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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza vývojových tendencí kriminality v Jihočeském kraji od doby zřízení vyšších územních samosprávných celků / Analysis of crime trends in South Bohemia since the establishment of higher territorial self-governing units

TROUPOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of trends in crime in the South Bohemian Region since the establishment of higher territorial units in terms of both theoretical and practical. The aim of this thesis was to map the evolution of crime in the South Bohemian Region in the last 14 years, and identify aspects that affect it. The theoretical part characterizes the basic concepts such as criminality, its concept, latent and registered crime or status, structure and dynamics within the crime. Further factors are defined, such as aspects influencing the development of crime, but also various types of crime, and not least the system of crime prevention. The second part of the theoretical section is aimed at defining the territorial division of the Czech Republic, and the specific characteristics of the South Bohemian Region. The practical part includes quantitative research, in which the technique of secondary data analysis was used, based on document analysis. Statistical data of the Police of the Czech Republic were selected for the research group, which were then further processed and used for the analysis of crime in the South Bohemian Region only, with an emphasis on the individually surveyed areas. Aspects influencing the development of crime have been identified and characterized in the theoretical part of their theoretical framework. The results have shown that crime did not increase by 10%, on contrary, it decreased by a total of 21.2% within the period under review. Furthermore, it was found that in each year of the investigated period, proportional representation of the various types of crime varies. The results showed biggest differences are represented in economic and violent crimes within the investigated period. The objective of my thesis has been met. I believe that the work can serve professionals to gain comprehensive information as well as study material concerning the development of crime in the South Bohemian Region .

Desenho urbano e violência: um estudo de caso no bairro Ponta da Terra em Maceió, AL. / Urban design and violence: a study of case in the Ponta da Terra neighbourhood in Maceió, AL.

Luz, Thiara Christianne Barbosa de Albuquerque Marques 13 April 2015 (has links)
The increase in urban violence in Brazil became a frequent subject in the media and the general fear changes the constructed space to reflect and produce even more insecurity. The city has changed, individuals are isolated and ancient streets that were crowded are now lifeless spaces, further causing this feeling of insecurity. Within this context this work seeks to understand how urban design can help prevent various forms of violence that occur on city streets. To better understand this, maps were initially performed with the spatial data of violence in the city of Maceió, which formed the basis for the choice of the study area. The process resulted in the selection of the Ponta da Terra neighbourhood, for some features like great movement and a variety of uses, and its data violence is small compared to the data of the neighbourhoods that surround it. The analysis was done with maps, interviews to understand the perception of residents regarding violence in the neighborhood, and using criteria of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Enviromental Design), where the physical, functional and environmental characteristics of areas were analyzed. This dissertation aims to discuss the influence of spatial factors in the local crime such as block sizes, lighting distribution and existence of shields that prevent or hinder the view of passers-by, among other things. The problem should be seen in a larger context, the city, the state, the country so that the intervention in an area does not lead to increased crime in another, since the lack of space planning could only move the crimes to other areas. Public policies must be integrated in orderto meet the basic needs of the population and public safety one. / O aumento da violência no Brasil tornou-se assunto frequente nas mídias e o medo generalizado leva o espaço construído a insumos que refletem na produção de mais insegurança. A cidade se transformou, a sociedade se isolou e as ruas antigas que eram movimentadas deram lugar a espaços sem vida, causando ainda mais esse sentimento de insegurança. Dentro desse contexto esse trabalho procura compreender como o desenho urbano pode ajudar a prevenir diversas formas de violência que ocorrem nas ruas das cidades. Para essa compreensão inicialmente foram realizados mapeamentos com a espacialização dos dados de violência no Município de Maceió, que serviram de base para a escolha da área de estudo. O processo resultou na escolha do bairro Ponta da Terra, por algumas características como grande movimentação e a diversidade de usos, e por seus dados de violência ser menores se comparados aos dados dos bairros que o circundam. A análise foi feita com mapeamentos, entrevistas para compreensão da percepção dos moradores com relação à violência no bairro, utilizando-se de critérios do CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Enviromental Design), onde foram analisadas as características físicas, funcionais e ambientais dos espaços. Esta dissertação objetiva discutir a influência dos fatores espaciais na criminalidade local, tais como tamanho de quadras, distribuição de iluminação e existência de anteparos que impedem ou dificultam a visualização dos transeuntes, entre outros aspectos. Estes devem ser considerados e o problema deve ser visto em um contexto maior, a cidade, o estado, o país de modo que a intervenção em uma área não implique no aumento da criminalidade em outra, já que a falta de planejamento do espaço poderia apenas mover os crimes para outras áreas. As políticas devem ser integradas no sentido de atender às necessidades básicas da população, sendo a segurança pública uma delas.

Challenges experienced by Tshwane Metropolitan Police Department on the execution of their crime prevention mandate

Madihlaba, Kwapeng Elvis 01 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted in Tshwane at (TMPD). The study involved 164 members from TMPD. The respondents were categorised as supervisory level and operational level. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaire had open-ended questions (bringing a qualitative element) and closed-ended questions (bringing quantitative element). This study sought to answer the following research questions:  What is the traditional role of municipal law enforcement agencies?  What are legislative provisions for establishment of Municipal Police Services?  What are factors hindering the effectiveness of metro police officers on their crime prevention mandate?  What level of training is appropriate for the metropolitan police officer to be effective in crime prevention?  Are there additional adequate resources needed in the metro police facilities to enable the officers to help police combat crime effectively? The following are some of the findings:  Traditional law enforcement agencies were found to be performing the following duties: patrolling the streets; writing traffic fines; observing accidents; controlling and monitoring road traffic flow; issuing of road traffic and by-law notices; arrest and detention of suspects; crowd control in service delivery; unrest and strike situation; attending of selling goods without license; confiscation of hawkers’ goods; preserving court evidence and investigation of serious crime.  It was found that the TMPD had reasonable resources to help them carry out their mandate. More still need to be done though.  Political influence, interventions and interference. Based on the findings, recommendations were formulated that, hopefully, will help TMPD to improve in their crime prevention mandate. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

An examination of the required operational skills and training standards for a Close Protection Operative in South Africa

Schneider, Gavriel 31 March 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the current operational skills requirements for Close Protection Operatives (CPOs) in South Africa. Operational skills refer to those skills that are vital in order for a CPO to effectively protect a designated person (this person is referred to as the `Principal'). In order to determine any shortcomings in the Close Protection industry, twenty in-depth interviews were conducted with current operational CPOs. A detailed literature review was also done in order to create a solid platform for the research and to assist in the verification of the information. During the research, it was found that the task of providing Close Protection could be divided into various sub-categories. This was necessary in order to gain a rounded perspective of a CPO's roles and duties. CPO's tasks in their entirety had to be unpacked into their smaller sub-components. In fact there were many ways to subdivide the skills requirements and functions of CPOs. It was, however, found that the actual subdivisions were less important than the gaining of a comprehensive understanding of how all the aspects are interrelated and should function synergistically. The need for regulation of the South African Close Protection industry was identified as a major concern among all interview respondents. In order to determine the relevant factors involved in regulation, the way countries such as the United Kingdom (UK), Australia and Israel regulate their industries, was assessed. It was noted that the industry in South Africa is `partially regulated'. This means that there is some sort of registration process for CPOs but no comprehensive monitoring and enforcement of accepted minimum competency standards. Currently in South Africa private sector CPOs are rated on the same scale as security guards and must be registered as a Grade level C with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA). This is not an effective manner to regulate CPOs. CPOs should be viewed as professionals and specialists since their skills far exceed those of a security guard (Grade C). According to South Africa's Skills Development Plan all industries will fall under Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). Close Protection is grouped under the Police, Private Security, Legal, Correctional Services and Justice Sector Education and Training Authority (POSLEC SETA). There is currently a South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Unit Standard for Close Protection (Protection of Designated Persons, Units Standard number: 11510). However, the research revealed that while the unit standard correctly outlines the operational skills requirements of CPOs there are no assessment guidelines or clearly defined minimum skills requirements. Before the unit standard can be effectively implemented, agreed industry minimum standards for the relevant skills divisions in Close Protection need to be identified and implemented. But currently there is some confusion regarding which body is responsible for, firstly developing acceptable unit standards; secondly, getting the industry as a whole to agree and accept such standards; thirdly, to see to it that training on those standards is provided; and finally the monitoring of these standards in practice. In this study various training related factors were identified and examined in order to assess whether the way CPOs are trained in South Africa is effective or not. Aspects such as the intensity, focus, duration and content were examined. In general it was found that it is important for the following to be implemented: 1. Effective screening and pre-training evaluation of potential trainees. 2. Training should be job orientated and focus on training CPOs for the functions that they will actually have to perform. 3. Training methodologies should focus on an outcomes based approach and utilise the fundamentals of adult based education. 4. Training should simulate reality including the related stress factors that are placed on operational CPOs such as lack of sleep and high levels of activity interspersed with boring waiting periods. 5. Ongoing training and re-training are vital components to a CPO maintaining operational competency. 6. Close Protection instructors need to have both an operational background and training in instructional methodologies before being considered competent. It is important that in the long term international recognition of South African Close Protection qualifications is achieved. This is essential since many South African CPOs operate internationally. Globalisation and improvements in technology have made it easier for international networking to take place. This has meant that clients are using CPOs in different countries and international comparisons are inevitable. If South African CPOs are to be considered `world class' then internationally recognised minimum standards need to be implemented for the South African Close Protection industry. The research indicated and highlighted various trends that may affect the Close Protection industry. The trends identified that seemed most relevant to the South African Close Protection industry were as follows: * Increased public awareness of international terrorism has resulted form acts such as the 9/11 attacks. This has made people more aware of the need for and benefits of security. Use of well trained CPOs is one of the ways that potential clients are able to minimise their exposure to any potential terrorist attack. * A CPO's ability to communicate and liaise with all relevant parties involved in the Close Protection environment is vital to the success of any operation. Therefore it is vital that these aspects receive the relevant focus during training. * The CPO needs to be well trained in use of unarmed combat and alternative weaponry. He/she can no longer rely on the use of a firearm as the primary force option. * A CPO needs to be able to adapt to many different situations. It is important that a CPO is trained to blend in and use the correct protocol in any given situation. The focus of operations should be on operating in a low profile manner to avoid unnecessary attention. * A CPO needs to be well trained in all aspects of planning and avoidance. The skills needed to proactively identify and avoid threats are vital to modern day operations. The CPO also needs to be quick thinking and adaptable in order to function effectively. * A CPO needs to have a working knowledge of all security related aspects that could enhance the safety of his/her Principal (i.e. multi-skilled). In addition to the above mentioned factors, other recommendations emanating from this study focused on minimum competency standards for the identified subdivisions of close protection. Examples of possible assessment guidelines and criteria were identified covering the following broad classifications: * Prior educational qualifications * Physical abilities * CPO skills * Prior experience in guarding * Firearm skills * Unarmed combat * Protective skills * First aid skills * Security knowledge * Advanced driver training * Protocol and etiquette * Management and business skills * Related skills / Criminology and Security Science / (M.Tech (Security Management))

Opportunities for physical assault in the night-time economy in England and Wales, 1981-2011/12

Garius, Laura L. January 2016 (has links)
Building on a growing body of research linking an opportunity framework to drops in acquisitive crime and most recently, acquisitive violence, the present thesis extends this framework to the downward trajectory of nighttime economy violence in England and Wales, during the phenomenon of the crime drop. Using secondary data analysis of the Crime Survey for England and Wales, the rate of stranger and acquaintance violence within the night-time economy is found to have halved between 1995 and 2011/12; mirroring the dramatic declines experienced by other crime types within England and Wales, and more widely across other westernised countries. Disaggregating this overarching trend by offence and victim characteristics reveals a reduction in alcohol-fuelled, common assaults between young males, occurring in and around the drinking venues of the night-time economy, and during weekends, to be the main driver of the drop. Boden, Fergusson and Horwood (2013) argue that to date there is limited knowledge surrounding the nature of alcohol-related violence. The present research explores the nexus between alcohol and violence through a situational lens. The opportunistic nature of night-time economy violence is identified through offenders' choice of tools (weapons) and selection of targets, as well as the clustering of violence along certain spatial, temporal, and individual, dimensions. The opportunity structure of night-time economy violence is established using multivariate modelling techniques designed to isolate the role of opportunity in assault-victimisation, and resultant severity, from the personal characteristics of the actors involved. Measures of a 'risky lifestyle', characterised by an increase in routine activities that take respondents away from the safety of the home, are found to be the strongest predictors of assault victimisation-risk across every available sweep of the survey. A significant shift in population lifestyle - namely a significant net decline in routine engagement with the drinking venues of the night-time economy, as well as a shift in the gender and age composition of drinking venue patronage - co-varies with the decline in night-time economy violence. However, residual effects of respondents' socio-demographic characteristics on victimisation-risk, after mediating for differences in lifestyle, presents violent victimisation in the night-time economy as a result of a process by which personal traits interact with criminogenic environments. Personal characteristics, however, are weaker in their prediction of offence severity in the night-time economy. Rather, the present research supports a collection of research identifying the context of violence to be the strongest predictor of violent dispute escalation (Brennan, Moore & Shepherd, 2010; Marcus and Reio, 2002).

Tipologias arquitetônicas e representações de segurança com abordagens na segregação espacial e nos artefatos tecnológicos

Dias, Simone Carolina 28 March 2013 (has links)
Fundação Araucária / A segurança é definida por alguns autores como sinônimo de certeza e ausência de riscos e ameaças; segurança é, portanto, uma representação do mundo, um ideal imaginário. Para compreender como se dão as relações entre o espaço construído público e privado e as representações de segurança, apresenta-se, neste trabalho, um conjunto de estudos que se apoiaram na literatura dos campos disciplinares da arquitetura e urbanismo e nos campos interdisciplinares da segurança e tecnologia. O condomínio fechado, artefato e produto da urbanização permeada de conceitos e preconceitos sobre segurança tornou-­‐se objeto central. O trabalho com reportagens de jornais permitiu ouvir narrativas de moradores e da imprensa sobre condomínios fechados e investigar como estas lógicas dialogam com as representações de segurança e os artefatos tecnológicos no espaço urbano. O capítulo sobre as representações de segurança contidas nos sites internet das incorporadoras anunciando condomínios fechados permitiu estudar discursos e mitos embutidos no processo de venda que influenciam na decisão das pessoas por esse tipo de moradia. As praças vizinhas a condomínios verticais foram avaliadas para buscar relações entre as características arquitetônicas do espaço livre e a efetiva ocorrência de delitos; para isso realizou-­‐se uma análise de regressão seguida por estudo de correlações. Também foram ouvidos os depoimentos dos usuários das praças e suas ideias sobre segurança. Os estudos sugeriram que as teorias que buscam relacionar o ambiente com a ocorrência de delitos são importantes ferramentas de trabalho para projetistas de edificações, mas não parecem ser aplicáveis à escala do espaço público. As conclusões mostraram que as lógicas de ocupação do solo para os espaços abertos e fechados exibem diferentes representações de segurança. / Security is defined by some authors both as a synonym of certainty and as absence of risk and threats; security is, therefore, a representation of the world, an imaginary ideal. In order to understand the nature of the relations between public and private built environment and the representations of security, this essay presents a group of studies based on the literature from the disciplinary fields of architecture and urban planning and from interdisciplinary fields of security and technology. The gated community, an artifact and produce of urban design built upon concepts and prejudices about security has become the main object of inquiry. The first study, based on newspaper reports and news, made it possible to listen to the narratives of dwellers and of the press about gated communities and investigate how these logics interact with the representations of security and the technological artifacts in urban space. The chapter on representations of security in realtor internet advertisement pages for gated communities has allowed the study of the discourse and myths embedded within the sales pitch which influence prospective buyers. Public squares neighboring residential buildings were evaluated in a search for relationships between architectural characteristics of these public spaces and the actual occurrences of crimes; this has been achieved by means of regression and correlation studies. Users of these public squares were interviewed in regard to their ideas about security. The studies suggest that the theories about the relationship between the environment and the occurrence of crime are important tools for the planning of buildings, but they don't seem applicable at the scale of public urban spaces. The conclusions show that the logic of land use for public and private spaces shows different representations of security.

An exploration of opportunities for design interventions to reduce crime : a case study situated in Bridgetown

Kankondi, Adelina Omagano Tukwatha January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Design))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011 / This study explores the possibilities of using design interventions in mitigating crime. The study employs the Design Against Crime (DAC) philosophy in dealing with crime, which provides a holistic perspective regarding crimeand related issues.High crime levels in South Africa necessitate alternative approaches to dealing with crime, as it is becoming evident that the old strategies that have been utilised are not providing the desired effects.The focus is on the emergence of crime amongst youth at risk, living in communities-in-tension and more specifically,the Bridgetown community near Cape Town. Communities which constitute the lower socio-economic income level, usually suffer the most with regards to crime. The effects of crime negatively influence the development of the community, allowing the cycle of poverty and crime to continue. If the cycle of crime can be broken in these communities, development may take place which will strengthen them in a number of ways, including their standing in society. In order to gain a better understanding of the crime situation in South Africa, the study investigates the country‘s crime history and its widespread effects on society today. The research also looks at other factors such as personal and environmental settings that inform an individual‘s decision to commit crime. Delinquency and its results are also explored. The theoretical lens used in the study is that of Socially Responsible Design (SRD), with DAC as a subsection.SRDlooks at providing solutions to societal problems from a holistic point of view. The study uses a qualitative approach which focuses on people in real life situations,allowing the researcher to gain insight into what motivates people in their specific circumstances. The participants involved in the study are members of the Bridgetown community, youth from that community and theReconstructed Living Labs (RLabs) team, who were previously involved in crime. The researcher sought the views of experts in the field with regards to crime alleviation in communities such as Bridgetown. This research study concludes that opportunities exist forholistic and multi-faceted deployment of DAC strategies in that community to ameliorate crime, when these strategies targetyouth at risk.

Systém včasné intervence a jeho implementace do struktury sociálních a právních vztahů ve společnosti. / A system of early intervention and its implementation into the structure of social and legal relations within the society.

KUČERA, Milan January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Fyller de lagliga graffitiväggarna i Västerås och Norberg sitt syfte som brottsförebyggande föremål? / Do the legal graffiti walls in Västerås and Norberghave crime preventing effects?

Svensson, Josefine, Silverliden, Viktoria January 2013 (has links)
För att förebygga klotterbrott upprättade Västerås år 2012 och Norberg år 2002 varsin laglig graffitivägg. Denna studie undersöker med hjälp av klotterbrottsstatistik huruvida en minskning i antal anmälda klotterbrott har skett i kommunerna efter att väggarna upprättades. Datan har analyserats genom Z-tester. Västerås har delats in i tre områden med olika avstånd till väggen. Indelningen har gjorts då hypotesen i denna uppsats är att det har skett en minskning i antal anmälda klotterbrott i Område 2 och Område 3. Resultaten för Västerås visar en signifikant minskning i antal anmälda klotterbrott i Område 2 och 3, men däremot ingen signifikant minskning i väggens närområde. I Norberg har det skett en signifikant ökning i anmälda klotterbrott de första fem åren efter att graffitiväggen upprättades, men ingen signifikant ökning de senaste fem åren. Slutsatser som kan dras är att den lagliga graffitiväggen i Västerås möjligtvis har fyllt sitt syfte som brottsförebyggande föremål i Område 2 och 3 men inte i väggens närområde. I Norberg verkar väggen inte ha gett någon klotterförebyggande effekt de första fem åren efter att väggen upprättades. / For crime preventive purposes the municipality of Västerås and Norberg put up legal graffiti walls in 2012 and 2002, respectively. The present study examines whether there has been a decrease in number of reported graffiti crimes after these walls were put up. Data were analyzed using Z-tests. Västerås was divided into three areas with different distance to the wall. This was done because the hypothesis in this study is that there has been a decrease in reported graffiti crimes in Area 2 and 3. The results for Västerås showed a significant decrease in Area 2 and 3, but no significant decrease in the area closest to the wall. In Norberg the results showed a significant increase in number of reported graffiti crimes the first five years after the wall was put up but no significant increase the last five years. In conclusion, the legal graffiti wall in Västerås seems to have had a crime preventive effect in Area 2 and 3 but not in the area closest to the wall. In the municipality of Norberg it does not seem to have had a crime preventing effect the first five years after the wall was put up.

Le risque en droit pénal / The risk in criminal law

Zouhal, Adra 08 December 2017 (has links)
La notion de risque est doublement incertaine : elle contient une part irréductible d’aléa quant à sa concrétisation en dommage d’une part, elle n’est pas définie par la loi d’autre part. Pourtant, cette lacune est en contradiction, tant avec le recours exponentiel à la notion de risque en droit pénal, qu’il soit de fond ou de forme, qu’avec le principe de légalité des délits et des peines, qui implique que le législateur définisse avec clarté et précision les notions et concepts auxquels il fait appel, de sorte que la légitimité de son usage en droit pénal peut être mise en doute. La présence d’une notion aussi incertaine dans une matière qui met en cause les droits fondamentaux de la personne est susceptible de mettre en péril les impératifs de l’État de droit. Au demeurant, ce droit pénal de l’anticipation, qui vise à prévenir la survenance d’une atteinte possible mais incertaine à une valeur protégée, essuie de nombreuses critiques. L’objet de cette démonstration est donc de savoir si le législateur emploie à bon escient ou non la notion de risque en droit pénal. La réponse à cette problématique nécessitera au préalable, de s’assurer que le droit pénal est effectivement légitime à s’intéresser à la notion de risque. Ce n’est pas parce que le législateur consacre une notion que sa prise en compte est forcément légitime. Plus encore, il faut garder à l’esprit que risque et droit pénal sont par nature contradictoires : le risque est incertain, immatériel et relève de la prévention tandis que le droit pénal est le droit de la répression, de la matérialité et de la certitude. Une étude approfondie de leurs natures respectives permettra néanmoins de dépasser la contradiction, attestant alors de ce que le droit pénal est théoriquement légitime à réceptionner la notion de risque. Cette légitimité n’en reste pas moins précaire. Pour la garantir, il ne pourra s’agir que d’un certain risque, c’est-à-dire un risque pourvu d’une certaine qualité, car le législateur, s’il prétend recourir à la notion de risque en droit pénal pour assurer à la société une protection pénale anticipée, ne peut se départir des principes qui y sont applicables. À partir de l’étude des principes fondamentaux du droit pénal, de ses concepts juridiques et de ses sources supralégislatives, cette recherche se proposera alors d’élaborer une définition pénale de la notion de risque, contenant les critères théoriques d’un risque pénalement saisissable en toute légitimité. Leur confrontation, ensuite, avec le droit positif, permettra de révéler si l’exploitation de la notion de risque par le législateur en droit pénal, fait perdre ou non à ce dernier sa légitimité. / The notion of risk is doubly uncertain: it contains an irreducible part of hazard as its realization in damage on the one hand, and its lack of definition by the law on the other. However, this gap is at odds, both with the exponential use of the notion of risk in criminal law, whether substantive or form, and with the principle of legality of offences and sentences, which implies that the legislator defines clearly and precisely the notions and concepts to which it refers. That is the reason why the legitimacy of the use of the notion of risk in criminal law can be questionable. The presence of such an uncertain notion in a field involving the fundamental rights of the person is likely to jeopardize the imperatives of the State of laws. Moreover, the criminal law of anticipation, which aims to prevent the occurrence of possible but uncertain interference with a protected right, is criticized. The purpose of this demonstration is therefore to know whether or not the legislature uses wisely the notion of risk in criminal law. The answer to this issue will previously require to ensure that criminal law is actually legitimate to focus on the notion of risk. This is not because the legislature takes into account a notion that its account is necessarily legitimate. Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that risk and the criminal law are inherently contradictory: the risk is uncertain, immaterial and is linked to the concept of prevention while the criminal law is the right of repression, the materiality and the certainty. A deep study of their respective natures will nevertheless make it possible to overcome the contradiction, stating that the criminal law is theoretically legitimate to accept the notion of risk. This legitimacy stays nonetheless quite precarious. To secure this legitimacy, only a certain kind of risk, a risk with a managed level can be taken into account. If the legislator claims using the notion of risk in criminal law for anticipated criminal protection of society, he still cannot ignore the principles that are applicable in criminal law. From the study of the fundamental principles of criminal law, its legal concepts and its supralegislatives sources, this research will then offer a definition of the notion of risk in criminal law, containing the theoretical criteria of a legitimate criminally detectable risk. Its comparison with positive law, will emphasize whether the use of the notion of risk by the legislator in criminal law, makes him lose or not its legitimacy.

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