Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cytoskeleton"" "subject:"zytoskeleton""
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A Cdc42- and Rac-interactive binding (CRIB) domain mediates functions of coroninSwaminathan, Karthic, Müller-Taubenberger, A., Faix, J., Rivero, F., Noegel, A.A. 28 February 2020 (has links)
Yes / The Cdc42- and Rac-interactive binding motif (CRIB) of coronin binds to Rho GTPases with a preference for GDP-loaded Rac. Mutation of the Cdc42- and Rac-interactive binding motif abrogates Rac binding. This results in increased 1evels of activated Rac in coronin-deficient Dictyostelium cells (corA−), which impacts myosin II assembly. corA− cells show increased accumulation of myosin II in the cortex of growth-phase cells. Myosin II assembly is regulated by myosin heavy chain kinase–mediated phosphorylation of its tail. Kinase activity depends on the activation state of the p21-activated kinase a. The myosin II defect of corA− mutant is alleviated by dominant-negative p21-activated kinase a. It is rescued by wild-type coronin, whereas coronin carrying a mutated Cdc42- and Rac-interactive binding motif failed to rescue the myosin defect in corA− mutant cells. Ectopically expressed myosin heavy chain kinases affinity purified from corA− cells show reduced kinase activity. We propose that coronin through its affinity for GDP–Rac regulates the availability of GTP–Rac for activation of downstream effectors. / This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Sonderforschungsbereich 670 (SFB 670) and Köln Fortune (to A.A.N.). A.M.-T. acknowledges support by the SFB 914, and J.F. acknowledges support by Grant FA330/6-1 within the framework of the DFG priority programme “Principles and Evolution of Actin Nucleator Complexes” (SPP1464). Work in F.R. lab is supported by grants from the Hull York Medical School.
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The WAVE Regulatory Complex Is Required to Balance Protrusion and Adhesion in MigrationWhitelaw, J.A., Swaminathan, Karthic, Kage, F., Machesky, L.M. 12 July 2020 (has links)
Yes / Cells migrating over 2D substrates are required to polymerise actin at the leading edge to form lamellipodia protrusions and nascent adhesions to anchor the protrusion to the substrate. The major actin nucleator in lamellipodia formation is the Arp2/3 complex, which is activated by the WAVE regulatory complex (WRC). Using inducible Nckap1 floxed mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), we confirm that the WRC is required for lamellipodia formation, and importantly, for generating the retrograde flow of actin from the leading cell edge. The loss of NCKAP1 also affects cell spreading and focal adhesion dynamics. In the absence of lamellipodium, cells can become elongated and move with a single thin pseudopod, which appears devoid of N-WASP. This phenotype was more prevalent on collagen than fibronectin, where we observed an increase in migratory speed. Thus, 2D cell migration on collagen is less dependent on branched actin.
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The Generation of Recombinant Zea mays Spastin and Katanin Proteins for In Vitro AnalysisAlodailah, Sattam Sonitan 12 1900 (has links)
Plant microtubules play essential roles in cell processes such as cell division, cell elongation, and organelle organization. Microtubules are arranged in highly dynamic and ordered arrays, but unlike animal cells, plant cells lack centrosomes. Therefore, microtubule nucleation and organization are governed by microtubule-associated proteins, including a microtubule-severing protein, katanin. Mutant analysis and in vitro characterization has shown that the highly conserved katanin is needed for the organization of the microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis and rice as well as in a variety of animal models. Katanin is a protein complex that is part of the AAA+ family of ATPases. Katanin is composed of two subunits, katanin-p60, a catalytic subunit and katanin-p80, a regulatory subunit. Spastin is another MT-severing protein that was identified on the basis of its homology to katanin. In animal cells, spastin is also needed for microtubule organization, but its functionality has not yet been investigated in plants. To initiate an exploration of the function of katanin-p60 and spastin in Zea mays, my research goal was to generate tools for the expression and purification of maize katanin-p60 and spastin proteins in vitro. Plasmids that express katanin-p60 and spastin with N-terminal GST tags were designed and constructed via In-Fusion® cloning after traditional cloning methods were not successful. The constructs were expressed in E. coli, then the recombinant proteins were purified. To determine if the GST-tagged proteins are functional, ATPase activity and tubulin polymerization assays were performed. While both GST-katanin-p60 and GST-spastin hydrolyzed ATP indicating that the ATPase domains are functional, the results of the tubulin polymerization assays were less clear and further experimentation is necessary.
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The Arp2/3 complex is critical for colonisation of the mouse skin by melanoblastsPapalazarou, V., Swaminathan, Karthic, Farah, J.-H., Spence, H., Lahmann, I., Nixon, C., Salmeron-Sanchez, M., Arnold, H.-H., Rottner, K., Machesky, L.M. 20 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / The Arp2/3 complex is essential for the assembly of branched filamentous actin but its role in physiology and development is surprisingly little understood. Melanoblasts deriving from the neural crest migrate along the developing embryo and traverse the dermis to reach the epidermis colonising the skin and eventually homing within the hair follicles. We have previously established that Rac1 and Cdc42 direct melanoblast migration in vivo We hypothesised that the Arp2/3 complex might be the main downstream effector of these small GTPases. Arp3 depletion in the melanocyte lineage results in severe pigmentation defects in dorsal and ventral regions of the mouse skin. Arp3 null melanoblasts demonstrate proliferation and migration defects and fail to elongate as their wild-type counterparts. Conditional deletion of Arp3 in primary melanocytes causes improper proliferation, spreading, migration and adhesion to extracellular matrix. Collectively, our results suggest that the Arp2/3 complex is absolutely indispensable in the melanocyte lineage in mouse development, and indicate a significant role in developmental processes that require tight regulation of actin-mediated motility. / Cancer Research UK, (A180076), Medical Research Council (MR/R017255/1), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P001114/1), Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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Estudo das propriedades mecânicas das células de músculo liso vascular em situações fisiológicas e patológicas / Study of the mechanical properties of vascular smooth muscle cells under physiological and pathological situationsDinardo, Carla Luana 02 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: As células do músculo liso vascular (CMLV) são quiescentes nos vasos adultos, com baixa capacidade de migração e de secreção de matriz extracelular, caracterizando fenótipo contrátil. Evidências apontam para a heterogeneidade fenotípica das CMLV ao longo da árvore arterial: há distribuição heterogênea de doenças e de resposta a determinadas drogas nos diferentes vasos, além de variabilidade de expressão dos genes de proteínas contráteis de músculo liso entre eles. O papel das CMLV, em fase adulta, é classicamente descrito como restrito à regulação do tônus de pequenos vasos, sendo insignificante a contribuição da mecânica das CMLV para a complacência das artérias elásticas. Existe a hipótese de que a viscoelasticidade das CMLV contribua para a mecânica final das artérias, sendo o enrijecimento dessas células associado à rigidez arterial. Objetivo: Estudar a variabilidade das propriedades mecânicas e de expressão proteica das CMLV, ao longo da árvore arterial, buscando identificar moduladores regionais para esse fenótipo. Avaliar se situações clínicas sabidamente associadas à rigidez arterial (envelhecimento, sexo feminino pós-menopausa, ancestralidade genética africana, diabetes mellitus e tabagismo) cursam com enrijecimento de CMLV. Métodos: 1) Estudou-se a composição e a organização da camada média de diferentes artérias. As CMLV desses vasos foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G), por meio do ensaio de Citometria Magnético Ótica de Oscilação e, quanto à expressão proteica global, usando cromatografia multidimensional e espectrometria de massas em tandem de alta resolução (Proteômica Shotgun). Os dados mecânicos obtidos foram correlacionados com as características da matriz extracelular (MEC) dos vasos de origem (porcentagem de elastina e quantidade de MEC). Em paralelo, foi realizado experimento de estiramento cíclico (10%/1Hz) das CMLV das diferentes artérias por 24 e 48h, seguido pela mensuração de rigidez de citoplasma. 2) Foram isoladas as CMLV de fragmentos de artéria mamária de 80 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, células essas que foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G, G\' e G\'\'). Elaborou-se modelo estatístico para avaliar se as variáveis clínicas idade, sexo feminino, ancestralidade africana, tabagismo e diabetes mellitus estavam associadas a alterações de mecânica celular. Resultados: 1) A viscoelasticidade das CMLV variou significativamente entre as artérias. As CMLV provenientes de artérias distais (artérias femoral e renal) mostraram-se significativamente mais rígidas que as CMLV de aorta torácica (p < 0,001). Identificou-se correlação negativa entre rigidez de CMLV e quantidade de MEC / elastina na camada média vascular. O regime de estiramento cíclico por 48h reduziu globalmente a rigidez das CMLV. As CMLV provenientes da aorta torácica expressaram maior quantidade de proteínas relacionadas com a estrutura e a organização do citoesqueleto em relação às CMLV da artéria femoral. 2) Constatou-se variabilidade interindividual de viscoelasticidade de CMLV e associação entre tabagismo e sexo feminino com enrijecimento de CMLV. Conclusões: As CMLV são heterogêneas quanto às propriedades mecânicas, à organização do citoesqueleto e à expressão proteica ao longo da árvore arterial, reforçando o conceito de plasticidade fenotípica das CMLV. A mecânica das CMLV é modulada pelas características da MEC e pela tensão circunferencial cíclica aplicada às paredes vasculares pelo fluxo sanguíneo. Mulheres pós-menopausa e tabagistas exibem enrijecimento de CMLV, sendo esse fato um provável contribuinte para a rigidez arterial associada a essas condições e um possível alvo terapêutico a ser avaliado futuramente / Rational: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) lose their ability to migrate and secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) with the end of vascular development, condition known as contractile phenotype and reversible in the presence of vascular injury. There is evidence of heterogeneity of VSMC phenotype along arterial tree, as the distribution of diseases (atherosclerosis) and the response to drugs vary between different vessels, as well as the expression of smooth muscle-contractile protein genes. The role played by VSMC mechanics on determining large arteries\' compliance was always considered irrelevant. It has been hypothesized that the VSMC mechanical properties are important for vascular mechanics, especially in the pathological scenario, where VSMC stiffening may be associated with arterial rigidity. Goals: Study the variation of VSMC mechanics and protein expression along arterial tree, identifying regional modulators of this phenotype. Evaluate if clinical situations associated with arterial rigidity (ageing, post-menopausal women, African ancestry, diabetes mellitus and smoking) concur with VSMC stiffening. Methods: 1) Different arteries were studied in terms of composition and organization of their media layer. VSMC isolated from these arteries were evaluated regarding cytoplasm viscoelasticity, measured using Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry Assay (OMTC), and protein expression, using two-dimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (Shotgun Proteomics). Mechanical data were correlated with ECM characteristics (percentage of elastin and ECM amount) of the vessels of origin. In parallel, VSMC of different arteries were subjected to cyclic stretching (10%/1Hz) during 24 and 48h, followed by the measurement of their cytoplasm rigidity. 2) VSMC were isolated from fragments of mammary artery of 80 patients subjected to coronary bypass surgery and evaluated regarding their viscoelasticity (G, G\' e G\'\'). A statistic model was elaborated to address if the clinical variables age, female sex, African ancestry, smoking and diabetes mellitus were associated with changes of VSMC mechanics. Results: 1) VSMC viscoelasticity varied significantly amongst the studied arteries. VSMC from heart-distant arteries (femoral and renal arteries) were stiffer than VSMC from thoracic aorta (p < 0,001). There was a negative correlation between VSMC rigidity and the amount of ECM / percentage of elastin within the media layer. 48h-cyclic stretching was associated with a global reduction of VSMC rigidity. VSMC of thoracic aorta expressed significantly more proteins associated with cytoskeleton structure and organization than VSMC of femoral artery. 2) There was a significant inter-individual variation of VSMC viscoelasticity. Smoking and female sex were associated with VSMC stiffening. Conclusion: VSMC mechanics, cytoskeleton organization and protein expression are heterogeneous along arterial tree. VSMC mechanical properties are modulated by ECM characteristics and by regional mechanical forces. This reinforces the concept of phenotypic heterogeneity of VSMC. Post-menopausal women and smokers exhibit stiffer VSMC, representing an important factor for the understanding of the arterial rigidity associated with these conditions and also a possible future therapeutic target
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Estudo das propriedades mecânicas das células de músculo liso vascular em situações fisiológicas e patológicas / Study of the mechanical properties of vascular smooth muscle cells under physiological and pathological situationsCarla Luana Dinardo 02 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: As células do músculo liso vascular (CMLV) são quiescentes nos vasos adultos, com baixa capacidade de migração e de secreção de matriz extracelular, caracterizando fenótipo contrátil. Evidências apontam para a heterogeneidade fenotípica das CMLV ao longo da árvore arterial: há distribuição heterogênea de doenças e de resposta a determinadas drogas nos diferentes vasos, além de variabilidade de expressão dos genes de proteínas contráteis de músculo liso entre eles. O papel das CMLV, em fase adulta, é classicamente descrito como restrito à regulação do tônus de pequenos vasos, sendo insignificante a contribuição da mecânica das CMLV para a complacência das artérias elásticas. Existe a hipótese de que a viscoelasticidade das CMLV contribua para a mecânica final das artérias, sendo o enrijecimento dessas células associado à rigidez arterial. Objetivo: Estudar a variabilidade das propriedades mecânicas e de expressão proteica das CMLV, ao longo da árvore arterial, buscando identificar moduladores regionais para esse fenótipo. Avaliar se situações clínicas sabidamente associadas à rigidez arterial (envelhecimento, sexo feminino pós-menopausa, ancestralidade genética africana, diabetes mellitus e tabagismo) cursam com enrijecimento de CMLV. Métodos: 1) Estudou-se a composição e a organização da camada média de diferentes artérias. As CMLV desses vasos foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G), por meio do ensaio de Citometria Magnético Ótica de Oscilação e, quanto à expressão proteica global, usando cromatografia multidimensional e espectrometria de massas em tandem de alta resolução (Proteômica Shotgun). Os dados mecânicos obtidos foram correlacionados com as características da matriz extracelular (MEC) dos vasos de origem (porcentagem de elastina e quantidade de MEC). Em paralelo, foi realizado experimento de estiramento cíclico (10%/1Hz) das CMLV das diferentes artérias por 24 e 48h, seguido pela mensuração de rigidez de citoplasma. 2) Foram isoladas as CMLV de fragmentos de artéria mamária de 80 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, células essas que foram avaliadas quanto à viscoelasticidade de citoplasma (G, G\' e G\'\'). Elaborou-se modelo estatístico para avaliar se as variáveis clínicas idade, sexo feminino, ancestralidade africana, tabagismo e diabetes mellitus estavam associadas a alterações de mecânica celular. Resultados: 1) A viscoelasticidade das CMLV variou significativamente entre as artérias. As CMLV provenientes de artérias distais (artérias femoral e renal) mostraram-se significativamente mais rígidas que as CMLV de aorta torácica (p < 0,001). Identificou-se correlação negativa entre rigidez de CMLV e quantidade de MEC / elastina na camada média vascular. O regime de estiramento cíclico por 48h reduziu globalmente a rigidez das CMLV. As CMLV provenientes da aorta torácica expressaram maior quantidade de proteínas relacionadas com a estrutura e a organização do citoesqueleto em relação às CMLV da artéria femoral. 2) Constatou-se variabilidade interindividual de viscoelasticidade de CMLV e associação entre tabagismo e sexo feminino com enrijecimento de CMLV. Conclusões: As CMLV são heterogêneas quanto às propriedades mecânicas, à organização do citoesqueleto e à expressão proteica ao longo da árvore arterial, reforçando o conceito de plasticidade fenotípica das CMLV. A mecânica das CMLV é modulada pelas características da MEC e pela tensão circunferencial cíclica aplicada às paredes vasculares pelo fluxo sanguíneo. Mulheres pós-menopausa e tabagistas exibem enrijecimento de CMLV, sendo esse fato um provável contribuinte para a rigidez arterial associada a essas condições e um possível alvo terapêutico a ser avaliado futuramente / Rational: Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) lose their ability to migrate and secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) with the end of vascular development, condition known as contractile phenotype and reversible in the presence of vascular injury. There is evidence of heterogeneity of VSMC phenotype along arterial tree, as the distribution of diseases (atherosclerosis) and the response to drugs vary between different vessels, as well as the expression of smooth muscle-contractile protein genes. The role played by VSMC mechanics on determining large arteries\' compliance was always considered irrelevant. It has been hypothesized that the VSMC mechanical properties are important for vascular mechanics, especially in the pathological scenario, where VSMC stiffening may be associated with arterial rigidity. Goals: Study the variation of VSMC mechanics and protein expression along arterial tree, identifying regional modulators of this phenotype. Evaluate if clinical situations associated with arterial rigidity (ageing, post-menopausal women, African ancestry, diabetes mellitus and smoking) concur with VSMC stiffening. Methods: 1) Different arteries were studied in terms of composition and organization of their media layer. VSMC isolated from these arteries were evaluated regarding cytoplasm viscoelasticity, measured using Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry Assay (OMTC), and protein expression, using two-dimensional liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (Shotgun Proteomics). Mechanical data were correlated with ECM characteristics (percentage of elastin and ECM amount) of the vessels of origin. In parallel, VSMC of different arteries were subjected to cyclic stretching (10%/1Hz) during 24 and 48h, followed by the measurement of their cytoplasm rigidity. 2) VSMC were isolated from fragments of mammary artery of 80 patients subjected to coronary bypass surgery and evaluated regarding their viscoelasticity (G, G\' e G\'\'). A statistic model was elaborated to address if the clinical variables age, female sex, African ancestry, smoking and diabetes mellitus were associated with changes of VSMC mechanics. Results: 1) VSMC viscoelasticity varied significantly amongst the studied arteries. VSMC from heart-distant arteries (femoral and renal arteries) were stiffer than VSMC from thoracic aorta (p < 0,001). There was a negative correlation between VSMC rigidity and the amount of ECM / percentage of elastin within the media layer. 48h-cyclic stretching was associated with a global reduction of VSMC rigidity. VSMC of thoracic aorta expressed significantly more proteins associated with cytoskeleton structure and organization than VSMC of femoral artery. 2) There was a significant inter-individual variation of VSMC viscoelasticity. Smoking and female sex were associated with VSMC stiffening. Conclusion: VSMC mechanics, cytoskeleton organization and protein expression are heterogeneous along arterial tree. VSMC mechanical properties are modulated by ECM characteristics and by regional mechanical forces. This reinforces the concept of phenotypic heterogeneity of VSMC. Post-menopausal women and smokers exhibit stiffer VSMC, representing an important factor for the understanding of the arterial rigidity associated with these conditions and also a possible future therapeutic target
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Auxin-Induced Actin Cytoskeleton Rearrangements Require Auxin Resistant 1Ruth S Arieti (6954353) 12 August 2019 (has links)
<p>The actin cytoskeleton is required for cell expansion and is implicated in cellular responses to the plant growth hormone auxin. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms that coordinate auxin signaling, cytoskeletal remodeling, and cell expansion are poorly understood. Previous studies have examined actin cytoskeleton responses to long-term auxin treatment, but plants respond to auxin over short timeframes, and growth changes within minutes of exposure to the hormone. To correlate actin arrays with degree of cell expansion, we used quantitative imaging tools to establish a baseline of actin organization, as well as of individual filament behaviors in root epidermal cells under control conditions and after treatment with a known inhibitor of root growth, the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). We found that cell length was highly predictive of actin array in control roots, and that short-term IAA treatment stimulated denser, more longitudinal, and more parallel arrays by inducing filament unbundling within minutes. By demonstrating that actin filaments were more “organized” after a treatment that stopped elongation, we show there is no direct relationship between actin organization and cell expansion and refute the hypothesis that “more organized” actin universally correlates with more rapidly growing root cells. The plasma membrane-bound auxin transporter AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1) has previously been shown necessary for archetypal short-term root growth inhibition in the presence of IAA. Although AUX1 was not previously suspected of being upstream of cytoskeletal responses to IAA, we used <i>aux1</i>mutants to demonstrate that AUX1 is necessary for the full complement of actin rearrangements in response to auxin, and that cytoplasmic auxin in the form of the membrane permeable auxin 1‑naphthylacetic acid (NAA) is sufficient to stimulate a partial actin response. Together, these results are the first to quantitate actin cytoskeleton response to short-term auxin treatments and demonstrate that AUX1 is necessary for short-term actin remodeling.</p>
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Role of Rho GTPases During Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Zebrafish / Role of Rho GTPases During Primordial Germ Cell Migration in ZebrafishKardash, Elena 11 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Rôle de la protéine Arc (Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein) dans les adaptations moléculaires et comportementales induites par la cocaïne / Role of Arc protein (Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein) in molecular and behavioral adaptations to cocaineSalery, Marine 09 October 2015 (has links)
Les adaptations cellulaires et moléculaires induites par les drogues jouent un rôle central dans les altérations comportementales à long terme observées dans l’addiction. Cette étude s’inscrit dans une démarche de compréhension des processus cellulaires rapidement mis en jeu par la cocaïne et susceptibles d’impacter durablement le fonctionnement neuronal et les comportements. La protéine Arc joue un rôle clé dans l’établissement de la plasticité synaptique à long-terme et la consolidation de la mémoire. Cette étude visait à caractériser l’induction de Arc dans le striatum en réponse à la cocaïne et d’analyser son rôle dans les réponses moléculaires et comportementales qu’elle induit. Notre étude a montré que l’expression de Arc est augmentée rapidement et transitoirement dans le striatum après une injection de cocaïne sous la dépendance de l’activation de la voie ERK. Nous montrons que la cocaïne induit une forte accumulation de la protéine Arc dans le noyau des neurones striataux où Arc se localise dans des zones actives de transcription, à proximité des histones H3 phosphorylées. In vitro, la surexpression de Arc diminue la phosphorylation des histones H3 induite par le glutamate indiquant qu’elle altère le remodelage de la chromatine. L’invalidation génétique de la protéine in vivo dans un modèle de souris transgénique conduit à une décompaction de la chromatine associée à une augmentation de l’activité de la RNA Polymerase II démontrant que Arc exerce un effet répresseur sur les mécanismes transcriptionnels. La perte totale d’expression de Arc favorise le développement d’altérations comportementales à long terme chez des animaux exposés à de faibles doses de cocaïne. / Molecular and cellular adaptations induced by drugs of abuse in the reward system play a key role in long-term behavioral alterations encountered in addiction. This work falls within an approach of understanding the cellular processes rapidly engaged by cocaine that could underlie the persistent alteration of neuronal physiology and behaviors. Arc protein is a major player in neuronal plasticity. Arc is induced in many behavioral paradigms and is essential for long-term synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. The aim of this study was to characterize the profile and modality of Arc induction within the mouse striatum in response to cocaine administration. Our study shows that Arc expression is rapidly and transiently increased in the striatum after acute cocaine in an ERK-dependent fashion. This work revealed that cocaine-induced Arc protein rapidly and transiently accumulates in the nucleus of striatal neurons. In the nucleus, Arc is preferentially expressed in active transcription regions and localizes at the vicinity of phosphorylated histones H3. In vitro Arc overexpression decreased glutamate-induced Histones H3 phosphorylation showing that Arc interferes with activity-dependent chromatin remodeling. In vivo genetic invalidation of Arc expression in a transgenic mouse model was associated with a decreased chromatin compaction and increased RNA Polymerase II activity suggesting a repressive role of Arc on transcriptional mechanisms. Total Arc loss of expression leads to increased sensitivity to cocaine and promotes long-term behavioral alterations induced by low doses of cocaine.
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Nuclear and Cytoskeletal Prestress Govern the Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of the NucleusMacadangdang, Joan Karla 24 September 2012 (has links)
Physical forces in the cellular microenvironment play an important role in governing cell function. Forces transmitted through the cell cause distinct deformation of the nucleus, and possibly play a role in force-mediated gene expression. The work presented in this thesis drew upon innovative strategies employing simultaneous atomic force and laser-scanning confocal microscopy, as well as parallel optical stretching experiments, to gain unique insights into the response of eukaryotic cell nuclei to external force. Non-destructive approaches confirmed the existence of a clear anisotropy in nuclear mechanical properties, and showed that the nucleus' mechanical response to extracellular forces is differentially governed by both nuclear and cytoskeletal prestress: nuclear prestress regulates shape and anisotropic deformation, whereas cytoskeletal prestress modulates the magnitude and degree of deformation. Importantly, the anisotropic mechanical response was conserved among diverse differentiated cell types from multiple species, suggesting that nuclear mechanical anisotropy plays an important role in cell function.
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