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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Aplicación de Data Science en la empresa Partners Technology S. A. C.

Angeles Rubiños, Gianpierre Alberto, Aspilcueta Mantari, Carlos Nicanor, Jara Caytuiro, Nélida Eliza, Turpo Chayña, Luis Antonio 13 December 2020 (has links)
El objeto de estudio del presente trabajo es la empresa Partners Technology S. A. C., donde se realizó un exhaustivo análisis interno y externo con el propósito de identificar el problema principal de la organización. Así pues, se determinó que su mayor dificultad es el inadecuado conocimiento de sus clientes. Por esta razón, la investigación se centra en reconocer las variables que influyen en el comportamiento de compra de los usuarios. Para lograr dicho objetivo se empleó la metodología de ciencia de datos mediante un análisis híbrido, es decir, exploratorio y explicativo. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán responder a las preguntas de Data Science formuladas. Es importante mencionar que para la creación de la base de datos utilizada se recurrió a fuentes internas y externas a la compañía, de las cuales se lograron dilucidar las variables que muestran las características de sus clientes. También cabe destacar que se realizó un análisis estadístico de todas las variables cuantitativas con el fin de encontrar correlaciones. De esta forma se hallaron importantes descubrimientos que aportarán valor a la compañía y permitirán el logro de sus objetivos, dado que en el presente trabajo se proponen soluciones al problema señalado y se sugieren las acciones que se deberán adoptar a corto plazo. / The object of study of this work is the company Partners Technology S.A.C. Therefore, an exhaustive internal and external analysis of the company was carrie out in order to identify their main problem. In this sense, it was determined that inadequate knowledge of customers is the greatest difficulty that the organization goes through. For this reason, the objective of this research is to identify the variables that influence the purchasing behavior of Partners Technology. To achieve the proposed objective, the Data Science methodology was develope through a hybrid analysis, that is, exploratory and explanatory. Likewise, the results obtained will allow answering the Data Science questions asked. It is important to mention that, for the creation of the database used in this work, internal and external sources were used from the company Partners Technology S.A.C. Likewise, the selected variables provide characteristics of their clients. It should be noted that a statistical analysis of all quantitative variables was carried out in order to find correlations. In this sense, by Data Science techniques, results were verifie are the main ones. Likewise, important discoveries were found that will add value to the company and enable it to achieve its objectives. This paper proposes solutions to the research problem and suggests actions to be taken in the short term. / Trabajo de investigación

El efecto de la reputación corporativa en la fidelización de los clientes de banca personal en Lima Metropolitana en el 2020 / The effect of corporate reputation on the loyalty of personal banking customers in Metropolitan Lima in 2020

Larriega Ortiz, Cesar David, Sánez Martinez, José Claudio 03 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar como la Reputación Corporativa afecta la fidelización de los clientes de banca personal, el cual se centra en el sector bancario, específicamente en los 4 principales bancos de Lima metropolitana que son: BBVA, BCP, INTERBANK y SCOTIABANK. El tipo de investigación que se utilizó tiene un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño experimental, descriptivo y correlacional. Para esta investigación participaron 309 encuestados, de los cuales, solo se tomó en cuenta a 300 encuestados debido a que solo ellos cumplieron con los filtros que se plantearon para el desarrollo de la encuesta. En la presente investigación se aplicó el indicador estadístico de coeficiente de “Rho de Spearman”, el cual mide el grado de correspondencia que existe entre los rangos. Asimismo, en la encuesta se utilizó la escala de “Likert” para las dos variables que se proponen, las cuales son: La Reputación Corporativa y la Fidelización del Cliente. Por otro lado, para validar las variables se usó el instrumento de confiabilidad “alfa de Cronbach”. Por último, la investigación generó resultados favorables que evidencian que la Reputación Corporativa afecta la fidelización de los clientes de banca personal a través de las dimensiones que componen cada variable. / The objective of this research was to determine how Corporate Reputation affects customer loyalty, focusing on the banking sector, mainly on the 4 main banks in metropolitan Lima which are: BBVA, BCP, INTERBANK and SCOTIABANK. The type of research is a quantitative approach with an experimental, descriptive and correlational design. For this research, 309 respondents participated, of which we only took 300 respondents because only they met the filters for our survey. In the present investigation, the statistical indicator Spearman Rho was applied, which measures the degree of correspondence that exists between the ranges. Likewise, in the part of the survey, the Likert scale was used for the two variables that are: Corporate Reputation and customer loyalty. On the other hand, to validate our variables we used the Cronbach's alpha reliability instrument. Consequently, the investigation generated favorable results that show that Corporate Reputation affects customer loyalty through the dimensions that make up each variable. / Tesis

Från leverans av paket till kundlojalitet : En kvantitativ studie om vilka leveransdimensioner som i förhållande till förtroende påverkar kundlojaliteten inom e-handeln. / From package delivery to customer loyalty : A quantitative study about which of the delivery dimensions in relation to trust affect customer loyalty in e-commerce.

Hanell, Malin, Wistedt, Ugné January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställning: Vilka leveransdimensioner är det som påverkar kundlojaliteten mot ett onlineföretag? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka leveransdimensioner det är som påverkar kundlojaliteten mot ett onlineföretag utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv. Denna studie ämnar att studera vilka leveransdimensioner som i förhållande till förtroende påverkar kundlojaliteten inom e-handeln. Metod: En kvantitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats genom en enkätundersökning med frågor ur tidigare forskning har utförts vid insamling av primärdata. En teorimodell med tillhörande hypoteser utformades utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram. Det totala urvalet inkluderade 255 respondenter varav 14 var bortfall. Resultatet analyserades genom korrelations- och multivariat regressionsanalys i IBM SPSS-Statistics. Slutsats: Studien visade att samtliga leveransdimensioner hade ett signifikant samband med kundlojalitet och förtroende utifrån korrelationsanalysen. I regressionsanalysen påvisades en indikation på ett kausalt samband mellan leveranstrovärdighet och kundlojalitet i förhållande till förtroende. Indikation på kausalitet framfördes även mellan hållbar leverans och kundlojalitet i förhållande till förtroende. Förtroendet visades vara avgörande för kundlojaliteten mot ett onlineföretag inom ett sammanhang med leveransdimensioner. Därmed visade studiens resultat att de leveransdimensioner som påverkar kundlojaliteten mot ett onlineföretag är leveranstrovärdighet och hållbar leverans. / Research question: Which of the delivery dimensions affect customer loyalty to an online company? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine which delivery dimensions affect customer loyalty to an online company from a consumer perspective. This study aims to study which delivery dimensions in relation to trust affect customer loyalty in e-commerce. Method: A quantitative research strategy with a deductive approach through a survey with questions from previous research has been executed when collecting primary data. A theoretical model with associated hypotheses was designed based on the study's theoretical frame. The total sample included 255 respondents of which 14 were not included. The results were analyzed through correlation and multivariate regression analysis in IBM SPSS-Statistics. Conclusion: The study showed that all delivery dimensions had a significant relationship with customer loyalty and trust based on the correlation analysis. The regression analysis showed an indication of a causal relationship between delivery reliability and customer loyalty in relation to trust. Indication of causality was also presented between green delivery and customer loyalty in relation to trust. Trust was shown to be crucial for customer loyalty to an online company in a context of delivery dimensions. Thus, the results of the study showed that the delivery dimensions that affect customer loyalty to an online company are delivery reliability and green delivery.

Märkeslojalitet inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : En kvalitativ studie om hur aktörerna i den svenska dagligvaruhandeln skapar och underhåller kundlojalitet

Östling Gran, Niklas, Milenov, Petar January 2021 (has links)
The grocery trade is part of the food industry, which is Sweden's third largest industry. It is obvious that it is an industry with a high market concentration where the market share of the three largest companies corresponds to almost 87%. In addition to the high concentration in the market, the industry is undergoing a structural change in new store formats that are more adapted to the customer's needs, among other things through geographical location, opening hours, service, price and design. Each individual has their own preferences when it comes to where to shop. At present, the supply of grocery stores is large and there is a tough level of competition throughout the country. It is therefore important for the various chains in the grocery trade to create and maintain a loyal customer base in order to remain relevant but also to survive the tough competition. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of which marketing techniques the various chains in the Swedish grocery trade use to create and maintain a loyal customer base. To be ableto investigate this, a qualitative study was conducted consisting of four interviews with three different chains. The respondents who have participated have either had a central and high-ranking role within the chain or in the stores. This is because it is important for the study that the respondents have insight into how the organization works. The chains that have participated are: ICA, Hemköp and Coop. Based on the theoretical framework and the empirical evidence that has been collected, ananalysis has been carried out in order to be able to draw a conclusion. The conclusion that is drawn is that there are many and important factors that come into play to maintain and create aloyal customer base. But the marketing technique that stands out and that is of utmost importanceis loyalty programs followed by customer relationship management, relationship management and corporate store image.

CRM i ett konkurrensutsatt monopol : En jämförande studie om arbetet med kundrelationer och kundlojalitet i spelbranschen

Stjepanovic, Zoran, Gustafsson, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Erfolgsfaktoren umweltgerechter Mobilitätsdienstleistungen: Einflussfaktoren auf Kundenbindung am Beispiel DB Carsharing und Call a Bike

Hoffmann, Christian 04 November 2010 (has links)
Ziel der dargestellten Arbeit ist es, aus psychologischer Perspektive Erfolgsfaktoren der Kundenbindung der neuen Mobilitätsdienstleistungen DB Carsharing (DBCS) und Call a Bike (CAB) zu identifizieren. Für die Diffusion dieser Dienstleistungen wurde untersucht, ob für „frühe Kunden“ bestimmte Produkteigenschaften wichtiger sind als für später hinzukommende Kunden. Hierfür war von Interesse, ob es Unterschiede in der Bewertung zentraler Produkteigenschaften von Carsharing bei innovativen und weniger innovativen Nutzern gibt. Als Grundlage der Arbeit wurde ein theoretisches Orientierungsmodell für eine Psychologie der Mobilitätsdienstleistung entwickelt. In diesem Modell wurden Forschungsergebnisse verschiedener Disziplinen in Bezug auf psychologische Faktoren zu Bedarf, Nutzung, Kundenbindung und Kündigung von Mobilitätsdienstleistungen integriert. Mit Expertenbefragungen wurden aus diesem Orientierungsmodell zwei vereinfachte Einflussmodelle für Einflussfaktoren auf Kundenbindung bei Carsharing und Call a Bike (CAB) entwickelt (Basismodell und erweitertes Modell). Eine zentrale Vermutung dieser Einflussmodelle war, dass die Varianz der Kundenbindung mit Prozessen der Wahrnehmung und Bewertung zentraler Eigenschaften der Dienstleistungen DB Carsharing und Call a Bike erklärt werden kann. Diese Eigenschaften sind: wahrgenommene Nutzerfreundlichkeit, Preiswahrnehmung, wahrgenommene Autonomie durch die Nutzung von Carsharing / Call a Bike und wahrgenommene Umweltfreundlichkeit. Ferner wurde ein Einfluss der bisherigen PKW-Nutzung vermutet. Zur Überprüfung der entwickelten Einflussmodelle wurden Strukturgleichungsmodelle berechnet. Alle Skalen der untersuchten Modelle wurden in enger Anlehnung an bestehende Untersuchungen und unter Zuhilfenahme von Expertenurteilen neu entwickelt bzw. an den Untersuchungsgegenstand angepasst. Insgesamt waren die untersuchten Modelle gut an die Daten angepasst (gute Fit-Statistiken) - es ließen sich in den verschiedenen Stichproben jeweils über 50% der Varianz des Faktors Kundenbindung über die Variablen wahrgenommene Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Preiswahrnehmung erklären, als vermittelnde Variable wirkte jeweils die Kundenzufriedenheit: a) Ein vereinfachtes Basismodel konnte an zwei unabhängigen Stichproben von DB Carsharing-Nutzern (n=166 bzw. n=151) bestätigt werden (wahrgenommene Nutzerfreundlichkeit und Preiswahrnehmung als Einflussfaktoren). b) Dieses vereinfachte Modell konnte ferner an einer geteilten Stichprobe (n=248 und n=255) von CAB-Nutzern validiert werden. c) Ein exploratives Modell (Erweitertes Modell) mit den zusätzlichen Variablen PKW-Nutzung, wahrgenommene Autonomie und Ökologische Einstellungen konnte in einer Stichprobe von n=151 Carsharing-Nutzern nur teilweise bestätigt werden. Zwei der angenommenen Einflussfaktoren – Umweltbewusstsein und PKW-Nutzung – zeigten nicht die erwarteten Zusammenhänge. In einem weiteren Schritt wurde untersucht, ob innovativere Nutzer DB Carsharing anders bewerten als weniger innovative Nutzer. Mit dem vorab entwickelten Modell wurden Unterschiede in der Gewichtung der einzelnen Einflussfaktoren auf Kundenbindung bei innovativeren und weniger innovativen Nutzern untersucht. Die hierfür genutzten Innovatoren-Skalen wurden in einer Studie mit hochmobilen Verkehrsteilnehmern entwickelt (n=562) und in drei unabhängigen Stichproben überprüft (n=144, n=151 und n=292). Es konnten in einer Stichprobe von n=166 DBCS-Nutzern signifikante Unterschiede in der Bewertung des Basismodells zwischen innovativeren und weniger innovativen Nutzern nachgewiesen werden. In einer anderen Stichprobe mit n=151 Nutzern von DB Carsharing konnten ebenfalls signifikante Unterschiede in der Bewertung des explorativen Modells durch innovativere und weniger innovative Nutzer gezeigt werden: Während bei innovativeren Nutzern wahrgenommene Autonomie und Nutzerfreundlichkeit entsprechend den Modellannahmen einen stärkeren Einfluss auf Kundenbindung hatten, war es bei weniger innovativen Nutzern die Preiswahrnehmung.

Strategic Managerial Responses to Critical Service Events in Restaurants

Edwards, Douglas Grant 01 January 2016 (has links)
Inappropriate managerial responses to critical service events (CSEs) in restaurants contribute to an increased rate of customer defection and restaurant failure. Some restaurant managers lack employee-training strategies that may enhance service recovery from CSEs. This case study explored what employee-training strategies participants deemed essential to enhance service recovery to CSEs. The population for this study was restaurant managers from a U.S. regional chain in South Carolina with at least 3 years of employee-training experience. Organizational learning theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data collection included semistructured face-to-face interviews with restaurant managers and an exploration of company archival documents related to CSEs. Using Yin's 5 step data analysis method (i.e. compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding), 3 major themes emerged: customer needs and requests, which included the importance of listening to customers and affirming their requests; employee actions and attitudes, which included opinions about the ideal employee demonstrating a great attitude when correcting mistakes; and training, which included multiple methods to improve employee performance through continuous training. Recommendations for action included how to instruct employees to listen, apologize, solve problems, and thank customers. Restaurant managers may apply these results to improve service quality and customer experiences. Social implications include strategies to create positive experiences for employees and customers enhancing community employment and business sustainability.

Closed Loop Satisfaction Measurement: New Wine from Old Bottles

O'Connell, Michael Thomas 01 January 2011 (has links)
A field experiment examines within a financial services firm the impact of a customer satisfaction survey-based intervention that enables front-line employees to identify and contact less-than satisfied customers (less than 9 on a 10-point scale) to proactively prevent potential customer defections. The impact is measured using operational data from 28,000 new customers and their associated defection behavior over a period of eight years. The experiment applies binomial Z-tests of proportions to assess the difference in defection rates of targeted and non-targeted customers before and after the intervention. The research finds that the use of closed loop satisfaction measurement reduces customer defections (by 40%, p>.001). Further, the research finds that the primary reduction is for non-targeted customers rather than for targeted customers, contrary to expectations. The research also provides additional support for the 'service recovery paradox' wherein customers who are less-than satisfied who are satisfactorily resolved have reduced defection rates compared to customers that are satisfied (by 47%, p=.016). The primary limitation of the research is its reliance on data from a single company. Another limitation is the potentially confounding impact of the Great Recession on defections during the study period, which could threaten the validity of the analysis. Consequently, additional tests were performed to control for this and other potentially confounding factors. These tests show that the Great Recession and the host company's cost cutting reactions did impact defections and therefore data from these periods were eliminated from the analyses. The primary theoretical contributions are the use of actual customer defections to measure the impacts and the use of a proactive rather than a reactive intervention. The contribution from a practitioner perspective is the relatively low cost of this intervention for improving customer retention.

Negativ word-of-mouths påverkan på kundlojalitet : En kvantitativ studie om kundlojlaitet till snabbmatskedjor / Negative word-of-mouths effect on customer loyalty : A quantitative study about customer loyalty towards fast-food chains

Brännkärr, Esther, Winberg, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Kundlojalitet är viktigt för företags framgång då det medför återkommande kunder. Negativ word-of-mouth (NWOM) är något som kan påverka kundlojaliteten och därför är det intressant att studera förhållandet mellan dessa. Därav är syftet med denna studie att bidra med kunskap om negativ word-of-mouths påverkan på kundlojaliteten gentemot snabbmatskedjor. Denna studies forskningsfrågor är “Hur och i vilken utsträckning påverkar negativ word-of-mouth kundlojaliteten gentemot snabbmatskedjor?” samt “Hur påverkar negativ word-of-mouth attitydbaserad- respektive beteendebaserad lojalitet gentemot snabbmatskedjor?”. Metod: Vi har i denna studie haft ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt och genomfört en kvantitativ undersökning. Dataunderlaget till studien har samlats in genom enkäter som skickats ut via sociala plattformar. Totalt har 318 enkätsvar inkommit vilka har kodats och analyserats. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie tyder på att NWOM har effekt på kundlojaliteten, dock i liten utsträckning. Vidare framkommer det att både den attitydbaserade- och den beteendebaserade lojaliteten har förändrats. Men att den attitydbaserade lojaliteten har minskat mer än den beteendebaserade lojaliteten till följd av NWOM. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med kunskap om NWOM och dess påverkan på kundlojalitet inom snabbmatsbranschen. Denna studies resultat visar att kundlojalitet påverkas negativt av NWOM, dock i lite utsträckning. Detta stämmer överens med tidigare studier som har gjorts inom området. Resultatet indikerar vidare att både den attitydbaserade- och beteendebaserade lojaliteten påverkas av NWOM, samt att det finns ett samband mellan den attitydbaserade- och beteendebaserade lojaliteten. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett förslag till fortsatt forskning är att genomföra en liknande studie som denna studie men att den studien istället handlar om en annan form av snabbmatskedjor. Ett annat förslag till fortsatt forskning är att fokusera på attitydbaserad- och beteendebaserad lojalitet samt hur dessa påverkas av NWOM. / Aim: Customer loyalty is important for companies because it results in returning customers. Negative word-of-mouth (NWOM) can affect customer loyalty and therefore it is interesting to examine the relationship between the two. Therefore, the aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about word-of-mouths effect on customer loyalty towards fast-food chains. This study's research questions are “How and to what extent does negative word-of-mouth affect customer loyalty towards fast-food chains?” and “How does negative word-of-mouth affect attitudinal and behavioral loyalty towards fast-food chains?”.  Method: In this study we had a deductive approach and have done a quantitative analysis. The data for the study has been collected through surveys that have been distributed via social platforms. A total of 318 survey answers have been received which have been coded and analyzed. The statistical program SPSS was used to analyze the data.  Result and Conclusions: The result of this study shows that NWOM influences customer loyalty, but to a small extent. Furthermore, the results show that both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty has changed. But the attitudinal loyalty has decreased more than the behavioral loyalty because of NWOM. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes with knowledge about NWOM and its effect on customer loyalty in the fast-food industry. The result of this study shows that customer loyalty is negatively affected by NWOM, but to a small extent. This result corresponds with previous studies that have been done within this field. The result also shows that both the attitudinal and behavioral loyalty is affected by NWOM, and that there is a relationship between attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Suggestions for future research: A proposal for future research is to do a similar study but to examine another form of fast-food chain. Another proposal for future research is to focus on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty and how they are affected by NWOM.

Syftesdriven marknadsföring : Autenticitet, den viktiga faktorn inom syftesdriven marknadsföring för att åstadkomma kundlojalitet?

Beharic, Melisa, Dal, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
With the changing market-place and new marketing methods, societal issues are becoming increasingly important within the companies internal and external operations. Consumers today place higher demands on the market, which requires companies to be adaptable in order to survive. Companies can thus, through purpose-driven marketing, show that they contribute to the benefit of society. Authenticity and customer loyalty are two concepts that will be central and significant for marketing and consumption. There is minimal research on purpose-driven marketing from a consumer perspective. In addition, there is a lack of research on whether this is perceived as credible and the effect it has on loyal customers. The study will thus be based on purpose-driven marketing, authenticity and customer loyalty. For this study, a qualitative research method has been applied to answer the phenomenon presented above. Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The study has managed secondary data in terms of previous research which concerns the present subject. The study concluded the following: Authenticity is considered a factor that can strengthen or distinguish purpose-driven marketing. Authenticity affects customer loyalty when it reflects consumer values and that the trademark is well established. Authenticity does not affect customer loyalty because it is not important to the consumer, purchases will still be made. Word-of-Mouth plays a crucial role in consumers perceptions of brands, which affects how authenticity is interpreted and loyalty is maintained.

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