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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotels in Pretoria

Madhovi, Previledge Garikai 30 June 2014 (has links)
This study is set out to assess the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotel industry. Relying on the integration of several CRM scholars, the study seeks to answer questions about the relationship between CRM and performance. A mixed research method approach was adopted. The research targeted 106 hotels in Pretoria. 47 responses were received from the hotel personnel who answered the questionnaire. The findings of the survey clearly indicate that hotel performance is dependent on CRM, as shown in the variance of performance levels in line with the level of CRM practised by a specific, named hotel. The study further suggests that hotels’ management should continuously embark on various CRM practices in order to improve their performance. Responses will be captured and analysed using the SPSS computer software. The results will be subjected to quantitative data analysis. It is expected that the findings will highlight important implications for hotels and other hospitality and tourism stakeholders in Pretoria and beyond. Stakeholders wishing to improve their understanding of the effectiveness of CRM in hotels will find this study helpful. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)


吳林興 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上透過行銷研究,如設計問卷透過市場調查、問卷調查等等活動來取得消費者資訊,但在資訊化的時代,利用POS系統所收集到且存在於資料庫中的銷售資料,忠實紀錄所有消費者的消費行為,其中亦隱含著消費者對品牌忠誠度、產品偏好性、價格敏感度等等消費行為。藉由著這些基礎,可進一步探索顧客輪廓(Customer Profile)、顧客忠誠度(Customer Loyalty)及顧客保留率(Customer Retention),同時預測未來各種行銷活動的可能結果;進而擴大其應用範圍,進行新客源、新產品的開發工作。本研究以資料庫行銷、資料探勘等等理論基礎、統計學技術等等方法,以居家用品業為例,進行資料庫行銷(Database Marketing)的實證工作。實證資料來源為「生活工場」連鎖居家用品店現有之基本資料。並以此資料為基礎,探究顧客購買的消費特性,並以其類別、系列分析其產品關聯性審視其產品組合類別。另外一方面,利用資料庫中的銷售資料及VIP基本資料,以RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary)顧客分群方法,分離出不同的顧客族群,並在每一個族群中作交差比對(Cross-Checking),探究各族群的顧客輪廓及其消費特徵。利用門市基本資料、銷售明細資料等,分析出地域消費特徵。最後,再以金卡、貴賓卡、生活卡三大族群的消費特性及與RFM族群之交差比對,並計算出不同卡別的顧客終身價值(Customer Lifetime Value, CLV),以期提供「生活工場」與國內連鎖零售體系之產業,未來在對顧客關係經營之參考。 / In tradition, marketing research acquires the information of consumers through questionnaire design, marketing survey, etc. However, in the information age, the POS system is capable to collect the sales information and record them in the data base. It precisely records the consumer behaviors which include the brand loyalty, product preference and price sensitivity. Based on the information, it could more deeply discover the customer profile, customer loyalty and customer retention. It can also forecast the possibility of marketing event for the future and expand to other applications such as new customer creation and new product development. This research, based on the theory of database marketing, data mining methodology and statistic technology, substantiates database marketing in a case study of a home center. Actual data are provided by Working House, a home center chain store. Those data bases establish a foundation of exploring the consumer purchasing characteristic, analyzing series of product classifications and examining the product association and combination. On the other hand, based on the sales information and VIP database, RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary) is utilized to cluster customer segments and research the customer profiling and shopping characteristic by cross checking each shopping group. Data from store locations and sales information are thus employed to explore the geographic characteristic of shoppers. In conclusion, based on the usage data of Gold Card, VIP Card, and Working House Card and cross checks with RFM clustering groups, the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) of each card will be calculated and accumulated to provide Working House and other retailers the reference for managing customer relationship in the future.

體驗行銷策略研究-以好市多(Costco)為例 / The Study of experiential marketing strategy: The case of costco

許泓祺, Hsu, Hong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
與傳統行銷相反,Schmitt(1999)提出的體驗行銷將焦點放在顧客體驗上,提供知覺的、情感的、認知的、行為的以及關係的價值來取代功能價值,不同於商品與服務停留在顧客之外,體驗可以深入到顧客的內在,並將其價值持續的延續,有助於品牌的記憶與區隔。 本研究以好市多(Costco)做為研究案例,透過質化與量化研究探討策略體驗模組SEMs(感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯策略模組)、體驗價值(投資報酬、卓越服務、美感、趣味性價值)、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度間之關係,並提出實務的建言。 研究結果發現如下: 一、透過適當的「策略體驗模組」可正向強化不同構面的「體驗價值」。 二、「策略體驗模組」五個構面以及「體驗價值」四個構面皆可正向強化「顧客滿意度」。 三、關聯體驗、情感體驗、行動體驗都可以影響忠誠度,「關聯體驗」訴求品牌社群的意識與凝聚對「顧客忠誠度」影響力最大。 四、體驗價值中僅有「美感價值」無法影響「顧客忠誠度」,剩餘構面中影響力最大則是「趣味性價值」。 五、顧客滿意度可以有效預測顧客忠誠度。 / Different from traditional marketing theory, experiential marketing (Schmitt 1999) focuses on customer experience, offering customer the value of sense, feel, think, act & relate to take place of traditional marketing functional value. Products & services can only touch customers’ outside, but experience can go inside customers’ hearts, and the value of experience will last for a very long time. To use experiential marketing well will help enterprise brand outperform others and memorized by customers. This research uses Costco as the case to study the relationship of SEMs(Sense, Feel, Think, Act & Relate), experiential value(CROI, Service Excellence, Aesthetics, & Playfulness), customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Also at the end, this research will offer practical suggestions to Costco. Our findings as following: 1.By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence all aspects of experiential value. 2.All five modules of SEMs and four aspects of experiential value can positive predict or influence customer satisfaction. 3.Relate, Feel, & Act modules can positively predict or influence customer loyalty. Relate module appealing to the coherence of brand community is the most important factor to predict customer loyalty. 4.Only Aesthetics can’t positively predict customer loyalty. For the rest, Playfulness is the most important factor to influence customer loyalty. 5.Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty.

Assessing the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotels in Pretoria

Madhovi, Previledge Garikai 30 June 2014 (has links)
This study is set out to assess the effectiveness of customer relationship management (CRM) in the hotel industry. Relying on the integration of several CRM scholars, the study seeks to answer questions about the relationship between CRM and performance. A mixed research method approach was adopted. The research targeted 106 hotels in Pretoria. 47 responses were received from the hotel personnel who answered the questionnaire. The findings of the survey clearly indicate that hotel performance is dependent on CRM, as shown in the variance of performance levels in line with the level of CRM practised by a specific, named hotel. The study further suggests that hotels’ management should continuously embark on various CRM practices in order to improve their performance. Responses will be captured and analysed using the SPSS computer software. The results will be subjected to quantitative data analysis. It is expected that the findings will highlight important implications for hotels and other hospitality and tourism stakeholders in Pretoria and beyond. Stakeholders wishing to improve their understanding of the effectiveness of CRM in hotels will find this study helpful. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

Segmentering och målgrupper inom gymbranschen : En kvalitativ studie kring gymmens kundlojalitet samt åtgärder för gymkedjor för ökad kundlojalitet i strävan mot lönsamma kundrelationer

Gustavsson, Christoffer, Alaniva, Jussi January 2018 (has links)
The current health trend in Sweden has created a gym industry where the competition hardens for each day. Dominant actors fight for customers and the customers are many. The basic need of being psychically active is with each individual and therefore everyone, in theory becomes potential customers for the gyms. The gyms targets the widest of target groups and invite with slogans like workout for everyone. However, there are problem with maintaining customers who refrain from training or completely leaving the membership. The purpose of this study is to investigate how gyms present segmentation strategy creates disloyal customers who abandon the gym despite their individual needs and how gym can through segmentation measures create more profitable relationships with more loyal customers.The method used for this was based on interviews with two groups, the non-loyal customers and the gyms as well as an content analysis of the gyms own communication. The result from the study shows a number of gaps when it comes to the communicated target groups versus which resources are put on the operational work from gym. The study's conclusion is that the current segmentation strategy does not justify the stated target group, but instead shows obvious deficiencies which lead to non loyal customers to an excessive extent. Instead a number of measures with a focus on inclusion and focus are presented

Hur ska klädexponeringen se ut i den perfekta webbshoppen? / How does the presentation of clothes look like in the perfect web shop?

KJELIN, MARIA, ÖSTLUND, EMELIE January 2011 (has links)
I dagens samhälle handlar det om att vara så effektiv som möjligt för att vinna tid. Som Benjamin Franklin en gång sa att ”Tid är pengar”, är något som vi människor allt mer tagit fasta på då vi ställer höga krav på utvecklingen och dess teniska förmågor. Idag har de flesta människor tillgång till en dator med internetuppkoppling som vi dagligen utför sysslor vid. Det kan vara allt ifrån jobbrelaterade aktiviteter, hålla kontakten med nära och kära, söka information om vad som händer i världen och i vår omgivning, till mer nöjesinriktade delar såsom online spel och shopping. Just shopping via internet är något som vuxit väldigt mycket under det senaste årtiondet, de flesta människor idag har förmodligen någon gång köpt något via nätet eller haft tanke på att göra det. Syftet med denna uppsats är att uppmärksamma de säljfrämjande exponeringsverktyg som kunden anser bör finnas med i produktinformationen på webbutikerna för att de ska leda till ett köp hos dem. Detta för att öka kundnöjdheten online. Visionen är att öka förståelsen kring den produktinformation som konsumenten behöver för att kunna känna sig trygg i att handla kläder på internet. Vår kvantitativa undersökning ämnades för målgruppen män och kvinnor i åldrarna 18-35 år men den gemensamma nämnaren av intresset att handla kläder på internet. Undersökningen behandlade frågor som rör exponeringsverktygen på webben. Vi frågade hur respondenterna upplever de säljverktyg som finns idag, de utvecklingsmöjligheter vi funnit som finns inom klädexponeringen samt om de svarande själva hade idéer eller förslag på vad de skulle vilja se i produktinformationen i den perfekta webbutiken. De slutsatser som kunde dras utav vår studie var att en utveckling av de säljfrämjande exponeringsverktygen är önskad av våra respondenter då intresset för att handla kläder via internet är stort. För att konsumenten ska kunna känna sig säker när denne handlar kläder på internet bör webbutikerna arbeta med att skapa den befintliga produktinformationen så lik en fysisk klädexponering som möjligt. Detta kan uppnås genom utvecklingsmöjligheter såsom modeller med olika kroppsformer, virtuell 3D docka enligt egen längd, vikt och mått, virtuell butik samt omfattande produktinformation och högupplösta bilder.Today´s society is all about being as efficient as possible to win time. Benjamin Franklin once said “Time is money”. This is something we human beings have taken seriously as we raise our demand for development and its technological abilities. Today most people have access to a computer with wireless Internet connection from where they perform different chores. It could be anything from work related activities, staying in contact with loved ones, searching information about what’s going on in the world and in our surroundings, to more entertainment-oriented activities such as online games and shopping. Shopping online is something that has grown fast in the fashion industry in the last decade, and most people today have probably bought something or at least have thought of doing so.The purpose of this essay is to highlight the sales promoting exposure tools which the consumer find necessary in the product information found in web shops to lead them to purchase. This is to increase customer satisfaction online. Our aim is to increase the understanding of what the customer needs in form of product information to feel safe when buying clothes on the Internet.Our quantitative study is based on men and women aged 18-53 with a common interest in buying clothes on the Internet. The research deals with questions regarding exposure tools on the web. We asked the respondents how they perceived existing sales tools, the potentials for development in clothing exposure that we found and also if the respondents themselves had any ideas of what they would like to see included in the product information in the perfect web store.The conclusion we could draw from our study was that sales promoting exposure tools are needed by our respondents since the interest in buying clothes online is great. In order to make the customer feel sure when buying clothes on the Internet the web shops ought to work towards making the product information as similar to a physical exposure of the clothes as possible.This can be achieved through new developments such as models of various body types, virtual 3D dolls according to the consumers own measurements and weight, virtual stores and through comprehensive product information and high definition images. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode

Fastighetsmäklarens lojala kundbank : Hur en fastighetsmäklare uppfattar och skapar kundlojalitet / The Real Estate Broker's loyal clientele : How a Real Estate Broker interpret and creates customer loyalty

Fazlic, Selma, Lavén, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats var att undersöka hur aktivt arbetande fastighetsmäklare uppfattar och skapar kundlojalitet under en fastighetsförsäljning. Eftersom det enligt forskning inte finns någon samstämmig definition av kundlojalitet eller ett ramverk för att skapa det så bör fenomenet undersökas branschvis, i detta fall inom fastighetsbranschen. Detta gjordes för att försöka klargöra osäkerheterna kring det lojalitetsskapande arbetet. Det teoretiska ramverket bestod av forskning kring fenomenets innebörd samt vilka egenskaper som en tjänsteförmedlare bör besitta. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa intervjuer som utfördes på åtta fastighetsmäklare från olika marknader i Sverige. Teorin och empirin visar sambandet mellan kundlojalitet, kundnöjdhet och image - ett samband som skulle kunna undersökas ytterligare i fortsatt forskning med denna studies resultat som grund. De lojalitetsbyggande egenskaperna som värderades högst var kontinuerlig kommunikation, engagemang, lyhördhet och anpassning efter kunden. Eftersom mäklartjänsten alltid i grunden innehåller detsamma så var det enligt respondenterna viktigt att mäklaren utmärker sig på ett personligt plan för att ha chansen till en bred och lojal kundbank. Inför framtida forskning kan denna studie användas för att fortsätta skapa en större insikt i hur andra fastighetsförmedlare eller tjänsteleverantörer uppfattar och skapar kundlojalitet. Ytterligare avgränsningar och fler resurser skulle kunna skapa en mer omfattande studie kring ämnet. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to investigate how active-working real estate brokers’ interpret and creates customer loyalty during a property sale. According to research there is no unanimous definition of customer loyalty or a framework for creating it. Therefore the phenomenon should be investigated in various industries, in this case within the real estate industry. This was done to try to clarify the uncertainties about the loyalty-creating work. The theoretical framework consisted of research on the meaning of the phenomenon and what characteristics a service broker should possess. The method used was qualitative interviews conducted on eight real estate brokers’ from different markets in Sweden. Theory and empirics showed the relationship between customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and image - a connection that can be further investigated in future research with the results of this study as a foundation. The most highly valued loyalty-building qualities were continuous communication, dedication, responsiveness and customization to the customer. As the brokerage service always contains the same, it was according to the respondents important that the broker distinguish in a personal way to get the chance of a broad and loyal clientele. For future research, this study can be used to continue to create a broader insight into how other real estate brokers’ or service providers’ interpret and creates customer loyalty. Further delimitations and more resources could create a more comprehensive study on the subject.

Exploring factors that influence South African tertiary students to participate in retail loyalty programmes

Le Roux, Zandri 02 1900 (has links)
The average South African tertiary student spends more than the average South African individual each month, making them a valuable market to be understood by retailers. One technique retailers use to differentiate themselves from the increased competition is by relationship marketing through loyalty programmes. Research on the topic of loyalty programmes increased rapidly over the last decade. The problem, however, is that the majority of past research on the subject of loyalty programmes only focused on what happens after customers have already joined a loyalty programme. Little research exists regarding the factors that influence subject participation in loyalty programmes. Furthermore, to date no research study has investigated factors that might influence loyalty programme participation among South African students. The purpose of this study was to understand the tertiary student market by building on the research of De Wulf et al. (2013:69-83) as a vital study to explore factors that might influence them to participate in retail loyalty programmes. An exploratory study was conducted, in which data was collected from students studying at Pearson Institute of Higher Education/ CTI Pretoria by means of self-administered questionnaires. The study followed a quantitative research approach, in order to satisfy the research objectives. The results of the study indicate that the top four characteristics most likely to influence students to participate in a retail loyalty programme, include: a loyalty programme where you receive immediate discounts on certain items at purchase; a loyalty programme that allows you to use your loyalty card at more than one retailer; a loyalty programme with unlimited duration on the usage of benefits or rewards; a loyalty programme that rewards you by giving immediate benefits. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係-交易成本理論觀點 / The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty---From the Viewpoint of Transaction Cost Theory

黃珮婷, Huang, Pei-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在競爭日益激烈、資訊日益複雜的市場環境下,廠商往往已經做到了使顧客滿意,卻仍留不住顧客,因此,近來廠商所一直追求的目標便是對於品牌的忠誠度;而本研究主要是在探討怎麼樣的情況會造成顧客的滿意?怎麼樣的滿意才會造成顧客在態度上的忠誠?態度忠誠與行為忠誠之間的關係為何?並試著以交易成本理論的三個構面︰「市場資訊的複雜度」、「消費者對該公司的信任度」、「資產專屬性」來解釋滿意度、態度忠誠與行為忠誠之間的關係。整合以上研究架構,建立一整體概念模型,以一知名化妝品品牌VIP資料庫為研究對象,分別對續卡會員以及未續卡會員做研究,了解顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係以及兩群VIP之不同。 由實證結果可以了解不論是續卡會員或是未續卡會員,對於產品的失驗與消費者對該公司的信任度皆會影響產品的滿意度,而產品滿意度、服務品質與消費者對該公司的信任度也都會影響對該公司的整體滿意度,整體滿意度、消費者對該公司的信任度以及資產專屬性則會影響顧客的態度忠誠。 而續卡會員與公司之間所建立的專屬資產越多,續卡會員在行為上就越忠誠;未續卡會員則是從態度忠誠去影響行為上的忠誠,而且市場資訊的複雜度則會從影響未續卡會員的整體滿意度,並由整體滿意度去影響態度忠誠,進而再自態度忠誠影響其行為忠誠,也就是說,在各種因素影響下,未續卡會員的態度越忠誠,行為也會越忠誠。 根據實證所得結果,提供業者如何創造顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的建議。

服務創新與體驗行銷對提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度的探討---以安麗公司為例 / A study of service innovation, experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty:based on amway taiwan company

陳淑敏 Unknown Date (has links)
自2004年開始安麗公司陸續在全台各地成立『體驗中心』,此舉可說是多層次傳銷事業的創舉,不但是全新概念,直銷商與顧客皆可在此體驗中心內試用、體驗與購買安麗公司各項商品,目前也受到許多會員的好評。 本研究以安麗體驗中心最重要的兩項元素『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』,作為研究內涵,以瞭解安麗體驗中心在『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』上對『顧客滿意度』與『顧客忠誠度』之間的關係。本研究以『問卷調查法』進行,並輔以『焦點訪談』。問卷於台北地區直銷商中心進行發放,發放對象為事業型直銷商、一般直銷商與消費型顧客;共發出600份,最後回收510份,整體問卷信度達.974。焦點訪談部分,則訪談安麗事業型直銷商8人,及兩位安麗公司高階主管。研究結果顯示,受訪者認為安麗公司不論在服務創新、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度上都具有良好表現。且透過相關分析與迴歸分析也可看出會員認為服務創新程度越高,越能提高滿意度與忠誠度;同樣地,體驗行銷程度越高,滿意度與忠誠度也越高。透過焦點訪談,也看出受訪者對於安麗公司在服務創新與體驗行銷上都具有高滿意度,也建議安麗公司能充分利用體驗中心的場地,舉辦更多讓消費者能實際參與的活動。 / Since 2004, Amway has been implementing a pioneering initiative by establishing the Amway Experience Centers (AEC) around Taiwan, introducing a brand new concept into the multi-level marketing business. Distributors and customers can try, experience and purchase various Amway products at the AEC. So far, the AEC has received many favorable views from Amway members. This study explores the two most important elements of the AEC – service innovation and experiential marketing, in order to gain a picture of the relationship between the service innovation and experiential marketing of the AEC and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Amway. The study was conducted with the method of questionnaire survey, complemented with focus interviews. The questionnaires were delivered at the Distributor Centers in Taipei area, aiming at career-type distributors, general distributors and consumer-type customers. Totally, 600 questionnaires were delivered, among which 510 were collected ultimately, reaching a total questionnaire reliability of .974. In the part of focus interviews, 8 career-type distributors and 2 Amway executives were interviewed. Findings of the study show that all interviewees gave a high opinion of the performance of Amway in terms of service innovation, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, through regression analysis and other related analyses, it can be seen that Amway members think that the better the performance of service innovation, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty, similarly, the better the performance of experiential marketing, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through focus interviews, it can be seen that the interviewees have very high satisfaction with Amway’s performance on service innovation and experiential marketing. They also suggested that Amway make full use of the AEC to hold more activities that are suitable for consumers to participate in.

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