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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La poétique du voile de Fra Angelico à Nicolas Poussin / Poetic of veil from Fra Angelico to Nicolas Poussin

Le Gall, Thierry 14 December 2016 (has links)
Les voiles du Sacrifice d’Iphigénie de Timanthe et du Rideau de Parrhasios problématisent le regard antique et font naître un au-delà qui stratifie la représentation. Le silence qu’ils introduisent dans l’image génère une activité « phantastique » fondatrice d’une poéticité visuelle. La Pala di San Marco adapte à un espace pictural unifié la structure du Tabernacle des Linaioli déjà empruntée au Tabernacle mosaïque. Séparant des espaces de sacralité croissante qui font écho à la lecture exégétique en vigueur au Couvent, les voiles y épaississent l’espace et le sens de l’œuvre, exigeant à chaque étape une transformation du regard. L’exégèse identifiant Marie à l’Arca Dei, le XVe siècle développe autour d’elle diverses formules tabernaculaires susceptibles d’annexer l’espace profane du spectateur. Au fond des Annonciations du Quattrocento le voile révélait le thalamus virginis, ventre métonymique de la Vierge. Cette symbolique s’effrite quand la scénographie se charge de l’évocation du Mystère. Le voile prend des accents métapicturaux ou révèle le vulgaire, la vanité, l’intime, la chair. Il les sacralise alors comme il avait sacralisé l’Arca Dei ou la figure de l’empereur. Aléatoire, il ouvre les œuvres à de surprenantes transgressions, comme l’érotisation des Virgo lactans. Les métaphores visuelles se multipliant pour évoquer ce qui pose problème à la représentation, le voile finit par prendre en charge l’image de ce qu’il cache. L’émergence du caché s’assume comme projet de l’œuvre. Contournant le précepte albertien, ce commerce avec l’invisible relie le motif à l’antique approche, ravivée par La Pléiade, d’une poésie qui n’a d’autre raison que d’en-visager l’ineffable. / Veils in Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Timanthes and Curtain by Parrhasius signify a problematisation of the Antiquity’s gaze and engender a hereafter which stratifies representation. The silence these works introduce within the image generates a phantastic activity, the founding basis of a visual poetry.Pala di San Marco adapts to a unified pictorial space the structure of Tabernacolo dei Linaioli already borrowed from the Tabernacle of Moses. Separating spaces of increased sacredness and in accordance with the exegetic reading, veils thicken the space and the meaning of the masterpiece, demanding at each stage a transformation of the viewers’ gaze.The exegesis identifying Marie to Arca Dei, the 15th century develops around her numerous forms which are epigones of the Tabernacle’s and become liable to encompass the viewer’s profane space. Deep within Annunciations of the Quattrocento, the veil revealed the thalamus virginis, metonymical belly of the Virgin Mary. This symbolism becomes eroded when the stage design evokes Mystery. The veil conveys metapictorial allusions or reveals vanity, intimacy, flesh. It « sacralizes » them as it did of Arca Dei or of the emperor. Unpredictably, all works become opened up to surprising transgressions, such as the eroticisation of Virgo lactans. Multiple visual metaphors alluding to what is problematic about representation, the veil supports the image of what it is hiding. The surfacing of the concealed becomes the artwork in itself. Skirting around Alberti’s precepts, this trade with the invisible connects the motif with the ancient concept, revived by La Pléiade, of a poetry whose motive is no other than to en-visage the ineffable.

Mur-rideau, la façade en jeu. Un rêve de Walter Benjamin. / Curtain wall, façades at play. A Walter Benjamin’s dream

Amy, Sandrine 10 December 2016 (has links)
Walter Benjamin a fait du « boîtier » et de la « maison de rêve » les « mode[s] d’existence du XIXe siècle ». En suivant ses pas, ce travail se propose d’explorer l’architecture moderne et contemporaine afin d’identifier ce qui pourrait manifester, non pas l’arbitraire des architectes, mais « une constellation historique objective » et constituer ce qu’il appelle une « preuve dans la vérité de l’action actuelle ».Selon lui, ce sont les architectes modernes qui ont inauguré la sortie du « boîtier » et, avec leur « goût pour la porosité, la transparence, la pleine lumière et l’air libre, […] mis fin à la façon ancienne d’habiter. » Pourtant, force est de constater que l’essentiel de leurs réalisations était moins l’expression d’une sortie ou d’un réveil, que de ce qu’il décrit comme une « fausse délivrance ». Celle-ci a néanmoins déclenché un nouveau rêve qu’il n’a eu de cesse d’interpréter en décrivant façades et seuils auxquels, depuis plus de vingt ans, les architectes cherchent à donner forme. Mouvantes et singulières, ces nouvelles façades nous obligent à aborder sous un jour nouveau la technique du mur-rideau. A la différence de la façade fondée classique et de la « façade libre » des modernes, cette façade suspendue défie les lois de la statique ordinaire et les oppositions binaires. Pur produit de la révolution industrielle, elle s’avère être à présent la substance qui fait exploser la mentalité qui en était à l’origine car elle abolit, plus qu’elle ne la reconfigure, l’opposition – c’est-à-dire la hiérarchie – entre dedans et dehors, privé et public, structure et ornement et, par extension, proche et lointain, infrastructure et superstructure, sujet et objet. / Walter Benjamin developed the « shell » and the « dream house » as the « condition[s] of nineteenth-century existence. » Following in his footsteps, this work aims to explore modern and contemporary architecture in order to identify what could be « an objective historical constellation » instead of the arbitrariness of architects and constitute what he calls « evidence in the truth of the actual action ».According to him, modernist architects have launched the exit of the « shell » and, with their taste for « porosity and transparency, [their] tendency toward the well-lit and airy, ha[ve] put an end to dwelling in the old sense. » However, we have to admit that the majority of their buildings was less the expression of an exit or an awakening than what he describes as a « false liberation ». The latter has nonetheless triggered a new dream he has never ceased to interpret when describing façades or thresholds, which architects have aimed to give shape for the last twenty years.Both moving and unique, these new façades compel us to view the curtain wall technique in a new light. Contrasting with the classic founded façade and the modern free façade, this suspended façade defies the laws of ordinary statics as well as binary oppositions. Emerging from the industrial revolution, it has now become the substance which blows up its original mindset as it abolishes, more than it redefines it, the opposition – meaning the hierarchy – between inside and outside, private and public, structure and ornament and, by extension, close and distant, infrastructure and superstructure, subject and object.

Etude expérimentale et simulation d'écoulements de fluides modèles et de dispersions pigmentaires dans une coucheuse rideau / Study and simulation of model fluids and of pigment colours during paper coating by curtain coater

Martinez, Philippe 23 June 2011 (has links)
Le couchage rideau est un procédé d'enduction sans contact qui permet un couchage « contour » d'une feuille de papier dont le point clé est la stabilité du rideau. Ce procédé semble devoir se développer dans les années à venir pour la production de papiers impression-écriture et de papiers et cartons d'emballages. Néanmoins, il existe aujourd'hui un écart important entre la stabilité théorique du rideau et les observations. Nous avons donc analysé par CFD l'écoulement interne dans un dispositif de couchage pilote avec différents fluides Newtoniens et Non-Newtoniens ainsi que l'écoulement externe sur le plan incliné de l'appareil. L'étude de l'écoulement interne par CFD a permis de faire ressortir la cause de vortex pouvant apparaître dans le dispositif. Pour avoir un écoulement sans vortex, le nombre de Reynolds à l'entrée doit être inférieur à une valeur critique égale à 20 pour la géométrie étudiée quel que soit le fluide utilisé. De plus la présence d'une seconde cavité permet de filtrer les perturbations pour des fluides peu rhéofluidifiants, ce qui est le cas des sauces de couchages pour des papiers WFC. Ces résultats ont été validés expérimentalement à l'aide de traceurs et de PIV en utilisant une réplique exacte en Plexiglas de la coucheuse rideau. Enfin en ce qui concerne l'étude de l'écoulement externe sur le plan incliné, l'utilisation de la CFD a permis de conclure que, pour les dispositifs de couchage utilisés et les conditions opératoires de nos industries, certains problèmes présentés dans la littérature ne devraient pas exister. / Curtain coating is a contactless coating process which permits a contour coating of the paper and the key parameter of this process is a perfect stable curtain. This technology is expected to spread widely for graphic paper grades and boards in the next few years. Nevertheless, many experimental works revealed some differences between stability theory and results observed on the curtain. In this work, we performed CFD simulations both for Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids on the internal flow in a pilot curtain coater and on the flow down the inclined plane. The CFD study of the internal flow revealed the cause of vortex creation into the coater. To maintain vortex-free operation, the Reynolds number at the inlet must remain below a critical value whatever the fluid, which is equal to 20 with the studied geometry whatever the studied fluid. Moreover, a second cavity is useful since instabilities coming from the first cavity could be filtered for low shear-thinning fluids, which is the case of the WFC coating colours. These simulation results were validated thanks to flow visualization experiments with tracers and PIV using a transparent replica of the coater. Finally CFD simulations on the inclined plane were carried out and permitted to conclude that for the range of operating conditions used on the pilot curtain coater, some issues presented in literature should not exist industrially.

Regulátor pohonu opony / Curtain Drive Control

Večerník, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Master's thesis describes and proposes solutions for a given problem of a drive in theater curtain DS Krakonoš - Vysoké nad Jizerou using modern microcontroller with voltage transducer.. There is given a detailed analysis of the problem, including the mathematical description of the entire system, then design and its subsequent implementation. The goal of this work is designed to apply a device designed to the engine, which moves theater curtain.

Polyfunkční objekt / Multifunctional building

Polický, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Project solves seven-storey building with basement in urban area. Object mainly consists of building and private parking area. Functionally, the building is divided into parts for commercial, administrative and housing. The shape of the building is terraced with flat roof. Structural systém is a frame with locally supported ceilings founded on reinforced concrete slab supported by piles. The building envelope is partly of ceramics blocks, concrete wtih ETICS and curtain wall. The aim of project is to create documentation for realization based on building physics solution.

Robotický stolní fotbal / Robotic Table Football

Mareček, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the design of robotic table football with the realization of the construction and control a single axis of table football. In introduction are described previously developed solutions. Next chapters contain a selection of specific gaming table and specification of linear, rotary motor. There are presented design visions with the placement of selected component together with proposal location of sensor system for ball detection. In the end of design section is specification and solution of placement safety features. The programming part of the thesis involves the implementation of a communication interface for data processing from the control algorithm of robotic table football.

Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)

Murínová, Miriam Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal of new interventions within the area above the underground reservoirs in the area of the Žlutý kopec. Various urban structures, atmospheres and influences of surrounding, natural or urbanistic are encountered in the area. The place is unique for its location near the historic center of Brno, the potential of the green public priesthood within a built-up part of the city with a view of the city's landmark, Spilberk Castle. The aim of the work is to offer a dessign that responds to these impacts and links them in a design that complements existing underground reservoirs. It invites the inhabitants of the city, new visitors or tourists to regenerate body and soul, in the gallery or athletic center in the environment of reservoirs. The programme of the place offers both, the social space through a new cultural and visitor center but also soothing space in the form of a park.

Developing a Test Method to Evaluate the Blackout Effect of Uncoated Curtains at Varying Angles

Muminovic, Sara, Lindén, Christina January 2023 (has links)
This study aimed to explore the integration of varying angles in small-scale measurements and assess the light transmission performance of uncoated curtains. A total of four curtains were evaluated: blackout curtain samples 1 and 2 had a weft satin structure, while daytime curtain samples 3 and 4 consisted of a twill structure. The primary challenge was the inadequacy of a standardized test method for measuring the blackout effect, which led to inefficiencies and resource consumption for Company X. To address this, the study emphasized the need to investigate and establish a reliable and efficient evaluation method for uncoated curtains. By developing a standardized test method, it is possible to reduce waste material, labor costs, and resource consumption, enabling companies to operate more efficiently, sustainably, and responsibly. In the pursuit of understanding the blackout effect and evaluating the structural parameters of uncoated curtains, this study explored various test methods and parameters. More specifically, parameters such as air permeability, porosity, and thickness together with microscopic evaluation, were investigated to shed light on their influence on light transmission. The voids in the fabric were found to be a significant factor, along with porosity and air permeability, which demonstrated a correlation with lower values for the blackout curtains. The construction of the test method in a small-scale required a controlled space in the form of a lightbox. Light proofing of the box was required and successfully achieved in Prototype 1 using plywood, sealing strips, and fixtures, resulting in a lower lux value compared with the previous internal method. Objective measurements using the Konica CL-500A lux meter provided a repeatable and reliable test method with a lower tolerance value of 0,05 lx. The developed test method, theoretical Prototype 2, incorporates different sun angles by adjusting the curtain’s position, in the angles of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°, and the rotation of the sample within 0° to 360° in intervals of 45°. The important parameters of weft density and the subsequent increase in weight were key factors in the results of light transmission, air permeability, and porosity. Furthermore, properties of the uncoated curtains such of continuous filaments and darker color showed a higher blackout effect. After the identification of complications with the lamp used in the measurement, there has been a focus on discussing the significance of a light diffuser. Additionally, alternative approaches to measure light transmission have been presented, such as digital image analysis and air permeability.

Vysokotlaký servopohon regulačních ventilů parní turbíny / High Pressure Actuator of Valves for the Steam Turbine

Gregor, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
A high-pressure actuator of regulatory valves of steam turbines is designed in this thesis. The first part of the thesis discusses different types of steam turbines and the alternatives of their regulation. In the second part, one particular arrangment, with directional control valve, double poppet valve and hydraulic curtain, is described. Technical documentation including the conceptual proposal, the choice of individual components and all calculations is the output of this thesis. Drawing documentation of the set and drawing documentation required for the construction of the hydraulic block is attached.

MÄTNING AV LUFTTÄTHET I FLERBOSTADSHUS : <em>Gällande krav, praktiskt genomförda mätningar samt en tillämpbar metod</em>

Sörensen, Ida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Stor förvirring råder kring hur lufttätheten ska mätas i flerbostadshus. De metoder som finns och de resultat som erhålls vid täthetsprovning av småhus är inte alltid applicerbara på flerbostadshus även om mätenheterna är de samma. Detta föranleder problemställningen för detta examensarbete:</p><p><em>Varför och hur kontrolleras lufttätheten i ett flerbostadshus på ett praktiskt tillämpbart sätt, som också gör det möjligt att jämföra resultat från olika objekt?</em></p><p>Metoderna som används för att undersöka detta är litteraturstudier och samtal med erfarna personer, samt demonstration av en mätmetod i fullskala. En diskussion med initiativtagarna till detta examensarbete leder fram till en rekommenderad metod och en mall för hur detta ska utföras.</p><p>Byggnadsskalets luft-, diffusions- och vindtätning har stor betydelse för en byggnads energianvändning, fuktsäkerhet, termiska komfort och hygien, luftkvalitet, ljudmiljö, spridning av brand samt spridning av luftföroreningar utifrån och in. Lufttätheten är en avgörande faktor både för konstruktionens beständighet och för en god innemiljö i moderna byggnader. Lufttäta hus är dessutom lönsamma i längden för de inblandade aktörerna. På lång sikt även för miljön. Studier som gjorts visar att en byggnads energiåtgång för uppvärmning minskar med nästan 30 % om lufttätheten (egentligen luftgenomsläppligheten) förbättras från 0,8 l/s·m<sup>2</sup> till 0,4 l/s·m<sup>2</sup>. En så stor minskning av energianvändningen kunde inte åstadkommas med andra energiförbättringsåtgärder som undersöktes.</p><p>I Boverkets Regelsamling för byggande, BBR 2008 har kravet på lufttäthet tagits bort till förmån för ett funktionskrav för energianvändningen, under vilken lufttätheten faller in. Regelsamlingens allmänna råd hänvisar till standarden, SS-EN 13829 för bestämning av luftläckage.</p><p>De metoder som idag finns att tillgå för att mäta lufttätheten hos byggnader är spårgasmetoden, täthetsprovning med provisorisk vägg, det egna ventilationssystemet, med mottryck i angränsande utrymmen samt med tryckdörr. Den sistnämnda metoden provades på flerbostadshus i Umeå med goda resultat.</p><p>Observera att resultatet för denna rapport är en mall för mätningsförfarandet och den rekommenderade metoden för att mäta lufttäthet inom NCC i Umeå. Den beskriver en praktiskt tillämpbar metod där resultatet går att jämföra mellan olika objekt. Även en intern mätstorhet som beskriver ytterväggens täthet är framtagen.</p><p>Mätstorheten och standardens relevans diskuteras. Ändringen i BBR från specificerade krav till funktionskrav anses vara kunskapsdrivande. Det förfarande som beskrivs i resultatet har bedömts vara det mest optimala under rådande förhållanden med den standard som finns. En förändring av standarden skulle kunna leda till en bättre metod som ger mer informativt resultat.</p> / <p>There is a great perplexity about how air permeability should be measured in multiple-unit dwellings. The methods available and the obtained results for determination of air permeability in single-dwelling houses are not applicable for multiple-unit dwellings, even if the derived quantities are the same. This causes the problem for this report:</p><p><em>Why and how should the air permeability be determined for a multiple-unit dwelling in a functional and applicable way, which also makes it possible to compare the obtained results from different dwelling units?</em></p><p>The methods used to explore solutions are literature studies, conversation with professionals and a full-scale demonstration of one of the methods. A discussion with the initiators of this report leads to the recommended method and a model for how it should be performed.</p><p>The air-, diffusion- and windtightness of the building envelope are of big importance to the building. The use of energy, moisture transfer, thermal comfort and hygiene, air quality, noise, spreading of fire and spreading of air pollutions are all affected by it. The air tightness is a crucial element for the durability of the building and to secure a good indoor environment. Air tight buildings are also cost-effective in the long run for the involved participants. They are also good for the environment. A study that have been made show that the energy-use for heating buildings will be reduced with almost 30 % if the air permeability improves from 0,8 l/s·m<sup>2</sup> to 0,4 l/s·m<sup>2</sup>. Such a big reduction of the energy use could not be accomplished with any other energy improvement-move that was investigated in the study.</p><p>The Swedish building regulations, Boverkets Regelsamling för byggande BBR, used to have a demand for the air tightness of buildings. It has been removed in favor of a demand of the function for the energy use, which also include the air tightness. The common advices in BBR refer to the standard, SS-EN 13829 for determination of air permeability.</p><p>The methods available for determination of air permeability in buildings are the tracer-gas method, determination with a temporary wall, the ventilation system, with corresponding pressure in adjacent spaces and determination with a Blower Door. The last method was demonstrated in multiple-unit dwellings in Umeå, Sweden, with good results.</p><p>Note that the result of this report is a methodology and how the method should be performed within buildings erected by NCC in Umeå. It describes a functional and applicable method where the results can be compared between different objects. An internal quantity which describes the air permeability of the external wall has been developed.</p><p>A discussion of the relevance if the derived quantity and the standard has been made. The change in BBR to demands of the function for the energy use has been considered to be a driving force for knowledge. The procedure described in the results has been considered to be the optimum procedure for existing conditions with the standard available. A change in the standard would lead to a better method which would give more informative results.</p>

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