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Mapeamento de QTLs para resistência a grãos ardidos causados por diplodia (Stenocarpella Sp.) em milho (Zea Mays L.)Gutiérrez, Humberto Ignácio 28 February 2008 (has links)
Diplodia ear rot caused by the fungus Stenocarpella maydis (Berkeley) and Stenocarpella
macrospora (Earle) have become one of the most important limiting factors for the production
of Corn (Zea mays L.) in Brazil. The fungus can attack the stalks, leaves and the grain
causing significant reductions on yield and the overall quality of the grain, since it can produce
micotoxinas that are dangerous to livestock. Resistance to ear rot by Stenocarpella sp in corn
is quantitative and highly influenced by the environment and even that artificial inoculation
techniques are available to screen for the disease the overall cost is very expensive. The
objective of this study was the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL s) associated with
ear rot resistance by Stenocarpella sp in one breeding population composed of 141 doublehaploid
progenies resulted from the cross among the resistant inbred MONDR1 and the
susceptible inbred MONDS1 in testcrosses with the susceptible tester MONDS5. Testcrosses
were evaluated at harvest time after artificial inoculation for ear rot at three different locations
in the central region of Brazil during the 2005/06 summer season. Thru Composite interval
mapping (CIM), a total of three QTL s (LOD>2.5) for ear rot resistance were identified at
chromosomes 2, 3 and 5, all together accounting for up 26% of total phenotypic variation for
this character. The identification of two QTL s for ear rot resistance coming from the
susceptible parent MONDS1 appear to indicate the presence of the phenomena of
transgressive segregation. Additionally we were able to identify six double-haploid progenies
with high level of resistance to ear rot by Stenocarpella (MDH15, MDH443, MDH95, MDH2,
MDH120 e MDH81), being those recommended for their incorporation into the breeding
program as new breeding sources for the Central Brazil regions. / Grãos ardidos causados pelos fungos Stenocarpella maydis (Berkeley) e Stenocarpella
macrospora (Earle) tem se constituído num dos maiores fatores limitantes para a produção de
milho (Zea mays L.) no Brasil. Estes fungos podem causar infecções no colmo, folhas e grãos,
podendo ocasionar reduções significativas na produtividade e na qualidade do grão, pela
produção de micotoxinas daninhas para aves e bovinos. A resistência para podridão de grão
por Stenocarpella sp apresenta herança quantitativa e pode ser altamente influenciada pelo
meio ambiente, e embora existam técnicas de inoculação que facilitam a discriminação de
materiais suscetíveis, isto requer de grande quantidade de recursos. O objetivo do presente
trabalho foi à identificação de locos de caracteres quantitativos (QTL) associados à resistência
para podridão de grãos ( grãos ardidos ) ocasionados por Stenocarpella sp numa população de
141 progênies duplo-haplóides derivadas do cruzamento entre a linhagem resistente MONDR1
e a linhagem susceptível MONDS1 em testcross com o testador susceptível MONDS5. A
porcentagem de espigas infectadas por Stenocarpella sp foi registrada para cada uma das
testcrosses apos da inoculação artificial em três localidades na região Central de Brasil
durante a Safra agrícola 2005/06. Mediante a análise de mapeamento por intervalo composto
foram identificados três QTL s com LOD>2.5 para resistência à grãos ardidos nos
cromossomos 2, 3 e 5, sendo estes em conjunto, responsáveis por ate 26% de variação
fenotípica para este caráter. A identificação de dois QTL s para resistência a grãos ardidos por
Stenocarpella sp com origem no progenitor susceptível parece indicar a presença do fenômeno
de segregação transgressiva. Adicionalmente foram identificadas seis progênies duplohaplóides
com alto nível de resistência a grãos ardidos (MDH15, MDH443, MDH95, MDH2,
MDH120 e MDH81), sendo estas recomendadas para sua incorporação no programa de
melhoramento para a região central do Brasil. / Mestre em Genética e Bioquímica
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Digital hållbarhet inom offentlig sektor : En fallstudie kring hur digital hållbarhet kan förstås och arbetas med inom offentlig sektor.Högberg, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Digital sustainability is a concept that is increasingly used in today's society. There is still some uncertainty about how Swedish public sector should think and relate to the concept and what the meaning really is. The purpose of this study is to investigate how public enterprises can gain a better understanding of digital sustainability and thus create better conditions in their work towards working digitally sustainably. To answer this, a qualitative case study was conducted at the Swedish authority Bolagsverket. The case study was divided into two phases, where the first phase consisted of an analysis of the current situation in order to gain an understanding of how the authority relates to digital sustainability today. This followed the second phase where a focus group interview, observation and document analysis was conducted in order to analyze and together with the theory draw conclusions related to how the business can improve its current way of working regarding digital sustainability. The conclussion clarifies five aspects to describe how a public sector can continue its work and understanding of digital sustainability. For future research as a supplement to this study, it is recommended to investigate more than one public sector in order to create a general picture of digital sustainability in public sector in Sweden. / Digital hållbarhet är ett begrepp som används allt mer i dagens samhälle. Än finns dock en viss osäkerhet kring hur svenska offentliga verksamheter ska tänka och förhålla sig till begreppet och vad dess innebörd verkligen är. I denna studie är syftet att undersöka hur offentliga verksamheter kan få en bättre förståelse för digital hållbarhet och på så sätt skapa bättre förutsättningar i sitt arbete mot att arbeta digitalt hållbart. För att besvara detta genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie hos den svenska myndigheten Bolagsverket. Fallstudien delades i två faser där den första fasen bestod av en nulägesanalys för att få en förståelse för hur verksamheten förhåller sig till digital hållbarhet idag. Detta följt av den andra fasen där en fokusgruppintervju, observation och dokumentanalys genomfördes i syfte att analysera och tillsammans med teorin dra slutsatser relaterade till hur verksamheten kan förbättra sitt nuvarande arbetssätt gällande digital hållbarhet. Av slutsatsen tydliggörs fem aspekter för att beskriva hur en offentlig verksamhet kan fortsätta sitt arbete och förståelse kring digital hållbarhet. Inför framtida forskning som en påbyggnad på denna studie rekommenderas att undersöka mer än en offentlig verksamhet för att skapa en större generell bild av digital hållbarhet inom offentliga verksamheter i Sverige.
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Annotating figurative languageBeyer, Stefan, Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla, Wagenknecht, Nina 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Whereas past and current digital projects in ancient language studies have been concerned with the annotation of linguistic elements and metadata, there is now an increased interest in the annotation of elements above the linguistic level that are determined by context – like figurative language. Such projects bring their own set of problems (the automatisation of annotation is more difficult, for instance), but also allow us to develop new ways of examining the data. For this reason, we have attempted to take an already annotated database of Ancient Egyptian texts and develop a complementary tagging layer rather than starting from scratch with a new database. In this paper, we present our work in developing a metaphor annotation layer for the Late Egyptian text database of Projet Ramsès (Université de Liège) and in so doing address more general questions: 1) How to ‚tailor-make’ annotation layers to fit other databases? (Workflow) 2) How to make annotations that are flexible enough to be altered in the course of the annotation process? (Project design) 3) What kind of potential do such layers have for integration with existing and future annotations? (Sustainability)
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Möjligheter till ökad driftsäkerhet och kostnadseffektivitet i fjärrvärmenät : En simulerings- och optimeringsstudie på Kalmar Energi / Possibilities for increased reliability and cost-effectivness in district heating networks : A simulation and optimization study at Kalmar EnergiTorstensson, Carl, Nordborg, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Since district heating is the most common way of space heatingin Sweden, continual improvements of theefficiency of production and distribution of district heating is crucial. The purposeof this report is therefore to, using Kalmar Energi as an example, study how the production and distribution of district heating is affected by introducing a bypass pipeat a critical point in the network, and to investigate howcost efficiency might be achieved. To fulfill this task, the network simulation software NetSim and the cost optimizing software MODEST was used. Most ofthe heat in the district heating network in Kalmar comesfrom the bio-fueled combined heat and power plant Moskogen and the top load production plantDraken covers the top load when the heat from Moskogen is not enoughto fulfill the heating demand. However, the studied scenario does not represent normal operationbut a temporary solution for when Draken and its circulation pumps for some reason cannot be used.In that scenario, all heat in the city mustbe delivered using the bypass pipeor usingthe two smaller reserve production plantsLindsdal and Dvärgen. The simulations performed in NetSim consist of three primary cases; one reference modelwhich represents the currentsituation, one model with only Moskogenand the bypass and one model with Moskogen, bypass, Lindsdal and Dvärgen. To study the possibility for improvements of the network further simulations were performed with measures like new circulation pumps, upgradeto bigger pipes and addition of new pipes. The optimization in MODEST also consist of three cases; normaloperation, operation using the bypassand possible benefits ofusing RME instead of oil in reserve plants. The simulations in NetSimshows that the bypass pipe enables fulfillment of the heating demand of Kalmar without the use ofDraken or otherreserveproduction plantsdown to an outside temperature around 1°C.If the reserve units in the periphery parts of the city are used, the bypass of Draken enables fulfillmentof the heating demand until an outside temperature of approximately -3°C. The limiting factorsare mainlycirculationpump capacity and the differential pressure. If a higher supply temperature than normal is usedor newcirculationpumps and bigger pipes are introduced, a working network can be achieved for loweroutsidetemperatures. However, a highersupply temperature means higherheatlosses and no additional electricity production and a new pumping station just to handle a worst-case scenario is most likely not economically feasible. New pipes connecting areas with high and low differential pressures was also found to improve the system, but might not be profitable in the short term. If the city is expected to expand in the certain areas that the new pipesweretested, the new pipes might become amore feasiblemeasurein the future.The optimizing in MODEST shows that from a cost minimizing perspective, it is optimal to use the biomass-fueled combined heat and power plant Moskogenas much as possibleand to cover the remaining heat demand using wood powderboilersand if necessary, oilboilers.It is also evident thatregardless ofthe bypass beingused or not, it is always more profitable to lower the electricity production of Moskogen in favor of heat production during periods when the electricity price is low or whentheuse of oilboilerswould otherwise be needed.This measure also lowers the amount ofcarbon dioxideemissionsfor the systemwith up to 250 tons/yearsince oil use can be exchanged for biomass use.An alternative way of eliminating carbon dioxide emissionsis to replace the oilfuelwith a renewable fuel like RME. However, this would be associated with higher costs for Kalmar Energi, since RME is currently more expensive per MWh than the oil that is currentlyused. / Med tanke på att fjärrvärme är den vanligaste uppvärmningsprincipen i Sverige är arbete med att förbättra effektiviteten och pålitligheten vid produktion och distribution av värme ett ständigt aktuellt ämne. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att med Kalmar Energi som exempel undersöka hur produktion och distribution av fjärrvärme påverkas av att en förbikoppling av en kritisk sektion har byggts samt att identifiera hur kostnadsoptimal drift av fjärrvärmenätet bör ske. För att uppnå detta har nätverkssimuleringsprogrammet NetSim och kostnadsoptimeringsprogrammet MODEST använts. Majoriteten av värmen i Kalmars fjärrvärmenät kommer från det bioeldade kraftvärmeverket Moskogen. Värmeverket Draken täcker under normal drift upp när Moskogens effekt inte räcker till för att uppfylla värmeefterfrågan. Scenariot som framförallt har studerats representerar dock inte normal drift utan utgör en tillfällig lösning för perioder när värmeverket Draken med tillhörande pumpar av någon anledning inte är tillgängliga. All Kalmars fjärrvärme måste i detta läge levereras från Moskogen via den nybyggda förbikopplingen eller med hjälp av de två mindre reservanläggningarna Lindsdal och Dvärgen. De simuleringar som gjorts i NetSim består av tre primära fall; en referensmodell som illustrerar nuläget, en modell med endast Moskogen via förbikopplingen samt en modell med Moskogen via förbikopplingen i kombination med Dvärgen och Lindsdal. För att studera förbättringsmöjligheter i systemet genomfördes även simuleringar på hur förändringar så som nya pumpar och utbyte av gamla rör påverkar systemet. Arbetet i MODEST består också av tre olika delar; normal drift, drift vid användning av förbikopplingen samt nyttan med ett bränslebyte från olja till RME. För normal drift och förbikopplingsdrift utvärderas lönsamheten med att minska elproduktionen och därmed få ut mer värme till fjärrvärmenätet. Simuleringarna i NetSim visar att Moskogen tack vare förbikopplingen ensam kan uppfylla Kalmars värmebehov ner till utomhustemperaturer kring 1 °C. Vid användning av reservanläggningarna i kombination med förbikopplingen kan värmebehovet i dagsläget uppfyllas fullständigt ner till utomhustemperaturer kring -3 °C. De begränsande faktorerna för nätet är framförallt kapacitet hos cirkulationspumpar och differenstryck. Om högre framledningstemperatur används eller om nya cirkulationspumpar införs och begränsande rör görs större kan ett väl fungerande system fås utan Draken även vid lägre utomhustemperaturer. Värt att notera är dock att höjd framledningstemperatur ökar värmeförlusterna i nätet samt att införskaffandet av nya pumpar endast för att hantera ett reservfall bedöms bli dyrt. Nya rör som kopplar samman områden med höga och låga differenstryck förbättrar också systemet men det bedöms på kort sikt inte vara lönsamt att implementera men kan kanske bli aktuellt i samband med framtida expansion av staden. Optimeringen av driften i MODEST visar att det ur produktionskostnadsperspektiv är optimalt att använda det bioeldade kraftvärmeverket Moskogen så mycket som möjligt och sedan täcka upp med träpulver och därefter olja när det behövs. Optimeringen visar också att det både vid utnyttjande av förbikopplingen och vid normal drift är ekonomiskt lönsamt att minska på elproduktionen i Moskogen till fördel för ökad värmeproduktion under perioder när elpriset är lågt eller när olja annars måste användas för värmeproduktion. Denna åtgärd minskar även utsläppen av fossil koldioxid med upp till 250 ton koldioxid per år eftersom oljeanvändning kan ersättas med Moskogens biobränsle. Ett alternativt sätt att eliminera utsläpp av fossil koldioxid vore att ersätta oljan med ett förnybart alternativ, exempelvis RME. Detta medför dock i Kalmars fall att den årliga driftskostnaden ökar med 179 miljoner SEK per år eftersom RME i dagsläget är dyrare per MWh än den olja som idag används.
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Modelo músculo-esquelético del miembro inferior para rehabilitación con robot paraleloZamora Ortiz, Pau 10 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] El aumento de la esperanza de vida y la inversión de la pirámide poblacional plantean un desafío al sector sanitario debido al incremento de lesiones articulares y cirugías reconstructivas per cápita. Esto aumenta la demanda de personal rehabilitador en una sociedad con menos población activa. La robotización de las terapias puede aliviar esta presión al automatizar los ejercicios repetitivos. Además, el uso de tecnologías como los modelos músculo-esqueléticos mejoran las terapias, acortando los tiempos de recuperación y optimizan los resultados.
La aplicación de modelos músculo-esqueléticos en robots de rehabilitación garantiza la seguridad del paciente al limitar las fuerzas excesivas y evitar posiciones peligrosas. Al mismo tiempo, brinda información adicional al personal rehabilitador para un seguimiento más preciso y personalizado de las terapias a los pacientes. Sin embargo, estos modelos son costosos computacionalmente, lo que dificulta su implementación en el control de robots.
En el proyecto en el cual se integra esta tesis, se ha establecido el objetivo de construir un robot de rehabilitación que integre un modelo músculo-esquelético capaz de calcular en tiempo real las fuerzas musculares y articulares. Conocer las fuerzas garantiza la seguridad del paciente, proporciona información sobre las fuerzas durante los ejercicios y optimiza las terapias. Además, a partir del modelo músculo-esquelético se busca desarrollar nuevas herramientas para personalizar los ejercicios y mejorar los resultados. El modelo del miembro inferior, con seis grados de libertad, se ha simplificado para garantizar el cálculo en tiempo real. Se ha utilizado el concepto de grado de libertad funcional para predecir las relaciones entre los grados de libertad en un ejercicio concreto, reduciendo la carga computacional y permitiendo su uso en tiempo real durante los ejercicios de rehabilitación.
El modelo consta de tres grados de libertad para la cadera, simulando una junta esférica, modelada como tres pares de revolución perpendiculares entre sí, uno para la rodilla, modelada como un mecanismo de cuatro barras, que simula el movimiento relativo entre el fémur y la tibia, y dos grados de libertad para el tobillo. Se calcula el centro de giro de la cadera y los parámetros del mecanismo de cuatro barras mediante ejercicios de calibración articular para lograr una mayor personalización del modelo. El tobillo se ha modelado empleando los datos de Klein Horsman debido a su dificultad de calibración. Del mismo trabajo se han tomado los parámetros musculares, los cuales se han simplificado para reducir el coste computacional. Se calculan las tensiones musculares mediante las condiciones de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, minimizando el sumatorio cuadrático de las tensiones de los músculos.
El modelo se ha validado y verificado siguiendo las recomendaciones de buenas prácticas de Hicks. Se han comparado los resultados del presente modelo con otro similar generado en AnyBody y con los datos empíricos del ``Grand Challenge", se ha analizado la solidez del modelo frente a las simplificaciones realizadas y los errores de los datos de entrada. Según los resultados obtenidos, el modelo músculo-esquelético es lo suficientemente preciso para ser utilizado en un robot de rehabilitación, garantizando la seguridad de los pacientes y prediciendo la activación muscular.
Por último, se han desarrollado dos nuevas herramientas utilizando el modelo actual. La primera estima la Máxima Contracción Voluntaria del sujeto proyectando las fuerzas musculares al efector final del robot. La segunda herramienta calcula la fuerza externa necesaria para garantizar una fuerza muscular específica. Empleando ambas herramientas se logra una mayor personalización de las terapias de rehabilitación, mejorando el proceso. Ambas herramientas han sido probadas empleando el robot de rehabilitación. / [CA] L'augment de l'esperança de vida i la inversió de la piràmide poblacional plantegen un desafiament al sector sanitari a causa de l'increment de lesions articulars i cirurgies reconstructives. Això augmenta la demanda de personal rehabilitador en una societat amb menys població activa. La robotització de les teràpies pot alleujar aquesta pressió a l'autoritzar els exercisses repetitius. A més, l'ús de tecnologies com els models múscul-esquelètics milloren les teràpies, acurtant els temps de recuperació i optimitzant els resultats.
L'aplicació de models múscul-esquelètics en robots de rehabilitació garanteix la seguretat del pacient en limitar les forces excessives i evitar posicions perilloses. Al mateix temps, ofereix informació addicional al personal rehabilitador per a un seguiment més precís i personalitzat de les teràpies als pacients. No obstant això, aquests models són costosos computacionalment, el que dificulta la seua implementació en el control de robots.
En el projecte en el qual s'integra aquesta tesi, s'ha establit l'objectiu de construir un robot de rehabilitació que integre un model múscul-esquelètic capaç de calcular en temps real les forces musculars i articulars. Conéixer les forces garanteix la seguretat del pacient, proporcionant informació sobre les forces durant els exercicis i optimitza les teràpies. A més, a partir del model múscul-esquelètic es busca desenvolupar noves ferramentes per a personalitzar els exercicis millorar els resultats. El model del membre inferior, amb sis graus de llibertat, s'ha simplificat per garantir el càlcul en temps real. S'ha utilitzat el concepte de grau de llibertat funcional per a predir les relacions entre els graus de llibertat d'un exercici concret, reduint la càrrega computacional i permitent el seu ús en temps real durant els exercisses de rehabilitació.
El model consta de tres graus de llibertat per al maluc, simulant una junta esfèrica, modelant com tres parells de revolucions perpendiculars entre si, un per al genoll, modelat com un mecanisme de quatre barres, què simula el moviment relatiu entre el fèmur i la tíbia, i dos graus de llibertat per al turmell. Es calcula el centre de gir del maluc i els paràmetres del mecanisme de quatre barres mitjançant exercicis de calibratge articular per a aconseguir una major personalització del model. El turmell s'ha modelat emprant les dades de Klein Horsman a causa de la seua dificultat de calibració. Del mateix treball s'han pres els paràmetres musculars, els quals s'han simplificat per a reduir el cost computacional. S'ha calculat les tensions musculars mitjançant les condicions de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, minimitzant el sumatori quadràtic de les tensions musculars.
El model s'ha validat i verificat seguint les recomanacions de bones pràctiques d'Hicks. S'ha comparat els resultats del present model amb altre similar generat en AnyBody i amb les dades empíriques del ''Grand Challenge", s'ha analitzat la solidesa del model enfront de les simplificacions realitzades i els errors de les dades d'entrada. Segons els resultats obtinguts, el model múscul-esquelètic és prou precís per a ser utilitzat en un robot de rehabilitació, garantint la seguretat dels pacients i predient l'activació muscular.
En últim lloc, s'han desenvolupat dues noves ferramentes utilitzant el model actual. La primera estima la Màxima Contracció Voluntària del subjecte projectant les forces musculars a l'efector final del robot. La segona ferramenta calcula la força externa necessària per a garantir una força muscular específica. Emprant totes dues eines s'aconsegueix una major personalització de les teràpies de rehabilitació, millorant el procés. Totes dues ferramentes han sigut provades fent servir el robot de rehabilitació. / [EN] Increasing life expectancy and the inversion of the population pyramid pose a challenge to the healthcare sector due to the rise in joint injuries and reconstructive surgeries per capita. This increases the demand for rehabilitation personnel in a society with a smaller active population. The robotization of therapies can alleviate this pressure by automating repetitive exercises. Furthermore, the use of technologies like musculoskeletal models enhances therapies, reducing recovery times, and optimizing outcomes.
The application of musculoskeletal models in rehabilitation robots ensures patient safety by limiting excessive forces and avoiding dangerous positions. At the same time, it provides additional information to rehabilitation personnel for more precise and personalized monitoring of patient therapies. However, these models have a high computational cost, which makes their implementation in robot control challenging.
In the project that integrates this thesis, the objective has been set to build a rehabilitation robot that incorporates a musculoskeletal model capable of real-time calculation of muscular and joint forces. Understanding these forces ensures patient safety, provides information about forces during exercises, and optimizes therapies. Additionally, based on the musculoskeletal model, new tools are being developed to personalize exercises and improve results. The lower limb model, with six degrees of freedom, has been simplified to enable real-time calculation. The concept of functional degrees of freedom has been used to predict the relationships between degrees of freedom in a specific exercise, reducing the computational burden and enabling real-time use during rehabilitation exercises.
The model consists of three degrees of freedom for the hip, simulating a spherical joint, modeled as three sets of perpendicular revolute pairs, one for the knee, modeled as a four-bar mechanism, that simulates the relative movement between the femur and the tibia, and two degrees of freedom for the ankle. The hip's pivot center and the parameters of the four-bar mechanism have been calculated through joint calibration exercises to achieve a higher level of model personalization. The ankle has been modeled using Klein Horsman's data due to its calibration complexity. Muscle parameters from the same work have been taken and simplified to reduce computational costs. Muscle tensions are calculated using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, minimizing the squared sum of muscle tensions.
The model has been validated and verified following Hicks' best practices recommendations. The results of this model have been compared with a similar one generated in AnyBody and with empirical data from the ``Grand Challenge". The model's robustness against the made simplifications and input data errors has been analyzed. According to the obtained results, the musculoskeletal model is accurate enough to be used in a rehabilitation robot, ensuring patient safety and predicting muscle activation.
Finally, two new tools have been developed using the current model. The first one estimates the Maximum Voluntary Contraction of the subject by projecting muscular forces to the robot's end effector. The second tool calculates the external force required to achieve a specific muscular force. By employing both tools, greater personalization of rehabilitation therapies is achieved, improving the process. Both tools have been tested using the rehabilitation robot. / Esta tesis y la investigación realizada han sido financiadas por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación con los proyectos “Integración de modelos biomecánicos en el desarrollo y operación
de robots rehabilitadores reconfigurables” (DPI2017-84201-R-AR) y “Sistema robótico paralelo
con control basado en modelo músculo-esquelético para la monitorización y entrenamiento del
sistema propioceptivo” (PID2021-125694OB-I00).
El autor de la presente tesis recibió la beca de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación: Ayuda
para contrato predoctoral para la formación de doctores Zamora Ortiz, Pau. (PRE2018-083847).
Con la cual ha podido dedicarse a tiempo completo a la formación e investigación que ha dado
como fruto esta tesis doctoral. / Zamora Ortiz, P. (2023). Modelo músculo-esquelético del miembro inferior para rehabilitación con robot paralelo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199483
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Genetic mapping of noodle quality characters and rust resistance in hexaploid wheatSadeque, Abdus January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) catalyses undesirable darkening in wheat products such as Asian noodles. Genetic variation for PPO activity is characterized in bread wheat. Australian wheat breeding programmes recognize that reduced PPO activity is an important quality target. Despite this interest from breeders, no varieties possessing extremely low and null PPO activity exist. The development of null PPO wheat varieties is dependant on an understanding of the genetic control of the null phenotype. Knowledge of these factors will accelerate efforts to develop them. The inheritance of PPO activity was investigated in two populations that were derived from hybrids between a null PPO genotype and Australian wheat varieties Lang and QAlBis. Observed genetic ratios were consistent with two and three gene control, respectively in these populations. QTL mapping was performed in the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. The Diversity Array Technology (DArT) approach was employed to genotype the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. Three highly significant QTLs that control PPO activity were identified on chromosomes 2AL, 2BS and 2DL. Close associations between PPO activity and DArT marker loci wPt-7024, wPt-0094 and wPt-2544 were observed, respectively. Collectively, these loci explained 74% of the observed variation in PPO activity across seasons. Significant QTLs on chromosomes 1B and 3B were also identified that together explained an additional 17% of variation in PPO activity. The relationship between PPO activity and yellow alkaline noodles (YAN) colour stability parameters was investigated in a DM5637*B8 x H45 doubled haploid population. PPO activity and changes in YAN brightness (ΔL* 0-24h) and yellowness (Δb* 0-24h) in both seasons were analysed. Quantitative trait analyses of PPO activity, flour yellowness (b*) and YAN colour stability was also conducted in this population. QTL mapping of variation in PPO activity in the DM5637*B8 x H45 DH population identified a highly significant QTL on chromosome 2AL, which explained 52% of the observed variation across seasons. Regression analysis identified that wPt-7024 was highly significantly associated with PPO activity in this population. A highly significant association between this marker and PPO was also identified in the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. Collectively, the three identified QTLs (on chromosomes 2AL, 7A and 7B) explained 71% of variation in PPO activity across seasons. A highly significant (P<0.001) QTL on chromosome 2B along with significant (P<0.01) QTLs on the chromosomes 1A, 3B, 4B and 5B were found to control flour yellowness. The QTLs on 2B, 4B and 5B were detected in both seasons analysed and accounted for 90% of variation in flour b* across seasons. The study on YAN colour stability located two highly significant (P<0.001) QTLs and two significant (P<0.01) QTLs that controlled the change in brightness of yellow alkaline noodle. The 2A QTL accounted for 64% of observed variation across seasons. It was in the same location as the PPO QTL and shared a common closest marker wPt-7024. Only one significant QTL for YAN a* (0-24h) was identified. It accounted for 12% of variation across seasons and was only detected in one season. One highly significant (P<0.001) QTL and two significant (P<0.01) QTLs were identified that controlled the change in yellowness of yellow alkaline noodle. The 2A QTL accounted for 68% of observed variation across seasons. The location of this QTL corresponded with that of 2A QTLs for PPO activity and L* of YAN in this study. Furthermore, wPt-7024 was also identified as the marker with the most significant association with L*. The identification of a correlation between the characters and a common location of a highly significant QTL for each of these characters indicates that it is likely that PPO activity is directly responsible for a large proportion of the changes in brightness and yellowness of YAN. QTLs for L* and b* of YAN were detected in a common location on chromosome 1A. However, no corresponding QTL was identified that controls PPO activity, highlighting the complexity of the relationship between these traits. Resistance to three rust pathogens (Puccinia graminis, Puccinia striiformis, and Puccinia triticina) was also investigated in the DM5637*B8 x H45 DH population because they are major yield limiting diseases in wheat. Disease response data at the seedling stage were converted to genotypic scores for rust genes Sr24/Lr24, Sr36, Lr13 and Yr7 to construct a genetic linkage map. No recombination was observed between rust resistance genes Sr36, Lr13 and Yr7 in this DH population. Therefore, these genes mapped in the same position on chromosome 2B. The Lr24/Sr24 locus was incorporated into the chromosome 3D map. Interval mapping analysis identified QTLs on chromosomes 2B, 3B, 4B and 5B that control adult plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust. Two QTLs on chromosomes 2B and 3D were identified that controlled APR to leaf rust in this DH population.
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Spezifität der Wechselwirkung von Collybistin 2 mit Phosphatidylinositolphosphaten: Einfluss der verschiedenen Proteindomänen / Specificity of collybistin interaction with phosphoinositides: Impact of the individual protein domainsLudolphs, Michaela 27 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Genetic mapping of noodle quality characters and rust resistance in hexaploid wheatSadeque, Abdus January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) catalyses undesirable darkening in wheat products such as Asian noodles. Genetic variation for PPO activity is characterized in bread wheat. Australian wheat breeding programmes recognize that reduced PPO activity is an important quality target. Despite this interest from breeders, no varieties possessing extremely low and null PPO activity exist. The development of null PPO wheat varieties is dependant on an understanding of the genetic control of the null phenotype. Knowledge of these factors will accelerate efforts to develop them. The inheritance of PPO activity was investigated in two populations that were derived from hybrids between a null PPO genotype and Australian wheat varieties Lang and QAlBis. Observed genetic ratios were consistent with two and three gene control, respectively in these populations. QTL mapping was performed in the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. The Diversity Array Technology (DArT) approach was employed to genotype the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. Three highly significant QTLs that control PPO activity were identified on chromosomes 2AL, 2BS and 2DL. Close associations between PPO activity and DArT marker loci wPt-7024, wPt-0094 and wPt-2544 were observed, respectively. Collectively, these loci explained 74% of the observed variation in PPO activity across seasons. Significant QTLs on chromosomes 1B and 3B were also identified that together explained an additional 17% of variation in PPO activity. The relationship between PPO activity and yellow alkaline noodles (YAN) colour stability parameters was investigated in a DM5637*B8 x H45 doubled haploid population. PPO activity and changes in YAN brightness (ΔL* 0-24h) and yellowness (Δb* 0-24h) in both seasons were analysed. Quantitative trait analyses of PPO activity, flour yellowness (b*) and YAN colour stability was also conducted in this population. QTL mapping of variation in PPO activity in the DM5637*B8 x H45 DH population identified a highly significant QTL on chromosome 2AL, which explained 52% of the observed variation across seasons. Regression analysis identified that wPt-7024 was highly significantly associated with PPO activity in this population. A highly significant association between this marker and PPO was also identified in the QALBis x VAW08-A17 population. Collectively, the three identified QTLs (on chromosomes 2AL, 7A and 7B) explained 71% of variation in PPO activity across seasons. A highly significant (P<0.001) QTL on chromosome 2B along with significant (P<0.01) QTLs on the chromosomes 1A, 3B, 4B and 5B were found to control flour yellowness. The QTLs on 2B, 4B and 5B were detected in both seasons analysed and accounted for 90% of variation in flour b* across seasons. The study on YAN colour stability located two highly significant (P<0.001) QTLs and two significant (P<0.01) QTLs that controlled the change in brightness of yellow alkaline noodle. The 2A QTL accounted for 64% of observed variation across seasons. It was in the same location as the PPO QTL and shared a common closest marker wPt-7024. Only one significant QTL for YAN a* (0-24h) was identified. It accounted for 12% of variation across seasons and was only detected in one season. One highly significant (P<0.001) QTL and two significant (P<0.01) QTLs were identified that controlled the change in yellowness of yellow alkaline noodle. The 2A QTL accounted for 68% of observed variation across seasons. The location of this QTL corresponded with that of 2A QTLs for PPO activity and L* of YAN in this study. Furthermore, wPt-7024 was also identified as the marker with the most significant association with L*. The identification of a correlation between the characters and a common location of a highly significant QTL for each of these characters indicates that it is likely that PPO activity is directly responsible for a large proportion of the changes in brightness and yellowness of YAN. QTLs for L* and b* of YAN were detected in a common location on chromosome 1A. However, no corresponding QTL was identified that controls PPO activity, highlighting the complexity of the relationship between these traits. Resistance to three rust pathogens (Puccinia graminis, Puccinia striiformis, and Puccinia triticina) was also investigated in the DM5637*B8 x H45 DH population because they are major yield limiting diseases in wheat. Disease response data at the seedling stage were converted to genotypic scores for rust genes Sr24/Lr24, Sr36, Lr13 and Yr7 to construct a genetic linkage map. No recombination was observed between rust resistance genes Sr36, Lr13 and Yr7 in this DH population. Therefore, these genes mapped in the same position on chromosome 2B. The Lr24/Sr24 locus was incorporated into the chromosome 3D map. Interval mapping analysis identified QTLs on chromosomes 2B, 3B, 4B and 5B that control adult plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust. Two QTLs on chromosomes 2B and 3D were identified that controlled APR to leaf rust in this DH population.
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DLBCL, primary and secondary central nervous system involvement, treatment and prophylaxisKuitunen, H. (Hanne) 14 November 2017 (has links)
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of Non-Hodgkin´s Lymphoma (NHL). The standard treatment for DLBCL is R-CHOP chemoimmunotherapy (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisone). About one -third of patients have refractory disease or the lymphoma relapses. Prognosis after relapse of refractory disease is poor. Fitter and younger patients are recommended new intensive salvage chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation. Central nervous system (CNS) relapse is the most feared complication with dismal prognosis in DLBCL. High dose methotrexate intravenously administered concurrently with R-CHOP treatment has shown to be most promising to prevent CNS relapses.
Primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare aggressive lymphoma limited to the CNS and eyes. PCNSL is a chemo-and radiosensitive disease, but long-term response is rare since the blood brain barrier (BBB) limits access of many drugs to the CNS. BBB disruption (BBBD) is a treatment modality where the BBB is opened by hypertonic mannitol infusion. Administration of chemotherapeutics will achieve over ten-fold concentrations in the CNS and eradicate microscopic disease involvement.
This study retrospectively analyses patients who treated as first line with Bonn/Bonn-like treatment (study I), with BBBD treatment followed by high-dose treatment/autologous stem cell transplantation (HDT/ASCT) in first- or second-line (study II) or those treated with primary R-CHOP or its derivatives with or without concurrent CNS-targeted treatment (study III).
HD-MTX-based multichemotherapy is an effective induction treatment in CNS lymphoma, but long-lasting responses are rare. BBBD-treatment is well-tolerated and a promising method to attain high drug concentrations in the CNS to eradicate microscopic disease involvement in first- and second-line. CNS-prophylaxis with HD-MTX prevents CNS events in high risk DLBCL. PCNSL is agressive disease despite excellent primary response with HD-MTX based multichemotherapy. BBBD-treatment is a promising method to eradicate microscopic disease in the CNS and achieve a long-term response and cure rate. Fatal CNS relapses can be avoided using CNS-targeted treatment. / Tiivistelmä
Diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) on yleisin non-Hodgkin lymfooma (NHL), jonka standardihoitona toimii R-CHOP (rituksimabi, syklofosfamidi, vinkristiini, doksorubisiini, prednisoloni). Noin kolmasosalla potilaista tautii etenee hoidosta huolimatta tai uusii hoidon päätyttyä. Relapoituneen tai refraktaarin taudin ennuste on huono. Hyväkuntoisilla ja nuoremmilla potilailla pyritään etenemään uuteen induktiohoitoon ja korkea-annoshoitoon autologisen kantasolusiirteen turvin. Keskushermostouusiutuma on huonoennusteisin DLBCL:n komplikaatio. Suuriannosmetotreksaattihoito liitettynä R-CHOP-hoitoon estää keskushermostouusiutumia.
Primaari aivolymfooma (PCNSL) on harvinainen keskushermoston ja silmien alueelle rajautuva lymfooma. PCNSL on herkkä sytostaatti-ja sädehoidolle, mutta pitkäkestoisia vasteita nähdään harvoin. Veriaivoeste estää useimpien tehokkaiden sytostaattien pääsyn keskushermostoon. Veriaivoesteen aukaisuhoidossa veriaivoeste avataan hypertonisella mannitoli-infuusiolla. Toimenpiteen jälkeisellä sytostaatti-infuusiolla saavutetaan kymmenkertaiset lääkeainepitoisuudet keskushermostossa ja voidaan hoitaa mikroskooppista veriaivoesteen takana sijaitsevaa tautia.
Väitöskirjatyön tutkimukset ovat retrospektiivisiä. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä analysoitiin PCNSL potilaat, jotka saivat ensilinjassa Bonnin tai Bonnin kaltaista hoitoa. Toisessa osatyössä potilaat hoidettiin joko ensi- tai toisessa linjassa BBBD-hoidolla, päättyen konsolidaatiohoitona annettavaan korkea-annoshoitoon autologisen kantasolusiirteen turvin. Kolmannessa osatyössä analysoitiin suuren aivouusiutumariskin potilaita, joko yhdessä tai ilman keskushermostoon suunnattua hoitoa samanaikaisesti R-CHOP-hoidon kanssa.
Suuriannosmetotreksaatti-pohjainen yhdistelmäsolunsalpaajahoito on tehokas induktiohoito aivolymfoomassa pitkäkestoisten vasteiden ollessa harvinaisia. BBBD-hoito on hyvin siedetty ja lupaava hoitomuoto, jolla keskushermostossa voidaan saavuttaa suuret lääkeainepitoisuudet, jotka riittävät hoitamaan mikroskooppisen taudin sekä ensi että toisessa linjassa. Keskushermostoprofylaksia suuriannosmetotreksaatilla estää keskushermosto-uusiutumia suuren riskin DLBCL-potilailla.
PCNSL on agressiivinen tauti huolimatta erinomaisista metotreksaattipohjaisilla hoidoilla saavutetuista ensilinjan vasteista. BBBD-hoito on lupaava keino eradikoida mikroskooppinen tauti keskushermostosta ja saavuttaa pitkäaikaisia hoitovasteita, sekä pysyvä paraneminen aivolymfoomassa. Suuriannosmetotreksaattia sisältävällä sytostaattihoidolla voidaan estää fataaleja aivorelapseja DLBCL:ssä.
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Annotating figurative language: another perspective for digital AltertumswissenschaftenBeyer, Stefan, Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla, Wagenknecht, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Whereas past and current digital projects in ancient language studies have been concerned with the annotation of linguistic elements and metadata, there is now an increased interest in the annotation of elements above the linguistic level that are determined by context – like figurative language. Such projects bring their own set of problems (the automatisation of annotation is more difficult, for instance), but also allow us to develop new ways of examining the data. For this reason, we have attempted to take an already annotated database of Ancient Egyptian texts and develop a complementary tagging layer rather than starting from scratch with a new database. In this paper, we present our work in developing a metaphor annotation layer for the Late Egyptian text database of Projet Ramsès (Université de Liège) and in so doing address more general questions: 1) How to ‚tailor-make’ annotation layers to fit other databases? (Workflow) 2) How to make annotations that are flexible enough to be altered in the course of the annotation process? (Project design) 3) What kind of potential do such layers have for integration with existing and future annotations? (Sustainability)
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