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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

José Clemente Pereira e o debate jurídico do Império 1830-1850 / José Clemente Pereira and the empire law debats 1830-1850

Mariana Pedron Macario 05 September 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de alguns temas do debate jurídico da primeira metade do século XIX. Estes temas são analisados a partir da participação do magistrado e político José Clemente Pereira. É o momento do esforço de criação de uma legislação nacional, necessária em decorrência do rompimento dos laços com Portugal. Nascido em Portugal em 1787, formado em Coimbra, Clemente Pereira imigrou para o Brasil em 1815. Rapidamente ascendeu nos negócios e na carreira política, participando das articulações que levaram à independência e se tornando muito influente na capital fluminense em razão de negócios no mercado de gêneros de abastecimento e de sua atuação como advogado dos grandes comerciantes da Corte. Foi juiz de fora, deputado geral, ministro do império, da guerra e da marinha, senador, conselheiro de estado e presidente do primeiro Tribunal do Comércio do Brasil. A partir dessas posições participou e influenciou vários debates sobre temas políticos e jurídicos, entre os quais escolhemos três: a criação da lei de responsabilidade dos ministros de Estado, de 1827; os debates sobre o Código Criminal do Império, criado em 1830, e do Código Comercial, de 1850. Os debates mostram os desafios que estavam colocados para a formação do Estado e da nação brasileiros, num contexto de transformação do direito representado pelo moderno ideário de codificação, e mudanças na política, com a crescente centralização do poder monárquico, mas também com sua limitação a partir do advento do constitucionalismo. / This paper aims at discussing some aspects of the legal debate that took place during the first half of the XIXth Century. Said aspects are assessed from the moment Justice and Politician José Clemente Pereira appears in the public scenario. It is the moment when strengths are gathered to create a national legislation, then mandatory due to the rupture of bonds with Portugal. Born in Portugal in 1787, graduate at the University of Coimbra, Clemente Pereira immigrated to Brazil in 1815. He rapidly gained importance as a businessman and as a politician, taking part in the discussions that lead to the Independence and becoming quite influential in the Court due to his business and his work as an attorney for major traders. He was a judge, congressman, a ministry of the Empire, of War and Navy, a Senator, a State Counselor, and the Chairman of the first Board of Trade of Brazil. After occupying the afore mentioned positions, he acted as an influential player in several debates about legal and political matters, among which we chose three: the creation of the act of liability for ministries of State of 1827; the debates on the Criminal Code of the Empire, created in 1830, and of the Commercial Code of 1850. The debates show the challenges that were set for the establishment of the Brazilian State and Nation, in a context of transformation of the Law represented by the modern set of codification ideas and changes in politics, with the growing centralization of monarchical power, but also with its limitation, starting with the onset of constitutionalism.

Cuidar em liberdade: o usuário cumprindo medida de segurança em CAPS III / Treatment in freedom. The Mental Health care after a plea of insanity

Barros, Anna Luiza Monteiro de 27 November 2013 (has links)
O cuidado em liberdade de pessoas cumprindo medida de segurança no contexto de um CAPS III, tema do presente trabalho, inscreve-se num ponto de tensão entre as concepções da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira e as questões pertinentes às pessoas em conflito com a lei. O tema não tem acúmulo de conhecimentos, conforme evidenciado pela pesquisa bibliográfica. Este estudo demonstra como um sujeito cumprindo medida de segurança é acompanhado num serviço comunitário de saúde mental e sustenta a argumentação do direito ao cuidado em liberdade. Os objetivos são: conhecer como um CAPS III da Cidade de São Paulo se organiza para cuidar de uma pessoa cumprindo medida de segurança e quais os efeitos do cuidado para a vida dessa pessoa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que utiliza o Estudo de Caso como procedimento metodológico para a apreensão e compreensão dos dados empíricos. O marco teórico que norteia este estudo é a desinstitucionalização como estratégia de produção de direitos. São 13 (treze) os sujeitos do estudo entrevistados utilizando-se a entrevista semi-estruturada. O material empírico submetido à análise temática resultou nas categorias empíricas: 1) Narrativa da história de vida do Emanuel; 2) Processos de Trabalho em Saúde Mental; 3) Dispositivo para o cuidado em liberdade: o CAPS; 4) A Necessária Formação do Trabalhador da Saúde Mental. Resultados: na análise temática dos discursos foram identificados o objeto complexo do cuidado e suas necessidades, os agentes dos distintos processos de trabalho, os instrumentos e as finalidades destes processos de trabalho, ou o objeto transformado, isto é, um sujeito atravessado, tocado e interferido pelo cuidado. O CAPS é o lócus onde os processos de trabalho se organizam para dar conta das necessidades do objeto de cuidado, utilizando como instrumentos de intervenção: escuta, afeto, grupos, pintura, atendimentos individuais, equipe de referência, conhecimentos técnicos, projeto terapêutico singular e o projeto de geração de trabalho e renda na perspectiva da Economia Solidária. Aspectos positivos e negativos do processo de trabalho aparecem nos discursos, que revelam como os sujeitos entendem o CAPS, a constituição do projeto institucional do serviço, como o avaliam, a ações intersetoriais que o caso demandou e as questões da interface com a Justiça. Identificou-se nos discursos dos agentes dos processos de trabalho a necessidade de formação para a prática cotidiana do cuidado e preocupação com a questão da violência: como intervir e como prevenir. As informações específicas das pessoas em conflito com a lei também são abordadas no discurso dos entrevistados que evidenciam grande lacuna nesta área. Depreende-se dos discursos que a construção do Projeto Terapêutico Singular neste serviço pauta-se na construção de estratégias que visam responder às necessidades das pessoas, conforme as diretrizes das políticas públicas de saúde mental e da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira. As pessoas em conflito com a lei apresentam uma necessidade que é específica, particular, de agenciamento de possibilidade de defesa. Outros sujeitos podem demandar outras necessidades e os serviços, para serem efetivos, têm que atender todo mundo: têm que saber agenciar recursos para quem chega. / The care of people after a pleading insanity is made in freedom and can be done in a Mental Health Center (CAPS III), that is the theme of this master, and its a tension point at the conceptions of the brazilian Psychiatric Reform and people who have conflicts with the law. Theres no enough and significant accumulation of knowledge about this theme as the bibliography shows. This study can be used to make understandable as a person after the plea of insanity is followed in a treatment system in a community service of mental health. The goals: to know how a Mental Health Center of the city of São Paulo is organized to take care of people after a plea of insanity and what are the effects for this person. Its a qualitative study that uses the Study of Case as methodological procedure for the apprehension and understanding of the empirical data. The theoretical reference that guides this study was the deinstitutionalization as strategy for the production of rights. The 13 (thirteen) people of the study were interviewed, using a interview semi-structured. The empirical material after thematic analyzes showed: 1) Narrative of Emanuels life story; 2) work processes in mental health 3) A service for the treatment in freedom: the CAPS; 4) The necessary graduation of the worker in Mental Health. Results: In the Thematic Analyzes of the speech were identified: the complex object of care and its needs, the agents of the distinct processes of work, the instruments and its purposes of work processes: a person crossed, touched and interfered for the care. The CAPS is the setting where the work processes are organized to give support of the needs of this work object, and it uses instruments for intervention: as the listening, affection, groups, painting, individual consults, reference team, technic knowledge, Individual Therapeutic Projects and a project to generate employment and income in view of the Solidarity Economy. Positive and negatives aspects of the work process are also found in the speeches, what also shows that the people understand the CAPS, and the law of the institutional design of the service, such as assessing, the intersectoral actions demanded that are issues of interface with the justice. Were found in the speeches of the CAPS employees the need of studying to the daily practices of care and the concern with the violence matter: how the make an intervention and prevention. The specific information of people in debit with law are given also in the speeches of people that reveal a big gap in this area. People in conflict with the law have a need that is specific, particular, the possibility of defense. Other people can demand other needs and the services, for been effective, have to attend everybody: they need to be able to give resources for those arriving.

Baudžiamosios atsakomybės už darbų saugos normų ir taisyklių pažeidimus teismų praktika / The courts practice of criminal liability for the infringement of the labour safety rules and regulations“

Damanauskaitė, Rima 18 January 2007 (has links)
The Article 176 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania provides the criminal liability for employers or responsible persons who infringed the labour safety rules and regulations in case of the accident, emergency that had or could have serious consequences. Much more fatal accidents at work and particularly at the construction industry, transport, wood manufacturing happen in Lithuania than in other states of the European Union. The main reasons for the accidents are “the human factor” and poor discharge of the duties fulfilled by employers and employees. The criminal cases regarding the Article 176 of the Criminal Code mentioned above are tried in the district courts as in the first instance courts. One may submit a petition for appeal to the appeal and cassation courts due to the judgments made by the courts of first instance. There were penalties from 4 to 50 minimum standards of living imposed on the persons who committed the mentioned criminal offences by the court practice and they were analysed in the Master Thesis. These penalties are very inadequate for the suffered conseguences grievous bodily harm. The European Union and other states criminal law provide stricter and more various kinds of penalties for the criminal offences listed in the area of infringement of labour safety regulations. There is no a right and unanimous criminal policy structured in Lithuania in the respect of the criminal offences provided in the Article 176 of the Criminal Code of... [to full text]

La réforme de la procédure pénale chilienne : le principe du contradictoire, pivot d’une transformation démocratique / The reform of the Chilean criminal procedure : the adversarial principle, the cornerstone of a democratic process

Carvajal-Del Mar, Zunilda 25 October 2013 (has links)
En 2000, le Chili a promulgué un nouveau Code de procédure pénale qui a bouleversé les fondements de l’ancienne procédure. Cette réforme s’est appuyée sur l’idée d’une rupture totale avec la législation antérieure en faisant graviter la procédure autour de la notion clé de débat contradictoire. L’émergence de ce principe a été obtenue grâce à une répartition innovante des rôles entre les différents protagonistes du procès, notamment avec la réapparition du Ministère Public en première instance. Afin d’innerver l’ensemble du procès, le débat contradictoire se réalise à toutes les étapes de la procédure et permet d’aboutir à une décision judiciaire qui puise sa légitimité dans la participation active des parties aux débats. Toutefois, ce débat contradictoire ne peut acquérir sa pleine dimension et son effectivité maximale que grâce à l’institution de mécanismes particuliers. Ainsi, la prévention des atteintes au contradictoire est assurée par la refonte du statut des protagonistes du procès et par l’obligation du juge de motiver ses décisions. Enfin, ce sont les voies de recours qui ont été modifiées et repensées afin d’assurer l’effectivité du principe du contradictoire. Grâce à ce mouvement, le Chili a effectué une véritable révolution juridique parachevant ainsi sa transition vers la démocratie. / In 2000, Chili promulgated a new Code of criminal procedure that deeply shook the foundations of the previous procedure. This reform is based on the idea of a complete change from the former legislation by having criminal procedure rotate around the key concept of adversarial debate. The development of this principle was allowed thanks to the innovative distribution of the tasks bearing on those involved in the trial, such as the appearance of the Public Prosecutor who has recovered his function of criminal prosecution, which had been so far handled by the judge. In order to affect the whole trial, the adversarial principle carries out its effects at every stage of the proceedings. It leads to a ruling that grounds its legitimacy in the active participation of the parties in the proceedings. Consequently, the law of evidence was modified and the legal hierarchy of evidence gave way to the principle of free assessment of evidence. Yet, the adversarial debate can only develop and be effective through the setting up of specific mechanisms. Therefore, a reworking of the status of the actors of the criminal proceedings has been designed to prevent any breach of the adversarial principle. Regarding the possible breaches of the adversarial principle by the judge, these are prevented by the obligation bearing on the judge to give grounds for his rulings, as well as the modification of his status. Finally, the judicial remedies were modified and rethought in order to ensure the efficiency of the adversarial principle. Thanks to this reform, Chile made a real legal revolution, thereby completing its transition to democracy.

Criminal liability of legal persons: a comparative study between Spain and Peru / La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: un estudio comparado entre España y el Perú

Fernández Díaz, Carmen Rocío, Chanjan Documet, Rafael Hernando 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper studies the criminal liability of legal persons, which has suffered a deep reform with the organic law 1/2015, after being introduced in Spain in 2010. This reform has brought important modifications and news, as the creation of an exemption of liability through the adoption of compliance programs, which supposes a change in the so called model of transfer of liability, that existed before. Parallel to this transformation in the Spanish criminal code, in Peru recently the law 30424 has come into forth, which contents a corporate liability model, very similar to the one foreseen in Spain. Both models of liability and the possibility of its exemption raise doubts about if they really tried to penalize legal persons or not. / El presente trabajo estudia la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas en España, la cual, después de haberse introducido en el año 2010, ha sufrido una reforma de hondo calado con la ley orgánica 1/2015. Esta ha conllevado importantes modificaciones y novedades, como la creación de una eximente de responsabilidad mediante la adopción de programas de cumplimiento, que ha supuesto un cambio en el antes existente modelo de transferencia de responsabilidad. Paralelamente a esta transformación que ha tenido lugar en el Código Penal español, en el Perú recientemente se ha aprobado la ley 30424, que crea un modelo de responsabilidad para las personas jurídicas muy similar al previsto en España. Ambos modelos de responsabilidad y la posibilidad de su exención plantean la duda de si realmente se pretende responsabilizar penalmente a las personas jurídicas o no.

The generic mitigating circumstances of the article 46 of the Peruvian Criminal Cod / Las circunstancias atenuantes genéricas del artículo 46 del Código Penal

Prado Saldarriaga, Víctor Roberto 25 September 2017 (has links)
Due to the enactment of the 30076 Act, which modified the Peruvian Criminal Code, the author of this article analyses and explains the changes made in the article 46. With that purpose, he develops the meaning of the “circumstances”in criminal matters, and the reason for being of mitigation and aggravation.Furthermore, the author analyses in detail the eight generic mitigating circumstances that the modified article introduces (the age of the imputed, the voluntary reparation after committing the illicit act, the absence of a criminal record, among others), explaining them and realizing a comparison between what other criminal codes around the world, our old code and the new article 46 estipulate. / A raíz de la dación de la Ley 30076, que modifica el Código Penal, el autor del presente artículo analiza y explica los cambios realizados en el artículo 46.Para ello, desarrolla el significado de las “circunstancias” en el ámbito penal, así como el sentido de las atenuantes y agravantes.Asimismo, analiza detalladamente las ocho atenuantes genéricas que plantea el nuevo artículo (la edad del imputado, la reparación voluntaria luego de cometer el acto ilícito, la carencia de antecedentes penales, entre otros), explicándolasy realizando una comparación entre lo que estipulan diferentes códigos penales alrededor del mundo, nuestro código antiguo y nuestro nuevo artículo 46.

Cuidar em liberdade: o usuário cumprindo medida de segurança em CAPS III / Treatment in freedom. The Mental Health care after a plea of insanity

Anna Luiza Monteiro de Barros 27 November 2013 (has links)
O cuidado em liberdade de pessoas cumprindo medida de segurança no contexto de um CAPS III, tema do presente trabalho, inscreve-se num ponto de tensão entre as concepções da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira e as questões pertinentes às pessoas em conflito com a lei. O tema não tem acúmulo de conhecimentos, conforme evidenciado pela pesquisa bibliográfica. Este estudo demonstra como um sujeito cumprindo medida de segurança é acompanhado num serviço comunitário de saúde mental e sustenta a argumentação do direito ao cuidado em liberdade. Os objetivos são: conhecer como um CAPS III da Cidade de São Paulo se organiza para cuidar de uma pessoa cumprindo medida de segurança e quais os efeitos do cuidado para a vida dessa pessoa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que utiliza o Estudo de Caso como procedimento metodológico para a apreensão e compreensão dos dados empíricos. O marco teórico que norteia este estudo é a desinstitucionalização como estratégia de produção de direitos. São 13 (treze) os sujeitos do estudo entrevistados utilizando-se a entrevista semi-estruturada. O material empírico submetido à análise temática resultou nas categorias empíricas: 1) Narrativa da história de vida do Emanuel; 2) Processos de Trabalho em Saúde Mental; 3) Dispositivo para o cuidado em liberdade: o CAPS; 4) A Necessária Formação do Trabalhador da Saúde Mental. Resultados: na análise temática dos discursos foram identificados o objeto complexo do cuidado e suas necessidades, os agentes dos distintos processos de trabalho, os instrumentos e as finalidades destes processos de trabalho, ou o objeto transformado, isto é, um sujeito atravessado, tocado e interferido pelo cuidado. O CAPS é o lócus onde os processos de trabalho se organizam para dar conta das necessidades do objeto de cuidado, utilizando como instrumentos de intervenção: escuta, afeto, grupos, pintura, atendimentos individuais, equipe de referência, conhecimentos técnicos, projeto terapêutico singular e o projeto de geração de trabalho e renda na perspectiva da Economia Solidária. Aspectos positivos e negativos do processo de trabalho aparecem nos discursos, que revelam como os sujeitos entendem o CAPS, a constituição do projeto institucional do serviço, como o avaliam, a ações intersetoriais que o caso demandou e as questões da interface com a Justiça. Identificou-se nos discursos dos agentes dos processos de trabalho a necessidade de formação para a prática cotidiana do cuidado e preocupação com a questão da violência: como intervir e como prevenir. As informações específicas das pessoas em conflito com a lei também são abordadas no discurso dos entrevistados que evidenciam grande lacuna nesta área. Depreende-se dos discursos que a construção do Projeto Terapêutico Singular neste serviço pauta-se na construção de estratégias que visam responder às necessidades das pessoas, conforme as diretrizes das políticas públicas de saúde mental e da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira. As pessoas em conflito com a lei apresentam uma necessidade que é específica, particular, de agenciamento de possibilidade de defesa. Outros sujeitos podem demandar outras necessidades e os serviços, para serem efetivos, têm que atender todo mundo: têm que saber agenciar recursos para quem chega. / The care of people after a pleading insanity is made in freedom and can be done in a Mental Health Center (CAPS III), that is the theme of this master, and its a tension point at the conceptions of the brazilian Psychiatric Reform and people who have conflicts with the law. Theres no enough and significant accumulation of knowledge about this theme as the bibliography shows. This study can be used to make understandable as a person after the plea of insanity is followed in a treatment system in a community service of mental health. The goals: to know how a Mental Health Center of the city of São Paulo is organized to take care of people after a plea of insanity and what are the effects for this person. Its a qualitative study that uses the Study of Case as methodological procedure for the apprehension and understanding of the empirical data. The theoretical reference that guides this study was the deinstitutionalization as strategy for the production of rights. The 13 (thirteen) people of the study were interviewed, using a interview semi-structured. The empirical material after thematic analyzes showed: 1) Narrative of Emanuels life story; 2) work processes in mental health 3) A service for the treatment in freedom: the CAPS; 4) The necessary graduation of the worker in Mental Health. Results: In the Thematic Analyzes of the speech were identified: the complex object of care and its needs, the agents of the distinct processes of work, the instruments and its purposes of work processes: a person crossed, touched and interfered for the care. The CAPS is the setting where the work processes are organized to give support of the needs of this work object, and it uses instruments for intervention: as the listening, affection, groups, painting, individual consults, reference team, technic knowledge, Individual Therapeutic Projects and a project to generate employment and income in view of the Solidarity Economy. Positive and negatives aspects of the work process are also found in the speeches, what also shows that the people understand the CAPS, and the law of the institutional design of the service, such as assessing, the intersectoral actions demanded that are issues of interface with the justice. Were found in the speeches of the CAPS employees the need of studying to the daily practices of care and the concern with the violence matter: how the make an intervention and prevention. The specific information of people in debit with law are given also in the speeches of people that reveal a big gap in this area. People in conflict with the law have a need that is specific, particular, the possibility of defense. Other people can demand other needs and the services, for been effective, have to attend everybody: they need to be able to give resources for those arriving.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Luana Paschoal 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

Die Frage nach dem niedergelassenen Vertragsarzt als Beauftragter der Krankenkassen im Sinne des § 299 Strafgesetzbuch (Bestechlichkeit und Bestechung im geschäftlichen Verkehr)

Geser, Felix 09 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Gegen niedergelassene Kassenärzte wurden Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Bestechlichkeit im geschäftlichen Verkehr seit dem obiter dictum des Oberlandesgerichts Braunschweig im Jahr 2010 eingeleitet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Frage der Anwendbarkeit des § 299 Strafgesetzbuch auf den Vertragsarzt diskutiert. Zudem werden entsprechende Lösungsansätze nach geltendem bzw. zu schaffendem Recht dargestellt. Im Ergebnis gelten die Vertragsärzte nicht als geschäftlich Beauftrage der Krankenkassen bzw. Amtsträger. Es sollte jedoch auf das besondere „Vertragsverhältnis“ zwischen Arzt und Patient, das letztlich auf Vertrauen gründet, Rekurs genommen werden. Wenn gegenseitiges Vertrauen besteht, wird sich der Arzt in seinen diagnostischen und therapeutischen Entscheidungen nicht an seinen eigenen wirtschaftlichen Interessen bzw. Vorteilen orientieren, sondern sich zum Wohle des Patienten vom Facharztstandard unter Berücksichtigung des Wirtschaftlichkeitsgebots leiten lassen.

Confiscating the proceeds of crime : the amendments to Canada's Criminal Code, their force and effect

German, Peter Maurice January 1990 (has links)
This thesis examines the amendments to Canada's Criminal Code which target the proceeds of crime by, inter alia, criminalizing money laundering and enabling the confiscation of assets. The amendments represent the central thrust of Canada's contribution in a global effort to stem the traffic in illicit drugs, Canada belatedly following the lead of the United States, Great Britain and Australia. In the thesis, I argue that the amendments go much further than earlier crime control initiatives and represent a paradigmatic shift from the traditional, single transaction, individual-oriented structure of criminal law to one which is both property-driven and premised upon multiple-transactions perpetrated by criminal organizations. The amendments focus on the proceeds of crime, as opposed to the offender, individual or corporate, their avowed purpose being to neutralize criminal organizations rather than punish offenders. The effectiveness of the amendments is inexorably tied to the speed by which criminal proceeds can be seized or restrained and thus they operate prospectively, in anticipation of a later conviction. In order to accomplish their objectives, the amendments draw upon concepts previously the preserve of the private law of contract and tort, introducing some which are foreign to the classic norms and traditions of criminal law and sentencing, both substantive and procedural. The thesis examines the amendments from both a textual and a Charter perspective. In so doing, considerable emphasis is accorded the presumption of innocence, a strong legitimating force in criminal law. Integral to the presumption is the Crown's burden of proof - beyond a reasonable doubt. The legislation's adoption of the civil balance of probabilities test is, therefore, considered its weakest link. Other aspects of the legislation give rise to interpretive and Charter challenges. The thesis also discusses the need for tracing mechanisms, mandatory financial transaction reporting, the development of a strike force approach to implementation and a sharing of proceeds by law enforcement agencies. Further, the thesis decries any use of the legislation as a tool for plea bargaining or to target petty criminals. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate

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