Spelling suggestions: "subject:"calcare"" "subject:"carecare""
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Fecundidade e educação infantil no sul e no sudeste do Brasil = três décadas de paradoxos e imbricações / Fertility and early childhood education in Brazil's South and Southeast regions : three decades of paradoxes and imbricationsPatrício, Luciano Oliva, 1961- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Elisabete Dória Bilac / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T18:35:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Patricio_LucianoOliva_M.pdf: 1062511 bytes, checksum: 6a058400fedfe1a734a8dde1a5b9a0b2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Entre 1980 e 2010 o Brasil vivenciou um processo de rápido e intenso declínio das taxas de fecundidade. De uma média de 4,3 filhos por mulher no início do período, as taxas recuaram para próximo de 2,0 em 2000, e para bem abaixo disto no final da primeira década do século XXI. Nesta última década, a educação infantil, que na etapa de creche era praticamente inexistente, registrou crescimento expressivo, porém assimétrico, em todo o país. Não deixa de ser paradoxal que a etapa inicial do processo de educação só tenha se tornado importante quando a participação das crianças de 0 a 3 anos na população já se reduzira de forma significativa em todos os municípios do país. Este trabalho aborda este paradoxo, e busca conhecer as imbricações entre a queda da fecundidade e a expansão da educação infantil nos maiores municípios das regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. A pergunta chave é "por que tivemos pouca creche quando tínhamos muitas crianças e só viemos a ter mais creches quanto já não temos tantas crianças?" Para tanto, analisam-se os dois processos à luz da literatura internacional e brasileira, e propõe-se um modelo explicativo baseado na combinação do esgotamento dos arranjos privados de cuidado infantil com o aumento da capacidade de financiamento das creches, proporcionado justamente pelo alívio da pressão demográfica sobre os orçamentos familiares e as redes de ensino / Abstract: From 1980 to 2010 Brazil experienced a steep decline in fertility rates. From an average of 4.3 children per woman at the beginning of the period, by the year 2000 the rate had dropped to nearly 2.0 and to well below this at the end of the 21st Century's first decade. During the last decade, early childhood education, until then nonexistent, registered impressive but skewed growth throughout the country. In what seems to be a paradox, early childhood education only became important when the proportion of children below 3 years of age with respect to the whole population had already dropped considerably in all of the country's municipalities. This paper addresses this paradox and endeavors to identify the mutual relationships between fertility rate decline and the growth of early child education in the largest cities of Brazil's South and Southeast regions. The key question is "Why did Brazil have a small number of early age schools while the infant/toddler population was large and why did the number of such establishments increase after the decline in the number of infants and toddlers?". To address this question, both trends were analyzed from the viewpoints of international and Brazilian literature and an explanation model is being proposed, based on both the exhaustion of the former private solutions in child care and the increase in the availability of monies to maintain early childhood education, which only became possible with the relief of the demographic pressure on family budgets and on education networks / Mestrado / Demografia / Mestre em Demografia
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Komunikační mix denního stacionáře / Communication Mix of Day Care CentreKarasová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
The main subject of the thesis “Communication mix of day-care centre“ is a proposition of a communication mix for the starting civic association JOHANKA. The first part focuses on the necessary theoretical data. The second part presents a philosophy of the day-care centre, market analysis, customer, competitors and SWOT analysis. The communication mix is proposed on the basis of the analyses and it will be effective for the day-care centre for gaining awareness in the market with the lowest cost possible.
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Perhepäivähoito osana suomalaista päivähoitojärjestelmää:näkökulmia perhepäivähoidon laatuun ja sen kehittämiseenParrila, S. (Sanna) 15 November 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe family day care as part of the Finnish day care system, to analyze the views of family day care staff and parents concerning family day care and its quality and, based on these findings, to outline a theoretical model of the key determinants of the quality of family day care.
The empirical data were collected through a survey with a focus on open-ended questions concerning family day care and its quality. The survey was carried out in different parts of Finland, and both large and small municipalities from different geographical parts of Finland were included. The response percentage was 93 % for family day care providers and 95 % for family day care supervisors. The parental inquiry was carried out as a case study, and 33 families responded. Methods of both inductive and deductive content analysis were applied.
The parents of children in family day care and the family care supervisors listed the following factors as key challenges for the quality of family day care: development of the education and professionality of family day care providers, diversification of the functional contents of family day care and promotion of planning and goal orientation. These requirements are partly contradictory to the quality criteria presented by the day care providers themselves. The family day care providers considered conscious and goal-oriented education and instruction secondary, but underlined the importance of warm togetherness, a home-like environment and individual care. According to the family day care providers, the most important aspect of quality improvement is the need to improve family day care providers' salary and working time regulations and to enhance co-operation and internal welfare within the working community.
For theoretically modelling the quality of family day care, four key approaches to quality were applied in the study: 1) family day care provider's personality and professionality, 2) functioning and functional environment of family day care, 3) goals of family day care and 4) impacts of family day care. Apart from the different approaches to quality, the findings also highlighted some matters crucial to the quality of family day care, some of which emerged from the empirical material and some others from a review of the research literature. In the theoretical model of the quality of family day care based on a synthesis of the findings, these factors were divided into five larger categories of factors: 1) societal factors, 2) factors related to the organization of family day care 3) factors related to the educational process, 4) factors related to the family care provider and 5) factors related to the impact of family day care. The model will provide municipalities a scientific basis for evaluating and developing the quality of family day care in co-operation with the staff, children and parents. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli kuvata perhepäivähoitoa osana suomalaista päivähoitojärjestelmää, tarkastella perhepäivähoitohenkilöstön ja vanhempien käsityksiä perhepäivähoidosta ja sen laadusta sekä edellisiin pohjautuen rakentaa teoreettinen jäsennys perhepäivähoidon keskeisistä laatutekijöistä.
Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto on kerätty kyselytutkimuksena, jossa painopiste oli perhepäivähoitoa ja sen laatua kartoittavissa avoimissa kysymyksissä. Kysely suunnattiin siten, että mukaan saatiin sekä pieniä että suuria kuntia maantieteellisesti eri puolilta Suomea. Vastausprosentiksi muodostui perhepäivähoitajien osalta 93 % ja ohjaajien osalta 95 %. Vanhemmille suunnattu kysely toteutettiin case-luonteisena kyselytutkimuksena, johon vastasi 33 perhettä. Tutkimusaineiston analyysissa on hyödynnetty sekä induktiivista että deduktiivista sisällön analyysia.
Tutkimus osoitti, että perhepäivähoitolasten vanhemmat ja perhepäivähoidon ohjaajat pitävät laadun kannalta keskeisenä haasteena hoitajien koulutuksen ja ammatillisuuden kehittämistä, perhepäivähoidon toimintasisältöjen monipuolistamista sekä toiminnan suunnitelmallisuuden ja tavoitteellisuuden lisäämistä. Tämä vaade on osittain ristiriidassa perhepäivähoitajien omien laatukäsitysten kanssa. Perhepäivähoitajat pitävät tietoista ja tavoitteellista kasvattamista ja opettamista toisarvoisena ja korostavat lämminhenkisen yhdessäolon, kodinomaisuuden ja yksilöllisen hoivan merkitystä. Perhepäivähoitajien mukaan laadun kehittämisessä on tärkeintä perhepäivähoitajien palkkaus- ja työaikasäädösten kohentaminen sekä työyhteisön sisäisen yhteistyön ja hyvinvoinnin kehittäminen.
Perhepäivähoidon laadun teoreettisen jäsentämisen perustaksi löytyi tutkimuksessa neljä keskeistä laadun tarkastelukulmaa: 1) perhepäivähoitajan persoonallisuus ja ammattitaito, 2) perhepäivähoidon toiminta ja toimintaympäristö, 3) perhepäivähoidon tavoitteet ja 4) perhepäivähoidon vaikutukset. Laadun eri tarkastelukulmien lisäksi tutkimuksesta löytyi tiettyjä perhepäivähoidon laadun kannalta keskeisiä tekijöitä, joista osa nousi esiin sekä tutkimukseni empiirisestä aineistosta että perhepäivähoidon laatuun liittyvästä tutkimuskirjallisuuskoonnista. Tutkimustulosten synteesinä luodussa perhepäivähoidon laadun teoreettisessa mallissa nämä tekijät on jaoteltu viiteen laajempaan tekijäluokkaan: 1) yhteiskunnalliset tekijät , 2) perhepäivähoidon organisointiin liittyvät tekijät, 3) kasvatusprosessiin liittyvät tekijät , 4) perhepäivähoitajaan kytkeytyvät tekijät sekä 5) perhepäivähoidon vaikutuksiin liittyvät tekijät. Malli antaa kunnille tieteellisesti perustellun pohjan arvioida ja kehittää perhepäivähoidon laatua yhteistyössä henkilöstön, lasten ja vanhempien kanssa.
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Kohtaamisia päiväkotiarjessa - kehysanalyyttinen näkökulma varhaiskasvatustyöhönPuroila, A.-M. (Anna-Maija) 26 April 2002 (has links)
The early childhood education given in day care centres affects the everyday life of many children and families in Finnish society. According to the statistics of STAKES (1999), the number of children in day care centres began to increase in the mid-1990s, exceeding 140,000 in 1997. The implementation of early childhood education and the quality of day care centres as growing environments have a significant impact on the growth and development of children. Although research on early childhood education has increased over the past few years, actual work research has been scant. The importance of research on early childhood work has been highlighted by the recent major changes in early childhood education and the educational system, the establishment of early childhood education as an academic line of study and the pre-school reform. Due to these changes, the current state of early childhood education and the needs to develop it have been under debate.
This doctoral thesis focuses on the early childhood work done in day care centres, aiming to provide a theoretical and methodological framework for the analysis of early childhood education, and to analyze the practical work done in day care centres. The theoretical and methodological frame of reference is based on Erving Goffman's (1974) frame analysis, which provides the conceptual tools for analyzing the regularity of everyday life in day care centres on the one hand and the complexity, versatility, and change on the other. The empirical data were obtained by observations and interviews carried out in nine day care centres in the Province of Oulu in the spring 1997. The goal of the data analysis was to identify the frames that organize the work of day care staff and to analyze the dynamics of frames in the everyday life of day care centres.
According to the findings, early childhood educators approached their work through five different frames. Within the educational frame the meaning of early childhood work was to support and promote learning. When early childhood educators interpreted their working situations through the caring frame, they maintained the well-being and emotional security of the actors in the day care context. Within the managing frame the meaning of early childhood work was to avoid chaos and maintain order. The practical frame defined early childhood work as organizing people, physical environment and time. The personal frame introduced into early childhood education various perspectives from the workers' private lives. For example, early childhood education was influenced by the worker's life history, acute life situation, and parenthood. These frames and the exchange, overlap and modification of the frames provided the logic of the organization and variability of everyday life in day care centres. Within these frames, the actors had multiple roles and identities.
The theoretical, methodological and practical findings of the study can be utilized in the pre- and in-service training of early childhood educators. Based on these findings, day care workers and working communities can also evaluate and develop their own work. The report will also allow the parents of day care children, the decision-makers and other stakeholders to get acquainted with the everyday life of day care. / Tiivistelmä
Päiväkodeissa toteutettava varhaiskasvatustyö vaikuttaa suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa monien lasten ja lapsiperheiden arkielämään. Stakesin (1999) tilastojen mukaan päiväkodeissa olevien lasten lukumäärä on ollut nousussa 1990-luvun puolivälin jälkeen, ja vuonna 1997 päiväkodeissa hoidettiin jo yli 140 000 suomalaislasta. Lasten kasvun ja kehityksen näkökulmasta on merkityksellistä se, miten varhaiskasvatustyö toteutuu, ja minkälaisen kasvuympäristön päiväkoti muodostaa. Vaikka varhaiskasvatusta koskeva tutkimustoiminta on viime vuosikymmeninä lisääntynyt, varsinainen työntutkimus on ollut varsin vähäistä. Suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa varhaiskasvatustyön tutkimuksen ajankohtaisuutta korostavat viime vuosina varhaiskasvatukseen ja kasvatusjärjestelmään kohdistuneet merkittävät muutokset, varhaiskasvatuksen koulutuksen vakinaistuminen yliopistoissa sekä esiopetusuudistus. Näistä johtuen sekä päiväkodeissa että varhaiskasvatuksen koulutusyksiköissä on väistämättä jouduttu pohtimaan varhaiskasvatustyön tämänhetkistä tilaa ja sen kehittämistarpeita.
Käsillä oleva väitöskirjahanke kohdentuu päiväkodeissa tehtävään varhaiskasvatustyöhön, ja sillä on varhaiskasvatustyön teoreettiseen ja menetelmälliseen jäsentämiseen sekä käytännön päiväkotityön erittelyyn tähtääviä tavoitteita. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen ja metodologinen viitekehys rakentuu Erving Goffmanin (1974) kehysanalyyttisen näkökulman pohjalle, joka tarjoaa tutkimukselle käsitteelliset välineet päiväkodin arkielämän järjestyneisyyden sekä toisaalta sen epäyhtenäisyyden ja vaihtelun tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu havainnointi- ja haastatteluaineistosta, joka kerättiin yhdeksässä Oulun läänin alueella sijaitsevassa päiväkodissa keväällä 1997. Aineistoanalyysin kautta pyrittiin löytämään päiväkodin työntekijöiden työtä jäsentäviä kehyksiä, työtä koskevia vakiintuneita ajattelu- ja toimintatapoja, sekä analysoimaan kehysten dynamiikkaa päiväkodin arkipäivässä.
Tutkimus osoitti varhaiskasvattajien tulkitsevan työtään viiden erilaisen kehyksen kautta. Opetuksellisen kehyksen puitteissa varhaiskasvatustyön merkitys määrittyi oppimisen tukemisena ja edistämisenä. Hoivakehyksessä keskeistä oli päiväkodin toimijoiden hyvinvoinnin ja emotionaalisen turvallisuuden ylläpitäminen. Tulkitessaan työtään hallinnan kehyksen kautta varhaiskasvattajat suuntautuivat kaaoksen karttamiseen ja järjestyksen ylläpitämiseen. Käytännöllisen kehyksen puitteissa varhaiskasvatustyön merkitys määrittyi ihmisten, fyysisen ympäristön sekä ajan organisoimisena. Persoonallisen kehyksen kautta varhaiskasvatustyöhön tuli mukaan työntekijöiden yksityiseen elämänpiiriin liittyviä näkökulmia. Esimerkiksi työntekijöiden elämänhistoria, akuutti elämäntilanne tai oma vanhemmuus määrittivät joissakin tilanteissa varhaiskasvatustyötä. Näistä kehyksistä sekä kehysten vaihdoksista, päällekkäisyyksistä ja muunnoksista rakentui päiväkodin arkielämän jäsentyneisyyden ja toisaalta myös sen monimuotoisuuden logiikka. Kehysten puitteissa rakentuivat myös päiväkodin toimijoiden roolit ja identiteetit monimuotoisiksi.
Tutkimuksen tuloksena rakentuneita teoreettisia, menetelmällisiä ja päiväkodin käytännön työhön liittyviä näkökulmia voidaan hyödyntää eri tavoin esimerkiksi varhaiskasvattajien perus- ja täydennyskoulutuksessa. Myös päiväkodin työntekijät ja työyhteisöt voivat tutkimuksen pohjalta arvioida ja kehittää omaa työtään. Tutkimus mahdollistaa myös päiväkotilasten vanhempien, päättäjien sekä muiden tahojen perehtymisen päiväkodin arkielämään.
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Child-rights compliant behavior management in a child care center post corporal punishment eraMadi, Sibongile Esther 01 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The child and youth care system in South Africa was transformed on recommendations of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Transformation of the Child and Youth Care System in 1996. The South African Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and its amendment Children’s Act 41 of 2007 ensure that the best interest of children is paramount in all services to children. Corporal punishment was abolished as a method of disciplining children because of its punitive nature and the negative effects it had on children. The motivation for this study arose from the need of the researcher to find out what has replaced corporal punishment, if anything, in the rights-based post corporal punishment era. The objectives for the study were: to explore what was perceived as challenging behavior by the children and child care workers, to establish what methods were used to manage what was perceived as challenging behavior, to explore what training was received by the child care workers to assist them in managing challenging behavior and to make recommendations on the findings. An exploratory, descriptive qualitative research design approach was found to be suitable for this qualitative study. Focus groups were conducted as a means of collecting data. Findings from the study indicated that not much had changed with regards to the methods used to discipline children in the institution post the corporal punishment era. From the study it could be deduced that there is still a lot to be done in terms of alternatives in managing challenging behaviour of children. The study makes recommendations that will involve all significant role players including children in managing challenging behaviour in places of care.
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[pt] Creches e pré-escolas podem beneficiar-se profundamente de instrumentos de triagem precisos e confiáveis. O Ages e Stages Questionnarie foi adaptado para o português brasileiro em 2010 (Filgueiras et al., 2013) e renomeado ASQ-BR. Independentemente de seus bons resultados, foram necessárias modificações em alguns de seus itens para melhorar a medida do instrumento. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de modificar tais itens e verificar se as mudanças lograram aumentar a confiabilidade do teste. Este estudo pesquisou 67.522 crianças de 972 creches públicas e pré-escolas do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em novembro e dezembro de 2011. As mudanças nos itens foram feitas considerando-se o alfa de Cronbach e a correlação item-total do ASQ-BR. Foram calculadas a confiabilidade, dimensionalidade e correlações item-total. Quanto à dimensionalidade, 86,2 por cento das escalas do ASQ-BR-2011 foram unidimensionais. A consistência interna mostrou melhora de 2010 para 2011 com 53,8 por cento das escalas tendo aumentado o alfa contra 41,2 por cento tendo diminuído e 5,0 por cento tendo permanecido com os mesmos valores. Finalmente, 65,2 por cento dos itens modificados apresentaram melhora com base nas correlações item totais. Embora o objetivo do presente estudo tenha sido parcialmente alcançado, algumas escalas apresentaram resultados abaixo dos critérios estabelecidos. Por outro lado, as medidas do instrumento melhoraram em vários aspectos de 2010 para 2011, especialmente no domínio pessoal / social. / [en] Day-care centers and pre-schools highly benefit from precise and reliable screening measures. Ages and Stages Questionnaire was adapted to Brazilian Portuguese in 2010 (Filgueiras et al., 2013) and renamed ASQ-BR. Regardless of its good results, modifications in a few items were required to improve the instrument s measure. The objective of the present study is to modify such ASQ-BR s items and verify if the changes increase the reliability of the test. This study researched 67,522 children from 972 public day-care centers and pre-schools of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data was collected in November and December, 2011. The changes in the items were made considering Cronbach s alpha and item-to-total correlations in ASQ-BR. Reliability, dimensionality and item to total correlations were calculated. Regarding dimensionality, 86.2 per cent of the scales in ASQ-BR-2011 were unidimensional. Internal consistency showed improvement from 2010 to 2011, 53.8 per cent of the scales increased the alpha statistics against 41.2 per cent that decreased – 5.0 per cent remained the same. Finally, 65.2 per cent of the modified items showed improvement based on item-to-total correlations. Though the objective of the present study was partially achieved, a few scales presented results below the established criteria. In contrast, the instrument s measure improved in several aspects from 2010 to 2011, especially in the Personal/social domain.
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Factors associated with sensitive caregivers in Canadian childcare centresThompson, Deborah 11 1900 (has links)
This exploratory study focused on identifying the stuctural indicators of high quality
childcare that are associated with high levels of caregiver sensitivity. The participants in the
study were 318 caregivers employed in 234 Canadian childcare centres. Caregivers were
observed in their centres and their sensitivity was rated using the Caregiver Interaction Scale
(Arnett, 1989). Structural indicators of quality were identified through a Centre Questionnaire
and a Staff Questionnaire developed for the You Bet I Care! study (Goelman et al. 2000) sent
to centres prior to the observations. Using a median split, the caregivers' scores were divided
into high and low scores and the structural indicators of the two groups were compared. The
results were analysed first considering the scores of all observed caregivers together and then
as two separate groups: caregivers of infants and toddlers and caregivers of children aged 3 to
6 years. The analysis revealed that certain features of the centre and characteristics of the
caregiver were associated with higher levels of caregiver sensitivity. The features of the centre
that were associated with caregiver sensitivity included financial issues (eg. wages), staff
development, centre administration, and characteristics of the children in the centre.
Characteristics of the caregivers that were associated with sensitivity were caregiver attitudes
and beliefs, caregiver feelings about their work, and level of education. The results of this
study suggest that caregiver sensitivity which is related to positive developmental outcomes for
children may be enhanced through the active support of the larger community. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate
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Avaliação na creche : o caso dos espaços não-escolares / Evaluatiojn at day-care scools : the case of the non-scholar placesGodoi, Elisandra Girardelli 19 December 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Costa Lopes de Freitas / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T22:36:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Godoi_ElisandraGirardelli_D.pdf: 1247344 bytes, checksum: b0f8463d0e6663ea2b237eced4f92617 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esta tese tem como objeto de estudo a investigação das formas de avaliação presentes na educação das crianças de 0 a 3 anos e, para cumprir este objetivo, destacou a creche como espaço de observação. Buscando referências de estudos na área da avaliação, verifica-se que a sua maioria tem destacado a escola como espaço de discussão; assim esta pesquisa traz uma contribuição importante tanto para o campo da avaliação como para a área da educação infantil, na medida em que abre a possibilidade de pensarmos a avaliação das crianças pequenas em espaços nãoescolares - neste caso, a creche - como primeira etapa da educação básica. Este estudo buscou entender as práticas avaliativas presentes no cotidiano, tendo como referência as seguintes questões: Como a avaliação é construída e vivida diariamente pelas crianças, professoras e monitoras no espaço da creche? Quais são os instrumentos utilizados neste momento da educação? Que papel a avaliação cumpre? Pela própria natureza do tema, a metodologia foi construída através de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em uma creche da Rede Municipal de Campinas durante um ano e utilizou os seguintes recursos na coleta de dados: observações e entrevistas. A partir da coleta de dados e partindo do pressuposto que a avaliação é um dos elementos da organização do trabalho pedagógico, foi elaborada uma descrição do cotidiano da creche, de como o conhecimento e as experiências eram construídas naquele espaço e as relações entre as professoras, monitoras e as crianças. Este cotidiano é apresentado desde a entrada até a saída das crianças. Durante esta descrição verifica-se uma tendência a ritualização destas experiências, além da existência de uma avaliação informal que se manifestava de modo freqüente neste percurso, controlando o comportamento e a postura das crianças. Para isso, o poder do adulto (professoras e monitoras) sobre a criança era permeado por ameaças, recompensas e punições. A avaliação presente neste espaço comparava, rotulava, classificava, ora reprovava, ora aprovava a criança. Uma avaliação baseada na vigia e no controle constante (na observação se a criança obedecia ou não às regras que eram determinadas), que disciplinava o corpo e determinava as formas das crianças se portarem, como: a maneira que deveriam se sentar, comer, dormir, brincar, entre outras. Ao mesmo tempo, os dados revelaram um movimento de transgressão por parte das crianças em relação a estas regras, ou seja, uma resistência à forma de trabalho que, se apresentava rotineiro e homogêneo, que educava para o disciplinamento e para a submissão. Assim, em contrapartida a esta forma de trabalho, as crianças mostravam sinais de (des) encontro entre as propostas dos adultos e da instituição e o seu jeito de ser / Abstract: The object of study of this thesis is the investigation into the evaluation ways present in the children¿s education from 0 to 3 years old. To achieve this objective, the day-care center were chosen to be observed. According to most of the studies in the evaluation area, the school place was highlighted for discussion: therefore this research brings an important contribution either to the evaluation matter or the early child education, as it is possible to consider think young children¿s evaluation at nonscholar places which in this case is the day-care as the first stage in the basic education. This study tried to understand the evaluation practices that are evident in a daily basis, outstanding the following questions: How is the evaluation built and experienced by the children, teachers and monitors at the day-cares? What are the instruments used by the school staff and the children at this moment of education? Which role does the evaluation play? As the own theme requires the methodology was developed and experienced through qualitative research conducted in a public day-care center in Campinas and during one year. The resources used to obtain the data were: observations and interviews. Considering the collected data and assuming that the organization is one of the elements from the organization of the pedagogical work, it was elaborated a description of the daily routine at the day-care and how the knowledge and experiences were built at that place and the relationship among the teachers, monitors and children. That routine was showed from the beginning to the end of the day when the children went home. In the description process it was seen a tendency to the rituals in the experiences, besides the existence of a frequent informal evaluation in this trajectory, controlling the children¿s behavior and posture. For that reason, the adult¿s authority (teachers and monitors) over a child included threats, prizes and punishments. The evident evaluation in that place would compare, label, classify, approving and disapproving the children at the same time. The evaluation was based on constant watching and controlling (observing if the child was o belying or not the given rules), even the children¿s bodies and behavior as: how they should sit eat, sleep, play and others. At the same time, the data revealed that the children does these rules not accepted a resistance to the assignments that were common and equal to everyone which would educate for the discipline and submission. In that way this the children behavior were not aligned with the adult¿s proposal / Doutorado / Ensino, Avaliação e Formação de Professores / Doutor em Educação
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Selection of residential child care workers: A look at performance predictorsBacon, John J. 01 January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Construction of a best practices instrumentBrowning, Bridgette Anne 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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