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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspectos evolutivos da depressão pós-parto e fatores associados / Evolutionary apects of postnatal depression and associated factors

Marcela Nosralla Bottino 26 April 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A depressão pós-parto (DPP) é uma condição prevalente que afeta globalmente as mulheres puérperas. Uma hipótese evolutiva aborda a depressão, e consequentemente a DPP, como uma resposta proveniente da evolução do comportamento humano ao longo da História, através da seleção natural. A teoria do investimento parental sugere que os pais não investem automaticamente em toda prole; o investimento é direcionado para que o sucesso reprodutivo seja máximo. No caso de os riscos superarem os benefícios reprodutivos, sintomas de depressão se desenvolvem como sinal de alerta. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar fatores associados à DPP que fossem compatíveis com a teoria do investimento parental. Estudo transversal realizado com 811 mães de lactentes até cinco meses de idade, no município do Rio de Janeiro. A presença de DPP foi definida com base no escore da Escala de Edinburgh (EPDS). Fatores potencialmente associados à DPP foram analisados através de regressão logística com ajuste para fatores de confundimento. Os fatores significativamente associados à DPP foram: apoio social inadequado (OR 3,38; IC 95% 2,32-4,94), baixa escolaridade (OR 2,82; IC 95% 1,69-4,70), violência física entre parceiros íntimos na gestação (OR 2,33; IC 95% 1,56-3,47), idade materna inferior a 35 anos (OR 2,20; IC 95% 1,05-4,64), falta de companheiro (OR 1,90; IC 95% 1,16-3,12), internações durante a gestação (OR 1,87; IC 95% 1,12-3,14) e prematuridade do recém-nascido (OR 1,87; IC 95% 1,02-3,42). Em suma, identificamos alguns fatores associados à DPP que podem ser úteis no rastreamento e acompanhamento de mulheres de risco. Alguns dos fatores associados à DPP podem ser explicados através das hipotéses evolutivas contempladas neste estudo. Entretanto, os achados encontrados não são suficientes para esgotar o conhecimento referente a esta questão. Futuras pesquisas devem focar em diferentes abordagens desta condição e acompanhamento das consequências para as mulheres e suas famílias. / Postpartum depression (PPD) is a prevalent condition that affects women globally after they have given birth. An evolutionary hypothesis deals with depression, and consequently PPD, as a response from the evolution of human behavior throughout history, through natural selection. The parental investment theory suggests that parents do not automatically invest in all offspring, so that the investment is directed towards maximum reproductive success. If the risks outweigh fittness benefits, symptoms of depression develop as a warning sign. The objective of the study was to identify factors associated with PPD that were consistent with parental investment theory. Cross-sectional study with 811 mothers of infants up to five months of age in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The presence of PPD was defined based on scores on the Edinburgh Scale (EPDS). Factors potentially associated with PPD were analyzed by logistic regression with adjustment for confounding factors. Factors significantly associated with PPD were: inadequate social support (OR 3,38; 95% CI 2,32-4,94), low educational level (OR 2,82; 95% CI 1,69-4,70), physical violence between partners in gestation (OR 2,33; 95% CI 1,56- 3,47), maternal age under 35 years (OR 2,20; 95% CI 1,05-4,64), lack of partner (OR 1,90; 95% CI 1,16-3,12), hospitalization during pregnancy (OR 1,87; 95% CI 1,12- 3,14) and prematurity of the newborn (OR 1,87; 95% CI 1,02- 3,42). In summary, we identified factors associated with PPD which can be useful in tracking and monitoring women at risk. Some of the factors associated with PPD can be explained through the evolutionary hypotheses considered in this study. However, the findings are not sufficient to exhaust the knowledge regarding this question. Future research should focus on different aspects of this condition and monitoring of the consequences for women and their families.

Darwinismo universal à luz da auto-organização : implicações evolutivas na origem da ordem biológica

Alabí, Letícia Paola January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Charles Morphy D. Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2014. / O Darwinismo Universal, conceito desenvolvido pelo biólogo evolucionista Richard Dawkins em 1983, responde positivamente à conjectura "Se existe vida fora da Terra, os organismos evoluem como evoluem os seres vivos da Terra?". No entanto, a complexidade adaptativa centrada na seleção natural, seria por si só, aqui ou em qualquer parte do Universo, suficiente para explicar toda a evolução orgânica? O próprio Charles Darwin defendia um pluralismo explicativo para a evolução. A proposta central do trabalho é discutir se uma definição geral de vida pode estar fundamentada na ideia de seleção natural ou se precisamos rediscutir e estender o conceito de Darwinismo Universal à luz de conceitos tais como a auto-organização, que poderia explicar a origem da ordem biológica a partir de características intrínsecas dos sistemas físico-químicos. Também faz parte do escopo do projeto apontar falhas e indevidas extrapolações do Darwinismo associadas a modelos cosmológicos, assim como a não universalidade do conceito frente a tradicional definição universal de vida. Pela falta de uma definição mais ampla do que é vida, a detecção de bioassinaturas ¿ atributos químicos, físicos ou fisiológicos que denotam, necessariamente, a presença de organismos ¿ torna-se limitada por se restringir apenas àquilo que, independentemente do lugar que ocupa no Universo, passa por um processo natural de seleção darwiniana. Tão logo, deve-se buscar uma compreensão universal da vida como um fenômeno emergente coerente. A expansão do conceito de Darwinismo Universal à luz de uma extensão (ou síntese estendida) da Teoria da Evolução ¿ no componente auto-organização ¿ servirá como arcabouço preliminar para uma filosofia da Biologia apta a abarcar a origem da ordem e diversificação de todas as formas de vida na Terra e para determinar diretrizes as buscas de bioassinaturas. / Universal Darwinism, a concept developed by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1983, responds positively to the conjecture "If life out of Earth exists, does it evolve as Earth¿s living beings do?". Nevertheless, the adaptative complex centered in Darwinian evolution and, therefore, in natural selection, would be by itself, here or at any part of the Universe, sufficient to explain all the organic evolution? Charles Darwin himself used to defend an explicative pluralism for evolution. The main purpose of the present work is to discuss if a general definition of life can be uniquely based on natural selection or whether a new discussion and understanding of the Universal Darwinism under the light of concepts like self-organization is required, which would be able to explain the origin of biological order from physicochemical systems intrinsic characteristics. It is also part of this project¿s scope to point out flaws and improper Darwinism extrapolations associated to cosmological models, as well as the concept¿s non-universality faced with life¿s traditional universal definition. By the lack of a broader definition of life, the detection of biosignatures ¿ chemical, physical or physiological attributes which betoken necessarily, the presence of organisms ¿ becomes limited by restricting only what, independently from where it is located in the universe, undergoes a Darwinian natural selection process. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a universal life comprehension as a coherent emerging phenomenon. The expansion of Universal Darwinism under the light of an extension (or extended synthesis) of the Evolutionary theory ¿ at the self-organization component ¿ will serve as preliminary scaffold for a philosophy of biology able to embrace the origin of order and the diversification of all life forms on Earth, and to determine guidelines for biosignatures searches.

Kristendom och Darwinism : evig konflikt eller möjlig samexistens

Olofsson, Jenny January 2001 (has links)
<p>När Darwin lade fram sin teori 1859 mötte den mycket motstånd. Han hade vänt upp och ned på den tidigare uppfattningen om att människan hade skapats, liksom hela universum. Det naturliga urvalet, som var den främsta förklaringen till människans och djurens ursprung, försökte bortförklaras. På samma sätt har Darwinanhängare förkastat tanken om att Gud skulle ha skapat allt. Det naturliga urvalet lämnar helt enkelt ingen plats åt en skapande kraft – den behövs inte eftersom naturen klarar det själv om den bara får några försök på sig och tillräckligt lång tid.</p><p>Finns det då någon möjlighet för dessa två att samexistera? I detta arbete har de båda jämförts och olika forskares resultat har tagits i beaktande för att slutligen komma fram till ett svar. Eftersom det finns en viss förkunskap hos oss alla har den hermeneutiska metoden använts. Genom att läsa annan litteratur har stegvis ny kunskap kommit fram och byggts på, för att slutligen få en insikt i ämnet och därifrån kunna dra slutsatsen.</p><p>De bådas samexistens är fullt möjlig. Vetenskapen kan inte förklara allt och fram till den dag då de kan bevisa att Gud, eller den skapande kraften inte finns så finns det plats för båda. Det ena behöver inte utesluta det andra. Vill en darwinist tro på Gud så är det fullt möjligt. Likaså gäller om en kristen vill acceptera de naturvetenskapliga förklaringarna till människans härstamning. Vetenskapen förklarar det vi har i vår empiriska upplevelsevärld och kristendomen förklarar det bortom - det transcendenta.</p> / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till Nordström.

Images of an Empire : Chinese Geography Textbooks of the Early 20th Century

Norvenius, Mats January 2012 (has links)
In 1901 the Qing regime, in power 1644-1911, took wide-ranging measures to reform the Chinese Empire. Fundamental changes were carried out within the field of education, resulting in the completion of China’s first modern educational system in 1904. Modern schools mushroomed across China and modern textbooks introducing non-traditional knowledge became common reading in the classrooms. Modern geography textbooks informed schoolchildren about the circumstances within the Empire and, to some extent, about the conditions in foreign countries. Thus these textbooks gave them an idea of their own nation in relation to the rest of the world.   The thesis examines the images of the inhabitants of the multiethnic Qing Empire, as encountered in a wide range of textbooks and other teaching materials, on the school subject of geography, used at various institutions of modern learning during the closing years of the Qing era. The focus is on the Han Chinese majority of China Proper (i.e. the eighteen provinces), although the images of the other major ethnicities of the Qing Empire are also examined, as well as the peoples of neighbouring Korea and Japan. This study highlights the extent to which the late Qing era was influenced by Japanese approaches towards reforms and modernization, especially in the field of education. During the process of introducing modern school geography in China, Chinese textbook compilers largely relied on Japanese sources on geography, thereby facing a Japanese, nationalistic and colonial discourse, which implied that Japan, as the most civilized nation in the East, was also in her right to dominate the region. Although Chinese educationalists hardly accepted Japan’s self-proclaimed position as the rightful leader of Asia, they were nevertheless influenced by Japanese descriptions of the continent and its peoples.

Underground in the Cloud : En kvalitativ studie om den digitala musikplattformen Soundcloud

Kuylenstierna, Adam January 2011 (has links)
Under 2000-talet har medie- och musikklimatet varit i omstöpning. Förutsättningar för att dela, distribuera och upptäcka musik har förändrats i grunden. Soundcloud, en digital musikplattform som startade sin verksamhet hösten 2008, står på många sätt i centrum för denna utveckling. Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att utifrån ett antal ämnesområden kopplade till teknik och musik, sociala funktioner och relationer, ett förändrat musiklandskap samt Soundclouds samarbete med Audible Magic tematiskt analysera och problematisera den digitala musikplattformen Soundcloud med utgångspunkt i kvalitativa intervjuer med artister/producenter/DJ:s verkandes inom den elektroniska scenen. Mer specifikt behandlas användarnas förhållning till upplevelsen av musik genom den särskilda teknologi och grafiska inramning som Soundcloud tillhandahåller samt de sociala funktioner som implementerats. Vidare problematiseras synen på Soundcloud som ett community, förhållandet mellan global och lokal tillhörighet samt hur artister respektive lyssnare förhåller sig till ett nytt medie- och musikklimat. Slutligen belyser uppsatsen Soundclouds nyligen initierade partnerskap med Audible Magic – ett företag som specialiserat sig på automatiserad identifiering av medieinnehåll. I tidigare forskning behandlas den så kallade modscenen samt den forskning som bedrivits kring det komplexa förhållandet mellan musik, teknologi och sociala praktiker. Det teoretiska ramverket är baserat på Chris Andersons ”Long Tail”-teori, med betoning på demokratiseringen av distributionsmedel respektive produktionsverktyg samt nya filter för urval och sammankoppling mellan utbud och efterfrågan. Vidare berörs Gerd Leonhards samtidsforskning om det nya medie- och musikklimat som står inför dörren. Studien har belyst Soundclouds distinkta grafiska gränssnitt och sociala funktioner och dess inverkan, i både positiv och negative bemärkelse, för hur musik upplevs. Studien visar att Soundcloud kan ses ett steg framåt i processen att göra delning av musik i digital tidsålder mer social, en utveckling som emellertid bromsas av faktum av att banden mellan användarna i många fall är allt för svaga, vilket bland annat beror på Soundclouds allt för kraftfulla filtrering- och urvalsmekanismer. En konsekvens av detta är att Soundcloud i sig ofta inte ses som ett community, utan blott som ett verktyg eller en länk mellan lokala noder. Denna slutsats stärks av faktum att samtliga informanter framhöll lokal tillhörighet som grundläggande. Musikaliska samarbeten via en digital musikplattform som Soundcloud menar man aldrig kommer att kunna ersätta det kreativa utbyte som sker fysisk mellan människor. Partnerskapet med Audible Magic är ännu i ett tidigt stadium. Studien visar att samarbete kan få både negativa och positiva följder. Det negativa består i att DJ-mixar kan komma att försvinna från Soundcloud. Det positiva i att en ökad upphovsrättslig kontroll kan fungera som ett incitament för att göra artister mer originella i sitt arbete

Kristendom och Darwinism : evig konflikt eller möjlig samexistens

Olofsson, Jenny January 2001 (has links)
När Darwin lade fram sin teori 1859 mötte den mycket motstånd. Han hade vänt upp och ned på den tidigare uppfattningen om att människan hade skapats, liksom hela universum. Det naturliga urvalet, som var den främsta förklaringen till människans och djurens ursprung, försökte bortförklaras. På samma sätt har Darwinanhängare förkastat tanken om att Gud skulle ha skapat allt. Det naturliga urvalet lämnar helt enkelt ingen plats åt en skapande kraft – den behövs inte eftersom naturen klarar det själv om den bara får några försök på sig och tillräckligt lång tid. Finns det då någon möjlighet för dessa två att samexistera? I detta arbete har de båda jämförts och olika forskares resultat har tagits i beaktande för att slutligen komma fram till ett svar. Eftersom det finns en viss förkunskap hos oss alla har den hermeneutiska metoden använts. Genom att läsa annan litteratur har stegvis ny kunskap kommit fram och byggts på, för att slutligen få en insikt i ämnet och därifrån kunna dra slutsatsen. De bådas samexistens är fullt möjlig. Vetenskapen kan inte förklara allt och fram till den dag då de kan bevisa att Gud, eller den skapande kraften inte finns så finns det plats för båda. Det ena behöver inte utesluta det andra. Vill en darwinist tro på Gud så är det fullt möjligt. Likaså gäller om en kristen vill acceptera de naturvetenskapliga förklaringarna till människans härstamning. Vetenskapen förklarar det vi har i vår empiriska upplevelsevärld och kristendomen förklarar det bortom - det transcendenta. / Uppsatsförfattaren har senare bytt efternamn till Nordström.

The I-space as an evolutionary framework for an economics of knowledge : a comparison with generalized Darwinism

Naidoo, Satiaseelan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Information Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The knowledge economy is regarded by many authorities and policymakers as a significant and burgeoning aspect of the global economy. Yet there is no adequate theory of the production and exchange of knowledge; there is no adequate microeconomics of knowledge. In his 1995 work, titled Information Space, Max Boisot responds to this theoretical challenge by undertaking a bold and insightful project to lay the groundwork for just such an economics of knowledge. Boisot’s project entails two outcomes: an interwoven set of paradigmatic-ontological antecedents as a philosophical foundation; and a general theoretical framework, the Information-space (I-space), for understanding the economising principles that underlie the creation and distribution of information and knowledge. Boisot does not put forward an economics of knowledge per se. Rather, he sets out to lay the philosophical and general theoretical foundations for such an economic theory. Among Boisot’s paradigmatic-ontological antecedents is a commitment to evolutionary thinking. This is extended and adopted as a more specific commitment in the explication of the I-space. Thus, Boisot’s commitment to evolution is not trivial, and the I-space should be evolutionary in a strict sense. This thesis focuses on the I-space as an evolutionary framework and is a conceptual assessment of the I-space in relation to generalized Darwinism as the dominant contemporary conception of what it means to be evolutionary. The I-space is taken seriously as an explanatory framework, but it is assessed on its own terms as a general theory that is not amenable to a Popperian refutationist assessment. Thus, the I-space is construed as a putative evolutionary explanatory framework for an economics of knowledge. Contemporary evolutionary thinking has a long history, and is both pluralistic and polemical. However, a generalized Darwinian framework is discernable in the various applications of Darwinism in biology, evolutionary economics and evolutionary epistemology, and in the discourse of generalized Darwinism. The derivation – or extraction – of such a framework and its set of criteria is, nevertheless, a challenging task since it is not always clear what evolution and Darwinism entail conceptually, and there is no unanimity of opinion in the literature. This thesis is an attempt to identify the core logical criteria of generalized Darwinism that may be used to assess the I-space as a putative global evolutionary explanation. Though it does incorporate, or satisfy, many of the criteria identified, the I-space fails to satisfy two of them, and this thesis therefore concludes that the I-space is not a global generalized Darwinian framework. Firstly, and most importantly in terms of the conceptual hierarchy of generalized Darwinism, the I-space defines ex ante a finite set of attributes – degree of abstraction and degree of codification – as constitutive of global fitness. In other words, it regards the traits of abstraction and codification to be both necessary and sufficient to explain the differential diffusion of knowledge. Although evolutionary theory is of predictive value in local evolutionary situations, it is argued in this thesis that it is inadmissible in a global Darwinian evolutionary situation to specify ex ante the selection criteria in terms of a finite set of traits and to predict global evolutionary outcomes on that basis. In doing so, the I-space ignores the inherent contingency of the evolutionary process. More specifically, it ignores the contingency of knowledge creation and diffusion in a varied and changing environment, and makes exogenous to the I-space other factors that may also be of selective significance. Secondly, and closely related, is that the I-space does not define populations according to shared exposure to selection pressure; rather, knowledge is stratified according to shared attributes along the I-space dimensions of abstraction and codification. This presents a conceptual problem for the I-space, since it is conceivable that knowledge objects of the same degree of abstraction and codification may be directed at entirely different phenomenal domains and thus cannot be taken to be competing; conversely, knowledge objects of different degrees of abstraction and codification may be directed at the same phenomena and should thus be taken as competing. The primary implication of this outcome is that, from a Darwinian point of view, the I-space, as a local evolutionary explanation, cannot serve as a general theory for an evolutionary economics of knowledge. It may give rise to other local theories, but it will not support the development of an economics of knowledge that would operate at a higher level of generality than the I-space. A second implication, also from a strict Darwinian point of view, is that evolutionary general theory may be explanatory, but it may not be predictive; evolutionary theories may indeed predict at the local level, but not at the global level. The final implication is that the search for a microeconomics of knowledge continues, and will become more urgent as the knowledge economy unfolds, and as our ability to quantify it improves.

Intégration économique européenne et système fiscal décentralisé : darwinisme institutionnel ou émergence d'un polymorphisme fiscal ? / European economic integration and decentralised tax system : institutional darwinism or emergence of a tax polymorphism ?

Colliat, Rémi 29 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser l'impact de l'intégration européenne sur les systèmes nationaux de politiques fiscales. La concurrence fiscale internationale, inhérente à l'internationalisation croissante des économies, induit une course au moins disant fiscal. Ce type de stratégies, que nous nommons « darwinisme institutionnel », pose la question de la convergence des systèmes fiscaux vers un modèle unique non satisfaisant pour chaque économie. C'est encore plus vrai à l'échelle de l'Union européenne : alors que les effets externes de l'intégration poussent, en théorie, à l'harmonisation, nous constatons une absence de convergence depuis 2001. En l'absence de théories de la concurrence fiscale aptes à rendre compte de la nature complexe de l'ensemble des phénomènes fiscaux en Europe, et afin de mieux prendre en compte les ressorts dynamiques de la fiscalité, notre travail propose une grille de lecture de l'hétérogénéité fiscale européenne. Notre étude élabore une typologie des différents « modèles » fiscaux et institutionnels existants, évalués à six : continental développé, scandinave, libéral, continental en développement, micro-insulaire et oriental en transition. Sur la base de cette typologie, nous établissons des correspondances, pour chacun des États européens, entre leur modèle d'économie de marché et le type de structure fiscale. De plus, nos résultats mettent en avant que l'appartenance à un de ces modèles n'explique pas les différences de performances financières. Enfin, leur analyse en dynamique (1995-2007) nous conduit à caractériser les évolutions de ces différents modèles comme un phénomène de polymorphisme fiscal européen, où leur hétérogénéité n'a eu de cesse de s'accentuer sur la période considérée. Par conséquent, pour que chaque État-membre puisse suivre sa trajectoire institutionnelle tout en minimisant les effets externes résultant de stratégies nationales non-coopératives, il apparaît que le renforcement d'une coordination européenne des politiques fiscales est nécessaire au niveau des clubs de convergence définis à l'échelle des modèles fiscaux identifiés. / This thesis analyzes the impact of European integration on national tax policies. The international tax competition, inherent to the growing internationalization of economies, induces a tax race to the bottom. Such strategies, which we call “institutional Darwinism”, raise the question of the convergence of tax systems into an unsatisfactory single model for each economy. This is especially true across the EU: while the external effects of integration lead, in theory, to harmonization, we can see a lack of convergence since 2001. In the absence of tax competition theories able to report the complex nature of all tax phenomenon in Europe, and to be able to better take into account the dynamic spring of taxation, our work offers an interpretative framework of the European tax heterogeneity. Our study develops a typology of six tax “models” and institutional frameworks: Developed Continental, Scandinavian, liberal, developing continental, micro-insular and Oriental in transition. On the basis of this typology, we establish correspondences for each of all the European states, between their market economy model and their type of tax structure. Furthermore, our results highlight that, to belong to one of those models, does not explain the difference in their financial performance. Finally, they dynamic analysis (1995-2007) leads us to characterize the evolution of those models as European tax polymorphism, where their heterogeneity has continued to grow over the considered period. Therefore, if each member state wants to follow its institutional trajectory while minimizing external effects resulting from national non-cooperative strategies, it appears that the reinforcement of the European coordination of tax policies appears to be needed at the convergence club level, which is defined scale of the identified tax “models”.

Aspectos evolutivos da depressão pós-parto e fatores associados / Evolutionary apects of postnatal depression and associated factors

Marcela Nosralla Bottino 26 April 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A depressão pós-parto (DPP) é uma condição prevalente que afeta globalmente as mulheres puérperas. Uma hipótese evolutiva aborda a depressão, e consequentemente a DPP, como uma resposta proveniente da evolução do comportamento humano ao longo da História, através da seleção natural. A teoria do investimento parental sugere que os pais não investem automaticamente em toda prole; o investimento é direcionado para que o sucesso reprodutivo seja máximo. No caso de os riscos superarem os benefícios reprodutivos, sintomas de depressão se desenvolvem como sinal de alerta. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar fatores associados à DPP que fossem compatíveis com a teoria do investimento parental. Estudo transversal realizado com 811 mães de lactentes até cinco meses de idade, no município do Rio de Janeiro. A presença de DPP foi definida com base no escore da Escala de Edinburgh (EPDS). Fatores potencialmente associados à DPP foram analisados através de regressão logística com ajuste para fatores de confundimento. Os fatores significativamente associados à DPP foram: apoio social inadequado (OR 3,38; IC 95% 2,32-4,94), baixa escolaridade (OR 2,82; IC 95% 1,69-4,70), violência física entre parceiros íntimos na gestação (OR 2,33; IC 95% 1,56-3,47), idade materna inferior a 35 anos (OR 2,20; IC 95% 1,05-4,64), falta de companheiro (OR 1,90; IC 95% 1,16-3,12), internações durante a gestação (OR 1,87; IC 95% 1,12-3,14) e prematuridade do recém-nascido (OR 1,87; IC 95% 1,02-3,42). Em suma, identificamos alguns fatores associados à DPP que podem ser úteis no rastreamento e acompanhamento de mulheres de risco. Alguns dos fatores associados à DPP podem ser explicados através das hipotéses evolutivas contempladas neste estudo. Entretanto, os achados encontrados não são suficientes para esgotar o conhecimento referente a esta questão. Futuras pesquisas devem focar em diferentes abordagens desta condição e acompanhamento das consequências para as mulheres e suas famílias. / Postpartum depression (PPD) is a prevalent condition that affects women globally after they have given birth. An evolutionary hypothesis deals with depression, and consequently PPD, as a response from the evolution of human behavior throughout history, through natural selection. The parental investment theory suggests that parents do not automatically invest in all offspring, so that the investment is directed towards maximum reproductive success. If the risks outweigh fittness benefits, symptoms of depression develop as a warning sign. The objective of the study was to identify factors associated with PPD that were consistent with parental investment theory. Cross-sectional study with 811 mothers of infants up to five months of age in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The presence of PPD was defined based on scores on the Edinburgh Scale (EPDS). Factors potentially associated with PPD were analyzed by logistic regression with adjustment for confounding factors. Factors significantly associated with PPD were: inadequate social support (OR 3,38; 95% CI 2,32-4,94), low educational level (OR 2,82; 95% CI 1,69-4,70), physical violence between partners in gestation (OR 2,33; 95% CI 1,56- 3,47), maternal age under 35 years (OR 2,20; 95% CI 1,05-4,64), lack of partner (OR 1,90; 95% CI 1,16-3,12), hospitalization during pregnancy (OR 1,87; 95% CI 1,12- 3,14) and prematurity of the newborn (OR 1,87; 95% CI 1,02- 3,42). In summary, we identified factors associated with PPD which can be useful in tracking and monitoring women at risk. Some of the factors associated with PPD can be explained through the evolutionary hypotheses considered in this study. However, the findings are not sufficient to exhaust the knowledge regarding this question. Future research should focus on different aspects of this condition and monitoring of the consequences for women and their families.

Evolução e criação em Bergson / Evolution and creation in Bergson

Rech, Luiz Ricardo 29 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Ricardo Rech.pdf: 493792 bytes, checksum: c8aa8f16e2f49811843138b411d84831 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-29 / This research investigates one of the celebrated concepts through which Henri Bergson was known: the vital impulse. As in all the author's thought, this idea provides direct relationships with all his philosophy, which is why it is necessary one approach to the notion of metaphysical employed by the philosopher. In fact, it is a metaphysical approach to the problem of evolution that Bergson is proposing in Creative Evolution. The dialogue established with the biology of his time serves as the backdrop for the exhibition of what Bergson calls the limits of scientific method. In addition to this dialogue, it is important to comprehend, too, as the concept emerges, which is its internal coordination in the philosophy of the author and what the implications later in their thinking. / A presente pesquisa busca investigar um dos célebres conceitos pelos quais Henri Bergson ficou conhecido: o elã vital. Como em todo o pensamento do autor, essa ideia estabelece relações diretas com toda a sua filosofia, razão pela qual se faz necessária uma abordagem da própria noção de metafísica empregada pelo filósofo. De fato, é uma abordagem metafísica sobre o problema da evolução das espécies que Bergson está propondo em A evolução criadora. O diálogo estabelecido com a biologia de sua época serve de pano de fundo para a exposição do que Bergson chama de limites do método científico. Para além desse diálogo, é importante compreender, também, como surge o conceito, qual é a sua articulação interna na filosofia do autor e quais as implicações posteriores em seu pensamento.

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