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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Espelhamento e/ou estranhamento? A formação cultural (bildung) como o outro da pedagogia / Mirroring and/or estrangement? Cultural formation (bildung) as the other of the pedagogy

Oliveira, Elaine Maria Dias de 25 July 2014 (has links)
The present thesis works in line of research, Knowledge and Professional Development Training (LP1), at the Graduate Program in Education, Education Center (EC), the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). The research in question from basilar unfold a problem consisting in discussing the position of cultural education in courses of pedagogy. In more detailed terms, then we are interested in, primarily, known as the cultural background can be embodied as "Other of the pedagogy", in the educational process, especially in the formative processes of teaching. In this sense, this work of theoretical dissertation bibliographic and documental analysis-, lies in the perspective of philosophy of education, resulting in overall objective "investigate the possibilities of cultural training constitute itself as the other of pedagogy in times of breaks with tradition". In an attempt to achieve the proposed objectives, we seek from the reference frame of the tradition of critical theory and hermeneutics, address the problem of teacher training associated with the idea of cultural background, as well as, develop through the philosophical perspective a critical reading of the main general guidelines arising from the Pedagogy course curriculum guidelines in search to see if there are ways to approach the cultural traditions a means of overcoming "semi culture", the teacher education, teacher training institutions. The theoretical framework of this endeavor was in the investigative contributions of Theodor w. Adorno and Hans-Georg Gadamer. To this end, in the unfolding of research, following the escalations of critical-hermeneutical methodology in reconstructive documentary analysis worth a part of the National curriculum guidelines for training teachers of basic education, upper level, Degree, graduation course Full national curriculum guidelines and for undergraduate course in pedagogy, Bachelor, of the Ministry of education MEC/Brazil, considering the theory practice relationship categories; and mirroring of the strangeness in cultural education. It is worth mentioning that we undertook, deliberately, a philosophical study of the sense of the implications of education skills, present in such documents, and not a specific study of historical-political nature. This way, the findings of the survey point to the idea that the legal apparatus that sustains the teacher training courses, especially the Pedagogy course does not prevent the cultural formation is present in the formation of teachers. That is, the legal supply makes room for that cultural training is not only how, but also mirroring how strangeness in teacher education. Therefore, by experience, hermeneutics as way of formative experience, the structural model of teaching Constitution allows us to affirm the "cultural formation (Bildung) as the other pedagogy", as well as estrangement, that is, as critical, creative potential as the different that allows us to respect the otherness, dialogue, build an emancipatory element with a view to overcoming the "semi culture" in teacher training. / O presente trabalho de tese insere-se na Linha de pesquisa Formação, saberes e desenvolvimento profissional (LP1), do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, do Centro de Educação (CE), da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). A pesquisa em questão se desdobra de uma problemática basilar que consiste em debater a posição da formação cultural nos cursos de Pedagogia. Em termos mais detalhados, então, interessa-nos, fundamentalmente, saber como a formação cultural pode ser corporificada como o Outro da Pedagogia , no processo educativo, especialmente nos processos formativos da docência. Nesse sentido, este trabalho de tese de cunho teórico-bibliográfico e de análise documental, se situa na perspectiva da Filosofia da Educação, tendo por objetivo geral investigar as possibilidades de a formação cultural se constituir como o Outro da Pedagogia em tempos de rupturas com a tradição . Na tentativa de atingir os objetivos propostos, buscamos a partir do referencial da tradição da teoria crítica e da hermenêutica, abordar o problema da formação docente associada à ideia de formação cultural, bem como, elaborar através da perspectiva filosófica uma leitura crítica das principais orientações gerais emanadas das Diretrizes Curriculares do Curso de Pedagogia em busca de avistar se há formas de aproximar a tradição cultural, como modo de superação da semicultura , da formação docente, nas instituições formativas do professor. O referencial teórico desta empreitada investigativa se constituiu nas contribuições de Theodor W. Adorno e Hans-Georg Gadamer. Para tanto, no desdobramento da pesquisa, seguindo os encaminhamentos metodológicos da hermenêutica crítico-reconstrutiva, nos valeremos da análise documental das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Formação de Professores de Educação Básica, em nível superior, Curso de Licenciatura, de Graduação Plena e das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Curso de Graduação em Pedagogia, Licenciatura, do Ministério da Educação MEC/Brasil, tendo em vista as categorias da relação teoria prática; do espelhamento e do estranhamento na formação cultural. Cabe destacar que empreendemos, deliberadamente, um estudo filosófico do sentido das implicações da educação por competências, presentes em tais documentos, e não um estudo específico de natureza histórico-político. Nessa direção, os achados da pesquisa apontam para a ideia de que o aparato legal que sustenta os cursos de formação docente, especialmente o Curso de Pedagogia não impede que a formação cultural esteja presente na formação de professores. Ou seja, o aporte legal abre espaço para que a formação cultural se apresente não só como espelhamento, mas também, como estranhamento na formação docente. Portanto, pela experiência hermenêutica, como caminho da experiência formativa, o modelo estrutural da constituição docente nos permite afirmar a formação cultural (Bildung) como o outro da Pedagogia , também como como estranhamento, isto é, como potencial crítico criativo, como o diferente que nos permite respeitar a alteridade, estabelecer o diálogo, construir elemento emancipatório com vistas à superação da semicultura na formação docente.

Homens sobre rodas : representações de masculinidades nas páginas da revista quatro rodas

Figliuzzi, Adriza January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar diferentes representações de masculinidades nas 13 edições da revista Quatro Rodas veiculadas no ano de 2006, o que compreende os números de 548 até 560, e também em um encarte especial, referente ao Salão do Automóvel, que veio acompanhando a edição do mês de Outubro. Como referenciais teóricos, foram utilizadas contribuições dos Estudos Culturais e de Gênero, em aproximação com a perspectiva pósestruturalista. As imagens, propagandas e reportagens escolhidas para a pesquisa, em alguma medida, destacaram-se por associarem de maneira mais oportuna as possíveis masculinidades engendradas nos itens e assuntos evidenciados para análise. As identidades de gênero e sexualidades presentes na mídia posicionaram-se como um dos vieses que possibilitaram tais escolhas. Entende-se gênero como possíveis modos de ser homem e de ser mulher, isto é, diferentes possibilidades de se viverem as masculinidades e feminilidades, sendo estas contingentes e cambiantes e apresentando caráter social e cultural. A mídia é tida aqui como uma pedagogia cultural que ensina sobre práticas culturais e sociais – nesta análise, as práticas de gênero. Busquei tirar proveito de assuntos do cotidiano automobilístico para pensar na construção de masculinidades. As feminilidades também foram contempladas, por entender que as relações sociais entre homens e mulheres são relacionais. Os enfoques temáticos ficaram assim distribuídos: Carro: imagem e semelhança do dono, Carros musculosos: força e poder, Competição: coisa de carros e de homens, Contemplar paixões: uma performance de amor romântico; e De homem para homem: representações de masculinidades. Observou-se que o carro se produz como um objeto do mundo masculino, algo construído desde a infância. Foi possível perceber que a revista Quatro Rodas dispõe da heterossexualidade como uma prática naturalizada, aquela que é considerada “normal”. As questões evidenciadas nas revistas analisadas tiram proveito de assuntos cotidianos e enfatizam o regime da heteronormatividade. A posição social do homem está relacionada ao tipo de carro que possui, bem como ao conhecimento que demonstra ter sobre os carros e o mundo automobilístico de maneira geral. / This dissertation aims at analyzing different representations of masculinities in Quatro Rodas magazine, comprehending 13 issues published in 2006 (numbers 548-560), including a special issue about the National Auto Show accompanying the October issue. As theoretical references, I have used contributions from Cultural Studies and Gender Studies, in approximation to a post-structuralist perspective. The images, advertisements and reports that have been chosen for research are those that, in some way, have more opportunely associated possible masculinities in topics and subjects evidenced for analysis. Gender identities and sexualities present in media have been aspects that allowed for those choices. Gender has been taken as a set of possible ways of being a man and a woman, i.e. different possibilities of living masculinities and femininities, which are contingent and changeable, showing a cultural and social character. Media has been considered as a cultural pedagogy that teaches cultural and social practices – in this analysis, gender practices. I have taken advantage of themes belonging to the daily automobile universe in order to think about construction of masculinities. Femininities have also been approached, considering that social relations between men and women are relational. The theme focuses have been distributed as follows: Cars – image and resemblance of their owners; Muscle cars – potency and power; Competition – a matter of cars and men; Favoring passions – a performance of romantic love; and From man to man – representations of masculinities. I have found that cars have been produced as objects belonging to a male world, something that has been constructed since childhood. It has been possible to realize that Quatro Rodas magazine points out heterosexuality as a naturalized practice, which is taken as “normal”. The topics evidenced in the issues analyzed take advantage of daily subjects and emphasize the regime of heteronormativity. Men’s social position has been related to the type of car they own, as well as to the knowledge they have about cars and the automobile world as a whole.


Baccin, Adriana Nolibos 15 July 2013 (has links)
This research is set by the discussion on the cultural formation of the / a teacher / a Physical Education in aesthetic bias, analyzed through some elements of training, such as sports, entertainment, culture movement and the reification of body. Among the theoretical frameworks that guide this research, the question of aesthetics, is the prospect of Theodor Adorno, as diagnostic features of society, whose bases are present today. This author investigates aspects of training, pointing to paths that can be pinched in the performance of professional experiences as well as their potential limitations are reflected in pedagogical practice. Besides Adorno, dialogue other related area of Physical Education and / or philosophy, such as: Zuin, Pucci, Trevisan, Fensterseifer, Bracht, Vaz, Dalbosco, Betti, Kunz, among others. Also be pointed out that underlie language elements (video and images) in order to talk to the speeches transiting in society, contribute to the trivialization of training / a teacher / a Physical Education and the weakening of the wider formation. Discuss it will, in this respect, the question metaphorically the "Body of Ulysses" to instigate reflection on that body and we have / are. For this, we adopted the literature, discussed and reflected through hermeneutics, trying to analyze also some cultural artifacts produced and reproduced in and by the media. / A presente pesquisa se configura pela discussão sobre a formação cultural do/a professor/a de Educação Física no viés da estética, analisada através de alguns elementos constituintes da formação profissional, tais como o esporte, o espetáculo, a cultura de movimento e a reificação do corpo. Entre os referenciais teóricos que norteiam essa investigação, na questão da estética, está a perspectiva de Theodor Adorno, conforme o diagnóstico que apresenta da sociedade, cujas bases estão presentes até hoje. Esse autor busca investigar aspectos da formação, apontando caminhos que podem ser trilhados na execução das vivências profissionais, bem como suas possíveis limitações que se refletem na prática pedagógica. Além de Adorno, dialogam outros afins da área de Educação Física e/ou a Filosofia, tais como: Zuin, Pucci, Trevisan, Fensterseifer, Bracht, Vaz, Dalbosco, Betti, Kunz, entre outros. Também serão apontados elementos que perpassam a linguagem (vídeo e imagens), a fim de dialogar como os discursos que transitam na sociedade, contribuem para a banalização da formação do/a professor/a de Educação Física e para o enfraquecimento da formação mais ampla. Discutir-se-á, nesse aspecto, a questão metaforizada do ―Corpo de Ulisses‖ para instigar a reflexão de e sobre esse corpo que temos/somos. Para isso, foi adotada a pesquisa bibliográfica, discutida e refletida através da hermenêutica, buscando analisar também alguns artefatos culturais produzidos e reproduzidos na e pela mídia.

An African child in South African multi-racial high school : socio- educational perspective in Empangeni Region

Ngubane, Duduzile Mayvis January 2001 (has links)
Submitted to the faculty of Arts in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Zululand, 2001. / In this study the researcher looked at the problems which African learners encounter when they are at the White schools. The aim of this study is to provide scientifically grounded information about the situation in which an African child finds himself / herself and existence of racism in White schools. It seeks to ascertain what role South African Human Rights () South African South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to fight racial discrimination in South African multi-racial schools can play. The first aim is to bridge the gap in our substantive knowledge regarding the situation faced by an African child in White schools. The second aim is to ascertain the reasons why some of the white educators declare African child s colour-blind. The third aim is the statistically measure, describe and explain the nature and extent racism as a social phenomenon and its negative impact on an African child's future. The fourth aim is to establish the demographic particulars of the victims an African child of racism with regard to their age, sex and religion. The fifth aim is to render socio-educational concrete recommendations with regard to what could be done to address pervasiveness of racism. A questionnaire was compiled and used as an attitude rating scale and the questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of twenty-four white high school learners from six schools at Empangeni Region. Statistical analysis was conducted to fulfil the aims of the study and to rest the research hypothesis stated. This study revealed that the African learners at white high schools had problems with racism, apartheid at these schools. The African learners move from the African schools to white schools is due to their parents' choice and different perceptions and expectations by African parents are revealed in this study. The recommendations for this study was that educators be taught about aspects of multiculturalism and also anti-racism training to all education stake holders, including district officials, school governing bodies, educators, learners and clustering of schools to encourage sharing of resources between privileged and under-privileged schools. The Minister of Education should intervene in the white schools especially in racially representation of educators, governing bodies.

Social Representations of Taukuka: A social knowledge approach to the preservation of Bellonese intangible cultural heritage

Leeming, David January 2016 (has links)
Solomon Islands along with other Pacific Islands nations is adopting legislation designed to protect traditional knowledge and expressions of culture from misappropriation, attrition and loss of economic opportunity for owners. These developments require the state to engage across a highly pluralistic customary and social landscape. Ethnographic studies have shown that owing to such plurality unintended consequences may arise from attempts to rationalise indigenous conceptualisations such as customary laws to render them accessible to outside interests. The preservation of intangible cultural heritage requires understanding of the communicative processes that maintain its significance and value and which are involved in its continuation, transformation and transmission. This study approaches this challenge from the perspective of social knowledge; the common-sense and empirical reality experienced by the owners of a representative aspect of the culture. The case chosen for this research is the ritual taukuka tattooing practice of the Bellonese people of Solomon Islands. Social representations theory is used to show that the field of representation of this cultural practice is heterogeneous with consensual and non-consensual features. Whilst revival of the taukuka is unlikely due to prerequisite religious ontology, its preservation as significant heritage where ownership remains with the lineages and families may best be assured through cultural education and artistic representations.

Fotografía paisajística y gastronómica para lograr el empoderamiento cultural de adolescentes de la localidad de Laquipampa, Lambayeque

Yarlaque Balta, Diana Ruby January 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación titulada “Fotografía paisajística y gastronómica para lograr el empoderamiento cultural de los adolescentes de la localidad de Laquipampa, Lambayeque”, tuvo como objetivo general diseñar una propuesta fotográfica para empoderar culturalmente a los adolescentes de dicha localidad. La investigación tuvo como objetivos específicos: realizar un diagnóstico cultural de los adolescentes, identificar su conocimiento sobre fotografía y determinar las características y estructuración de la propuesta fotográfica. Además, esta investigación fue cualitativa, con enfoque etnográfico, la cual tuvo como instrumento el cuestionario de entrevista aplicados a los adolescentes de Laquipampa y a especialistas en fotografía. Se llegó a la conclusión que los adolescentes no tienen identidad cultural, no conocen datos relevantes de su localidad. Asimismo, su conocimiento sobre fotografía es básico e intuitivo, nunca han recibido clases teóricas ni prácticas y la propuesta fotográfica debe considerar temas como aprender a observar, reglas de composición, triángulo de exposición y debe tener una metodología lúdica con el fin de captar y mantener la atención del adolescente. / The present investigation entitled "Landscape and gastronomic photography to achieve the cultural empowerment of adolescents in the town of Laquipampa, Lambayeque", had the general objective of designing a photographic proposal to culturally empower adolescents in that town. The research had as specific objectives: to make a cultural diagnosis of adolescents, identify their knowledge about photography and determine the characteristics and structure of the photographic proposal. In addition, this research was qualitative, with an ethnographic approach, which had as an instrument the interview questionnaire applied to adolescents from Laquipampa and specialists in photography. It was concluded that adolescents do not have a cultural identity, they do not know relevant data of their locality. Likewise, their knowledge about photography is basic and intuitive, they have never received theoretical or practical classes and the photographic proposal must consider topics such as learning to observe, composition rules, exposure triangle and must have a playful methodology in order to capture and maintain adolescent attention.

E-quipped to serve : delivering holistic Christian mission training through e-learning

Wiseman, L. Kate January 2015 (has links)
Developments in Information and Communication Technologies are rapidly breaking down the barriers of time and place that may have previously limited learning to those able to access campus-based programmes. Distance learning, or e-learning, offers exciting opportunities to cross cultural borders and open up the world of education in ways inconceivable even a few years ago. This study considered how e-learning can be used to effectively deliver training to those involved in Christian mission work. Holistic mission training aims to equip the whole person head, heart and hands for Christian service, especially in cross-cultural contexts. Particularly in the Western world, this training has traditionally taken place within face-to-face learning communities, with e-learning s place as a delivery mode being a matter for debate. The research set out to identify and define the key criteria required for the effective delivery of holistic mission training through e-learning and conceptualise those criteria within a framework. A multimethod research design was adopted combining qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. A systematic literature review was carried out to identify and define the key criteria for effective mission training and effective e-learning and the main challenges in delivering mission training through e-learning, along with potential solutions. Further criteria were found through action research to develop and evaluate a programme of holistic mission training delivered through e-learning. The study contributes to knowledge by identifying for the first time the elements, factors and conditions that can enable holistic mission training to be delivered effectively through e-learning and setting them within a framework to facilitate the development and evaluation of e-learning programmes. The findings highlight principles applicable to different learning situations, cultures and technologies and are largely transferable to other disciplines.

An Evaluative Study of Three Units Developed for Multi-cultural and Art Historical Resource Curriculum for Kindergarten and First Grade Art

Morrison, Pamela Jay Hudson 12 1900 (has links)
Two curricular needs exist for the elementary art classroom: multi-cultural lessons which are customized to address North Texas ethnicities, and art history materials for early grades, whether taught by art teachers or regular classroom teachers. This thesis addresses both of these concerns by developing lesson plans to meet the needs, and executing an evaluative study with North Texas art and regular classroom teachers of kindergarten and first grade. The teachers represent four districts, including rural, suburban, and urban demographic populations. Findings address time limitations for public school teachers, cultural exchange differences between demographic groups, and differences between presentation of the units by regular classroom teachers versus art teachers.

Forma??o cultural no programa pedagogia cidad? / Cultural contents in the program pedagogia cidad?

Carvalho, Alexandre S?nego de 23 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Sonego de Carvalho.pdf: 243468 bytes, checksum: d957ece7c13f6c04027aa844bf4faa48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-23 / This research analyses the cultural learning provided by the training course for teachers in service, called Pedagogia Cidad? , which was developed by the UNESP (S?o Paulo State University) in partnership with several municipalities of the State of S?o Paulo. The original project emerged from the need to reflect on the training provided by this course and at the same time understand the contributions of the cultural training for teachers. In this research, for the purpose of focusing a strict factor, our study examined five of twenty-three books of the cited training program. It was the objective to verify whether the overall program Pedagogia Cidad? included elements that contribute to the cultural training of teacher-student, if the participants were, not only supplied with theoretical repertoire, but also, cultural elements, to promote abilities for application in classroom in different ways of acting as, adding artistic elements in their practices. The methodology used was a case study model, in a historical-critical perspective of education, the data were collected in the existing literature on teacher education, public policy governing such training courses that are offered to teachers in fields of education for children, elementary, primary school, and especially in books used in the cited training program. The analysis was based on five themes, namely: reading encouragement, dealing with diversity, teaching of Arts in Brazil; commitment to democratic values of a society, and reflections on current conditions of education. The work discussed about principles on teachers training. Furthermore analyzed cultural knowledge provided to them, through training courses, pointing out aspects which will promote new curricula and public policy for teacher education. / Esta pesquisa trata da forma??o cultural proporcionada pelo curso de forma??o de professores em servi?o, denominado Pedagogia Cidad?, o qual foi desenvolvido pela UNESP em parceria com diversas prefeituras do Estado de S?o Paulo. A id?ia original partiu da necessidade de refletir sobre a forma??o proporcionada por este curso e ao mesmo tempo perceber as contribui??es do mesmo para a forma??o cultural dos professores. Neste trabalho, para efeito de recorte, nosso estudo analisou cinco dos vinte e tr?s Cadernos de Forma??o do referido programa, com o objetivo de verificar se a vasta obra apresentada pelo programa Pedagogia Cidad? contemplou elementos que contribu?ssem com a forma??o cultural do professor-aluno, se aos mesmos foram oportunizados elementos que propiciariam amplia??o, n?o somente do seu repert?rio te?rico, mas sim de elementos culturais, permitindo a eles, assim, a possibilidade de atuar em sala de aula de forma diferente de como atuavam, acrescentando elementos art?sticos nas suas aulas pr?ticas. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, tendo como fundamento a perspectiva hist?rico-cr?tica de educa??o, cujos dados foram coletados na literatura existente sobre forma??o de professores, nas pol?ticas p?blicas que regulamentam tal forma??o em cursos superiores que s?o oferecidos aos professores do Ensino Infantil e primeiras s?ries do Ensino Fundamental e, especialmente, nos Cadernos de Forma??o utilizados no referido programa. A an?lise foi realizada com base em cinco eixos tem?ticos, por n?s identificados, a saber: incentivo ? leitura; acolhimento e trato da diversidade; o ensino de arte no Brasil; comprometimento com valores de uma sociedade democr?tica e reflex?es sobre as condi??es atuais da educa??o. Buscou-se, com isso, refletir sobre os princ?pios da forma??o do professor, bem como avaliar quais s?o os conhecimentos culturais proporcionados para os mesmos, atrav?s dos cursos de forma??o, elencando ainda, neste referido trabalho, aspectos que permitir?o novos caminhos para as matrizes curriculares e para as pol?ticas p?blicas de forma??o de professores.

Rôle et enjeux de la télévision satellitaire comme espace de l’éducation informelle : étude du cas du rôle des quatre chaînes hautement regardées dans l’éducation culturelle en Syrie / Role and challenges of satellite television as a space for informel education : a case study of the role of four highly regarded channels in cultural education in Syria

Ammon, Rami 14 November 2011 (has links)
Cette étude traite du rôle de la télévision satellitaire dans l’éducation culturelle comme espace de l’éducation informelle en Syrie. Notre analyse a porté sur les contenus culturels diffusés pendant une semaine sur quatre chaînes des plus regardées (Al-jazeera, Al-manar, LBC, et la chaîne satellitaire de la Télévision Arabe Syrienne) par le téléspectateur syrien. La méthodologie adoptée est celle de l’analyse de contenu permettant, en prenant en compte le contexte culturel et politico-médiatique syrien, de cerner l’orientation éditoriale et la politique de chaque chaîne en matière de l’éducation culturelle. L’analyse d’un ensemble d’émissions télévisuelles éducatives-culturelles classées en deux catégories : directe et semi-directe, a permis de distinguer et de comparer quatre cultures différentes présentant en majorité des dimensions religieuse, politique, patriotique et sociale. Ce travail consacré à l’analyse des contenus culturels véhiculés par la télévision satellitaire regardée en Syrie, pourrait à ce jour refléter l’éducation culturelle telle qu’elle est relatée dans une sphère médiatique arabe en pleine mutation où plusieurs cultures se concurrencent et tentent de s’imposer. / This study treats the role of satellite television in cultural education as an area of informal space of education in Syria. Our analysis focused on the cultural content broadcast for a week on four of the most watched channels (Al-Jazeera, Al-Manar, LBC, and the satellite channel of the Syrian Arab Television) by the viewer Syria. The methodology adopted is that of content analysis allows taking into account the cultural and political and media Syrian identify the orientation and editorial policy of each chain in cultural education. The analysis of a set of educational and cultural television programs fall into two categories: direct and semi-direct, has to distinguish and compare four different cultures with the majority of religious, political, social and patriotic dimensions. This work is devoted to the analysis of cultural contents conveyed by satellite television watched in Syria at this time could reflect cultural education as related in an Arab media sphere changing where many cultures and try to compete required.

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