Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crystalline"" "subject:"erystalline""
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Optimised Mix designs for Self-Healing ConcreteHermawan, Harry 23 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El hormigón es considerado como uno de los principales materiales de construcción más ampliamente utilizado en obras de infraestructuras. Su consideración como material de gran durabilidad y su ventajosa relación calidad-precio en comparación con otros materiales le ha hecho indispensable en la era moderna. Sin embargo, las fisuras son prácticamente inevitables en las estructuras de hormigón armado y se consideran como uno de sus puntos débiles, ya que comprometen la durabilidad de las infraestructuras y pueden generar condiciones inseguras. Hay muchas técnicas de reparación para sellar y sanar las fisuras, pero suelen ser costosas y requieren tiempo de intervención. Por esta razón, en los últimos años, se han realizado muchas investigaciones buscando alternativas para resolver estos problemas desarrollando una nueva generación de hormigones que se han denominado hormigones auto sanables. Se ha demostrado que las tecnologías de auto sanado cierran eficazmente las fisuras parcial o totalmente en un sistema cementoso. Sin embargo, los estudios a nivel del hormigón son todavía bastante limitados y en la mayoría de los casos las dosificaciones de la mezcla no fueron optimizados para la introducción de agentes de autosanado.
Del estudio amplio de la literatura se aprecia que la incorporación de agentes de autosanado no siempre conllevan efectos positivos en las propiedades del hormigón. En consecuencia, según el tipo de agente de sellado/sanado, será necesario optimizar la dosificación para garantizar que no reduce en alguna medida las prestaciones del hormigón colocado. Se analiza un amplio espectro de agentes de sanado/sellado: bacterias (BAC), adiciones cristalinas (CA), biomasas y agentes incorporados en micro o macro cápsulas. Previamente a su introducción en el hormigón se evaluó su compatibilidad con los materiales cementosos, como información básica para el diseño de las mezclas. La optimización del diseño de las mezclas de hormigón se llevó a cabo dependiendo del agente elegido y los objetivos de la investigación. Al utilizar CA, se encontró que aumentar su dosis y el contenido en cemento conducía a mejorar la eficiencia de curación (HE) y la de sellado (SE). La variación de la relación agua-cemento (a/c) no produjo una mejora notable de HE y SE. Se profundizó el conocimiento sobre las propiedades de adherencia entre las armaduras y la matriz de hormigón. La inclusión de agentes de sanado (BAC, CA, biomasas) conllevó la mejora de la adherencia con un crecimiento del 57% cuando se adiciona CA. Aunque la presencia de fisuras longitudinales redujo críticamente la adherencia, se logró una recuperación importante gracias a los efectos del auto sanado. Se encontraron efectos contrapuestos del uso de microcápsulas. Se confirma una reducción significativa de la resistencia mecánica y una mejora significativa del sellado. Los parámetros de diseño de mezcla se optimizaron para compensar la reducción de resistencia, con un programa experimental con diseño factorial completo. Por la estructura inerte, las macrocápsulas tiende a perturbar el empaquetamiento de los áridos. Para la optimización de la mezcla se desarrolló un modelo de empaquetamiento de partículas modificado para predecir la proporción de huecos de las mezclas de áridos y cápsulas.
Con todo, el resultado de esta investigación puede servir como guía para comprender la contribución de los parámetros de diseño de mezclas que afectan las propiedades de auto sanado, que potencialmente ayudará a investigadores e ingenieros a formular mezclas de hormigón para aplicaciones de auto sanado. / [CA] El formigó és considerat un dels principals materials de construcció més àmpliament utilitzat en obres d'infraestructures. La seua consideració com a material de gran durabilitat i la seua relació qualitat-preu avantatjosa en comparació amb altres materials l'ha fet indispensable en l'era moderna. Tot i això, les fissures són pràcticament inevitables en les estructures de formigó armat i es consideren com un dels seus punts febles, ja que comprometen la durabilitat de les infraestructures i poden generar condicions insegures. Hi ha moltes tècniques de reparació per segellar i curar les fissures, però solen ser costoses i requereixen temps d'intervenció. Per aquesta raó, en els darrers anys, s'han realitzat moltes investigacions buscant alternatives per resoldre aquests problemes desenvolupant una nova generació de formigons que s'han anomenat formigons auto sanables. S'ha demostrat que les tecnologies de auto curat tanquen eficaçment les fissures parcialment o totalment en un sistema de ciment. Tot i això, els estudis a nivell del formigó són encara força limitats i en la majoria dels casos les dosificacions no van ser optimitzades per a la introducció d'agents d'auto curat.
De l'estudi ampli de la literatura s'aprecia que la incorporació d'agents d'auto curat no sempre comporta efectes positius en les propietats del formigó. En conseqüència, segons el tipus d'agent de segellat/curat, cal optimitzar la dosificació per garantir que no redueix en alguna mesura les prestacions del formigó. S'analitza un ampli espectre d'agents de curat / segellament: bacteris (BAC), addicions cristal·lines (CA), biomassa i agents incorporats en micro o macro càpsules. Prèviament a la seua introducció al formigó es va avaluar la compatibilitat amb els conglomerants, com a informació bàsica per al disseny de mescles. L'optimització del disseny de les mescles de formigó es va dur a terme depenent de l'agent elegit i els objectius de la investigació. En utilitzar CA, es va trobar que augmentar-ne la dosi i el contingut en ciment conduïa a millorar l'eficiència de curació (HE) i la de segellat (SE). La variació de la relació aigua-ciment (a/c) no va produir una millora notable de HE i SE. S'aprofundí el coneixement sobre les propietats d'adherència entre les armadures i la matriu de formigó. La inclusió d'agents de curació (BAC, CA, biomassa) va comportar la millora de l'adherència amb un creixement del 57% quan s'hi afegeix CA. Tot i que la presència de fissures longitudinals va reduir críticament l'adherència, es va aconseguir una recuperació important gràcies als efectes del auto curat. S'han trobat efectes contraposats de l'ús de microcàpsules. Es confirma una reducció significativa de la resistència mecànica i una millora significativa del segellat. Els paràmetres de disseny de mescla es van optimitzar per compensar la reducció de resistència, amb un programa experimental amb disseny factorial complet. Per la seua estructura inert, les macrocàpsules tendeixen a pertorbar l'empaquetament dels àrids. Per optimitzar la mescles es va desenvolupar un model d'empaquetament de partícules modificat per predir la proporció de buits de les mescles d'àrids i càpsules.
Amb tot, el resultat d'aquesta investigació pot servir com a guia per comprendre la contribució dels paràmetres de disseny de barreges que afecten les propietats de auto curat, que potencialment ajudarà investigadors i enginyers a formular barreges de formigó per a aplicacions de auto curat. / [EN] Concrete has been widely used as a major material for infrastructure works. The durable character and the advantageous price-quality ratio compared to other materials have made concrete indispensable in the modern era. However, cracks in concrete structures are inevitable and are known as one of the inherent weaknesses of concrete, thereby making a threat to the durability of infrastructure which can lead to unsafe conditions. There are many repair techniques to seal and heal the cracks, but these approaches are costly and time-consuming. Therefore, during past years, many researchers searched for alternatives to solve these problems by developing a new generation of concrete namely self-healing concrete. Self-healing technologies have proven to effectively close cracks partially or fully in the cementitious system. However, studies on the concrete level are still rather limited and in most cases, the mix designs were not optimized for the introduction of healing agents.
Based on a comprehensive literature, it was revealed that not all healing/sealing agents induce positive effects to the concrete properties. Consequently, an optimization of the mix designs is necessary to guarantee that these agents do not negatively affect the concrete properties to some extent. In this PhD dissertation, a wide range of healing/sealing agents were utilized such as bacteria (BAC), crystalline admixture (CA), biomasses, micro- and macro-encapsulated agents. Prior to the introduction of these agents into the concrete, the compatibility between healing/sealing agents and cementitious materials was evaluated to serve as a basic input for designing the concrete mixtures.
The optimizations of concrete mix designs were carried out depending on the choice of the agents and the research objectives. When using CA, it was found that increasing the CA dosage and cement content in the mix design improved the healing efficiency (HE) and sealing efficiency (SE). Varying the water-cement ratio (w/c) did not give a remarkable improvement of HE and SE. A deep insight in the bond properties between the steel reinforcement and the self-healing concrete matrix was achieved. The inclusion of healing agents (i.e., BAC, CA, biomasses) possessed a bond strength improvement with the highest enhancement of 57% attained by the CA addition. Although the presence of a longitudinal crack critically reduced the bond strength, a bond restoration was achieved due to self-healing effects. Dual effects of using microcapsules were found, confirming a significant reduction of mechanical strength and a significant sealing improvement. Therefore, the mix design parameters were optimized to compensate the strength reduction via full factorial designs. With respect to the inert structure, the incorporation of macrocapsules tended to disturb the packing of aggregates. Hence, a modified particle packing model was developed to predict the voids ratio of aggregate-capsules mixtures.
All in all, the outcome of this PhD research can serve as a guidance to understand the contribution of mix design parameters affecting the self-healing concrete properties. This potentially helps researchers and engineers to formulate their concrete mixtures for self-healing application. / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
grant agreement No 860006. / Hermawan, H. (2023). Optimised Mix designs for Self-Healing Concrete [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202610
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Elaboration et caractérisation des couches minces pérovskites hybrides organiques-inorganiques pour les cellules solaires photovoltaïquesDoumbia, Youssouf 19 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] El presente trabajo titulado "Elaboración y caracterización de láminas delgadas híbridas
orgánico-inorgánicas de perovskita para células solares fotovoltaicas" es una contribución a la
mejora del rendimiento y la capacidad de las láminas delgadas de perovskita para su uso en
células solares fotovoltaicas. Este trabajo de investigación de laboratorio se divide en dos partes
La primera parte está dedicada a la preparación con éxito de películas finas de perovskita
basadas en metilamonio MA, formamidinio FA y cesio Cs utilizando precursores, y también a
la fabricación preliminar de polvos MAPbI3, MAPbBr3 y MAPbCl3. Se hizo hincapié en la
mezcla de halógenos y el dopado. Estas películas finas se caracterizaron con vistas a su uso en
células solares. Los resultados muestran que las láminas delgadas producidas son muy
adecuadas para su uso como láminas delgadas absorbentes en células solares fotovoltaicas.
Además, se estudiaron las distintas propiedades de las películas finas para evaluar su
La segunda parte se ocupa del estudio del envejecimiento de las películas delgadas producidas.
Esta parte de la investigación está dirigida a estudiar la estabilidad de las películas delgadas
producidas. Las películas procesadas se caracterizan primero en estado fresco y luego se
exponen al ambiente. Después de 4 semanas de exposición, se caracterizaron nuevamente. Los
resultados de las caracterizaciones de las películas envejecidas comparadas con las de las
películas frescas muestran el estado de deterioro de las películas. Dependiendo de sus
propiedades, estos resultados comparativos muestran que algunas películas son más resistentes
a la intemperie que otras.
Las películas producidas se caracterizaron principalmente por XRD, SEM, absorción UV-
visible y, para algunas películas se añadió AFM y EDS. / [CA] Aquest treball és una contribució per millorar el rendiment i la capacitat de les pel·lícules primes
de perovskita per al seu ús en cèl·lules solars fotovoltaiques. Aquest treball de recerca de
laboratori es divideix en dues parts principals.
La primera part està dedicada a la fabricació de pols MAPbI3, MAPbBr3 i MAPbCl3 i també a
la preparació i caracterització de pel·lícules primes per al seu ús en cèl·lules solars. Els resultats
van mostrar que les pel·lícules primes produïdes són molt adequades per al seu ús com a
pel·lícules primes absorbents en cèl·lules solars fotovoltaiques. A més, es van estudiar les
diverses propietats de les pel·lícules primes per avaluar-ne el rendiment.
La segona part s'ocupa de l'estudi de l'envelliment de les pel·lícules primes produïdes. Aquesta
part de la investigació està adreçada a estudiar l'estabilitat de les pel·lícules primes produïdes.
Les pel·lícules processades es caracteritzen primer en estat fresc i després s'exposen a l'ambient.
Després de 4 setmanes d¿exposició, es van caracteritzar novament. Els resultats de les
caracteritzacions de les pel·lícules envellides comparades amb les de les pel·lícules fresques
mostren l'estat de deteriorament de les pel·lícules. Depenent de les seves propietats, aquests
resultats comparatius mostren que algunes pel·lícules són més resistents a la intempèrie que
Les pellícules produïdes es van caracteritzar principalment per XRD, SEM, absorció UV-
visible i, per a algunes pel·lícules es va afegir AFM i EDS. / [EN] The present work is a contribution to enhancing the performance and capacity of perovskite
thin films for use in photovoltaic solar cells. This laboratory research work is divided into two
main parts. The first part is devoted to the manufacture of MAPbI3, MAPbBr3 and MAPbCl3
powders and also to the successful preparation and characterisation of thin films for use in solar
cells. The results showed that the thin films produced are well suited to their use as absorbing
thin films in photovoltaic solar cells. In addition, the various properties of the thin films were
studied in order to assess their performance.
The second part deals with the study of the ageing of the thin films produced. This part of the
research is aimed at studying the stability of the thin films produced. The processed films are
first characterised fresh and then exposed to the ambient environment. After 4 weeks of
exposure, they were characterised again. The results of the characterisations of the aged films
compared with those of the fresh films show the state of deterioration of the films. Depending
on their properties, these comparative results show that some films are more resistant to the
elements than others.
The characterisations carried out are mainly XRD, SEM, UV-visible absorption and, for some
films, AFM and EDS.
Key words: development, characterisation, thin films, stability, MAPbX3, FAPbX3, CsPbX3,
powders / Doumbia, Y. (2024). Elaboration et caractérisation des couches minces pérovskites hybrides organiques-inorganiques pour les cellules solaires photovoltaïques [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202699
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Solution growth of polycrystalline silicon on glass using tin and indium as solventsBansen, Roman 14 July 2016 (has links)
Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Wachstum von polykristallinem Silicium auf Glas bei niedrigen Temperaturen aus metallischen Lösungen in einem Zweistufenprozess untersucht. Im ersten Prozessschritt werden nanokristalline Siliziumschichten (nc-Si) hergestellt, entweder durch die direkte Abscheidung auf geheizten Substraten oder durch als ''Amorphous-Liquid-Crystalline''(ALC)-Umwandlung bezeichnete metall-induzierte Kristallisation. Im zweiten Prozessschritt dienen die Saatschichten als Vorlage für das Wachstum von deutlich größeren Kristalliten durch stationäre Lösungszüchtung. Die ALC-Prozessdauer konnte durch umfassende Parameterstudien signifikant reduziert werden. Die Charakterisierung der durch direkte Abscheidung auf geheizten Substraten entstehenden nc-Si Saatschichten offenbarte, dass es sich dabei um individuelle Saatkörner handelt, die in eine quasi-amorphe Matrix eingebettet sind. Die Oxidation der Saatschichten vor dem zweiten Prozessschritt wurde als ein wesentliches Hindernis für das Wachstum identifiziert. Als erfolgreichste Lösung zur Überwindung dieses Problems hat sich ein anfänglicher Rücklöseschritt erwiesen. Da diese Methode jedoch schwierig zu kontrollieren ist, wurde ein UV-Laser-System entwickelt und installiert. Erste Resultate zeigen epitaktisches Wachstum an den Stellen, an denen das Oxid entfernt wurde. Bei der Lösungszüchtung auf ALC-Schichten beginnt das Wachstum an einigen größeren Saatkristallen, von wo aus umliegende Gebiete lateral überwachsen werden. Obwohl Kristallitgrößen bis zu 50 Mikrometern erreicht wurden, war es noch nicht möglich, geschlossene Schichten zu erzielen. Durch Lösungszüchtung auf nc-Si Saatschichten hingegen konnte dieses Ziel erreicht werden. Geschlossene, polykristalline Si-Schichten wurden erzeugt, auf denen alle Si-Kristallite miteinander verbunden sind. Neben den Wachstumsexperimenten wurden 3D-Simulationen durchgeführt, in denen u.a. unterschiedliche Heizerkonfigurationen simuliert wurden. / The subject of this thesis is the investigation of the growth of polycrystalline silicon on glass at low temperatures from metallic solutions in a two-step growth process. In the first process step, nanocrystalline Si (nc-Si) films are formed either by direct deposition on heated substrates, or by a metal-induced crystallization process, referred to as amorphous-liquid-crystalline (ALC) transition. In the second process step, these seed layers serve as templates for the growth of significantly larger Si crystallites by means of steady-state solution growth. Extensive parameter studies for the ALC process helped to bring down the process duration significantly. Characterization of the nc-Si seed layers, formed by direct deposition on heated substrates, showed that the layer is composed of individual seeds, embedded in a quasi-amorphous matrix. The oxidation of the seed layers prior to the second process step was found to be a major obstacle. The most successful solution has been an initial melt-back step. As the process is hard to control, though, a UV laser system has been developed and installed. First promising results show unobstructed epitaxial growth where the oxide has been removed. Steady-state solution growth on ALC seed layers was found to start from a few larger seed crystals, and then cover the surrounding areas by lateral overgrowth. Although crystallites with sizes of up to 50 micrometers were obtained, it was not yet possible to achieve full surface coverage with a continuous layer. By solution growth on nc-Si seed layers, however, it was eventually possible to achieve this goal. Continuous, polycrystalline Si layers were grown, on which all Si crystallites are interlocked. The growth experiments were accompanied by 3D simulations, in which e.g. different heater configurations have been simulated.
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Yb:tungstate waveguide lasersBain, Fiona Mair January 2010 (has links)
Lasers find a wide range of applications in many areas including photo-biology, photo-chemistry, materials processing, imaging and telecommunications. However, the practical use of such sources is often limited by the bulky nature of existing systems. By fabricating channel waveguides in solid-state laser-gain materials more compact laser systems can be designed and fabricated, providing user-friendly sources. Other advantages inherent in the use of waveguide gain media include the maintenance of high intensities over extended interaction lengths, reducing laser thresholds. This thesis presents the development of Yb:tungstate lasers operating around 1μm in waveguide geometries. An Yb:KY(WO₄)₂ planar waveguide laser grown by liquid phase epitaxy is demonstrated with output powers up to 190 mW and 76 % slope efficiency. This is similar to the performance from bulk lasers but in a very compact design. Excellent thresholds of only 40 mW absorbed pump power are realised. The propagation loss is found to be less than 0.1 dBcm⁻¹ and Q-switched operation is also demonstrated. Channel waveguides are fabricated in Yb:KGd(WO₄)₂ and Yb:KY(WO₄)₂ using ultrafast laser inscription. Several of these waveguides lase in compact monolithic cavities. A maximum output power of 18.6 mW is observed, with a propagation loss of ~2 dBcm⁻¹. By using a variety of writing conditions the optimum writing pulse energy is identified. Micro-spectroscopy experiments are performed to enable a fuller understanding of the induced crystal modification. Observations include frequency shifts of Raman lines which are attributed to densification of WO₂W bonds in the crystal. Yb:tungstate lasers can generate ultrashort pulses and some preliminary work is done to investigate the use of quantum dot devices as saturable absorbers. These are shown to have reduced saturation fluence compared to quantum well devices, making them particularly suitable for future integration with Yb:tungstate waveguides for the creation of ultrafast, compact and high repetition rate lasers.
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Caractérisation in situ de l'endommagement volumique par Spectroscopie Raman et rayons X de différents polypropylènes déformés en traction uniaxiale / In situ volume damage characterization by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray of various deformed polypropylene in uniaxial tensionChaudemanche, Samuel 03 December 2013 (has links)
L'utilisation de matériaux polymères a su s'imposer au cours du 20ième siècle, en remplaçant ou se combinant aux matériaux métalliques, pour des applications mécaniques toujours plus techniques. La grande diversité des propriétés physiques des polymères est intimement lié à leur forte complexité microstructurale, qui malgré leur utilisation massive reste, au demeurant, encore très incomprise. Afin de mieux comprendre les évolutions microstructurales aux échelles nano et micrométrique dont résultent le comportement macroscopique il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles techniques de caractérisation in situ. Ce travail fait état de l'utilisation de la spectroscopie Raman couplée au système VidéoTractionTM afin d'obtenir des informations microstructurales de la déformation de polymère semi-cristallins. Pour cela, des polypropylènes de formulations diverses ont été étudiés, permettant de souligner le rôle joué par la matrice et les charges organiques et minérales dans le processus de déformation plastique. Des mesures in situ de l'orientation des chaînes macromoléculaires déterminées in situ par Raman ont été confirmées, au synchrotron Petra III d'Hambourg, par une expérience couplant le système VidéoTractionTM-Raman à un dispositif de diffusion des rayons X aux grands angles. L'endommagent volumique des matériaux a été étudié post mortem par Tomographie X et radiographie X. Les améliorations apportées au système VidéoTractionTM-Raman ainsi qu'une étude de la diffusion de la lumière incohérente de nos matériaux au cours de leurs déformations ont permis l'établissement d'un critère de mesure de l'endommagement volumique in situ par Raman / The use of polymer materials - replacing or combining with metallic materials - has successfully established itself in the 20th century for increasingly technical mechanical applications. The great diversity of polymers physical properties is closely related to their high microstructural complexity, which is still very misunderstood despite their massive use. The development of new techniques for in situ characterization allows to better understand the microstructural evolutions on nanoscale and micrometer scale which affect the macroscopic behavior. This work report the use of Raman spectroscopy coupled with the VideoTractionTM system in order to obtain information about the microstructural deformation of polymer. Various formulations of polypropylene were studied to highlight the role played by the polypropylene matrix and the organic and mineral fillers in the plastic deformation process. The in situ measures of the macromolecular chains' orientation determined by Raman were confirmed by the performing of an experimental setup coupling the Raman-VideoTractionTM system with a device of Wide angle X-ray scattering. The volume damage of material was studied post mortem using X-ray tomography. The improvements made to VideoTractionTM-Raman system and a study of the incoherent light scattering of our materials enabled the setting of a Raman criterion for measuring in situ the volume damage. The studies carried out to evaluate in situ macromolecular orientation and volume damage highlight the existence of competition between these two processes. The degree of influence of organic and mineral fillers in this competition within the polypropylene matrix was determined
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Interesterificação química e enzimática de misturas de estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de canola para formulação de margarinas com baixa concentração de isômeros trans / Chemical and enzymatic interesterification of palm stearin mixtures of coconut oil and canola oil margarine formulation with a low concentration of trans isomersSoares, Fabiana Andréia Schäfer De Martini 03 July 2014 (has links)
O consumidor está cada vez mais consciente da relação entre dieta e doença, que tem impulsionado as pesquisas sobre alimentos funcionais e seus efeitos sobre o corpo. O papel dos óleos e gorduras na nutrição humana tem sido intensamente estudado e discutido por décadas. Tem sido enfatizada a importância da ingestão de ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 ácidos graxos redução de ácidos graxos saturados e, mais recentemente, controle da ingestão de ácidos graxos trans. Através da mistura e interesterificação química e enzimática de óleos e gorduras, gorduras trans-livre pode ser produzido. Mistura de gordura, foram formuladas por misturas ternárias de estearina de palma, uma gordura láurica (óleo de coco ou óleo de palmiste) e um óleo poliinsaturado (óleo de canola ou azeite de oliva) em diferentes proporções que foram interesterificadas. Neste trabalho, foram produzidos lipídios estruturados por interesterificação química e enzimática. A interesterificação química foi realizada nas seguintes condições: a 88 °C, 60 minutos de reação, 0,4% de catalisador metóxido de sódio, sob agitação e vácuo. A interesterificação enzimática, sendo realizada com duas lipases comerciais Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, com seletividade sn-1,3. A interesterificação enzimática por batelada foi realizado seguindo um planejamento matriz central compósito rotativo em função da temperatura e da composição do meio, estearina de palma, óleo de palmiste e azeite de oliva e catalisado pelas lipases comerciais. O decréscimo do conteúdo de gordura sólida foi observado a 10 e 35 °C após a interesterificação. O biorreator contínuo foi operado nas seguintes condições: mistura de estearina de palma, óleo de palmiste, azeite de oliva (45:30:25), 10 gr de biocatalisador, 65 °C, com tempo de residência de 7 min e por 226 h para Thermomyces lanuginosa e 188 h para Rhizomucor miehei. A atividade do biocatalisador foi avaliada em termos da diminuição do conteúdo de gordura sólida a 35 °C, o qual é um parâmetro chave na produção de margarinas. O perfil de inativação do biocatalisador pode ser bem descrita pelo modelo de desativação de primeira ordem: meia-vida de 88 e 60 h foram estimados quando Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, respectivamente, foram utilizados. Os óleos puros, as misturas originais e interesterificadas foram avaliados quanto à composição de ácidos graxos e triacilgliceróis, distribuição regioespecífica dos ácidos graxos nos triacilgliceróis, ponto de fusão e amolecimento, consistência, conteúdo de gordura sólida, comportamento de fusão e cristalização, estabilidade oxidativa, estrutura cristalina e polimorfismo. A interesterificação química e enzimática promoveram diminuição de triacilgliceróis trissaturados e triinsaturados e aumento dos monossaturados-diinsaturados e dissaturados-monoinsaturados, o que resultou no respectivo decréscimo dos pontos de fusão e amolecimento, consistência e conteúdo de gordura sólida, aumentando a plasticidade das gorduras. As curvas de fusão e cristalização das misturas foram modificadas pela alteração da composição dos triacilgliceróis pela interesterificação química e enzimática. Estabilidade térmica e a temperatura de oxidação da estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de canola e suas misturas foram dependente da composição de ácidos graxos e independente da interesterificação química. Os resultados mostram que a interesterificação química e enzimática oferecem uma ferramenta útil para a concepção de gorduras com sintonizáveis propriedades físico-químicas, melhorando em relação a esse das gorduras de partida. / The consumer is becoming more aware of the relationship between diet and disease, which has driven the research on functional foods and their effects on the body. The role of fats and oils in human nutrition has been intensively studied and discussed for decades. It has been emphasized the importance of intake of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, reduction of saturated fatty acids and, more recently, control of intake of trans fatty acids. Through the blend and interesterification of oils and fats, trans-free fats can be produced. Fat blends, formulated by ternary blends of palm stearin, lauric fat (coconut oil and palm kernel oil) and polyunsaturated oils (canola oil and olive oil) were done in different ratios. In this work, were produced by chemical and enzymatic interesterification. Chemical interesterification was performed under the following conditions: at 88°C, 60 minutes reaction times, 0.4% sodium methoxide, under agitation and vacuum. For enzymatic interesterification being carried out with two commercial lipases Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, with selectivity sn-1,3. Batch enzymatic interesterification were performed, following central composite rotatable designs (CCRDs) as a function temperature and media of palm stearin, palm kernel oil and olive oil formulation and catalyzed by a commercial immobilized lipase. A decrease in all SFC values of the blends at 10 °C and 35°C was observed upon interesterification. The bioreactor operated continuously: mixture of palm stearin, palm kernel oil and olive oil (45:30:25, wt %), at 65 °C, at a residence time of 7 min and for 226 h to Thermomyces lanuginosa and 188 h to Rhizomucor miehei.. Biocatalyst activity was evaluated in terms of the decrease of the solid fat content at 35 °C of the blends, which is a key parameter in margarine manufacture. The inactivation profile of the biocatalyst could be well described by the first-order deactivation model: Half-lives of 88 and 60 h were estimated when Thermomyces lanuginose and Rhizomucor miehei, respectively, were used. Pure oil, the original and interesterified blends were examined for fatty acids and triacylglycerols composition, regiospecific distribution of fatty acids in triacylglycerols, melting and softening points, consistency, solid fat content, thermal behavior, oxidation stability, crystalline microstructure and polymorphism. Chemical and enzymatic interesterification caused reduction of trisaturated and triunsaturated and increase in monosaturated-diunsaturated and disaturated-monounsaturated, lowering the initial melting and softening points, consistency and solid fat content, increasing plasticity of fats. Melting and crystallization curves were significantly modified by changing the composition of triacylglycerols by chemical and enzymatic interesterification. The thermal stability and oxidation temperature of palm stearin, coconut oil and canola oil and their blends were dependent on fatty acid composition and independent on chemical interesterification. The results show that the chemical and enzymatic interesterification provides a useful tool to design fats with tunable physicochemical properties, improved compared to that of the starting fats.
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Interesterificação química e enzimática de misturas de estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de canola para formulação de margarinas com baixa concentração de isômeros trans / Chemical and enzymatic interesterification of palm stearin mixtures of coconut oil and canola oil margarine formulation with a low concentration of trans isomersFabiana Andréia Schäfer De Martini Soares 03 July 2014 (has links)
O consumidor está cada vez mais consciente da relação entre dieta e doença, que tem impulsionado as pesquisas sobre alimentos funcionais e seus efeitos sobre o corpo. O papel dos óleos e gorduras na nutrição humana tem sido intensamente estudado e discutido por décadas. Tem sido enfatizada a importância da ingestão de ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 ácidos graxos redução de ácidos graxos saturados e, mais recentemente, controle da ingestão de ácidos graxos trans. Através da mistura e interesterificação química e enzimática de óleos e gorduras, gorduras trans-livre pode ser produzido. Mistura de gordura, foram formuladas por misturas ternárias de estearina de palma, uma gordura láurica (óleo de coco ou óleo de palmiste) e um óleo poliinsaturado (óleo de canola ou azeite de oliva) em diferentes proporções que foram interesterificadas. Neste trabalho, foram produzidos lipídios estruturados por interesterificação química e enzimática. A interesterificação química foi realizada nas seguintes condições: a 88 °C, 60 minutos de reação, 0,4% de catalisador metóxido de sódio, sob agitação e vácuo. A interesterificação enzimática, sendo realizada com duas lipases comerciais Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, com seletividade sn-1,3. A interesterificação enzimática por batelada foi realizado seguindo um planejamento matriz central compósito rotativo em função da temperatura e da composição do meio, estearina de palma, óleo de palmiste e azeite de oliva e catalisado pelas lipases comerciais. O decréscimo do conteúdo de gordura sólida foi observado a 10 e 35 °C após a interesterificação. O biorreator contínuo foi operado nas seguintes condições: mistura de estearina de palma, óleo de palmiste, azeite de oliva (45:30:25), 10 gr de biocatalisador, 65 °C, com tempo de residência de 7 min e por 226 h para Thermomyces lanuginosa e 188 h para Rhizomucor miehei. A atividade do biocatalisador foi avaliada em termos da diminuição do conteúdo de gordura sólida a 35 °C, o qual é um parâmetro chave na produção de margarinas. O perfil de inativação do biocatalisador pode ser bem descrita pelo modelo de desativação de primeira ordem: meia-vida de 88 e 60 h foram estimados quando Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, respectivamente, foram utilizados. Os óleos puros, as misturas originais e interesterificadas foram avaliados quanto à composição de ácidos graxos e triacilgliceróis, distribuição regioespecífica dos ácidos graxos nos triacilgliceróis, ponto de fusão e amolecimento, consistência, conteúdo de gordura sólida, comportamento de fusão e cristalização, estabilidade oxidativa, estrutura cristalina e polimorfismo. A interesterificação química e enzimática promoveram diminuição de triacilgliceróis trissaturados e triinsaturados e aumento dos monossaturados-diinsaturados e dissaturados-monoinsaturados, o que resultou no respectivo decréscimo dos pontos de fusão e amolecimento, consistência e conteúdo de gordura sólida, aumentando a plasticidade das gorduras. As curvas de fusão e cristalização das misturas foram modificadas pela alteração da composição dos triacilgliceróis pela interesterificação química e enzimática. Estabilidade térmica e a temperatura de oxidação da estearina de palma, óleo de coco e óleo de canola e suas misturas foram dependente da composição de ácidos graxos e independente da interesterificação química. Os resultados mostram que a interesterificação química e enzimática oferecem uma ferramenta útil para a concepção de gorduras com sintonizáveis propriedades físico-químicas, melhorando em relação a esse das gorduras de partida. / The consumer is becoming more aware of the relationship between diet and disease, which has driven the research on functional foods and their effects on the body. The role of fats and oils in human nutrition has been intensively studied and discussed for decades. It has been emphasized the importance of intake of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, reduction of saturated fatty acids and, more recently, control of intake of trans fatty acids. Through the blend and interesterification of oils and fats, trans-free fats can be produced. Fat blends, formulated by ternary blends of palm stearin, lauric fat (coconut oil and palm kernel oil) and polyunsaturated oils (canola oil and olive oil) were done in different ratios. In this work, were produced by chemical and enzymatic interesterification. Chemical interesterification was performed under the following conditions: at 88°C, 60 minutes reaction times, 0.4% sodium methoxide, under agitation and vacuum. For enzymatic interesterification being carried out with two commercial lipases Thermomyces lanuginosa e Rhizomucor miehei, with selectivity sn-1,3. Batch enzymatic interesterification were performed, following central composite rotatable designs (CCRDs) as a function temperature and media of palm stearin, palm kernel oil and olive oil formulation and catalyzed by a commercial immobilized lipase. A decrease in all SFC values of the blends at 10 °C and 35°C was observed upon interesterification. The bioreactor operated continuously: mixture of palm stearin, palm kernel oil and olive oil (45:30:25, wt %), at 65 °C, at a residence time of 7 min and for 226 h to Thermomyces lanuginosa and 188 h to Rhizomucor miehei.. Biocatalyst activity was evaluated in terms of the decrease of the solid fat content at 35 °C of the blends, which is a key parameter in margarine manufacture. The inactivation profile of the biocatalyst could be well described by the first-order deactivation model: Half-lives of 88 and 60 h were estimated when Thermomyces lanuginose and Rhizomucor miehei, respectively, were used. Pure oil, the original and interesterified blends were examined for fatty acids and triacylglycerols composition, regiospecific distribution of fatty acids in triacylglycerols, melting and softening points, consistency, solid fat content, thermal behavior, oxidation stability, crystalline microstructure and polymorphism. Chemical and enzymatic interesterification caused reduction of trisaturated and triunsaturated and increase in monosaturated-diunsaturated and disaturated-monounsaturated, lowering the initial melting and softening points, consistency and solid fat content, increasing plasticity of fats. Melting and crystallization curves were significantly modified by changing the composition of triacylglycerols by chemical and enzymatic interesterification. The thermal stability and oxidation temperature of palm stearin, coconut oil and canola oil and their blends were dependent on fatty acid composition and independent on chemical interesterification. The results show that the chemical and enzymatic interesterification provides a useful tool to design fats with tunable physicochemical properties, improved compared to that of the starting fats.
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Compensation engineering for silicon solar cells / Ingénierie de compensation pour cellules solaires en siliciumForster, Maxime 17 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux effets de la compensation des dopants sur les propriétés électriques du silicium cristallin. Nous montrons que le contrôle du dopage net, qui est indispensable à la réalisation de cellules solaires à haut rendement, s’avère difficile dans les lingots cristallisés à partir de silicium contenant à la fois du bore et du phosphore. Cette difficulté s’explique par la forte ségrégation du phosphore durant la cristallisation, qui donne lieu à d’importantes variations de dopage net le long des lingots de silicium solidifés de façon directionelle. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous proposons le co-dopage au gallium pendant la cristallisation et prouvons l’efficacité de cette technique pour contrôler le dopage net le long de lingots de type p ou n fabriqués à partir d’une charge de silicium contenant du bore et du phosphore. Nous identifions les spécificités du matériau fortement compensé ainsi obtenu comme étant: une forte sensibilité de la densité de porteurs majoritaires à l’ionisation incomplète des dopants, une réduction importante de la mobilité comparée aux modèles théoriques et une durée de vie des porteurs qui est déterminée par la densité de porteurs majoritaires et dominée après éclairement prolongé par les centres de recombinaison liés aux complexes de bore et d’oxygène. Pour permettre la modélisation de cellules solaires à base de silicium purifié par voie métallurgique, nous proposons une paramétrisation des propriétés fondamentales du silicium compensé mentionnées ci dessus. Nous étudions également la dégradation de la durée de vie des porteurs sous éclairement dans des échantillons de silicium de type p et n présentant une large gamme de niveaux de dopage et de compensation. Nous montrons que le défaut bore-oxygène est issu d’un complexe formé à partir de bore substitutionnel pendant la fabrication des lingots et activé sous injection de porteurs par une reconfiguration du défaut assistée par des charges positives. Finalement, nous appliquons le co-dopage au gallium pour la cristallisation de silicium UMG et démontrons que cette technique permet d’augmenter sensiblement la tolérance au phosphore sans compromettre le rendement matière de l’étape de cristallisation ou la performance des cellules solaires avant dégradation sous éclairement. / This thesis focuses on the effects of dopant compensation on the electrical properties of crystalline silicon relevant to the operation of solar cells. We show that the control of the net dopant density, which is essential to the fabrication of high-efficiency solar cells, is very challenging in ingots crystallized with silicon feedstock containing both boron and phosphorus such as upgraded metallurgical-grade silicon. This is because of the strong segregation of phosphorus which induces large net dopant density variations along directionally solidified silicon crystals. To overcome this issue, we propose to use gallium co-doping during crystallization, and demonstrate its potential to control the net dopant density along p-type and n-type silicon ingots grown with silicon containing boron and phosphorus. The characteristics of the resulting highly-compensated material are identified to be: a strong impact of incomplete ionization of dopants on the majority carrier density, an important reduction of the mobility compared to theoretical models and a recombination lifetime which is determined by the net dopant density and dominated after long-term illumination by the boron-oxygen recombination centre. To allow accurate modelling of upgraded-metallurgical silicon solar cells, we propose a parameterization of these fundamental properties of compensated silicon. We study the light-induced lifetime degradation in p-type and n-type Si with a wide range of dopant concentrations and compensation levels and show that the boron-oxygen defect is a grown-in complex involving substitutional boron and is rendered electrically active upon injection of carriers through a charge-driven reconfiguration of the defect. Finally, we apply gallium co-doping to the crystallization of upgraded-metallurgical silicon and demonstrate that it allows to significantly increase the tolerance to phosphorus without compromising neither the ingot yield nor the solar cells performance before light-induced degradation.
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Theoretical Investigations Of Core-Level Spectroscopies In Strongly Correlated SystemsGupta, Subhra Sen 12 1900 (has links)
Ever since the discovery of exotic phenomena like high temperature (Tc) superconductivity
in the cuprates and colossal magnetoresistance in the manganites, strongly correlated electron systems have become the center of attention in the field of condensed matter physics research. This renewed interest has been further kindled by the rapid development of sophisticated experimental techniques and tremendous computational power. Computation plays
a pivotal role in the theoretical investigation of these systems, because one cannot explain their complicated phase diagrams by simple, exactly solvable models. Among the plethora of experimental techniques, various kinds of high energy electron spectroscopies are fast gaining importance due to the multitude of physical properties and phenomena which they
can access. However the physical processes involved and the interpretation of the spectra obtained from these spectroscopies are extremely complex and require extensive theoretical modelling. This thesis is concerned with the theoretical modelling of a certain class of high energy electron spectroscopies, viz. the core-level electron spectroscopies, for strongly correlated systems of various kinds. The spectroscopies covered are Auger electron spectroscopy
(AES), core-level photoemission spectroscopy (core-level PES) and X-ray absorption spec-
troscopy (XAS), which provide non-magnetic information, and also X-ray magnetic circular
and linear dichroism (XMCD and XMLD), which provide magnetic information.
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Strukturelle Untersuchung der amorph/kristallinen Grenzfläche mittels quantitativer hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie an den Systemen a-Si/c-Si und a-Ge/c-Si / Structural investigation of the amorphous/crystalline interface by means of quantitative high-resolution transmission electron microscopy on the systems a-Si/c-Si and a-Ge/c-SiThiel, Karsten 02 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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