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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using Cultural Cognition for Learning English: A Mexican Immigrant Family's Perspective

Brown, Cherri Louise 01 January 2016 (has links)
The research problem focused on the 11 million Mexican immigrant families in the United States who speak little or no English. Their stated needs for English literacy, socioeconomic and academic success, and the increasing calls for xenophobic legislation throughout the nation indicated a need to investigate alternative pedagogies to compel positive social change through language fluency. In this case study, Mexican immigrant second-language learners and their descendants were asked how they wanted to learn English and if using native culture as a learning tool would help in achieving their literacy goals. Prior researchers had not asked those questions. Three adults from a 3-generation Mexican immigrant family living in Florida gave interviews to address this gap. The participants, 2 of whom were native Spanish speakers, were recruited via a Facebook call for participation, and interviews were conducted by telephone. Cultural theory served as a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between culture and language, and for interpreting and respecting participants' articulations of their experiences and opinions. Analyses of interviews and language background questionnaires were completed using pattern matching and SPSS, respectively. The key finding was that participants agreed a cultural pedagogy would be helpful in learning English. A recommendation is made to implement an experimental teaching study using cultural pedagogy as its framework. Achieving positive social change begins with removing the barriers of cultural language discrimination and allowing immigrants to reach their stated goals without loss of their cultural heritage.

Diário de bordo: uma construção colaborativa rumo à Pedagogia Cultural

Alcântara, Cristiano Rogério 20 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiano Rogerio Alcantara.pdf: 1304941 bytes, checksum: d6fa37647c88e9489079eb74c34fc79f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-20 / This study, carried out in two municipal public schools in a city of São Paulo s Grand Metropolitan Area, makes use of collaborative research, trying to present the pedagogical coordination s possibility of introducing the mediation of cultural objects and device toward the development of Cultural Pedagogy based on Jerome Bruner s theories. The research s evolution is told on a Benjaminian perspective, where experience is maximally contextualized, in an attempt to embrace varied points of view about all involved actors and questioning the consequences of the mediation presented preferably in groups. The Collective Pedagogical Working Hours (CPWH), thought as the only possible suitable moment for a mediation site between coordinator and group, will be contextualized starting from the reading of the logbooks written by the professionals and will be the framing axis of the pedagogical coordination s mediation, as well as a privileged tool to follow up and assess the propositions put forward to the group. From the dialogues that emerged among texts written by the professionals and the coordinator s feedbacks an interlocution gets started, where the other is seen as responsible and collaborator in aesthetic experience and pleasure choices, beyond the awareness of popularized Culture, searching for an Aesthetics of fracture recommended by Algirdas Julien Greimas. The presentation of cultural objects and device, always based on Ethic conjunctures and the Theory of Communicative Actions by Jurgen Habermas, together with Van Dijk s Mental Models, provide the elements for a careful analysis of a teacher s written topics. This thesis is presented in five chapters that look for reconstructing the pedagogical coordinator s path to mediate and valorize cultural objetcs and device to professionals under his responsibility, making use of a narrative of his initial procedures and ending up in a description of what he understands as Cultural Pedagogy / Esta pesquisa realizada em duas escolas municipais de uma cidade da Grande São Paulo utiliza-se da pesquisa colaborativa, procurando apresentar a possibilidade da coordenação pedagógica lançar mão de mediações de objetos e dispositivos culturais para o desenvolvimento de uma Pedagogia Cultural amparada nas teorias de Jerome Bruner. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa é narrado numa perspectiva benjaminiana, em que a experiência é contextualizada ao máximo, procurando abarcar os diversos pontos de vista dos atores envolvidos e problematizando as consequências das mediações apresentadas preferencialmente em grupo. O Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo (HTPC), pensado como único momento possível de se prestar como espaço de mediação do coordenador para o grupo, será contextualizado a partir das leituras dos diários de bordo escritos pelas profissionais e será o eixo estruturante das intervenções da coordenação pedagógica, bem como o instrumento privilegiado de acompanhamento e avaliação das proposições lançadas ao grupo. Dos diálogos que surgem entre as escritas das profissionais e as devolutivas do coordenador abre-se uma interlocução em que o outro é visto como responsável e colaborador nas escolhas de fruição e vivência estética para além das percepções de uma Cultura massificada, buscando a fratura estética preconizada por Algirdas Julien Greimas. A apresentação dos objetos e dispositivos culturais sempre embasada em pressupostos Éticos e da Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Jurgen Habermas, juntamente com as ideias de Modelos Mentais de Van Dijk, nos fornecem elementos para uma análise cuidadosa do material escrito por uma professora. A tese apresenta-se em cinco capítulos que buscam reconstruir o caminho trilhado pelo coordenador pedagógico na mediação e valorização dos objetos e dispositivos culturais para as profissionais que estiveram sob sua responsabilidade, fazendo uso de uma narrativa de seus procedimentos iniciais e terminando com a descrição do que compreende ser a Pedagogia Cultural

Família na escola: olhando fotografias, lendo textos culturais

Silva, Mara Marisa da 23 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T20:03:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 23 / Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Tomando como referencial o campo dos Estudos Culturais, numa perspectiva pós-estruturalista, e fazendo aproximações com o pensamento foucaultiano, busco na presente dissertação, “Família na escola: olhando fotografias, lendo textos culturais”, problematizar como o conjunto de enunciados que circulam nas fotografias, registradas no espaço escolar, produzem discursos que instituem significados de família na escola e como isso circula no currículo escolar. Das 50 fotografias que me foram disponibilizadas pela Direção, atenta à recorrência de enunciados sobre família na escola, escolhi 10 para compor o corpus de pesquisa. Elas foram produzidas por professores de uma escola pública do município de Esteio/RS e trazem o registro da participação da família em atividades promovidas pela escola. Estas atividades, palestras sobre temas indicados pela família e pela escola, oficinas de artesanato e culinária, passeios com a participação da família e, dentre outras, as festividades em que a família era convidada a partici / Having as reference the Cultural Studies in a post-structuralist perspective and approaching Foucault's thinking, the present dissertation, “Family at school: looking at pictures, reading cultural texts”, aims at questioning the way the set of statements that circulate on the photographs, which were taken at the school space, produces discourses that create meanings for family at school and how it circulates on the school program. From the 50 photographs that were made available by the Headmaster's office, 10 met the criteria, which were the recurrent statements about family at school, and were chosen to be part of the research corpus. The pictures were taken by the teachers of a public school located in Esteio, a small town in Rio Grande do Sul, and record the participation of a large number of families in activities that were organized by the school. The activities, such as lectures on themes that had been previously appointed both by the families and the school, crafts and cooking workshops, field trips wi

L’escola com una conversa entre desconeguts: Recercar amb infants a través de llenguatges artístics

Duran Salvadó, Noemí 03 May 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi es planteja com un intent d’assajar altres formes d’habitar la institució escolar actual, dissenyada segons la legislació educativa vigent i que, en la majoria dels casos, es tradueix encara en la posada en escena d’una escola tradicional fruit de l’època de la industrialització. A través d’una narrativa personal, l’autora entra a l’escola, recordant experiències pròpies com a alumna, com a mestra i com a recercadora, i interroga els dispositius que regulen les maneres d’estar i ser en el context escolar, posant en evidència les formes que es privilegien d’acord amb els discursos educatius hegemònics. Focalitzada en com es configura l’experiència de la subjectivitat a l’escola, la recercadora opta per realitzar el treball de camp en un centre educatiu d’Educació Primària que el 2007 va ser reconegut pel Govern Espanyol com a centre de referència en estratègies per a la Resolució de Conflictes i la Mediació. En aquest centre dur a terme una primera fase d’observació etnogràfica en què indaga sobre com circulen els relats personals dels infants a l’escola, explorant les possibilitats que el context escolar brinda perquè un infant esdevingui autor de sí mateix. El gruix de la recerca recau en una segona fase en què la recercadora proposa a un grup d’infants explorar junts ‘què i com podem aprendre del que passa entre nosaltres a l’escola’. Es tracta d’una recerca compartida on tant la recercadora com els infants assagen altres formes de posar-se en joc en l’espai escolar, des de la inquietud d’explorar nous llenguatges per a l’educació, que ens facin més sensibles a la relació amb l’altre sense pensar-la de forma predeterminada. És en aquest sentit que es proposa la metàfora de l’escola com una conversa entre desconeguts, on la impossibilitat de conèixer l’altre es considera una oportunitat pedagògica ja que ens impulsa a explorar l’espai de la diferència de manera imaginativa i creativa. / ‘The school as a conversation with strangers: Researching with children through artistic languages’ This thesis pretends to rehearse alternative ways of inhabiting today's educational institutions. These centres have been designed in relation to current educational legislation, the majority of which is interpreted in a way that results in the enactment of traditional schools, which still bear the mark of the Industrial Revolution. Through personal narrative, the author goes back to school, recuperating her own experiences as a student, as a teacher, and as a researcher. She interrogates the structures that regulate ways of acting and being in the school context, bringing to light what forms are privileged by hegemonic educational discourses. Focussed on how the experience of subjectivity is configured in school, the researcher develops her fieldwork in a primary school in Catalonia, which in 2007 won a national prize from the Spanish government in honour of their Conflict Resolution and Mediation strategies and practices. In this centre, the first phase of the thesis (ethnographic observation) takes place, during which the researcher questions how children's personal stories circulate through the school environment, exploring the possibilities provided by the school for a child to become the author of his/her self. The bulk of the research takes place during a second phase, in which the researcher initiates an enquiry, together a group of children, into 'what and how we can learn from what happens between us in school'. This project is a shared research process, where both the researcher and the children rehearse other ways of getting involved in the school environment. This work stems from an interest in exploring new languages in education that can make us more sensitive to our relationships with each other, without defaulting to a predetermined mindset. It is in this regard that the metaphor of school as a conversation between strangers emerges, where the impossibility of knowing the other is seen as a pedagogical opportunity that drives us to explore the space of difference through our imagination and creativity.

Mulheres "on line" e seus diários virtuais : corpos escritos em blogs

Friederichs, Marta Cristina January 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema as representações do corpo em blogs de mulheres que escrevem sobre si. Para tanto, utilizei cinco blogs escritos por sujeitos que, pelas suas "falas", possibilitam pensar que são mulheres, brasileiras, nascidas na década de 1970 que mantiveram o seu blog atualizado, ou seja, escreveram posts com regularidade durante o primeiro semestre de 2008. Em seu conceito mais simples o blog pode ser concebido como um site personalizado, dinâmico e interativo, atualizado quando quem ali escreve quiser ou puder. Nesta pesquisa, os blogs analisados foram: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu e Toda Menina. A pesquisa foi inserida no campo de análise pós-estruturalista. Adotei, também, como referência os Estudos Feministas, Estudos Gays e Lésbicos e os Estudos Queer, principalmente as vertentes que se aproximam com as teorizações de Michel Foucault. Assim, diante do referencial teórico e das falas dessas mulheres, que continham representações do corpo, utilizando-me da Análise Cultural, foi possível estabelecer três eixos de análise: no primeiro eixo analiso falas das blogueiras referentes a padrões contemporâneos que instituem, principalmente, a magreza e uma aparência saudável como critérios fundamentais na conquista da felicidade e da beleza. A seguir, num segundo eixo, destaco representações que envolvem o amor romântico, o cuidado e a delicadeza além de assuntos como a moda, a menstruação e os prazeres, atributos e temas presentes nas falas dessas mulheres que fazem corpos femininos. Num último eixo, olho, pois, para as representações de corpo articuladas às sensações do paladar, do olfato, do tato. Penso que não se coloca em dúvida a importância do corpo na cultura contemporânea. Argumento que os blogs articulam um conjunto de discursos, ou melhor, fragmentos de discursos que se tramam através das falas da blogueira, possibilitando a realização de uma Análise Cultural, bem como, por veicularem modos de ser e estar no mundo, exercem Pedagogias Culturais. / This thesis has like theme the body's representations in blogs by women who write about their self and kept their blog actualized in the first semester by 2008. To this end, I used five blogs that have been written by subjects that, by their words, make possible think that they are Brazilians women, born in the decade 1970. In the simple concept, the blog is a personal site, dynamic and interactive, actualized when the subject want to write it. In this investigation, the blogs analysed were: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu and Toda Menina. The research was inserted in the post-structuralist perspective. I also used Feminist Studies, Gays and Lesbians Studies as Queer Studies, mainly those who has proximities with Michel Foucault theorizations. Then, in front of the theoretical references and of these women words, that had body's representations, using Cultural Analyses, with this, was possible to think in three axes to analyse: In the first moment, I analysed the bloggers words referent a contemporary ways that make, mainly, the slenderness and a healthy appearance like fundamentals criterion in the conquest of happiness and beauty. After this, in a second moment, I analysed representations that involve the love, the care and the delicacy besides themes like fashion, menstruation and sexual pleasure, rules and themes that make a feminine body. In the last moment, I analysed body´s representations in connection with palate, smell and tactile sense. The body is very important by the contemporary culture, then I argue that blogs articulate many discourses that are present in the bloggers speech, making possible a Cultural Analyses, as well as, to announce manners of being in the world, practice Cultural Pedagogies.

Mulheres "on line" e seus diários virtuais : corpos escritos em blogs

Friederichs, Marta Cristina January 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema as representações do corpo em blogs de mulheres que escrevem sobre si. Para tanto, utilizei cinco blogs escritos por sujeitos que, pelas suas "falas", possibilitam pensar que são mulheres, brasileiras, nascidas na década de 1970 que mantiveram o seu blog atualizado, ou seja, escreveram posts com regularidade durante o primeiro semestre de 2008. Em seu conceito mais simples o blog pode ser concebido como um site personalizado, dinâmico e interativo, atualizado quando quem ali escreve quiser ou puder. Nesta pesquisa, os blogs analisados foram: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu e Toda Menina. A pesquisa foi inserida no campo de análise pós-estruturalista. Adotei, também, como referência os Estudos Feministas, Estudos Gays e Lésbicos e os Estudos Queer, principalmente as vertentes que se aproximam com as teorizações de Michel Foucault. Assim, diante do referencial teórico e das falas dessas mulheres, que continham representações do corpo, utilizando-me da Análise Cultural, foi possível estabelecer três eixos de análise: no primeiro eixo analiso falas das blogueiras referentes a padrões contemporâneos que instituem, principalmente, a magreza e uma aparência saudável como critérios fundamentais na conquista da felicidade e da beleza. A seguir, num segundo eixo, destaco representações que envolvem o amor romântico, o cuidado e a delicadeza além de assuntos como a moda, a menstruação e os prazeres, atributos e temas presentes nas falas dessas mulheres que fazem corpos femininos. Num último eixo, olho, pois, para as representações de corpo articuladas às sensações do paladar, do olfato, do tato. Penso que não se coloca em dúvida a importância do corpo na cultura contemporânea. Argumento que os blogs articulam um conjunto de discursos, ou melhor, fragmentos de discursos que se tramam através das falas da blogueira, possibilitando a realização de uma Análise Cultural, bem como, por veicularem modos de ser e estar no mundo, exercem Pedagogias Culturais. / This thesis has like theme the body's representations in blogs by women who write about their self and kept their blog actualized in the first semester by 2008. To this end, I used five blogs that have been written by subjects that, by their words, make possible think that they are Brazilians women, born in the decade 1970. In the simple concept, the blog is a personal site, dynamic and interactive, actualized when the subject want to write it. In this investigation, the blogs analysed were: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu and Toda Menina. The research was inserted in the post-structuralist perspective. I also used Feminist Studies, Gays and Lesbians Studies as Queer Studies, mainly those who has proximities with Michel Foucault theorizations. Then, in front of the theoretical references and of these women words, that had body's representations, using Cultural Analyses, with this, was possible to think in three axes to analyse: In the first moment, I analysed the bloggers words referent a contemporary ways that make, mainly, the slenderness and a healthy appearance like fundamentals criterion in the conquest of happiness and beauty. After this, in a second moment, I analysed representations that involve the love, the care and the delicacy besides themes like fashion, menstruation and sexual pleasure, rules and themes that make a feminine body. In the last moment, I analysed body´s representations in connection with palate, smell and tactile sense. The body is very important by the contemporary culture, then I argue that blogs articulate many discourses that are present in the bloggers speech, making possible a Cultural Analyses, as well as, to announce manners of being in the world, practice Cultural Pedagogies.

Mulheres "on line" e seus diários virtuais : corpos escritos em blogs

Friederichs, Marta Cristina January 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema as representações do corpo em blogs de mulheres que escrevem sobre si. Para tanto, utilizei cinco blogs escritos por sujeitos que, pelas suas "falas", possibilitam pensar que são mulheres, brasileiras, nascidas na década de 1970 que mantiveram o seu blog atualizado, ou seja, escreveram posts com regularidade durante o primeiro semestre de 2008. Em seu conceito mais simples o blog pode ser concebido como um site personalizado, dinâmico e interativo, atualizado quando quem ali escreve quiser ou puder. Nesta pesquisa, os blogs analisados foram: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu e Toda Menina. A pesquisa foi inserida no campo de análise pós-estruturalista. Adotei, também, como referência os Estudos Feministas, Estudos Gays e Lésbicos e os Estudos Queer, principalmente as vertentes que se aproximam com as teorizações de Michel Foucault. Assim, diante do referencial teórico e das falas dessas mulheres, que continham representações do corpo, utilizando-me da Análise Cultural, foi possível estabelecer três eixos de análise: no primeiro eixo analiso falas das blogueiras referentes a padrões contemporâneos que instituem, principalmente, a magreza e uma aparência saudável como critérios fundamentais na conquista da felicidade e da beleza. A seguir, num segundo eixo, destaco representações que envolvem o amor romântico, o cuidado e a delicadeza além de assuntos como a moda, a menstruação e os prazeres, atributos e temas presentes nas falas dessas mulheres que fazem corpos femininos. Num último eixo, olho, pois, para as representações de corpo articuladas às sensações do paladar, do olfato, do tato. Penso que não se coloca em dúvida a importância do corpo na cultura contemporânea. Argumento que os blogs articulam um conjunto de discursos, ou melhor, fragmentos de discursos que se tramam através das falas da blogueira, possibilitando a realização de uma Análise Cultural, bem como, por veicularem modos de ser e estar no mundo, exercem Pedagogias Culturais. / This thesis has like theme the body's representations in blogs by women who write about their self and kept their blog actualized in the first semester by 2008. To this end, I used five blogs that have been written by subjects that, by their words, make possible think that they are Brazilians women, born in the decade 1970. In the simple concept, the blog is a personal site, dynamic and interactive, actualized when the subject want to write it. In this investigation, the blogs analysed were: Cérebro Eletrônico, Confissões de uma Balzaquiana, Diário de Lulu, Entretantas Eu and Toda Menina. The research was inserted in the post-structuralist perspective. I also used Feminist Studies, Gays and Lesbians Studies as Queer Studies, mainly those who has proximities with Michel Foucault theorizations. Then, in front of the theoretical references and of these women words, that had body's representations, using Cultural Analyses, with this, was possible to think in three axes to analyse: In the first moment, I analysed the bloggers words referent a contemporary ways that make, mainly, the slenderness and a healthy appearance like fundamentals criterion in the conquest of happiness and beauty. After this, in a second moment, I analysed representations that involve the love, the care and the delicacy besides themes like fashion, menstruation and sexual pleasure, rules and themes that make a feminine body. In the last moment, I analysed body´s representations in connection with palate, smell and tactile sense. The body is very important by the contemporary culture, then I argue that blogs articulate many discourses that are present in the bloggers speech, making possible a Cultural Analyses, as well as, to announce manners of being in the world, practice Cultural Pedagogies.

Teachers' Professional Knowledge Bases for Offshore Education:Two Case Studies of Western Teachers Working in Indonesia

Exley, Beryl Elizabeth January 2005 (has links)
This research thesis set out to better understand the professional knowledge bases of Western teachers working in offshore education in Indonesia. This research explored what two groups of Western teachers said about the students they taught, their own role, professional and social identity, the knowledge transmitted, and their pedagogical strategies whilst teaching offshore. Such an investigation is significant on a number of levels. Firstly, these teachers were working within a period of rapid economic, political, cultural and educational change described as 'New Times' (Hall, 1996a). Secondly, the experiences of teachers working in offshore education have rarely been reported in the literature (see Johnston, 1999). A review of the literature on teachers' professional knowledge bases (Shulman, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Turner-Bisset, 1997, 1999) concluded that, in general terms, teachers draw on three main interrelated and changing knowledge bases: knowledge of content, knowledge of teaching processes and knowledge of their students. This review also explored the notion that teachers had an additional knowledge base that was in a continual state of negotiation and closely related to the aforementioned knowledge bases: teachers' knowledge of their own and students' pedagogic identities (Bernstein, 2000). A theoretical framework appropriate to exploring the overarching research problem was developed. This framework drew on models of teachers' knowledge bases (Elbaz, 1983; Shulman, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Nias, 1989; Turner-Bisset, 1997, 1999), the sociology of knowledge (Bernstein, 1975, 1990, 1996, 1999, 2000), and notions of pedagogic identity (Bernstein, 2000). This framework theorised the types of knowledges taught, categories of teaching process knowledge, and the range of pedagogic identities made available to teachers and students in new times. More specifically, this research examined two case studies (see Stake, 1988, 2000; Yin, 1994) of Western teachers employed by Australian educational institutions who worked in Central Java, Indonesia, in the mid-to-late 1990s. The teacher participants from both case studies taught a range of subjects and used English as the medium of instruction. Data for both case studies were generated via semistructured interviews (see Kvale, 1996; Silverman, 1985, 1997). The interviews focused on the teachers' descriptions of the learner characteristics of Indonesian students, their professional roles whilst teaching offshore, and curriculum and pedagogic design. The analyses produced four major findings. The first major finding of the analyses confirmed that the teacher participants in this study drew on all proposed professional knowledge bases and that these knowledge bases were interrelated. This suggests that teachers must have all knowledge bases present for them to do their work successfully. The second major finding was that teachers' professional knowledge bases were constantly being negotiated in response to their beliefs about their work and the past, present and future demands of the local context. For example, the content and teaching processes of English lessons may have varied as their own and their students' pedagogic identities were re-negotiated in different contexts of teaching and learning. Another major finding was that it was only when the teachers entered into dialogue with the Indonesian students and community members and/or reflective dialogue amongst themselves, that they started to question the stereotypical views of Indonesian learners as passive, shy and quiet. The final major finding was that the teachers were positioned in multiple ways by contradictory and conflicting discourses. The analyses suggested that teachers' pedagogic identities were a site of struggle between dominant market orientations and the criteria that the teachers thought should determine who was a legitimate teacher of offshore Indonesian students. The accounts from one of the case studies suggested that dominant market orientations centred on experience and qualifications in unison with prescribed and proscribed cultural, gender and age relations. Competent teachers who were perceived to be white, Western, male and senior in terms of age relations seemed to be the most easily accepted as offshore teachers of foundation programs for Indonesian students. The analyses suggested that the teachers thought that their legitimacy to be an offshore teacher of Indonesian students should be based on their teaching expertise alone. However, managers of Australian offshore educational institutions conceded that it was very difficult to bring about change in terms of teacher legitimisation. These findings have three implications for the work of offshore teachers and program administrators. Firstly, offshore programs that favour the pre-packaging of curricula content with little emphasis on the professional development and support needs of teachers do not foster work conditions which encourage teachers to re-design or modify curricula in response to the specific needs of learners. Secondly, pre-packaged programs do not support teachers to enter into negotiations concerning students' or their own pedagogic identities or the past, present and future demands of local contexts. These are important implications because they affect the way that teachers work, and hence how responsive teachers can be to learners' needs and how active they can be in the negotiation process as it relates to pedagogic identities. Finally, the findings point to the importance of establishing a learning community or learning network to assist Western teachers engaged in offshore educational work in Asian countries such as Indonesia. Such a community or network would enable teachers to engage and modify the complexity of knowledge bases required for effective localised offshore teaching. Given the burgeoning increase in the availability and use of electronic technology in new times, such as internet, emails and web cameras, these learning networks could be set up to have maximum benefit with minimal on-going costs.

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