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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Working Towards the Sustainability of New Orleans’ African American Indigenous Cultural Traditions

Ellestad, Ethan K 02 August 2012 (has links)
New Orleans indigenous cultural traditions such as Mardi Gras Indians, Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs and second line parades were born out of the disenfranchisement of the African American community. Though the practices have existed for over a century and provide social benefits, they have faced hostility from the police department, indifference from elected officials and city planners, as well as economic exploitation, denying them the ability to thrive. With a restructuring of public policy and outside assistance, these cultural traditions will be able to help revitalize the economically depressed areas where they continue to be practiced.

PCN no contexto da análise comportamental da cultura: descrições e prescrições sugeridas no tema transversal de meio ambiente

Armelin, Rafael Guillardi [UNESP] 28 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-09-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:58:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 armelin_rg_me_bauru.pdf: 493707 bytes, checksum: 33ca74bf4974e90ea1bdae48dd5eb815 (MD5) / Os processos de exploração dos recursos naturais do planeta vem causando sérios danos ao meio ambiente e colocam em risco a nossa sobrevivência. Para mudar esse quadro preocupante, torna-se imprescindível a tarefa de planejamento e rearranjo de contingências que possibilitam a modificação das práticas culturais, levando a cultura a um processo de desenvolvimento, utilizando de maneira sustentável os recursos ambientais. A partir da possibilidade instrumental da Análise do Comportamento em contribuir para a descrição e compreensão das variáveis que permeiam o processo educacional e as práticas culturais, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar contingências indiretamente sugeridas nos enunciados presentes no caderno de tema transversal sobre Meio Ambiente, dentro dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de 1ª a 4ª séries (PCN). Através da análise desses enunciados, foi realizado um agrupamento dos tipos de conteúdos predominantes, alocando-os em 4 grupos: Contingências, Informações Contextuais, Conceitos e Conteúdos Programáticos. Pela relevância na pesquisa, foi realizada uma análise mais específica dos conteúdos identificados como Contingência, com relação às suas características mais marcantes. Esses conteúdos foram caracterizados de acordo com seus aspectos descritos ou prescritivos, e, também, co relação aos processos culturais envolvidos, podendo ser identificados como cerimoniais ou tecnológicos. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, destaca-se o número de enunciados identificados como Contingência (62). A análise destes enunciados identificou somente aspectos prescritivos e presença apenas de processos culturais cerimoniais. A partir desses resultados, conclui-se que as características apuradas no documento, apontam uma maior dificuldade para planejar e inserir as práticas culturais objetivadas. os resultados dessa dissertação... / The processes of exploration of the natural resources of the planet causes serious damages to the envirnment and the survival of our specie. To change this preoccupying picture it´s essential the task of planning and rearrangement of contingencies of reinforcement making possible the modification of the cultural ones, taking the culture to a process of development using the environmental resources in sustainable way. The instrumental possibilities of Behavioral Analysis contribute for the description and understanding of the variables of the educational process and the cultural ones. This research had as objective to identify contingencies indirectly suggested in the statements gifs in the book of transversal theme on Environmental, inside of National Curricular parameters (PCC) of 1 to 4 degree. Through the analysis of these statements, a grouping of types of predominant contents was carried through, placing them in 4 groups: Contingencies, Contextual Information, Concepts and Contents of the Program. By the relevance in the research, a specific analysis of the identified contents was carried through as Contingency, with regard to more important characteristics. These contents had been characterized in accordance with its descriptive or prescriptive aspects, and, also, with regard to the involved processes cultural, being able to be identified as cerimonial or technological one. Amongst the main gotten results, the number of identified statements is distinguished as Contingency (62). The analysis of these statements only identified to prescriptive aspects and presence only of cerimonial cultural processes. From these results, one concludes that the refined characteristics in the document, point a bigger difficulty to plan and to insert the cultural practices defined. The results of this research signal the importance to use the concepts of the Behaviorism in the analysis of phenomena... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Kultur som verktyg för hållbar stadsutveckling - Cultural planning för ökad platsanknytning i Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö.

Svensson, Klara, Eriksson, Lovisa January 2015 (has links)
Rätten att få berätta sin historia om en plats är ett sätt att göra sig till en del av platsens historia. Dessvärre medför dominerande maktrelationer i samhället att vissa kulturella resurser, såväl historiskt som i nutid, prioriteras bort. Bilder av stadens olika platser har länge manipulerats av inflytelserika samhällsgrupper för att främja ekonomiska och sociala egenintressen. Liknande bilder tenderar då att stå modell för olika städer. Det är emellertid inte önskvärt att stadsutvecklingen genererar enformighet och homogenitet, utan planeringen bör sträva efter att visa upp en mångfald i förhållande till kulturella resurser (Philo & Kearns 1993).Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur kultur kan användas som ett verktyg för att främja hållbar stadsutveckling. Mer specifikt belyses hur kultur kan främja platsanknytning och hur cultural planning kan användas i utvecklingen av stadsdelen Östra Sorgenfri i Malmö. Utgångspunkten är att god platsanknytning skapar grund för tillit och upplevd trygghetskänsla, vilket främjar god livskvalité. Att ge förutsättningar för en upplevd god platsanknytning till sitt bostadsområde, understödjer hållbar stadsutveckling ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Denna studie undersöker således hur platsanknytning kan stärkas med hjälp av kultur som verktyg.Det teoretiska avstampet tas i hållbar stadsutveckling. Därtill behandlas teoretiskt viktiga begrepp som kultur, cultural planning samt platsens betydelse för människor kopplat till platsanknytning, identitet och berättandet som medel för att skapa en bild av platsen. Denna uppsats utgörs av en fallstudie av Östra Sorgenfri och har arbetats fram i samverkan med MKB Fastighets AB. Som största fastighetsägare i stadsdelen har bostadsbolaget belyst Östra Sorgenfri som ett område med utmaningar och i behov av extra sociala insatser. För att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med kompletterande litteraturstudier. Intervjuerna gjordes med personer sakkunniga inom undersökningsområdet eller verksamma inom stadsplanering respektive förvaltning.Cultural planning är en metod som syftar till att, utifrån invånarna, beskriva det som karaktäriserar platsen, lyfta fram dessa kulturella resurser och utveckla dem, således strategiskt integrera kulturen i samhällsplaneringen. Cultural planning är en demokratisk planeringsmodell och därigenom är deltagande en betydande framgångsfaktor, då det kan vara avgörande för medborgarnas känsla av samhörighet och anknytning till platsen. För att stärka Östra Sorgenfris kulturella resurser har vi, i linje med cultural planning, valt att lyfta stadsvandring som förslag till projektplan. Kännedom om platsen och dess historia är viktigt för platsanknytningen. För att säkerställa förankring, representativitet och inkludering utformas stadsvandringen genom deltagande- och dialogprocesser i Östra Sorgenfri / To have the right to tell your own story about a place is to make yourself a part of the history of the place. Unfortunately, dominating power relations in society today tend to prioritize a certain kind of cultural resources. This has, both historically and in the present, resulted in a distorted image of the city; an image beneficial to those who are most influential in the society, promoting these groups' economic and social self-interests. This tends to create similar images of different cities instead of creating the diversity and heterogeneity desired in urban development. Planning should instead strive to showcase the diversity of cultural resources available (Philo & Kearns 1993).The purpose of this thesis is to study how culture can be used as a tool to promote sustainable urban development. More specifically, the thesis highlights how culture can promote place attachment in Östra Sorgenfri and how cultural planning can be used in the development of the area. The basic assumption is that a good place attachment creates a basis for trust and perceived sense of security, which promotes a good quality of life. Providing people with the conditions to experience good place attachment in their neighbourhood supports sustainable urban development from a social perspective. Therefore, this study examines the strengthening of place attachment through culture as a tool.The theoretical starting point of this essay is sustainable urban development. Additionally, the following important theoretical concepts will be examined: culture; cultural planning and the importance of place attachment; identity and storytelling as a tool to create a place image. This thesis consists of a case study of Östra Sorgenfri, a central neighbourhood in Malmö, Sweden, and has been developed in collaboration with MKB Fastighets AB. As the main property owner in the area, MKB has highlighted Östra Sorgenfri as an area with many challenges that is in need of additional social measures. In order to answer the research questions, qualitative interviews was conducted and complemented with literature studies. The interviews were conducted with experts in the field or with persons working with urban planning and/or management.Cultural planning is a bottom-up method based on the inhabitants’ perspective. It is a democratic planning model and participation is a significant factor of success, as it can be crucial to citizens' sense of belonging and attachment to the place. In order to strengthen Östra Sorgenfri’s cultural resources we have, in alignment with cultural planning, decided to promote city walks as a recommendation for the project plan. Awareness of the place and its history is important when striving for inhabitants to feel attachment and kinship with the people who live there. The city walk will be designed through participation and dialogue processes with residents and people working in the district, thereby ensuring that the project is well anchored and that the stories about Östra Sorgenfri are inclusive and representative.

Unboxing cultural planning - A qualitative study of finding the language of the concept cultural planning

Kydönholma, Josefina, Bonell, Eira January 2018 (has links)
Som invånare i en alltmer global värld, är det kanske inte konstigt att man ibland känner sig liten. Städer växer och därmed kan känslan av att tillhöra ett grannskap lätt försvinna. En känsla av rastlöshet kan göra att det är svårt att hitta något att knyta an till. Man kan argumentera om människans natur, men att människor är sociala varelser som har ett behov av att interagera med varandra, kan nog de flesta av oss skriva under på. Publika platser bör därför fylla behovet av en plats där gemenskap kan växa, men trender inom stadsplanering verkar gå i motsatt riktning. Vi behöver platser, stigar och vägar som är ämnade för oss, där det finns utrymme för möten och samspel. Vi behöver en urban miljö som stöttar vårt vardagsliv och tillåter oss att bara vara. Cultural planning är ett tillvägagångssätt och koncept som har potentialen att sammanfoga glappet mellan stadsplanering och invånarnas behov. I vår studie identifierar och utforskar vi ett nätverk av personer och grupper som är involverade i cultural planning. I nätverket är terminologin omdiskuterad och anses problematisk, vilket ledde oss till våra frågor: Vad är cultural planning? Hur kan cultural planning som koncept bli mer etablerat? Hur kan nätverket inom cultural planning stärkas? Våra mål är att definiera konceptet genom att hitta dess karaktäristiska språk. Detta för att hitta ett gemensamt språkbruk som nätverket kan använda. Vi kallar detta för unboxing cultural planning. Huvudfokus i denna studie är konceptet cultural planning. Då konceptet är så pass omfattande och mångsidigt, kommer vi att undersöka det genom olika teoretiska perspektiv baserade på olika professioner, utifrån tre utgångspunkter; cultural planning som en term, som ett tillvägagångssätt och dess värdegrund. Genom att konstruera fallstudier och analysera dem genom fyra relevanta teorier, kommer vi göra ett förslag på hur konceptet och nätverket kan bli mer etablerat. / As citizens in an increasingly global and digitalized world, everyone feels small from time to time. Cities expand and at the same time the sense of belonging to a neighbourhood decrease. It is hard to find a way to root ourselves. While arguments occur over human nature, it is safe to assert that humans are social beings, and we have a need to interact with each other. Public spaces should fill the need of physical space were communities and neighbourhoods can meet, but trends in city planning move in different directions. We need places, paths and roads that are built for us, where there is room for interaction and encounters. We need an urban everyday life that allows us being human. Cultural planning is an approach and concept that has the potential to fill the void between city planning and citizens’ needs. When talking about tools in the field of cultural planning, we must ask what tools exist and how do we use them? In this thesis we identify and explore a network of people and groups involved with cultural planning, as well as the different tools associated with it. Within the network, the term cultural planning is discussed as problematic. This led us to our questions: How is cultural planning conceptualized? How can cultural planning become more established and recognized? And how can the cultural planning network be strengthened?Our goals are to unbox the concept of cultural planning by finding its language, and during our process help the network in their future work of communicating cultural planning. We call this unboxing cultural planning. The central focus of this study is the concept of cultural planning. Since the concept is complex and not yet established, we will examine cultural planning from three starting points. Using perspectives from different professions and practitioners, we explore cultural planning as a term, as an approach, and as a collection of core values. By constructing case studies and analysing them through four relevant terms, we suggest on how to widen the concept and network of cultural planning.

Art factories & cre8ery: a case study of cultural producers in Winnipeg's Exchange District

Lee, Justin Ian 06 January 2009 (has links)
The creative class, creative economy and creative cities are all heralds of current North American planning directions. My research seeks to understand how the Art Factory, a multi-tenant and multi-purpose artist space, contributes to the lives of artists and the general creative potential of a city. This research is a case study of cre8ery, an art factory located in Winnipeg’s Exchange District, the gentrifying cultural quarter of the city. I interviewed ten artists, exploring how cre8ery affected their social, professional and economic lives. cre8ery serves as a gateway into the art world for emerging artists by providing stability and opportunities to them. In general, Art Factories are centres of cultural entrepreneurship, an activity essential to the health of artists and the city. I also explore the shift of the artist populations in Winnipeg due to gentrification, offering several policy initiatives that would either stem or support this shift. / February 2009

Art factories & cre8ery: a case study of cultural producers in Winnipeg's Exchange District

Lee, Justin Ian 06 January 2009 (has links)
The creative class, creative economy and creative cities are all heralds of current North American planning directions. My research seeks to understand how the Art Factory, a multi-tenant and multi-purpose artist space, contributes to the lives of artists and the general creative potential of a city. This research is a case study of cre8ery, an art factory located in Winnipeg’s Exchange District, the gentrifying cultural quarter of the city. I interviewed ten artists, exploring how cre8ery affected their social, professional and economic lives. cre8ery serves as a gateway into the art world for emerging artists by providing stability and opportunities to them. In general, Art Factories are centres of cultural entrepreneurship, an activity essential to the health of artists and the city. I also explore the shift of the artist populations in Winnipeg due to gentrification, offering several policy initiatives that would either stem or support this shift.

Mondes de coopération et gouvernance culturelle dans les villes : une comparaison des recompositions de l'action publique culturelle à Lille, Lyon, Saint Etienne et Montréal

Guillon, Vincent 29 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La culture se retrouve au coeur de stratégies de villes comme ressource mobilisée et articulée au sein de projets urbains, économiques et sociaux. Ainsi de nouveaux modèles et concepts apparaissent-ils, véhiculant un discours sur ses vertus territoriales : le cultural planning, la ville créative, la métropole culturelle, le quartier artistique, etc. La culture est alors considérée comme une dimension du développement territorial, faisant perdre au " secteur culturel " une partie de son autonomie. Ces recompositions de l'action publique culturelle sont directement liées à la formation de modes de gouvernance fondés sur une logique politique du territoire. Les principes conventionnels qu'ils génèrent mettent à l'épreuve les acteurs locaux et les équilibres préexistants. Du gouvernement de la culture à la gouvernance culturelle des villes, ce sont les mécanismes d'émergence et d'institutionnalisation de mondes de coopération spécifiques à Lille, Lyon, Saint-Étienne et Montréal qui sont ici observés. Cette thèse entend contribuer au débat sur la constitution des villes en acteurs collectifs, tel qu'il se configure à partir de l'action culturelle

Art factories & cre8ery: a case study of cultural producers in Winnipeg's Exchange District

Lee, Justin Ian 06 January 2009 (has links)
The creative class, creative economy and creative cities are all heralds of current North American planning directions. My research seeks to understand how the Art Factory, a multi-tenant and multi-purpose artist space, contributes to the lives of artists and the general creative potential of a city. This research is a case study of cre8ery, an art factory located in Winnipeg’s Exchange District, the gentrifying cultural quarter of the city. I interviewed ten artists, exploring how cre8ery affected their social, professional and economic lives. cre8ery serves as a gateway into the art world for emerging artists by providing stability and opportunities to them. In general, Art Factories are centres of cultural entrepreneurship, an activity essential to the health of artists and the city. I also explore the shift of the artist populations in Winnipeg due to gentrification, offering several policy initiatives that would either stem or support this shift.

New Urban Monuments: Critical Urbanism as Curatorial Practice

Persson, Sophia January 2020 (has links)
New Genre Public Art was originally defined by Suzanne Lacy in 1991 as an activist approach to the public; it was a type of public art that was often created outside the institutional structure which brought the artist into direct engagement with the audience, while addressing social and political issues. In 1993, the public art exhibition ’Culture in Action’, curated by Mary Jane Jacob, marked a conceptual shift from static to dynamic public art. The exhibition is considered a landmark event in the development of public art as it was among the first projects to frame communities as the structure and content of its art.During the past decade (2010–2020), urban development has become incorporated as an integral part of the work of the Public Art Agency Sweden, and the agency have established their own curatorial department in order to curate and produce their own public art exhibitions. As Public Art Agency Sweden is a State agency, their work is largely determined by official policies formulated by the Swedish government. This thesis analyzes the contemporary policies of urban public art by conducting an interdisciplinary critical discourse analysis that merges art history, curatorial– and urban studies, in order to trace the influence of discourse to how Public Art Agency Sweden has operated within this intersection during the last decade––ultimately to discuss what the Swedish policies on public art strive to achieve and the risks, ethics and responsibilities of the emerging field of urban, context-based curatorship.

Municipal cultural policy and development in South Africa: a study of the city of Tshwane metropolitan municipality

Nawa, Lebogang Lancelot 25 April 2013 (has links)
This study examines the relationship, or lack thereof, between cultural policy and development at the local government sphere in South Africa and, ascertains the extent to which the City of Tswane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM), as the focus of the case study, involves culture in its development framework. The research is informed by an observation from internationa best- practices that local government, as a sphere of governance closect to the people, is one of the best platforms on which the centrality of culture in the development matrix of any country is located and upheld. The research was arranged in three sections or phases, namely: exploration, discovery and the consolidation. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil.

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