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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-Economic Assessment of Thermal Energy Storage integration into Low Temperature District Heating Networks

Rossi Espagnet, Alberto January 2016 (has links)
Thermal energy storage (TES) systems are technologies with the potential to enhance the efficiency and the flexibility of the coming 4th generation low temperature district heating (LTDH). Their integration would enable the creation of smarter, more efficient networks, benefiting both the utilities and the end consumers. This study aims at developing a comparative assessment of TES systems, both latent and sensible heat based. First, a techno-economic analysis of several TES systems is conducted to evaluate their suitability to be integrated into LTDH. Then, potential scenarios of TES integration are proposed and analysed in a case study of an active LTDH network. This is complemented with a review of current DH legislation focused on the Swedish case, with the aim of taking into consideration the present situation, and changes that may support some technologies over others. The results of the analysis show that sensible heat storage is still preferred to latent heat when coupled with LTDH: the cost per kWh stored is still 15% higher, at least, for latent heat in systems below 5MWh of storage size; though, they require just half of the volume. However, it is expected that the cost of latent heat storage systems will decline in the future, making them more competitive. From a system perspective, the introduction of TES systems into the network results in an increase in flexibility leading to lower heat production costs by load shifting. It is achieved by running the production units with lower marginal heat production costs for longer periods and with higher efficiency, and thus reducing the operating hours of the other more expensive operating units during peak load conditions. In the case study, savings in the magnitude of 0.5k EUR/year are achieved through this operational strategy, with an investment cost of 2k EUR to purchase a water tank. These results may also be extended to the case when heat generation is replaced by renewable, intermittent energy sources; thus increasing profits, reducing fuel consumption, and consequently emissions. This study represents a step forward in the development of a more efficient DH system through the integration of TES, which will play a crucial role in future smart energy system. / Thermal energy storage (TES) eller Termisk energilagring är en teknologi med potentialen att öka effektivitet och flexibilitet i den kommande fjärde generationens fjärrvärme (LTDH). Studien har som mål att kartlägga en komparativ uppskattning av TES systemen, baserad både på latent och sensibel värme. Resultaten visar att lagring av sensibel värme är att föredra före latent värme när den kopplas med LTDH: pris per lagrade kWh kvarstår som 15% högre än för latent värme i system under 5 MWh av lagringsutrymme; dock fordrar de endast hälften av volymen. Utifrån systemperspektiv innebär introduktionen av TES system i nätverket en ökning av flexibilitet vilket leder till reducerade värmeproduktionskostnaderna i mindre belastning. I fallstudien nås en sparnivå av femhundra euro per år genom denna operativa strategi, med en investering av 2000 euro för inköp av vattentank. Resultaten kan också vidgas till en situation där värmeproduktionen ersätts av förnybara, intermittenta energikällor; till detta medföljer högre vinster, lägre bruk av bränsle vilket skulle innebära lägre utsläpp. Studien kan ses som ett steg framåt mot skapandet av en mer effektiv DH system genom integrationen av TES, vilket kommer att spela en betydande roll i framtida smarta energisystem.

Digital Humanities and Jewish Studies: a View from the U.S.

Lerner, Heidi G. 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic Variation for Nitrogen Efficiency in Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) / Genetische Variation der Stickstoff-Effizienz bei Winterraps (Brassica napus L.)

Nyikako, John 17 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Minéraux argileux dans le gisement uranifère d'Imouraren (Bassin de Tim Mersoï, Niger) : implications sur la genèse du gisement et sur l'optimisation des processus de traitement du minerai / Clay minerals in uraniferous deposit of Imouraren (Tim Mersoï basin, Niger) : implications on genesis of deposit and on ore treatment process

Billon, Sophie 07 May 2014 (has links)
Les gisements uranifères nigériens sont localisés dans les formations carbonifères et jurassiques du bassin de Tim Mersoï. AREVA est actionnaire de 3 sites miniers de cette région: la SOMAÏR et la COMINAK dans le district d'Arlit, en exploitation depuis 50ans, et IMOURAREN, 80km plus au Sud, dont l'exploitation est programmée pour 2015. La minéralisation du gisement d'Imouraren est comprise dans la formation fluviatile du Tchirézrine 2 (Jurassique), formée de chenaux et de plaines d'inondation. Les faciès de remplissage de chenaux vont des grès grossiers aux grès très fins (cortège détritique : quartz et feldspaths), tandis que les faciès de débordement sont constitués d'analcimolites. La minéralogie secondaire est acquise lors de 2 évènements : 1- la diagenèse, avec formation de minéraux argileux, d'analcime, de quartz et d'albite secondaires, et 2- un épisode de circulations de fluides, qui induit une altération des minéraux détritiques et diagénétiques, la formation de nouvelles phases et le dépôt de l'uranium. Cette altération dessine une zonation minéralogique à l'échelle du gisement.L'hétérogénéité du Tchirézrine 2, tant au niveau des faciès que de la minéralogie, se perçoit lors du traitement du minerai, puisqu'il réagit différemment selon sa provenance, avec parfois des problèmes de récupération de l'U. Des essais de traitement de minerais, ont montré que analcimes et chlorites étaient les deux pénalisants, pour 3 raisons : 1- les piégeages des phases U au sein des analcimes, 2- la dissolution de ces 2 minéraux a tendance à faire sortir des conditions de solubilisation de l'U (pH et Eh) et à former de nombreux sulfates, 3- problèmes de percolation. Une méthode de détection des minerais riches en analcimes, basée sur la spectroscopie infrarouge, a été développée afin d'optimiser les mélanges de minerais et ainsi de réduire les effets néfastes des pénalisants lors du traitement. / Nigerian uraniferous deposits are located in carboniferous and jurassic formations of Tim Mersoï basin. AREVA is shareholder of 3 mine sites in this area: SOMAÏR and COMINAK, both in exploitation since 1960’s and IMOURAREN, 80km further South, whose exploitation is planned for 2015. Mineralization of Imouraren deposit is included in the fluvial formation of Tchirezrine 2 (Jurassic), composed of channels and flood plains. Facies of channel infillings range from coarse sandstones to siltstones, while overflow facies are composed of analcimolites.Secondary mineralogy was acquired during 2 stages: 1- diagenesis, with formation of clay minerals, analcime, secondary quartz and albites, and 2- stage of fluids circulations, which induced alteration of detrital and diagenetic minerals, formation of new phases and uranium deposition. A mineralogical zoning, at the scale of deposit resulted from this alteration. The heterogeneity of Tchirezrine 2, at the level of both facies and mineralogy, is also evidenced during ore treatment, as ore reacts differently depending on its source, with sometimes problems of U recovery. Ore treatment tests showed that analcimes and chlorites were both penalizing minerals, because of 1- the sequestration of U-bearing minerals into analcimes, 2- their dissolution which trends to move away from U solubilization conditions (pH and Eh) and to form numerous sulfates, and 3- problems of percolation. A detection method of analcime-rich ores, based on infrared spectroscopy, was developed in order to optimize ore blending and so to reduce negative effects during ore treatment process.

Grafické demo s inverzní kinematikou / Graphics Demo with Inverse Kinematics

Kárníková, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the creation of a graphic demo with the use of inverse kinematics. It explains the motivations that led to the creation of the demo; it briefly mentions the history of the demo as well as the principles of animation. It describes in detail the fundamentals of inverse kinematics as well as the terminology needed for the understanding of inverse kinematics. It also includes some selected algorithms. The issue of inverse kinematics is further developed in the part of the work where the principles of skinning are being described. The principles of the collision detection are also mentioned here. The conclusion consists of a detailed explanation of some of the techniques used in graphic demo, such as the L-systems or procedural textures.

A middle manager's response to strategic directives on integrated care in an NHS organisation : developing a different way of thinking about prejudice

Yung, Fiona Yuet-Ching January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines a middle manager’s response to strategic directives on integrated care in a National Health Service (NHS) organisation and the development of an awareness of prejudice that acknowledges its relationship to the process of understanding. The research focuses on an integration of two community NHS trusts and an NHS hospital trust into one integrated care organisation (ICO). A change programme was initiated and promulgated on an assumption that integrating the three organisations would facilitate integrated care. However, despite the use of organisational change approaches (such as communication plans and systematic approaches to staff engagement), implementing the strategy directives in practice remained problematic. What emerged during the integration process was resistance to change and a clear division in the different ways of working in the community NHS trusts versus the community and hospital trusts – differences that became apparent from the prejudices of individuals and staff groups. The proposition is that prejudice is an important aspect of relationships whose significance in processes of change is often overlooked. I argue that prejudice is a phenomenon that emerges in the processes of particularisation, which I describe as an ongoing exploration and negotiation in our day-to-day activities of relating to one another. Our pejorative understanding of the term ‘prejudice’ has overshadowed more subtle connotations, which I propose are unhelpful in understanding change in organisations. However, I suggest a different way of thinking about prejudice – namely as a process that should be acknowledged as a characteristic of human beings relating to one another, which has the potential to generate and enhance understanding. The research is a narrative-based inquiry and describes critical incidents during the integration process of the three organisations and focusing on interactions between key staff members within the organisation. In paying attention to our ongoing relationships, there has been a growing awareness of disconnection from traditional management practices, which advocate systematic approaches and staff engagement techniques that are designed to encourage cooperation and reduce resistance to proposed change. This thesis challenges assumptions surrounding prejudice and how middle managers traditionally manage organisational change in practice in their attempts to apply deterministic approaches (which assume a linear causality) to control and influence human behaviour. I have taken into consideration a hermeneutic perspective on prejudice, drawing on the work of Hans Georg Gadamer, and have argued from the viewpoint of the theory of complex responsive processes. This offers an alternative way of thinking about management as social processes that are emergent in our daily interactions with one another, that are not based on linear causality, or on locating leadership and management with individuals. It provides a way of taking seriously the relationships between individuals by paying attention to what emerges from the interplay of our expectations and intentions. This leads to a different way of thinking about the relationship between prejudice and strategic directives, which I argue are not fixed instructions but unpredictable articulations of our gestures and responses that emanate from social interaction and continually iterate our thinking over time. This paradoxically influences how we make generalisations and particularise them in reflecting on and revising our expectation of meaning I suggest that it is not possible to predetermine a strategic outcome; and that traditional management practice, which locates change with individuals – and reduces aspects of organisational life, such as resistance, into a problem to be fixed – obscures our capacity to understand the processes of organisational change in the context of a much wider social phenomenon. I therefore conclude that my original and significant contribution to the theory of complex responsive processes and to practice is encouraging a different way of thinking about prejudice – as a process that can be productive and generate understanding, when considered as encompassing our expectations of meaning, linked to our own self-interests. This then opens up possibilities for transforming ourselves in relation to others – and, through this process, to transform the organisations in which we work.

Comparing the Effects of Flexibility Options on Conventional and Low-temperature District Heating Networks : Studying the potential of the next generation of district energy systems

Nithyanathan, Mario January 2022 (has links)
District heating (DH) systems have been commonplace in Europe for over a century. These systems have undergone an evolution since their conceiving, and today we are at the precipice of the next major transition from the third-generation district heating system (3GDH) to the fourth generation (4GDH). Current 3GDH systems operate at a supply temperature in-between 80 °C - 100 °C and a return temperature of around 45 °C. Future 4GDH systems will operate at a supply temperature below 70 °C and return temperature as low as 25 °C, and therefore, will integrate waste heat available at low temperatures, and renewable heat sources.The literature review performed here shows that low temperature DH (LTDH) systems have several benefits over their conventional temperature DH (CTDH) predecessor and achieve lower operating costs for some technologies when compared to the CTDH alternative. Therefore, in this thesis, a TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) model is used to simulate the operation of a DH system. The learnings from the literature review were incorporated into the model so that certain operational differences between CTDH and LTDH systems could be compared.In this context, the aim of this project is to analyse the effects of flexibility options on the operation of a DH system, and to compare these effects between CTDH and LTDH systems. Flexibility options in DH systems are technologies and concepts that work towards balancing heat generation and demand in thermal grids and can also help balance power generation and demand in electrical grids. Examples of flexibility options are thermal energy storage (TES) tanks, and seasonal energy storages (e.g., borehole TES (BTES), caverns (CTES), and pits (PTES)). These flexibility options have already been implemented in varying amounts in today’s CTDH systems and will therefore have to provide the same service with LTDH systems in the future.As part of the REWARDHeat project (grant agreement No. 857811), the Swedish city of Helsingborg was used as the case-study in this thesis. The city’s heating sector was incorporated into a TIMES heat model and simulated for the period 2017 to 2052. The existing CTDH system model was then adapted to a LTDH system model and simulated for the same time horizon. Both the CTDH model and LTDH model were simulated for a case with TES available and then for a case where TES was not available, to better-identify the flexibility benefits. The effect of electricity prices on the operation of the system was also studied, where one case uses electricity prices that are on the conservative (i.e., higher) side and another on the ambitious (i.e., lower) side. This means that a total of eight scenarios were simulated and analysed.The results show that more heat storage capacity is utilised in the LTDH system due to TES technologies having lower heat losses. Also, it was found that peak shaving was more pronounced in the LTDH system. This is due to more base heat supply in the system from more excess heat, and from STES discharging. This means that the required installed capacity of heat generating technologies are lower compared to the CTDH alternative. This all translates to TES technologies facilitating greater savings in total system cost, by almost 10%, in the LTDH system. The CTDH and LTDH systems studied in this thesis (i.e., with and without TES) are seen to transition from being a net electricity generator to being a major electricity consumer. This is due to reducing electricity prices going into the future, which incentivise investments into heat pumps (HPs), eventually making the systems (with combined heat and power (CHP) plants in the mix in the earlier years) HP-dominated. The inclusion of TES technologies is shown to accelerate this transition in both CTDH and LTDH systems studied in this thesis. More electricity is generated in the CTDH system than in a LTDH system as the cost savings from running HPs (due to higher coefficients of performance (COP) in low-temperature operation) offsets the revenue from electricity sales.Finally, the effect of electricity prices is also seen in the results. Lower electricity prices favour more DH production from HPs, while higher electricity prices incentivise increased production from CHP plants. The results show that the CTDH system gives the network operator more freedom (than in the LTDH system) to respond to electricity prices.Therefore, to conclude, LTDH systems can make more use of the flexibility provided by TES technologies due to lower heat losses, as shown through DH production volumes being lower, and through more peak shaving.Similar studies in future could incorporate a sensitivity analysis on the COPs of HPs in LTDH systems, given that this parameter seems to greatly influence the cost optimised strategy for operating DH systems. Also, it may be beneficial to expand the study into incorporating the city’s power sector, which would mean incorporating the electricity demand into the model. It would be interesting to see if this would cause the model to invest in other technologies other than HPs, or if it might still make more financial sense to import the electricity at market prices. Finally, the cost of transitioning from a CTDH system to a LTDH system could also be considered in the model, as it was not the case in this project. This would probably show that the financial benefit of LTDH systems is less than what is predicted in this study. / Fjärrvärmesystem har varit vanliga i Europa i över hundra år. Dessa system har utvecklats sedan de utformades, och idag står vi inför nästa stora övergång från tredje generationens fjärrvärmesystem (3GDH) till fjärde generationen (4GDH). Dagens 3GDH-nät fungerar med en framledningstemperatur mellan 80 °C och 100 °C och en returtemperatur på cirka 45 °C. Framtida 4GDH-nät kommer att fungera vid en framledningstemperatur under 70 °C och en returtemperatur så låg som 25 °C, och kommer därför att integrera spillvärme som är framkomlig vid låga temperaturer och förnybara värmekällor.Litteraturstudien som gjorts i den här studien visar att fjärrvärmenät med låg temperatur har flera fördelar jämfört med deras föregångare med konventionell temperatur och att driftskostnaderna för vissa tekniska system är lägre än för alternativet med konventionell temperatur. I denna avhandling används därför en TIMES-modell (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) för att simulera driften av ett fjärrvärmesystem. Lärdomarna från litteraturstudien användes i modellen för att vissa driftskillnader mellan dessa två system så att de kunde jämföras. I detta sammanhang är syftet med detta projekt att analysera effekterna av flexibilitetsalternativ på driften av ett fjärrvärmesystem och att jämföra dessa effekter mellan konventionella temperaturer och lågtemperaturssystem. Flexibilitetsalternativ i fjärrvärmenät är teknologi och koncept som arbetar för att balansera värmeproduktionen och efterfrågan i termiska nät och som också kan bidra till att balansera elproduktionen och efterfrågan i elnätet. Exempel på flexibilitetsalternativ är lagringstankar av värmeenergi och säsongsbundna energilägen (till exempel lagring av värmeenergi i borrhål, grottor och gropar). Dessa flexibilitetsalternativ har redan införts i varierande omfattning i dagens fjärrvärmenät och kommer därför att användas med lågtemperaturnät i framtiden.Som en del av REWARDHeat-projektet (bidragsavtal nr 857811) användes den svenska staden Helsingborg som fallstudie i denna studie. Stadens värmesektor införlivades i en TIMES-värmemodell och simulerades för perioden 2017–2052. Den befintliga fjärrvärmenät modellen med konventionell temperatur anpassades sedan till en fjärrvärmenätmodell med låg temperatur och simulerades för samma tidsperiod. Båda modellerna simulerades för ett fall där värmeenergilagring var tillgänglig och sedan för ett fall där värmeenergilagring inte var tillgänglig, för att bättre identifiera flexibilitetsfördelarna. Effekten av elpriserna på systemets funktion undersöktes också, där ett fall använder elpriser som är på den konservativa (dvs. högre) sidan och ett annat på den ambitiösa (dvs. lägre) sidan. Detta innebär att totalt åtta scenarier simulerades och analyserades.Resultaten visar att mer värmelagringskapacitet utnyttjas i fjärrvärmesystemet med låg temperatur på grund av att tekniken för lagring av värmeenergi har mindre värmeförluster. Det konstaterades också att lastutjämning var mer i fjärrvärmesystemet med låg temperatur. Detta beror på att det finns mer grundvärme i systemet på grund av mer överskottsvärme och på att värmeenergilagringar i borrhålen laddas ur. Detta innebär att den installerade kapacitet som krävs för värmeproducerande teknologi är lägre jämfört med alternativet med konventionell temperatur. Allt detta innebär att tekniken för lagring av värmeenergi möjliggör större besparingar i den totala systemkostnaden, med nästan 10 %, i fjärrvärmesystemet med låg temperatur. De konventionella och lågtemperatur fjärrvärmesystem som studeras i denna avhandling (dvs. med och utan lagring av värmeenergi) övergår från att vara nettogeneratorer av el till att bli stora elkonsumenter. Detta beror på att elpriserna kommer att sjunka i framtiden, vilket ger incitament till investeringar i värmepumpar, vilket i slutändan gör att systemen (som har haft kraftvärmeverk i mixen under tidigare år) kommer att domineras av värmepumpar. Införandet av tekniken för värmeenergilagring visar sig påskynda denna övergång i båda de system som studeras i denna avhandling. Det produceras mer el i fjärrvärmesystemet med konventionell temperatur än i ett fjärrvärmesystem med låg temperatur, eftersom kostnadsbesparingarna från drift av värmepumpar (på grund av högre prestandakoefficienter) med låg temperatur uppväger intäkterna från elförsäljning.Slutligen syns också effekten av elpriserna i resultaten. Lägre elpriser gynnar mer värmeproduktion från värmepumpar, medan högre elpriser stimulerar ökad produktion från kraftvärmeverk. Resultaten visar att fjärrvärmesystemet med konventionell temperatur ger nätoperatören större frihet (än i fjärrvärmesystemet med låg temperatur) att reagera på elpriserna.Sammanfattningsvis kan man därför konstatera att fjärrvärmesystem med låg temperatur i högre grad kan utnyttja den flexibilitet som tekniken för värmeenergilagring ger på grund av lägre värmeförluster, vilket visas genom att produktionsvolymerna för fjärrvärme är lägre och genom en högre grad av lastutjämning.Liknande studier i framtiden skulle kunna omfatta en känslighetsanalys av värmepumparnas prestandakoefficient i fjärrvärmesystem med låg temperatur, eftersom denna parameter verkar ha stor betydelse för den kostnadsoptimerade strategin för driften av systemet. Det kan också vara fördelaktigt att utvidga studien till att omfatta stadens energisektor, vilket skulle innebära att elbehovet inkluderas i modellen. Det skulle vara intressant att se om detta skulle få modellen att investera i andra tekniker än värmepumpar, eller om det fortfarande skulle vara mer ekonomiskt fördelaktigt att importera el till marknadspris. Slutligen skulle kostnaden för att övergå från ett fjärrvärmenät med konventionell temperatur till ett fjärrvärmenät med låg temperatur också kunna beaktas i modellen, eftersom så inte var fallet i detta projekt. Detta skulle förmodligen visa att den ekonomiska fördelen med fjärrvärmenät med låg temperatur är mindre än vad som förutses i denna studie.

Flexible Sector Coupling (FSC) of Electrical and Thermal Sectors via Thermal Energy Storage (TES) : A Case Study on Oskarshamn Energi

Calvo García, Raúl, Marín Arcos, Jose María January 2023 (has links)
The integration of distributed energy sources and systems is of high relevance for the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. Taking into consideration the  amount of emissions produced by the heating sector, which account for at least half of the energy demand in buildings, district heating systems have the potential to play a key role in the transition, by enabling the integration of various energy sources and provide flexible energy services to the grid. The objective of this research is to evaluate the potential for flexible sector coupling between the electrical and heating sectors, utilizing thermal energy storage alongside various heat generation units, including heat pumps and a combined heat and power (CHP) unit. To examine this concept, we used a district heating facility located in Oskarshamn, Sweden, as our case study. At present, the production mix at this facility comprises various production units- that utilize mainly biomass as their fuel source, including wood pellets, wood chips, and occasionally, bio-oil. Extensive research was conducted to review the existing literature and gain a comprehensive understanding of the technologies and concepts associated with FSC. This thorough examination allowed for a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in FSC. As the main contributions of this work, two numerical models respectively for production and dispatch optimization were developed and simulated complementary, concerning the thermal and electrical system of the studied plant. A dispatch model was developed with the aim of analyzing the operating behaviour of the system, identifying the available energy sources and optimizing their hourly dispatch. Subsequently, utilizing the open-access tool for capacity and investment optimization (OSeMOSYS), various scenarios were examined to evaluate the potential of thermal energy storage (TES), where a water tank was found to be the most cost-effective solution, and heat pump integration in enhancing the plant performance and providing flexibility. The study was divided into two distinct time periods. The first period focused solely on hourly dispatch optimization until 2035. In the second period, the analysis extended to include investment optimization, followed by the subsequent dispatch optimization until 2050, hence, using both tools. To effectively compare and assess the different scenarios, several key performance indicators (KPIs) were chosen, including the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), capital expenditure (CAPEX), generation costs, and emissions. These scenarios were designed to account for variations in crucial variables such as electricity prices, the plant’s self-consumption potential, and the capital cost of storage. By considering the aforementioned factors, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to determine the optimal approach for maximizing performance and cost-effectiveness. It is important to mention that the electrical self-consumption within the plant was considered as one of the potential improvements. While the potential for electrical self-consumption was mainly studied on a shorter-term, the variability in the capital cost of the TES system was better considered on the long-term investment analysis. From the different simulations, the cases where self-consumption is included result in smaller operating costs, as producing electricity via the CHP unit of the plant is cheaper on average than the prices offered by the local distribution company. The obtained capacities for TES and the heat pump vary among the studied scenarios. Higher electricity prices favor investments in alternative fuel boilers like wood chips or wood pellets, while lower electricity prices result in increased TES capacities and higher heat pump production. The capital cost of storage also determines the capacity chosen for the storage water tank, sometimes investing a bit more to gain efficiency and reduce operational costs. Throughout the project, various sustainability aspects have been addressed. These encompass environmental responsibilities, with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions, enhancing social equity by implementing a more efficient heating system within the municipality, and assessing the economic viability of these initiatives. In conclusion, the study provides evidence and showcases the viability of implementing FSC in Oskarshamn’s power plant, as results from the different scenarios commonly show that FSC could bring down the total costs, as well as the amount of CO2 emissions on a long-term basis. Based on the findings, additional recommendations are proposed to optimize the plant’s performance and leverage the potential of this innovative approach. The proposed recommendations include increasing the time resolution in the model simulations to improve result accuracy and exploring different scenarios, which may involve considering various electricity or fuel price predictions, among other factors. / Integreringen av distribuerade energikällor och energisystem är av stor betydelse för övergången till ett mer hållbart energisystem. Med hänsyn till det utsläpp från värmesektorn, som står för minst hälften av energibehovet i byggnader, har fjärrvärmesystem potential att spela en nyckelroll i omställningen genom att möjliggöra integrering av olika energikällor och tillhandahålla flexibla energitjänster till nätet. Syftet med denna forskning är att utvärdera Potentialen för flexibel sektorkoppling (FSC) mellan el- och värmesektorerna, med hjälp av termisk energilagring tillsammans med olika värmeproduktionsenheter, inklusive värmepumpar och en kombinerad kraftvärmeproduktion (CHP). För att undersöka detta koncept, använde vi en fjärrvärmeanläggning i Oskarshamn, Sverige, som vår fallstudie. För tillfället består produktionsmixen vid denna anläggning av olika produktionsenheter som huvudsakligen använder biomassa som bränslekälla, inklusive träpellets, träflis och ibland bioolja. Omfattande forskning genomfördes för att granska den befintliga litteratur och få en heltäckande förståelse för de tekniker och koncept som är förknippade med FSC. Denna grundliga undersökning möjliggjorde en omfattande översikt av det aktuella kunskapsläget inom FSC. Som de viktigaste bidragen i detta arbete utvecklades och simulerades två numeriska modeller för produktions- respektive leveransoptimering, som berör det termiska och elektriska systemet i den studerade anläggningen. En fördelningsmodell utvecklades i syfte att analysera systemets driftsbeteende, identifiera tillgängliga energikällor och optimera deras fördelning per timme. Med hjälp av det verktyget med öppna tillgång (open-aceess) för kapacitets- och investeringsoptimering (OSeMOSYS) undersöktes därefter olika scenarier för att utvärdera potentialen för termisk energilagring (TES), där en vattentank visade sig vara den mest kostnadseffektiva lösningen, och integration av värmepumpar för att förbättra anläggningens prestanda och ge flexibilitet. Studien var uppdelad i två olika tidsperioder. Den första perioden fokuserade enbart på optimering av timfördelning fram till 2035. Under den andra perioden utvidgades analysen till att omfatta investeringsoptimering, följt av efterföljande optimering av driften fram till 2050, vilket innebär att båda verktygen användes. För att effektivt kunna jämföra och bedöma de olika scenarierna valdes flera viktiga nyckelprestandaindikatorer (KPI:er), inklusive den nivellerade energikostnaden (LCOE), kapitalinvesteringar (CAPEX), produktionskostnader och CO2 utsläpp. Dessa scenarier utformades för att ta hänsyn till variationer i viktiga variabler som elpriser, anläggningens självkonsumtionspotential och kapitalkostnaden för lagring. Med hänsyn till de ovan nämnda faktorerna genomfördes en omfattande analys för att fastställa den optimala metoden för att maximera prestanda och kostnadseffektivitet. Det är viktigt att nämna att den elektriska självförbrukningen inom anläggningen betraktades som en av de potentiella förbättringarna. Medan potentialen för elektrisk självförbrukning främst studerades på kortare sikt, beaktades variationen i kapitalkostnaden för TES-systemet bättre i den långsiktiga investeringsanalysen. De olika simuleringarna visar att de fall där självförbrukning ingår resulterar i lägre driftskostnader, eftersom elproduktionen via kraftvärmeverket i genomsnitt är billigare än de priser som erbjuds av det lokala distributionsbolaget. De erhållna kapaciteterna för TES och värmepumpen varierar mellan de studerade scenarierna. Högre elpriser gynnar investeringar i alternativa bränslepannor som flis eller träpellets, medan lägre elpriser resulterar i ökad TES-kapacitet och högre värmepumpsproduktion. Kapitalkostnaden för lagring avgör också vilken kapacitet som väljs för vattentanken (some en TES), ibland investerar man lite mer för att öka effektiviteten och minska driftskostnaderna. Under hela projektet har olika hållbarhetsaspekter beaktats. Dessa omfattar miljöansvar, med fokus på att minska CO2-utsläppen, öka den sociala rättvisan genom att införa ett mer effektivt värmesystem inom kommunen, och bedöma den ekonomiska bärkraften i dessa initiativ. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det är möjligt att implementera FSC i Oskarshamns kraftverk, eftersom resultaten från de olika scenarierna visar att FSC kan sänka de totala kostnaderna samt mängden CO2-utsläpp på lång sikt. Baserat på resultaten föreslås ytterligare rekommendationer för att optimera anläggningens prestanda och utnyttja potentialen i denna innovativa metod. De föreslagna rekommendationerna inkluderar att öka tidsupplösningen i modellsimuleringarna för att förbättra resultatens noggrannhet och utforska olika scenarier, vilket bland annat kan innebära att man överväger olika el- eller bränsleprisprognoser.

Trauma in the Syntax: Trauma Writing in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest

Alyssa Caroline Fernandez (11181666) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<p>This project presents a case study of postmodern trauma, working at the boundaries of the humanities and computer science to produce an in-depth examination of trauma writing in David Foster Wallace’s novel <i>Infinite Jest</i>. The goal of this project is to examine the intricacies of syntax and language in postmodern trauma writing through an iterative process I refer to as <i>broken reading</i>, which combines traditional humanities methodologies (close reading) and distant, computational methodologies (Natural Language Processing). Broken reading begins with close reading, then ventures into the distant reading processes of sentiment analysis and entity analysis, and then returns again to close reading when the data must be analyzed and the broken computational elements must be corrected. While examining the syntactical structure of traumatic and non-traumatic passages through this broken reading methodology, I found that Wallace represents trauma as gendered. The male characters in the novel, when recollecting past traumata or undergoing traumatic events, maintain their subject status, recognize those around them as subjects, and are able to engage actively with the world around them. On the other hand, the female characters in the novel are depicted as lacking the same capacities for subjectivity and action. Through computational text analysis, it becomes clear that Wallace writes female trauma in a way that reflects their lack of agency and subjectivity while he writes male trauma in a way that maintains their agency and subjectivity. Through close reading, I was able to discover qualitative differences in Wallace’s representations of trauma and form initial observations about syntactical and linguistic patterns; through distant reading, I was able to quantify the differences I uncovered through close reading by conducting part of speech tagging, entity analysis, semantic analysis, and sentiment analysis. Distant reading led me to discover elements of the text that I had not noticed previously, despite the occasional flaw in computation. The analyses I produced through this broken reading process grew richer because of failure—when I failed as an interpreter, and when computational analysis failed, these failures gave me further insight into the trauma writing within the novel. Ultimately, there are marked syntactical and linguistic differences between the way that Wallace represents male and female trauma, which points toward the larger question of whether other white male postmodern authors gender trauma in their writings, too. This study has generated a prototype model for the <i>broken reading </i>methodology, which can be used to further examine postmodern trauma writing.</p>

Μελέτη των παραμέτρων της σύνθεσης υβριδικών κολλοειδών νανοκρυστάλλων με υπερπαραμαγνητικές ιδιότητες για την ανάπτυξη πολυλειτουργικών συστημάτων ελεγχόμενης χορήγησης αντικαρκινικών ουσιών

Σεργίδης, Ανδρέας 28 May 2015 (has links)
Η Πακλιταξέλη (PTX) αποτελεί ένα ευρέως διαδεδομένο αντινεοπλασματικό φάρμακο και ενδείκνυται σε μεταστατικό καρκίνο του μαστού, καρκίνο ωοθηκών, μη μικροκυτταρικό καρκίνο του πνεύμονα και σε σάρκωμα Kaposi ασθενών με AIDS. Παρ’ όλα αυτά, η σημαντική τοξικότητα που εμφανίζει (μυελοκαταστολή, νευροτοξικότητα, αντιδράσεις υπερευαισθησίας), υπογραμμίζει την αναγκαιότητα για μορφοποίησή της σε Συστήματα Ελεγχόμενης Χορήγησης Φαρμάκων (DDS), με σκοπό τη μείωση των ανεπιθύμητων ενεργειών και την αύξηση της βιοδιαθεσιμότητας του φαρμάκου. Τα πολυμερικά μικκύλια έχουν μελετεθεί εκτενώς τα τελευταία χρόνια ως Συστήματα Ελεγχόμενης Χορήγησης Φαρμάκων. Η ενσωμάτωση υπερπαραμαγνητικών νανοκρυσταλλιτών οξειδίου του σιδήρου (SPIONs) στον πυρήνα των PTX-μικκυλίων, παρέχει τη δυνατότητα μαγνητικής στόχευσης του φαρμάκου στην επιθυμητή περιοχή δράσης, καθώς και τη θεραπεία του καρκίνου μέσω επαγωγής μαγνητικής υπερθερμίας, με την εφαρμογή εναλλασσόμενου μαγνητικού πεδίου. Επιπλεόν, η χρήση των SPIONs ως σκιαγραφικά μέσα (Τ2-contrast enhancement) στη μαγνητική τομογραφία πυρηνικού συντονισμού (MRI), εξασφαλίζει το πλεονέκτημα ταυτόχρονης διάγνωσης και θεραπείας (Theranostics), αποκαλύπτοντας την πολυλειτουργικότητα των συστημάτων αυτών. Οι συγκεκριμένοι νανοφορείς, έχοντας μικρό μέγεθος (100-200nm), θεωρούνται κατάλληλοι για να αποφύγουν την οψωνινοποίηση απο τις λιποπρωτεϊνες του αίματος, την επίθεση απο τα φαγοκύτταρα του Δικτυοενδοθηλιακού συστήματος (RES) καθώς και την ταχεία νεφρική κάθαρση, με αποτέλεσμα την παρατεταμένη κυκλοφορία τους στο αίμα (stealth systems) και την εκλεκτική πρόσληψη τους απο τους συμπαγείς καρκινικούς όγκους, μέσω του φαινομένου της ενισχυμένης διαπερατότητας και κατακράτησης (EPR effect). Οι ιδιότητες αυτές, καθιστούν τα συγκεκριμένα συστήματα πολύτιμα εργαλεία στον τομέα της νανοϊατρικής. Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διατριβή πραγματεύεται τη σύνθεση υδρόφοβων SPIONs μέσω της τεχνικής της θερμικής αποικοδόμησης. Μελετήθηκαν οι συνθετικές παράμετροι (πρόδρομη ένωση, ποσότητα ελαϊκού οξέος, θερμοκρασία και διάρκεια αντίδρασης, ρυθμός αύξησης της θερμοκρασίας κ.α) που επηρεάζουν το μέγεθος, το σχήμα και τη διασπορά του μεγέθους των σχηματιζομένων νανοκρυσταλλιτών (5-13nm, σ: 10-20%), καθώς διαδραματίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στη μαγνητική συμπεριφορά των υβριδικών νανονοφορέων. Στη συνέχεια, πραγματοποιήθηκε σύνθεση υβριδικών νανοφορέων με εγκλωβισμό των SPIONs σε πολυμερικά μικκύλια. Η παρασκευή των υπερπαραμαγνητικών μικκυλίων επιτελέστηκε με την τεχνικη solvent diffusion and evaporation (nanoprecipitation), με χρήση του αμφίφιλου συμπολυμερούς πολυ(γαλακτικό οξύ)-πολυ(αιθυλενογλυκόλη) (PLA-PEG). Στον υδρόφοβο πυρήνα των μικκυλίων (PLA) δεσμεύονται υδρόφοβες ενώσεις (PTX, SPIONs), ενώ το υδρόφιλο κέλυφος (PEG) προσδίδει κολλοειδή σταθερότητα σε υδατικά μέσα (δομή πυρήνα-κελύφους). Διερευνήθηκαν διάφορες συνθετικές παράμετροι (μοριακό βάρος συμπολυμερούς, ποσότητα SPIONs, ρυθμός προσθήκης οργανικής φάσης κ.α) και προσδιορίστηκαν οι βέλτιστες συνθήκες για την παρασκευή υπερπαραμαγνητικών μικκυλίων μεγέθους <200nm, με αξιοσημείωτη κολλοειδή σταθερότητα (μέχρι και έξι μήνες), σε συνθήκες παρόμοιες με αυτές του ανθρώπινου πλάσματος (pH: 7.4, ιοντική ισχύς: 0.15Μ). Στο επόμενο στάδιο της παρούσας εργασίας, μελετήθηκαν οι παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη φόρτωση-ενκαψυλίωση της PTX και των SPIONs στα πολυμερικά μικκύλια (ποσότητα PTX, ποσότητα και μέγεθος SPIONs, μοριακό βάρος PLA-PEG, ρυθμός προσθήκης οργανικής φάσης κ.α), σε φυσιολογικές συνθήκες (pH:7.4, ιοντική ισχύς: 0.15Μ). Αναπτύχθηκε πρωτόκολλο μέσω του οποίου έγινε κατορθωτός ο διαχωρισμός των μαγνητικών νανοφορέων απο τους μη μαγνητικούς, καθώς και ο υπολογισμός της φόρτωσης-ενκαψυλίωσης PTX και SPIONs ξεχωριστά, τόσο στους μαγνητικούς και μη μαγνητικούς νανοφορείς, όσο και στο μέιγμα αυτών. Οι συγκεκριμένοι νανοφορείς χαρακτηρίζονται απο εξαιρετικά υψηλή απόδοση ενκαψυλίωσης φαρμάκου (93 %wt.) και φόρτωση φαρμάκου που ανέρχεται στο 4.8 %wt. Oι αμιγώς μαγνητικοί νανοφορείς επιδεικνύουν υψηλή απόδοση ενκαψυλίωσης νανοκρυσταλλιτών (70 %wt.), ενώ η φόρτωση σε φάρμακο και SPIONs ανέρχεται σε 5.2 και 20 %wt. αντίστοιχα. Σε αμφότερες τις περιπτώσεις οι νανοφορείς, μεγέθους (υδροδυναμική διάμετρος) 170nm, χαρακτηρίζονται απο ικανοποιητική μαγνητική συμπεριφορά. Εξετάστηκε η επίδραση του μεγέθους των νανοκρυσταλλιτών στη μαγνητική συμπεριφορά των νανοφορέων. Οι αμιγώς μαγνητικοί νανοφορείς με μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος SPIONs παρουσιάζουν καλύτερη μαγνητική συμπεριφορά. Τέλος, πραγματοποιήθηκαν μελέτες αποδέσμευσης του φαρμάκου σε PBS (0.14Μ, pH:7.4) στους 37oC και διερευνήθηκε η επίδραση της εφαρμογής εναλλασσόμενου μαγνητικού πεδίου στην αποδέσμευση της PTX απο τους μαγνητικούς νανοφορείς (Triggered Drug Release). Σε κάθε περίπτωση, παρατηρήθηκε ελεγχόμενη αποδέσμευση του φαρμάκου για 24 ώρες, σε συνθήκες που προσομοιάζουν με αυτές του πλάσματος. Ο φυσικοχημικός χαρακτηρισμός των νανοφορέων πραγματοποιήθηκε με HPLC, DLS, TGA, TEM και μαγνητοφόρηση. / Paclitaxel (PTX) is one of the most successful anticancer drugs against a broad range of solid tumors, such as metastatic breast cancer, ovarian cancer, non-small-cell lung cancer and AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma. However, the serious systematic side effects of PTX (myelosuppression, neurotoxicity, hypersensitivity) underline the need for formulation of PTX in Drug Delivery Systems (DDS), in order to reduce the side effects and increase the bioavailability of the drug. Among DDS, polymeric micelles have drawn much attention due to their great flexibility in tuning drug solubility, micelle size, targeted drug delivery and stability. Incorporation of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanocrystals (SPIONs) inside the core of drug-loaded polymeric micelles, imparts to the final Drug Delivery System the prospect of physical (magnetic) targeting, intrinsic therapeutic function (hyperthermia-based cancer therapy under alternating external magnetic field), T2-based contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and remotely triggered drug release. These core-shell polymeric micelles having small size (100-200nm), are considered appropriate for avoiding both opsonization, macrophages attack by ReticuloEndothelial System (RES) and rapid renal clearance, thus allowing micelles to be taken up preferably by solid tumors through Enhanced Permeability and Retention (EPR) effect. Therefore, such nanoassemblies encode high potential in nanomedicine, due to their dual nature (Therapeutic+Diagnostic = Theranostics). In particular, we have studied the synthesis of organophilic SPIONs through thermal decomposition. The synthetic parameters (precursor, precursor:oleic acid ratio, reaction temperature and duration, heat rate, etc.) affecting the size, shape and size distribution of the nanocrystals have also been examined thoroughly, since they play a key-role concerning the magnetic behavior of the final hybrid. Nanosized SPIONs with narrow size distribution were synthesized (5-13nm, σ: 10-20%). The preparation of poly(lactic acid)-block-poly(ethyleneglycol) (PLA-PEG) micelles encapsulating hydrophobic SPIONs, by varying the molecular weight of the polymers, the amount of SPIONs and the addition rate during micelle assembly, has also been investigated. The core-shell superparamagnetic micelles were prepared through solvent diffusion and evaporation technique (nanoprecipitation). PTX and SPIONs are being incorporated into the micelle’s hydrophobic core (PLA) through hydrophobic interactions, whereas the hydrophilic shell (PEG) stabilizes the micelles in aqueous dispersions, optimizing their colloidal stability and providing prolonged circulating time. The optimum parameters were determined, conferring to the micelles (Hydrodynamic Diameter < 200nm) high colloidal stability (up to six months) at biorelevant conditions (pH:7.4, ionic strenght: 0.15M). The next phase of the present master thesis focused on studying the factors (amount of PTX and SPIONs, molecular weight of PLA-PEG, addition rate, etc.) affecting the Loading of PTX and SPIONs into the polymeric micelles and how they can be fine-tuned towards high drug loading, while retaining their size at a scale where long circulation would not be precluded. Through protocol establishment, we have managed to separate the magnetic and non magnetic micelles, and to determine individually the loading of PTX and SPIONs for magnetic, non magnetic micelles, as well as for the mixture of them. The micelles’ mixture exhibits very high Drug Encapsulation Efficiency (93 %wt.) and 4.8 %wt. Drug Loading (D.L). Magnetic nanocarriers display high Magnetic Encapsulation Efficiency (70 %wt.), with D.L and Magnetic Loading of 5.2 and 20 %wt. respectively, In both cases, micelles demonstrate adequate magnetic behavior and small sizes (hydrodynamic diameter: 170nm), under conditions which simulate with human plasma (pH:7.4, ionic strenght: 0.15M). The effect of SPIONs’ size on the magnetic behavior of hybrid colloids, was also examined. Magnetic nanocarriers encapsulating SPIONs of greater size exhibit better magnetic behavior. Finally, we have conducted Drug release studies in PBS (0.14M, pH:7.4) at 37oC. The effect of SPIONs presence on the release profile of PTX, including triggered drug-release by application of AC magnetic field, has also been investigated. PTX-magnetic micelles exhibit Controlled Drug release for 24 hours. Several techniques have been used for the characterization of such nanoassemblies, like: HPLC, DLS, TGA, TEM, XRD, Magnetophoresis and Triggered Drug release by application of AC magnetic field.

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