förändringar inom hälso- och sjukvården över hela världen. Sjukvården drabbades hårt av pandemin med långa vårdköer som konsekvens och sjuksköterskor som inte hann återhämta sig. Patienter som smittats med viruset kände först att det var overkligt, hur kunde de bli smittade som vidtagit åtgärder som att använda munskydd och hålla en god hygien. Basala hygienrutiner blev viktigare än någonsin och Florence Nightingales lära om hygien användes som en del i bekämpandet av covid-19. Det är viktigt att ta vara på sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av pandemin för att kunna rusta vården ifall ytterligare en pandemi skulle slå till i framtiden. Därav vill författarna med denna studie belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda under covid-19 pandemin. En litteraturstudie genomfördes där åtta kvalitativa artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultatet ledde till två teman: Ta sig ut på andra sidan och Insidan av rustningen där underkategorierna belyste upplevelser som snabba förändringar, rädsla för smitta, brist på skyddsutrustning, utmanande situationer och hanteringen av dem, och hur de fick agera anhöriga som stöd när patienterna blev isolerade. Detta mynnade ut i en diskussion där författarna beskrev andra artiklar som dels bekräftade resultaten men också artiklar som visade på motsatta resultat.

Pedagogers erfarenheter av förändringar i förskolans verksamhet och barns beteende under utbrottet av Covid-19 år 2020 i Sverige

Jönsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett anknytningsperspektiv undersöka pedagogernas erfarenheter av förskolebarns beteende under inledningsskedet av Covid-19 utbrottet och hur pedagogernas upplevelser av att utbrottet av Covid-19 år 2020 har förändrat verksamhet och undervisning i förskolan. Anknytningsteorin har använts i studien som ett centralt teoretiskt perspektiv för att studera pedagogernas erfarenheter ur ett anknytningsperspektiv samt också pedagogernas förhållningsätt i verksamheten till barnen och för att kunna beskriva de beteendeförändringar som pedagogerna har sett hos barnen under utbrottet av Covid-19 med hjälp av centrala begrepp inom anknytningsteorin. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ, i form av intervjuer. Dessa skedde utifrån ett strukturerat intervjuformulär och medverkande intervjupersoner var alla verksamma inom förskolor i södra Skåne.Studiens resultat visar att det har skett förändringar i både verksamhet och i undervisning inom förskolan sedan utbrottet av Covid-19. Pedagogerna beskriver i resultatet att barnen visar anknytningsbeteende som att barnen vill bli burna, är ledsna och oroliga. Resultatet visar att barnen använder specifika pedagoger som trygg bas och säker hamn när de vill utforska den nya miljön eller när barnen känner sig ledsna under sammanslagningen. Resultatet visar att barnen sätter pedagogerna i en anknytningshierarki då barnen enligt pedagogerna gärna går till den pedagog som funnits på den tidigare avdelningen innan sammanslagningen skett.

Solidarity with Migrants in and Around Grenoble - Volunteer Commitment: from Reflection to Action

Leone, Elsa January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the drivers of the commitment of volunteers that support migrants. It aims at investigating the reasons that lead people to decide to get involved in solidarity action with migrants through the case study of Grenoble and the Isère department, in France. Through qualitative interviews with volunteers and coordinators from solidarity organizations in the geographical area, this ethnographically inspired research identifies factors participating to the birth of solidarity action. Beyond finding that there is never one reason for people to get involved, the study identifies internal and external drivers of the commitment and the mechanisms within which they operate. It concludes that a combination of internal and external factors resulted in the volunteers getting involved physically in helping migrants. Additionally, it contributed to the discussion on solidarity, including its political dimension, and generated findings about motives for volunteering that may benefit civil society actors supporting migrants.

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